class Pose2MeshModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Pose2MeshModel, self).__init__() if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.reg = AcosRegressor(hidden_dim=256).cuda() self.smpl = SMPLModel(device=torch.device('cuda'), model_path = './model_24_joints.pkl', simplify=True ) else: self.reg = AcosRegressorRegressor(hidden_dim=256).cpu() self.smpl = SMPLModel(device=torch.device('cpu'), model_path = './model_24_joints.pkl', simplify=True ) ckpt_path = './checkpoints_0303_24_joints' state_dict = torch.load('%s/regressor_040.pth' % (ckpt_path)) self.reg.load_state_dict(state_dict) def forward(self, input): trans = torch.zeros((input.shape[0], 3), device=input.device) betas = torch.zeros((input.shape[0], 10), device=input.device) thetas = self.reg(input) print('Estimated theta:\n', thetas.detach().cpu().numpy()) mesh, joints = self.smpl(betas, thetas, trans) return mesh, joints def evaluate(self, input, save_dir): mesh, joints = self.forward(input) self.smpl.write_obj(mesh[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), save_dir) np.savetxt('', joints[0].detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(24,3), delimiter=' ')
def run_test(): if platform == 'linux': os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '2' data_type = torch.float32 device = torch.device('cuda') pose_size = 72 beta_size = 10 np.random.seed(9608) model = SMPLModel( device=device, model_path='./model_lsp.pkl', data_type=data_type, ) dataset = Human36MDataset(model, max_item=100, calc_mesh=True) # generate mesh, align with 14 point ground truth case_num = 10 data = dataset[:case_num] meshes = data['meshes'] input = data['lsp_joints'] target_2d = data['gt2d'] target_3d = data['gt3d'] transforms = map_3d_to_2d(input, target_2d, target_3d) # Important: mesh should be centered at the origin! deformed_meshes = transforms(meshes) mesh_3d = deformed_meshes.detach().cpu().numpy() # visualize(data['imagename'], mesh_3d[:,:,:2].astype(, # target_2d.detach().cpu().numpy().astype( for i, mesh in enumerate(mesh_3d): model.write_obj(mesh, '_test_cache/real_mesh_{}.obj'.format(i)) # weird. UV_position_map, UV_scatter, rgbs_backup = get_UV(mesh, 300) # write colorized coordinates to ply write_ply('_test_cache/colored_mesh_{}.ply'.format(i), mesh, rgbs_backup) out = np.concatenate((UV_position_map, UV_scatter), axis=1) imsave('_test_cache/UV_position_map_{}.png'.format(i), out) resampled_mesh = resample(UV_position_map) model.write_obj(resampled_mesh, '_test_cache/recon_mesh_{}.obj'.format(i))
def create_meshes(UV_label_root=None, uv_prefix='smpl_fbx_template'): if platform == 'linux': os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' data_type = torch.float32 device = torch.device('cuda') pose_size = 72 beta_size = 10 np.random.seed(9608) model = SMPLModel( device=device, model_path='./model_lsp.pkl', data_type=data_type, ) dataset = Human36MWashedDataset( model, calc_mesh=True, root_dir='/home/wzeng/mydata/h3.6m/images_washed') generator = UV_Map_Generator(UV_height=256, UV_pickle=uv_prefix + '.pickle') # create root folder for UV labels if UV_label_root is None: UV_label_root = dataset.root_dir.replace('images_washed', 'meshes_washed') if not os.path.isdir(UV_label_root): os.makedirs(UV_label_root) subs = [ sub for sub in os.listdir(dataset.root_dir) if os.path.isdir(dataset.root_dir + '/' + sub) ] for sub in subs: os.makedirs(UV_label_root + '/' + sub) else: print('{} folder exists, process terminated...'.format(UV_label_root)) # return # generate mesh, align with 14 point ground truth batch_size = 64 total_batch_num = dataset.length // batch_size + 1 _loop = tqdm(range(total_batch_num), ncols=80) for batch_id in _loop: data = dataset[batch_id * batch_size:(batch_id + 1) * batch_size] meshes = data['meshes'] input = data['lsp_joints'] target_2d = data['gt2d'] target_3d = data['gt3d'] imagename = [UV_label_root + str for str in data['imagename']] transforms = map_3d_to_2d(input, target_2d, target_3d) # Important: mesh should be centered at the origin! deformed_meshes = transforms(meshes) mesh_3d = deformed_meshes.detach().cpu().numpy() test_folder = UV_label_root ''' test_folder = UV_label_root visualize(test_folder, data['imagename'], mesh_3d[:,:,:2].astype(, target_2d.detach().cpu().numpy().astype(, dataset.root_dir) ''' s = time() for name, mesh in zip(imagename, mesh_3d): # this approach didn't normalize the coordinates model.write_obj(mesh, name[:-4] + '.obj') '''
model = SMPLModel(device=device, model_path = './model_24_joints.pkl', simplify=True) if not os.path.isdir('joint2pose_result'): os.makedirs('joint2pose_result') loss_op = nn.L1Loss() betas = torch.zeros((1, beta_size), dtype=torch.float64, device=device) trans = torch.zeros((1, 3), dtype=torch.float64, device=device) for i in range(10): print('Test case %d:' % (i+1)) real_pose = torch.from_numpy((np.random.rand(1, pose_size) - 0.5) * 1)\ .type(torch.float64).to(device) real_result, real_joints = model(betas, real_pose, trans) model.write_obj(real_result[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), 'joint2pose_result/real_mesh_{}.obj'.format(i)) # Initialize a pose from zero and optimize it test_pose = torch.zeros((1, pose_size), dtype=torch.float64, device=device, requires_grad=True) optimizer = SGD(iter([test_pose]), lr=0.0005, momentum=0.2) #optimizer = Adam(iter([test_pose]), lr=0.0001, betas=(0.5,0.999)) s = time() prev_loss = None for step in range(2000): _, test_joints = model(betas, test_pose, trans) loss = loss_op(test_joints, real_joints) if step % 50 == 0: print('Step {:03d}: loss: {:10.6f}'.format(step, cur_loss =
def run_test(): if platform == 'linux': os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '2' data_type = torch.float32 device = torch.device('cuda') pose_size = 72 beta_size = 10 np.random.seed(9608) model = SMPLModel( device=device, model_path='./model_lsp.pkl', data_type=data_type, ) dataset = Human36MDataset(model, max_item=100, calc_mesh=True) # generate mesh, align with 14 point ground truth case_num = 10 data = dataset[:case_num] meshes = data['meshes'] input = data['lsp_joints'] target_2d = data['gt2d'] target_3d = data['gt3d'] transforms = map_3d_to_2d(input, target_2d, target_3d) # Important: mesh should be centered at the origin! deformed_meshes = transforms(meshes) mesh_3d = deformed_meshes.detach().cpu().numpy() file_prefix = 'smpl_fbx_template' generator = UV_Map_Generator(UV_height=256, UV_pickle=file_prefix + '.pickle') test_folder = '_test_smpl_fbx' if not os.path.isdir(test_folder): os.makedirs(test_folder) visualize(test_folder, data['imagename'], mesh_3d[:, :, :2].astype(, target_2d.detach().cpu().numpy().astype( s = time() for i, mesh in enumerate(mesh_3d): model.write_obj(mesh, '{}/real_mesh_{}.obj'.format(test_folder, i)) # weird. UV_position_map, verts_backup = \ generator.get_UV_map(mesh) # write colorized coordinates to ply UV_scatter, _, _ = generator.render_point_cloud(verts=mesh) generator.write_ply('{}/colored_mesh_{}.ply'.format(test_folder, i), mesh) out = np.concatenate((UV_position_map, UV_scatter), axis=1) imsave('{}/UV_position_map_{}.png'.format(test_folder, i), out) resampled_mesh = generator.resample(UV_position_map) model.write_obj(resampled_mesh, '{}/recon_mesh_{}.obj'.format(test_folder, i)) print('{} cases for {}s'.format(case_num, time() - s))