def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None): toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos) toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x) # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading)) # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos toTargetDistance = toTarget.length() # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading if targetHeading is None: toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0 else: toTargetHeadingTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading)) # approximate time it takes to avoid robots on the way avoidTime = 0 if toTargetDistance > 400 : robots = Global.robotObstaclesList() for robot in robots: robotPos = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(robot.pos) toRobot = robotPos.minus(myPos) dist = toRobot.length() heading = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toRobot.heading() - toTargetHeading)) # further away robots are less relevant distValue = min(1, dist / toTargetDistance) # robots aren't in the way are less relevant headingValue = min(1, heading / (math.pi/2)) # heading is more relevant than distance, has enough weighting to revert striker bonus time combinedValue = (1 - distValue ** 4)*(1 - headingValue ** 2) * 3 if combinedValue > avoidTime : avoidTime = combinedValue return toTargetTurn/TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance/WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn/CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE + avoidTime
def _tick(self, x, y, theta, urgency=0, keepFacing=False, relative=False, useAvoidance=True, useOnlySonarAvoid=False): urgency = min(1.0, urgency) self.keepFacing = keepFacing # Convert everything to relative. if relative: vectorToTarget = Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y) facingTurn = theta else: vectorToTarget, facingTurn = FieldGeometry.globalPoseToRobotRelativePose(Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y), theta) facingTurn = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(facingTurn) self.currentTarget = vectorToTarget targetHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(vectorToTarget.heading()) # forward/left are used for final adjustments, rotate to mean pos after the turn is made if vectorToTarget.isShorterThan(400) or keepFacing: forward = vectorToTarget.x * cos(-facingTurn) - vectorToTarget.y * sin(-facingTurn) left = vectorToTarget.x * sin(-facingTurn) + vectorToTarget.y * cos(-facingTurn) else: forward = vectorToTarget.x left = vectorToTarget.y self.currentState.urgency = urgency self.currentState.tick(forward, left, targetHeading, facingTurn)
def _tick(self, x, y, theta, urgency=0, keepFacing=False, relative=False, useAvoidance=True, extraObstacles=[]): # LedOverride.override(LedOverride.leftEye, # LedOverride.override(LedOverride.rightEye, self.keepFacing = keepFacing # Save destination for walkingTo = int(x) = int(y) if relative: new = FieldGeometry.addRrToRobot(Global.myPose(), x, y) = int(new[0]) = int(new[1]) # Convert everything to relative. if relative: vectorToTarget = Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y) facingTurn = theta else: for i in range(0, len(extraObstacles)): extraObstacles[ i] = FieldGeometry.globalPointToRobotRelativePoint( extraObstacles[i]) vectorToTarget, facingTurn = FieldGeometry.globalPoseToRobotRelativePose( Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y), theta) # always keep heading the same after avoidance facingTurn = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(facingTurn) targetHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(vectorToTarget.heading()) if useAvoidance: vectorToTarget = self.calculateDestinationViaObstacles( vectorToTarget, extraObstacles) # avoidance doesn't change which way robot's facing self.currentTarget = vectorToTarget forward = vectorToTarget.x left = vectorToTarget.y self.currentState.urgency = urgency # myPose = Global.myPose() # print "Pos: (%5.0f, %5.0f < %2.2f) - CurrTarget: (%5.0f, %5.0f < %2.2f) fac?%s, rel?%s, flt: (%4.0f, %4.0f < T%2.2f, F%2.2f)" % ( # myPose.x, myPose.y, degrees(myPose.theta), x, y, degrees(theta), "Y" if keepFacing else "N", "Y" if relative else "N", forward, left, degrees(targetHeading), degrees(facingTurn) # ) self.currentState.tick(forward, left, targetHeading, facingTurn)
def getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall=True): intervalInSeconds = 1 numSecondsForward = 1.0 # Estimate the ball position up to 1 second away numIterations = int(round(numSecondsForward / intervalInSeconds)) FRICTION = 0.9 # friction per second FRICTION_PER_ITERATION = FRICTION**intervalInSeconds ballVel = Global.ballWorldVelHighConfidence() ballPos = Global.ballWorldPos() myHeading = Global.myHeading() # If he ball is moving slowly, just chase the ball directly if ballVel.isShorterThan(10.0): return ballPos # Dont bother chasing a moving ball if its quite close. if Global.ballDistance() < 600.0: return ballPos ballVel.scale(intervalInSeconds) robotPos = Global.myPos() interceptPoint = ballPos bestChasePoint = ballPos.clone() seconds = 0.0 for i in xrange(0, numIterations): seconds += intervalInSeconds interceptPoint.add(ballVel) ballVel.scale(FRICTION_PER_ITERATION) toIntercept = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos) toInterceptHeading = math.atan2(toIntercept.y, toIntercept.x) # How far we need to turn to point at the interceptPoint toInterceptTurn = abs( MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toInterceptHeading - myHeading)) timeToTurn = toInterceptTurn / TURN_RATE timeToWalk = toIntercept.length() / WALK_RATE canReach = (timeToTurn + timeToWalk) <= seconds # Calculate difference in heading to the current ball position and the intersect position # to make sure we don't turn too far and lose sight of the ball v1 = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos).normalised() v2 = ballPos.minus(robotPos).normalised() heading = v1.absThetaTo(v2) if maintainCanSeeBall and heading > math.radians(75): return bestChasePoint if canReach: return bestChasePoint else: bestChasePoint = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(interceptPoint) return bestChasePoint
def getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall = True): intervalInSeconds = 1 numSecondsForward = 1.0 # Estimate the ball position up to 1 second away numIterations = int(round(numSecondsForward / intervalInSeconds)) FRICTION = 0.9 # friction per second FRICTION_PER_ITERATION = FRICTION ** intervalInSeconds ballVel = Global.ballWorldVelHighConfidence() ballPos = Global.ballWorldPos() myHeading = Global.myHeading() # If he ball is moving slowly, just chase the ball directly if ballVel.isShorterThan(10.0): return ballPos # Dont bother chasing a moving ball if its quite close. if Global.ballDistance() < 600.0: return ballPos ballVel.scale(intervalInSeconds) robotPos = Global.myPos() interceptPoint = ballPos bestChasePoint = ballPos.clone() seconds = 0.0 for i in xrange(0, numIterations): seconds += intervalInSeconds interceptPoint.add(ballVel) ballVel.scale(FRICTION_PER_ITERATION) toIntercept = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos) toInterceptHeading = math.atan2(toIntercept.y, toIntercept.x) # How far we need to turn to point at the interceptPoint toInterceptTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toInterceptHeading - myHeading)) timeToTurn = toInterceptTurn / TURN_RATE timeToWalk = toIntercept.length() / WALK_RATE canReach = (timeToTurn + timeToWalk) <= seconds # Calculate difference in heading to the current ball position and the intersect position # to make sure we don't turn too far and lose sight of the ball v1 = interceptPoint.minus(robotPos).normalised() v2 = ballPos.minus(robotPos).normalised() heading = v1.absThetaTo(v2) if maintainCanSeeBall and heading > math.radians(75): return bestChasePoint if canReach: return bestChasePoint else: bestChasePoint = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(interceptPoint) return bestChasePoint
def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None): toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos) toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x) # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading)) # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos toTargetDistance = toTarget.length() # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading if targetHeading is None: toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0 else: toTargetHeadingTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading)) return toTargetTurn/TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance/WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn/CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE
def calculateTimeToReachBall(): opponentGoal = ENEMY_GOAL_CENTER interceptPoint = getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall=False) interceptToGoal = opponentGoal.minus(interceptPoint) interceptToGoalHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta( math.atan2(interceptToGoal.y, interceptToGoal.x)) return calculateTimeToReachPose(Global.myPos(), Global.myHeading(), interceptPoint, interceptToGoalHeading)
def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None): toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos) toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x) # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading)) # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos toTargetDistance = toTarget.length() # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading if targetHeading is None: toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0 else: toTargetHeadingTurn = abs( MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading)) return toTargetTurn / TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance / WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn / CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE
def _tick(self, x, y, theta, urgency=0, keepFacing=False, relative=False, useAvoidance=True, useOnlySonarAvoid=False): urgency = min(1.0, urgency) self.keepFacing = keepFacing # Convert everything to relative. if relative: vectorToTarget = Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y) facingTurn = theta else: vectorToTarget, facingTurn = FieldGeometry.globalPoseToRobotRelativePose( Vector2D.Vector2D(x, y), theta) facingTurn = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(facingTurn) self.currentTarget = vectorToTarget targetHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(vectorToTarget.heading()) # forward/left are used for final adjustments, rotate to mean pos after the turn is made if vectorToTarget.isShorterThan(400) or keepFacing: forward = vectorToTarget.x * cos( -facingTurn) - vectorToTarget.y * sin(-facingTurn) left = vectorToTarget.x * sin( -facingTurn) + vectorToTarget.y * cos(-facingTurn) else: forward = vectorToTarget.x left = vectorToTarget.y self.currentState.urgency = urgency self.currentState.tick(forward, left, targetHeading, facingTurn)
def getGoalPostsFromVision(self): """Add Goalposts From Vision. This takes vision goalposts and marks them as obstacles, so that hopefully we have one more point where we avoid them (beyond just sonar). The main issue is that these are unfiltered. """ # If you see a goalpost -> Trigger a hysteresis item. # Else decay it. # If there is some hysteresis from a goalpost. # If you see it: Avoid the vision goalpost. # If you don't: Avoid the localisation one. posts = Global.getVisionPosts() posts_with_distance = [] obstacles = [] for post in posts: if not 0 < post.rr.distance < (Constants.GOAL_POST_ABS_Y * 2): # Sometimes posts are -1 in distance, I think when we don't trust our calculation. Don't try to avoid these. # Also don't include posts we see across the field / far away, byt ignoring any over 1 goal width away. continue dist = max(0, post.rr.distance - Constants.GOAL_POST_DIAMETER / 2) posts_with_distance.append( Vector2D.makeVector2DFromDistHeading(dist, post.rr.heading)) if posts_with_distance: self.visionPostHys.resetMax() else: self.visionPostHys.down() #print "HysVal: %3d, PostsLen: %2d, DistPostsLen: %2d" % (self.visionPostHys.value, len(posts), len(posts_with_distance)) if self.visionPostHys.value > 0: if posts_with_distance: # If we can see the posts, avoid the posts we're seeing. #print "Avoiding from vision" obstacles.extend(posts_with_distance) # print "adding posts from vision" else: # If we can't see a goalpost in vision, avoid the one in localisation (as an approximation so we don't # stop avoiding as we turn our head). robotPose = Global.myPose() for (obs_x, obs_y, obs_diam) in WalkToPointV2.FIXED_OBSTACLES: # Calculate distance to the obstacle. distance, heading = MathUtil.absToRr( (robotPose.x, robotPose.y, robotPose.theta), (obs_x, obs_y)) # print "Adding post from localisation: (%5d < %4.0f)" % (distance, degrees(heading)) distance = max(0, distance - obs_diam / 2) obstacles.append( Vector2D.makeVector2DFromDistHeading( distance, heading)) #print "Avoiding from localisation" #return obstacles return []
def angleToGoalShot(ballPosAbs, robotPos, robotObstacles, commitToKick): goalRight = angleToGoalRight(ballPosAbs) goalLeft = angleToGoalLeft(ballPosAbs) pointsOfAim = [[angleToGoal(ballPosAbs), -1.0, Kick.MIDDLE], [goalLeft - math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.LEFT], [goalRight + math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.RIGHT]] # If we've committed to a kick already if Kick.MIDDLE <= commitToKick <= Kick.RIGHT: return pointsOfAim[commitToKick] # If goal angle is so fine that we can only kick for the middle anyway if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] < pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0] or pointsOfAim[ Kick.RIGHT][0] > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]: return pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE] nearestDist = 10000 result = pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE] for i in range(0, len(robotObstacles)): # Find position of the robots in ball relative terms ball = (ballPosAbs.x, ballPosAbs.y, 0.0) rr = MathUtil.absToRr(ball, MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObstacles[i].rr)) dist = rr[0] heading = rr[1] if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] > heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT][0]: if dist < nearestDist: nearestDist = dist if heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]: # Robot is to the left #print "Aiming right" result = pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT] else: #print "Aiming left" # Robot is to the right result = pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT] return result
def _assign_data_to_clusters(data, centroids): cluster_count = len(centroids) clusters = [[] for i in range(cluster_count)] for d in data: distances = np.zeros(cluster_count) for i in range(0, cluster_count): distances[i] = MathUtil.euclidean_distance(d, centroids[i]) i_min = np.argmin(distances) clusters[i_min].append(d) return clusters
def calculateTimeToReachPose(myPos, myHeading, targetPos, targetHeading=None): toTarget = targetPos.minus(myPos) toTargetHeading = math.atan2(toTarget.y, toTarget.x) # How far we need to turn to point at the targetPos toTargetTurn = abs(MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - myHeading)) # The straightline distance to walk to the targetPos toTargetDistance = toTarget.length() # How far we need to turn once we get to the targetPos so that we are facing the targetHeading if targetHeading is None: toTargetHeadingTurn = 0.0 else: toTargetHeadingTurn = abs( MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toTargetHeading - targetHeading)) # approximate time it takes to avoid robots on the way avoidTime = 0 if toTargetDistance > 400: robots = Global.robotObstaclesList() for robot in robots: robotPos = Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(robot.pos) toRobot = robotPos.minus(myPos) dist = toRobot.length() heading = abs( MathUtil.normalisedTheta(toRobot.heading() - toTargetHeading)) # further away robots are less relevant distValue = min(1, dist / toTargetDistance) # robots aren't in the way are less relevant headingValue = min(1, heading / (math.pi / 2)) # heading is more relevant than distance, has enough weighting to revert striker bonus time combinedValue = (1 - distValue**4) * (1 - headingValue**2) * 3 if combinedValue > avoidTime: avoidTime = combinedValue return toTargetTurn / TURN_RATE + toTargetDistance / WALK_RATE + toTargetHeadingTurn / CIRCLE_STRAFE_RATE + avoidTime
def angleToGoalShot(ballPosAbs, robotPos, robotObstacles, commitToKick): goalRight = angleToGoalRight(ballPosAbs) goalLeft = angleToGoalLeft(ballPosAbs) pointsOfAim = [[angleToGoal(ballPosAbs), -1.0, Kick.MIDDLE], [goalLeft - math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.LEFT], [goalRight + math.radians(10), -1.0, Kick.RIGHT]] # If we've committed to a kick already if Kick.MIDDLE <= commitToKick <= Kick.RIGHT: return pointsOfAim[commitToKick] # If goal angle is so fine that we can only kick for the middle anyway if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] < pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0] or pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT][0] > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]: return pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE] nearestDist = 10000 result = pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE] for i in range(0,len(robotObstacles)): # Find position of the robots in ball relative terms ball = (ballPosAbs.x, ballPosAbs.y, 0.0) rr = MathUtil.absToRr(ball, MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObstacles[i].rr)) dist = rr[0] heading = rr[1] if pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT][0] > heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT][0]: if dist < nearestDist: nearestDist = dist if heading > pointsOfAim[Kick.MIDDLE][0]: # Robot is to the left #print "Aiming right" result = pointsOfAim[Kick.RIGHT] else: #print "Aiming left" # Robot is to the right result = pointsOfAim[Kick.LEFT] return result
def teammateMinWeightedDistToBall(): minDist = robot.FULL_FIELD_LENGTH ballPosAbs = blackboard.localisation.ballPos lostCount = blackboard.localisation.ballLostCount robotPos = blackboard.localisation.robotPos if lostCount < 100: robotObs = blackboard.localisation.robotObstacles for i in range(0,len(robotObs)): isFriend = isTeamMate(robotObs[i]) # Find position of the robots in absolute terms and discard if near the end of field (false positive) robotObsAbs = MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObs[i].rr) if robotObsAbs[0] > 2800: isFriend = False if isFriend: dist = math.hypot(ballPosAbs.x - robotObsAbs[0], ballPosAbs.y - robotObsAbs[1]) if dist < minDist: minDist = dist return minDist
def teammateMinWeightedDistToBall(): minDist = robot.FULL_FIELD_LENGTH ballPosAbs = blackboard.localisation.ballPos lostCount = blackboard.localisation.ballLostCount robotPos = blackboard.localisation.robotPos if lostCount < 100: robotObs = blackboard.localisation.robotObstacles for i in range(0, len(robotObs)): isFriend = isTeamMate(robotObs[i]) # Find position of the robots in absolute terms and discard if near the end of field (false positive) robotObsAbs = MathUtil.rrToAbs(robotPos, robotObs[i].rr) if robotObsAbs[0] > 2800: isFriend = False if isFriend: dist = math.hypot(ballPosAbs.x - robotObsAbs[0], ballPosAbs.y - robotObsAbs[1]) if dist < minDist: minDist = dist return minDist
def On(trigger, do=None, to=None): if isinstance(do, (OutputEvent, basestring)): do = [do] elif do == None: do = [] else: pass if isinstance(trigger, basestring): if MathUtil.is_single_symbol(trigger): return DoOnEvent(input_event=trigger, do=do, to=to) else: return DoOnCondition(condition=trigger, do=do, to=to) elif isinstance(trigger, OnCondition): return DoOnCondition(condition=trigger, do=do, to=to) else: err = "Unexpected Type for On() trigger: %s %s" % (type(trigger), str(trigger)) raise NineMLRuntimeError(err)
def myAngleToGoalShot(commitToKick=Kick.MIDDLE): goalAngle = angleToGoalShot(Global.ballWorldPos(), Global.myPose(), blackboard.localisation.robotObstacles, commitToKick) return (MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalAngle[0] - Global.myHeading()), goalAngle[2])
def angleSubtendedByPoints(from_coord, to_coord_a, to_coord_b): aVector = to_coord_a.minus(from_coord) bVector = to_coord_b.minus(from_coord) return MathUtil.angleDiff(aVector.heading(), bVector.heading())
def angleToGoalRight(absCoord): phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ENEMY_GOAL_INNER_RIGHT, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord)) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def calculateTimeToReachBall(): opponentGoal = ENEMY_GOAL_CENTER interceptPoint = getBallIntersectionWithRobot(maintainCanSeeBall = False) interceptToGoal = opponentGoal.minus(interceptPoint) interceptToGoalHeading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(math.atan2(interceptToGoal.y, interceptToGoal.x)) return calculateTimeToReachPose(Global.myPos(), Global.myHeading(), interceptPoint, interceptToGoalHeading)
def angleToTeamBallToGoal(teamBallPos, robotPos): heading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta(math.atan2(teamBallPos.y - robotPos.y, teamBallPos.x - robotPos.x)) goalDir = angleToGoal(teamBallPos) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalDir - (robotPos.theta + heading))
def angleToOwnGoal(absCoord): phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(OWN_GOAL_BEHIND_CENTER, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord)) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToPoint(point, absCoord): phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(point, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord)) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleToPenalty(absCoord): phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ENEMY_PENALTY_CENTER, Vector2D.makeVector2DCopy(absCoord)) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def angleBetweenBallAndGoalCenter(): ballPos = blackboard.localisation.ballPos ballVec = Vector2D.Vector2D(ballPos.x, ballPos.y) goalCenter = OWN_GOAL_CENTER phi = Vector2D.angleBetween(ballVec, goalCenter) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(phi)
def ballAngleToPoint(point): ballPos = blackboard.localisation.ballPos return MathUtil.normalisedTheta( math.atan2(point[1] - ballPos.y, point[0] - ballPos.x))
def update_distance(self, vector): self.distance = util.euclidean_distance(self.weights, vector)
def angleToBallToOwnGoal(absCoord): ball = blackboard.localisation.ballPos ballRR = blackboard.localisation.ballPosRR goalDir = angleToOwnGoal(ball) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalDir - (absCoord.theta + ballRR.heading))
def angleToTeamBallToGoal(teamBallPos, robotPos): heading = MathUtil.normalisedTheta( math.atan2(teamBallPos.y - robotPos.y, teamBallPos.x - robotPos.x)) goalDir = angleToGoal(teamBallPos) return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(goalDir - (robotPos.theta + heading))
def ballAngleToPoint(point): ballPos = blackboard.localisation.ballPos return MathUtil.normalisedTheta(math.atan2(point[1] - ballPos.y, point[0] - ballPos.x))