def send(self, req, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Return the file specified by the given request @type req: C{PreparedRequest} @todo: Should I bother filling `response.headers` and processing If-Modified-Since and friends using `os.stat`? """ path = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(url2pathname(req.path_url))) response = requests.Response() response.status_code, response.reason = self._chkpath(req.method, path) if response.status_code == 200 and req.method.lower() != 'head': try: response.raw = open(path, 'rb') except (OSError, IOError) as err: response.status_code = 500 response.reason = str(err) if isinstance(req.url, bytes): response.url = req.url.decode('utf-8') else: response.url = req.url response.request = req response.connection = self return response
def make_best_resolver(self, param): if isinstance(param, list): path = param[0] arg = param[1] else: path = param arg = None url_parts = urlsplit(path) if url_parts.scheme == 'redis': logging.debug('Adding Redis Index: ' + path) return RedisResolver(path, arg) if url_parts.scheme == 'file': path = url_parts.path path = url2pathname(path) if os.path.isfile(path): logging.debug('Adding Path Index: ' + path) return PathIndexResolver(path) # non-file paths always treated as prefix for now else: logging.debug('Adding Archive Path Source: ' + path) return PrefixResolver(path, arg)
def get_filename(self, basename): """ Returns full path to a file, for example: get_filename('css/one.css') -> '/full/path/to/static/css/one.css' """ filename = None # First try finding the file using the storage class. # This is skipped in DEBUG mode as files might be outdated in # compressor's final destination (COMPRESS_ROOT) during development if not settings.DEBUG: try: # call path first so remote storages don't make it to exists, # which would cause network I/O filename = if not filename = None except NotImplementedError: # remote storages don't implement path, access the file locally if compressor_file_storage.exists(basename): filename = compressor_file_storage.path(basename) # secondly try to find it with staticfiles if not filename and self.finders: filename = self.finders.find(url2pathname(basename)) if filename: return filename # or just raise an exception as the last resort raise UncompressableFileError( "'%s' could not be found in the COMPRESS_ROOT '%s'%s" % (basename, settings.COMPRESS_ROOT, self.finders and " or with staticfiles." or "."))
def load(self, url, offset=0, length=-1): """ Load a file-like reader from the local file system """ # if starting with . or /, can only be a file path.. file_only = url.startswith(('/', '.')) # convert to filename if url.startswith('file://'): file_only = True url = url2pathname(url[len('file://'):]) try: # first, try as file afile = open(url, 'rb') except IOError: if file_only: raise # then, try as package.path/file pkg_split = url.split('/', 1) if len(pkg_split) == 1: raise afile = pkg_resources.resource_stream(pkg_split[0], pkg_split[1]) if offset > 0: if length >= 0: return LimitReader(afile, length) else: return afile
def test_url_parsing(self): obj = urls.URLTransformer('') obj.default_filename = 'index.html' obj._unique_fn_required = False self.assertEqual(obj.original_url, '') self.assertEqual(obj.url, '') self.assertEqual(obj.parsed_url, urlparse.urlsplit('')) self.assertEqual(obj.parsed_url.port, 80) self.assertEqual(obj.hostname, '') self.assertEqual(obj.url_path, '/path/') self.assertEqual(obj.file_name, 'index.html') self.assertEqual(obj.to_path, url2pathname('')) self.assertEqual(obj.file_path, url2pathname(''))
def read(self, request, vendor, name, version): resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource, vendor=vendor, short_name=name, version=version) resource_info = json.loads(resource.json_description) if resource_info['doc'] == '': raise Http404 doc_base_url = None if resource_info['doc'].startswith(('http://', 'https://')): doc_code = _('You can find the userguide of this component in this external <a target="_blank" href="%s">link</a>') % resource_info['doc'] doc_code = '<div style="margin-top: 10px"><p>%s</p></div>' % doc_code else: doc_relative_path = url2pathname(resource_info['doc']) doc_base_url = force_trailing_slash(urljoin(resource.get_template_url(request=request, for_base=True), pathname2url(os.path.dirname(doc_relative_path)))) doc_path = os.path.join(catalogue_utils.wgt_deployer.get_base_dir(vendor, name, version), doc_relative_path) (doc_filename_root, doc_filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(doc_path) localized_doc_path = doc_filename_root + '.' + get_language() + doc_filename_ext try: doc_code = download_local_file(localized_doc_path).decode('utf-8') except: try: doc_code = download_local_file(doc_path).decode('utf-8') except: msg = _('Error opening the userguide file') doc_code = '<div class="margin-top: 10px"><p>%s</p></div>' % msg doc_pre_html = markdown.markdown(doc_code, output_format='xhtml5', extensions=['codehilite', 'fenced_code']) doc = clean_html(doc_pre_html, base_url=doc_base_url) return HttpResponse(doc, content_type='application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8')
def s3_open(self, req): server_name = bucket_name = url2pathname(req.selector).split('/')[1] key_name = req.selector.replace( "/{bucket_name}/".format(bucket_name=bucket_name), '') if not bucket_name or not key_name: raise URLError('url must be in the format ' 's3://<server_name>/<bucket>/<object>') try: credential = self.settings[server_name] except KeyError: raise ServerNameError('missing credential') s3 = boto3.client( 's3', endpoint_url="https://{server}".format(server=server_name), aws_access_key_id=credential['access_key'], aws_secret_access_key=credential['secret_key'], config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'), region_name=credential.get('region_name', 'us-east-1')) url = s3.generate_presigned_url(ClientMethod='get_object', Params={ 'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': key_name }, ExpiresIn=3600) req.full_url = url return self.https_open(req)
def get_html(self, url, retries=1, base_url=None): """ Makes request for a URL and returns HTML as a BeautifulSoup object. """ # Put together the full URL full_url = urljoin(base_url or self.base_url, url) if self.verbosity > 2: self.log(" Retrieving data for {}".format(url)) # Pull a cached version of the file, if it exists cache_path = os.path.join( self.cache_dir, url2pathname(url.strip("/")) ) if os.path.exists(cache_path) and not self.force_download: # Make a HEAD request for the file size of the live page if self.update_cache: cache_file_size = os.path.getsize(cache_path) head = self.get_headers(full_url) web_file_size = head['content-length'] if self.verbosity > 2: msg = " Cached file sized {}. Web file size {}." self.log(msg.format( cache_file_size, web_file_size )) # If our cache is the same size as the live page, return the cache if not self.update_cache or cache_file_size == web_file_size: if self.verbosity > 2: self.log(" Returning cached {}".format(cache_path)) html = open(cache_path, 'r').read() return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # Otherwise, retrieve the full page and cache it try: response = self.get_url(full_url) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: # If web requests fails, fall back to cached file, if it exists if os.path.exists(cache_path): if self.verbosity > 2: self.log(" Returning cached {}".format(cache_path)) html = open(cache_path, 'r').read() return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") else: raise e # Grab the HTML and cache it html = response.text if self.verbosity > 2: self.log(" Writing to cache {}".format(cache_path)) cache_subdir = os.path.dirname(cache_path) os.path.exists(cache_subdir) or os.makedirs(cache_subdir) with open(cache_path, 'w') as f: f.write(html) # Finally return the HTML ready to parse with BeautifulSoup return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
def cached_file(url): fname = os.path.basename(url2pathname(url.split(':', 1)[1])) fpath = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, fname) if not os.path.exists(fpath): with open(fpath, 'w') as f: furl = urlopen(url) f.write( furl.close() return fpath
def on_file(): try: filename = url2pathname(uri[5:].encode('utf-8') if isinstance(uri, text_type) else uri[5:]) if filename.endswith(BLOB_EXTENSION): return on_mdblob(filename) metainfo_deferred.callback(bdecode(fix_torrent(filename))) return NOT_DONE_YET except TypeError: request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return json.dumps({"error": "error while decoding torrent file"})
def start_download_from_uri(self, uri, dconfig=None): if uri.startswith("http"): return self.start_download_from_url(bytes(uri), dconfig=dconfig) if uri.startswith("magnet:"): return succeed(self.start_download_from_magnet(uri, dconfig=dconfig)) if uri.startswith("file:"): argument = url2pathname(uri[5:]) return succeed(self.start_download(torrentfilename=argument, dconfig=dconfig)) return fail(Failure(Exception("invalid uri")))
def get_repo(uri): parts = urlparse(uri, "file", allow_fragments=0) path = url2pathname(parts[2]) try: return repo.Repository(root=path) except cfg.ConfigError as e: raise repo.RepositoryError( _("The specified " "repository's configuration data is not " "valid:\n{0}").format(e))
def check_invalid_image(wgt_file, resource_info, key): image_url = resource_info[key] if image_url != '' and not image_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): image_path = url2pathname(image_url) try: except KeyError: raise InvalidContents('missing image file: %s' % image_path)
def read(self, request, vendor, name, version): from_version = request.GET.get('from') if from_version is not None: try: from_version = Version(from_version) except: return build_error_response( request, 422, _("Missing parameter: template_uri or file")) resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource, vendor=vendor, short_name=name, version=version) resource_info = resource.get_processed_info(process_urls=False) if resource_info['changelog'] == '': raise Http404 doc_relative_path = url2pathname(resource_info['changelog']) doc_base_url = force_trailing_slash( urljoin(resource.get_template_url(request=request, for_base=True), pathname2url(os.path.dirname(doc_relative_path)))) doc_path = os.path.join( catalogue_utils.wgt_deployer.get_base_dir(vendor, name, version), doc_relative_path) (doc_filename_root, doc_filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(doc_path) localized_doc_path = doc_filename_root + '.' + get_language( ) + doc_filename_ext try: doc_code = download_local_file(localized_doc_path).decode('utf-8') except: try: doc_code = download_local_file(doc_path).decode('utf-8') except: msg = _('Error opening the changelog file') doc_code = '<div class="margin-top: 10px"><p>%s</p></div>' % msg doc_pre_html = markdown.markdown(doc_code, output_format='xhtml5', extensions=[ 'markdown.extensions.codehilite', 'markdown.extensions.fenced_code' ]) if from_version: doc_pre_html = filter_changelog(doc_pre_html, from_version) if doc_pre_html.strip() == '': raise Http404 doc = clean_html(doc_pre_html, base_url=doc_base_url) return HttpResponse( doc, content_type='application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8')
def uri(param): # type: (str) -> str if urlsplit(param).scheme: return param path = expanduser(expandvars(url2pathname(param))) if exists(path): return urljoin('file:', pathname2url(abspath(path))) raise ArgumentTypeError( '`{param}` is not an existing file and either a valid URI'.format( param=param))
def start_download_from_uri(self, uri, dconfig=None): if uri.startswith("http"): return self.start_download_from_url(bytes(uri), dconfig=dconfig) if uri.startswith("magnet:"): return succeed( self.start_download_from_magnet(uri, dconfig=dconfig)) if uri.startswith("file:"): argument = url2pathname(uri[5:]) return succeed( self.start_download(torrentfilename=argument, dconfig=dconfig)) return fail(Failure(Exception("invalid uri")))
def _create_run_in_store(store): config = { 'experiment_id': '0', 'user_id': 'Anderson', 'start_time': int(time.time()), 'tags': {} } run = store.create_run(**config) artifact_path = url2pathname(unquote(urlparse( if not os.path.exists(artifact_path): os.makedirs(artifact_path) return run
def on_file(): try: filename = url2pathname(uri[5:].encode('utf-8') if isinstance( uri, text_type) else uri[5:]) if filename.endswith(BLOB_EXTENSION): return on_mdblob(filename) metainfo_deferred.callback(bdecode(fix_torrent(filename))) return NOT_DONE_YET except TypeError: request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return json.dumps( {"error": "error while decoding torrent file"})
def _create_run_in_store(store): config = { "experiment_id": "0", "user_id": "Anderson", "start_time": int(time.time()), "tags": {}, } run = store.create_run(**config) artifact_path = url2pathname(unquote(urlparse( if not os.path.exists(artifact_path): os.makedirs(artifact_path) return run
def url_to_path(url): """Convert a valid file url to a local filesystem path Follows logic taken from pip's equivalent function """ assert is_file_url(url), "Only file: urls can be converted to local paths" _, netloc, path, _, _ = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url) # Netlocs are UNC paths if netloc: netloc = "\\\\" + netloc path = urllib_request.url2pathname(netloc + path) return to_bytes(path, encoding="utf-8")
def topath(self): """Convert a file: URL to a path.""" assert url.startswith('file:'), ( "You can only turn file: urls into filenames (not %r)" % url) _, netloc, path, _, _ = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url) # if we have a UNC path, prepend UNC share notation if netloc: netloc = '\\\\' + netloc path = urllib_request.url2pathname(netloc + path) return path
def file_path(self): """Make a unique path from the url. :rtype: str :return: disk compatible path """ upath, _ = self._refactor_filename(self.url_path) # clean the url and prepend hostname to make it complete upath = url2pathname(self.hostname + upath) if self.base_path: upath = os.path.join(self.base_path, upath) return upath
def read(self, request, vendor, name, version): resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource, vendor=vendor, short_name=name, version=version) resource_info = resource.json_description if resource_info['doc'] == '': raise Http404 doc_base_url = None if resource_info['doc'].startswith(('http://', 'https://')): doc_code = _( 'You can find the userguide of this component in this external <a target="_blank" href="%s">link</a>' ) % resource_info['doc'] doc_code = '<div style="margin-top: 10px"><p>%s</p></div>' % doc_code else: doc_relative_path = url2pathname(resource_info['doc']) doc_base_url = force_trailing_slash( urljoin( resource.get_template_url(request=request, for_base=True), pathname2url(os.path.dirname(doc_relative_path)))) doc_path = os.path.join( catalogue_utils.wgt_deployer.get_base_dir( vendor, name, version), doc_relative_path) (doc_filename_root, doc_filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(doc_path) localized_doc_path = doc_filename_root + '.' + get_language( ) + doc_filename_ext try: doc_code = download_local_file(localized_doc_path).decode( 'utf-8') except: try: doc_code = download_local_file(doc_path).decode('utf-8') except: msg = _('Error opening the userguide file') doc_code = '<div class="margin-top: 10px"><p>%s</p></div>' % msg doc_pre_html = markdown.markdown(doc_code, output_format='xhtml5', extensions=[ 'markdown.extensions.codehilite', 'markdown.extensions.fenced_code' ]) doc = clean_html(doc_pre_html, base_url=doc_base_url) return HttpResponse( doc, content_type='application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8')
def url_to_path(url): # type: (str) -> str """Convert a valid file url to a local filesystem path. Follows logic taken from pip's equivalent function """ assert is_file_url(url), "Only file: urls can be converted to local paths" _, netloc, path, _, _ = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url) # Netlocs are UNC paths if netloc: netloc = "\\\\" + netloc path = urllib_request.url2pathname(netloc + path) return urllib_parse.unquote(path)
def cached_file(url): fname = url2pathname(relative(url)) fpath = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, fname) if not os.path.exists(fpath): print("%s does not exist, fetching from %s" % (fpath, url)) folder = os.path.dirname(fpath) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) f = open(fpath, 'w') try: f.write(urlopen(url).read()) finally: f.close() return fpath
def check_invalid_doc_content(wgt_file, resource_info, key): doc_url = resource_info[key] if doc_url != '' and not doc_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): doc_path = url2pathname(doc_url) # Check default version check_invalid_doc_entry(wgt_file, doc_path) # Check localized versions (doc_filename_root, doc_filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(doc_path) pattern = re.escape(doc_filename_root) + '\.\w\w(?:-\w\w)?' + re.escape(doc_filename_ext) for filename in wgt_file.namelist(): if re.match(pattern, filename): check_invalid_doc_entry(wgt_file, filename)
def __init__(self, url=None, *args, **kwargs): # Works around an apparent Git bug # (see if url: scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url) if scheme.endswith('file'): initial_slashes = path[:-len(path.lstrip('/'))] newpath = (initial_slashes + urllib_request.url2pathname(path).replace( '\\', '/').lstrip('/')) url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, newpath, query, fragment)) after_plus = scheme.find('+') + 1 url = scheme[:after_plus] + urlunsplit( (scheme[after_plus:], netloc, newpath, query, fragment), ) super(Git, self).__init__(url, *args, **kwargs)
def check_invalid_doc_content(wgt_file, resource_info, key): doc_url = resource_info[key] if doc_url != '' and not doc_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): doc_path = url2pathname(doc_url) # Check default version check_invalid_doc_entry(wgt_file, doc_path) # Check localized versions (doc_filename_root, doc_filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(doc_path) pattern = re.escape( doc_filename_root) + '\.\w\w(?:-\w\w)?' + re.escape( doc_filename_ext) for filename in wgt_file.namelist(): if re.match(pattern, filename): check_invalid_doc_entry(wgt_file, filename)
def file_path(self): """Make a unique path from the url. :rtype: str :return: disk compatible path """ path, _ = self._refactor_filename(self.url_path) hostname = self.hostname assert isinstance(path, basestring) assert isinstance(hostname, basestring) # clean the url and prepend hostname to make it complete path = url2pathname(hostname + path) if self.base_path: path = os.path.join(self.base_path, path) return path
def open_local_file(self, req): try: host = filename = req.selector # if that bombs, then go on with original method localfile = url.url2pathname(host + filename) stats = os.stat(localfile) size = stats.st_size modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True) mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] headers = email.message_from_string( 'Content-type: %s\nContent-length: %d\nLast-modified: %s\n' % (mtype or 'text/plain', size, modified)) origurl = 'file://' + host + filename return addinfourl(open(localfile, 'rb'), headers, origurl) except: pass return url.FileHandler.open_local_file(self, req)
def _handle_user_code_url(self, code): """Gets the S3 URL containing the user's code. Inspects the scheme the customer passed in ("s3://" for code in S3, "file://" or nothing for absolute or local file paths. Uploads the code to S3 if the code is a local file. Args: code (str): A URL to the customer's code. Returns: str: The S3 URL to the customer's code. Raises: ValueError: if the code isn't found, is a directory, or does not have a valid URL scheme. """ code_url = urlparse(code) if code_url.scheme == "s3": user_code_s3_uri = code elif code_url.scheme == "" or code_url.scheme == "file": # Validate that the file exists locally and is not a directory. code_path = url2pathname(code_url.path) if not os.path.exists(code_path): raise ValueError( """code {} wasn't found. Please make sure that the file exists. """.format( code ) ) if not os.path.isfile(code_path): raise ValueError( """code {} must be a file, not a directory. Please pass a path to a file. """.format( code ) ) user_code_s3_uri = self._upload_code(code_path) else: raise ValueError( "code {} url scheme {} is not recognized. Please pass a file path or S3 url".format( code, code_url.scheme ) ) return user_code_s3_uri
def test_url_parsing_after_set_base(self): obj = urls.URLTransformer('../some/rel/path/') obj.base_url = "" obj.base_path = "e:\\tests\\" obj.default_filename = 'index.html' obj._unique_fn_required = False self.assertEqual(obj.original_url, '../some/rel/path/') self.assertEqual(obj.url, '') self.assertEqual( obj.parsed_url, urlparse.urlsplit('', allow_fragments=False)) self.assertEqual(obj.parsed_url.port, 80) self.assertEqual(obj.hostname, '') self.assertEqual(obj.url_path, '/some/rel/path/') self.assertEqual(obj.file_name, 'index.html') self.assertEqual(obj.to_path, 'e:\\tests\\\\some\\rel\\path\\') self.assertEqual( obj.file_path, url2pathname( 'e://tests/').lower())
def read(self, request, vendor, name, version): from_version = request.GET.get('from') if from_version is not None: try: from_version = Version(from_version) except: return build_error_response(request, 422, _("Missing parameter: template_uri or file")) resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource, vendor=vendor, short_name=name, version=version) resource_info = resource.get_processed_info(process_urls=False) if resource_info['changelog'] == '': raise Http404 doc_relative_path = url2pathname(resource_info['changelog']) doc_base_url = force_trailing_slash(urljoin(resource.get_template_url(request=request, for_base=True), pathname2url(os.path.dirname(doc_relative_path)))) doc_path = os.path.join(catalogue_utils.wgt_deployer.get_base_dir(vendor, name, version), doc_relative_path) (doc_filename_root, doc_filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(doc_path) localized_doc_path = doc_filename_root + '.' + get_language() + doc_filename_ext try: doc_code = download_local_file(localized_doc_path).decode('utf-8') except: try: doc_code = download_local_file(doc_path).decode('utf-8') except: msg = _('Error opening the changelog file') doc_code = '<div class="margin-top: 10px"><p>%s</p></div>' % msg doc_pre_html = markdown.markdown(doc_code, output_format='xhtml5', extensions=['codehilite', 'fenced_code']) if from_version: doc_pre_html = filter_changelog(doc_pre_html, from_version) if doc_pre_html.strip() == '': raise Http404 doc = clean_html(doc_pre_html, base_url=doc_base_url) return HttpResponse(doc, content_type='application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8')
def do_GET(self): up = urlparse( self.path ) try: if up.path=='/favicon.ico' and favicon: content = favicon content_type = 'image/x-icon' else: file = url2pathname(os.path.basename(up.path.split('#')[0])) fname = os.path.join( Utils.getHelpFolder(), file ) with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = content_type = self.html_content except Exception as e: self.send_error(404,'File Not Found: {} {}\n{}'.format(self.path, e, traceback.format_exc())) return self.send_response( 200 ) self.send_header('Content-type',content_type) if content_type == self.html_content: self.send_header( 'Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' ) self.send_header( 'Pragma', 'no-cache' ) self.send_header( 'Expires', '0' ) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write( content.encode() )
def url_to_path(url): # type: (str) -> Path """ Convert an RFC8089 file URI to path. The logic used here is borrowed from pip """ if not url.startswith("file:"): raise ValueError("{} is not a valid file URI".format(url)) _, netloc, path, _, _ = urlsplit(url) if not netloc or netloc == "localhost": # According to RFC 8089, same as empty authority. netloc = "" elif netloc not in {".", ".."} and sys.platform == "win32": # If we have a UNC path, prepend UNC share notation. netloc = "\\\\" + netloc else: raise ValueError( "non-local file URIs are not supported on this platform: {}". format(url)) return Path(url2pathname(netloc + unquote(path)))
def file_uri_to_path(uri): """Convert File URI to local filesystem path according to: """ uri_path = urlparse(uri).path return url2pathname(uri_path)
def read(self, request, vendor, name, version): resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource.objects.select_related('widget__xhtml'), vendor=vendor, short_name=name, version=version) # For now, all widgets are freely accessible/distributable #if not resource.is_available_for(request.user): # return build_error_response(request, 403, "Forbidden") if resource.resource_type() != 'widget': raise Http404() mode = request.GET.get('mode', 'classic') widget_info = json.loads(resource.json_description) # check if the xhtml code has been cached if widget_info['contents']['cacheable'] is True: cache_key = resource.widget.xhtml.get_cache_key(get_current_domain(request), mode) cache_entry = cache.get(cache_key) if cache_entry is not None: response = HttpResponse(cache_entry['code'], content_type=cache_entry['content_type']) patch_cache_headers(response, cache_entry['timestamp'], cache_entry['timeout']) return response # process xhtml xhtml = resource.widget.xhtml content_type = widget_info['contents'].get('contenttype', 'text/html') charset = widget_info['contents'].get('charset', 'utf-8') force_base = False base_url = xhtml.url if not base_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): # Newer versions of Django urlencode urls created using reverse # Fix double encoding base_url = urlunquote(base_url) base_url = get_absolute_reverse_url('wirecloud.showcase_media', args=(base_url.split('/', 4)), request=request) force_base = True code = xhtml.code if not xhtml.cacheable or code == '': try: if xhtml.url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): code = download_http_content(urljoin(base_url, xhtml.url), user=request.user) else: code = download_local_file(os.path.join(showcase_utils.wgt_deployer.root_dir, url2pathname(xhtml.url))) except Exception as e: return build_response(request, 502, {'error_msg': _("(X)HTML code is not accessible"), 'details': "%s" % e}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) else: # Code contents comes as unicode from persistence, we need bytes code = code.encode(charset) if xhtml.cacheable and (xhtml.code == '' or xhtml.code_timestamp is None): try: xhtml.code = code.decode(charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = _('Widget code was not encoded using the specified charset (%(charset)s as stated in the widget description file).') % {'charset': charset} return build_response(request, 502, {'error_msg': msg}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) xhtml.code_timestamp = time.time() * 1000 elif not xhtml.cacheable and xhtml.code != '': xhtml.code = '' xhtml.code_timestamp = None try: code = fix_widget_code(code, base_url, content_type, request, charset, xhtml.use_platform_style, process_requirements(widget_info['requirements']), force_base, mode) except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = _('Widget code was not encoded using the specified charset (%(charset)s as stated in the widget description file).') % {'charset': charset} return build_response(request, 502, {'error_msg': msg}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) except Exception as e: msg = _('Error processing widget code') return build_response(request, 502, {'error_msg': msg, 'details':"%s" % e}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) if xhtml.cacheable: cache_timeout = 31536000 # 1 year cache_entry = { 'code': code, 'content_type': '%s; charset=%s' % (content_type, charset), 'timestamp': xhtml.code_timestamp, 'timeout': cache_timeout, } cache.set(cache_key, cache_entry, cache_timeout) else: cache_timeout = 0 response = HttpResponse(code, content_type='%s; charset=%s' % (content_type, charset)) patch_cache_headers(response, xhtml.code_timestamp, cache_timeout) return response
def render_PUT(self, request): """ .. http:put:: /downloads A PUT request to this endpoint will start a download from a provided URI. This URI can either represent a file location, a magnet link or a HTTP(S) url. - anon_hops: the number of hops for the anonymous download. 0 hops is equivalent to a plain download - safe_seeding: whether the seeding of the download should be anonymous or not (0 = off, 1 = on) - destination: the download destination path of the torrent - torrent: the URI of the torrent file that should be downloaded. This parameter is required. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: none curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/downloads --data "anon_hops=2&safe_seeding=1&destination=/my/dest/on/disk/&uri=file:/home/me/test.torrent **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: javascript {"started": True, "infohash": "4344503b7e797ebf31582327a5baae35b11bda01"} """ parameters = http.parse_qs(, 1) if 'uri' not in parameters or len(parameters['uri']) == 0: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "uri parameter missing"}) download_config, error = DownloadsEndpoint.create_dconfig_from_params(parameters) if error: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": error}) def download_added(download): request.write(json.dumps({"started": True, "infohash": hexlify(download.get_def().get_infohash())})) request.finish() def on_error(error): request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) request.write(json.dumps({"error": unichar_string(error.getErrorMessage())})) request.finish() uri = parameters['uri'][0] if uri.startswith("file:"): if uri.endswith(".mdblob"): filename = url2pathname(uri[5:].encode('utf-8') if isinstance(uri, six.text_type) else uri[5:]) try: payload = ChannelMetadataPayload.from_file(filename) except IOError: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "file not found"}) except InvalidSignatureException: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return json.dumps({"error": "Metadata has invalid signature"}) with db_session: result = self.session.lm.mds.process_payload(payload) if result: node, status = result[0] if (status == UNKNOWN_CHANNEL or (status == UPDATED_OUR_VERSION and node.metadata_type == CHANNEL_TORRENT)): node.subscribed = True return json.dumps( {"started": True, "infohash": hexlify(node.infohash)}) return json.dumps({"error": "Already subscribed"}) else: download_uri = u"file:%s" % url2pathname(uri[5:]).decode('utf-8') else: download_uri = unquote_plus(cast_to_unicode_utf8(uri)) download_deferred = self.session.start_download_from_uri(download_uri, download_config) download_deferred.addCallback(download_added) download_deferred.addErrback(on_error) return NOT_DONE_YET
def get_resource_data(resource, user, request=None): """Gets all the information related to the given resource.""" resource_info = resource.get_processed_info(request) template_uri = get_absolute_reverse_url( "", kwargs={ "vendor": resource.vendor, "name": resource.short_name, "version": resource.version, "file_path": resource.template_uri, }, request=request, ) wgt_path = os.path.join( wgt_deployer.get_base_dir(resource.vendor, resource.short_name, resource.version), resource.template_uri ) size = os.path.getsize(wgt_path) cdate = resource.creation_date creation_timestamp = time.mktime(cdate.timetuple()) * 1e3 + cdate.microsecond / 1e3 longdescription = resource_info["longdescription"] if longdescription != "": longdescription_relative_path = url2pathname(longdescription) longdescription_base_url = force_trailing_slash( urljoin( resource.get_template_url(request=request, for_base=True), pathname2url(os.path.dirname(longdescription_relative_path)), ) ) longdescription_path = os.path.join( wgt_deployer.get_base_dir(resource.vendor, resource.short_name, resource.version), longdescription_relative_path, ) (filename_root, filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(longdescription_path) localized_longdescription_path = filename_root + "." + get_language() + filename_ext try: description_code = download_local_file(localized_longdescription_path) longdescription = clean_html( markdown.markdown(description_code, output_format="xhtml5"), base_url=longdescription_base_url ) except: try: description_code = download_local_file(longdescription_path) longdescription = clean_html( markdown.markdown(description_code, output_format="xhtml5"), base_url=longdescription_base_url ) except: longdescription = resource_info["description"] else: longdescription = resource_info["description"] return { "id":, "vendor": resource.vendor, "name": resource.short_name, "version": resource.version, "type": resource_info["type"], "date": creation_timestamp, "permissions": { "delete": user.is_superuser, "uninstall": resource.public is False and resource.users.filter(, }, "authors": resource_info["authors"], "contributors": resource_info["contributors"], "title": resource_info["title"], "description": resource_info["description"], "longdescription": longdescription, "email": resource_info["email"], "image": resource_info["image"], "homepage": resource_info["homepage"], "doc": resource_info["doc"], "changelog": resource_info["changelog"], "size": size, "uriTemplate": template_uri, "license": resource_info["license"], "licenseurl": resource_info["licenseurl"], "issuetracker": resource_info["issuetracker"], }
def process_widget_code(request, resource): mode = request.GET.get('mode', 'classic') theme = request.GET.get('theme', get_active_theme_name()) widget_info = json.loads(resource.json_description) # check if the xhtml code has been cached if widget_info['contents']['cacheable'] is True: cache_key = resource.widget.xhtml.get_cache_key(get_current_domain(request), mode, theme) cache_entry = cache.get(cache_key) if cache_entry is not None: response = HttpResponse(cache_entry['code'], content_type=cache_entry['content_type']) patch_cache_headers(response, cache_entry['timestamp'], cache_entry['timeout']) return response # process xhtml xhtml = resource.widget.xhtml content_type = widget_info['contents'].get('contenttype', 'text/html') charset = widget_info['contents'].get('charset', 'utf-8') code = xhtml.code if not xhtml.cacheable or code == '': try: code = download_local_file(os.path.join(showcase_utils.wgt_deployer.root_dir, url2pathname(xhtml.url))) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, IOError) and e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return build_response(request, 404, {'error_msg': _("Widget code not found"), 'details': "%s" % e}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) else: return build_response(request, 500, {'error_msg': _("Error reading widget code"), 'details': "%s" % e}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) else: # Code contents comes as unicode from persistence, we need bytes code = code.encode(charset) if xhtml.cacheable and (xhtml.code == '' or xhtml.code_timestamp is None): try: xhtml.code = code.decode(charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = _('Widget code was not encoded using the specified charset (%(charset)s as stated in the widget description file).') % {'charset': charset} return build_response(request, 502, {'error_msg': msg}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) xhtml.code_timestamp = time.time() * 1000 try: code = fix_widget_code(code, content_type, request, charset, xhtml.use_platform_style, process_requirements(widget_info['requirements']), mode, theme) except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = _('Widget code was not encoded using the specified charset (%(charset)s as stated in the widget description file).') % {'charset': charset} return build_response(request, 502, {'error_msg': msg}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) except Exception as e: msg = _('Error processing widget code') return build_response(request, 502, {'error_msg': msg, 'details':"%s" % e}, WIDGET_ERROR_FORMATTERS) if xhtml.cacheable: cache_timeout = 31536000 # 1 year cache_entry = { 'code': code, 'content_type': '%s; charset=%s' % (content_type, charset), 'timestamp': xhtml.code_timestamp, 'timeout': cache_timeout, } cache.set(cache_key, cache_entry, cache_timeout) else: cache_timeout = 0 response = HttpResponse(code, content_type='%s; charset=%s' % (content_type, charset)) patch_cache_headers(response, xhtml.code_timestamp, cache_timeout) return response
def create_input_source(source=None, publicID=None, location=None, file=None, data=None, format=None): """ Return an appropriate InputSource instance for the given parameters. """ # test that exactly one of source, location, file, and data is not None. if sum(( source is not None, location is not None, file is not None, data is not None, )) != 1: raise ValueError( 'exactly one of source, location, file or data must be given' ) input_source = None if source is not None: if isinstance(source, InputSource): input_source = source else: if isinstance(source, string_types): location = source elif hasattr(source, "read") and not isinstance(source, Namespace): f = source input_source = InputSource() input_source.setByteStream(f) if f is sys.stdin: input_source.setSystemId("file:///dev/stdin") elif hasattr(f, "name"): input_source.setSystemId( else: raise Exception("Unexpected type '%s' for source '%s'" % (type(source), source)) absolute_location = None # Further to fix for issue 130 auto_close = False # make sure we close all file handles we open if location is not None: # Fix for Windows problem if os.path.exists(location): location = pathname2url(location) base = urljoin("file:", "%s/" % pathname2url(os.getcwd())) absolute_location = URIRef(location, base=base).defrag() if absolute_location.startswith("file:///"): filename = url2pathname(absolute_location.replace("file:///", "/")) file = open(filename, "rb") else: input_source = URLInputSource(absolute_location, format) auto_close = True # publicID = publicID or absolute_location # Further to fix # for issue 130 if file is not None: input_source = FileInputSource(file) if data is not None: if isinstance(data, text_type): data = data.encode('utf-8') input_source = StringInputSource(data) auto_close = True if input_source is None: raise Exception("could not create InputSource") else: input_source.auto_close |= auto_close if publicID is not None: # Further to fix for issue 130 input_source.setPublicId(publicID) # Further to fix for issue 130 elif input_source.getPublicId() is None: input_source.setPublicId(absolute_location or "") return input_source
def do_GET(self): up = urllib.parse.urlparse( self.path ) content, gzip_content = None, None try: if up.path=='/': content = getIndexPage() content_type = self.html_content assert isinstance( content, bytes ) elif up.path=='/favicon.ico': content = favicon content_type = 'image/x-icon' assert isinstance( content, bytes ) elif self.reLapCounterHtml.match( up.path ): content = getLapCounterHtml() content_type = self.html_content assert isinstance( content, bytes ) elif up.path=='/Announcer.html': content = getAnnouncerHtml() content_type = self.html_content assert isinstance( content, bytes ) elif up.path=='/qrcode.html': urlPage = GetCrossMgrHomePage() content = getQRCodePage( urlPage ) content_type = self.html_content assert isinstance( content, bytes ) elif up.path=='/servertimestamp.html': content = Utils.ToJSon( { 'servertime':time.time()*1000.0, 'requesttimestamp':float(up.query), } ).encode() content_type = self.json_content; assert isinstance( content, bytes ) else: file = None if up.path == '/CurrentResults.html': try: file = os.path.splitext(Model.race.getFileName())[0] + '.html' except: pass elif up.path == '/PreviousResults.html': file = GetPreviousFileName() if file is None: file = url2pathname(os.path.basename(up.path)) content, gzip_content = contentBuffer.getContent( file ) content_type = self.html_content assert isinstance( content, bytes ) except Exception as e: self.send_error(404,'File Not Found: {} {}\n{}'.format(self.path, e, traceback.format_exc())) return self.send_response( 200 ) self.send_header('Content-Type',content_type) if content_type == self.html_content: if gzip_content and 'Accept-Encoding' in self.headers and 'gzip' in self.headers['Accept-Encoding']: content = gzip_content self.send_header( 'Content-Encoding', 'gzip' ) self.send_header( 'Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' ) self.send_header( 'Pragma', 'no-cache' ) self.send_header( 'Expires', '0' ) self.send_header( 'Content-Length', len(content) ) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write( content )
def get_file(init, mode='r', uri=None): """ Returns a `GenericFile` instance suitable for wrapping the given object `init`. If passed an already open file-like object, it must be opened for reading/writing in binary mode. It is the caller's responsibility to close it. Parameters ---------- init : object `init` may be: - A `bytes` or `unicode` file path or ``file:`` or ``http:`` url. - A Python 2 `file` object. - An `io.IOBase` object (the default file object on Python 3). - A ducktyped object that looks like a file object. If `mode` is ``"r"``, it must have a ``read`` method. If `mode` is ``"w"``, it must have a ``write`` method. If `mode` is ``"rw"`` it must have the ``read``, ``write``, ``tell`` and ``seek`` methods. - A `GenericFile` instance, in which case it is wrapped in a `GenericWrapper` instance, so that the file is closed when only when the final layer is unwrapped. mode : str Must be one of ``"r"``, ``"w"`` or ``"rw"``. uri : str Sets the base URI of the file object. This will be used to resolve any relative URIs contained in the file. This is redundant if `init` is a `bytes` or `unicode` object (since it will be the uri), and it may be determined automatically if `init` refers to a regular filesystem file. It is not required if URI resolution is not used in the file. Returns ------- fd : GenericFile Raises ------ ValueError, TypeError, IOError """ if mode not in ('r', 'w', 'rw'): raise ValueError("mode must be 'r', 'w' or 'rw'") if init in (sys.__stdout__, sys.__stdin__, sys.__stderr__): if six.PY3: init = init.buffer else: init = os.fdopen(init.fileno(), init.mode + 'b') if isinstance(init, (GenericFile, GenericWrapper)): if mode not in init.mode: raise ValueError( "File is opened as '{0}', but '{1}' was requested".format( init.mode, mode)) return GenericWrapper(init) elif isinstance(init, six.string_types): parsed = urlparse.urlparse(init) if parsed.scheme == 'http': if 'w' in mode: raise ValueError( "HTTP connections can not be opened for writing") return _make_http_connection(init, mode, uri=uri) elif parsed.scheme in _local_file_schemes: if mode == 'rw': realmode = 'r+b' else: realmode = mode + 'b' realpath = url2pathname(parsed.path) if mode == 'w': fd = atomicfile.atomic_open(realpath, realmode) else: fd = open(realpath, realmode) fd = fd.__enter__() return RealFile(fd, mode, close=True, uri=uri) elif isinstance(init, io.BytesIO): return MemoryIO(init, mode, uri=uri) elif isinstance(init, io.StringIO): raise TypeError( "io.StringIO objects are not supported. Use io.BytesIO instead.") elif six.PY2 and isinstance(init, file): if init.mode[0] not in mode: raise ValueError( "File is opened as '{0}', but '{1}' was requested".format( init.mode, mode)) try: init.tell() except IOError: if mode == 'w': return OutputStream(init, uri=uri) elif mode == 'r': return InputStream(init, mode, uri=uri) else: raise ValueError( "File '{0}' could not be opened in 'rw' mode".format(init)) else: return RealFile(init, mode, uri=uri) elif isinstance(init, io.IOBase): if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( " file objects are not supported on Python 2.6") if (('r' in mode and not init.readable()) or ('w' in mode and not init.writable())): raise ValueError( "File is opened as '{0}', but '{1}' was requested".format( init.mode, mode)) if init.seekable(): if isinstance(init, (io.BufferedReader, io.BufferedWriter, io.BufferedRandom)): init2 = init.raw else: init2 = init if isinstance(init2, io.RawIOBase): result = RealFile(init2, mode, uri=uri) else: result = MemoryIO(init2, mode, uri=uri) result._secondary_fd = init return result else: if mode == 'w': return OutputStream(init, uri=uri) elif mode == 'r': return InputStream(init, mode, uri=uri) else: raise ValueError( "File '{0}' could not be opened in 'rw' mode".format(init)) elif mode == 'w' and ( hasattr(init, 'write') and hasattr(init, 'seek') and hasattr(init, 'tell')): return MemoryIO(init, mode, uri=uri) elif mode == 'r' and ( hasattr(init, 'read') and hasattr(init, 'seek') and hasattr(init, 'tell')): return MemoryIO(init, mode, uri=uri) elif mode == 'rw' and ( hasattr(init, 'read') and hasattr(init, 'write') and hasattr(init, 'seek') and hasattr(init, 'tell')): return MemoryIO(init, mode, uri=uri) elif mode == 'w' and hasattr(init, 'write'): return OutputStream(init, uri=uri) elif mode == 'r' and hasattr(init, 'read'): return InputStream(init, mode, uri=uri) raise ValueError("Can't handle '{0}' as a file for mode '{1}'".format( init, mode))
def mapper(self, key, line): for record in self.read_warc(line.strip()): payload = self.get_payload(record) for value in self.process_record(payload): yield ((url2pathname(record.url), value), 1)
def get_resource_data(resource, user, request=None): """Gets all the information related to the given resource.""" resource_info = resource.get_processed_info(request) template_uri = get_absolute_reverse_url('', kwargs={ 'vendor': resource.vendor, 'name': resource.short_name, 'version': resource.version, 'file_path': resource.template_uri }, request=request) wgt_path = os.path.join(wgt_deployer.get_base_dir(resource.vendor, resource.short_name, resource.version), resource.template_uri) size = os.path.getsize(wgt_path) cdate = resource.creation_date creation_timestamp = time.mktime(cdate.timetuple()) * 1e3 + cdate.microsecond / 1e3 longdescription = resource_info['longdescription'] if longdescription != '': longdescription_relative_path = url2pathname(longdescription) longdescription_base_url = force_trailing_slash(urljoin(resource.get_template_url(request=request, for_base=True), pathname2url(os.path.dirname(longdescription_relative_path)))) longdescription_path = os.path.join(wgt_deployer.get_base_dir(resource.vendor, resource.short_name, resource.version), longdescription_relative_path) (filename_root, filename_ext) = os.path.splitext(longdescription_path) localized_longdescription_path = filename_root + '.' + get_language() + filename_ext try: description_code = download_local_file(localized_longdescription_path).decode('utf-8') longdescription = clean_html(markdown.markdown(description_code, output_format='xhtml5'), base_url=longdescription_base_url) except: try: description_code = download_local_file(longdescription_path).decode('utf-8') longdescription = clean_html(markdown.markdown(description_code, output_format='xhtml5'), base_url=longdescription_base_url) except: longdescription = resource_info['description'] else: longdescription = resource_info['description'] return { 'id':, 'vendor': resource.vendor, 'name': resource.short_name, 'version': resource.version, 'type': resource_info['type'], 'date': creation_timestamp, 'permissions': { 'delete': user.is_superuser, 'uninstall': resource.public is False and resource.users.filter(, }, 'authors': resource_info['authors'], 'contributors': resource_info['contributors'], 'title': resource_info['title'], 'description': resource_info['description'], 'longdescription': longdescription, 'email': resource_info['email'], 'image': resource_info['image'], 'homepage': resource_info['homepage'], 'doc': resource_info['doc'], 'changelog': resource_info['changelog'], 'size': size, 'uriTemplate': template_uri, 'license': resource_info['license'], 'licenseurl': resource_info['licenseurl'], 'issuetracker': resource_info['issuetracker'], }