def call(self, x): output_mu = tf.matmul(x, self.kernel_1) + self.bias_1 output_sig = tf.matmul(x, self.kernel_2) + self.bias_2 output_sig = softplus(output_sig) if self.count_data: output_mu = softplus(output_mu) return [output_mu, output_sig]
def _softplus( self, mu: tf.Tensor, scale: tf.Tensor, ) -> typing.Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ private util function that applies softplus transformation to various parameters depending on type of data """ scale = softplus(scale) if self._ts_obj.count_data: mu = softplus(mu) return mu, scale
def call(self, x): X = [0] * 128 for i in range(self.n_kernels): X[i] = softplus( K.conv1d(x[:, :, i:i + 1], self.kernels[i], padding='same')) K.bias_add(X[i], self.bias[i], data_format=self.data_format) X = K.concatenate(X, axis=2) return X
def call(self, x): rank = len(x.shape) X = [0] * x.shape[1] for i in range(self.n_kernels): # Broadcasting is required for the inputs. X[i] = softplus([:, i:i + 1, :], self.kernels[i])) K.bias_add(X[i], self.bias[i], data_format='channels_last') X = K.concatenate(X, axis=1) return X
def __init__(self, memory_size=128, word_size=20, num_reads=1, num_writes=1, memory_init_value=1e-6, name='memory_access', dtype=tf.float32): """Creates a MemoryAccess module. Args: memory_size: The number of memory slots (N in the DNC paper). word_size: The width of each memory slot (W in the DNC paper) num_reads: The number of read heads (R in the DNC paper). num_writes: The number of write heads (fixed at 1 in the paper). memory_init_value: The initial value for memory name: The name of the module. """ super().__init__(name=name) self._memory_size = memory_size self._word_size = word_size self._num_reads = num_reads self._num_writes = num_writes self._memory_init_value = tf.convert_to_tensor(memory_init_value, dtype) self._write_content_weights_mod = addressing.CosineWeights( num_writes, word_size, name='write_content_weights') self._read_content_weights_mod = addressing.CosineWeights( num_reads, word_size, name='read_content_weights') self._linkage = addressing.TemporalLinkage(memory_size, num_writes) self._freeness = addressing.Freeness(memory_size) Dense = layers.Dense sigmoid = activations.sigmoid oneplus = lambda x: activations.softplus(x) + 1 self._layers = dict( read_keys=Dense(self._num_reads*self._word_size, name='read_keys', dtype=dtype), read_strengths=Dense(self._num_reads, name='read_strengths', activation=oneplus, dtype=dtype), write_keys=Dense(self._num_writes*self._word_size, name='write_keys', dtype=dtype), write_strengths=Dense(self._num_writes, name='write_strengths', activation=oneplus, dtype=dtype), write_vectors=Dense(self._num_writes*self._word_size, name='write_vectors', dtype=dtype), erase_vectors=Dense(self._num_writes*self._word_size, activation=sigmoid, name='erase_vectors', dtype=dtype), free_gate=Dense(self._num_reads, activation=sigmoid, name='free_gate', dtype=dtype), allocation_gate=Dense(self._num_writes, activation=sigmoid, name='allocation_gate', dtype=dtype), write_gate=Dense(self._num_writes, activation=sigmoid, name='write_gate', dtype=dtype), read_mode=Dense(self._num_reads * (2 * self._num_writes + 1),name='read_mode', dtype=dtype), )
def __init__(self): self.vae = AutoEncoder() # def disc_loss_fn(true, out): # tf.print(true) # tf.print(out) # return binary_crossentropy(true, out) self.discriminator = self.create_discriminator() self.discriminator.compile(Adam(lr=1e-4), loss='binary_crossentropy') inp = Input(shape=(*imgdims, 1)) fake, repr = self.vae.model(inp) self.discriminator.trainable = False disc = self.discriminator(fake) self.complete_model = Model(inp, [disc, repr], name='vae_gan') self.complete_model.compile( 'adam', loss=lambda true, out: binary_crossentropy(true[0], out[ 0]) + softplus(img_variety(tf.argmax(out[1])) - 1000) / 100)
def _build_model(self, transfer_model=None, kernel_regularizer=None, kernel_initializer=None): input_shape = (*tuple(self.config.glob.image_size), self.config.glob.image_n_chanel) if self.config.model.transfer_model.exist: transfer_model = transfer_models[]( weights=self.config.model.transfer_model.weights, include_top=False, input_shape=input_shape ) self.model = Sequential([ transfer_model, GlobalAveragePooling2D() ]) n_layers = len(self.config.model.dense.units) dense_units = self.config.model.dense.units dense_activation = self.config.model.dense.activation dropout_rates = self.config.model.dropout.rates n_classes = self.config.glob.n_classes if dense_activation == 'tanh_softplus': dense_activation = lambda x: x * backend.tanh(activations.softplus(x)) if self.config.model.kernel_regularizer.exist: kernel_regularizer_name = alpha = self.config.model.kernel_regularizer.alpha kernel_regularizer = regularizers[kernel_regularizer_name](alpha) if self.config.model.kernel_initializer.exist: kernel_initializer = for units, dropout_rate, _ in zip(dense_units, dropout_rates, range(n_layers)): self.model.add(Dense( units, activation=dense_activation, kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer )) self.model.add(BatchNormalization()) self.model.add(Dropout(rate=dropout_rate)) self.model.add(Dense(n_classes, activation='softmax'))
from tensorflow.keras.activations import softplus, relu from tensorflow.keras.backend import expand_dims, clip from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, Concatenate from tensorflow.keras.losses import MeanSquaredError from tensorflow.keras.models import Model from tensorflow_probability.python.distributions import Normal env = gym.make('MountainCarContinuous-v0') state = env.reset() state_input = Input(state.shape, name='state_input') actor_dense1_layer = Dense(4, activation=relu, name='actor_dense1') actor_dense1 = actor_dense1_layer(state_input) actor_out_layer = Dense(2, activation=None, name='actor_nn_out') actor_out = actor_out_layer(actor_dense1) mean = actor_out[:, 0] std = softplus(actor_out[:, 1]) dist = Normal(mean, std, name='dist') action = dist.sample((), name='sample') action_log_prob = dist.log_prob(action, name='log_prob') action_log_prob = expand_dims(action_log_prob) action = expand_dims(action) action = clip(action, -1.0, 1.0) critic_concat = Concatenate()([state_input, action]) critic_dense1_layer = Dense(units=8, activation=relu, name='critic_dense1') critic_dense1 = critic_dense1_layer(critic_concat) critic_out_layer = Dense(1, activation=None) critic_out = critic_out_layer(critic_dense1) actor_critic_model = Model(inputs=[state_input], outputs=[action, action_log_prob, critic_out]) critic_loss_op = MeanSquaredError(name='critic_loss') actor_vars = actor_dense1_layer.trainable_variables + actor_out_layer.trainable_variables
def _training_loop( self, filepath: str, train_gen: train_ts_generator, # can name of function be type? val_gen: train_ts_generator, epochs: int = 100, steps_per_epoch: int = 50, early_stopping: int = True, stopping_patience: int = 5, stopping_delta: int = 1, ) -> typing.Tuple[tf.Tensor, int]: """ util function iterates over batches, updates gradients, records metrics, writes to tb, checkpoints, early stopping """ # set up metrics to track during training batch_loss_avg = Mean() epoch_loss_avg = Mean() eval_loss_avg = Mean() eval_mae = MeanAbsoluteError() eval_rmse = RootMeanSquaredError() # set up early stopping callback early_stopping_cb = EarlyStopping(patience=stopping_patience, active=early_stopping, delta=stopping_delta) # setup table for unscaling self._lookup_table = build_tf_lookup(self._ts_obj.target_means) # Iterate over epochs. best_metric = math.inf for epoch in range(epochs):"Start of epoch {epoch}") start_time = time.time() for batch, (x_batch_train, cat_labels, y_batch_train) in enumerate(train_gen): # compute loss with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape: mu, scale = self._model(x_batch_train, training=True) # softplus parameters scale = softplus(scale) if self._ts_obj.count_data: mu = softplus(mu) mu, scale = unscale(mu, scale, cat_labels, self._lookup_table) loss_value = self._loss_fn(y_batch_train, (mu, scale)) # sgd if self._tb: tf.summary.scalar("train_loss", loss_value, epoch * steps_per_epoch + batch) batch_loss_avg(loss_value) epoch_loss_avg(loss_value) grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, self._model.trainable_weights) self._optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(grads, self._model.trainable_weights)) # Log 5x per epoch. if batch % (steps_per_epoch // 5) == 0 and batch != 0: f"Epoch {epoch}: Avg train loss over last {(steps_per_epoch // 5)} steps: {batch_loss_avg.result()}" ) batch_loss_avg.reset_states() # Run each epoch batches times epoch_loss_avg_result = epoch_loss_avg.result() if batch == steps_per_epoch: f"Epoch {epoch} took {round(time.time() - start_time, 0)}s : Avg train loss: {epoch_loss_avg_result}" ) break # validation if val_gen is not None:"End of epoch {epoch}, validating...") start_time = time.time() for batch, (x_batch_val, cat_labels, y_batch_val) in enumerate(val_gen): # compute loss, doesn't need to be persistent bc not updating weights with tf.GradientTape() as tape: # treat as training -> reset lstm states inbetween each batch mu, scale = self._model(x_batch_val, training=True) # softplus parameters mu, scale = self._softplus(mu, scale) # unscale parameters mu, scale = unscale(mu, scale, cat_labels, self._lookup_table) # calculate loss loss_value = self._loss_fn(y_batch_val, (mu, scale)) # log validation metrics (avg loss, avg MAE, avg RMSE) eval_mae(y_batch_val, mu) eval_rmse(y_batch_val, mu) eval_loss_avg(loss_value) if batch == steps_per_epoch: break # logging eval_mae_result = eval_mae.result() f"Validation took {round(time.time() - start_time, 0)}s") f"Epoch {epoch}: Val loss on {steps_per_epoch} steps: {eval_loss_avg.result()}" ) f"Epoch {epoch}: Val MAE: {eval_mae_result}, RMSE: {eval_rmse.result()}" ) if self._tb: tf.summary.scalar("val_loss", eval_loss_avg.result(), epoch) tf.summary.scalar("val_mae", eval_mae_result, epoch) tf.summary.scalar("val_rmse", eval_rmse.result(), epoch) new_metric = eval_mae_result # early stopping if early_stopping_cb(eval_mae_result): break # reset metric states eval_loss_avg.reset_states() eval_mae.reset_states() eval_rmse.reset_states() else: if early_stopping_cb(epoch_loss_avg_result): break new_metric = epoch_loss_avg_result # update best_metric and save new checkpoint if improvement if new_metric < best_metric: best_metric = new_metric if filepath is not None: else: self.save_weights("model_best_weights.h5") # reset epoch loss metric epoch_loss_avg.reset_states() # load in best weights before returning if not using checkpointer if filepath is None: self.load_weights("model_best_weights.h5") os.remove("model_best_weights.h5") return best_metric, epoch + 1