Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_debug_trace_pid(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace", "pid"])

        # Now our lines are always prefixed with the process id.
        pid_prefix = r"^%5d\.[0-9a-f]{4}: " % os.getpid()
        pid_lines = re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix)
        self.assertEqual(pid_lines, out_lines)

        # We still have some tracing, and some not tracing.
        self.assertTrue(re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Tracing "))
        self.assertTrue(re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Not tracing "))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_debug_trace_pid(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace", "pid"])

        # Now our lines are always prefixed with the process id.
        pid_prefix = r"^%5d\.[0-9a-f]{4}: " % os.getpid()
        pid_lines = re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix)
        assert pid_lines == out_lines

        # We still have some tracing, and some not tracing.
        assert re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Tracing ")
        assert re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Not tracing ")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'", perhaps with an
        # absolute path.
        f1 = re_lines(out_lines, r"Tracing '.*f1.py'")
        assert f1

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        coverage_lines = re_lines(out_lines,
                                  r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$")
        assert coverage_lines
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_debug_callers(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["pid", "dataop", "dataio", "callers"])
        # For every real message, there should be a stack
        # trace with a line like "f1_debug_output : /Users/ned/coverage/tests/test_debug.py @71"
        real_messages = re_lines(out_lines, r" @\d+", match=False).splitlines()
        frame_pattern = r"\s+f1_debug_output : .*tests[/\\]test_debug.py @\d+$"
        frames = re_lines(out_lines, frame_pattern).splitlines()
        self.assertEqual(len(real_messages), len(frames))

        # The last message should be "Writing data", and the last frame should
        # be write_file in data.py.
        self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Writing data")
        last_line = out_lines.splitlines()[-1]
        self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+write_file : .*coverage[/\\]data.py @\d+$")
Exemplo n.º 5
 def package_and_class_tags(self, cov):
     """Run an XML report on `cov`, and get the package and class tags."""
     packages_and_classes = re_lines(self.stdout(), r"<package |<class ")
     scrubs = r' branch-rate="0"| complexity="0"| line-rate="[\d.]+"'
     return clean(packages_and_classes, scrubs)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_code_throws(self):
            "throw.py", """\
            def f1():
                raise Exception("hey!")

            def f2():


        # The important thing is for "coverage run" and "python" to report the
        # same traceback.
        status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage run throw.py")
        out2 = self.run_command("python throw.py")
        if env.PYPY:
            # Pypy has an extra frame in the traceback for some reason
            out2 = re_lines(out2, "toplevel", match=False)
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, out2)

        # But also make sure that the output is what we expect.
        self.assertIn('File "throw.py", line 5, in f2', out)
        self.assertIn('raise Exception("hey!")', out)
        self.assertNotIn('coverage', out)
        self.assertEqual(status, 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def assert_tryexecfile_output(self, out1, out2):
        """Assert that the output we got is a successful run of try_execfile.py.

        `out1` and `out2` must be the same, modulo a few slight known platform

        # First, is this even credible try_execfile.py output?
        self.assertIn('"DATA": "xyzzy"', out1)

        if env.JYTHON:  # pragma: only jython
            # Argv0 is different for Jython, remove that from the comparison.
            out1 = re_lines(out1, r'\s+"argv0":', match=False)
            out2 = re_lines(out2, r'\s+"argv0":', match=False)

        self.assertMultiLineEqual(out1, out2)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_venv_isnt_measured(self, coverage_command):
        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " run myproduct.py")
        assert out == self.expected_stdout

        debug_out = self.get_trace_output()
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bexecfile.py': is part of coverage.py",
        assert re_lines(r"^Tracing .*\bmyproduct.py", debug_out)
        assert re_lines(r"^Not tracing .*\bcolorsys.py': is in the stdlib",

        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " report")
        assert "myproduct.py" in out
        assert "third" not in out
        assert "coverage" not in out
        assert "colorsys" not in out
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_debug_callers(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["pid", "dataop", "dataio", "callers"])
        # For every real message, there should be a stack trace with a line like
        #       "f1_debug_output : /Users/ned/coverage/tests/test_debug.py @71"
        real_messages = re_lines(out_lines, r":\d+", match=False).splitlines()
        frame_pattern = r"\s+f1_debug_output : .*tests[/\\]test_debug.py:\d+$"
        frames = re_lines(out_lines, frame_pattern).splitlines()
        assert len(real_messages) == len(frames)

        last_line = out_lines.splitlines()[-1]

        # The details of what to expect on the stack are empirical, and can change
        # as the code changes. This test is here to ensure that the debug code
        # continues working. It's ok to adjust these details over time.
        assert re.search(r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Adding file tracers: 0 files", real_messages[-1])
        assert re.search(r"\s+add_file_tracers : .*coverage[/\\]sqldata.py:\d+$", last_line)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_text = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'", perhaps with an
        # absolute path.
        assert re.search(r"Tracing '.*f1.py'", out_text)

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        assert re_lines(r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$", out_text)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'"
        assert "Tracing 'f1.py'" in out_lines

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        coverage_lines = re_lines(out_lines,
                                  r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$")
        assert coverage_lines
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_coverage_run_dir_is_like_python_dir(self):
        with open(TRY_EXECFILE) as f:
            self.make_file("with_main/__main__.py", f.read())

        out_cov = self.run_command("coverage run with_main")
        out_py = self.run_command("python with_main")

        # The coverage.py results are not identical to the Python results, and
        # I don't know why.  For now, ignore those failures. If someone finds
        # a real problem with the discrepancies, we can work on it some more.
        ignored = r"__file__|__loader__|__package__"
        # PyPy includes the current directory in the path when running a
        # directory, while CPython and coverage.py do not.  Exclude that from
        # the comparison also...
        if env.PYPY:
            ignored += "|" + re.escape(os.getcwd())
        out_cov = re_lines(out_cov, ignored, match=False)
        out_py = re_lines(out_py, ignored, match=False)
        self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_installed_namespace_packages(self, coverage_command):
        # https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/1231
        # When namespace packages were installed, they were considered
        # third-party packages.  Test that isn't still happening.
        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command +
                          " run --source=nspkg myproduct.py")
        # In particular, this warning doesn't appear:
        # Already imported a file that will be measured: .../coverage/__main__.py
        assert out == self.expected_stdout

        # Check that our tracing was accurate. Files are mentioned because
        # --source refers to a file.
        debug_out = self.get_trace_output()
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bexecfile.py': " +
            "module 'coverage.execfile' falls outside the --source spec",
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bmyproduct.py': module 'myproduct' falls outside the --source spec",
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bcolorsys.py': module 'colorsys' falls outside the --source spec",

        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " report")

        # Name                                                       Stmts   Miss  Cover
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # another_pkg/nspkg/sixth/__init__.py                            2      0   100%
        # venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nspkg/fifth/__init__.py       2      0   100%
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # TOTAL                                                          4      0   100%

        assert "myproduct.py" not in out
        assert "third" not in out
        assert "coverage" not in out
        assert "colorsys" not in out
        assert "fifth" in out
        assert "sixth" in out
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_debug_callers(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["pid", "dataop", "dataio", "callers"])
        # For every real message, there should be a stack trace with a line like
        #       "f1_debug_output : /Users/ned/coverage/tests/test_debug.py @71"
        real_messages = re_lines(out_lines, r" @\d+", match=False).splitlines()
        frame_pattern = r"\s+f1_debug_output : .*tests[/\\]test_debug.py @\d+$"
        frames = re_lines(out_lines, frame_pattern).splitlines()
        self.assertEqual(len(real_messages), len(frames))

        # The last message should be "Writing data", and the last frame should
        # be _write_file in data.py.
        last_line = out_lines.splitlines()[-1]
        from coverage.data import STORAGE
        if STORAGE == "json":
            self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Writing data")
            self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+_write_file : .*coverage[/\\]data.py @\d+$")
            self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Creating data file")
            self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+_create_db : .*coverage[/\\]sqldata.py @\d+$")
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_debug_trace(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"])

        # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'"
        self.assertIn("Tracing 'f1.py'", out_lines)

        # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..."
        coverage_lines = re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$"
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_debug_sys(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["sys"])

        labels = """
            version coverage cover_paths pylib_paths tracer configs_attempted config_file
            configs_read data_file python platform implementation executable
            pid cwd path environment command_line cover_match pylib_match
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
            msg = "Incorrect lines for %r" % label
            assert 1 == len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()), msg
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_debug_sys(self):
        out_text = self.f1_debug_output(["sys"])

        labels = """
            coverage_version coverage_module coverage_paths stdlib_paths third_party_paths
            tracer configs_attempted config_file configs_read data_file
            python platform implementation executable
            pid cwd path environment command_line cover_match pylib_match
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = fr"^\s*{label}: "
            msg = f"Incorrect lines for {label!r}"
            assert 1 == len(re_lines(label_pat, out_text)), msg
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_debug_config(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"])

        labels = """
            attempted_config_files branch config_files cover_pylib data_file
            debug exclude_list extra_css html_dir html_title ignore_errors
            include omit parallel partial_always_list partial_list paths
            precision show_missing source timid xml_output
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
            self.assertEqual(len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()),
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_debug_config(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"])

        labels = """
            attempted_config_files branch config_files_read config_file cover_pylib data_file
            debug exclude_list extra_css html_dir html_title ignore_errors
            run_include run_omit parallel partial_always_list partial_list paths
            precision show_missing source timid xml_output
            report_include report_omit
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
            msg = "Incorrect lines for %r" % label
            assert 1 == len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()), msg
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_debug_sys(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["sys"])

        labels = """
            version coverage cover_paths pylib_paths tracer configs_attempted config_file
            configs_read data_file python platform implementation executable
            pid cwd path environment command_line cover_match pylib_match
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
                len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()),
                msg="Incorrect lines for %r" % label,
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_third_party_venv_isnt_measured(self, coverage_command):
        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " run --source=. myproduct.py")
        # In particular, this warning doesn't appear:
        # Already imported a file that will be measured: .../coverage/__main__.py
        assert out == self.expected_stdout

        # Check that our tracing was accurate. Files are mentioned because
        # --source refers to a file.
        debug_out = self.get_trace_output()
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bexecfile.py': inside --source, but is third-party",
        assert re_lines(r"^Tracing .*\bmyproduct.py", debug_out)
        assert re_lines(
            r"^Not tracing .*\bcolorsys.py': falls outside the --source spec",

        out = run_in_venv(coverage_command + " report")
        assert "myproduct.py" in out
        assert "third" not in out
        assert "coverage" not in out
        assert "colorsys" not in out
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_debug_config(self):
        out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"])

        labels = """
            attempted_config_files branch config_files_read config_file cover_pylib data_file
            debug exclude_list extra_css html_dir html_title ignore_errors
            run_include run_omit parallel partial_always_list partial_list paths
            precision show_missing source timid xml_output
            report_include report_omit
        for label in labels:
            label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label
                len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()),
                msg="Incorrect lines for %r" % label,
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_re_lines_inverted(self, pat, text, result):
     assert re_lines_text(pat, text, match=False) == result
     assert re_lines(pat, text, match=False) == result.splitlines()
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_re_lines(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat) == result
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_re_lines_inverted(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat, match=False) == result
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_re_lines(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat) == result
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_re_lines_inverted(text, pat, result):
    assert re_lines(text, pat, match=False) == result
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_re_lines(self, pat, text, result):
     assert re_lines_text(pat, text) == result
     assert re_lines(pat, text) == result.splitlines()