コード例 #1
def pp009_vs_healthy_coherence(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic,
    # todo: this example doesn't work
    fol = '/home/noam/Videos/mmvt/meg_con/healthy'
    fol2 = '/home/noam/Videos/mmvt/meg_con/pp009'
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('coherence', 'coherence2')
    video_fname = 'pp009_healthy_meg_coh.mp4'
    cb_title = ''
    ms_before_stimuli, labels_time_dt = 0, 1
    time_range = range(11)
    ylabels = ['Healthy', 'pp009']
    ylim = ()
    # xticklabels = ['', 'Risk onset', '', '', '', 'Reward onset', '', '', '', 'Shock?', '']
    xticklabels = ['Risk onset', 'Reward onset', 'Shock?']
    xticks = range(3)
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = ''
    fps = 10
    # duplicate_frames(fol, 30)
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, color_map,
                 bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type,
                 show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #2
def electrodes_activity(fol,
                        cb_norm_percs=(3, 97),
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ['electrodes']  #, 'stim_sources']
    cb_title = 'Electrodes Activity'
    ylabels = ['Electrodes Activity']
    time_range = np.arange(0, T, 0.001)
    xticks = np.arange(0, T + 0.5, 1)
    xticklabels = [(xt, str(int(xt))) for xt in xticks][1:]
    ylim = ()  #(0, 10)
    xlabel = 'Time(s)'
    cb_data_type = 'electrodes'
    fps = 10
    show_animation = False
    overwrite = True
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, cb_norm_percs,
                 color_map, bitrate, fol2, '', '', '', '', ylim, ylabels,
                 xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic,
                 show_animation, overwrite, n_jobs)
コード例 #3
def fMRI_4D_cor_connectivity(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol2 = op.join(MMVT_DIR, 'nmr00698', 'movies', 'labels_connectivity')
    fol = op.join(MMVT_DIR, 'nmr00698', 'movies', 'fmri')
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('labels_connectivity')
    video_fname = 'nmr00698_fmri_4d_cor.mp4'
    cb2_title = 'fMRI corr'
    cb_title = 'fMRI'
    time_range = range(0, 161)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = ['Labels corr']
    xticks = range(0, 161, 20)
    xticklabels = [(xt, str(int(xt * 3 / 60))) for xt in xticks][1:]
    xlabel = 'Time (m)'
    cb2_data_type = 'labels_connectivity'
    cb_data_type = 'fmri'
    fps = 5
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    cb2_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'BuPu_YlOrRd'
    color_map2 = 'BuPu_YlOrRd'
    show_animation = False
    overwrite = True
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, None,
                 color_map, bitrate, fol2, cb2_data_type, cb2_title,
                 cb2_min_max_eq, color_map2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels,
                 xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, show_animation, overwrite,
コード例 #4
def mg106_electrodes_activity(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = 'I:\\mmvt\\mg106\\figures\\lvf5-6_dt5'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ['electrodes']  #, 'stim_sources']
    video_fname = 'mg106_LVF5-6.mp4'
    cb_title = 'Electrodes Activity'
    cb_norm_percs = (3, 97)
    ylabels = ['Electrodes Activity']
    T = 5
    time_range = np.arange(0, T, 0.001)
    xticks = np.arange(0, T + 0.5, 1)
    xticklabels = [(xt, str(int(xt))) for xt in xticks][1:]
    ylim = ()  #(0, 10)
    xlabel = 'Time(s)'
    cb_data_type = 'electrodes'
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'BuPu_YlOrRd'
    fps = 10
    show_animation = False
    overwrite = True
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, cb_norm_percs,
                 color_map, bitrate, fol2, '', '', '', '', ylim, ylabels,
                 xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic,
                 show_animation, overwrite, n_jobs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: make_movie_examples.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def meg(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/cluster/neuromind/npeled/mmvt/ESZC25/movies/movie2'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('meg')
    video_fname = 'ESZC25.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG activity'
    time_range = range(0, 300)
    xticks = range(0, 300, 50)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = ['MEG activity']
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title,
        cb_min_max_eq, color_map, bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: make_movie_examples.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def meg_labels(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/movie1'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('meg_labels')
    video_fname = 'mg78_labels_demo.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG activity'
    time_range = range(2500)
    xticks = range(-500, 2500, 500)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = ['MEG activity']
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg_labels'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title,
        cb_min_max_eq, color_map, bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #7
ファイル: make_movie_examples.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def fsaverage_ttest(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/fsaverage'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('meg')
    video_fname = 'fsaverage_meg_ttest.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG t values'
    time_range = range(1000)
    xticks = range(0, 1000, 100)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = ['MEG t-values']
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title,
        cb_min_max_eq, color_map, bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #8
ファイル: make_movie_examples.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def mg99_stim(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/mg99/lvf4-3_1'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = 'stim'
    video_fname = 'mg99_LVF4-3_stim.mp4'
    cb_title = 'Electrodes PSD'
    ylabels = ['Electrodes PSD']
    time_range = np.arange(-1, 1.5, 0.01)
    xticks = [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]
    xticklabels = [(-1, 'stim onset'), (0, 'end of stim')]
    ylim = (0, 500)
    xlabel = 'Time(s)'
    cb_data_type = 'stim'
    cb_min_max_eq = False
    color_map = 'OrRd'
    fps = 10
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title,
        cb_min_max_eq, color_map, bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #9
ファイル: make_movie_examples.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def mg78_electrodes_coherence_meg(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/movie1'
    fol2 = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/movie2'
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('electrodes', 'coherence')
    video_fname = 'mg78_elecs_coh_meg.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG dSPM difference'
    time_range = range(2500)
    xticks = range(-500, 2500, 500)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = []
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title,
        cb_min_max_eq, color_map, bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #10
ファイル: make_movie_examples.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def mg99_stim_srouces(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    root = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/mg99'
    fol = op.join(root, 'mg99_stim_lvf4-3_laus250_1_1')
    fol2 = op.join(root, 'mg99_stim_lvf4-3_laus250_1_2')
    data_to_show_in_graph = ['stim']#, 'stim_sources']
    video_fname = 'mg99_LVF4-3_stim_srouces.mp4'
    cb_title = 'Electrodes PSD'
    ylabels = ['Electrodes PSD']
    time_range = np.arange(-1, 2, 0.01)
    xticks = [-1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]
    xticklabels = [(-1, 'stim onset'), (0, 'end of stim')]
    ylim = (0, 10)
    xlabel = 'Time(s)'
    cb_data_type = 'stim'
    cb_min_max_eq = False
    color_map = 'OrRd'
    fps = 10
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title,
        cb_min_max_eq, color_map, bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #11
def meg(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/cluster/neuromind/npeled/mmvt/ESZC25/movies/movie2'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('meg')
    video_fname = 'ESZC25.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG activity'
    time_range = range(0, 300)
    xticks = range(0, 300, 50)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = ['MEG activity']
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, color_map,
                 bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type,
                 show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #12
def meg_labels(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/movie1'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('meg_labels')
    video_fname = 'mg78_labels_demo.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG activity'
    time_range = range(2500)
    xticks = range(-500, 2500, 500)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = ['MEG activity']
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg_labels'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, color_map,
                 bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type,
                 show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #13
def fsaverage_ttest(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/fsaverage'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('meg')
    video_fname = 'fsaverage_meg_ttest.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG t values'
    time_range = range(1000)
    xticks = range(0, 1000, 100)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = ['MEG t-values']
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, color_map,
                 bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type,
                 show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #14
def mg99_stim(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/mg99/lvf4-3_1'
    fol2 = ''
    data_to_show_in_graph = 'stim'
    video_fname = 'mg99_LVF4-3_stim.mp4'
    cb_title = 'Electrodes PSD'
    ylabels = ['Electrodes PSD']
    time_range = np.arange(-1, 1.5, 0.01)
    xticks = [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]
    xticklabels = [(-1, 'stim onset'), (0, 'end of stim')]
    ylim = (0, 500)
    xlabel = 'Time(s)'
    cb_data_type = 'stim'
    cb_min_max_eq = False
    color_map = 'OrRd'
    fps = 10
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, color_map,
                 bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type,
                 show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #15
def mg99_stim_srouces(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    root = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/mg99'
    fol = op.join(root, 'mg99_stim_lvf4-3_laus250_1_1')
    fol2 = op.join(root, 'mg99_stim_lvf4-3_laus250_1_2')
    data_to_show_in_graph = ['stim']  #, 'stim_sources']
    video_fname = 'mg99_LVF4-3_stim_srouces.mp4'
    cb_title = 'Electrodes PSD'
    ylabels = ['Electrodes PSD']
    time_range = np.arange(-1, 2, 0.01)
    xticks = [-1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]
    xticklabels = [(-1, 'stim onset'), (0, 'end of stim')]
    ylim = (0, 10)
    xlabel = 'Time(s)'
    cb_data_type = 'stim'
    cb_min_max_eq = False
    color_map = 'OrRd'
    fps = 10
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, color_map,
                 bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type,
                 show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #16
def mg78_electrodes_coherence_meg(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic,
    fol = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/movie1'
    fol2 = '/home/noam/Pictures/mmvt/movie2'
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('electrodes', 'coherence')
    video_fname = 'mg78_elecs_coh_meg.mp4'
    cb_title = 'MEG dSPM difference'
    time_range = range(2500)
    xticks = range(-500, 2500, 500)
    ylim = ()
    ylabels = []
    xticklabels = []
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = 'meg'
    fps = 10
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type,
                 data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title, cb_min_max_eq, color_map,
                 bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type,
                 show_first_pic, n_jobs)
コード例 #17
ファイル: make_movie_examples.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def pp009_vs_healthy_coherence(dpi, bitrate, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs):
    # todo: this example doesn't work
    fol = '/home/noam/Videos/mmvt/meg_con/healthy'
    fol2 = '/home/noam/Videos/mmvt/meg_con/pp009'
    data_to_show_in_graph = ('coherence', 'coherence2')
    video_fname = 'pp009_healthy_meg_coh.mp4'
    cb_title = ''
    ms_before_stimuli, labels_time_dt = 0, 1
    time_range = range(11)
    ylabels = ['Healthy', 'pp009']
    ylim = ()
    # xticklabels = ['', 'Risk onset', '', '', '', 'Reward onset', '', '', '', 'Shock?', '']
    xticklabels = ['Risk onset','Reward onset','Shock?']
    xticks = range(3)
    xlabel = ''
    cb_data_type = ''
    fps = 10
    # duplicate_frames(fol, 30)
    cb_min_max_eq = True
    color_map = 'jet'
    create_movie(time_range, xticks, fol, dpi, fps, video_fname, cb_data_type, data_to_show_in_graph, cb_title,
        cb_min_max_eq, color_map, bitrate, fol2, ylim, ylabels, xticklabels, xlabel, pics_type, show_first_pic, n_jobs)