コード例 #1
if testOnly:
    ana.dryRun = testOnly

# What step expects:
# Inputs: 1 fastq file, pre-registered in the analysis   keyed as:   'tags' + suffix + '.fastq'
# Outputs: directory of files (will include html target) keyed as: 'fastqValDir' + suffix
#          zipped file of that directory                 keyed as: 'fastqVal'   + suffix + '.zip'
#          html file in that directory                   keyed as: 'fastqVal'  + suffix + '.html'
#          json file                                     keyed as: 'fastqVal' + suffix + '.json'

# set up keys that join inputs through various file forwardings:
suffix = ana.galaxyFileId(
    galaxyInputFile)  # suffix needs to be based on the input file
if suffix == '-1':
    suffix = ana.fileGetPart(galaxyInputFile, 'root')
inputKey = 'tags' + suffix + '.fastq'
valDirKey = 'fastqValDir' + suffix
valZipKey = 'fastqVal' + suffix + '.zip'
valHtmlKey = 'fastqVal' + suffix + '.html'
valJsonKey = 'fastqVal' + suffix + '.json'

# Establish Inputs for galaxy and nonGalaxy alike
ana.registerFile(inputKey, 'galaxyInput', galaxyInputFile)
nonGalaxyInput = ana.nonGalaxyInput(
    inputKey)  # Registers and returns the outside location

# Output is complete dir
ana.registerFile(valDirKey, 'galaxyOutput', galaxyOutputDir)
ana.createOutFile(valDirKey, 'nonGalaxyOutput', '%s_sample_fastqc', ext='dir')
ana.createOutFile(valZipKey, 'nonGalaxyOutput', '%s_sample_fastqc', ext='zip')
コード例 #2
ana = GalaxyAnalysis(settingsFile, anaId, genome, expType)
if testOnly:
    ana.dryRun = testOnly
# What step expects:
# Inputs: 1 fastq file, pre-registered in the analysis   keyed as:   'tags' + suffix + '.fastq'
# Outputs: directory of files (will include html target) keyed as: 'fastqValDir' + suffix
#          zipped file of that directory                 keyed as: 'fastqVal'   + suffix + '.zip'
#          html file in that directory                   keyed as: 'fastqVal'  + suffix + '.html'
#          json file                                     keyed as: 'fastqVal' + suffix + '.json'

# set up keys that join inputs through various file forwardings:
suffix = ana.galaxyFileId(galaxyInputFile) # suffix needs to be based on the input file
if suffix == '-1':
    suffix = ana.fileGetPart(galaxyInputFile,'root')
inputKey   = 'tags'         + suffix + '.fastq'
valDirKey  = 'fastqValDir' + suffix
valZipKey  = 'fastqVal'   + suffix + '.zip'
valHtmlKey = 'fastqVal'  + suffix + '.html'
valJsonKey = 'fastqVal' + suffix + '.json'

# Establish Inputs for galaxy and nonGalaxy alike
ana.registerFile(inputKey,'galaxyInput', galaxyInputFile)
nonGalaxyInput  = ana.nonGalaxyInput(inputKey)  # Registers and returns the outside location

# Output is complete dir
ana.createOutFile(valDirKey,'nonGalaxyOutput', '%s_sample_fastqc', ext='dir' )
ana.createOutFile(valZipKey,'nonGalaxyOutput', '%s_sample_fastqc', ext='zip' )
ana.createOutFile(valJsonKey,'nonGalaxyOutput','%s_validate',      ext='json' )