コード例 #1
ファイル: eeg.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def save_evoked_to_blender(mri_subject, events, args, evoked=None):
    fol = op.join(MMVT_DIR, mri_subject, 'eeg')
    if '{cond}' in meg.EVO:
        for event_ind, event_id in enumerate(events.keys()):
            if evoked is None:
                evo = mne.read_evokeds(meg.get_cond_fname(meg.EVO, event_id))
                evo = evoked[event_id]
            if event_ind == 0:
                ch_names = np.array(evo[0].ch_names)
                dt = np.diff(evo[0].times[:2])[0]
                data = np.zeros((evo[0].data.shape[0], evo[0].data.shape[1], 2))
            data[:, :, event_ind] = evo[0].data
        if evoked is None:
            evoked = mne.read_evokeds(meg.EVO)
        data = evoked[0].data
        data = data[..., np.newaxis]
        ch_names = np.array(evoked[0].ch_names)
        dt = np.diff(evoked[0].times[:2])[0]
    if 'Event' in ch_names:
        event_ind = np.where(ch_names == 'Event')[0]
        ch_names = np.delete(ch_names, event_ind)
        data = np.delete(data, event_ind, 0)
    if args.normalize_evoked:
        data_max, data_min = utils.get_data_max_min(data, args.norm_by_percentile, args.norm_percs)
        max_abs = utils.get_max_abs(data_max, data_min)
        data = data / max_abs
    np.save(op.join(fol, 'eeg_data.npy'), data)
    np.savez(op.join(fol, 'eeg_data_meta.npz'), names=ch_names, conditions=list(events.keys()), dt=dt)
    return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: connections.py プロジェクト: pelednoam/mmvt
def calc_connections_colors(data, labels, hemis, args):
    # stat, conditions, w, threshold=0, threshold_percentile=0, color_map='jet',
    #                         norm_by_percentile=True, norm_percs=(1, 99), symetric_colors=True):
    M = data.shape[0]
    W = data.shape[2] if args.windows == 0 else args.windows
    L = int((M * M + M) / 2 - M)
    con_indices = np.zeros((L, 2))
    con_values = np.zeros((L, W, len(args.conditions)))
    con_names = [None] * L
    con_type = np.zeros((L))
    for cond in range(len(args.conditions)):
        for w in range(W):
            for ind, (i, j) in enumerate(utils.lower_rec_indices(M)):
                if W > 1 and data.ndim == 4:
                    con_values[ind, w, cond] = data[i, j, w, cond]
                elif data.ndim > 2:
                    con_values[ind, w, cond] = data[i, j, cond]
                    con_values[ind, w, cond] = data[i, j]
    if len(args.conditions) > 1:
        stat_data = utils.calc_stat_data(con_values, args.stat)
        stat_data = np.squeeze(con_values)

    for ind, (i, j) in enumerate(utils.lower_rec_indices(M)):
        con_indices[ind, :] = [i, j]
        con_names[ind] = '{}-{}'.format(labels[i], labels[j])
        con_type[ind] = HEMIS_WITHIN if hemis[i] == hemis[j] else HEMIS_BETWEEN

    con_indices = con_indices.astype(np.int)
    con_names = np.array(con_names)
    data_max, data_min = utils.get_data_max_min(stat_data, args.norm_by_percentile, args.norm_percs)
    data_minmax = max(map(abs, [data_max, data_min]))
    if args.threshold_percentile > 0:
        args.threshold = np.percentile(np.abs(stat_data), args.threshold_percentile)
    if args.threshold > data_minmax:
        raise Exception('threshold > abs(max(data)) ({})'.format(data_minmax))
    if args.threshold >= 0:
        indices = np.where(np.abs(stat_data) > args.threshold)[0]
        # con_colors = con_colors[indices]
        con_indices = con_indices[indices]
        con_names = con_names[indices]
        con_values = con_values[indices]
        con_type  = con_type[indices]
        stat_data = stat_data[indices]

    con_values = np.squeeze(con_values)
    if args.data_max == 0 and args.data_min == 0:
        if args.symetric_colors and np.sign(data_max) != np.sign(data_min):
            data_max, data_min = data_minmax, -data_minmax
        data_max, data_min = args.data_max, args.data_min
    print('data_max: {}, data_min: {}'.format(data_max, data_min))
    con_colors = utils.mat_to_colors(stat_data, data_min, data_max, args.color_map)

    return con_colors, con_indices, con_names, con_values, con_type, data_max, data_min
コード例 #3
def calc_connections_colors(data, labels, hemis, stat, w, threshold=0, threshold_percentile=0, color_map='jet',
                            norm_by_percentile=True, norm_percs=(1, 99)):
    M = data.shape[0]
    W = data.shape[2] if w == 0 else w
    L = int((M * M + M) / 2 - M)
    con_indices = np.zeros((L, 2))
    con_values = np.zeros((L, W, 2))
    con_names = [None] * L
    con_type = np.zeros((L))
    axis = data.ndim - 1
    coh_stat = utils.calc_stat_data(data, stat, axis=axis)
    x = coh_stat.ravel()
    data_max, data_min = utils.get_data_max_min(x, norm_by_percentile, norm_percs)
    data_minmax = max(map(abs, [data_max, data_min]))
    for cond in range(2):
        for w in range(W):
            for ind, (i, j) in enumerate(utils.lower_rec_indices(M)):
                if W > 1:
                    con_values[ind, w, cond] = data[i, j, w, cond]
                    con_values[ind, w, cond] = data[i, j, cond]
    stat_data = utils.calc_stat_data(con_values, stat)
    con_colors = utils.mat_to_colors(stat_data, -data_minmax, data_minmax, color_map)

    for ind, (i, j) in enumerate(utils.lower_rec_indices(M)):
        con_indices[ind, :] = [i, j]
        con_names[ind] = '{}-{}'.format(labels[i], labels[j])
        con_type[ind] = HEMIS_WITHIN if hemis[i] == hemis[j] else HEMIS_BETWEEN

    con_indices = con_indices.astype(np.int)
    con_names = np.array(con_names)
    if threshold_percentile > 0:
        threshold = np.percentile(np.abs(stat_data), threshold_percentile)
    if threshold > 0:
        indices = np.where(np.abs(stat_data) >= threshold)[0]
        con_colors = con_colors[indices]
        con_indices = con_indices[indices]
        con_names = con_names[indices]
        con_values = con_values[indices]
        con_type  = con_type[indices]
    return con_colors, con_indices, con_names, con_values, con_type
コード例 #4
ファイル: eeg.py プロジェクト: mghneurotherapeutics/mmvt
def save_evoked_to_blender(mri_subject, events, args, evoked=None):
    fol = op.join(MMVT_DIR, mri_subject, 'eeg')
    if '{cond}' in meg.EVO:
        for event_ind, event_id in enumerate(events.keys()):
            if evoked is None:
                evo = mne.read_evokeds(meg.get_cond_fname(meg.EVO, event_id))
                evo = evoked[event_id]
            if event_ind == 0:
                ch_names = np.array(evo[0].ch_names)
                dt = np.diff(evo[0].times[:2])[0]
                data = np.zeros(
                    (evo[0].data.shape[0], evo[0].data.shape[1], 2))
            data[:, :, event_ind] = evo[0].data
        if evoked is None:
            evoked = mne.read_evokeds(meg.EVO)
        data = evoked[0].data
        data = data[..., np.newaxis]
        ch_names = np.array(evoked[0].ch_names)
        dt = np.diff(evoked[0].times[:2])[0]
    if 'Event' in ch_names:
        event_ind = np.where(ch_names == 'Event')[0]
        ch_names = np.delete(ch_names, event_ind)
        data = np.delete(data, event_ind, 0)
    data_max, data_min = utils.get_data_max_min(data, args.norm_by_percentile,
    max_abs = utils.get_max_abs(data_max, data_min)
    if args.normalize_evoked:
        data = data / max_abs
    np.save(op.join(fol, 'eeg_data.npy'), data)
    np.savez(op.join(fol, 'eeg_data_meta.npz'),
             minmax=(-max_abs, max_abs))
    return True