def EventLoop(SmearedHits): #loop over events for n in range(nEvents): fittedtrackids = [] SmearedHits.Delete() fGenFitArray_PR.Delete() fitTrack2MC_PR.clear() fPartArray_PR.Delete() rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) if shipPatRec.monitor == True: shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks = shipPatRec.getReconstructibleTracks( n, sTree, sGeo) if len(shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks ) != shipPatRec.reconstructiblerequired: if shipPatRec.debug == 1: print("Number of reconstructible tracks =", len(shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks), "but number of reconstructible required=", shipPatRec.reconstructiblerequired, ". Rejecting event.") continue if shipPatRec.debug == 1: print("Reconstructible track ids", shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) #n = current event number, False=wire endpoints, True=MC truth SmearedHits = shipPatRec.SmearHits(n, sTree, modules, SmearedHits, shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) fittedtrackids = shipPatRec.execute(n, SmearedHits, sTree, shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) if fittedtrackids: tracknbr = 0 for ids in fittedtrackids: nTrack = fGenFitArray_PR.GetEntries() fGenFitArray_PR[nTrack] = shipPatRec.theTracks[tracknbr] fitTrack2MC_PR.push_back(ids) tracknbr += 1 Particles_PR.Fill() fitTracks_PR.Fill() mcLink_PR.Fill() SHbranch.Fill() if shipPatRec.debug == 1: print(shipPatRec.falsenegative, "matched tracks with wrong negative charge from deflection.") print(shipPatRec.falsepositive, "matched tracks with wrong positive charge from deflection.") print(shipPatRec.morethan500, "events with more than 500 hits.") print(shipPatRec.morethan100tracks, "events with more than 100 tracks.") return
def EventLoop(SmearedHits): #loop over events for n in range(nEvents): fittedtrackids=[] SmearedHits.Delete() fGenFitArray_PR.Delete() fitTrack2MC_PR.clear() fPartArray_PR.Delete() rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) if shipPatRec.monitor==True: shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks=shipPatRec.getReconstructibleTracks(n,sTree,sGeo) if len(shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks)!=shipPatRec.reconstructiblerequired : if shipPatRec.debug==1: print "Number of reconstructible tracks =",len(shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks),"but number of reconstructible required=",shipPatRec.reconstructiblerequired,". Rejecting event." continue if shipPatRec.debug==1: print "Reconstructible track ids",shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks #n = current event number, False=wire endpoints, True=MC truth SmearedHits = shipPatRec.SmearHits(n,sTree,modules,SmearedHits,shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) fittedtrackids=shipPatRec.execute(n,SmearedHits,sTree,shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) if fittedtrackids: tracknbr=0 for ids in fittedtrackids: nTrack = fGenFitArray_PR.GetEntries() fGenFitArray_PR[nTrack] = shipPatRec.theTracks[tracknbr] fitTrack2MC_PR.push_back(ids) tracknbr+=1 Particles_PR.Fill() fitTracks_PR.Fill() mcLink_PR.Fill() SHbranch.Fill() if shipPatRec.debug==1: print shipPatRec.falsenegative,"matched tracks with wrong negative charge from deflection." print shipPatRec.falsepositive,"matched tracks with wrong positive charge from deflection." print shipPatRec.morethan500,"events with more than 500 hits." print shipPatRec.morethan100tracks,"events with more than 100 tracks." return
def execute(self,n): if n > self.nEvents-1: return None rc = self.sTree.GetEvent(n) if n%1000==0: print "==> event ",n nShits = self.sTree.strawtubesPoint.GetEntriesFast() hitPosLists = {} stationCrossed = {} fittedtrackids=[] self.SmearedHits.Delete() self.fPartArray.Delete() self.fGenFitArray.Delete() self.fitTrack2MC.clear() # for i in range(nShits): ahit = self.sTree.strawtubesPoint.At(i) sm = self.hit2wire(ahit,withNoStrawSmearing) m = array('d',[i,sm['xtop'],sm['ytop'],sm['z'],sm['xbot'],sm['ybot'],sm['z'],sm['dist'],ahit.GetDetectorID()]) measurement = ROOT.TVectorD(9,m) # copy to branch nHits = self.SmearedHits.GetEntries() if self.SmearedHits.GetSize() == nHits: self.SmearedHits.Expand(nHits+1000) self.SmearedHits[nHits] = measurement station = int(ahit.GetDetectorID()/10000000) if station > 4 : continue # do not use hits in Veto station for track reco trID = ahit.GetTrackID() if not hitPosLists.has_key(trID): hitPosLists[trID] = ROOT.std.vector('TVectorD')() stationCrossed[trID] = {} m = array('d',[sm['xtop'],sm['ytop'],sm['z'],sm['xbot'],sm['ybot'],sm['z'],sm['dist']]) hitPosLists[trID].push_back(ROOT.TVectorD(7,m)) if not stationCrossed[trID].has_key(station): stationCrossed[trID][station]=0 stationCrossed[trID][station]+=1 nTrack = -1 if realPR: fittedtrackids=shipPatRec.execute(n,self.SmearedHits,self.sTree,shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) if fittedtrackids: tracknbr=0 for ids in fittedtrackids: nTrack = SHiP.fGenFitArray.GetEntries() theTrack = shipPatRec.theTracks[tracknbr] if not debug: theTrack.prune("CFL") # self.fGenFitArray[nTrack] = theTrack self.fitTrack2MC.push_back(ids) tracknbr+=1 else: # do fake pattern reco for atrack in hitPosLists: if atrack < 0: continue # these are hits not assigned to MC track because low E cut pdg = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack].GetPdgCode() if not PDG.GetParticle(pdg): continue # unknown particle meas = hitPosLists[atrack] nM = meas.size() if nM < 25 : continue # not enough hits to make a good trackfit if len(stationCrossed[atrack]) < 3 : continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit if debug: mctrack = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack] charge = PDG.GetParticle(pdg).Charge()/(3.) posM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 0) momM = ROOT.TVector3(0,0,3.*u.GeV) # approximate covariance covM = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) resolution = ShipGeo.straw.resol for i in range(3): covM[i][i] = resolution*resolution covM[0][0]=resolution*resolution*100. for i in range(3,6): covM[i][i] = ROOT.TMath.pow(resolution / nM / ROOT.TMath.sqrt(3), 2) # trackrep rep = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(pdg) # smeared start state stateSmeared = ROOT.genfit.MeasuredStateOnPlane(rep) rep.setPosMomCov(stateSmeared, posM, momM, covM) # create track seedState = ROOT.TVectorD(6) seedCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) rep.get6DStateCov(stateSmeared, seedState, seedCov) theTrack = ROOT.genfit.Track(rep, seedState, seedCov) hitCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(7) hitCov[6][6] = resolution*resolution for m in meas: tp = ROOT.genfit.TrackPoint(theTrack) # note how the point is told which track it belongs to measurement = ROOT.genfit.WireMeasurement(m,hitCov,1,6,tp) # the measurement is told which trackpoint it belongs to # print measurement.getMaxDistance() measurement.setMaxDistance(0.5* # measurement.setLeftRightResolution(-1) tp.addRawMeasurement(measurement) # package measurement in the TrackPoint theTrack.insertPoint(tp) # add point to Track # print "debug meas",atrack,nM,stationCrossed[atrack],self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack],pdg #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track before fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue # do the fit try: fitter.processTrack(theTrack) # processTrackWithRep(theTrack,rep,True) except: print "genfit failed to fit track" continue #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track after fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue fitStatus = theTrack.getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() chi2 = fitStatus.getChi2()/nmeas h['chi2'].Fill(chi2) # make track persistent nTrack = SHiP.fGenFitArray.GetEntries() if not debug: theTrack.prune("CFL") # self.fGenFitArray[nTrack] = theTrack self.fitTrack2MC.push_back(atrack) if debug: print 'save track',theTrack,chi2,nM,fitStatus.isFitConverged() return nTrack+1
def findTracks(self): hitPosLists = {} stationCrossed = {} fittedtrackids = [] self.fGenFitArray.Delete() self.fitTrack2MC.clear() # if withT0: self.SmearedHits = self.withT0Estimate() # old procedure, not including estimation of t0 else: self.SmearedHits = self.smearHits(withNoStrawSmearing) nTrack = -1 trackCandidates = [] if realPR: fittedtrackids = shipPatRec.execute( self.SmearedHits, self.sTree, shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) if fittedtrackids: tracknbr = 0 for ids in fittedtrackids: trackCandidates.append( [shipPatRec.theTracks[tracknbr], ids]) tracknbr += 1 else: # do fake pattern reco for sm in self.SmearedHits: detID = self.digiStraw[sm['digiHit']].GetDetectorID() station = int(detID / 10000000) trID = self.sTree.strawtubesPoint[sm['digiHit']].GetTrackID() if not hitPosLists.has_key(trID): hitPosLists[trID] = ROOT.std.vector('TVectorD')() stationCrossed[trID] = {} m = array('d', [ sm['xtop'], sm['ytop'], sm['z'], sm['xbot'], sm['ybot'], sm['z'], sm['dist'] ]) hitPosLists[trID].push_back(ROOT.TVectorD(7, m)) if not stationCrossed[trID].has_key(station): stationCrossed[trID][station] = 0 stationCrossed[trID][station] += 1 for atrack in hitPosLists: if atrack < 0: continue # these are hits not assigned to MC track because low E cut pdg = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack].GetPdgCode() if not self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg): continue # unknown particle meas = hitPosLists[atrack] nM = meas.size() if nM < 25: continue # not enough hits to make a good trackfit if len(stationCrossed[atrack]) < 3: continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit if debug: mctrack = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack] charge = self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg).Charge() / (3.) posM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 0) momM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 3. * u.GeV) # approximate covariance covM = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) resolution = self.sigma_spatial if withT0: resolution = resolution * 1.4 # worse resolution due to t0 estimate for i in range(3): covM[i][i] = resolution * resolution covM[0][0] = resolution * resolution * 100. for i in range(3, 6): covM[i][i] = ROOT.TMath.Power( resolution / nM / ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(3), 2) # trackrep rep = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(pdg) # smeared start state stateSmeared = ROOT.genfit.MeasuredStateOnPlane(rep) rep.setPosMomCov(stateSmeared, posM, momM, covM) # create track seedState = ROOT.TVectorD(6) seedCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) rep.get6DStateCov(stateSmeared, seedState, seedCov) theTrack = ROOT.genfit.Track(rep, seedState, seedCov) hitCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(7) hitCov[6][6] = resolution * resolution for m in meas: tp = ROOT.genfit.TrackPoint( theTrack ) # note how the point is told which track it belongs to measurement = ROOT.genfit.WireMeasurement( m, hitCov, 1, 6, tp ) # the measurement is told which trackpoint it belongs to # print measurement.getMaxDistance() measurement.setMaxDistance(0.5 * # measurement.setLeftRightResolution(-1) tp.addRawMeasurement( measurement) # package measurement in the TrackPoint theTrack.insertPoint(tp) # add point to Track # print "debug meas",atrack,nM,stationCrossed[atrack],self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack],pdg trackCandidates.append([theTrack, atrack]) for entry in trackCandidates: #check atrack = entry[1] theTrack = entry[0] if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track before fit, not consistent', atrack, theTrack continue # do the fit try: self.fitter.processTrack( theTrack) # processTrackWithRep(theTrack,rep,True) except: if debug: print "genfit failed to fit track" error = "genfit failed to fit track" ut.reportError(error) continue #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): if debug: print 'Problem with track after fit, not consistent', atrack, theTrack error = "Problem with track after fit, not consistent" ut.reportError(error) continue fitStatus = theTrack.getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() chi2 = fitStatus.getChi2() / nmeas h['chi2'].Fill(chi2) # make track persistent nTrack = self.fGenFitArray.GetEntries() if not debug: theTrack.prune( "CFL" ) # self.fGenFitArray[nTrack] = theTrack self.fitTrack2MC.push_back(atrack) if debug: print 'save track', theTrack, chi2, nmeas, fitStatus.isFitConverged( ) self.fitTracks.Fill() self.mcLink.Fill() return nTrack + 1
def findTracks(self): hitPosLists = {} stationCrossed = {} fittedtrackids=[] self.fGenFitArray.Delete() self.fitTrack2MC.clear() # if withT0: self.SmearedHits = self.withT0Estimate() # old procedure, not including estimation of t0 else: self.SmearedHits = self.smearHits(withNoStrawSmearing) nTrack = -1 trackCandidates = [] if realPR: fittedtrackids=shipPatRec.execute(self.SmearedHits,self.sTree,shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) if fittedtrackids: tracknbr=0 for ids in fittedtrackids: trackCandidates.append( [shipPatRec.theTracks[tracknbr],ids] ) tracknbr+=1 else: # do fake pattern reco for sm in self.SmearedHits: detID = self.digiStraw[sm['digiHit']].GetDetectorID() station = int(detID/10000000) trID = self.sTree.strawtubesPoint[sm['digiHit']].GetTrackID() if not hitPosLists.has_key(trID): hitPosLists[trID] = ROOT.std.vector('TVectorD')() stationCrossed[trID] = {} m = array('d',[sm['xtop'],sm['ytop'],sm['z'],sm['xbot'],sm['ybot'],sm['z'],sm['dist']]) hitPosLists[trID].push_back(ROOT.TVectorD(7,m)) if not stationCrossed[trID].has_key(station): stationCrossed[trID][station]=0 stationCrossed[trID][station]+=1 for atrack in hitPosLists: if atrack < 0: continue # these are hits not assigned to MC track because low E cut pdg = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack].GetPdgCode() if not self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg): continue # unknown particle meas = hitPosLists[atrack] nM = meas.size() if nM < 25 : continue # not enough hits to make a good trackfit if len(stationCrossed[atrack]) < 3 : continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit if debug: mctrack = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack] charge = self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg).Charge()/(3.) posM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 0) momM = ROOT.TVector3(0,0,3.*u.GeV) # approximate covariance covM = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) resolution = self.sigma_spatial if withT0: resolution = resolution*1.4 # worse resolution due to t0 estimate for i in range(3): covM[i][i] = resolution*resolution covM[0][0]=resolution*resolution*100. for i in range(3,6): covM[i][i] = ROOT.TMath.Power(resolution / nM / ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(3), 2) # trackrep rep = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(pdg) # smeared start state stateSmeared = ROOT.genfit.MeasuredStateOnPlane(rep) rep.setPosMomCov(stateSmeared, posM, momM, covM) # create track seedState = ROOT.TVectorD(6) seedCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) rep.get6DStateCov(stateSmeared, seedState, seedCov) theTrack = ROOT.genfit.Track(rep, seedState, seedCov) hitCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(7) hitCov[6][6] = resolution*resolution for m in meas: tp = ROOT.genfit.TrackPoint(theTrack) # note how the point is told which track it belongs to measurement = ROOT.genfit.WireMeasurement(m,hitCov,1,6,tp) # the measurement is told which trackpoint it belongs to # print measurement.getMaxDistance() measurement.setMaxDistance(0.5* # measurement.setLeftRightResolution(-1) tp.addRawMeasurement(measurement) # package measurement in the TrackPoint theTrack.insertPoint(tp) # add point to Track # print "debug meas",atrack,nM,stationCrossed[atrack],self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack],pdg trackCandidates.append([theTrack,atrack]) for entry in trackCandidates: #check atrack = entry[1] theTrack = entry[0] if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track before fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue # do the fit try: self.fitter.processTrack(theTrack) # processTrackWithRep(theTrack,rep,True) except: print "genfit failed to fit track" continue #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track after fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue fitStatus = theTrack.getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() chi2 = fitStatus.getChi2()/nmeas h['chi2'].Fill(chi2) # make track persistent nTrack = self.fGenFitArray.GetEntries() if not debug: theTrack.prune("CFL") # self.fGenFitArray[nTrack] = theTrack self.fitTrack2MC.push_back(atrack) if debug: print 'save track',theTrack,chi2,nM,fitStatus.isFitConverged() self.fitTracks.Fill() self.mcLink.Fill() return nTrack+1
def findTracks(self, n): if n > self.nEvents - 1: return None rc = self.sTree.GetEvent(n) if n % 1000 == 0: print "==> event ", n nShits = self.sTree.strawtubesPoint.GetEntriesFast() hitPosLists = {} stationCrossed = {} fittedtrackids = [] self.SmearedHits.Delete() self.fGenFitArray.Delete() self.fitTrack2MC.clear() # for i in range(nShits): ahit = self.sTree.strawtubesPoint.At(i) sm = self.hit2wire(ahit, withNoStrawSmearing) m = array('d', [ i, sm['xtop'], sm['ytop'], sm['z'], sm['xbot'], sm['ybot'], sm['z'], sm['dist'], ahit.GetDetectorID() ]) measurement = ROOT.TVectorD(9, m) # copy to branch nHits = self.SmearedHits.GetEntries() if self.SmearedHits.GetSize() == nHits: self.SmearedHits.Expand(nHits + 1000) self.SmearedHits[nHits] = measurement station = int(ahit.GetDetectorID() / 10000000) if station > 4: continue # do not use hits in Veto station for track reco trID = ahit.GetTrackID() if not hitPosLists.has_key(trID): hitPosLists[trID] = ROOT.std.vector('TVectorD')() stationCrossed[trID] = {} m = array('d', [ sm['xtop'], sm['ytop'], sm['z'], sm['xbot'], sm['ybot'], sm['z'], sm['dist'] ]) hitPosLists[trID].push_back(ROOT.TVectorD(7, m)) if not stationCrossed[trID].has_key(station): stationCrossed[trID][station] = 0 stationCrossed[trID][station] += 1 nTrack = -1 if realPR: fittedtrackids = shipPatRec.execute( n, self.SmearedHits, self.sTree, shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) if fittedtrackids: tracknbr = 0 for ids in fittedtrackids: nTrack = SHiP.fGenFitArray.GetEntries() theTrack = shipPatRec.theTracks[tracknbr] if not debug: theTrack.prune( "CFL" ) # self.fGenFitArray[nTrack] = theTrack self.fitTrack2MC.push_back(ids) tracknbr += 1 else: # do fake pattern reco for atrack in hitPosLists: if atrack < 0: continue # these are hits not assigned to MC track because low E cut pdg = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack].GetPdgCode() if not PDG.GetParticle(pdg): continue # unknown particle meas = hitPosLists[atrack] nM = meas.size() if nM < 25: continue # not enough hits to make a good trackfit if len(stationCrossed[atrack]) < 3: continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit if debug: mctrack = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack] charge = PDG.GetParticle(pdg).Charge() / (3.) posM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 0) momM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 3. * u.GeV) # approximate covariance covM = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) resolution = ShipGeo.straw.resol for i in range(3): covM[i][i] = resolution * resolution covM[0][0] = resolution * resolution * 100. for i in range(3, 6): covM[i][i] = ROOT.TMath.Power( resolution / nM / ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(3), 2) # trackrep rep = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(pdg) # smeared start state stateSmeared = ROOT.genfit.MeasuredStateOnPlane(rep) rep.setPosMomCov(stateSmeared, posM, momM, covM) # create track seedState = ROOT.TVectorD(6) seedCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) rep.get6DStateCov(stateSmeared, seedState, seedCov) theTrack = ROOT.genfit.Track(rep, seedState, seedCov) hitCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(7) hitCov[6][6] = resolution * resolution for m in meas: tp = ROOT.genfit.TrackPoint( theTrack ) # note how the point is told which track it belongs to measurement = ROOT.genfit.WireMeasurement( m, hitCov, 1, 6, tp ) # the measurement is told which trackpoint it belongs to # print measurement.getMaxDistance() measurement.setMaxDistance(0.5 * # measurement.setLeftRightResolution(-1) tp.addRawMeasurement( measurement) # package measurement in the TrackPoint theTrack.insertPoint(tp) # add point to Track # print "debug meas",atrack,nM,stationCrossed[atrack],self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack],pdg #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track before fit, not consistent', atrack, theTrack continue # do the fit try: fitter.processTrack( theTrack) # processTrackWithRep(theTrack,rep,True) except: print "genfit failed to fit track" continue #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track after fit, not consistent', atrack, theTrack continue fitStatus = theTrack.getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() chi2 = fitStatus.getChi2() / nmeas h['chi2'].Fill(chi2) # make track persistent nTrack = SHiP.fGenFitArray.GetEntries() if not debug: theTrack.prune( "CFL" ) # self.fGenFitArray[nTrack] = theTrack self.fitTrack2MC.push_back(atrack) if debug: print 'save track', theTrack, chi2, nM, fitStatus.isFitConverged( ) self.fitTracks.Fill() self.mcLink.Fill() self.SHbranch.Fill() return nTrack + 1
def findTracks(self): hitPosLists = {} hitPosLists_noT4 = {} stationCrossed = {} stationCrossed_noT4 = {} fittedtrackids=[] self.fGenFitArray.Delete() self.fitTrack2MC.clear() # if withT0: self.SmearedHits = self.withT0Estimate() # old procedure, not including estimation of t0 else: self.SmearedHits = self.smearHits(withNoStrawSmearing) nTrack = -1 trackCandidates = [] trackCandidates_noT4 = [] if realPR: fittedtrackids=shipPatRec.execute(self.SmearedHits,self.sTree,shipPatRec.ReconstructibleMCTracks) if fittedtrackids: tracknbr=0 for ids in fittedtrackids: trackCandidates.append( [shipPatRec.theTracks[tracknbr],ids] ) tracknbr+=1 else: # do fake pattern reco for sm in self.SmearedHits: detID = self.digiMufluxSpectrometer[sm['digiHit']].GetDetectorID() station = int(detID/10000000) trID = self.sTree.MufluxSpectrometerPoint[sm['digiHit']].GetTrackID() if not hitPosLists.has_key(trID): hitPosLists[trID] = ROOT.std.vector('TVectorD')() stationCrossed[trID] = {} m = array('d',[sm['xtop'],sm['ytop'],sm['z'],sm['xbot'],sm['ybot'],sm['z'],sm['dist']]) hitPosLists[trID].push_back(ROOT.TVectorD(7,m)) if (int(detID/1000000)!=40): if not hitPosLists_noT4.has_key(trID): hitPosLists_noT4[trID] = ROOT.std.vector('TVectorD')() stationCrossed_noT4[trID] = {} m_noT4 = array('d',[sm['xtop'],sm['ytop'],sm['z'],sm['xbot'],sm['ybot'],sm['z'],sm['dist']]) hitPosLists_noT4[trID].push_back(ROOT.TVectorD(7,m_noT4)) if not stationCrossed_noT4[trID].has_key(station): stationCrossed_noT4[trID][station]=0 stationCrossed_noT4[trID][station]+=1 # comment next 3 lines for hits in t1-3 #print "debug detid ",detID," m ",m if not stationCrossed[trID].has_key(station): stationCrossed[trID][station]=0 stationCrossed[trID][station]+=1 #uncomment next 4 lines for hits in t1-3 #if station<4 : # hitPosLists[trID].push_back(ROOT.TVectorD(7,m)) # if not stationCrossed[trID].has_key(station): stationCrossed[trID][station]=0 # stationCrossed[trID][station]+=1 for atrack in hitPosLists: if atrack < 0: continue # these are hits not assigned to MC track because low E cut pdg = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack].GetPdgCode() #if not self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg): continue # unknown particle if not abs(pdg)==13: continue # only keep muons meas = hitPosLists[atrack] nM = meas.size() #if nM < 12 : continue # not enough hits to make a good trackfit #comment for hits in t1-3 if len(stationCrossed[atrack]) < 4 : continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit #uncomment for hits in t1-3 #if len(stationCrossed[atrack]) < 3 : continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit if debug: mctrack = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack] charge = self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg).Charge()/(3.) posM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 0) momM = ROOT.TVector3(0,0,3.*u.GeV) # approximate covariance covM = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) resolution = self.sigma_spatial if withT0: resolution = resolution*1.4 # worse resolution due to t0 estimate for i in range(3): covM[i][i] = resolution*resolution covM[0][0]=resolution*resolution*100. for i in range(3,6): covM[i][i] = ROOT.TMath.Power(resolution / nM / ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(3), 2) # trackrep rep = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(pdg) # smeared start state stateSmeared = ROOT.genfit.MeasuredStateOnPlane(rep) rep.setPosMomCov(stateSmeared, posM, momM, covM) # create track seedState = ROOT.TVectorD(6) seedCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) rep.get6DStateCov(stateSmeared, seedState, seedCov) theTrack = ROOT.genfit.Track(rep, seedState, seedCov) hitCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(7) hitCov[6][6] = resolution*resolution for m in meas: tp = ROOT.genfit.TrackPoint(theTrack) # note how the point is told which track it belongs to measurement = ROOT.genfit.WireMeasurement(m,hitCov,1,6,tp) # the measurement is told which trackpoint it belongs to # print measurement.getMaxDistance() #measurement.setMaxDistance(0.5* measurement.setMaxDistance(1.85* # measurement.setLeftRightResolution(-1) tp.addRawMeasurement(measurement) # package measurement in the TrackPoint theTrack.insertPoint(tp) # add point to Track # print "debug meas",atrack,nM,stationCrossed[atrack],self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack],pdg trackCandidates.append([theTrack,atrack]) #if 1==0: for atrack in hitPosLists_noT4: if atrack < 0: continue # these are hits not assigned to MC track because low E cut pdg = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack].GetPdgCode() #if not self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg): continue # unknown particle if not abs(pdg)==13: continue # only keep muons meas = hitPosLists_noT4[atrack] nM = meas.size() #if nM < 6 : continue # not enough hits to make a good trackfit #comment for hits in t1-3 #if len(stationCrossed_noT4[atrack]) < 4 : continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit #uncomment for hits in t1-3 if len(stationCrossed[atrack]) < 3 : continue # not enough stations crossed to make a good trackfit if debug: mctrack = self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack] charge = self.PDG.GetParticle(pdg).Charge()/(3.) posM = ROOT.TVector3(0, 0, 0) momM = ROOT.TVector3(0,0,3.*u.GeV) # approximate covariance covM = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) resolution = self.sigma_spatial if withT0: resolution = resolution*1.4 # worse resolution due to t0 estimate for i in range(3): covM[i][i] = resolution*resolution covM[0][0]=resolution*resolution*100. for i in range(3,6): covM[i][i] = ROOT.TMath.Power(resolution / nM / ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(3), 2) # trackrep rep = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(pdg) # smeared start state stateSmeared = ROOT.genfit.MeasuredStateOnPlane(rep) rep.setPosMomCov(stateSmeared, posM, momM, covM) # create track seedState = ROOT.TVectorD(6) seedCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(6) rep.get6DStateCov(stateSmeared, seedState, seedCov) theTrack = ROOT.genfit.Track(rep, seedState, seedCov) hitCov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(7) hitCov[6][6] = resolution*resolution for m in meas: tp = ROOT.genfit.TrackPoint(theTrack) # note how the point is told which track it belongs to measurement = ROOT.genfit.WireMeasurement(m,hitCov,1,6,tp) # the measurement is told which trackpoint it belongs to # print measurement.getMaxDistance() #measurement.setMaxDistance(0.5* measurement.setMaxDistance(1.85* # measurement.setLeftRightResolution(-1) tp.addRawMeasurement(measurement) # package measurement in the TrackPoint theTrack.insertPoint(tp) # add point to Track #print "debug meas",atrack,nM,stationCrossed[atrack],self.sTree.MCTrack[atrack],pdg trackCandidates_noT4.append([theTrack,atrack]) #print len(trackCandidates)," trackCandidates ",len(trackCandidates_noT4)," trackCandidates_noT4)" for entry in trackCandidates: #check #print "fitting with stereo" atrack = entry[1] theTrack = entry[0] if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track before fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue # do the fit try: self.fitter.processTrack(theTrack) # processTrackWithRep(theTrack,rep,True) except: print "genfit failed to fit track" continue #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): #print 'Problem with track after fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue fitStatus = theTrack.getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() chi2 = fitStatus.getChi2()/nmeas pvalue = fitStatus.getPVal() #if pvalue < 0.05: # print "P value too low. Rejecting track." # continue h['nmeas'].Fill(nmeas) h['chi2'].Fill(chi2) h['p-value'].Fill(pvalue) try: fittedState = theTrack.getFittedState() fittedMom = fittedState.getMomMag() h['p-fittedtracks'].Fill(fittedMom) h['1/p-fittedtracks'].Fill(1./fittedMom) Px,Py,Pz = fittedState.getMom().x(),fittedState.getMom().y(),fittedState.getMom().z() P = fittedMom Ptruth,Ptruthx,Ptruthy,Ptruthz = self.getPtruthFirst(atrack) Pgun,Pgunx,Pguny,Pgunz = self.getPtruthAtOrigin(atrack) if Pz !=0: pxpzfitted = Px/Pz pypzfitted = Py/Pz if Ptruthz !=0: pxpztrue = Ptruthx/Ptruthz pypztrue = Ptruthy/Ptruthz h['Px/Pzfitted'].Fill(pxpzfitted) h['Py/Pzfitted'].Fill(pypzfitted) h['Px/Pztrue'].Fill(pxpztrue) h['Py/Pztrue'].Fill(pypztrue) h['Px/Pzfitted-Px/Pztruth'].Fill(Ptruth,pxpzfitted-pxpztrue) h['Py/Pzfitted-Py/Pztruth'].Fill(Ptruth,pypzfitted-pypztrue) h['ptruth'].Fill(Ptruth) delPOverP = (P/Ptruth)-1 invdelPOverP = (Ptruth/P)-1 if 1==0: if invdelPOverP < -0.8: print "invdelPOverP = ",invdelPOverP print "Ptruth =",Ptruth," Pfitted =",P for n in range(hitPosLists[atrack].size()): print "hit=",n," x(top) ",hitPosLists[atrack][n][0]," y(top) ",hitPosLists[atrack][n][1]," z ",hitPosLists[atrack][n][2]," x(bot) ",hitPosLists[atrack][n][3]," y(bot) ", hitPosLists[atrack][n][4], " dist ", hitPosLists[atrack][n][6] nMufluxHits = self.sTree.MufluxSpectrometerPoint.GetEntriesFast() for i in range(nMufluxHits): MufluxHit = self.sTree.MufluxSpectrometerPoint[i] if ((hitPosLists[atrack][n][0]+1.8 > MufluxHit.GetX()) or(hitPosLists[atrack][n][3]+1.8 > MufluxHit.GetX())) and ((hitPosLists[atrack][n][0]-1.8<MufluxHit.GetX()) or (hitPosLists[atrack][n][3]-1.8<MufluxHit.GetX())) and (hitPosLists[atrack][n][2]+1.>MufluxHit.GetZ()) and (hitPosLists[atrack][n][2]-1.<MufluxHit.GetZ()): print "hit x=",MufluxHit.GetX()," y=",MufluxHit.GetY()," z=",MufluxHit.GetZ() h['delPOverP'].Fill(Ptruth,delPOverP) h['invdelPOverP'].Fill(Ptruth,invdelPOverP) h['deltaPOverP'].Fill(Ptruth,delPOverP) h['Pfitted-Pgun'].Fill(Pgun,P) #print "end fitting with stereo" except: print "problem with fittedstate" continue #if 1==0: for entry in trackCandidates_noT4: #check #print "fitting without stereo hits" atrack = entry[1] theTrack = entry[0] if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track before fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue # do the fit try: self.fitter.processTrack(theTrack) # processTrackWithRep(theTrack,rep,True) except: print "genfit failed to fit track" continue #check if not theTrack.checkConsistency(): print 'Problem with track after fit, not consistent',atrack,theTrack continue fitStatus = theTrack.getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() chi2 = fitStatus.getChi2()/nmeas pvalue = fitStatus.getPVal() #if pvalue < 0.05: # print "P value too low. Rejecting track." # continue h['nmeas-noT4'].Fill(nmeas) h['chi2-noT4'].Fill(chi2) h['p-value-noT4'].Fill(pvalue) try: fittedState = theTrack.getFittedState() fittedMom = fittedState.getMomMag() h['p-fittedtracks-noT4'].Fill(fittedMom) h['1/p-fittedtracks-noT4'].Fill(1./fittedMom) Px,Py,Pz = fittedState.getMom().x(),fittedState.getMom().y(),fittedState.getMom().z() P = fittedMom Ptruth,Ptruthx,Ptruthy,Ptruthz = self.getPtruthFirst(atrack) Pgun,Pgunx,Pguny,Pgunz = self.getPtruthAtOrigin(atrack) if Pz !=0: pxpzfitted = Px/Pz pypzfitted = Py/Pz if Ptruthz !=0: pxpztrue = Ptruthx/Ptruthz pypztrue = Ptruthy/Ptruthz h['Px/Pzfitted-Px/Pztruth-noT4'].Fill(Ptruth,pxpzfitted-pxpztrue) h['Py/Pzfitted-Py/Pztruth-noT4'].Fill(Ptruth,pypzfitted-pypztrue) h['Px/Pzfitted-noT4'].Fill(pxpzfitted) h['Py/Pzfitted-noT4'].Fill(pypzfitted) h['Px/Pztrue-noT4'].Fill(pxpztrue) h['Py/Pztrue-noT4'].Fill(pypztrue) h['ptruth-noT4'].Fill(Ptruth) delPOverP = (P/Ptruth)-1 invdelPOverP = (Ptruth/P)-1 h['delPOverP-noT4'].Fill(Ptruth,delPOverP) h['invdelPOverP-noT4'].Fill(Ptruth,invdelPOverP) h['deltaPOverP-noT4'].Fill(Ptruth,delPOverP) h['Pfitted-Pgun-noT4'].Fill(Pgun,P) #print "end fitting without stereo hits" except: print "noT4 track: problem with fittedstate" continue # make track persistent nTrack = self.fGenFitArray.GetEntries() if not debug: theTrack.prune("CFL") # self.fGenFitArray[nTrack] = theTrack self.fitTrack2MC.push_back(atrack) if debug: print 'save track',theTrack,chi2,nM,fitStatus.isFitConverged() self.fitTracks.Fill() self.mcLink.Fill() return nTrack+1