def bbox_intersects_source(tilesource, ix, iyf, iz): intersects = False tile_bbox = tms_to_bbox(ix, iyf, iz) for extent in tilesource["extents"].split(";"): if bbox_intersects(tile_bbox, map(float, extent.split(","))): intersects = True break return intersects
def taskRequestTile(ts, iz, ix, iy, ext, verbose=True): now = # Load Logging Info #log_root = settings.LOG_REQUEST_ROOT log_format = settings.LOG_REQUEST_FORMAT #if log_root and log_format: # if not os.path.exists(log_root): # os.makedirs(log_root) #if settings.LOG_ERRORS_ROOT # if not os.path.exists(log_root): # os.makedirs(log_root) indirect_file = settings.LOG_INDIRECT_ROOT+os.sep+"requests_tiles_"+now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+"_indirect.tsv" # Find TileSource tilesource = None tilesources = getTileSources(proxy=True) for candidate in tilesources: if candidate['id'] == ts: tilesource = candidate break if not tilesource: error_file = settings.LOG_ERRORS_ROOT+os.sep+"requests_tiles_"+now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+"_errors.txt" with open(error_file,'a') as f: line = "Error: Could not find tilesource for primary key "+str(ts)+"." f.write(line+"\n") return #Y is always in regualar TMS before being added to task queue iyf = flip_y(ix,iy,iz) #iy, iyf = getYValues(None,tilesource,ix,iy,iz) tile_bbox = tms_to_bbox(ix,iy,iz) #Check if requested tile is within source's extents returnBlankTile = False returnErrorTile = False intersects = True if tilesource['extents']: intersects = bbox_intersects_source(tilesource,ix,iyf,iz) if not intersects: returnBlankTile = True validZoom = 0 #Check if inside source zoom levels if tilesource['minZoom'] or tilesource['maxZoom']: if (tilesource['minZoom'] and iz < tilesource['minZoom']): validZoom = -1 elif (tilesource['maxZoom'] and iz > tilesource['maxZoom']): validZoom = 1 if validZoom != 0: #returnBlank = True returnErrorTile = True if returnBlankTile or returnErrorTile: return tile = None if iz >= settings.TILEJET['cache']['memory']['minZoom'] and iz <= settings.TILEJET['cache']['memory']['maxZoom']: #key = "{layer},{z},{x},{y},{ext}".format(,x=ix,y=iy,z=iz,ext=ext) key = ",".join([tilesource['name'],str(iz),str(ix),str(iy),ext]) tilecache, tile = getTileFromCache( settings.CACHES['tiles']['LOCATION'], settings.CACHES['tiles'], 'tiles', key, True, GEVENT_MONKEY_PATCH=True) if not tilecache: error_file = settings.LOG_ERRORS_ROOT+os.sep+"requests_tiles_"+now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+"_errors.txt" with open(error_file,'a') as f: line = "Error: Could not connect to cache (tiles)." f.write(line+"\n") return if tile: if verbose: print "task / cache hit for "+key else: if verbose: print "task / cache miss for "+key with open(indirect_file,'a') as f: line = log_format.format( status='indirect', tileorigin=tilesource['origin'], tilesource=tilesource['name'], z=iz,x=ix,y=iy, ip='-', datetime=now.isoformat()) f.write(line+"\n") from urllib2 import HTTPError try: if tilesource['type'] == TYPE_TMS: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource,ix,iy,iz,ext,True) elif tilesource['type'] == TYPE_TMS_FLIPPED: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource,ix,iyf,iz,ext,True) except HTTPError, err: error_file = settings.LOG_ERRORS_ROOT+os.sep+"requests_tiles_"+now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+"_errors.txt" with open(error_file,'a') as f: line = "Error: HTTPError. Could not get tile ("+key+") from source." f.write(line+"\n") return except:
def _requestTile(request, tileservice=None, tilesource=None, tileorigin=None, z=None, x=None, y=None, u=None, ext=None): print "_requestTile" now = ip = getIPAddress(request) #==# if not tileorigin: tileorigin = tilesource['origin'] #==# verbose = True ix = None iy = None iyf = None iz = None indirectTiles = None nearbyTiles = None parentTiles = None childrenTiles = None gw_client, gw_logs, gw_requests = None, None, None if settings.GEOWATCH_ENABLED: gw_client, gw_logs, gw_requests = provision_client_logs_requests() if u: iz, ix, iy = quadkey_to_tms(u) elif x and y and z: ix = int(x) iy = int(y) iz = int(z) if tilesource['type'] == TYPE_BING: u = tms_to_quadkey(ix, iy, iz) iy, iyf = getYValues(tileservice,tilesource,ix,iy,iz) tile_bbox = tms_to_bbox(ix,iy,iz) if tilesource['cacheable']: indirectTiles = [] if settings.TILEJET['heuristic']['nearby']['enabled']: ir = settings.TILEJET['heuristic']['nearby']['radius'] nearbyTiles = getNearbyTiles(ix, iy, iz, ir) indirectTiles.extend(nearbyTiles) #print "Nearby Tiles", nearbyTiles #print "Indirect Tiles", indirectTiles if settings.TILEJET['heuristic']['up']['enabled']: iDepth = getValue(settings.TILEJET['heuristic']['up'],'depth') if iDepth: parentTiles = getParentTiles(ix, iy, iz, depth=iDepth) else: parentTiles = getParentTiles(ix, iy, iz) indirectTiles.extend(parentTiles) #print "Parent Tiles" #print parentTiles heuristic_down = settings.TILEJET['heuristic']['down'] if heuristic_down['enabled']: depth = heuristic_down['depth'] minZoom = heuristic_down['minZoom'] maxZoom = heuristic_down['maxZoom'] childrenTiles = getChildrenTiles(ix, iy, iz, depth, minZoom, maxZoom) indirectTiles.extend(childrenTiles) #print "Children Tiles: "+str(len(childrenTiles)) #print childrenTiles #print "indirectTiles: ", indirectTiles if gw_requests and indirectTiles: start = time.time() gw_requests.send_tile_requests( str(tilesource['id']), indirectTiles, extension=ext, now=now) print "Duration Q: ", (time.time() - start) #Check if requested tile is within source's extents returnBlankTile = False returnErrorTile = False intersects = True if tilesource['extents']: intersects = bbox_intersects_source(tilesource,ix,iyf,iz) if not intersects: returnBlankTile = True validZoom = 0 #Check if inside source zoom levels if tilesource['minZoom'] or tilesource['maxZoom']: if (tilesource['minZoom'] and iz < tilesource['minZoom']): validZoom = -1 elif (tilesource['maxZoom'] and iz > tilesource['maxZoom']): validZoom = 1 if validZoom != 0: #returnBlank = True returnErrorTile = True if returnBlankTile: print "responding with blank image" image = blankTile(width=256, height=256) response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/png"), "PNG") return response if returnErrorTile: print "responding with a red image" image = redTile(width=256, height=256) response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/png"), "PNG") return response tile = None if tilesource['cacheable'] and iz >= settings.TILEJET['cache']['memory']['minZoom'] and iz <= settings.TILEJET['cache']['memory']['maxZoom']: #key = "{layer},{z},{x},{y},{ext}".format(,x=ix,y=iy,z=iz,ext=ext) key = ",".join([tilesource['name'],str(iz),str(ix),str(iy),ext]) tilecache, tile = getTileFromCache( settings.CACHES['tiles']['LOCATION'], settings.CACHES['tiles'], 'tiles', key, True, GEVENT_MONKEY_PATCH=True) if not tilecache: print "Error: Could not connect to cache (tiles)." line = "Error: Could not connect to cache (tiles)." logTileRequestError(line, now) if tile: if verbose: print "cache hit for "+key logTileRequest(tileorigin, tilesource['name'], x, y, z, ext, 'hit', now, ip, gw_logs=gw_logs) else: if tilecache and verbose: print "cache miss for "+key logTileRequest(tileorigin, tilesource['name'], x, y, z, ext, 'miss', now, ip, gw_logs=gw_logs) if tilesource['type'] == TYPE_TMS: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource=tilesource,x=ix,y=iy,z=iz,ext=ext,verbose=True) elif tilesource['type'] == TYPE_TMS_FLIPPED: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource=tilesource,x=ix,y=iyf,z=iz,ext=ext,verbose=True) elif tilesource['type'] == TYPE_BING: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource=tilesource,u=u,ext=ext,verbose=True) if settings.ASYNC_WRITEBACK: from base64 import b64encode try: taskWriteBackTile.apply_async( args=[key, json.dumps(tile['headers']), b64encode(tile['data'])], kwargs=None, queue="writeback") except: print "Error: Could not connect to writeback queue." line = "Error: Could not connect to writeback queue." logTileRequestError(line, now) else: try: tilecache.set(key, tile) except: print "Error: Could not write back tile synchronously." line = "Error: Could not write back tile synchronously." logTileRequestError(line, now) else: if verbose: print "cache bypass for "+tilesource['name']+"/"+str(iz)+"/"+str(ix)+"/"+str(iy) logTileRequest(tileorigin, tilesource['name'], x, y, z, ext, 'bypass', now, ip, gw_logs=gw_logs) if tilesource['type'] == TYPE_TMS: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource=tilesource,x=ix,y=iy,z=iz,ext=ext,verbose=True) elif tilesource['type'] == TYPE_TMS_FLIPPED: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource=tilesource,x=ix,y=iyf,z=iz,ext=ext,verbose=True) elif tilesource['type'] == TYPE_BING: tile = requestTileFromSource(tilesource=tilesource,u=u,ext=ext,verbose=True) if not tile: print "responding with a red image" image = redTile(width=256, height=256) response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/png"), "PNG") return response #print "Headers:" #print tile['headers'] image =['data'])) #Is Tile blank. then band.getextrema should return 0,0 for band 4 #Tile Cache watermarking is messing up bands #bands = image.split() #for band in bands: # print band.getextrema() response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/png"), "PNG") return response