コード例 #1
    isPaired = valJson['isPaired']
    tagLength = int(valJson['readSizeMean'])
    #tagLength = (valJson['readSizeMax'] + valJson['readSizeMin']) / 2
    pass  # TODO: Require this?

# TODO: suffix needs to know whether this is being run on a sample!
suffix = "Rep" + repNo
if fullOrSample == 'sample':
    suffix = suffix + '_sample'

# Set up 'ana' so she can do all the work.  If anaId matches another, then it's log is extended
ana = GalaxyAnalysis(settingsFile, anaId, genome, expType)
if testOnly:
    ana.dryRun = testOnly
ana.setVar('tagLen', tagLength)

# What step expects:
# Inputs: 1 bam, pre-registered in analysis   keyed as: 'alignment' + suffix + '.bam'
# Outputs: target broadPeak hotspot file,     keyed as: 'hot'       + suffix + '.bigBed'
#          target narrowPeak peaks file,      keyed as: 'peaks'     + suffix + '.bigBed'
#          target density bigWig file,        keyed as: 'density'   + suffix + '.bigWig'

# set up keys that join inputs through various file forwardings:
bamInputKey = 'alignment' + suffix + '.bam'
hotKey = 'hot' + suffix + '.bigBed'
peakKey = 'peaks' + suffix + '.bigBed'
densityKey = 'density' + suffix + '.bigWig'

# Establish Inputs for galaxy and nonGalaxy alike
ana.registerFile(bamInputKey, 'galaxyInput', galaxyInputFile)
コード例 #2
    isPaired  = valJson['isPaired']
    tagLength = int(valJson['readSizeMean'])
    #tagLength = (valJson['readSizeMax'] + valJson['readSizeMin']) / 2
    pass # TODO: Require this?

# TODO: suffix needs to know whether this is being run on a sample!
suffix = "Rep" + repNo
if fullOrSample == 'sample':
    suffix = suffix + '_sample'

# Set up 'ana' so she can do all the work.  If anaId matches another, then it's log is extended
ana = GalaxyAnalysis(settingsFile, anaId, genome, expType)
if testOnly:
    ana.dryRun = testOnly

# What step expects:
# Inputs: 1 bam, pre-registered in analysis   keyed as: 'alignment' + suffix + '.bam'
# Outputs: target broadPeak hotspot file,     keyed as: 'hot'       + suffix + '.bigBed'
#          target narrowPeak peaks file,      keyed as: 'peaks'     + suffix + '.bigBed'
#          target density bigWig file,        keyed as: 'density'   + suffix + '.bigWig'
# set up keys that join inputs through various file forwardings:
bamInputKey   = 'alignment' + suffix + '.bam'
hotKey        = 'hot'       + suffix + '.bigBed'
peakKey       = 'peaks'     + suffix + '.bigBed'
densityKey    = 'density'   + suffix + '.bigWig'

# Establish Inputs for galaxy and nonGalaxy alike
ana.registerFile(bamInputKey,'galaxyInput', galaxyInputFile)