コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.island_num = get_process_number()
        self.file_logger = get_file_logger()
        self.lines_in_buffer = 0
        self.island_name = get_island_name(self.island_num)

        self.s3 = S3()
        self.s3_logs_dir = S3.join_paths(self.simulation_id, '/logs')
        self.island_latest_record = {}
        self.island_records_in_buffer = Counter()
        self.log_s3_location = S3.join_paths(
            self.simulation_id, '/logs') + '{}.txt'.format(self.island_name)
        self.log_local_location = get_local_log_file_location()
コード例 #2
def get_upload_url(bucket: str, path: str, metadata: dict):
    if bucket not in Config.MEDIA.BUCKETS:
        raise Exception("Invalid bucket")

    if path not in Config.MEDIA.PATHS:
        raise Exception("Invalid path")

    file_name = uuid4()
    key = f"{path}/{file_name}"
    pre_signed_url = S3().get_upload_url(bucket, key, metadata)
    return pre_signed_url | {"downloadUrl": generate_url(f'{bucket}/{key}')}
コード例 #3
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: dkdocs/fabric-deployment
def update_env(host):
    client = S3(env.aws_access_key_id, env.aws_secret_access_key)
    filename = env.proj_name + '.env'
    client.download_file(filename, env.environment_bucket, filename)

    with connection(host) as conn:
        if not exists(conn, env.shared_dir):
            logger.info("Creating Shared dir")
            conn.run('mkdir -p ' + env.shared_dir)

        # put env file in shared_dir
        conn.put(filename, env.shared_dir)

        # create symlink to env file
        conn.run('mv {}/{}  {}/{}'.format(env.shared_dir, filename, env.shared_dir, '.env'))
        create_symlink(conn, os.path.join(env.shared_dir, '.env'), os.path.join(env.release_dir, env.proj_name, '.env'))

        # clear environment file form local
コード例 #4
def get_resource_url(url: str, width: int, height: int) -> (str, bool):
    s3 = S3()

    # If size params are not integers, set default size
    if type(width) != int or type(height) != int:
        [width, height] = Config.MEDIA.DEFAULT_SIZE

    if not valid_size(width, height):
        width, height = closest_valid_size(width, height)

    [bucket, path, file_name] = destructure_url(url)

    # Assert if original file exists. If original file is missing, raise exception.
    key = f'{path}/{file_name}'
    _, original_file_header = s3.assert_file_exists(bucket, key, True)

    # width <= 0 or height <= 0 returns original file
    if width <= 0 and height <= 0:
        return generate_s3_url(key), True

    # Valid sizes append to key to create a new key
    s3_key = f'{key}_{width}_{height}'
    file_exists, file_header, error = s3.assert_file_exists(bucket, s3_key)
    # If file is not found, it could be because:
    #   - It has not been processed for this size yet
    #   - It is in the processing queue for conversion to this size
    # We trigger action for conversion to this size (by principle of laziness).
    # Issues like cache-stampede and conversion failures would be handled at the conversion handler level.
    if not file_exists:
        if error.response.get('Error', {}).get('Code') in ['404', 404]:
            # trigger new size conversion and return original
            return generate_s3_url(key), False
            raise Exception(error)

    return generate_s3_url(s3_key), True
コード例 #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.s3 = S3()
コード例 #6
 def _get_incoming_migrants_key(self, island_number):
     return S3.join_paths(
         '/island_{}/'.format(island_number)) + 'incoming.obj'
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.s3 = S3()
     self.simulation_id = get_simulation_id()
     self.migration_location = S3.join_paths(self.simulation_id,
コード例 #8
 def _get_island_path(self, island_number):
     return S3.join_paths(self.migration_location, '/island_{}/'.format(island_number))
コード例 #9
 def s3(self):
     return S3()
コード例 #10
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.migration_location = S3.join_paths(self.simulation_id, '/migrations/')