コード例 #1
 def rendershadow(self, screen):
     px, py = camera.screenpos(self.x, self.y,
                               terrain.height(self.x, self.y))
     pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, (20, 20, 20, 100), (px - 4, py - 2, 8, 4))
コード例 #2
 def render(self, screen):
     p0 = camera.screenpos(self.x, self.y, self.z)
     p1 = camera.screenpos(self.x + self.vx, self.y + self.vy, self.z)
     pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 128, 0), p0, p1)
コード例 #3
	def render(self, screen):
		p0 = camera.screenpos(self.x, self.y, self.z)
		p1 = camera.screenpos(self.x+self.vx, self.y+self.vy, self.z)
		pygame.draw.line(screen, (255,128,0), p0, p1)
コード例 #4
	def rendershadow(self, screen):
		px, py = camera.screenpos(self.x, self.y, terrain.height(self.x, self.y))
		pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, (20, 20, 20, 100), (px - 4, py - 2, 8, 4))
コード例 #5
	def render(self, screen):
		self.last_width = screen.get_width()
		cx = self.player.x
		cy = self.player.y
		cz = self.player.z
		camera.track(cx, cy, cz)
		structures = self.potato.get_structures_for_screen(cx, cy)
		labels = []
		if self.curiosity != None:
			cur = self.curiosity
			for s in structures:
				if s.btype == 'hq' and s.user_id == self.user_id:
					cur.hq.x = s.x
					cur.hq.y = s.y
			entities = [cur.hq]
			height = cur.get_hq_height()
			if height != None:
				entities = []
			for s in structures:
				if s.btype == 'hq':
					owner_id = s.user_id
					name = self.potato.get_user_name(owner_id)
					img = get_text(name, (255, 255, 255), 18)
					px, py = camera.screenpos(s.x, s.y, s.z - 20)
					labels.append([img, px-img.get_width()//2, py])
			# Don't show destroyed buildings outside battle
			if self.battle is None:
				structures = [s for s in structures if not s.destroyed]
			entities = structures + self.shots
			# HACK
			entities += [s for s in self.sprites if (s.x - self.player.x) ** 2 + (s.y - self.player.y) ** 2 < 40 ** 2]
#			entities = structures + [self.player] + self.shots
			if self.battle != None:
				entities += self.battle.get_sprites()
		px, py = self.player.getModelXY()
		sx = int(px // 60)
		sy = int(py // 60)
		borders = self.potato.get_borders_near_sector(sx, sy)
		if self.potato.borders_by_user[self.user_id].iswithin(self.player.x, self.player.y):
			if self.build_mode:
				s = structure.btypedict[self.build_mode].size if self.build_mode in structure.btypedict else 1
				cursor = (cx, cy, s)
				cursor = (cx, cy, 0)
			cursor = None
		worldmap.drawscene(screen, entities + effects.effects, cursor, borders)
		if self.curiosity != None:
		for label in labels:
			screen.blit(label[0], (label[1], label[2]))
		if settings.showminimap:
		    worldmap.drawminimap(screen, entities)
		mx, my = self.player.getModelXY()
		lx, ly = int(mx // 1), int(my // 1)
#		coords = get_text("R: (%0.1f, %0.1f) M: (%0.1f, %0.1f) L: (%i, %i)" % (cx, cy, mx, my, lx, ly), (255, 255, 0), 16)
		coords = get_text("location: (%.0f, %.0f)" % (cx, cy), (255, 255, 0), 16)
		screen.blit(coords, (5, screen.get_height() - 25 - coords.get_height()))

		if self.battle != None:
		left = 330
		top = 40
		y = top
		x = left
		for res in ('food', 'water', 'aluminum', 'copper', 'silicon', 'oil', 'research'):
			screen.blit(get_resource_icon(res), (left, y))
			color = (255, 255, 255)
			if res == 'research':
				amount = int(self.potato.bytes_stolen)
				color = (0, 255, 255)
				amount = int(self.potato.get_resource(res))
			if amount < 0:
				amount = 0
			famount = []
			while amount > 0:
				z = str(amount % 1000)
				while len(z) < 3:
					z = '0' + z
				amount = amount // 1000
			amount = ','.join(famount[::-1])
			while len(amount) > 1 and amount[0] == '0':
				amount = amount[1:]
			screen.blit(get_text(str(amount), color, 14), (left + 14, y))
			mx, my = self.mousex, self.mousey
			if mx > left and my > y and my < y + 20:
				newname = {
					'food': settings.RESOURCE_FOOD,
					'water': settings.RESOURCE_WATER,
					'oil': settings.RESOURCE_OIL,
					'aluminum': settings.RESOURCE_ALUMINUM,
					'copper': settings.RESOURCE_COPPER,
					'silicon': settings.RESOURCE_SILICON,
					'research': "Bytes of Research"
				img = get_text(newname[res], color, 14)
				screen.blit(img, (left - 5 - img.get_width(), y + 1))
			y += 20

		if self.blinkt:
			h = screen.get_height()
			w = screen.get_width()
			sh = min(h * self.blinkt // 10, h // 2 + 1)
			pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,0,0), (0,0,w,sh), 0)
			pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,0,0), (0,h-sh,w,sh), 0)