def get_unique_unit_replay(): game_list = [] counter = 0 # loop over replay master list, grab first "num_games_to_parse" for full_filename in replays_master: replay = replayer.load(full_filename) if counter >= num_games_to_parse: break counter += 1 print("loaded replay: " + full_filename + " of length:" + str(len(replay))) # ids of units I care about: for frame_number in range(len(replay)): frame = replay.getFrame(frame_number) units = frame.units for player_id, unit_arr in units.iteritems(): if player_id < 0: # This is a map resource / object, not an army unit continue # For each unit in this frame: for unit in unit_arr: # Make sure it's a type that I care about if unit.type in valid_types: unit_data_arr = unit_to_arr(unit) # Don't add if I already have this exact state/label combo if (unit_data_arr in game_list) or (unit_data_arr[1] == 133): continue else: game_list.append(unit_data_arr) return game_list
def game_over_time(full_replay_path, valid_types, playerid=0, step_size=4): """ turns a .tcr into an array of dictionaries for visualizing / processing :param full_replay_path: path to replay file :param valid_types: list of unit_type attributes to consider :param playerid: player to follow (default 0) :return: array of dictionaries of unit data over time """ # Load in the replay: replay = replayer.load(full_replay_path) print("loaded replay: " + full_replay_path + " of length:" + str(len(replay))) game_data = [] starting_positions = {} for frame_number in range(0, len(replay), step_size): frame = replay.getFrame(frame_number) units = frame.units this_frame = {} for player_id, unit_arr in units.iteritems(): # I only want to look at the player i pass in (default 0) if player_id != playerid and playerid < 2: continue # For each unit in this frame: for unit in unit_arr: # Make sure it's a type that I care about if unit.type in valid_types: if in starting_positions: this_frame[] = unit_to_dict( unit, starting_positions[], unit_arr, valid_types) else: this_frame[] = unit_to_dict( unit, (-1, -1), unit_arr, valid_types) starting_positions[] = (unit.x, unit.y) # End iteration over units for player_id in this frame # End iteration over units for all players in this frame # TODO: this is a hack for only TvT matchups. remove this later: # if len(this_frame) == 0 and frame_number == 0: # # no valid units in this frame, we can assume this was not a terran player # return -1 game_data.append(this_frame) # End iteration over all frames player0psi = frame.resources[0].used_psi player1psi = frame.resources[1].used_psi if player0psi > player1psi: print("I think player 0 won with " + str(player0psi - player1psi) + " more psi than player 1") else: print("I think player 1 won with " + str(player1psi - player0psi) + " more psi than player 0") return game_data
def featurize(fn): savep = "{}/{}".format(path.basename(path.dirname(fn)), path.basename(fn)) savep = path.join(base, savep) + '.npz' os.makedirs(path.dirname(savep), exist_ok=True) if args.skip_existing and path.exists(savep):"Found existing {}, skipping".format(savep)) return True if not os.path.exists(fn): raise RuntimeError("No such replay") rep = replayer.load(fn) map = rep.getMap() map_size = map['walkability'].shape sl = make_start_loc(map['start_locations'], map_size) batch = [] for i in range(0, len(rep)): batch.append(rep.getFrame(i)) reduced = featurizer.reduce(batch) map_features = np.stack([ map['walkability'], map['buildability'], map['ground_height'], sl, ], axis=0).astype(dtype='uint8') info_hash = chain(*get_info(rep)) # 6 ints, p0race, p0slx, p0sly, p1... map_hash = hash_map(map) # 4 ints for the map hash info = np.asarray(list(chain(info_hash, map_hash)), dtype=np.int32) mfdata = io.BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=mfdata, mode='w') as f:, map_features) to_save = { 'reduced': reduced, 'map': mfdata.getvalue(), 'info': info, } # TODO: Both reduced data and overall data may be compressed np.savez(savep, **to_save) return True
def get_temporal_replays(): step_size = 8 # 1 frame per second if step size = 8 for full_filename in replays_master: replay = replayer.load(full_filename) print("loaded replay: " + full_filename + " of length:" + str(len(replay))) units_over_time = {} for frame_number in range(0, len(replay), step_size): frame = replay.getFrame(frame_number) units = frame.units for player_id, unit_arr in units.iteritems(): if player_id < 0: # This is a map resource / object, not an army unit continue # For each unit in this frame: for unit in unit_arr: # Make sure it's a type that I care about if unit.type in valid_types: # get nearest neighbors neighbors = get_nearest_units(unit, unit_arr, threshold=200, n_nearest=11) # create matrix with me at top, my neighbors under me unit_and_neighbors = np.vstack( (unit_to_np(unit), neighbors)) if in units_over_time: units_over_time[].append(unit_and_neighbors) else: units_over_time[] = [unit_and_neighbors] # End iteration over units for player_id in this frame # End iteration over units for all players in this frame new_fn = '/media/asilva/HD_home/my_sc_data/temporal_pickles/' + full_filename.split( '/')[-1] + '.pkl' pickle.dump(units_over_time, open(new_fn, 'wb')) print('dumped to ' + new_fn) # End iteration over all frames return True
def featurize(fn): raise RuntimeError("This doesn't work anymore, add in game name, visibility") rep = replayer.load(fn) map = rep.getMap() map_size = map['walkability'].shape race = [x[0] for x in get_info(rep)] sl = make_start_loc(map['start_locations'], map_size) batch = [] fromt = args.from_time if args.until_time != 0 else 0 until = args.from_time if args.until_time != 0 else len(rep) for i in range(fromt, min(len(rep), until), args.skip_frames): frames = [rep.getFrame(k) for k in range(i, min(i + args.combine_frames, len(rep)))] batch.append(frames) featurized = ( # map th.from_numpy( np.stack([ map['walkability'], map['buildability'], map['ground_height'], sl, ], axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]).type(th.FloatTensor), # race th.LongTensor([race if pers == 0 else list(reversed(race))]), # input th.from_numpy( normalize(featurizer.featurize( batch, map_size, perspective=pers ).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2))[:-1]).type(th.FloatTensor), # targets th.from_numpy( normalize(featurizer.featurize( batch, map_size, perspective=pers, full=True ).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2))[1:]).type(th.FloatTensor), ) assert featurized[2].size(0) > 1 return featurized
def autoencode_dataset(data_replays, valid_types, step_size, window_size, feature_set, add_orders, num_games): games_collected = 0 X = None for replay_path in data_replays: if games_collected >= num_games: break replay = replayer.load(replay_path) print("loaded replay: " + replay_path + " of length:" + str(len(replay))) input_data = generate_role_datasets.game_over_time(replay=replay, valid_types=valid_types, playerid=2, step_size=step_size, feature_set=feature_set, add_orders=add_orders) if not input_data[0]: print("No valid units in " + replay_path) continue print("Data collected") x_in = generate_role_datasets.hmm_data(input_data, n_timesteps=window_size, for_drawing=False) x_in = np.array(x_in) print("temporally stitched") if X is None: X = x_in else: X = np.vstack((X, x_in)) games_collected += 1 return X
'other': -1 } reverse_role_dict = dict() for key1, val in role_dict.iteritems(): reverse_role_dict[val] = key1 test_set_replays = params['replays_master'] visualize = False pkl_dir = '/home/asilva/Documents/stardata_analysis/gt_pkls' labelled_games = 0 games_to_label = 200 for replay_path in test_set_replays: if labelled_games >= games_to_label: break replay = replayer.load(replay_path) print("loaded replay: " + replay_path + " of length:" + str(len(replay))) valid_role_units = params['terran_valid_types'] # + params['zerg_valid_types'] + params['protoss_valid_types'] role_data = game_role_data(replay_data=replay, valid_types=valid_role_units, playerid=2, step_size=1) if not role_data[0]: print("No valid units in " + replay_path) continue print("Roles assigned") ffilled = forward_fill(role_data) print("Forward filled") pkl_name = os.path.join(pkl_dir, replay_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + 'GT.pkl')
# Created by Andrew Silva on 3/30/18 from torchcraft import replayer import glob # python port of the cpp script for getting corrupted replays # best I can tell it is the same? input_pattern = '/media/asilva/HD_home/StarData/dumped_replays/**/*.tcr' all_files = glob.glob(input_pattern) bad_files = [] for filename in all_files: try: rep = replayer.load(filename) ore = 0 gas = 0 used_ore = 0 used_gas = 0 for i in range(len(rep)): frame = rep.getFrame(i) cur_ore = 0 cur_gas = 0 res = frame.resources for r in res.values(): cur_ore += r.ore cur_gas += r.gas if i > len(rep) / 2: used_ore += max(0, ore - cur_ore) used_gas += max(0, gas - cur_gas) ore = cur_ore gas = cur_gas percent_used_ore = 1.0 * used_ore / (used_ore + ore)
def featurize(fn): rep = replayer.load(fn) map = rep.getMap() map_size = map['walkability'].shape batch = [] for i in range(0, len(rep), args.skip_frames): frames = [ rep.getFrame(k) for k in range(i, min(i + args.combine_frames, len(rep))) ] batch.append(frames) if method == 'prev': return [ featurizer.featurize(batch, map_size, perspective=0), featurizer.featurize(batch, map_size, perspective=1), featurizer.featurize(batch, map_size, perspective=0, full=True), featurizer.featurize(batch, map_size, perspective=1, full=True), ] elif method == 'stat': features = featurizer.featurize(batch, map_size, full=True) map_hash = hash_map(map) ''' Two players with the same info is considered to be the same 'game' for this baseline: All ZvT mu that start at the same location should be hashed to a single info. Should be irrespective of p1 or p2, so we sort. ''' info_hash = tuple(sorted(get_info(rep))) if ret: return (map_hash, info_hash, features) key = (map_hash, info_hash) with global_lock: if key in all_data: data_tup = all_data[key] else: all_data[key] = [np.zeros(features.shape), 0] locks[key] = Lock() with locks[key]: data_tup = all_data[key] acc = data_tup[0] if acc.shape[0] < features.shape[0]: acc = np.pad(acc, ((0, features.shape[0] - acc.shape[0]), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0) view = acc[tuple( slice(0, int(axis)) for axis in features.shape)] view += features view += features data_tup[0] = acc data_tup[1] += 1 all_data[key] = data_tup return True else: raise RuntimeError("No such way to calculate a baseline. " "Check your --method")
num_games_to_parse = 1 def get_orders(unit_in): orders = [] for order in unit_in.orders: orders.append(order.type) return orders # master list of games game_list = None for full_filename in replays_master: replay = replayer.load(full_filename) if counter >= num_games_to_parse: break counter += 1 print("loaded replay: " + full_filename + " of length:" + str(len(replay))) # ids of units I care about: units_i_want = {} for frame_number in range(0, len(replay), int(N_secs * 8)): frame = replay.getFrame(frame_number) units = frame.units this_frame = [] for player_id, unit_arr in units.iteritems(): if player_id < 0: # This is a map resource / object, not an army unit
# game_info = game_over_time(replay_path, valid_types=valid_units, playerid=2, step_size=4) # if game_info != -1: # all_games.append(game_info) color_dict = [(0, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), (100, 100, 100), (100, 100, 255), (100, 255, 255), (10, 151, 226), (0, 255, 255), (0, 0, 255), (255, 100, 255), (0, 0, 0), (160, 0, 255), (120, 0, 180), (0, 0, 100)] fps = 20 params = hyper_params() save_vid = True play_vid = False draw_text = False # Load in the replay: replay = replayer.load(params['replay_path']) print("loaded replay: " + params['replay_path'] + " of length:" + str(len(replay))) game_data = game_data_for_drawing(replay=replay, valid_types=params['valid_units'], playerid=params['playerid'], step_size=params['step_frames']) print("draw data extracted") game_info = game_over_time(replay=replay, valid_types=params['valid_units'], playerid=params['playerid'], step_size=params['step_frames'], feature_set=params['feature_set'], add_orders=params['add_orders']) print("raw data extracted")