class TemporaryFileStorage: def __init__(self): self.temporaryFile = TemporaryFile() def __call__(self, data, bytesEncoding='utf8'): if type(data) != bytes: data = str(data).encode(bytesEncoding) # Write string data self.temporaryFile.truncate() self.temporaryFile.write(data) return self def buffer(self): return self.temporaryFile
class APRFile(object): """Wrap a Python file-like object as an APR File""" def __init__(self, pyfile): self.pyfile = pyfile self.pool = Pool() self._as_parameter_ = POINTER(apr_file_t)() self.tempfile = None if hasattr(pyfile, "fileno"): # Looks like this is a real file. We can just write # directly to said file osfile = apr_os_file_t(get_osfhandle(pyfile.fileno())) else: # Looks like this is a StringIO buffer or a fake file. # Write to a temporary file and copy the output to the # buffer when we are closed or flushed self.tempfile = TemporaryFile() osfile = apr_os_file_t(get_osfhandle(self.tempfile.fileno())) apr_os_file_put(byref(self._as_parameter_), byref(osfile), APR_CREATE | APR_WRITE | APR_BINARY, self.pool) def flush(self): """Flush output to the underlying Python object""" if self.tempfile: copyfileobj(self.tempfile, self.pyfile) self.tempfile.truncate(0) def close(self): """Close the APR file wrapper, leaving the underlying Python object untouched""" self.flush() if self.tempfile: self.tempfile.close() self.tempfile = None self.pool.destroy() self.pool = None def __del__(self): if self.pool: self.close()
class CapturedStdout: """Capture sys.out output in temp file to allow function result testing Thanks to Catherine Devlin ( for the idea""" def __init__(self): """Capture stdout""" self.backupStdout=sys.stdout self.tmpFile=TemporaryFile() sys.stdout=self.tmpFile def readlines(self, reset=True): """ @param reset: reset buffer for next usage (default is True) @return: array of lines captured and reset buffer""" lines=self.tmpFile.readlines() if reset: self.reset() return [line.strip("\n").strip("\x00") for line in lines] def reset(self): """Reset stdout buffer""" self.tmpFile.truncate(0) def gotPsyqlException(self, reset=True): """Look if captured output has a PysqlException @param reset: reset buffer for next usage (default is True) @return: True is got exception, else False""" lines=self.readlines(reset) for line in lines: if "Pysql error" in line: return True return False def echoStdout(self): """Echo the current buffer on terminal stdout. Usefull for test debuging""" self.backupStdout.writelines(["%s\n" % line for line in self.readlines(reset=False)]) def restoreStdout(self): sys.stdout=self.backupStdout self.tmpFile.close()
def data(dataset=None, format=None): args = request.args dataset, format = (dataset, format) if dataset and format else (args["dataset"], args["format"]) if dataset not in queries["dataset"] or format not in queries["format"]: queries["dataset"].append(dataset) queries["format"].append(format) temp = TemporaryFile('r+b') d = experiment_to_dict(dataset+'/'+format) temp.write(json.dumps(d)) temp.truncate() if dataset not in cache: cache[dataset] = {} cache[dataset][format] = temp else: cache[dataset][format].seek(0) d = json.loads(cache[dataset][format].read()) if dataset and format: return jsonify(**d) else: return jsonify()
'rpm', '-i', configuration_data['RepositoryURL'] + configuration_data['yumRepositoryPath'] + '/jdk-' + configuration_data['deploymentDictionary']['javaVersion'] + '-fcs.x86_64.rpm', '--oldpackage', '--relocate', '/etc/init.d/jexec=/etc/init.d/jexec-' + configuration_data['deploymentDictionary']['javaVersion'], '--badreloc' ], stdout=external_command_output, stderr=external_command_output) if exit_code == 0: if debugging_enabled is True: print('Yum output as follows:') print( external_command_output.truncate(0) print('OK') else: print('Failed') exit_script(1) for CACert in ['ExpediaRootCA', 'ExpediaInternal1C']: print('Adding ' + CACert + ' certificate to trust store: ', end='') certificate_fetch = subprocess.Popen([ 'curl', '-k', '-s', configuration_data['RepositoryURL'] + configuration_data['certificatePath'] + '/' + CACert + '.crt' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) certResponseBody = certificate_fetch.communicate()[0] if certificate_fetch.returncode != 0: print('FAILED. Could not fetch certificate at ' +
def main(): # parse options option, args = doc_optparse.parse(__doc__) if len(args) < 2: doc_optparse.exit() gff_files_1 = glob.glob(args[0]) gff_files_2 = glob.glob(args[1]) # create temporary files to store intersections temp_file_1 = TemporaryFile() temp_file_2 = TemporaryFile() if not option.enumerate: # use a wider column if we're going to need it if option.read_depth: col_width = 24 elif option.verbose: col_width = 16 else: col_width = 8 # print column headings print " " * 8, for i in range(1, len(gff_files_1) + 1): print excel_column(i).ljust(col_width), print "" # initialize counter to print row headings file_number = 0 # iterate through the second list of files for g2_path in gff_files_2: # print row heading if not option.enumerate: file_number += 1 print str(file_number).ljust(8), # now iterate through the first list, do intersections and compare for g1_path in gff_files_1: # do the intersection one way g1 = gff.input(g1_path) g2 = gff.input(g2_path) for line in g1.intersect(g2): print >> temp_file_1, line # now do the intersection the other way g1_reverse = gff.input(g1_path) g2_reverse = gff.input(g2_path) for line in g2_reverse.intersect(g1_reverse): print >> temp_file_2, line # rewind each temporary file now storing intersection data # now go through the temporary files and work out concordancy g1_intx = gff.input(temp_file_1) g2_intx = gff.input(temp_file_2) matching_count = unmatching_count = 0 # we cannot chain equal signs here, because the two would reference the # same list, and that would be bad... matching_read_depths, unmatching_read_depths = [], [] for record1 in g1_intx: record2 = # these records should match in terms of the interval they represent if record2.seqname != record1.seqname or \ record2.start != record1.start or \ record2.end != record1.end: raise ValueError("files must be pre-sorted") # isolate the read depth info if we need to if option.read_depth: rd = [] try: rd.append(int(record1.attributes["read_depth"].strip("\""))) except KeyError: pass try: rd.append(int(record2.attributes["read_depth"].strip("\""))) except KeyError: pass # now test if there's concordance try: if sorted(record2.attributes["alleles"].strip("\"").split("/")) != \ sorted(record1.attributes["alleles"].strip("\"").split("/")): unmatching_count += 1 if option.enumerate: record1.attributes["concordant"] = "false" record2.attributes["concordant"] = "false" print record1 print record2 if option.read_depth: unmatching_read_depths.extend(rd) else: matching_count += 1 if option.enumerate: record1.attributes["concordant"] = "true" record2.attributes["concordant"] = "true" print record1 print record2 if option.read_depth: matching_read_depths.extend(rd) # no alleles? not a SNP except KeyError: continue # now we print the result, being mindful of possible zero division problems, etc. if option.enumerate: pass elif option.read_depth: try: a = "%.1f" % mean(matching_read_depths) b = "%.1f" % median(matching_read_depths) except TypeError: a = "--" b = "--" try: c = "%.1f" % mean(unmatching_read_depths) d = "%.1f" % median(unmatching_read_depths) except TypeError: c = "--" d = "--" print ("%s %s : %s %s" % (a, b, c, d)).ljust(col_width), else: try: p = "%.1f%%" % (float(matching_count) / (matching_count + unmatching_count) * 100) except ZeroDivisionError: p = "--" if option.verbose: total_count = unmatching_count + matching_count print ("%s %s/%s" % (p, matching_count, total_count)).ljust(col_width), else: print p.ljust(col_width), # now we rewind, delete everything, and start again! temp_file_1.truncate() temp_file_2.truncate() # wrap up the line print "" # print the legend describing what the column and row headings mean if not option.enumerate: print "-" * 8 file_number = 0 for i in gff_files_1: file_number += 1 print ("[%s]" % excel_column(file_number)).ljust(8), print i file_number = 0 for i in gff_files_2: file_number += 1 print ("[%s]" % file_number).ljust(8), print i
class Composition: """A parsed mzcompose.yml with a loaded file.""" def __init__( self, repo: mzbuild.Repository, name: str, preserve_ports: bool = False ): = name self.repo = repo self.images: List[mzbuild.Image] = [] self.workflows: Dict[str, Callable[..., None]] = {} self.default_tag = os.getenv(f"MZBUILD_TAG", None) if name in self.repo.compositions: self.path = self.repo.compositions[name] else: raise UnknownCompositionError(name) # load the mzcompose.yml file, if one exists mzcompose_yml = self.path / "mzcompose.yml" if mzcompose_yml.exists(): with open(mzcompose_yml) as f: compose = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} else: compose = {} self.compose = compose if "version" not in compose: compose["version"] = "3.7" if "services" not in compose: compose["services"] = {} # Load the file, if one exists mzcompose_py = self.path / "" if mzcompose_py.exists(): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("mzcompose", mzcompose_py) assert spec module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) assert isinstance(spec.loader, spec.loader.exec_module(module) for name, fn in getmembers(module, isfunction): if name.startswith("workflow_"): # The name of the workflow is the name of the function # with the "workflow_" prefix stripped and any underscores # replaced with dashes. name = name[len("workflow_") :].replace("_", "-") self.workflows[name] = fn for python_service in getattr(module, "SERVICES", []): compose["services"][] = python_service.config for name, config in compose["services"].items(): if "propagate_uid_gid" in config: if config["propagate_uid_gid"]: config["user"] = f"{os.getuid()}:{os.getgid()}" del config["propagate_uid_gid"] ports = config.setdefault("ports", []) for i, port in enumerate(ports): if ":" in str(port): raise UIError( "programming error: disallowed host port in service {name!r}" ) if preserve_ports: # If preserving ports, bind the container port to the same # host port. ports[i] = f"{port}:{port}" if self.repo.rd.coverage: # Emit coverage information to a file in a directory that is # bind-mounted to the "coverage" directory on the host. We # inject the configuration to all services for simplicity, but # this only have an effect if the service runs instrumented Rust # binaries. config.setdefault("environment", []).append( f"LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=/coverage/{name}-%m.profraw" ) config.setdefault("volumes", []).append("./coverage:/coverage") # Add default volumes compose.setdefault("volumes", {}).update( { "mzdata": None, "tmp": None, "secrets": None, } ) self._resolve_mzbuild_references() # Emit the munged configuration to a temporary file so that we can later # pass it to Docker Compose. self.file = TemporaryFile() os.set_inheritable(self.file.fileno(), True) self._write_compose() def _resolve_mzbuild_references(self) -> None: # Resolve all services that reference an `mzbuild` image to a specific # `image` reference. for name, config in self.compose["services"].items(): if "mzbuild" in config: image_name = config["mzbuild"] if image_name not in self.repo.images: raise UIError(f"mzcompose: unknown image {image_name}") image = self.repo.images[image_name] override_tag = os.getenv( f"MZBUILD_{image.env_var_name()}_TAG", self.default_tag ) if override_tag is not None: config["image"] = image.docker_name(override_tag) print( f"mzcompose: warning: overriding {image_name} image to tag {override_tag}", file=sys.stderr, ) del config["mzbuild"] else: self.images.append(image) deps = self.repo.resolve_dependencies(self.images) for config in self.compose["services"].values(): if "mzbuild" in config: config["image"] = deps[config["mzbuild"]].spec() del config["mzbuild"] def _write_compose(self) -> None: self.file.truncate() yaml.dump(self.compose, self.file, encoding="utf-8") # type: ignore self.file.flush() @classmethod def lint(cls, repo: mzbuild.Repository, name: str) -> List[LintError]: """Checks a composition for common errors.""" if not name in repo.compositions: raise UnknownCompositionError(name) errs: List[LintError] = [] path = repo.compositions[name] / "mzcompose.yml" if path.exists(): with open(path) as f: composition = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} _lint_composition(path, composition, errs) return errs def invoke(self, *args: str, capture: bool = False) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Invoke `docker-compose` on the rendered composition. Args: args: The arguments to pass to `docker-compose`. capture: Whether to capture the child's stdout stream. """ print(f"$ docker-compose {' '.join(args)}", file=sys.stderr) stdout = None if capture: stdout = subprocess.PIPE try: return [ "docker-compose", f"-f/dev/fd/{self.file.fileno()}", "--project-directory", self.path, *args, ], close_fds=False, check=True, stdout=stdout, text=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.stdout: print(e.stdout) raise UIError(f"running docker-compose failed (exit status {e.returncode})") def port(self, service: str, private_port: Union[int, str]) -> int: """Get the public port for a service's private port. Delegates to `docker-compose port`. See that command's help for details. Args: service: The name of a service in the composition. private_port: A private port exposed by the service. """ proc = self.invoke("port", service, str(private_port), capture=True) if not proc.stdout.strip(): raise UIError( f"service f{service!r} is not exposing port {private_port!r}", hint="is the service running?", ) return int(proc.stdout.split(":")[1]) def default_port(self, service: str) -> int: """Get the default public port for a service. Args: service: The name of a service in the composition. """ ports = self.compose["services"][service]["ports"] if not ports: raise UIError(f"service f{service!r} does not expose any ports") private_port = str(ports[0]).split(":")[0] return self.port(service, private_port) def workflow(self, name: str, *args: str) -> None: """Run a workflow in the composition. Raises a `KeyError` if the workflow does not exist. Args: name: The name of the workflow to run. args: The arguments to pass to the workflow function. """ ui.header(f"Running workflow {name}") func = self.workflows[name] parser = WorkflowArgumentParser(name, inspect.getdoc(func), list(args)) if len(inspect.signature(func).parameters) > 1: func(self, parser) else: # If the workflow doesn't have an `args` parameter, parse them here # with an empty parser to reject bogus arguments and to handle the # trivial help message. parser.parse_args() func(self) @contextmanager def override(self, *services: "Service") -> Iterator[None]: """Temporarily update the composition with the specified services. The services must already exist in the composition. They restored to their old definitions when the `with` block ends. Note that the service definition is written in its entirety; i.e., the configuration is not deep merged but replaced wholesale. Lest you are tempted to change this function to allow dynamically injecting new services: do not do this! These services will not be visible to other commands, like `mzcompose run`, `mzcompose logs`, or `mzcompose down`, which makes debugging or inspecting the composition challenging. """ # Remember the old composition. old_compose = copy.deepcopy(self.compose) # Update the composition with the new service definitions. for service in services: if not in self.compose["services"]: raise RuntimeError( "programming error in call to Workflow.with_services: " f"{!r} does not exist" ) self.compose["services"][] = service.config self._resolve_mzbuild_references() self._write_compose() try: # Run the next composition. yield finally: # Restore the old composition. self.compose = old_compose self._write_compose() def sql(self, sql: str) -> None: """Run a batch of SQL statements against the materialized service.""" port = self.default_port("materialized") conn = pg8000.connect(host="localhost", user="******", port=port) conn.autocommit = True cursor = conn.cursor() for statement in sqlparse.split(sql): cursor.execute(statement) def start_and_wait_for_tcp(self, services: List[str]) -> None: """Sequentially start the named services, waiting for eaach to become available via TCP before moving on to the next.""" for service in services: self.up(service) for port in self.compose["services"][service].get("ports", []): self.wait_for_tcp(host=service, port=port) def run( self, service: str, *args: str, detach: bool = False, rm: bool = False, env: Dict[str, str] = {}, capture: bool = False, ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Run a one-off command in a service. Delegates to `docker-compose run`. See that command's help for details. Note that unlike `docker compose run`, any services whose definitions have changed are rebuilt (like `docker-compose up` would do) before the command is executed. Args: service: The name of a service in the composition. args: Arguments to pass to the service's entrypoint. detach: Run the container in the background. env: Additional environment variables to set in the container. rm: Remove container after run. capture: Capture the stdout of the `docker-compose` invocation. """ # Restart any dependencies whose definitions have changed. The trick, # taken from Buildkite's Docker Compose plugin, is to run an `up` # command that requests zero instances of the requested service. self.invoke("up", "--detach", "--scale", f"{service}=0", service) return self.invoke( "run", *(f"-e{k}={v}" for k, v in env.items()), *(["--detach"] if detach else []), *(["--rm"] if rm else []), service, *args, capture=capture, ) def up(self, *services: str, detach: bool = True) -> None: """Build, (re)create, and start the named services. Delegates to `docker-compose up`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. detach: Run containers in the background. """ self.invoke("up", *(["--detach"] if detach else []), *services) def kill(self, *services: str, signal: str = "SIGKILL") -> None: """Force stop service containers. Delegates to `docker-compose kill`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. signal: The signal to deliver. """ self.invoke("kill", f"-s{signal}", *services) def rm( self, *services: str, stop: bool = True, destroy_volumes: bool = True ) -> None: """Remove stopped service containers. Delegates to `docker-compose rm`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. stop: Stop the containers if necessary. destroy_volumes: Destroy any anonymous volumes associated with the service. Note that this does not destroy any named volumes attached to the service. """ self.invoke( "rm", "--force", *(["--stop"] if stop else []), *(["-v"] if destroy_volumes else []), *services, ) def rm_volumes(self, *volumes: str, force: bool = False) -> None: """Remove the named volumes. Args: volumes: The names of volumes in the composition. force: Whether to force the removal (i.e., don't error if the volume does not exist). """ volumes = (f"{}_{v}" for v in volumes) spawn.runv( ["docker", "volume", "rm", *(["--force"] if force else []), *volumes] ) def sleep(self, duration: float) -> None: """Sleep for the specified duration in seconds.""" print(f"Sleeping for {duration} seconds...") time.sleep(duration) # TODO(benesch): replace with Docker health checks. def wait_for_tcp( self, *, host: str = "localhost", port: int, timeout_secs: int = 240, ) -> None: ui.progress(f"waiting for {host}:{port}", "C") for remaining in ui.timeout_loop(timeout_secs): cmd = f"docker run --rm -t --network {}_default ubuntu:focal-20210723".split() try: _check_tcp(cmd[:], host, port, timeout_secs) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: ui.progress(" {}".format(int(remaining))) else: ui.progress(" success!", finish=True) return ui.progress(" error!", finish=True) raise UIError(f"unable to connect to {host}:{port}") # TODO(benesch): replace with Docker health checks. def wait_for_postgres( self, *, dbname: str = "postgres", port: Optional[int] = None, host: str = "localhost", timeout_secs: int = 120, query: str = "SELECT 1", user: str = "postgres", password: str = "postgres", expected: Union[Iterable[Any], Literal["any"]] = [[1]], print_result: bool = False, service: str = "postgres", ) -> None: """Wait for a PostgreSQL service to start. Args: dbname: the name of the database to wait for host: the host postgres is listening on port: the port postgres is listening on timeout_secs: How long to wait for postgres to be up before failing (Default: 30) query: The query to execute to ensure that it is running (Default: "Select 1") user: The chosen user (this is only relevant for postgres) service: The service that postgres is running as (Default: postgres) """ _wait_for_pg( dbname=dbname, host=host, port=port or self.default_port(service), timeout_secs=timeout_secs, query=query, user=user, password=password, expected=expected, print_result=print_result, ) # TODO(benesch): replace with Docker health checks. def wait_for_materialized( self, service: str = "materialized", *, user: str = "materialize", dbname: str = "materialize", host: str = "localhost", port: Optional[int] = None, timeout_secs: int = 60, query: str = "SELECT 1", expected: Union[Iterable[Any], Literal["any"]] = [[1]], print_result: bool = False, ) -> None: """Like `Workflow.wait_for_postgres`, but with Materialize defaults.""" self.wait_for_postgres( user=user, dbname=dbname, host=host, port=port, timeout_secs=timeout_secs, query=query, expected=expected, print_result=print_result, service=service, )
class LogParser: """ Class for parsing information about attacks from log files """ def __init__(self, file_log, rules, service_name=None, logger=None): # type: (str, List[str], str, Logger) -> None """ Initialize the log parser :param file_log: path to the file with logs :param rules: list of string filters/rules :param service_name: optional name of the service. If not specified then found attacks are not assigned to any service :param logger: optional logger. If specified, LogParsers fires messages into him """ self.file_log = file_log self.rules = [ rule if type(rule) == Rule else Rule(rule, service_name) for rule in rules ] self.logger = logger self._last_file_size = 0 self._last_file_modification_date = None self._attack_cache_file = TemporaryFile( ) # here will all attacks stay cached self._attack_cache_file_lock = Lock() # if this last bytes are same then we are sure the file was not modified self._last_bytes = {'hash': None, 'len': 0} self.force_rescan() def parse_attacks(self, max_age=None, skip_scanning=False): # type: (float, bool) -> dict """ Parses the attacks from log file and returns them :param max_age: optional, in seconds. If attack is older as this then it is ignored :param skip_scanning: if set to true then the read content is not analyzed for attacks :return: dictionary. Key is the IP that attacked and value is list of dictionaries with data about every attack """ if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug('parsing attacks for %s' % self.file_log) attacks = {} curr_file_size = getsize(self.file_log) curr_file_modification_time = getmtime(self.file_log) if self._last_file_size == curr_file_size and curr_file_modification_time == self._last_file_modification_date: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug('nothing changed, nothing new to parse') # it seems that the files has not changed so skip analyzing it return attacks continue_in_scanning = True # when set to True, only new content in file is analyzed if self._last_file_size > curr_file_size: # when the current file is smaller, something has happened to it. We will rescan it to be sure if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( 'file went smaller since las scan, rescan it') continue_in_scanning = False self.force_rescan() if self._last_file_size == curr_file_size and self._last_file_modification_date != curr_file_modification_time: # the file has the same size but was still modified, we better rescan it if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( 'file is the same size but it was modified,rescan it') continue_in_scanning = False self.force_rescan() with open(self.file_log, 'r') as f: if continue_in_scanning and self._last_bytes['hash'] is not None: # check last few bytes if they are same - self._last_bytes['len'] - 5) if md5(['len']).encode( 'utf8')).hexdigest() != self._last_bytes['hash']: # nope, last few bytes differ, something seems really odd about this file. Better rescan it if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( 'last few scanned bytes differ, rescan it') self.force_rescan() # skip all already analyzed content new_content = # save last ten bytes so we can know if the file is still the same during new analyze content_end = new_content[-256:-5] self._last_bytes['hash'] = md5(content_end.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() self._last_bytes['len'] = len(content_end) log_lines = new_content.splitlines() del new_content, content_end if not skip_scanning: for log_line in log_lines: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug('log line "%s"' % log_line.replace('\n', '\\n')) for rule in self.rules: variables = rule.get_variables(log_line) if variables is not None: if max_age is not None and time.time( ) - max_age > variables['TIMESTAMP']: break attacker_ip = variables['IP'] del variables['IP'] item = attacks.get(attacker_ip, []) item.append(variables) attacks[attacker_ip] = item break self._last_file_modification_date = curr_file_modification_time self._last_file_size = curr_file_size self._attack_cache_file_lock.acquire() attacks.update( json.loads('utf8'))) self._attack_cache_file.truncate(0) self._attack_cache_file.write(json.dumps(attacks).encode('utf8')) self._attack_cache_file.flush() self._attack_cache_file_lock.release() return attacks def get_habitual_offenders(self, min_attack_attempts, attack_attempts_time, max_age=None, attacks=None, first_load=False): # type: (int, int, int, dict, bool) -> dict """ Finds IPs that had performed more than allowed number of attacks in specified time range :param min_attack_attempts: minimum allowed number of attacks in time range to be included :param attack_attempts_time: the time range in which all of the attacks must have occurred in seconds :param max_age: optional, in seconds. If attack is older as this then it is ignored :param attacks: optional. If None, then the value of self.parse_attacks(max_age) is used :param first_load: If true, then the log file is read only, not scanned for attacks :return: dictionary. Key is the IP that attacked more or equal than min_attack_attempts times and value is list of dictionaries with data about every attack in specified time range """ attacks = self.parse_attacks( max_age, first_load) if attacks is None else attacks habitual_offenders = {} for ip, attack_list in attacks.items(): for attack in attack_list: attacks_in_time_range = [] for attack2 in attack_list: attack_time_delta = attack2['TIMESTAMP'] - attack[ 'TIMESTAMP'] if 0 <= attack_time_delta <= attack_attempts_time: attacks_in_time_range.append(attack2) if len(attacks_in_time_range) > min_attack_attempts: break if len(attacks_in_time_range) >= min_attack_attempts: habitual_offenders[ip] = attack_list return habitual_offenders def force_rescan(self): # type: () -> None """ Resets progress info about log file, forcing program to perform the next scan from the beginning :return: None """ self._last_file_size = 0 self._last_file_modification_date = None self._attack_cache_file_lock.acquire() self._attack_cache_file.truncate(0) self._attack_cache_file.write(json.dumps({}).encode('utf8')) self._attack_cache_file.flush() self._attack_cache_file_lock.release()
class ShellSubprocess(object): """ Interactive shell running in a persistent process """ def __init__(self): self.stdout = TemporaryFile() self.stderr = TemporaryFile() self.process = subprocess.Popen("/bin/bash", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr) self.stdin = self.process.stdin def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def execute(self, cmd): """Execute a command in the shell. Args: cmd (string, list): command to execute """ if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd) self.stdin.write(cmd.encode() + b"\n") self.stdin.flush() def run(self, cmd): """Execute a command in the shell an return the stdout, stderr and exit code. NOTE: This method does not write to stdout or stderr buffers. Args: cmd (string, list): command to execute """ with NamedTemporaryFile() as outfile, NamedTemporaryFile( ) as errfile, NamedTemporaryFile() as exitfile: self.execute( f"({cmd}) 1> {} 2> {}; echo $? > {}" ) wait_time = 0.0001 while True: exit_code = if exit_code: break sleep(wait_time) wait_time *= 2 out = err = exit_code = int(exit_code.strip()) return out, err, exit_code def read_stdout(self): """Read stdout from the shell Returns: bytes: stdout """ return def read_stderr(self): """Read stderr from the shell Returns: bytes: stderr """ return def clear_stdout(self): """Clear stdout from the shell""" self.stdout.truncate() def clear_stderr(self): """Clear stderr from the shell""" self.stderr.truncate() def close(self): """Close the shell""" self.process.terminate() self.stdout.close() self.stderr.close()
def parseMultipart(fp, pdict, memfile_max=1024 * 1000, len_max=0): """ Parse multipart content """ # TODO: Do not store whole parts contents in the memoty boundary = '' if 'boundary' in pdict: boundary = pdict['boundary'] if not isBoundaryValid(boundary): raise ValueError( 'Invalid boundary in multipart form: {0}'.format(boundary)) maxlen = 0 nextpart = b'--' + boundary.encode() lastpart = b'--' + boundary.encode() + b'--' partdict = {} terminator = b'' while terminator != lastpart: nbytes = -1 data = None if terminator: # At start of next part. Read headers first. headers = parse_headers(fp, memfile_max) clength = headers.get('content-length') if clength is not None: try: nbytes = int(clength) except ValueError: pass if nbytes > 0: if maxlen and nbytes > len_max: raise ValueError('Maximum content length exceeded') data = else: data = b'' # Read lines until end of part. part_fp = TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') while 1: line = fp.readline(memfile_max) if line == b'': terminator = lastpart # End outer loop break if _is_termline(line, nextpart): terminator = nextpart break if _is_termline(line, lastpart): terminator = lastpart break part_fp.write(line) while not line.endswith(b"\n"): line = fp.readline(memfile_max) if line == b'': break part_fp.write(line) # Done with part. if data is None: continue if nbytes < 0: last = pre_last = None # Strip final line terminator if part_fp.tell() >= 1:, os.SEEK_END) last = if part_fp.tell() >= 2:, os.SEEK_END) pre_last = trunc = 0 if pre_last == b"\r" and last == b"\n": trunc = 2 elif last == b"\n": trunk = 1 if trunc > 0:, os.SEEK_END) part_fp.truncate() line = headers['content-disposition'] if not line: continue key, params = parse_header(line) if key != 'form-data': continue if 'name' in params: name = params['name'] else: continue, os.SEEK_SET) part = {'fp': part_fp} if 'filename' in params: part['filename'] = params['filename'] if name in partdict: partdict[name].append(part) else: partdict[name] = [part] return partdict
class S3File(io.IOBase): """File like proxy for s3 files, manages upload and download of locally managed temporary file """ def __init__(self, bucket, key, mode='w+b', *args, **kwargs): super(S3File, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.bucket = bucket self.key = key self.mode = mode self.path = self.bucket + '/' + self.key # converts mode to readable/writable to enable the temporary file to have S3 data # read or written to it even if the S3File is read/write/append # i.e. "r" => "r+", "ab" => "a+b" updatable_mode = re.sub(r'^([rwa]+)(b?)$', r'\1+\2', mode) self._tempfile = TemporaryFile(updatable_mode) try: with s3errors(self.path): if 'a' in mode: # File is in an appending mode, start with the content in file s3.Object(bucket, key).download_fileobj(self._tempfile), os.SEEK_END) elif 'a' not in mode and 'w' not in mode and 'x' not in mode: # file is not in a create mode, so it is in read mode # start with the content in the file, and seek to the beginning s3.Object(bucket, key).download_fileobj(self._tempfile), os.SEEK_SET) except Exception: self.close() raise def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def close(self): try: if self.writable(): with s3errors(self.path): s3.Object(self.bucket, self.key).upload_fileobj(self._tempfile) finally: self._tempfile.close() @property def closed(self): return self._tempfile.closed def fileno(self): return self._tempfile.fileno() def flush(self): return self._tempfile.flush() def isatty(self): return self._tempfile.isatty() def readable(self): return 'r' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode def read(self, n=-1): if not self.readable(): raise IOError('not open for reading') return def readinto(self, b): return self._tempfile.readinto(b) def readline(self, limit=-1): if not self.readable(): raise IOError('not open for reading') return self._tempfile.readline(limit) def readlines(self, hint=-1): if not self.readable(): raise IOError('not open for reading') return self._tempfile.readlines(hint) def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET):, whence) return self.tell() def seekable(self): return True def tell(self): return self._tempfile.tell() def writable(self): return 'w' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode or 'x' in self.mode def write(self, b): if not self.writable(): raise IOError('not open for writing') self._tempfile.write(b) return len(b) def writelines(self, lines): if not self.writable(): raise IOError('not open for writing') return self._tempfile.writelines(lines) def truncate(self, size=None): if not self.writable(): raise IOError('not open for writing') if size is None: size = self.tell() self._tempfile.truncate(size) return size
def parseMultipart(fp, pdict, memfile_max=1024 * 1000, len_max=0): """ Parse multipart content """ # TODO: Do not store whole parts contents in the memoty boundary = '' if 'boundary' in pdict: boundary = pdict['boundary'] if not isBoundaryValid(boundary): raise ValueError('Invalid boundary in multipart form: {0}' . format(boundary)) maxlen = 0 nextpart = b'--' + boundary.encode() lastpart = b'--' + boundary.encode() + b'--' partdict = {} terminator = b'' while terminator != lastpart: nbytes = -1 data = None if terminator: # At start of next part. Read headers first. headers = parse_headers(fp, memfile_max) clength = headers.get('content-length') if clength is not None: try: nbytes = int(clength) except ValueError: pass if nbytes > 0: if maxlen and nbytes > len_max: raise ValueError('Maximum content length exceeded') data = else: data = b'' # Read lines until end of part. part_fp = TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') while 1: line = fp.readline(memfile_max) if line == b'': terminator = lastpart # End outer loop break if _is_termline(line, nextpart): terminator = nextpart break if _is_termline(line, lastpart): terminator = lastpart break part_fp.write(line) while not line.endswith(b"\n"): line = fp.readline(memfile_max) if line == b'': break part_fp.write(line) # Done with part. if data is None: continue if nbytes < 0: last = pre_last = None # Strip final line terminator if part_fp.tell() >= 1:, os.SEEK_END) last = if part_fp.tell() >= 2:, os.SEEK_END) pre_last = trunc = 0 if pre_last == b"\r" and last == b"\n": trunc = 2 elif last == b"\n": trunk = 1 if trunc > 0:, os.SEEK_END) part_fp.truncate() line = headers['content-disposition'] if not line: continue key, params = parse_header(line) if key != 'form-data': continue if 'name' in params: name = params['name'] else: continue, os.SEEK_SET) part = {'fp': part_fp} if 'filename' in params: part['filename'] = params['filename'] if name in partdict: partdict[name].append(part) else: partdict[name] = [part] return partdict
class Composition: """A parsed mzcompose.yml with a loaded file.""" @dataclass class TestResult: duration: float error: Optional[str] def __init__( self, repo: mzbuild.Repository, name: str, preserve_ports: bool = False, silent: bool = False, munge_services: bool = True, ): = name self.description = None self.repo = repo self.preserve_ports = preserve_ports self.silent = silent self.workflows: Dict[str, Callable[..., None]] = {} self.test_results: OrderedDict[str, Composition.TestResult] = OrderedDict() if name in self.repo.compositions: self.path = self.repo.compositions[name] else: raise UnknownCompositionError(name) # load the mzcompose.yml file, if one exists mzcompose_yml = self.path / "mzcompose.yml" if mzcompose_yml.exists(): with open(mzcompose_yml) as f: compose = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} else: compose = {} self.compose = compose if "version" not in compose: compose["version"] = "3.7" if "services" not in compose: compose["services"] = {} # Load the file, if one exists mzcompose_py = self.path / "" if mzcompose_py.exists(): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("mzcompose", mzcompose_py) assert spec module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) assert isinstance(spec.loader, spec.loader.exec_module(module) self.description = inspect.getdoc(module) for name, fn in getmembers(module, isfunction): if name.startswith("workflow_"): # The name of the workflow is the name of the function # with the "workflow_" prefix stripped and any underscores # replaced with dashes. name = name[len("workflow_") :].replace("_", "-") self.workflows[name] = fn for python_service in getattr(module, "SERVICES", []): name = if name in compose["services"]: raise UIError(f"service {name!r} specified more than once") compose["services"][name] = python_service.config # Add default volumes compose.setdefault("volumes", {}).update( { "mzdata": None, "pgdata": None, "mydata": None, "tmp": None, "secrets": None, } ) # The CLI driver will handle acquiring these dependencies. if munge_services: self.dependencies = self._munge_services(compose["services"].items()) # Emit the munged configuration to a temporary file so that we can later # pass it to Docker Compose. self.file = TemporaryFile(mode="w") os.set_inheritable(self.file.fileno(), True) self._write_compose() def _munge_services( self, services: List[Tuple[str, dict]] ) -> mzbuild.DependencySet: images = [] for name, config in services: # Remember any mzbuild references. if "mzbuild" in config: image_name = config["mzbuild"] if image_name not in self.repo.images: raise UIError(f"mzcompose: unknown image {image_name}") image = self.repo.images[image_name] images.append(image) if "propagate_uid_gid" in config: if config["propagate_uid_gid"]: config["user"] = f"{os.getuid()}:{os.getgid()}" del config["propagate_uid_gid"] ports = config.setdefault("ports", []) for i, port in enumerate(ports): if self.preserve_ports and not ":" in str(port): # If preserving ports, bind the container port to the same # host port, assuming the host port is available. ports[i] = f"{port}:{port}" elif ":" in str(port) and not config.get("allow_host_ports", False): # Raise an error for host-bound ports, unless # `allow_host_ports` is `True` raise UIError( "programming error: disallowed host port in service {name!r}", hint=f'Add `"allow_host_ports": True` to the service config to disable this check.', ) if "allow_host_ports" in config: config.pop("allow_host_ports") if self.repo.rd.coverage: # Emit coverage information to a file in a directory that is # bind-mounted to the "coverage" directory on the host. We # inject the configuration to all services for simplicity, but # this only have an effect if the service runs instrumented Rust # binaries. config.setdefault("environment", []).append( f"LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=/coverage/{name}-%m.profraw" ) config.setdefault("volumes", []).append("./coverage:/coverage") # Determine mzbuild specs and inject them into services accordingly. deps = self.repo.resolve_dependencies(images) for _name, config in services: if "mzbuild" in config: config["image"] = deps[config["mzbuild"]].spec() del config["mzbuild"] return deps def _write_compose(self) -> None: self.file.truncate() yaml.dump(self.compose, self.file) self.file.flush() @classmethod def lint(cls, repo: mzbuild.Repository, name: str) -> List[LintError]: """Checks a composition for common errors.""" if not name in repo.compositions: raise UnknownCompositionError(name) errs: List[LintError] = [] path = repo.compositions[name] / "mzcompose.yml" if path.exists(): with open(path) as f: composition = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} _lint_composition(path, composition, errs) return errs def invoke( self, *args: str, capture: bool = False, stdin: Optional[str] = None ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Invoke `docker-compose` on the rendered composition. Args: args: The arguments to pass to `docker-compose`. capture: Whether to capture the child's stdout stream. input: A string to provide as stdin for the command. """ if not self.silent: print(f"$ docker-compose {' '.join(args)}", file=sys.stderr) stdout = None if capture: stdout = subprocess.PIPE try: return [ "docker-compose", *(["--log-level=ERROR"] if self.silent else []), f"-f/dev/fd/{self.file.fileno()}", "--project-directory", self.path, *args, ], close_fds=False, check=True, stdout=stdout, input=stdin, text=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.stdout: print(e.stdout) raise UIError(f"running docker-compose failed (exit status {e.returncode})") def port(self, service: str, private_port: Union[int, str]) -> int: """Get the public port for a service's private port. Delegates to `docker-compose port`. See that command's help for details. Args: service: The name of a service in the composition. private_port: A private port exposed by the service. """ proc = self.invoke("port", service, str(private_port), capture=True) if not proc.stdout.strip(): raise UIError( f"service f{service!r} is not exposing port {private_port!r}", hint="is the service running?", ) return int(proc.stdout.split(":")[1]) def default_port(self, service: str) -> int: """Get the default public port for a service. Args: service: The name of a service in the composition. """ ports = self.compose["services"][service]["ports"] if not ports: raise UIError(f"service f{service!r} does not expose any ports") private_port = str(ports[0]).split(":")[0] return self.port(service, private_port) def workflow(self, name: str, *args: str) -> None: """Run a workflow in the composition. Raises a `KeyError` if the workflow does not exist. Args: name: The name of the workflow to run. args: The arguments to pass to the workflow function. """ ui.header(f"Running workflow {name}") func = self.workflows[name] parser = WorkflowArgumentParser(name, inspect.getdoc(func), list(args)) if len(inspect.signature(func).parameters) > 1: func(self, parser) else: # If the workflow doesn't have an `args` parameter, parse them here # with an empty parser to reject bogus arguments and to handle the # trivial help message. parser.parse_args() func(self) @contextmanager def override(self, *services: "Service") -> Iterator[None]: """Temporarily update the composition with the specified services. The services must already exist in the composition. They restored to their old definitions when the `with` block ends. Note that the service definition is written in its entirety; i.e., the configuration is not deep merged but replaced wholesale. Lest you are tempted to change this function to allow dynamically injecting new services: do not do this! These services will not be visible to other commands, like `mzcompose run`, `mzcompose logs`, or `mzcompose down`, which makes debugging or inspecting the composition challenging. """ # Remember the old composition. old_compose = copy.deepcopy(self.compose) # Update the composition with the new service definitions. deps = self._munge_services([(, cast(dict, s.config)) for s in services]) for service in services: self.compose["services"][] = service.config # Re-acquire dependencies, as the override may have swapped an `image` # config for an `mzbuild` config. deps.acquire() self._write_compose() # Ensure image freshness self.pull_if_variable([ for service in services]) try: # Run the next composition. yield finally: # Restore the old composition. self.compose = old_compose self._write_compose() @contextmanager def test_case(self, name: str) -> Iterator[None]: """Execute a test case. This context manager provides a very lightweight testing framework. If the body of the context manager raises an exception, the test case is considered to have failed; otherwise it is considered to have succeeded. In either case the execution time and status of the test are recorded in `test_results`. Example: A simple workflow that executes a table-driven test: ``` @dataclass class TestCase: name: str files: list[str] test_cases = [ TestCase(name="short", files=[""]), TestCase(name="long", files=["", ""]), ] def workflow_default(c: Composition): for tc in test_cases: with c.test_case("testdrive", *tc.files) ``` Args: name: The name of the test case. Must be unique across the lifetime of a composition. """ if name in self.test_results: raise UIError(f"test case {name} executed twice") ui.header(f"Running test case {name}") error = None start_time = time.time() try: yield ui.header(f"mzcompose: test case {name} succeeded") except Exception as e: error = str(e) if isinstance(e, UIError): print(f"mzcompose: test case {name} failed: {e}", file=sys.stderr) else: print(f"mzcompose: test case {name} failed:", file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() elapsed = time.time() - start_time self.test_results[name] = Composition.TestResult(elapsed, error) def sql_cursor(self) -> Cursor: """Get a cursor to run SQL queries against the materialized service.""" port = self.default_port("materialized") conn = pg8000.connect(host="localhost", user="******", port=port) conn.autocommit = True return conn.cursor() def sql(self, sql: str) -> None: """Run a batch of SQL statements against the materialized service.""" with self.sql_cursor() as cursor: for statement in sqlparse.split(sql): print(f"> {statement}") cursor.execute(statement) def sql_query(self, sql: str) -> Any: """Execute and return results of a SQL query.""" with self.sql_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) return cursor.fetchall() def create_cluster( self, cluster: List, cluster_name: str = "cluster1", replica_name: str = "replica1", ) -> None: """Construct and run a CREATE CLUSTER statement based a list of Computed instances Args: cluster: a List of Computed instances that will form the cluster cluster_name: The cluster name to use replica_name: The replica name to use """ self.sql( f"CREATE CLUSTER {cluster_name} REPLICAS ( {replica_name} ( REMOTE [" + ", ".join(f'"{}:2100"' for p in cluster) + "]))" ) def start_and_wait_for_tcp(self, services: List[str]) -> None: """Sequentially start the named services, waiting for eaach to become available via TCP before moving on to the next.""" for service in services: self.up(service) for port in self.compose["services"][service].get("ports", []): self.wait_for_tcp(host=service, port=port) def run( self, service: str, *args: str, detach: bool = False, rm: bool = False, env_extra: Dict[str, str] = {}, capture: bool = False, stdin: Optional[str] = None, ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Run a one-off command in a service. Delegates to `docker-compose run`. See that command's help for details. Note that unlike `docker compose run`, any services whose definitions have changed are rebuilt (like `docker-compose up` would do) before the command is executed. Args: service: The name of a service in the composition. args: Arguments to pass to the service's entrypoint. detach: Run the container in the background. stdin: read STDIN from a string. env_extra: Additional environment variables to set in the container. rm: Remove container after run. capture: Capture the stdout of the `docker-compose` invocation. """ # Restart any dependencies whose definitions have changed. The trick, # taken from Buildkite's Docker Compose plugin, is to run an `up` # command that requests zero instances of the requested service. self.invoke("up", "--detach", "--scale", f"{service}=0", service) return self.invoke( "run", *(f"-e{k}={v}" for k, v in env_extra.items()), *(["--detach"] if detach else []), *(["--rm"] if rm else []), service, *args, capture=capture, stdin=stdin, ) def exec( self, service: str, *args: str, detach: bool = False, capture: bool = False, stdin: Optional[str] = None, ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Execute a one-off command in a service's running container Delegates to `docker-compose exec`. Args: service: The service whose container will be used. command: The command to run. args: Arguments to pass to the command. detach: Run the container in the background. stdin: read STDIN from a string. """ return self.invoke( "exec", *(["--detach"] if detach else []), "-T", service, *( self.compose["services"][service]["entrypoint"] if "entrypoint" in self.compose["services"][service] else [] ), *args, capture=capture, stdin=stdin, ) def pull_if_variable(self, services: List[str]) -> None: """Pull fresh service images in case the tag indicates thee underlying image may change over time. Args: services: List of service names """ for service in services: if "image" in self.compose["services"][service] and any( self.compose["services"][service]["image"].endswith(tag) for tag in [":latest", ":unstable", ":rolling"] ): self.invoke("pull", service) def up(self, *services: str, detach: bool = True, persistent: bool = False) -> None: """Build, (re)create, and start the named services. Delegates to `docker-compose up`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. detach: Run containers in the background. persistent: Replace the container's entrypoint and command with `sleep infinity` so that additional commands can be scheduled on the container with `Composition.exec`. """ if persistent: old_compose = copy.deepcopy(self.compose) for service in self.compose["services"].values(): service["entrypoint"] = ["sleep", "infinity"] service["command"] = [] self._write_compose() self.invoke("up", *(["--detach"] if detach else []), *services) if persistent: self.compose = old_compose self._write_compose() def down(self, destroy_volumes: bool = True, remove_orphans: bool = True) -> None: """Stop and remove resources. Delegates to `docker-compose down`. See that command's help for details. Args: destroy_volumes: Remove named volumes and anonymous volumes attached to containers. """ self.invoke( "down", *(["--volumes"] if destroy_volumes else []), *(["--remove-orphans"] if remove_orphans else []), ) def stop(self, *services: str) -> None: """Stop the docker containers for the named services. Delegates to `docker-compose stop`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. """ self.invoke("stop", *services) def kill(self, *services: str, signal: str = "SIGKILL") -> None: """Force stop service containers. Delegates to `docker-compose kill`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. signal: The signal to deliver. """ self.invoke("kill", f"-s{signal}", *services) def pause(self, *services: str) -> None: """Pause service containers. Delegates to `docker-compose pause`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. """ self.invoke("pause", *services) def unpause(self, *services: str) -> None: """Unpause service containers Delegates to `docker-compose unpause`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. """ self.invoke("unpause", *services) def rm( self, *services: str, stop: bool = True, destroy_volumes: bool = True ) -> None: """Remove stopped service containers. Delegates to `docker-compose rm`. See that command's help for details. Args: services: The names of services in the composition. stop: Stop the containers if necessary. destroy_volumes: Destroy any anonymous volumes associated with the service. Note that this does not destroy any named volumes attached to the service. """ self.invoke( "rm", "--force", *(["--stop"] if stop else []), *(["-v"] if destroy_volumes else []), *services, ) def rm_volumes(self, *volumes: str, force: bool = False) -> None: """Remove the named volumes. Args: volumes: The names of volumes in the composition. force: Whether to force the removal (i.e., don't error if the volume does not exist). """ volumes = (f"{}_{v}" for v in volumes) spawn.runv( ["docker", "volume", "rm", *(["--force"] if force else []), *volumes] ) def sleep(self, duration: float) -> None: """Sleep for the specified duration in seconds.""" print(f"Sleeping for {duration} seconds...") time.sleep(duration) # TODO(benesch): replace with Docker health checks. def wait_for_tcp( self, *, host: str = "localhost", port: Union[int, str], timeout_secs: int = 240, ) -> None: if isinstance(port, str): port = int(port.split(":")[0]) ui.progress(f"waiting for {host}:{port}", "C") cmd = f"docker run --rm -t --network {}_default ubuntu:focal-20210723".split() try: _check_tcp(cmd[:], host, port, timeout_secs) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: ui.progress(" error!", finish=True) raise UIError(f"unable to connect to {host}:{port}") else: ui.progress(" success!", finish=True) # TODO(benesch): replace with Docker health checks. def wait_for_postgres( self, *, dbname: str = "postgres", port: Optional[int] = None, host: str = "localhost", timeout_secs: int = 120, query: str = "SELECT 1", user: str = "postgres", password: str = "postgres", expected: Union[Iterable[Any], Literal["any"]] = [[1]], print_result: bool = False, service: str = "postgres", ) -> None: """Wait for a PostgreSQL service to start. Args: dbname: the name of the database to wait for host: the host postgres is listening on port: the port postgres is listening on timeout_secs: How long to wait for postgres to be up before failing (Default: 30) query: The query to execute to ensure that it is running (Default: "Select 1") user: The chosen user (this is only relevant for postgres) service: The service that postgres is running as (Default: postgres) """ _wait_for_pg( dbname=dbname, host=host, port=self.port(service, port) if port else self.default_port(service), timeout_secs=timeout_secs, query=query, user=user, password=password, expected=expected, print_result=print_result, ) # TODO(benesch): replace with Docker health checks. def wait_for_materialized( self, service: str = "materialized", *, user: str = "materialize", dbname: str = "materialize", host: str = "localhost", port: Optional[int] = None, timeout_secs: int = 60, query: str = "SELECT 1", expected: Union[Iterable[Any], Literal["any"]] = [[1]], print_result: bool = False, ) -> None: """Like `Workflow.wait_for_postgres`, but with Materialize defaults.""" self.wait_for_postgres( user=user, dbname=dbname, host=host, port=port, timeout_secs=timeout_secs, query=query, expected=expected, print_result=print_result, service=service, ) def testdrive( self, input: str, service: str = "testdrive", persistent: bool = True, args: List[str] = [], ) -> None: """Run a string as a testdrive script. Args: args: Additional arguments to pass to testdrive service: Optional name of the testdrive service to use. input: The string to execute. persistent: Whether a persistent testdrive container will be used. """ if persistent: self.exec(service, *args, stdin=input) else:, *args, stdin=input)