def temp_image(): media_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT if not os.path.exists(media_dir): os.makedirs(media_dir) temp = TemporaryFile(suffix='.jpeg', dir=media_dir) temp.write(base64_gif_image()) yield File(temp)
def __init__(self): self.stdin = TemporaryFile('w') self.stdout = TemporaryFile('r') self.stderr = TemporaryFile('r') self.__stderr__ = self.stderr self.stdio_fds = [self.stdin.fileno(), self.stdout.fileno(), self.stderr.fileno()]
def draw(self): """Erstellt Chart als GIF. Gibt das GIF als string zurück.""" from tempfile import TemporaryFile f = TemporaryFile() self.chart.draw(f) return
def pyc(self): ofile=TemporaryFile('w+t') if'.pyc' else:'.pyc' cmd=['python',dst] p=Popen(cmd,stdin=self.ifile,stdout=ofile,universal_newlines=True, preexec_fn=Tester.Limiter(self.lcpu,self.lmem),stderr=DEVNULL) p.wait() self.result=0 if p.returncode==-9: self.result=-5 elif p.returncode==-11: self.result=-6 elif p.returncode==-25: self.result=-4 elif p.returncode<0: self.result=-3 else: if self.output! self.result=-7 pass
def test_read_several(self): """Read several stanzas from file""" tmpf = TemporaryFile() tmpf.write("""\ version_header: 1 name: foo val: 123 name: quoted address: "Willowglen" \t 42 Wallaby Way \t Sydney name: bar val: 129319 """) s = read_stanza(tmpf) self.assertEquals(s, Stanza(version_header='1')) s = read_stanza(tmpf) self.assertEquals(s, Stanza(name="foo", val='123')) s = read_stanza(tmpf) self.assertEqualDiff(s.get('name'), 'quoted') self.assertEqualDiff(s.get('address'), ' "Willowglen"\n 42 Wallaby Way\n Sydney') s = read_stanza(tmpf) self.assertEquals(s, Stanza(name="bar", val='129319')) s = read_stanza(tmpf) self.assertEquals(s, None) self.check_rio_file(tmpf)
def _getPID(): """Get PID from specified PIDFile. Returns: int: >0 -- RESTservice PID -1 -- _pidfile contains invalid PID -2 -- _pidfile not found """ pid = 0 try: f = open(_pidfile, 'r') pid = int( f.close() except IOError as e: if e.errno == 2: return -2 raise e except ValueError: return -1 # Double check PID from PIDFile: outfile = TemporaryFile(mode='w+') call(['ps', 'x'], stdout=outfile) for line in outfile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith(str(pid)) and line.endswith(_script_name): return pid return -1
class PackageZipBuilder(object): def __init__(self, namespace, version=None): self.namespace = namespace self.version = version def open_zip(self): self.zip_file = TemporaryFile() ZipFile(self.zip_file, 'w') def install_package(self): self.open_zip() if not self.version: raise ValueError('You must provide a version to install a package') package_xml = PACKAGE_XML % self.namespace #package_xml = package_xml.encode('utf-8')'package.xml', package_xml) installed_package = INSTALLED_PACKAGE % self.version #installed_package.encode('utf-8')'installedPackages/%s.installedPackage' % self.namespace, installed_package) return self.encode_zip() def uninstall_package(self): self.open_zip()'package.xml', EMPTY_PACKAGE_XML)'destructiveChanges.xml', PACKAGE_XML % self.namespace) return self.encode_zip() def encode_zip(self): return b64encode(
def backup_dir(key, data_node, directory): temp = TemporaryFile() archiver = Popen(["ssh", data_node, "tar", "c", directory], stdout=PIPE) compressor = Popen(["lzma", "-z", "-9"], stdin=archiver.stdout, stdout=temp) compressor.wait() key.set_contents_from_file(temp)
def test_get_xml_iter(): #1 file object #2 stream (file-like) #3 string #4 zipfile from openpyxl.reader.worksheet import _get_xml_iter from tempfile import TemporaryFile FUT = _get_xml_iter s = "" stream = FUT(s) assert isinstance(stream, BytesIO), type(stream) u = unicode(s) stream = FUT(u) assert isinstance(stream, BytesIO), type(stream) f = TemporaryFile(mode='rb+', prefix='openpyxl.', suffix='.unpack.temp') stream = FUT(f) assert isinstance(stream, tempfile), type(stream) f.close() from zipfile import ZipFile t = TemporaryFile() z = ZipFile(t, mode="w") z.writestr("test", "whatever") stream = FUT("test")) assert hasattr(stream, "read") z.close()
def dsorted(iterable, buffer_size=1e6, tempdir="."): from disco.compat import pickle_load, pickle_dump from heapq import merge from itertools import islice from tempfile import TemporaryFile def read(handle): while True: try: yield pickle_load(handle) except EOFError: return iterator = iter(iterable) subiters = [] while True: buffer = sorted(islice(iterator, buffer_size)) handle = TemporaryFile(dir=tempdir) for item in buffer: pickle_dump(item, handle, -1) subiters.append(read(handle)) if len(buffer) < buffer_size: break return merge(*subiters)
def set_sff_trimpoints_with_sfftools( sff_dir, technical_lengths, sffinfo_path='sffinfo', sfffile_path='sfffile', debug=False): """Set trimpoints to end of technical read for all SFF files in directory. This function essentially provides the reference implementation. It uses the official sfftools from Roche to process the SFF files. """ if not (exists(sffinfo_path) or which(sffinfo_path)): raise ApplicationNotFoundError( 'sffinfo executable not found. Is it installed and in your $PATH?') if not (exists(sfffile_path) or which(sfffile_path)): raise ApplicationNotFoundError( 'sfffile executable not found. Is it installed and in your $PATH?') for lib_id, sff_fp in get_per_lib_sff_fps(sff_dir): try: readlength = technical_lengths[lib_id] except KeyError: continue sffinfo_args = [sffinfo_path, '-s', sff_fp] if debug: print "Running sffinfo command %s" % sffinfo_args sffinfo_output_file = TemporaryFile() check_call(sffinfo_args, stdout=sffinfo_output_file) seqlengths = {} for line in sffinfo_output_file: if line.startswith('>'): fields = line[1:].split() seq_len = fields[1].split('=')[1] seqlengths[fields[0]] = seq_len trim_fp = sff_fp + '.trim' trim_file = open(trim_fp, 'w') for id_, length in seqlengths.items(): curr_length = int(seqlengths[id_]) # Sfftools use 1-based index left_trim = readlength + 1 # Key sequence not included in FASTA length right_trim = curr_length + 4 if curr_length > left_trim: trim_file.write( "%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (id_, left_trim, right_trim)) else: stderr.write( 'Rejected read %s with trim points %s and %s (orig ' 'length %s)' % (id_, left_trim, curr_length, length)) trim_file.close() trimmed_sff_fp = sff_fp + '.trimmed' sfffile_args = [ sfffile_path, '-t', trim_fp, '-o', trimmed_sff_fp, sff_fp] if debug: print "Running sfffile command:", sfffile_args check_call(sfffile_args, stdout=open(devnull, 'w')) remove(sff_fp) rename(trimmed_sff_fp, sff_fp)
def test_one_key_per_block_writer(self): # 2 pointers and a 1 byte string null terminated string = 10 bytes stream = TemporaryFile() i = IndexWriter(stream, block_size=10, terminator='\0') i.add(0, 'b') eq_(len(i.indexes), 1) i.add(0, 'c') eq_(len(i.indexes), 2) i.finish() packet = eq_(len(packet), 30) root_block = packet[:10] eq_(root_block, '\x01\x00\x00\x00c\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00') block_1 = packet[10:20] eq_(block_1, '\x03\x00\x00\x00b\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00') block_2 = packet[20:] eq_(block_2, '\x04\x00\x00\x00c\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00')
def importXML(jar, file, clue=""): from OFS.XMLExportImport import save_record, save_zopedata, start_zopedata from tempfile import TemporaryFile import xml.parsers.expat if type(file) is str: file = open(file, "rb") outfile = TemporaryFile() data = F = xmlPickler() F.end_handlers["record"] = save_record F.end_handlers["ZopeData"] = save_zopedata F.start_handlers["ZopeData"] = start_zopedata F.binary = 1 F.file = outfile # Our BTs XML files don't declare encoding but have accented chars in them # So we have to declare an encoding but not use unicode, so the unpickler # can deal with the utf-8 strings directly p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate("utf-8") p.returns_unicode = False p.CharacterDataHandler = F.handle_data p.StartElementHandler = F.unknown_starttag p.EndElementHandler = F.unknown_endtag r = p.Parse(data) return jar.importFile(outfile, clue)
def write_lines(self, key, lines): self._verify_key_format(key) storage = self.bucket.new_key(key + ".json.gz") buff = TemporaryFile() archive = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buff, mode='w') count = 0 for l in lines: if hasattr(l, "__iter__"): for ll in l: archive.write(ll.encode("utf8")) archive.write(b"\n") count += 1 else: archive.write(l.encode("utf8")) archive.write(b"\n") count += 1 archive.close() file_length = buff.tell() retry = 3 while retry: try: with Timer("Sending {{count}} lines in {{file_length|comma}} bytes", {"file_length": file_length, "count": count}, debug=self.settings.debug): storage.set_contents_from_file(buff) break except Exception, e: Log.warning("could not push data to s3", cause=e) retry -= 1
def sort_diskbased(stream, field, nsize=100000): buf = [] files = [] count = 0 t = None def iter_on_file(f): try: while True: (key, v) = cPickle.load(f) yield (key, t._make(v)) except EOFError: f.close() for elt in stream: if isinstance(elt, StreamHeader): t = elt.t yield elt elif isinstance(elt, StreamFooter): buf.sort() iterables = [iter_on_file(f) for f in files] + [itertools.imap(lambda obj: (getattr(obj, field), obj), buf)] for (k, row) in heapq.merge(*iterables): yield row yield elt else: buf.append(elt) count = count + 1 if count % nsize == 0: buf.sort(key=lambda obj: getattr(obj, field)) f = TemporaryFile() for item in buf: cPickle.dump((getattr(item, field), list(item)), f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.flush() files.append(f) del buf[:]
def numpy_to_string(array): """Convert numpy array into human-readable string. Good for passing to other programs. Notes: human-readable string example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 is a string for the following array: [[1,2,3] [4,5,6]] Args: array (numpy): array to convert to human-readable string Returns: human-readable string of array """ f = TemporaryFile() np.savetxt(f, array, fmt='%.8g') string = return string
def string_to_numpy(string): """Convert human-readable string into numpy array. Note: loads as floats even if stored as ints. human-readable string example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 is a string for the following array: [[1,2,3] [4,5,6]] Args: string (string): human-readable string to convert to numpy array Returns: numpy array """ f = TemporaryFile() f.write(string) array = np.loadtxt(f) return array
def check_commit_id(path): cur_dir = os.getcwd() commit = None stderr = TemporaryFile() try: os.chdir(path) git_cmd = 'git log -1 --format="%H" | cut -c1-32' git_out = Popen(git_cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, close_fds=True) errmsg = stderr.readlines() if errmsg: logging.debug("git error message (in %s): %s" % (path, '\n'.join(errmsg))) try: commit = git_out.stdout.readlines()[0].strip() except IndexError: pass finally: os.chdir(cur_dir) stderr.close() return commit
def test_read_subprocess_output(self): output_file = TemporaryFile('w+') cmd = ['ls', '/'] output, return_code = _read_subprocess_output(cmd, output_file) output_file.close() self.assertTrue('tmp' in output, '{} not in {}'.format('tmp', output)) self.assertEqual(0, return_code)
def convert_hwp5file_into_odtpkg(hwp5file): from tempfile import TemporaryFile tmpfile = TemporaryFile() import os tmpfile2 = os.fdopen( os.dup(tmpfile.fileno()), 'r') from zipfile import ZipFile zf = ZipFile(tmpfile, 'w') from hwp5.hwp5odt import ODTPackage odtpkg = ODTPackage(zf) try: from hwp5.hwp5odt import Converter import hwp5.plat if haveXSLTTransformer(): xslt = xslt_with_libreoffice else: # we use default xslt xslt = hwp5.plat.get_xslt() # convert without RelaxNG validation convert = Converter(xslt) # Embed images: see #32 - convert(hwp5file, odtpkg, embedimage=True) finally: odtpkg.close() odtpkg_stream = InputStreamFromFileLike(tmpfile2) odtpkg_storage = StorageFromInputStream(odtpkg_stream) return odtpkg_storage
def _open(self): tmp = TemporaryFile() resp = requests.get(self.metadata['url'], stream=True) for chunk in resp.iter_content(256*1024): tmp.write(chunk) return tmp
def generate_pdf_ticket(registration=None, context=None, encoding='utf-8'): import ho.pisa as pisa import cStringIO as StringIO from django.utils.six import BytesIO if not registration and not context: raise Http404(_("Invalid arguments")) if not context: d = ConfirmationEmailView.get_extra_context(registration) context = Context(d) template = loader.get_template('registration/ticket.html') html = template.render(context) if not registration: registration = context['r'] result = StringIO.StringIO() pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(StringIO.StringIO(html.encode("ISO-8859-1")), result) result = result.getvalue() try: file = TemporaryFile() file.write(result) registration.ticket_file = File(file) file.close() except Exception, e: charge = registration.charge if charge: charge.save_server_message( ['Failed while saving ticket file'], exception=e)
def process_response(self, response): # Parse the metadata zip file from the response zipstr = parseString(response.content).getElementsByTagName('zipFile') if zipstr: zipstr = zipstr[0].firstChild.nodeValue else: return self.packages zipfp = TemporaryFile() zipfp.write(base64.b64decode(zipstr)) zipfile = ZipFile(zipfp, 'r') packages = {} # Loop through all files in the zip skipping anything other than InstalledPackages for path in zipfile.namelist(): if not path.endswith('.installedPackage'): continue namespace = path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] version = parseString('versionNumber') if version: version = version[0].firstChild.nodeValue packages[namespace] = version self.packages = packages return self.packages
def main(argv): args = docopt(__doc__, argv=argv) headers = get_args_dict(args['--header']) if args['--size-hint']: headers['x-archive-size-hint'] = args['--size-hint'] # Upload keyword arguments. upload_kwargs = dict( metadata=get_args_dict(args['--metadata']), headers=headers, debug=args['--debug'], queue_derive=True if args['--no-derive'] is False else False, ignore_preexisting_bucket=args['--ignore-bucket'], checksum=args['--checksum'], verbose=True if args['--quiet'] is False else False, retries=int(args['--retries']) if args['--retries'] else 0, retries_sleep=int(args['--sleep']), delete=args['--delete'], ) if args['<file>'] == ['-'] and not args['-']: sys.stderr.write('--remote-name is required when uploading from stdin.\n') call(['ia', 'upload', '--help']) sys.exit(1) # Upload from stdin. if args['-']: local_file = TemporaryFile() local_file.write( _upload_files(args, args['<identifier>'], local_file, upload_kwargs) # Bulk upload using spreadsheet. elif args['--spreadsheet']: # Use the same session for each upload request. session = ArchiveSession() spreadsheet = csv.DictReader(open(args['--spreadsheet'], 'rU')) prev_identifier = None for row in spreadsheet: local_file = row['file'] identifier = row['identifier'] del row['file'] del row['identifier'] if (not identifier) and (prev_identifier): identifier = prev_identifier # TODO: Clean up how indexed metadata items are coerced # into metadata. md_args = ['{0}:{1}'.format(k.lower(), v) for (k, v) in row.items() if v] metadata = get_args_dict(md_args) upload_kwargs['metadata'].update(metadata) _upload_files(args, identifier, local_file, upload_kwargs, prev_identifier, session) prev_identifier = identifier # Upload files. else: local_file = args['<file>'] _upload_files(args, args['<identifier>'], local_file, upload_kwargs)
def run_cmd(options, jenkins): """Run the jshint command using options. Run the jshint command using options and return the output. :param options: Options received by the code_analysis_jshint funciton. :param jenkins: It is true when the jenkins output is turned on. """ # cmd is a sequence of program arguments # first argument is child program paths = options['directory'].split('\n') cmd = [ options['jshint-bin'], '--verbose', '--exclude={0}'.format(options['jshint-exclude'] or ' ')] + paths try: if jenkins: cmd.append('--reporter=jslint') output_file_name = os.path.join(options['location'], 'jshint.xml') output_file = open(output_file_name, 'w+') else: output_file = TemporaryFile('w+') # Wrapper to subprocess.Popen try: # Return code is not used for jshint. output = read_subprocess_output(cmd, output_file)[0] return output except OSError: log('skip') message = 'Command: {0}. Outputfile: {1}'.format(cmd, output_file) raise CmdError(message) finally: output_file.close()
def build (self): data = [] datapath = self.home.joinpath('data.xml') dom = minidom.parse(datapath.absolute().as_posix()) index = 0 for page in dom.getElementsByTagName('page'): page_data = self.parse_page(page) page_data['page.index'] = index data.append(page_data) index += 1 data_loader = """ (function initData(w){{ w.Sectioner = new Object(); w.Sectioner.pages = {}; Object.freeze(w.Sectioner.pages); }})(window); """.format(json.dumps(data, indent=2)).encode('UTF-8') data_js = TemporaryFile() data_js.write(data_loader) self.compiler.add_file(data_js, 'data.js') for asset in dom.getElementsByTagName('asset'): self.parse_asset(asset) return data
def read_file(self, data): temp_file = TemporaryFile(mode="w+b") if "content-length" in self.current_headers: temp_file.write(["content-length"])) else: bytes = data.readline() while not bytes[-2:] == "\r\n": temp_file.write(bytes) bytes = data.readline() temp_file.write(bytes.rstrip()) filesize = temp_file.tell() if filesize == 0: self.read_boundry(data) return key = self.current_headers["content-disposition"]["name"] filename = self.current_headers["content-disposition"].get("filename", "") content_type = self.current_headers["content-type"] if key not in self.files: self.files[key] = [] self.files[key].append({"filename":filename, "filesize":filesize, "content-type":content_type, "data":temp_file}) self.read_boundry(data)
def TempFile(infile=None): "Create a suitable temporary file" outfile = TemporaryFile() if infile and hasattr(infile, 'read'): outfile.writelines(infile) return outfile
def testFile(): """Creates and returns a test file that you can muck around with""" file_ = TemporaryFile() file_.write(TEST_TEXT) return file_
def run_reduce(self): self.stopped_received = 0 self.merged_files = [] merged_iterator = None while True: # Iterate and merge files until all jobs are processed get_next = self.get_next_file() files = get_next # itertools.islice(get_next, self.reduce_max_files) all_files = [file for file in files] iterables = [self.iter_on_file(file) for file in all_files] merged_iterator = heapq.merge(*iterables) if self.stopped_received < self.numprocs: if self.debug: debug_print("Performing intermediate merge on %u files" % len(iterables)) f = TemporaryFile() self.merged_files.append(f) for m in merged_iterator: cPickle.dump(m, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.flush() else: break if len(self.merged_files) > 0: if self.debug: debug_print("Final merge") # Final merge if required merged_iterator = heapq.merge( *([self.iter_on_file(stream) for stream in self.merged_files] + [merged_iterator]) ) if self.debug: debug_print("Reduce loop") result = self.reduce_loop(merged_iterator) return result
def remote_print_stack(pid, output=1): """ Tell a target process to print a stack trace. This currently only handles the main thread. TODO: handle multiple threads. @param pid: PID of target process. @type output: C{int}, C{file}, or C{str} @param output: Output file descriptor. """ # Interpret C{output} argument as a file-like object, file descriptor, or # filename. if hasattr(output, 'write'): # file-like object output_fh = output try: output.flush() except Exception: pass try: output_fd = output.fileno() except Exception: output_fd = None try: output_fn = Filename( except Exception: pass elif isinstance(output, int): output_fh = None output_fn = None output_fd = output elif isinstance(output, (str, Filename)): output_fh = None output_fn = Filename(output) output_fd = None else: raise TypeError( "remote_print_stack_trace(): expected file/str/int; got %s" % (type(output).__name__, )) temp_file = None remote_fn = output_fn if remote_fn is None and output_fd is not None: remote_fn = Filename("/proc/%d/fd/%d" % (os.getpid(), output_fd)) # Figure out whether the target process will be able to open output_fn for # writing. Since the target process would need to be running as the same # user as this process for us to be able to attach a debugger, we can # simply check whether we ourselves can open the file. Typically output # will be fd 1 and we will have access to write to it. However, if we're # sudoed, we won't be able to re-open it via the proc symlink, even though # we already currently have it open. Another case is C{output} is a # file-like object that isn't a real file, e.g. a StringO. In each case # we we don't have a usable filename for the remote process yet. To # address these situations, we create a temporary file for the remote # process to write to. if remote_fn is None or not remote_fn.iswritable: if not output_fh or output_fd: assert remote_fn is not None raise OSError(errno.EACCESS, "Can't write to %s" % output_fn) # We can still use the /proc/$pid/fd approach with an unnamed temp # file. If it turns out there are situations where that doesn't work, # we can switch to using a NamedTemporaryFile. from tempfile import TemporaryFile temp_file = TemporaryFile() remote_fn = Filename("/proc/%d/fd/%d" % (os.getpid(), temp_file.fileno())) assert remote_fn.iswritable # *** Do the code injection *** _remote_print_stack_to_file(pid, remote_fn) # Copy from temp file to the requested output. if temp_file is not None: data = temp_file.close() if output_fh is not None: output_fh.write(data) output_fh.flush() elif output_fd is not None: with os.fdopen(output_fd, 'w') as f: f.write(data) else: raise AssertionError("unreacahable")
def transfer_yaml(): print(" * Transferring yml") upload_folder = os.path.join(app.root_path, app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']) if request.method == 'GET': tarfile_backend = TemporaryFile(mode='wb+') yamlfile = TemporaryFile(mode='wb+') tarball =, mode='w') visible_only = request.args.get('visibleOnly', default=False, type=bool) remove_flags = request.args.get('removeFlags', default=False, type=bool) yamlfile.write( bytes( export_challenges(out_file='export.yaml', dst_attachments='export.d', src_attachments=upload_folder, visible_only=visible_only, remove_flags=remove_flags, tarfile=tarball), "UTF-8")) tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('export.yaml') tarinfo.size = yamlfile.tell() tarball.addfile(tarinfo, yamlfile) tarball.close() yamlfile.close() gzipfile_backend = TemporaryFile(mode='wb+') gzipfile = GzipFile(fileobj=gzipfile_backend, mode='wb') shutil.copyfileobj(tarfile_backend, gzipfile) tarfile_backend.close() gzipfile.close() return send_file(gzipfile_backend, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename='export.tar.gz') if request.method == 'POST': if 'file' not in request.files: abort(400) file = request.files['file'] readmode = 'r:gz' if file.filename.endswith('.tar'): readmode = 'r' if file.filename.endswith('.bz2'): readmode = 'r:bz2' tempdir = mkdtemp() try: archive =, mode=readmode) if 'export.yaml' not in archive.getnames(): shutil.rmtree(tempdir) abort(400) # Check for attempts to escape to higher dirs for member in archive.getmembers(): memberpath = os.path.normpath( if memberpath.startswith('/') or '..' in memberpath.split( '/'): shutil.rmtree(tempdir) abort(400) if member.linkname: linkpath = os.path.normpath(member.linkname) if linkpath.startswith('/') or '..' in linkpath.split( '/'): shutil.rmtree(tempdir) abort(400) archive.extractall(path=tempdir) except tarfile.TarError: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) print('b') abort(400) in_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'export.yaml') import_challenges(in_file, upload_folder, move=True) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) return '1'
def _create_image(format, *a, **kw): buf = TemporaryFile()*a, **kw).save(buf, format) return
def setUp(self): self.fnull = TemporaryFile()
def run(self, choose_password): """ Main entry point that executes these steps: * creates role in database. * creates database. * save new configuration on server.ini. * creates tables. """ try: config = ConfigParser() if not self._check_current_config(config): return faraday_path_conf = os.path.expanduser(CONST_FARADAY_HOME_PATH) # we use psql_log_filename for historical saving. we will ask faraday users this file. # current_psql_output is for checking psql command already known errors for each execution. psql_log_filename = os.path.join(faraday_path_conf, 'logs', 'psql_log.log') current_psql_output = TemporaryFile() with open(psql_log_filename, 'a+') as psql_log_file: hostname = 'localhost' username, password, process_status = self._configure_new_postgres_user( current_psql_output) psql_output = # persist log in the faraday log psql_log.log psql_log_file.write(psql_output) self._check_psql_output(current_psql_output, process_status) if hostname.lower() in ['localhost', '']: database_name = 'faraday' current_psql_output = TemporaryFile() database_name, process_status = self._create_database( database_name, username, current_psql_output) self._check_psql_output(current_psql_output, process_status) current_psql_output.close() conn_string = self._save_config(config, username, password, database_name, hostname) self._create_tables(conn_string) couchdb_config_present = server.config.couchdb if not (couchdb_config_present and couchdb_config_present.user and couchdb_config_present.password): self._create_admin_user(conn_string, choose_password) else: print( 'Skipping new admin creation since couchdb configuration was found.' ) except KeyboardInterrupt: current_psql_output.close() print('User cancelled.') sys.exit(1)
def train(flow, trainX, valX, cond_train=None, cond_val=None, loss_f=None, post_training_f=None, post_validation_f=None, batch_size=32, optimizer=optim.Adam, optimizer_kwargs=dict(lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-3), n_epochs=int(1e6), patience=100, gradient_clipping=None): r"""Train Flow model with (optional) early stopping. Can KeyboardInterrupt safely; the resulting model will be the best one before the interruption. Args: flow (Flow): flow to train. trainX (torch.Tensor): training dataset. valX (torch.Tensor): validation dataset. cond_train (torch.Tensor): conditioning tensor for trainX. If None, non-conditional flow assumed. cond_val (torch.Tensor): conditioning tensor for valX. If None, non-conditional flow assumed. loss_f (func): function(batch, idx, cond=None) to use as loss. If None, uses flow.nll(batch, cond=cond) instead. idx is an index tensor signaling which entries in trainX or valX (depending on whether is True) are contained in batch. cond is an optional keyword argument with the conditioning tensor, if the flow is conditional. Otherwise, it's just None and should be ignored. Returns a tensor with the loss computed for each entry in the batch. batch_size (int or float): If float, ratio of trainX to use per batch. If int, batch size. optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer): optimizer class to use. optimizer_kwargs (dict): kwargs to pass to the optimizer. n_epochs (int): maximum number of epochs for training. patience (int): maximum number of epochs with no improvement in validation loss before stopping. To avoid using early stopping, set to 0. Returns: train_losses: list with entries (float(epoch), loss). val_losses: list with entries (epoch, loss). The results of this function can be passed to `plot_losses` directly. """ assert isinstance(flow, Flow) assert flow.prior is not None, 'flow.prior is required' conditional = cond_train is not None or cond_val is not None if conditional: assert (cond_train is not None and cond_val is not None), \ 'If flow is conditional, pass cond_train and cond_val' else: cond = None # let's just leave it as a None for later if isinstance(batch_size, float): assert 0. < batch_size and batch_size <= 1. batch_size = int(batch_size * len(trainX)) optimizer = optimizer(flow.parameters(), **optimizer_kwargs) train_losses, val_losses = [], [] val_loss = np.inf best_loss = np.inf best_epoch = 0 best_model = None if loss_f is None: loss_f = lambda batch, idx, cond=None: flow.nll(batch, cond=cond) best_model = TemporaryFile() try: with tqdm(n_epochs, leave=True, position=0) as tq: for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1): # Train flow.train() X = trainX idx = torch.randperm(len(X), device=X.device) for n in range(0, len(X), batch_size): if len(X) - n == 1: continue subidx = idx[n:n + batch_size] batch = X[subidx].to(flow.device) if conditional: cond = cond_train[subidx].to(flow.device) loss = loss_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond).mean() assert not torch.isnan(loss) and not torch.isinf(loss) # Pytorch recipe: zero_grad - backward - step optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() # Gradient clipping if gradient_clipping is not None: assert gradient_clipping > 0 nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(flow.parameters(), gradient_clipping) optimizer.step() train_losses.append((epoch + n / len(trainX), loss.item())) tq.set_postfix( OrderedDict(epoch_progress='%.3d%%' % (n / len(X) * 100), train_loss='%+.3e' % loss.item(), last_val_loss='%+.3e' % val_loss, best_epoch=best_epoch, best_loss='%+.3e' % best_loss)) if post_training_f is not None: post_training_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond) # Validation flow.eval() X = valX idx = torch.randperm(len(X), device=X.device) with torch.no_grad(): # won't accumulate info about gradient val_loss = 0. for n in range(0, len(X), batch_size): subidx = idx[n:n + batch_size] batch = X[subidx].to(flow.device) if conditional: cond = cond_val[subidx].to(flow.device) val_loss += (loss_f(batch, subidx, cond=cond) / len(X)).sum().item() val_losses.append((epoch, val_loss)) if post_validation_f is not None: post_validation_f() assert not np.isnan(val_loss) # and not np.isinf(val_loss) # Early stopping if best_loss > val_loss: best_loss = val_loss best_epoch = epoch, best_model) tq.update() tq.set_postfix( OrderedDict(epoch_progress='100%', train_loss='%+.3e' % loss.item(), last_val_loss='%+.3e' % val_loss, best_epoch=best_epoch, best_loss='%+.3e' % best_loss)) if patience and epoch - best_epoch >= patience: break except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Interrupted at epoch', epoch) pass # halt training without losing everything # Load best model before exiting flow.load_state_dict(torch.load(best_model)) best_model.close() flow.eval() # pass to eval mode before returning return train_losses, val_losses
class BI_RLE(object): def __init__(self, i, o): self.i = open(i) self.o = open(o, "w") self.tmp = TemporaryFile() if != 'BM': raise IOError, "Not BMP file" of = #offset to start image data self.offset = sum([ord(of[i]) << 8 * i for i in range(len(of))]) w = #image width self.w = sum([ord(w[i]) << 8 * i for i in range(len(w))]) h = #image height self.h = sum([ord(h[i]) << 8 * i for i in range(len(h))]) b = #channel:bit per pixel self.bpp = sum([ord(b[i]) << 8 * i for i in range(len(b))]) if self.bpp != 4 and self.bpp != 8: raise IOError, "Not 4-Bit or 8-Bit BMP file" c = #compression type self.comp = sum([ord(c[i]) << 8 * i for i in range(len(c))]) if self.comp != 2 and self.comp != 1: raise IOError, "Not Compressed file" self.tPix = self.w * self.h self.rPix = 0 self.lns = 1 self.c = 0 self.EORLED = False #fix for EORLE self.enc = self.dec = "" self.buf = "" def Decode(self): mrk = { 0: self.EOSL, 1: self.EORLE, 2: self.MOFF } #funcs for RLE Data markers while ((self.lns * self.w) <= self.tPix): b = self.enc[self.c:self.c + 2] self.c += 2 if len(b) != 2: break b0, b1 = ord(b[0]), ord(b[1]) if b0 == 0: mrk.get(b1, self.UENCD)(b0, b1) else: self.DENCD(b0, b1) def HPIX(self, pixel): """ Half-Byte Packing for 4-Bit and Pixel Data Handler """ if self.bpp == 4: if self.buf == "": self.buf = chr(pixel << 4) else: self.buf = chr(ord(self.buf) | pixel) self.tmp.write(self.buf) self.buf = "" else: self.tmp.write(chr(pixel)) def EOSL(self, *arg): """ 00 00: End Of Scan Line """ remain = self.w - self.rPix if not self.EORLED: self.rPix = 0 self.lns += 1 if remain == 0: remain = 2 #fix for EOSL for i in range(remain): self.HPIX(0x00) def MOFF(self, *arg): """ 00 02: Move Offset """ mov = self.enc[self.c:self.c + 2] self.c += 2 mov = ord(mov[0]) + ord(mov[1]) * self.w for i in range(mov): self.HPIX(0x00) self.rPix += mov self.lns += self.rPix // mov self.rPix %= mov def UENCD(self, *arg): """ 00 NN: Unencoded Data """ p = arg[1] #unencoded pixels data if self.bpp == 4: #read bytes with padding byte for 4 bit b = int(round(p / 2)) + (int(round(p / 2)) % 2 | p % 2) else: #read bytes with padding byte for 8 bit b = p + p % 2 ue = self.enc[self.c:self.c + b] self.c += b delta = self.rPix + p for i in range(b): if self.rPix == delta: break if self.bpp == 4: for j in range(2): if self.rPix == delta: break self.HPIX((ord(ue[i]) & (0x0F << (4 * ( (j + 1) % 2)))) >> (4 * ((j + 1) % 2))) self.rPix += 1 else: self.HPIX(ord(ue[i])) self.rPix += 1 def DENCD(self, *arg): """ NN PP: Decode Encoded Data """ b0, b1 = arg[0], arg[1] #piece, 2 pixels data for i in range(b0): if self.bpp == 4: self.HPIX((b1 & (0x0F << (4 * ((i + 1) % 2)))) >> (4 * ((i + 1) % 2))) else: self.HPIX(b1) self.rPix += 1 def EORLE(self, *arg): """ 00 01: End Of RLE Data, Writing Decoded File """ self.EORLED = True self.EOSL() if not self.buf == "": self.tmp.write(self.buf) self.dec = self.tmp.close() self.o.write( #'BM' signature fs = self.offset + len( self.dec) #FileSize: (Header + Color Palette) + ImageData fsize = "" #filesize string value for i in range(4): fsize += chr( (fs & (0xFF << 8 * i)) >> 8 * i) #ordering as little-endian self.o.write(fsize) self.o.write( #writing 24-byte same data from 6 offset self.o.write('\x00\x00\x00\x00') #compression-type: none imgdsize = "" #image data size string value for i in range(4): imgdsize += chr((len(self.dec) & (0xFF << 8 * i)) >> 8 * i) self.o.write(imgdsize) self.o.write( - 38)) #writing left same data from 38 self.o.write(self.dec) self.o.close() self.i.close()
def process_unsteady_files(input_filename): try: Timezero, U, V, W = np.loadtxt( input_filename, dtype=float, delimiter=',', skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3), unpack=True ) # np.loadtxt(c, delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 2), unpack=True) total_rows = min(len(U), len(V), len(W), len(Timezero)) except: print("File not found, {}".format(input_filename)) return M = int(input("Enter the value of k, i.e. # of Fourier Components : ")) while (M % 2 != 1): print("The Value of k should be strictly odd") M = int(input("Enter the value of k, i.e. # of Fourier Components : ")) output_filename = str(input_filename.split('.')[0]) + "_k_" + str( M) + "_" + "Component_" + str((M - 1) / 2) + ".xls" print(output_filename) U_avg, V_avg, W_avg = all_fourier_calculations(total_rows, U, V, W, M) U_prime = [] V_prime = [] W_prime = [] U_prime_U_prime = [] V_prime_V_prime = [] W_prime_W_prime = [] U_prime_V_prime = [] V_prime_W_prime = [] W_prime_U_prime = [] for a, b, c, d, e, f in zip(U, U_avg, V, V_avg, W, W_avg): U_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format(a - b))) V_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format(c - d))) W_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format(e - f))) U_prime_U_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format((a - b) * (a - b)))) V_prime_V_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format((c - d) * (c - d)))) W_prime_W_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format((e - f) * (e - f)))) U_prime_V_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format((a - b) * (c - d)))) V_prime_W_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format((c - d) * (e - f)))) W_prime_U_prime.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format((e - f) * (a - b)))) U_prime_U_prime_Average, V_prime_V_prime_Average, W_prime_W_prime_Average = all_fourier_calculations( total_rows, U_prime_U_prime, V_prime_V_prime, W_prime_W_prime, M) U_prime_V_prime_Average, V_prime_W_prime_Average, W_prime_U_prime_Average = all_fourier_calculations( total_rows, U_prime_V_prime, V_prime_W_prime, W_prime_U_prime, M) TKE = [] for a, b, c in zip(U_prime_U_prime_Average, V_prime_V_prime_Average, W_prime_W_prime_Average): TKE.append(float('{:01.3f}'.format((a + b + c) / 2))) import xlwt from tempfile import TemporaryFile book = xlwt.Workbook() Timezero = Timezero.tolist() Timezero.insert(0, "Timezero") U = U.tolist() U.insert(0, "U") V = V.tolist() V.insert(0, "V") W = W.tolist() W.insert(0, "W") U_avg.insert(0, "U_avg") V_avg.insert(0, "V_avg") W_avg.insert(0, "W_avg") fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True) # z='red' # marker symbol axs[0, 0].scatter(Timezero[1:], U[1:], s=2, c='r', marker=">") axs[0, 0].set_title("RAW U Velocities") # marker from TeX axs[0, 1].scatter(Timezero[1:], V[1:], s=2, c='g', marker=r'$\alpha$') axs[0, 1].set_title("RAW V Velocities") # marker from path # verts = [[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, -1]] axs[0, 2].scatter(Timezero[1:], W[1:], s=2, c='b', marker=r'$\alpha$') axs[0, 2].set_title("RAW W Velocities") # regular polygon marker axs[1, 0].scatter(Timezero[1:], U_avg[1:], s=2, c='r', marker=(5, 0)) axs[1, 0].set_title("Fourier Averaged \n U Velocities k= {}".format(M)) # regular star marker axs[1, 1].scatter(Timezero[1:], V_avg[1:], s=2, c='g', marker=(5, 1)) axs[1, 1].set_title("Fourier Averaged \n V Velocities k= {}".format(M)) # regular asterisk marker axs[1, 2].scatter(Timezero[1:], W_avg[1:], s=2, c='b', marker=(5, 2)) axs[1, 2].set_title("Fourier Averaged \n W Velocities k= {}".format(M)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output_filename + ".jpg") # plt.clf() U_prime.insert(0, "u'") V_prime.insert(0, "v'") W_prime.insert(0, "w'") U_prime_U_prime.insert(0, "u'u'") V_prime_V_prime.insert(0, "v'v'") W_prime_W_prime.insert(0, "w'w'") U_prime_V_prime.insert(0, "u'v'") V_prime_W_prime.insert(0, "v'w'") W_prime_U_prime.insert(0, "u'w'") U_prime_U_prime_Average.insert(0, "u'u'_Avg") V_prime_V_prime_Average.insert(0, "v'v'_Avg") W_prime_W_prime_Average.insert(0, "w'w'_Avg") U_prime_V_prime_Average.insert(0, "u'v'_Avg") V_prime_W_prime_Average.insert(0, "v'w'_Avg") W_prime_U_prime_Average.insert(0, "u'w'_Avg") TKE.insert(0, "TKE") sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Fourier Components') for i, e in enumerate(Timezero): sheet1.write(i, 0, e) for i, e in enumerate(U): sheet1.write(i, 1, e) for i, e in enumerate(V): sheet1.write(i, 2, e) for i, e in enumerate(W): sheet1.write(i, 3, e) for i, e in enumerate(U_avg): sheet1.write(i, 4, e) for i, e in enumerate(V_avg): sheet1.write(i, 5, e) for i, e in enumerate(W_avg): sheet1.write(i, 6, e) for i, e in enumerate(U_prime): sheet1.write(i, 7, e) for i, e in enumerate(V_prime): sheet1.write(i, 8, e) for i, e in enumerate(W_prime): sheet1.write(i, 9, e) for i, e in enumerate(U_prime_U_prime): sheet1.write(i, 10, e) for i, e in enumerate(V_prime_V_prime): sheet1.write(i, 11, e) for i, e in enumerate(W_prime_W_prime): sheet1.write(i, 12, e) for i, e in enumerate(U_prime_V_prime): sheet1.write(i, 13, e) for i, e in enumerate(V_prime_W_prime): sheet1.write(i, 14, e) for i, e in enumerate(W_prime_U_prime): sheet1.write(i, 15, e) for i, e in enumerate(U_prime_U_prime_Average): sheet1.write(i, 16, e) for i, e in enumerate(V_prime_V_prime_Average): sheet1.write(i, 17, e) for i, e in enumerate(W_prime_W_prime_Average): sheet1.write(i, 18, e) for i, e in enumerate(U_prime_V_prime_Average): sheet1.write(i, 19, e) for i, e in enumerate(V_prime_W_prime_Average): sheet1.write(i, 20, e) for i, e in enumerate(W_prime_U_prime_Average): sheet1.write(i, 21, e) for i, e in enumerate(TKE): sheet1.write(i, 22, e)
def import_lang(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Import Language @param cr: the current row, from the database cursor. @param uid: the current user’s ID for security checks. @param ids: the ID or list of IDs @param context: A standard dictionary """ if context is None: context = {} import_data = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0] if import_data.overwrite: context.update(overwrite=True) fileobj = TemporaryFile('w+') fileobj.write(base64.decodestring( # now we determine the file format first_line = fileobj.readline().strip().replace('"', '').replace(' ', '') fileformat = first_line.endswith("type,name,res_id,src,value") and 'csv' or 'po' tools.trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, import_data.code,, context=context) fileobj.close() return {}
def append(self, seg, crossfade=100): seg1, seg2 = AudioSegment._sync(self, seg) if not crossfade: return seg1._spawn(seg1._data + seg2._data) elif crossfade > len(self): raise ValueError( "Crossfade is longer than the original AudioSegment ({}ms > {}ms)" .format(crossfade, len(self))) elif crossfade > len(seg): raise ValueError( "Crossfade is longer than the appended AudioSegment ({}ms > {}ms)" .format(crossfade, len(seg))) xf = seg1[-crossfade:].fade(to_gain=-120, start=0, end=float('inf')) xf *= seg2[:crossfade].fade(from_gain=-120, start=0, end=float('inf')) output = TemporaryFile() output.write(seg1[:-crossfade]._data) output.write(xf._data) output.write(seg2[crossfade:]._data) obj = seg1._spawn(data=output) output.close() return obj
def __init__(self, data=""): = TemporaryFile(mode="w+b")
def run(self, data, store, signal, context, **kwargs): """ The main run method of the Python task. Args: data (:class:`.MultiTaskData`): The data object that has been passed from the predecessor task. store (:class:`.DataStoreDocument`): The persistent data store object that allows the task to store data for access across the current workflow run. signal (TaskSignal): The signal object for tasks. It wraps the construction and sending of signals into easy to use methods. context (TaskContext): The context in which the tasks runs. Returns: Action (Action): An Action object containing the data that should be passed on to the next task and optionally a list of successor tasks that should be executed. """ params = self.params.eval(data, store, exclude=['command']) capture_stdout = self._callback_stdout is not None or params.capture_stdout capture_stderr = self._callback_stderr is not None or params.capture_stderr stdout_file = TemporaryFile() if params.capture_stdout else None stderr_file = TemporaryFile() if params.capture_stderr else None stdout = PIPE if capture_stdout else None stderr = PIPE if capture_stderr else None # change the user or group under which the process should run if params.user is not None or is not None: pre_exec = self._run_as(params.user, else: pre_exec = None # call the command proc = Popen(self.params.eval_single('command', data, store), cwd=params.cwd, shell=True, env=params.env, preexec_fn=pre_exec, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=PIPE if params.stdin is not None else None) # if input is available, send it to the process if params.stdin is not None: proc.stdin.write(params.stdin.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) # send a notification that the process has been started try: if self._callback_process is not None: self._callback_process(, data, store, signal, context) except (StopTask, AbortWorkflow): proc.terminate() raise # send the output handling to a thread if capture_stdout or capture_stderr: output_reader = BashTaskOutputReader(proc, stdout_file, stderr_file, self._callback_stdout, self._callback_stderr, params.refresh_time, data, store, signal, context) output_reader.start() else: output_reader = None # wait for the process to complete and watch for a stop signal while proc.poll() is None or\ (output_reader is not None and output_reader.is_alive()): sleep(params.refresh_time) if signal.is_stopped: proc.terminate() if output_reader is not None: output_reader.join() data = # if a stop or abort exception was raised, stop the bash process and re-raise if output_reader.exc_obj is not None: if proc.poll() is None: proc.terminate() raise output_reader.exc_obj # send a notification that the process has completed if self._callback_end is not None: if stdout_file is not None: if stderr_file is not None: self._callback_end(proc.returncode, stdout_file, stderr_file, data, store, signal, context) if stdout_file is not None: stdout_file.close() if stderr_file is not None: stderr_file.close() return Action(data)
def create_excel_file(): all_staffs_excel = Workbook(encoding='utf-8') sheet_one = all_staffs_excel.add_sheet('7月份出勤明细')'all_staffs.xls')
def test_saved_parameters(self): with TemporaryFile() as f: flow.misc.savemat(f, out['parameters']) params = flow.misc.loadmat(f) _compare_dict(orig['parameters'], params)
def _open_zip(self): self.zip_file = TemporaryFile() = ZipFile(self.zip_file, 'w')
class io: def __init__(self, data=""): = TemporaryFile(mode="w+b") def __getitem__(self, key): return def __setitem__(self, key, item): def __str__(self): return def __len__(self): return len(self) def save(self, path): with open( path, "w+", ) as f: f.write(str(self))
def handle(self, *args, **options): from django.conf import settings from accounts.choices import COUNTRY_CHOICES from rent.models import Booking'Starting daily insurance subscriptions batch') csv_file = TemporaryFile() latin1csv_file = codecs.EncodedFile(csv_file, 'utf-8', 'latin1', 'ignore') writer = csv.writer(latin1csv_file, delimiter='|') period = ( - timedelta(days=100)) for booking in Booking.objects.pending().filter(created_at__year=period.year, created_at__month=period.month, row = SortedDict() row['Numéro locataire'] = row['Login locataire'] = booking.borrower.username row['Adresse email'] = phones = tuple(booking.borrower.phones.all()[:1]) phone = phones[0] if phones else None row['Téléphone locataire'] = phone row['Portable locataire'] = phone row['Nom'] = smart_str(booking.borrower.last_name.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) row[u'Prénom'] = smart_str(booking.borrower.first_name.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) for address in booking.borrower.addresses.all()[:1]: row['Adresse 1'] = smart_str(address.address1.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) row['Adresse 2'] = smart_str(address.address2.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) if address.address2 else None row['Code postal'] = address.zipcode.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ") row['Ville'] = smart_str("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) row['Pays'] = COUNTRY_CHOICES[] break else: row['Adresse 1'] = \ row['Adresse 2'] = \ row['Code postal'] = \ row['Ville'] = \ row['Pays'] = \ row['Numéro propriétaire'] = smart_str( row['Login propriétaire'] = smart_str(booking.owner.username) row['Adresse email propriétaire'] = phones = tuple(booking.owner.phones.all()[:1]) phone = phones[0] if phones else None row['Téléphone propriétaire'] = phone row['Portable propriétaire'] = phone row['Nom propriétaire'] = smart_str(booking.owner.last_name.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) row[u'Prénom propriétaire'] = smart_str(booking.owner.first_name.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) for address in booking.owner.addresses.all()[:1]: row['Adresse 1 propriétaire'] = smart_str(address.address1.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) row['Adresse 2 propriétaire'] = smart_str(address.address2.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ") if address.address2 else None) row['Code postal propriétaire'] = address.zipcode.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ") row['Ville propriétaire'] = smart_str("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) row['Pays propriétaire'] = COUNTRY_CHOICES[] break else: row['Adresse 1 propriétaire'] = \ row['Adresse 2 propriétaire'] = \ row['Code postal propriétaire'] = \ row['Ville propriétaire'] = \ row['Pays propriétaire'] = None row['Numéro police'] = settings.POLICY_NUMBER row['Numéro partenaire'] = settings.PARTNER_NUMBER row['Numéro contrat'] = 500000 + booking.contract_id row['Date d\'effet de la location'] = booking.started_at.strftime("%Y%m%d") row[u'Numéro de commande'] = booking.uuid try: product = booking.product row['Type de produit'] = smart_str(product._get_category().name) row[u'Désignation'] = smart_str(product.description.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) row['Informations complémentaires produit'] = smart_str(product.summary.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")) except ObjectDoesNotExist: row['Type de produit'] = \ row[u'Désignation'] = \ row['Informations complémentaires produit'] = None row['Prix de la location TTC'] = comma_separated(booking.total_amount) row['Montant de la Caution'] = comma_separated(booking.deposit_amount) row[u'Durée de garantie'] = (booking.ended_at - booking.started_at).days try: row[u'Prix de cession de l\'assurance HT'] = comma_separated(round(booking.insurance_fee, 2)) row['Com. du partenaire'] = comma_separated(round(booking.insurance_commission, 2)) row['Taxes assurance à 9%'] = comma_separated(round(booking.insurance_taxes, 2)) except ObjectDoesNotExist: row[u'Prix de cession de l\'assurance HT'] = \ row['Com. du partenaire'] = \ row['Taxes assurance à 9%'] = None row['Cotisation TTC'] = comma_separated(round(booking.insurance_amount, 2)) writer.writerow(row.values())'Uploading daily insurance subscriptions') ftp = FTP(settings.INSURANCE_FTP_HOST) ftp.login(settings.INSURANCE_FTP_USER, settings.INSURANCE_FTP_PASSWORD) # set FTP PASSIVE mode; disabled by default ftp.set_pasv(getattr(settings, 'INSURANCE_FTP_PASSIVE_MODE', 0)) if settings.INSURANCE_FTP_CWD: ftp.cwd(settings.INSURANCE_FTP_CWD) ftp.storlines("STOR subscriptions-eloue-%s-%s-%s.csv" % (period.year, period.month,, latin1csv_file) ftp.quit()'Finished daily insurance subscriptions batch')
print '出差结束时间未归公司' sheet_one.write(excel_row, all_staffs_sign_out_date, go_to_out_date_end_time_end) sheet_one.write(excel_row, all_staffs_sign_out_date_description, '外出') else: print '出差结束后归公司' # if be_late(go_to_out_date_start_time): # print '早晨未打卡直接出差' # else: # print '早晨打卡后直接出差' # if leave_early(go_to_out_date_end_time): # print '出差结束时间未归公司' # else: # print '出差结束后归公司' # for row in rows: # go_to_out_date_start_time = row[go_to_out_date_start_index] # go_to_out_date_end_time = row[go_to_out_date_end_index] # if be_late(go_to_out_date_start_time): # print '早晨未打卡直接出差' # else: # print '早晨打卡后直接出差' # if leave_early(go_to_out_date_end_time): # print '出差结束时间未归公司' # else: # print '出差结束后归公司''all_staffs.xls')
传感器采集数据,每收集到1g数据,数据分析,最终 只保存分析结果,临时文件常驻内存,消耗内存资源 使用临时文件存储临时数据(外部存储) 临时文件不用命名,关闭后自动被删除 解决: tempfile模块 下 TemporaryFile, NamedTemporaryFile ''' from tempfile import TemporaryFile, NamedTemporaryFile # TemporaryFile(mode='w+b', bufsize=-1, suffix='', prefix='tmp',dir=None) # 得到临时文件对象,只能通过对象f访问,无法在系统路径找到 f = TemporaryFile() # 临时数据放入到临时文件 f.write(b'abcdef' * 100000) # 读取临时数据,操作文件指针 # 根据需求,每次读入 #------------------------- # NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', bufsize=-1, suffix='', prefix='tmp',dir=None,delete=True) # 每次重新创建,垃圾回收会自动删除文件 ntf = NamedTemporaryFile()
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # author : haymai """ 你需要在程序执行时创建一个临时文件或目录,并希望使用完之后可以自动销毁 掉。 """ from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory from tempfile import TemporaryFile if __name__ == '__main__': with TemporaryFile('w+t') as f: # Read/write to the file f.write('Hello World\n') f.write('Testing\n') # Seek back to beginning and read the data data = f = TemporaryFile('w+t') f.close() """ 在大多数 Unix 系统上,通过 TemporaryFile() 创建的文件都是匿名的,甚至连目 录都没有。如果你想打破这个限制,可以使用 NamedTemporaryFile() 来代替。 """ with NamedTemporaryFile('w+t') as f: print('filename is:', """ 临时目录 """
def testDumpCount(self): parser = ParserMock(DATA + DATA) self.assertEqual(2, _dump(TemporaryFile(), self.out, parser, False))
def import_lang(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0]) if this.overwrite: context = dict(context, overwrite=True) fileobj = TemporaryFile('w+') try: fileobj.write(base64.decodestring( # now we determine the file format first_line = fileobj.readline().strip().replace('"', '').replace( ' ', '') fileformat = first_line.endswith( "type,name,res_id,src,value") and 'csv' or 'po' tools.trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, this.code,, context=context) finally: fileobj.close() return True
def default_stream_factory(total_content_length, filename, content_type, content_length=None): """The stream factory that is used per default.""" if total_content_length > 1024 * 500: return TemporaryFile('wb+') return StringIO()
def __call__(self, orig, dest): old_inkscape = mpl._get_executable_info("inkscape").version < "1" terminator = b"\n>" if old_inkscape else b"> " if not hasattr(self, "_tmpdir"): self._tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() if (not self._proc # First run. or self._proc.poll() is not None): # Inkscape terminated. env = { **os.environ, # If one passes e.g. a png file to Inkscape, it will try to # query the user for conversion options via a GUI (even with # `--without-gui`). Unsetting `DISPLAY` prevents this (and # causes GTK to crash and Inkscape to terminate, but that'll # just be reported as a regular exception below). "DISPLAY": "", # Do not load any user options. "INKSCAPE_PROFILE_DIR": os.devnull, } # Old versions of Inkscape (e.g. seem to sometimes # deadlock when stderr is redirected to a pipe, so we redirect it # to a temporary file instead. This is not necessary anymore as of # Inkscape 0.92.1. stderr = TemporaryFile() self._proc = subprocess.Popen( ["inkscape", "--without-gui", "--shell"] if old_inkscape else ["inkscape", "--shell"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, env=env, # Slight abuse, but makes shutdown handling easier. self._proc.stderr = stderr try: self._read_until(terminator) except _ConverterError as err: raise OSError("Failed to start Inkscape in interactive " "mode") from err # Inkscape's shell mode does not support escaping metacharacters in the # filename ("\n", and ":;" for inkscape>=1). Avoid any problems by # running from a temporary directory and using fixed filenames. inkscape_orig = Path(, os.fsdecode(b"f.svg")) inkscape_dest = Path(, os.fsdecode(b"f.png")) try: inkscape_orig.symlink_to(Path(orig).resolve()) except OSError: shutil.copyfile(orig, inkscape_orig) self._proc.stdin.write( b"f.svg --export-png=f.png\n" if old_inkscape else b"file-open:f.svg;export-filename:f.png;export-do;file-close\n") self._proc.stdin.flush() try: self._read_until(terminator) except _ConverterError as err: # Inkscape's output is not localized but gtk's is, so the output # stream probably has a mixed encoding. Using the filesystem # encoding should at least get the filenames right... raise ImageComparisonFailure( sys.getfilesystemencoding(), "replace")) from err os.remove(inkscape_orig) shutil.move(inkscape_dest, dest)
def fftype(mol, rtfFile=None, prmFile=None, method='GAFF2', acCharges=None, tmpDir=None, netcharge=None): """ Assing atom types and force field parameters for a given molecule. Additionally, atom masses and improper dihedral are set. Optionally, atom charges can be set if `acCharges` is set (see below). The assignment can be done: 1. For CHARMM CGenFF_2b6 with MATCH (method = 'CGenFF_2b6'); 2. For AMBER GAFF with antechamber (method = 'GAFF'); 3. For AMBER GAFF2 with antechamber (method = 'GAFF2'); Parameters ---------- mol : Molecule Molecule to use for the assignment rtfFile : str Path to a RTF file from which to read the topology prmFile : str Path to a PRM file from which to read the parameters method : str Atomtyping assignment method. Use :func:`fftype.listFftypemethods <htmd.parameterization.fftype.listFftypemethods>` to get a list of available methods. Default: :func:`fftype.defaultFftypemethod <htmd.parameterization.fftype.defaultFftypemethod>` acCharges : str Optionally assign charges with antechamber. Check `antechamber -L` for available options. Note: only works for GAFF and GAFF2. tmpDir: str Directory for temporary files. If None, a directory is created and deleted automatically. netcharge : float The net charge of the molecule. Returns ------- prm : :class:`ParameterSet <parmed.parameters.ParameterSet>` object Returns a parmed ParameterSet object with the parameters. mol : :class:`Molecule <moleculekit.molecule.Molecule>` object The modified Molecule object with the matching atom types for the ParameterSet """ import parmed if method not in fftypemethods: raise ValueError('Invalid method {}. Available methods {}'.format( method, ','.join(fftypemethods))) if method == 'CGenFF_2b6' and acCharges: raise ValueError('acCharges') if netcharge is None: netcharge = int(round(np.sum(mol.charge))) logger.warning( 'Molecular charge is set to {} by adding up the atomic charges'. format(netcharge)) if rtfFile and prmFile: from htmd.parameterization.readers import readRTF'Reading FF parameters from {} and {}'.format( rtfFile, prmFile)) prm = parmed.charmm.CharmmParameterSet(rtfFile, prmFile) names, elements, atomtypes, charges, masses, impropers = readRTF( rtfFile) else:'Assigning atom types with {}'.format(method)) renamed_mol = _canonicalizeAtomNames(mol) # Create a temporary directory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # HACK to keep the files tmpdir = tmpdir if tmpDir is None else tmpDir logger.debug('Temporary directory: {}'.format(tmpdir)) if method in ('GAFF', 'GAFF2'): from moleculekit.molecule import Molecule from htmd.parameterization.readers import readPREPI, readFRCMOD # Write the molecule to a file renamed_mol.write(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.mol2')) atomtype = method.lower() # Set arguments cmd = [ 'antechamber', '-at', atomtype, '-nc', str(netcharge), '-fi', 'mol2', '-i', 'mol.mol2', '-fo', 'prepi', '-o', 'mol.prepi' ] if acCharges is not None: cmd += ['-c', acCharges] # Run antechamber with TemporaryFile() as stream: if cmd, cwd=tmpdir, stdout=stream, stderr=stream) != 0: raise RuntimeError('"antechamber" failed') for line in stream.readlines(): logger.debug(line) # Set arguments cmd = [ 'parmchk2', '-f', 'prepi', '-s', atomtype, '-i', 'mol.prepi', '-o', 'mol.frcmod', '-a', 'Y' ] # Run parmchk2 with TemporaryFile() as stream: if cmd, cwd=tmpdir, stdout=stream, stderr=stream) != 0: raise RuntimeError('"parmchk2" failed') for line in stream.readlines(): logger.debug(line) # Check if antechamber did changes in atom names (and suggest the user to fix the names) acmol = Molecule(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'NEWPDB.PDB'), type='pdb') = np.array([n.upper() for n in]).astype(np.object) changed_mol_acmol = np.setdiff1d(, changed_acmol_mol = np.setdiff1d(, if len(changed_mol_acmol) != 0 or len(changed_acmol_mol) != 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Initial atom names {} were changed by antechamber to {}. ' 'This probably means that the start of the atom name does not match ' 'element symbol. ' 'Please check the molecule.' ''.format(','.join(changed_mol_acmol), ','.join(changed_acmol_mol))) # Read the results prm = parmed.amber.AmberParameterSet( os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.frcmod')) names, atomtypes, charges, impropers = readPREPI( renamed_mol, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.prepi')) masses, elements = readFRCMOD( atomtypes, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.frcmod')) elif method == 'CGenFF_2b6': from htmd.parameterization.readers import readRTF # Write the molecule to a file renamed_mol.write(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.pdb')) # Set arguments cmd = [ 'match-typer', '-charge', str(netcharge), '-forcefield', 'top_all36_cgenff_new', 'mol.pdb' ] # Run match-type with TemporaryFile() as stream: if cmd, cwd=tmpdir, stdout=stream, stderr=stream) != 0: raise RuntimeError('"match-typer" failed') for line in stream.readlines(): logger.debug(line) prm = parmed.charmm.CharmmParameterSet( os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.rtf'), os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.prm')) names, elements, atomtypes, charges, masses, impropers = readRTF( os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mol.rtf')) else: raise ValueError('Invalid method {}'.format(method)) assert np.all( == names) assert np.all(mol.element == elements) mol = mol.copy() mol.atomtype = atomtypes mol.masses = masses mol.impropers = impropers if acCharges is not None: mol.charge = charges return prm, mol
#cv2.imshow('figureSquare1', img) imgResize1 = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imgResize = cv2.resize(imgResize1, (outWidth, outHeight), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) #imgResize = cv2.resize(img, (20, 20) , interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA ) cv2.waitKey(int(math.ceil(dt))) writerOut.write(imgResize) writerOut.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() from tempfile import TemporaryFile outfile = TemporaryFile() data = [] data = np.column_stack((tStimulus, theta)), data) print len(yPosPix) path.append('/home/atilla/Documents/Test/Neural_Network2/Stimulus/Data/') import dataAnalysis as datAn filePath = '/home/atilla/Documents/Test/Neural_Network2/Stimulus/Data/' def plotPixels(xFrameSpike, fps, xPosPix, yPosPix, tPix5): xTimeSpike = np.divide(xFrameSpike, fps) for i in range(np.size(xFrameSpike)):
def run_demographics(payload_dict):"run_demographics:: {payload_dict}") metric_names_ref = { "vaccinations-by-vaccination-date": { "age-demographics": { "metric_name": "vaccinationsAgeDemographics", "main_metrics": ['areaType', 'areaCode', 'areaName', 'date', 'age'] } }, "cases-by-specimen-date": { "age-demographics": { "metric_name": "newCasesBySpecimenDateAgeDemographics", "base_metric": "newCasesBySpecimenDate", "db_payload_metric": "cases", "main_metrics": ['areaType', 'areaCode', 'areaName', 'date', 'age'] } }, "deaths28days-by-death-date": { "age-demographics": { "metric_name": "newDeaths28DaysByDeathDateAgeDemographics", "base_metric": "newDeaths28DaysByDeathDate", "db_payload_metric": "deaths", "main_metrics": ['areaType', 'areaCode', 'areaName', 'date', 'age'] } }, "first-episodes-by-specimen-date": { "age-demographics": { "metric_name": "newFirstEpisodesBySpecimenDateAgeDemographics", "base_metric": "newFirstEpisodesBySpecimenDate", "db_payload_metric": "cases", "main_metrics": ['areaType', 'areaCode', 'areaName', 'date', 'age'] } }, "reinfections-by-specimen-date": { "age-demographics": { "metric_name": "newReinfectionsBySpecimenDateAgeDemographics", "base_metric": "newReinfectionsBySpecimenDate", "db_payload_metric": "cases", "main_metrics": ['areaType', 'areaCode', 'areaName', 'date', 'age'] } }, } payload = RawDataPayload(**payload_dict["base"]) category = payload_dict['category'] subcategory = payload_dict['subcategory'] area_type = payload_dict['area_type'] area_code = payload_dict['area_code'] date = payload_dict['date'] metadata = metric_names_ref[category][subcategory] metric_name = metadata["metric_name"] kws = dict( container="pipeline", content_type="application/octet-stream", cache_control="no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate", compressed=False, tier='Cool' ) # Retrieve data chunk with StorageClient(**kws, path=payload.data_path) as client, TemporaryFile() as fp: if not client.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"Blob not found: {payload.data_path}") data = read_feather(fp)"\tLoaded and parsed population data") main_metrics = metadata["main_metrics"] metrics = data.columns[~data.columns.isin(main_metrics)] db_payload_metric = metadata.get("db_payload_metric") if db_payload_metric is not None: metrics = [db_payload_metric, "rollingSum", "rollingRate"] result = ( data .pipe(homogenise_demographics_dates) .set_index(main_metrics) .pipe( normalise_demographics_records, zero_filled=FILL_WITH_ZEROS, cumulative=START_WITH_ZERO ) .pipe( metric_specific_processes, base_metric=metadata.get("base_metric"), db_payload_metric=db_payload_metric ) .groupby(main_metrics[:-1]) .apply(lambda x: x.loc[:, [main_metrics[-1], *metrics]].to_dict(orient="records")) .reset_index() .rename(columns={0: metric_name}) ) # Store chunk for deployment to DB result_path = f"daily_chunks/{category}/{subcategory}/{date}/{area_type}_{area_code}.ft" with TemporaryFile() as fp: result.reset_index(drop=True).to_feather(fp) with StorageClient(**kws, path=result_path) as cli: cli.upload( response_payload = { "path": result_path, "area_code": area_code, "area_type": area_type, "date": date, "environment": payload.environment, "category": category, "subcategory": subcategory } return response_payload
import gzip import os from Bio import SeqIO from tempfile import TemporaryFile import argparse import sys import re reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) ## author #Zhou Yi bin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) temp = TemporaryFile() cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='re-evaluate uniq_read in support_read') cmd_parser.add_argument('-fq1', help='fastq1 after remove adapter') cmd_parser.add_argument('-fq2', help='fastq2 after remove adapter') cmd_parser.add_argument('-i', help='human-uniq infile') cmd_parser.add_argument('-o', help='outfile, directory and name') cmd_parser.add_argument('-erate',type=float,default=0.04,help='error rate of sequencing for allowing mismatch') cmd_parser.add_argument('-ref',default="./ref.list",help='ref genome ID list') cmd_parser.add_argument('-id',help='sample name') cmd_args = cmd_parser.parse_args() #互补序列 不需要反向 def revseq(seq): seq=seq.replace("A","t").replace("T","a").replace("G","c").replace("C","g") seq=seq.upper() #[::-1]
q[1] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=0.1) q[2] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=0.1) q[3] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0) q[4] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0) return q burnin = 1000000 T = 2000000 covid = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=5,U=energy,Supp=support) y0=init() yp0=init() covid.Run(T,y0,yp0) cadena=TemporaryFile()'covid/cadena',covid.Output) chain = covid.Output energy = chain[:,-1] ############################################# ### Computing the MAP estimate energy_MAP = min(energy) loc_MAP = np.where(energy==energy_MAP)[0] MAP = chain[loc_MAP[-1]] MAP = MAP[:-1] ### Computing the posterior mean Post_mean = np.ones(5)
for index in range(start, end): count += 1 if A[index] < A[end]: # check if current val is less than pivot value newPivotIndex = newPivotIndex + 1 temp = A[newPivotIndex] A[newPivotIndex] = A[index] A[index] = temp temp = A[newPivotIndex + 1] A[newPivotIndex + 1] = A[end] A[end] = temp return newPivotIndex + 1, count outfile = TemporaryFile() p = 100 # 1000 elements are to be sorted mu, sigma = 0, 1 # mean and standard deviation X = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, p), X) print("The array is") print(X) # using the same array M = np.load(outfile) r = len(M) - 1 z = _inPlaceQuickSort(M, 0, r)