コード例 #1
def get_SExt_assoc_files(pepe):
    It creates the associated catalogues with
    the detections to be included in the analysis.

    for ii in range(7):
        for jj in range(4):
            for kk in range(4):
                cat = root + '/f0%i/alhambra.F0%iP0%iC0%i.ColorProBPZ.cat' % (
                    ii + 2, ii + 2, jj + 1, kk + 1)
                if os.path.exists(cat):
                    ids = U.get_str(cat, 0)
                    x, y, ar, ra, dec, mm = U.get_data(cat,
                                                       (6, 7, 8, 4, 5, 65))
                    nameout = root + '/f0%i/alhambra.F0%iP0%iC0%i.ColorProBPZ.coo' % (
                        ii + 2, ii + 2, jj + 1, kk + 1)
                    good = U.less_equal(abs(mm), 23.0)
                    ids = U.compress(good, (ids))
                    x, y, ar, ra, dec, mm = U.multicompress(
                        good, (x, y, ar, ra, dec, mm))
                    ne = len(x)
                    fileout = open(nameout, 'w')
                    fileout.write('#  X  Y  AREA  ID  RA  DEC  F814W  \n')
                    print 'Analyzing ', cat
                    for ss in range(ne):
                        linea = '%.3f   %.3f   %i   %s    %f   %f   %.2f  \n' % (
                            x[ss], y[ss], ar[ss], ids[ss], ra[ss], dec[ss],
コード例 #2
def remove_detections_bysegmmaps(field, pointing, ccd):
    It uses the segmentation-maps to remove fake detections
    when masking out saturated stars.
import alhambra_fakedets as AF

    root = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4f/f0%i/' % (field)
    root2images = '/Volumes/amb22/imagenes/f0%i/' % (field)
    catalog = root + 'f0%ip0%i_colorproext_%i_ISO.irmsF814W.free.cat' % (
        field, pointing, ccd)
    ids, x, y, area = U.get_data(catalog, (0, 3, 4, 5))
    dim = len(ids)
    valor = U.zeros(dim)
    ima1 = root2images + 'f0%ip0%i_F814W_%i.swp.seg.fits' % (field, pointing,
    ima2 = root2images + 'f0%ip0%i_F814W_%i.swp.segnomask.fits' % (
        field, pointing, ccd)
    segm1 = pyfits.open(ima1)[0].data
    segm2 = pyfits.open(ima2)[0].data
    for ii in range(dim):
        xo = x[ii]
        yo = y[ii]
        dimx = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[1]
        dimy = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[0]
        perc[ii] = (datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size].sum() /
                    (dimx * dimy * 1.))

    # Defining the sample to be keep.
    good = U.greater(valor, 0)
    idr = U.compress(good, ids)
    dim2 = len(idr)
    print 'Dimensions: Original: %i, Final: %i, Excluded: %i detections. ' % (
        dim, dim2, dim - dim2)
    finalcat = root + 'f0%ip0%i_colorproext_%i_ISO.irmsF814W.free.cat' % (
        field, pointing, ccd)
    data1 = coeio.loaddata(catalog)  # Loading the whole catalog content.
    head = coeio.loadheader(catalog)
    data2 = data1[good, :]
    coeio.savedata(data2, finalcat, dir="",
                   header=head)  # Saving & creating a new catalog.
コード例 #3
def remove_fakeabsorptions_F814W(field, pointing, ccd):
    Using the rmsweight images, it gets rid of
    detections with imrs_F814W < 0.5.
import alhambra_fakedets as AF

    root = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4f/f0%i/' % (field)
    catalog = root + 'f0%ip0%i_colorproext_%i_ISO.cat' % (field, pointing, ccd)
    ids, x, y, area = U.get_data(catalog, (0, 3, 4, 5))
    dim = len(ids)
    perc = U.zeros(dim)
    # Opening F814W Weight image
    ima = alh.alhambra_invrmsimagelist(field, pointing, ccd)[-1]
    datos = pyfits.open(ima)[0].data
    for ii in range(dim):
        if area[ii] > 1:
            size = int(round(U.sqrt(area[ii]) / 2.))
            xo = x[ii]
            yo = y[ii]
            dimx = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[1]
            dimy = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[0]
            perc[ii] = (datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size].sum() /
                        (dimx * dimy * 1.))

    # Defining the sample to be keep.
    good = U.greater(perc, 0.5)
    idr = U.compress(good, ids)
    dim2 = len(idr)
    print 'Dimensions: Original: %i, Final: %i, Excluded: %i detections. ' % (
        dim, dim2, dim - dim2)
    finalcat = root + 'f0%ip0%i_colorproext_%i_ISO.irmsF814W.free.cat' % (
        field, pointing, ccd)
    data1 = coeio.loaddata(catalog)  # Loading the whole catalog content.
    head = coeio.loadheader(catalog)
    data2 = data1[good, :]
    coeio.savedata(data2, finalcat, dir="",
                   header=head)  # Saving & creating a new catalog.
コード例 #4
def match_spz_sample(cluster): # TO CHECK
    finalcat1 = catalog2[:-3]+'CLASH.redu.cat'
    finalcat2 = catalog2[:-3]+'nada.cat'
    # if not os.path.exists(finalcat1):
    if not os.path.exists(finalcat2):
        # print 'Final catalog does not exist yet.'                           
        if os.path.exists(catalog1) and os.path.exists(catalog2):
            # It matches up detections to its Spectroscopic Sample.
            # Reading specz catalog
            print 'Reading info1 before matching...'
            speczsample = catalog1
            idsp,xsp,ysp = U.get_data(speczsample,(0,3,4))
            goodsp = U.greater_equal(xsp,1500) * U.less_equal(xsp,3500)
            goodsp *= U.greater_equal(ysp,1500) * U.less_equal(ysp,3500)
            idsp,xsp,ysp = U.multicompress(goodsp,(idsp,xsp,ysp))
            print 'New dimension for specz catalogue: ',len(xsp)
            # rasp,decsp,xsp,ysp,zsp = get_data(speczsample,(0,1,2,3,4))
            # xsp,ysp,zsp = get_data(speczsample,(1,2,7))
            ####### idsp = U.arange(len(xsp))+1 
            # idsp = arange(len(rasp))+1
            # Reading ColorPro catalog
            print 'Reading info2 before matching...'
            idcol,xcol,ycol = U.get_data(catalog2,(0,3,4))
            print 'Dimension for input catalogue before compressing: ',len(idcol)
            gsp = U.greater_equal(xcol,1500) * U.less_equal(xcol,3500)
            gsp *= U.greater_equal(ycol,1500) * U.less_equal(ycol,3500)
            idcol,xcol,ycol = U.multicompress(gsp,(idcol,xcol,ycol))
            print 'Dimension for input catalogue after compressing: ',len(idcol)
            # Using "matching_vects" to match up samples...
            print 'Matching samples....'
            pepe = CT.matching_vects(idcol,xcol,ycol,idsp,xsp,ysp,1.1)   # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec
            # Compressing matches for ColorPro...
            print 'Compressing matches...'
            matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int)
            gdet_col = U.greater(matchidcol,0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
            matchidcol = U.compress(gdet_col,(matchidcol))
            # Compressing matches for Spectroscopic...
            matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int)
            gdet_spz = U.greater(matchidsp,0)   # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
            matchidsp = U.compress(gdet_spz,(matchidsp))
            print 'len(idcol)',len(idcol)
            print 'len(idsp)',len(idsp)
            if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp):
                print 'Creating idredu & zsredu '
                print 'Dimension of matchidsp ',len(matchidsp)
                idredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp))
                idspredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp))
                for ii in range(len(matchidsp)):
                    colindex = A.id2pos(idcol,matchidcol[ii]) # Position for Index idcol
                    spzindex = A.id2pos(idsp,matchidsp[ii])   # Position for Index idsp
                    idredu[ii] = idcol[colindex]  # ID for ColorPro
                    idspredu[ii] = idsp[spzindex]    # Specz for Specz
                # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
                print 'Selecting by rows... ' 
                finalcat1 = catalog2[:-3]+'UDF.redu.cat'
                finalcat2 = catalog2[:-3]+'CLASH.redu.cat'
コード例 #5
def check_rms_SPLUS(segmentation,photometry,minrad,maxrad,totnum,plots,verbose):

    It describes the photometric noise in images by launching apertures
    in blank areas and describing the area vs rms dependency.

    Several apertures (of random radius and positions) will be created (over blank areas) on 
    a 'segmentation' image to estimate the real photometric error of an input 'photometry' image. 
    segmentation: Segmentation-like image (SExtractor output) used to select 'blank' areas.
    photometry:   scientific image over which estimate the real photometric errors      
    minrad,maxrad = minimun & maximum radius of the used apertures (pixels).
    totnum = total number of apertures.
    area,rms = final outputs.

import script_dcluster_tools as to
segmentation = 'f814.seg.fits'
photometry   = 'f814.fits'
apertures,finalbackg,finalmeans,fluxes = to.check_rms_JPLUS(segmentation,photometry,1,21,5.0e+04,'yes',False)

    if not os.path.exists(segmentation):
       print 'Image %s does not exist!' %(segmentation)

    if not os.path.exists(photometry):
       print 'Image %s does not exist!' %(photometry)
    if verbose==True: verba=1
    else: verba=0	       

    # Reading data from images
    if photometry[:-2]=='fz':
       photima = fits.open(photometry)[1].data
       photima = fits.open(photometry)[0].data
    if segmentation[:-2]=='fz':
       segima  = fits.open(segmentation)[1].data  
       segima  = fits.open(segmentation)[0].data

    # Final root where to save the data
    final_path = os.path.os.path.dirname(photometry)
    base_name = os.path.os.path.basename(photometry)
    len_extension = len(base_name.split('.')[-1])+1
    file_root = final_path+'/Apertures/%s'%(base_name[:-len_extension])
    # Physical limits (pixel) for the segmentation image.
    xGC = N.shape(segima)[1]/2.
    yGC = N.shape(segima)[0]/2.
    # For CLASH, due to the rotating frames, a maximum radius is set.
    min_maxim_radius = min([xGC,yGC])
    radialmax = min_maxim_radius # Maximum radial distance to the center [pixels]
    # Here the random position (X,Y) are limited in range.
    minpix_X = 1500 
    maxpix_X = N.shape(segima)[1]-1500 
    minpix_Y = 1500 
    maxpix_Y = N.shape(segima)[0]-1500 
    binhisto = 100  
    # Final vector with positions.
    x_values = N.arange(minpix_X,maxpix_X,1)
    y_values = N.arange(minpix_Y,maxpix_Y,1)
    # Total dimension for the input variables.
    maxdim = int(20*(10.+(4*(((maxrad)*(maxrad+1))/2.))))
    # Defining other variables.
    XX = N.zeros((maxdim),float)
    YY = N.zeros((maxdim),float)
    XO = N.zeros((maxdim),float)
    YO = N.zeros((maxdim),float)
    RR = N.zeros(totnum)
    # Range of apertures to be launched.
    apertures = N.arange(minrad,maxrad,1)
    n_apertures = len(apertures)
    # Length definition for the final outputs.
    finalbackg = N.zeros(n_apertures,'float64')
    finalmeans = N.zeros(n_apertures,'float64') 
    gausshisto = N.zeros((binhisto,2*n_apertures),dtype='float64') 
    # Starting the analysis.
    mmm = 0
    for app in range(n_apertures):
        raper = apertures[app] 
        # minrad = maxrad = raper
        if verba:
           print 'Interation %i out of %i ' %(app+1,n_apertures)
           print '-------------------------'
        # New temporal variables (erased in every loop).
        fluxes = N.zeros(totnum,dtype='float64')
        sbackg = N.zeros(totnum,dtype='float64') 
        ff = -1
        # Now it runs until it gets "totnum" measurements.
        hh = -1
        contador = 0
        while contador < (totnum):
            kk = -1
            # Random x,y numbers to estimate the position
            # to place the aperture.
            xo = N.random.random_integers(minpix_X,maxpix_X)  
            yo = N.random.random_integers(minpix_Y,maxpix_Y)
            if verba: print 'xo,yo',xo,yo
            # Corresponding radial distance to the center.
            tempradii = N.sqrt((xo-xGC)*(xo-xGC)+(yo-yGC)*(yo-yGC))
            if tempradii < (radialmax+1):
               # Now it is computed the shape of the aperture. 
               Xr = N.zeros((raper*raper),float)
               Yr = N.zeros((raper*raper),float)
               for ii in range(raper):
                   xvalue = xo+ii
                   for jj in range(raper):
                       kk += 1
                       yvalue = yo+jj
                       Xr[kk] = xvalue
                       Yr[kk] = yvalue
               # Here it checks the blanckness of the aperture.                                 
               tempflux = area2noise(segima,photima,Xr,Yr)
               if raper<2 :
                  if tempflux != -999. : 
                     fluxes[hh] = tempflux
                     if verba: print 'Adding flux: ',tempflux
                     hh += 1 
                     contador += 1
               if raper>1:
                  if tempflux[0] != -999. :
                     fluxes[hh] = tempflux.sum() - (finalmeans[0] * raper**2) #why?
                     contador += 1
                     hh += 1 
                     if verba: print 'hh',hh
        # Computing values from the sample.    
        sigfluxes = U.std_robust(fluxes) 
        good      = U.less_equal(abs(fluxes),5.*sigfluxes)
        fluxes    = U.compress(good,fluxes)
        # Storing the background dispersion & mean inside that aperture.   
        finalbackg[app] = U.std(fluxes)
        finalmeans[app] = U.mean(fluxes)
        if plots == 'yes': 
           plt.figure(1,figsize = (7,6),dpi=70, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
           # va1,va2 = N.histogram(fluxes,binhisto,normed=1)
           va1,va2,va3 = plt.hist(fluxes,binhisto,normed=1,facecolor='black',alpha=0.5,linewidth=1.5)
           baseh = va2[0:-1] + ((va2[1]-va2[0])/2.)
           nele  = len(fluxes)
           mu    = U.mean(fluxes)
           sig   = U.std(fluxes)
           # yh    = U.normpdf(va2,mu,sig)
           # plt.plot(va2,yh,'r-',linewidth=3,alpha=0.7)
           mu = U.mean_robust(fluxes) # repeated
           sig = U.std_robust(fluxes) # repeated
           # yh = U.normpdf(va2,mu,sig) # repeated
           # plt.plot(va2,yh,'r--',linewidth=3,alpha=0.7) # repeated          
           plt.legend([('MEAN: %.4f ''\n'' RMS:  %.4f '%(mu,sig)),
                       'Aperture: %i $pix$'%(raper*raper)],
                       numpoints=1,loc='upper right',fontsize=14)
           plt.xlabel('Aperture Flux [ADU]',size=20)
           plt.ylabel('Number Counts',size=20)
           nameima = photometry.split('/')[-1:][0]
           figure2name = file_root+'_hfaper_%i.png' %(raper)
           # Here it saves the info from the histogram.
           ind1 = app*2
           ind2 = app*2+1
           if verba: print 'ind1,ind2',ind1,ind2
           gausshisto[:,ind1] = baseh # va2
           gausshisto[:,ind2] = va1   # yh
    # At this point all apertures have been computed.        
    # Now it will represent the sigma_vs_area dependency.
    sigmas = finalbackg #-abs(finalmeans)
    aa,bb = sigmafit(sigmas,sigmas[0],apertures)
    if plots == 'yes':
       plt.figure(2, figsize = (7,6),dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
       plt.legend([('%.3f$\sqrt{N}$ (%.3f + %.3f$\sqrt{N}$)' %(sigmas[0],aa,bb)),
                   '%.3f$\sqrt{N}$ | Poisson Distribution '%(sigmas[0])],
                   numpoints=1,loc='upper left')
       nick2 = photometry.split('/')[-1:][0]

       figure1name = file_root+'_apersigma.png'

    # Saving outputs in ASCII files.
    fileout = file_root+'.apertures.txt'
    header = '# AREA[pix] RMS(std[counts]) MEAN(mean_robust[counts])'
    #print 'Saving data... in %s' %(fileout)

コード例 #6
def get_alhambra_GOLD(field,pointing,ccd):

import alhambragold as alhgold


    root_catalogs = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4f/f0%i/'%(field)
    root_gold = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4f/GOLD/'
    catalog = root_catalogs+'alhambra.F0%iP0%iC0%i.ColorProBPZ.cat' %(field,pointing,ccd)
    if os.path.exists(catalog):
       data1 = coeio.loaddata(catalog)      # Loading the whole catalog content.
       head1 = coeio.loadheader(catalog)    # Loading the original header.
       nc1 = len(data1.T)
       dim1 = len(data1[:,0])
       nh = len(head1)
       # Final catalog. 
       catout = root_gold+'alhambra.gold.F0%iP0%iC0%i.ColorProBPZ.cat' %(field,pointing,ccd)
       outfile = open(catout,'w')
       # Reducing the length of the catalogs according to input ids
       ids = U.get_str(catalog,0)
       mo  = U.get_data(catalog,65)
       cond1 = U.less(mo,23.000)
       data2 = data1[cond1,:]
       nraws = U.shape(data2)[0]
       ncols = U.shape(data2)[1]

       # Setting the IDs to its final values (including F814W+field+pointing+ccd)
       finalids = alh.getalhambrafinalids(field,pointing,ccd,'ISO')
       finalids2 = U.compress(cond1,finalids)
       # Restoring header...
       for ii in range(nh):
           outfile.write('%s \n'%(head1[ii]))
       formato = '%s  %i  %i  %i  %.4f  %.4f  %.3f  %.3f  %i  %.2f  %.2f  %.4f  %.3f  %.3f  %.1f  %.2f  %.3f  %.2f  %i  '
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '
       formato += '%i  %i  %.3f  %i  %.2f  %i  '
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '  
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  '  
       formato += '%.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %i  %i  '                              
       form = formato.split()
       # Here it defines the format to be used.    
       for jj in range(nraws):
           for ss in range(ncols):
               goodform = ''
               goodform = form[ss]+'  '
               if ss == 0:
           outfile.write(' \n')    
コード例 #7
def appending_ids2catalogues(field, pointing, ccd):

import alhambra_3arcs as A3


    catalhambra = root + 'f0%i/alhambra.F0%iP0%iC0%i.ColorProBPZ.cat' % (
        field, field, pointing, ccd)
    idalh = U.get_str(catalhambra, 0)
    idalh2 = U.arange(len(idalh)) + 1
    xalh, yalh = U.get_data(catalhambra, (6, 7))

    cat3arcs = finalroot + 'f0%i/alhambra.f0%ip0%ic0%i.3arcs.cat' % (
        field, field, pointing, ccd)
    id3arcs, x3arcs, y3arcs = U.get_data(cat3arcs, (0, 3, 4))
    print len(id3arcs)

    matchfile = cat3arcs[:-3] + 'idsfrommatch.txt'
    if not os.path.exists(matchfile):
        idcol = idalh2
        xcol = xalh
        ycol = yalh
        idsp = id3arcs
        xsp = x3arcs
        ysp = y3arcs

        pepe = CT.matching_vects(idcol, xcol, ycol, idsp, xsp, ysp, 5)

        # Compressing matches for ColorPro...
        print 'Compressing matches...'
        matchidcol = pepe[:, 0].astype(int)
        gdet_col = U.greater(matchidcol,
                             0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
        matchidcol = U.compress(gdet_col, (matchidcol))
        # Compressing matches for Spectroscopic...
        matchidsp = pepe[:, 1].astype(int)
        gdet_spz = U.greater(matchidsp,
                             0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
        matchidsp = U.compress(gdet_spz, (matchidsp))
        print 'len(idcol)', len(idcol)
        print 'len(idsp)', len(idsp)
        if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp):
            print 'Creating idredu & zsredu '
            print 'Dimension of matchidsp ', len(matchidsp)
            idredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp))
            idspredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp))
            for ii in range(len(matchidsp)):
                colindex = A.id2pos(idcol,
                                    matchidcol[ii])  # Position for Index idcol
                spzindex = A.id2pos(idsp,
                                    matchidsp[ii])  # Position for Index idsp
                idredu[ii] = idcol[colindex]  # ID for ColorPro
                idspredu[ii] = idsp[spzindex]  # Specz for Specz

            matchfile = cat3arcs[:-3] + 'idsfrommatch.txt'
            U.put_data(matchfile, (idredu, idspredu))

    if os.path.exists(matchfile):
        pepa = open(matchfile[:-3] + 'bis.cat', 'w')
        idredu, idspredu = U.get_data(matchfile, (0, 1))
        i11 = idredu.astype(int) - 1
        i22 = idspredu.astype(int)
        lista = []
        for ii in range(len(i11)):
            pepa.write('%s  %s  \n' % (idalh[i11[ii]], i22[ii]))

        finalfinal = cat3arcs[:-3] + 'final.cat'
        if os.path.exists(finalfinal): A.deletefile(finalfinal)
        if not os.path.exists(finalfinal):
            print 'Preparing ', finalfinal
            idsa = U.get_str(matchfile[:-3] + 'bis.cat', 0)
            append_IDs2_3arcs_catalogues(cat3arcs, idsa)
コード例 #8
def flagging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2):
    This serves to append an extra column (each to both inputted catalogs)
    indicating either a detection was repeated and with the lowest S/N
    of the two.
    Sources flagged as 1 are those detections to be excluded when combining
    both catalogs into a single one.
import alhambra_overlap as alhov
cat1 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p02_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
cat2 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p01_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
    id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1 = U.get_data(cat1,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2 = U.get_data(cat2,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    ne1 = len(id1)
    ne2 = len(id2)
    g1 = U.greater_equal(ra1,min(ra2))
    g2 = U.less_equal(ra2,max(ra1))
    id1r,ra1r,dec1r,x1r,y1r,s2n1r = U.multicompress(g1,(id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1))
    id2r,ra2r,dec2r,x2r,y2r,s2n2r = U.multicompress(g2,(id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2))
    flag1 = U.zeros(ne1)
    flag2 = U.zeros(ne2)
    dim1 = len(id1r)
    dim2 = len(id2r)
    print 'dim1,dim2',dim1,dim2
    if dim1>0 and dim2>0:
       print 'Matching samples....'
       pepe = matching_vects_ddet(id1r,ra1r,dec1r,id2r,ra2r,dec2r,0.000312)   # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec
       # Purging null elements
       matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int)
       good_det1 = U.greater(matchidcol,0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidcol = U.compress(good_det1,(matchidcol))
       matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int)
       good_det2 = U.greater(matchidsp,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidsp = U.compress(good_det2,(matchidsp))
       if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp) and len(matchidcol) >0 :
           newdim = len(matchidsp)
           print 'Dimension of matching',newdim
           idr1  = U.zeros(newdim)
           idr2  = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ii in range(newdim):
               idr1index = ap.id2pos(id1r,matchidcol[ii]) 
               idr2index = ap.id2pos(id2r,matchidsp[ii]) 
               idr1[ii]  = id1r[idr1index]
               s2nr1[ii] = s2n1r[idr1index]               
               idr2[ii]  = id2r[idr2index] 
               s2nr2[ii] = s2n2r[idr2index]
           # Select/Purge detections according to its S/N
           marcador1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           marcador2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ss in range(newdim):
               cociente = s2nr1[ss]/s2nr2[ss]  
               if cociente >= 1.: marcador1[ss] = 1.
               else: marcador2[ss] = 1.     
           cond1 = U.less(marcador1,1)
           cond2 = U.less(marcador2,1)
           idr1b = U.compress(cond1,idr1)
           dim1rr = len(idr1b)
           idr2b = U.compress(cond2,idr2)
           dim2rr = len(idr2b)
           # Two new IDs (finalid1 & finalid2) are generated with 
           # the final elements to be included in the output catalog.
           for hh1 in range(ne1):
               if id1[hh1] in idr1b:
                  flag1[hh1] = 1
           for hh2 in range(ne2):
               if id2[hh2] in idr2b:
                  flag2[hh2] = 1

           # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
           outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'.doubledetect.cat'
           outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'.doubledetect.cat'
           print 'outcat1',outcat1
           print 'outcat2',outcat2

           # Renaming files
           if not os.path.exists(cat1): ap.renamefile(outcat1,cat1)
           if not os.path.exists(cat2): ap.renamefile(outcat2,cat2)           
       print 'No common sources in betwen the catalogs'
       # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
       outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'.doubledetect.cat'
       outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'.doubledetect.cat'
       print 'outcat1',outcat1
       print 'outcat2',outcat2
       # Renaming files
       if not os.path.exists(cat1): ap.renamefile(outcat1,cat1)
       if not os.path.exists(cat2): ap.renamefile(outcat2,cat2)   
コード例 #9
def purging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2):

import alhambra_overlap
from alhambra_overlap import *
cat1 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p02_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
cat2 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/f02p01_colorproext_1_ISO.cat'
    id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1 = U.get_data(cat1,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2 = U.get_data(cat2,(0,1,2,3,4,14))
    ne1 = len(id1)
    ne2 = len(id2)
    g1 = U.greater_equal(ra1,min(ra2))
    g2 = U.less_equal(ra2,max(ra1))
    id1r,ra1r,dec1r,x1r,y1r,s2n1r = U.multicompress(g1,(id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1))
    id2r,ra2r,dec2r,x2r,y2r,s2n2r = U.multicompress(g2,(id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2))

    dim1 = len(id1r)
    dim2 = len(id2r)
    print 'dim1,dim2',dim1,dim2
    if dim1>0 and dim2>0:
       print 'Matching samples....'
       pepe = matching_vects_ddet(id1r,ra1r,dec1r,id2r,ra2r,dec2r,0.000312)   # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec
       # Purging null elements
       matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int)
       good_det1 = U.greater(matchidcol,0)  # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidcol = U.compress(good_det1,(matchidcol))
       matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int)
       good_det2 = U.greater(matchidsp,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections)
       matchidsp = U.compress(good_det2,(matchidsp))
       if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp) and len(matchidcol) >0 :
           newdim = len(matchidsp)
           print 'Dimension of matching',newdim
           idr1  = U.zeros(newdim)
           idr2  = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           s2nr2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ii in range(newdim):
               idr1index = ap.id2pos(id1r,matchidcol[ii]) 
               idr2index = ap.id2pos(id2r,matchidsp[ii]) 
               idr1[ii]  = id1r[idr1index]
               s2nr1[ii] = s2n1r[idr1index]               
               idr2[ii]  = id2r[idr2index] 
               s2nr2[ii] = s2n2r[idr2index]
           # Select/Purge detections according to its S/N
           marcador1 = U.zeros(newdim)
           marcador2 = U.zeros(newdim)
           for ss in range(newdim):
               cociente = s2nr1[ss]/s2nr2[ss]  
               if cociente >= 1.: marcador1[ss] = 1.
               else: marcador2[ss] = 1.     
           cond1 = U.less(marcador1,1)
           cond2 = U.less(marcador2,1)
           idr1b = U.compress(cond1,idr1)
           dim1rr = len(idr1b)
           idr2b = U.compress(cond2,idr2)
           dim2rr = len(idr2b)
           print ''
           print 'Number of detections to be removed from cat1: ', dim1rr
           print 'Number of detections to be removed from cat2: ', dim2rr
           print ''
           # Two new IDs (finalid1 & finalid2) are generated with 
           # the final elements to be included in the output catalog.
           finalid1 = U.zeros((ne1-dim1rr))
           finalid2 = U.zeros((ne2-dim2rr))
           kk1 = 0
           for hh1 in range(ne1):
               if id1[hh1] not in idr1b:
                  finalid1[kk1] = id1[hh1]
                  kk1 += 1
           print 'kk1',kk1
           kk2 = 0       
           for hh2 in range(ne2):
               if id2[hh2] not in idr2b:
                  if kk2 <= (ne2-dim2rr-1): 
                     finalid2[kk2] = id2[hh2]
           print 'kk2',kk2       
           # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column.
           outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'.wo2detect.cat'
           outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'.wo2detect.cat'
           print 'outcat1',outcat1
           print 'outcat2',outcat2
       print 'No common sources in betwen the catalogs'