def main(): args = parse_args() f = open(args.puzzle) g = Grid() s = Solver(g) s.populate(puzzle_start_input(f.readlines())) print g s.solve() print g
class Game: def __init__(self): # WINDOW SETUP self.window = pygame.Surface((GAME_WINDOW_WIDTH, GAME_WINDOW_HEIGHT)) # SHADOW SETUP self.shadow_grid = [[Shadows(i, x) for x in range(GRID_HEIGHT)] for i in range(GRID_WIDTH)] # GRID SETUP self.populate_grid() # fills in colors print "Drawing the grid" self.draw_grid() # draws grey grid lines def draw_grid(self): for x in range(GRID_WIDTH): pygame.draw.line(self.window, COLOR_GREY, (x * TILESIZE_X, 0), (x * TILESIZE_X, GAME_WINDOW_HEIGHT)) for y in range(GRID_HEIGHT): pygame.draw.line(self.window, COLOR_GREY, (0, y * TILESIZE_Y), (GAME_WINDOW_WIDTH, y * TILESIZE_Y)) def populate_grid(self): """ Draw grid squares to match grid created by solver """ # SOLVER self.solver = Solver() self.solver.populate(self.solver.grid) for row in self.solver.grid: for item in row: square_surface = pygame.Surface((TILESIZE_X, TILESIZE_Y)) contents_surface = pygame.Surface((TILESIZE_X / 2, TILESIZE_Y / 2)) # print "Item", item # DEBUG # print "item x", item.x # DEBUG # print "item y", item.y # DEBUG element = self.solver.grid[item.x][item.y] element.shadow = self.shadow_grid[item.x][item.y] if element.is_lit: element.shadow.darkness = LIGHT_MAX # print "Element", element # DEBUG if == ELEMENT_WALL: # Draw dark grey square square_surface.fill(COLOR_DARK_GREY) # print "wall element at", item.x, item.y # DEBUG elif == ELEMENT_PATH: # Draw light brown square (or nothing) square_surface.fill(COLOR_LIGHT_BROWN) # print "path element at", item.x, item.y # DEBUG for i in element.contents: if == ELEMENT_START: # Draw green square onto grid contents_surface.fill(COLOR_GREEN) # print "start element here" # DEBUG elif == ELEMENT_GOAL: # Draw blue square onto grid contents_surface.fill(COLOR_BLUE) # print "goal element here" # DEBUG elif == ELEMENT_TREASURE: # Draw gold square onto grid contents_surface.fill(COLOR_GOLD) # print "treasure element here" # DEBUG # Draw the contents onto the square square_surface.blit(contents_surface, (10, 10)) # Draw the square onto the grid self.window.blit(square_surface, (item.x * TILESIZE_X, TILESIZE_Y * item.y)) self.check_lighting() def draw(self, surface): """ Draws the game window onto the specified surface """ surface.blit(self.window, (GAME_WINDOW_ORIGIN_X, GAME_WINDOW_ORIGIN_Y)) def check_lighting(self): print "Editing shadows" for row in self.solver.grid: for item in row: if item.is_lit: if item.y > 0: # print "editing north" north = self.solver.grid[item.x][item.y - 1] north.shadow.darkness = LIGHT_HI if item.y < GRID_HEIGHT - 1: # print "editing south" south = self.solver.grid[item.x][item.y + 1] south.shadow.darkness = LIGHT_HI if item.x > 0: # print "editing west" west = self.solver.grid[item.x - 1][item.y] west.shadow.darkness = LIGHT_HI if item.x < GRID_WIDTH - 1: # print "editing east" east = self.solver.grid[item.x + 1][item.y] east.shadow.darkness = LIGHT_HI self.update_shadows() def update_shadows(self): print "Drawing shadows" for row in self.shadow_grid: for item in row: shadow_surface = pygame.Surface((TILESIZE_X, TILESIZE_Y)) shadow_surface.set_alpha(item.darkness) self.window.blit(shadow_surface, (item.x * TILESIZE_X, item.y * TILESIZE_Y))