コード例 #1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        start = datetime.now()  # Measure the time it takes to run the script.
        day = options['date']
        if not day:
            raise CommandError('You must specify a --date parameter in the '
                               ' YYYY-MM-DD format.')
        sep = options['separator']
        filename = args[0]
        # First, make sure we don't have any existing counts for the same day,
        # or it would just increment again the same data.

        # Memoize the files to addon relations and the DownloadCounts.
        download_counts = {}
        # Perf: preload all the files once and for all.
        # This builds a dict where each key (the file_id we get from the hive
        # query) has the addon_id as value.
        files_to_addon = dict(File.objects.values_list('id',

        with open(filename) as count_file:
            for index, line in enumerate(count_file):
                if index and (index % 10000) == 0:
                    log.info('Processed %s lines' % index)

                splitted = line[:-1].split(sep)

                if len(splitted) != 3:
                    log.debug('Badly formatted row: %s' % line)

                counter, file_id, src = splitted
                    file_id, counter = int(file_id), int(counter)
                except ValueError:  # Badly formatted? Drop.

                # Does this file exist?
                if file_id in files_to_addon:
                    addon_id = files_to_addon[file_id]
                    log.info('File with id: %s not found' % file_id)

                # Memoize the DownloadCount.
                if addon_id in download_counts:
                    dc = download_counts[addon_id]
                    dc = DownloadCount(date=day, addon_id=addon_id, count=0)
                    download_counts[addon_id] = dc

                # We can now fill the DownloadCount object.
                dc.count += counter
                dc.sources = update_inc(dc.sources, src, counter)

        # Create in bulk: this is much faster.
        DownloadCount.objects.bulk_create(download_counts.values(), 100)
        total_time = (datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()
        log.info('Processed a total of %s lines' % (index + 1))
        log.debug('Total processing time: %s seconds' % total_time)
コード例 #2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        start = datetime.now()  # Measure the time it takes to run the script.
        day = options['date']
        if not day:
            day = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        folder = args[0] if args else 'hive_results'
        folder = path.join(settings.TMP_PATH, folder, day)
        sep = options['separator']
        filepath = path.join(folder, 'download_counts.hive')
        # Make sure we're not trying to update with mismatched data.
        if get_date_from_file(filepath, sep) != day:
            raise CommandError('%s file contains data for another day' %
        # First, make sure we don't have any existing counts for the same day,
        # or it would just increment again the same data.

        # Memoize the files to addon relations and the DownloadCounts.
        download_counts = {}
        # Perf: preload all the files once and for all.
        # This builds a dict where each key (the file_id we get from the hive
        # query) has the addon_id as value.
        files_to_addon = dict(File.objects.values_list('id',

        # Only accept valid sources, which are listed in the DownloadSource
        # model. The source must either be exactly one of the "full" valid
        # sources, or prefixed by one of the "prefix" valid sources.
        fulls = set(DownloadSource.objects.filter(type='full').values_list(
            'name', flat=True))
        prefixes = DownloadSource.objects.filter(type='prefix').values_list(
            'name', flat=True)

        with codecs.open(filepath, encoding='utf8') as count_file:
            for index, line in enumerate(count_file):
                if index and (index % 1000000) == 0:
                    log.info('Processed %s lines' % index)

                splitted = line[:-1].split(sep)

                if len(splitted) != 4:
                    log.debug('Badly formatted row: %s' % line)

                day, counter, file_id, src = splitted
                    file_id, counter = int(file_id), int(counter)
                except ValueError:  # Badly formatted? Drop.

                if not is_valid_source(src, fulls=fulls, prefixes=prefixes):

                # Does this file exist?
                if file_id in files_to_addon:
                    addon_id = files_to_addon[file_id]

                # Memoize the DownloadCount.
                if addon_id in download_counts:
                    dc = download_counts[addon_id]
                    dc = DownloadCount(date=day, addon_id=addon_id, count=0)
                    download_counts[addon_id] = dc

                # We can now fill the DownloadCount object.
                dc.count += counter
                dc.sources = update_inc(dc.sources, src, counter)

        # Create in bulk: this is much faster.
        DownloadCount.objects.bulk_create(download_counts.values(), 100)
        log.info('Processed a total of %s lines' % (index + 1))
        log.debug('Total processing time: %s' % (datetime.now() - start))

        # Clean up file.
        log.debug('Deleting {path}'.format(path=filepath))
コード例 #3
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        start = datetime.now()  # Measure the time it takes to run the script.
        day = options['date']
        if not day:
            day = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        folder = args[0] if args else 'hive_results'
        folder = path.join(settings.NETAPP_STORAGE, 'tmp', folder, day)
        sep = options['separator']
        filepath = path.join(folder, 'download_counts.hive')
        # Make sure we're not trying to update with mismatched data.
        if get_date_from_file(filepath, sep) != day:
            raise CommandError('%s file contains data for another day' %
        # First, make sure we don't have any existing counts for the same day,
        # or it would just increment again the same data.

        # Memoize the files to addon relations and the DownloadCounts.
        download_counts = {}
        # Perf: preload all the files once and for all.
        # This builds a dict where each key (the file_id we get from the hive
        # query) has the addon_id as value.
        files_to_addon = dict(File.objects.values_list('id',

        with open(filepath) as count_file:
            for index, line in enumerate(count_file):
                if index and (index % 1000000) == 0:
                    log.info('Processed %s lines' % index)

                splitted = line[:-1].split(sep)

                if len(splitted) != 4:
                    log.debug('Badly formatted row: %s' % line)

                day, counter, file_id, src = splitted
                    file_id, counter = int(file_id), int(counter)
                except ValueError:  # Badly formatted? Drop.

                # Drop incorrect sources: hive newline, ffsync and getpersona.
                if src in ('\N', 'sync', 'gp'):

                # Does this file exist?
                if file_id in files_to_addon:
                    addon_id = files_to_addon[file_id]

                # Memoize the DownloadCount.
                if addon_id in download_counts:
                    dc = download_counts[addon_id]
                    dc = DownloadCount(date=day, addon_id=addon_id, count=0)
                    download_counts[addon_id] = dc

                # We can now fill the DownloadCount object.
                dc.count += counter
                dc.sources = update_inc(dc.sources, src, counter)

        # Create in bulk: this is much faster.
        DownloadCount.objects.bulk_create(download_counts.values(), 100)
        log.info('Processed a total of %s lines' % (index + 1))
        log.debug('Total processing time: %s' % (datetime.now() - start))

        # Clean up file.
        log.debug('Deleting {path}'.format(path=filepath))
コード例 #4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        start = datetime.now()  # Measure the time it takes to run the script.
        day = options['date']
        if not day:
            day = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        folder = args[0] if args else 'hive_results'
        folder = path.join(settings.NETAPP_STORAGE, 'tmp', folder, day)
        sep = options['separator']
        filepath = path.join(folder, 'download_counts.hive')
        # Make sure we're not trying to update with mismatched data.
        if get_date_from_file(filepath, sep) != day:
            raise CommandError('%s file contains data for another day' %
        # First, make sure we don't have any existing counts for the same day,
        # or it would just increment again the same data.

        # Memoize the files to addon relations and the DownloadCounts.
        download_counts = {}
        # Perf: preload all the files once and for all.
        # This builds a dict where each key (the file_id we get from the hive
        # query) has the addon_id as value.
        files_to_addon = dict(
            File.objects.values_list('id', 'version__addon_id'))

        with open(filepath) as count_file:
            for index, line in enumerate(count_file):
                if index and (index % 1000000) == 0:
                    log.info('Processed %s lines' % index)

                splitted = line[:-1].split(sep)

                if len(splitted) != 4:
                    log.debug('Badly formatted row: %s' % line)

                day, counter, file_id, src = splitted
                    file_id, counter = int(file_id), int(counter)
                except ValueError:  # Badly formatted? Drop.

                # Drop incorrect sources: hive newline, ffsync and getpersona.
                if src in ('\N', 'sync', 'gp'):

                # Does this file exist?
                if file_id in files_to_addon:
                    addon_id = files_to_addon[file_id]

                # Memoize the DownloadCount.
                if addon_id in download_counts:
                    dc = download_counts[addon_id]
                    dc = DownloadCount(date=day, addon_id=addon_id, count=0)
                    download_counts[addon_id] = dc

                # We can now fill the DownloadCount object.
                dc.count += counter
                dc.sources = update_inc(dc.sources, src, counter)

        # Create in bulk: this is much faster.
        DownloadCount.objects.bulk_create(download_counts.values(), 100)
        log.info('Processed a total of %s lines' % (index + 1))
        log.debug('Total processing time: %s' % (datetime.now() - start))