コード例 #1
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_debug_trace_pid(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace", "pid"])

        # Now our lines are always prefixed with the process id.
        pid_prefix = r"^%5d\.[0-9a-f]{4}: " % os.getpid()
        pid_lines = re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix)
        self.assertEqual(pid_lines, out_lines)

        # We still have some tracing, and some not tracing.
        self.assertTrue(re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Tracing "))
        self.assertTrue(re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Not tracing "))
コード例 #2
    def test_debug_trace_pid(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace", "pid"])

        # Now our lines are always prefixed with the process id.
        pid_prefix = r"^%5d\.[0-9a-f]{4}: " % os.getpid()
        pid_lines = re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix)
        assert pid_lines == out_lines

        # We still have some tracing, and some not tracing.
        assert re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Tracing ")
        assert re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Not tracing ")
コード例 #3
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'", perhaps with an
        # absolute path.
        f1 = re_lines(out_lines, r"Tracing '.*f1.py'")
        assert f1

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        coverage_lines = re_lines(out_lines,
                                  r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$")
        assert coverage_lines
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: tonyle9/coveragepy
    def test_debug_callers(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["pid", "dataop", "dataio", "callers"])
        # For every real message, there should be a stack
        # trace with a line like "f1_debug_output : /Users/ned/coverage/tests/test_debug.py @71"
        real_messages = re_lines(out_lines, r" @\d+", match=False).splitlines()
        frame_pattern = r"\s+f1_debug_output : .*tests[/\\]test_debug.py @\d+$"
        frames = re_lines(out_lines, frame_pattern).splitlines()
        self.assertEqual(len(real_messages), len(frames))

        # The last message should be "Writing data", and the last frame should
        # be write_file in data.py.
        self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Writing data")
        last_line = out_lines.splitlines()[-1]
        self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+write_file : .*coverage[/\\]data.py @\d+$")
コード例 #5
 def package_and_class_tags(self, cov):
     """Run an XML report on `cov`, and get the package and class tags."""
     packages_and_classes = re_lines(self.stdout(), r"<package |<class ")
     scrubs = r' branch-rate="0"| complexity="0"| line-rate="[\d.]+"'
     return clean(packages_and_classes, scrubs)
コード例 #6
    def test_code_throws(self):
            "throw.py", """\
            def f1():
                raise Exception("hey!")

            def f2():


        # The important thing is for "coverage run" and "python" to report the
        # same traceback.
        status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage run throw.py")
        out2 = self.run_command("python throw.py")
        if env.PYPY:
            # Pypy has an extra frame in the traceback for some reason
            out2 = re_lines(out2, "toplevel", match=False)
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, out2)

        # But also make sure that the output is what we expect.
        self.assertIn('File "throw.py", line 5, in f2', out)
        self.assertIn('raise Exception("hey!")', out)
        self.assertNotIn('coverage', out)
        self.assertEqual(status, 1)
コード例 #7
    def assert_tryexecfile_output(self, out1, out2):
        """Assert that the output we got is a successful run of try_execfile.py.

        `out1` and `out2` must be the same, modulo a few slight known platform

        # First, is this even credible try_execfile.py output?
        self.assertIn('"DATA": "xyzzy"', out1)

        if env.JYTHON:  # pragma: only jython
            # Argv0 is different for Jython, remove that from the comparison.
            out1 = re_lines(out1, r'\s+"argv0":', match=False)
            out2 = re_lines(out2, r'\s+"argv0":', match=False)

        self.assertMultiLineEqual(out1, out2)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_venv.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_venv_isnt_measured(self, coverage_command):
        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " run myproduct.py")
        assert out == self.expected_stdout

        debug_out = self.get_trace_output()
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bexecfile.py': is part of coverage.py",
        assert re_lines(r"^Tracing .*\bmyproduct.py", debug_out)
        assert re_lines(r"^Not tracing .*\bcolorsys.py': is in the stdlib",

        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " report")
        assert "myproduct.py" in out
        assert "third" not in out
        assert "coverage" not in out
        assert "colorsys" not in out
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: wadelhw/coveragepy
    def test_debug_callers(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["pid", "dataop", "dataio", "callers"])
        # For every real message, there should be a stack trace with a line like
        #       "f1_debug_output : /Users/ned/coverage/tests/test_debug.py @71"
        real_messages = re_lines(out_lines, r":\d+", match=False).splitlines()
        frame_pattern = r"\s+f1_debug_output : .*tests[/\\]test_debug.py:\d+$"
        frames = re_lines(out_lines, frame_pattern).splitlines()
        assert len(real_messages) == len(frames)

        last_line = out_lines.splitlines()[-1]

        # The details of what to expect on the stack are empirical, and can change
        # as the code changes. This test is here to ensure that the debug code
        # continues working. It's ok to adjust these details over time.
        assert re.search(r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Adding file tracers: 0 files", real_messages[-1])
        assert re.search(r"\s+add_file_tracers : .*coverage[/\\]sqldata.py:\d+$", last_line)
コード例 #10
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_text = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'", perhaps with an
        # absolute path.
        assert re.search(r"Tracing '.*f1.py'", out_text)

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        assert re_lines(r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$", out_text)
コード例 #11
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'"
        assert "Tracing 'f1.py'" in out_lines

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        coverage_lines = re_lines(out_lines,
                                  r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$")
        assert coverage_lines
コード例 #12
    def test_coverage_run_dir_is_like_python_dir(self):
        with open(TRY_EXECFILE) as f:
            self.make_file("with_main/__main__.py", f.read())

        out_cov = self.run_command("coverage run with_main")
        out_py = self.run_command("python with_main")

        # The coverage.py results are not identical to the Python results, and
        # I don't know why.  For now, ignore those failures. If someone finds
        # a real problem with the discrepancies, we can work on it some more.
        ignored = r"__file__|__loader__|__package__"
        # PyPy includes the current directory in the path when running a
        # directory, while CPython and coverage.py do not.  Exclude that from
        # the comparison also...
        if env.PYPY:
            ignored += "|" + re.escape(os.getcwd())
        out_cov = re_lines(out_cov, ignored, match=False)
        out_py = re_lines(out_py, ignored, match=False)
        self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_venv.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_installed_namespace_packages(self, coverage_command):
        # https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/1231
        # When namespace packages were installed, they were considered
        # third-party packages.  Test that isn't still happening.
        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command +
                          " run --source=nspkg myproduct.py")
        # In particular, this warning doesn't appear:
        # Already imported a file that will be measured: .../coverage/__main__.py
        assert out == self.expected_stdout

        # Check that our tracing was accurate. Files are mentioned because
        # --source refers to a file.
        debug_out = self.get_trace_output()
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bexecfile.py': " +
            "module 'coverage.execfile' falls outside the --source spec",
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bmyproduct.py': module 'myproduct' falls outside the --source spec",
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bcolorsys.py': module 'colorsys' falls outside the --source spec",

        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " report")

        # Name                                                       Stmts   Miss  Cover
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # another_pkg/nspkg/sixth/__init__.py                            2      0   100%
        # venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nspkg/fifth/__init__.py       2      0   100%
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # TOTAL                                                          4      0   100%

        assert "myproduct.py" not in out
        assert "third" not in out
        assert "coverage" not in out
        assert "colorsys" not in out
        assert "fifth" in out
        assert "sixth" in out
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_debug_callers(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["pid", "dataop", "dataio", "callers"])
        # For every real message, there should be a stack trace with a line like
        #       "f1_debug_output : /Users/ned/coverage/tests/test_debug.py @71"
        real_messages = re_lines(out_lines, r" @\d+", match=False).splitlines()
        frame_pattern = r"\s+f1_debug_output : .*tests[/\\]test_debug.py @\d+$"
        frames = re_lines(out_lines, frame_pattern).splitlines()
        self.assertEqual(len(real_messages), len(frames))

        # The last message should be "Writing data", and the last frame should
        # be _write_file in data.py.
        last_line = out_lines.splitlines()[-1]
        from coverage.data import STORAGE
        if STORAGE == "json":
            self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Writing data")
            self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+_write_file : .*coverage[/\\]data.py @\d+$")
            self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Creating data file")
            self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+_create_db : .*coverage[/\\]sqldata.py @\d+$")
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'"
        self.assertIn("Tracing 'f1.py'", out_lines)

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        coverage_lines = re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$"
コード例 #16
    def test_debug_sys(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["sys"])

        labels = """
            version coverage cover_paths pylib_paths tracer configs_attempted config_file
            configs_read data_file python platform implementation executable
            pid cwd path environment command_line cover_match pylib_match
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
            msg = "Incorrect lines for %r" % label
            assert 1 == len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()), msg
コード例 #17
    def test_debug_sys(self):
        out_text = self.f1_debug_output(["sys"])

        labels = """
            coverage_version coverage_module coverage_paths stdlib_paths third_party_paths
            tracer configs_attempted config_file configs_read data_file
            python platform implementation executable
            pid cwd path environment command_line cover_match pylib_match
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = fr"^\s*{label}: "
            msg = f"Incorrect lines for {label!r}"
            assert 1 == len(re_lines(label_pat, out_text)), msg
コード例 #18
    def test_debug_config(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"])

        labels = """
            attempted_config_files branch config_files cover_pylib data_file
            debug exclude_list extra_css html_dir html_title ignore_errors
            include omit parallel partial_always_list partial_list paths
            precision show_missing source timid xml_output
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
            self.assertEqual(len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()),
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: wadelhw/coveragepy
    def test_debug_config(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"])

        labels = """
            attempted_config_files branch config_files_read config_file cover_pylib data_file
            debug exclude_list extra_css html_dir html_title ignore_errors
            run_include run_omit parallel partial_always_list partial_list paths
            precision show_missing source timid xml_output
            report_include report_omit
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
            msg = "Incorrect lines for %r" % label
            assert 1 == len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()), msg
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_debug_sys(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["sys"])

        labels = """
            version coverage cover_paths pylib_paths tracer configs_attempted config_file
            configs_read data_file python platform implementation executable
            pid cwd path environment command_line cover_match pylib_match
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
                len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()),
                msg="Incorrect lines for %r" % label,
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_venv.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_third_party_venv_isnt_measured(self, coverage_command):
        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " run --source=. myproduct.py")
        # In particular, this warning doesn't appear:
        # Already imported a file that will be measured: .../coverage/__main__.py
        assert out == self.expected_stdout

        # Check that our tracing was accurate. Files are mentioned because
        # --source refers to a file.
        debug_out = self.get_trace_output()
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bexecfile.py': inside --source, but is third-party",
        assert re_lines(r"^Tracing .*\bmyproduct.py", debug_out)
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bcolorsys.py': falls outside the --source spec",

        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " report")
        assert "myproduct.py" in out
        assert "third" not in out
        assert "coverage" not in out
        assert "colorsys" not in out
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_debug.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
    def test_debug_config(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"])

        labels = """
            attempted_config_files branch config_files_read config_file cover_pylib data_file
            debug exclude_list extra_css html_dir html_title ignore_errors
            run_include run_omit parallel partial_always_list partial_list paths
            precision show_missing source timid xml_output
            report_include report_omit
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
                len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()),
                msg="Incorrect lines for %r" % label,
コード例 #23
 def test_re_lines_inverted(self, pat, text, result):
     assert re_lines_text(pat, text, match=False) == result
     assert re_lines(pat, text, match=False) == result.splitlines()
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_testing.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
def test_re_lines(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat) == result
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_testing.py プロジェクト: tonyle9/coveragepy
def test_re_lines_inverted(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat, match=False) == result
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_testing.py プロジェクト: tonyle9/coveragepy
def test_re_lines(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat) == result
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_testing.py プロジェクト: hugovk/coveragepy
def test_re_lines_inverted(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat, match=False) == result
コード例 #28
 def test_re_lines(self, pat, text, result):
     assert re_lines_text(pat, text) == result
     assert re_lines(pat, text) == result.splitlines()