コード例 #1
ファイル: game.py プロジェクト: nurbldoff/freaksquad
 def move_cursor_on_screen(self, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0):
     if self.rotation == 1:
         dx, dy = -dy, dx
     if self.rotation == 2:
         dx, dy = -dx, -dy
     if self.rotation == 3:
         dx, dy = dy, -dx
     v.position.x = constrain(v.position.x+dx, 0, lv.xsize-1)
     v.position.y = constrain(v.position.y+dy, 0, lv.ysize-1)
     v.position.z = constrain(v.position.z+dz, 0, lv.zsize-1)
     return v.position
コード例 #2
 def move_cursor_on_screen(self, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0):
     if self.rotation == 1:
         dx, dy = -dy, dx
     if self.rotation == 2:
         dx, dy = -dx, -dy
     if self.rotation == 3:
         dx, dy = dy, -dx
     v.position.x = constrain(v.position.x + dx, 0, lv.xsize - 1)
     v.position.y = constrain(v.position.y + dy, 0, lv.ysize - 1)
     v.position.z = constrain(v.position.z + dz, 0, lv.zsize - 1)
     return v.position
コード例 #3
    def lookup(self, position: Vector2):
        Look up flow field Vector value at given position

        :param position: Vector2 with x, y coords of considered place
        :return: Vector at that position (copy)

        col = utils.constrain(int(position.x / self.resolution), self.cols - 1)
        row = utils.constrain(int(position.y / self.resolution), self.rows - 1)
        return self.field[row][col]
コード例 #4
    def update(self):
        AMkeyPressed = False
        self.events = self.eventHandler.get()
        for event in self.events:
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    self.radarPosition = utils.constrain(
                        self.radarPosition - 1, 1, 8)
                if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    self.radarPosition = utils.constrain(
                        self.radarPosition + 1, 1, 8)
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    self.radarOn = not self.radarOn
                if event.key == pygame.K_1:
                    self.shieldOn[1] = not self.shieldOn[1]
                if event.key == pygame.K_2:
                    self.shieldOn[2] = not self.shieldOn[2]
                if event.key == pygame.K_3:
                    self.shieldOn[3] = not self.shieldOn[3]
                if event.key == pygame.K_4:
                    self.shieldOn[4] = not self.shieldOn[4]
                if event.key == pygame.K_5:
                    self.shieldOn[5] = not self.shieldOn[5]
                if event.key == pygame.K_6:
                    self.shieldOn[6] = not self.shieldOn[6]
                if event.key == pygame.K_7:
                    self.shieldOn[7] = not self.shieldOn[7]
                if event.key == pygame.K_8:
                    self.shieldOn[8] = not self.shieldOn[8]
                if event.key == pygame.K_e:
                    AMkeyPressed = True

            if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN
                    and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE) or (event.type
                                                          == pygame.QUIT):
                self.quit = True
        if AMkeyPressed == False:

        if self.controller:
            controls = self.ser.readline().strip().split(" ")
            self.radarPosition = int(controls[0])
            if int(controls[1]): self.radarOn = not self.radarOn
            for i in range(0, 8):
                self.shieldOn[i + 1] = int(controls[i + 2])
コード例 #5
 def checkLimits(self, joint, angle_vect, angle_elem, collection):
     Check if the identify joint value is in the range imposed by the human
     loded into the simulation env. If not, the joint value is adjusted. 
     Joint value is finally filtered.
     @param joint joint
     @param angle_vector vector of the joint values
     @param angle_elem position of the joint value to be checked in angle_vector
     if angle_vect is not None:
         angle = angle_vect[angle_elem]
         if angle is not None and joint is not None:
             lower,upper = joint.GetLimits()
             angle = utils.constrain(angle, lower, upper)
             if len(collection) > FILTERING_SAMPLES:
                 filtered_angles = signal.filtfilt(self.B, self.A, list(collection))
                 filtered_angle = filtered_angles[len(collection)-1]
                 if filtered_angle < lower: filtered_angle = lower
                 if filtered_angle > upper: filtered_angle = upper
                 self.currentDOFvalues[joint.GetDOFIndex()] = filtered_angle     
                 with self.env:
コード例 #6
ファイル: gof.py プロジェクト: AntiraLoachote/game-of-life-01
def start(board, steps=100, size=20):
    for i in range(1, steps + 1):
        print('step:', i, '/', steps)
        print_board(board, size)
        board = constrain(advance(board), size)
コード例 #7
 def checkLimits(self, joint, angle_vect, angle_elem):
     Check if the identify joint value is in the range imposed by the human
     loded into the simulation env. If not, the joint value is adjusted
     @param joint joint
     @param angle_vector vector of the joint values
     @param angle_elem position of the joint value to be checked in angle_vector
     if angle_vect is not None:
         angle = angle_vect[angle_elem]
         if angle is not None and joint is not None:
             lower,upper = joint.GetLimits()
             angle = utils.constrain(angle, lower, upper)
             self.currentDOFvalues[joint.GetDOFIndex()] = angle        
             with self.env:
コード例 #8
    def update(self):
            Standart Euler integration
            Updates bahavior tree
        # updates behavior in machine state
        # Updates velocity at every step and limits it to max_speed
        self.velocity += self.acceleration * 1
        self.velocity = limit(self.velocity, self.max_speed)
        # updates position
        self.location += self.velocity
        # Prevents it from crazy spinning due to very low noise speeds
        if self.velocity.length() > 0.5:
            self.rotation = atan2(self.velocity.y, self.velocity.x)
        # Constrains position to limits of screen
        self.location = constrain(self.location, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)
        self.acceleration *= 0

        # Memory of positions to draw Track
        self.memory_location.append((self.location.x, self.location.y))
        # size of track
        if len(self.memory_location) > SIZE_TRACK:
コード例 #9
def art_step(map):
    if map.stage is not None:
        stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last_index = map.stage
        stage1_last = map.stones[stage1_last_index] if stage1_last_index is not None else None
        stage_mode = 0
        stage1_y = None
        stage1_last = None
        stage_step = 0

    # Color range
    global min_l, max_l
    if min_l is None:
        min_l = min(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]
    if max_l is None:
        max_l = max(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]

    global flower_seeds

    # Generate seeds
    if flower_seeds is None:
        max_x, max_y = map.size[0], map.size[1]

        flower_seeds = []

        for i in range(9):
            margin_y = 180
            y = map_value(i, 0, 8, margin_y, max_y - margin_y)

            if i % 2 == 0:
                x = max_x - 400.0
                x = max_x - 1150.0

            flower_seeds.append((x, y))

    index, new_center, new_angle = None, None, None

    map.holes = []

    art_center = (WORKAREA_START_X / 2, map.size[1] / 2)

    print stage_mode

    if stage_mode == 0:   # Clear circle strip
        sel = [s for s in map.stones if not s.flag and distance(s.center, art_center) >= 100.0 * (stage_step) and distance(s.center, art_center) < 100.0 * (stage_step + 1) ]
        if sel:
            s = choice(sel)
            index = s.index

            bucket = map_value(s.color[0], min_l, max_l, 0, len(flower_seeds) + 1)
            bucket = constrain(int(bucket), 0, len(flower_seeds) - 1)
            new_center, new_angle = find_flower_pos(map, s, flower_seeds[bucket])

    elif stage_mode == 1:  # Fill circle strip
        sel = [s for s in map.stones if not s.flag and distance(s.center, art_center) >= 100.0 * (stage_step + 1) ]

        if sel:
            s = find_darkest(sel)
            index = s.index
            new_center, new_angle = find_flower_pos(map, s, art_center, max_radius=(100.0 * (stage_step + 1)), workarea=False)
            if new_center is None or new_angle is None:
                stage_mode = 0
                stage_step += 1

    elif stage_mode == 2:   # Done

    if index is not None:
        force_advance = False
        log.debug('Art stage mode %d: stone %s => new center: %s, new angle: %s', stage_mode, index, str(new_center), str(new_angle))
        force_advance = True
        stage_mode = min(stage_mode + 1, MAX_STAGE_MODE)
        log.debug('Art stage mode %d: None', stage_mode)

    stage = stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last.index if stage1_last else None   # Do not store in map

    return index, new_center, new_angle, stage, force_advance
コード例 #10
from utils import lerp, sq, constrain
from math import sqrt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    D = 0.9
    SIZE = 16
    data = []
    pal = []

    for i in range(8):
        c = int(lerp(0, 255, float(i) / 7))
        pal.extend([c, c, c])

    im = Image.new('L', (SIZE, SIZE * 8))
    pix = im.load()

    for size in range(8, 16):
        r = lerp(2.0, 1.0, float(size - 8) / 7)

        for i in range(SIZE):
            for j in range(SIZE):
                u = lerp(-r, r, float(i) / (SIZE - 1))
                v = lerp(-r, r, float(j) / (SIZE - 1))

                d = sq(1.4 - constrain(sqrt(sq(u) + sq(v)), 0.0, 1.4))

                pix[i, j + (size - 8) * SIZE] = int(constrain(d, 0.0, 1.0) * 7)

    im.save("plotter-flares.png", "PNG")
コード例 #11
#!/usr/bin/env python2

from PIL import Image
from utils import constrain, lerp, dist

if __name__ == "__main__":
    size = (128, 128)
    data = []

    for i in range(size[0]):
        for j in range(size[1]):
            x = lerp(-1.5, 1.5, float(i) / size[0])
            y = lerp(-1.5, 1.5, float(j) / size[1])

            pixel = 1.0 - dist(0.0, 0.0, x, y)

            data.append(int(constrain(pixel, 0.0, 1.0) * 255))

    light = Image.new('L', size)
    light.save("light.png", "PNG")
コード例 #12
def art_step(map):
    if map.stage is not None:
        stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last_index = map.stage
        stage1_last = map.stones[stage1_last_index] if stage1_last_index is not None else None
        stage_mode = 0
        stage1_y = None
        stage1_last = None
        stage_step = 0

    # Color range
    global min_l, max_l
    if min_l is None:
        min_l = min(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]
    if max_l is None:
        max_l = max(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]

    global flower_seeds

    # Generate seeds
    if flower_seeds is None:
        max_x, max_y = map.size[0], map.size[1]

        flower_seeds = []

        for i in range(9):
            margin_y = 180
            y = map_value(i, 0, 8, margin_y, max_y - margin_y)

            if i % 2 == 0:
                x = max_x - 400.0
                x = max_x - 1150.0

            flower_seeds.append((x, y))

    index, new_center, new_angle = None, None, None

    # clean unusable holes
    map.holes = [h for h in map.holes if not in_workarea(h) and h.center[0] + h.size <= WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)]

    if stage_mode == 0:   # Clear area
        sel = [s for s in map.stones if not s.flag and not in_workarea(s) and s.center[0] + s.size[0] > WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1) and s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step) ]
        if sel:
            s = sel[0]
            index = s.index

            bucket = map_value(s.color[0], min_l, max_l, 0, len(flower_seeds) + 1)
            bucket = constrain(int(bucket), 0, len(flower_seeds) - 1)
            new_center, new_angle = find_flower_pos(map, s, flower_seeds[bucket])

    elif stage_mode == 1:  # Fill line
        untouched_sel = [s for s in map.stones if s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)]
        workarea_sel = [s for s in map.stones if in_workarea(s)]

        max_fill = 2000
        rand_thresh = max(max_fill - len(workarea_sel), 0) / float(max_fill)

        if len(workarea_sel) > max_fill * 0.5 and random() > rand_thresh:
            total_sel = workarea_sel
            total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        sel = [s for s in total_sel if not s.flag]

        stripes = 4
        stripe_gap = map.maxstonesize
        stripe_width = ((1650 - 50) - stripe_gap * (stripes - 1)) / stripes

        if sel:
            if stage1_y is None:
                # first run of this stage
                stage1_y = 50
                s = find_by_stripe(0, sel)
                stage1_last = s
                # gaps
                for i in range(0, stripes - 1):
                    if stage1_y >= 50 + (stripe_width + stripe_gap) * i + stripe_width and stage1_y < 50 + (stripe_width + stripe_gap) * (i + 1):
                        stage1_y = 50 + (stripe_width + stripe_gap) * (i + 1)
                # find stripe index
                si = 0
                for i in range(0, stripes):
                    if stage1_y >= 50 + (stripe_width + stripe_gap) * i and stage1_y < 50 + (stripe_width + stripe_gap) * i + stripe_width:
                        si = i
                s = find_by_stripe(si, sel)
                stage1_y += stage1_last.size[1] + s.size[1] + 5
                stage1_last = s
            index = s.index
            new_angle = 0
            x = WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 0.5)
            new_center = x, stage1_y
            if stage1_y > 1650:
                stage1_y = None
                stage_step += 1
                stage_mode = 0

    elif stage_mode == 2:   # Done

    if index is not None:
        force_advance = False
        log.debug('Art stage mode %d: stone %s => new center: %s, new angle: %s', stage_mode, index, str(new_center), str(new_angle))
        force_advance = True
        stage_mode = min(stage_mode + 1, MAX_STAGE_MODE)
        log.debug('Art stage mode %d: None', stage_mode)

    stage = stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last.index if stage1_last else None   # Do not store in map

    return index, new_center, new_angle, stage, force_advance
コード例 #13
def art_step(map):
    if map.stage is not None:
        stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last_index = map.stage
        stage1_last = map.stones[stage1_last_index] if stage1_last_index is not None else None
        stage_mode = 0
        stage1_y = None
        stage1_last = None
        stage_step = 0

    # Color range
    global min_l, max_l
    if min_l is None:
        min_l = min(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]
    if max_l is None:
        max_l = max(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]

    global flower_seeds

    # Generate seeds
    if flower_seeds is None:
        max_x, max_y = map.size[0], map.size[1]

        flower_seeds = []

        for i in range(9):
            margin_y = 180
            y = map_value(i, 0, 8, margin_y, max_y - margin_y)

            if i % 2 == 0:
                x = max_x - 400.0
                x = max_x - 1150.0

            flower_seeds.append((x, y))

    index, new_center, new_angle = None, None, None

    # clean unusable holes
    map.holes = [
        for h in map.holes
        if not in_workarea(h) and h.center[0] + h.size <= WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)

    art_center = (0, map.size[1] / 2)

    if stage_mode == 0:  # Clear area
        sel = [
            for s in map.stones
            if not s.flag
            and not in_workarea(s)
            and s.center[0] + s.size[0] > WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)
            and s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step)
        if sel:
            s = sel[0]
            index = s.index

            bucket = map_value(s.color[0], min_l, max_l, 0, len(flower_seeds) + 1)
            bucket = constrain(int(bucket), 0, len(flower_seeds) - 1)
            new_center, new_angle = find_flower_pos(map, s, flower_seeds[bucket])

    elif stage_mode == 1:  # Fill line
        untouched_sel = [
            for s in map.stones
            if s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)
        workarea_sel = [s for s in map.stones if in_workarea(s)]

        max_fill = 2000
        rand_thresh = max(max_fill - len(workarea_sel), 0) / float(max_fill)

        if len(workarea_sel) > max_fill * 0.5 and random() > rand_thresh:
            total_sel = workarea_sel
            total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        sel = [s for s in total_sel if not s.flag]

        if sel:
            if stage1_y is None:
                # first run of this stage
                stage1_y = 50
                # pick random stone
                if stage1_last is not None:
                    s = find_most_distant_color(stage1_last, sel)
                    s = choice(sel)

                stage1_last = s
                s = find_best_match(stage1_last, sel)
                rc = abs(math.cos(math.radians(stage1_last.angle)))
                rs = abs(math.sin(math.radians(stage1_last.angle)))
                a, b = stage1_last.size[1] * rc, stage1_last.size[0] * rs
                c, d = s.size[1] * rc, s.size[0] * rs
                e, f = math.sqrt(a * a + b * b), math.sqrt(c * c + d * d)
                stage1_y += e + f + 5
                stage1_last = s
            index = s.index
            x = WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 0.5)
            new_center = x, stage1_y
            new_angle = atan_angle(art_center, new_center)
            if stage1_y > 1650:
                stage1_y = None
                stage_step += 1
                stage_mode = 0

    elif stage_mode == 2:  # Done

    if index is not None:
        force_advance = False
            "Art stage mode %d: stone %s => new center: %s, new angle: %s",
        force_advance = True
        stage_mode = min(stage_mode + 1, MAX_STAGE_MODE)
        log.debug("Art stage mode %d: None", stage_mode)

    stage = stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last.index if stage1_last else None  # Do not store in map

    return index, new_center, new_angle, stage, force_advance
コード例 #14
ファイル: plotter-flares.py プロジェクト: cahirwpz/demoscene
from utils import lerp, sq, constrain
from math import sqrt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    D = 0.9
    SIZE = 16
    data = []
    pal = []

    for i in range(8):
        c = int(lerp(0, 255, float(i) / 7))
        pal.extend([c, c, c])

    im = Image.new('L', (SIZE, SIZE * 8))
    pix = im.load()

    for size in range(8, 16):
        r = lerp(2.0, 1.0, float(size - 8) / 7)

        for i in range(SIZE):
            for j in range(SIZE):
                u = lerp(-r, r, float(i) / (SIZE - 1))
                v = lerp(-r, r, float(j) / (SIZE - 1))

                d = sq(1.4 - constrain(sqrt(sq(u) + sq(v)), 0.0, 1.4))

                pix[i, j + (size - 8) * SIZE] = int(constrain(d, 0.0, 1.0) * 7)

    im.save("plotter-flares.png", "PNG")
コード例 #15
ファイル: bumpmap.py プロジェクト: cahirwpz/demoscene
if __name__ == "__main__":
    image = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
    image = image.convert("L")

    bumpmap = array("H")
    name = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] + ".bin"

    for y in range(image.size[1]):
        for x in range(image.size[0]):
            this = image.getpixel((x, y))
            if y < image.size[1] - 1:
                down = image.getpixel((x, y + 1))
                down = this
            if x < image.size[0] - 1:
                right = image.getpixel((x + 1, y))
                right = this
            # scale down the difference between pixels
            du = (this - down) * 0.25
            dv = (this - right) * 0.25
            # light texture size is 128 * 128
            u = (constrain(int(du), -64, 63) + y) & 127
            v = (constrain(int(dv), -64, 63) + x) & 127
            bumpmap.append(u * 128 + v)


    with open(name, "w") as f:
コード例 #16
ファイル: bumpmap.py プロジェクト: edicsa/demoscene
if __name__ == "__main__":
    image = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
    image = image.convert("L")

    bumpmap = array("H")
    name = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] + ".bin"

    for y in range(image.size[1]):
        for x in range(image.size[0]):
            this = image.getpixel((x, y))
            if y < image.size[1] - 1:
                down = image.getpixel((x, y + 1))
                down = this
            if x < image.size[0] - 1:
                right = image.getpixel((x + 1, y))
                right = this
            # scale down the difference between pixels
            du = (this - down) * 0.25
            dv = (this - right) * 0.25
            # light texture size is 128 * 128
            u = (constrain(int(du), -64, 63) + y) & 127
            v = (constrain(int(dv), -64, 63) + x) & 127
            bumpmap.append(u * 128 + v)


    with open(name, "w") as f:
コード例 #17
    for i in range(8):
        pal.extend([0, 0, 0])
    for i in range(16):
        c = int(lerp(0, 255, float(i + 1) / 16))
        pal.extend([c, c, c])
    for i in range(4):
        pal.extend([255, 255, 255])
    for i in range(4):
        c = int(lerp(255, 0, float(i + 1) / 4))
        pal.extend([c, c, c])

    for i in range(size[0]):
        for j in range(size[1]):
            x = lerp(-D, D, float(i) / size[0])
            y = lerp(-D, D, float(j) / size[1])

            d = dist(x, y, 0, 0)

            if d < D:
                p = constrain(int(sq(1.0 - d) * 128), 0, 31)
                p = 0


    im = Image.new('L', size)
    im.save(sys.argv[1], "PNG")
コード例 #18
def art_step(map):
    if map.stage is not None:
        stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last_index = map.stage
        stage1_last = map.stones[
            stage1_last_index] if stage1_last_index is not None else None
        stage_mode = 0
        stage1_y = None
        stage1_last = None
        stage_step = 0

    # Color range
    global min_l, max_l
    if min_l is None:
        min_l = min(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]
    if max_l is None:
        max_l = max(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]

    global flower_seeds

    # Generate seeds
    if flower_seeds is None:
        max_x, max_y = map.size[0], map.size[1]

        flower_seeds = []

        for i in range(9):
            margin_y = 180
            y = map_value(i, 0, 8, margin_y, max_y - margin_y)

            if i % 2 == 0:
                x = max_x - 400.0
                x = max_x - 1150.0

            flower_seeds.append((x, y))

    index, new_center, new_angle = None, None, None

    # clean unusable holes
    map.holes = [
        h for h in map.holes
        if not in_workarea(h) and h.center[0] + h.size <= WORKAREA_START_X -
        (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)

    if stage_mode == 0:  # Clear area
        sel = [
            s for s in map.stones
            if not s.flag and not in_workarea(s) and s.center[0] +
            s.size[0] > WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) *
            (stage_step + 1) and s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X -
            (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step)
        if sel:
            s = sel[0]
            index = s.index

            bucket = map_value(s.color[0], min_l, max_l, 0,
                               len(flower_seeds) + 1)
            bucket = constrain(int(bucket), 0, len(flower_seeds) - 1)
            new_center, new_angle = find_flower_pos(map, s,

    elif stage_mode == 1:  # Fill line
        untouched_sel = [
            s for s in map.stones
            if s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X -
            (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)
        workarea_sel = [s for s in map.stones if in_workarea(s)]

        max_fill = 2000
        rand_thresh = max(max_fill - len(workarea_sel), 0) / float(max_fill)

        if len(workarea_sel) > max_fill * 0.5 and random() > rand_thresh:
            total_sel = workarea_sel
            total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        sel = [s for s in total_sel if not s.flag]

        stripes = 4
        stripe_gap = map.maxstonesize
        stripe_width = ((1650 - 50) - stripe_gap * (stripes - 1)) / stripes

        if sel:
            if stage1_y is None:
                # first run of this stage
                stage1_y = 50
                s = find_by_stripe(0, sel)
                stage1_last = s
                # gaps
                for i in range(0, stripes - 1):
                    if stage1_y >= 50 + (
                            stripe_width + stripe_gap
                    ) * i + stripe_width and stage1_y < 50 + (
                            stripe_width + stripe_gap) * (i + 1):
                        stage1_y = 50 + (stripe_width + stripe_gap) * (i + 1)
                # find stripe index
                si = 0
                for i in range(0, stripes):
                    if stage1_y >= 50 + (stripe_width +
                                         stripe_gap) * i and stage1_y < 50 + (
                                             stripe_width +
                                             stripe_gap) * i + stripe_width:
                        si = i
                s = find_by_stripe(si, sel)
                stage1_y += stage1_last.size[1] + s.size[1] + 5
                stage1_last = s
            index = s.index
            new_angle = 0
            x = WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 0.5)
            new_center = x, stage1_y
            if stage1_y > 1650:
                stage1_y = None
                stage_step += 1
                stage_mode = 0

    elif stage_mode == 2:  # Done

    if index is not None:
        force_advance = False
            'Art stage mode %d: stone %s => new center: %s, new angle: %s',
            stage_mode, index, str(new_center), str(new_angle))
        force_advance = True
        stage_mode = min(stage_mode + 1, MAX_STAGE_MODE)
        log.debug('Art stage mode %d: None', stage_mode)

    stage = stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last.index if stage1_last else None  # Do not store in map

    return index, new_center, new_angle, stage, force_advance
コード例 #19
ファイル: run_picar.py プロジェクト: Yang-J-LIN/KC3F
def cruise():
    """ Tracks the black line.

    Acquires images from front camera and uses it to do pure pursuit.
    Uses functions in driver.py to drive the pi car.

    There is a three-step process to reach the goal.
    Step 1.
        Employs CameraCapturer class to acquire images from front camera and
        rectify lens distortion.
    Step 2.
        Chooses the ROI and binarizes the it. Then uses morphology method to
        get the target point.
    Step 3.
        According to target point, applies pure pursuit algorithm and uses
        functions in driver.py to drive the car.



    # Initialize CameraCapturer and drive
    cap = camera_capturer.CameraCapturer("front")
    d = driver.driver()
    d.setStatus(motor=0.4, servo=0, mode="speed")
    last_time = time.time()

    target = OFFSET  # -int(cap.width / 5)

    # Parameters of PID controller
    kp = 1.2
    ki = 0
    kd = 0.1

    # Initialize error to 0 for PID controller
    error_p = 0
    error_i = 0
    error_d = 0
    error = 0

    servo = 0
    last_servo = 0
    last_angle = 0

    n = 0.2

        while True:
            this_time = time.time()
            if this_time - last_time > PERIOD:  # Execute the code below every
                # PERIOD time
                last_time = this_time

                # d.setStatus(motor=0, servo=n, mode="speed")
                # n = -n
                # continue

                # ----------------------------------------------------------- #
                #                       Start your code here                  #

                # Image processing. Outputs a target_point.
                frame = cap.get_frame()
                start = time.time()
                skel, img_bin_rev = image_processing.image_process(frame)

                white_rate = \
                    np.size(img_bin_rev[img_bin_rev == 255]) / img_bin_rev.size

                if white_rate > 0.3:
                    print("stay", white_rate)

                target_point, width, _, img_DEBUG, angle = \
                    choose_target_point(skel, target)
                end = time.time()

                if angle == 0:
                    angle = last_angle
                    # Update the PID error
                    error_p = angle  # **(9/7)
                    error_i += error_p
                    error_d = error_p - error
                    error = error_p

                    # PID controller
                    servo = utils.constrain(
                        -kp * error_p - ki * error_i - kd * error_d, 1, -1)

                last_servo = servo

                # print("servo: ", servo, "error_p: ", error_p)

                # img_DEBUG[:, target] = 255

                # if DEBUG:
                #     # cv.imshow("frame", frame)
                #     cv.imshow("img_bin_rev", img_bin_rev)
                #     cv.imshow("img_DEBUG", img_DEBUG)
                #     cv.waitKey(300)

                # ----------------------------------------------------------- #
                # time.sleep(0.01)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        d.setStatus(servo=0, motor=0)
コード例 #20
def parking():
    """ Tracks the black line.

    Acquires images from front camera and uses it to do pure pursuit.
    Uses functions in driver.py to drive the pi car.

    There is a three-step process to reach the goal.
    Step 1.
        Employs CameraCapturer class to acquire images from front camera and
        rectify lens distortion.
    Step 2.
        Chooses the ROI and binarizes the it. Then uses morphology method to
        get the target point.
    Step 3.
        According to target point, applies pure pursuit algorithm and uses
        functions in driver.py to drive the car.



    # Initialize CameraCapturer and drive
    # cap = camera_capturer.CameraCapturer("rear")
    # d = driver.driver()
    # d.setStatus(motor=0.2, servo=0, mode="speed")

    # parking_state
    # 0: initial state
    # 1: on parking
    # 2: waiting for another parking instruction
    parking_state = 0
    target_lot = 3
    current_lot = 3
    # cap = camera_capturer.CameraCapturer("rear")
    # d = driver.driver()
    # d.setStatus(motor=0.4, servo=0, mode="speed")

    target_x = 0
    target_y = 0

    while True:
        if parking_state == 0:
            print("Which lot would you like to park? :-)")
                target_lot = int(input())
                if target_lot == -1:
                elif target_lot < 0 or target_lot > 4:
                    raise lotOutOfRangeError(
                        "The lot number must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.")
                print("Invalid input! The lot number must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.")
            parking_state = 1
        if parking_state == 1:
            print("Start parking...")
            print("Target lot: %d" % (target_lot))
            # Start
            # img = cap.get_frame()

            img = get_frame()

            print("New image catched!")
            width = img.shape[1]
            height = img.shape[0]
            roi = img[int(height * 2 / 5):height, 0:int(width // 2), :]
            lines, linePoints = line_detection.line_detection(roi)
            result = line_detection.digit_detection(roi, lines, linePoints)
            result = result[1:]
            print("result", result)

            if result[0] in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
                current_lot = result[0]
                delta = current_lot - target_lot
                if delta == 0:
                    parking_control.gostraight(delta * LOT_LENGTH)
                    img = get_frame()
                    print("New image catched!")
                    width = img.shape[1]
                    height = img.shape[0]
                    roi = img[int(height * 2 / 5):height, 0:int(width // 2), :]
                    lines, linePoints = line_detection.line_detection(roi)
                    result = line_detection.digit_detection(
                        roi, lines, linePoints)
                    result = result[1:]
                    print("result", result)
                current_lot = 2
                delta = current_lot - target_lot
                if delta == 0:
                    parking_control.gostraight(delta * LOT_LENGTH)
                    img = get_frame()
                    print("New image catched!")
                    width = img.shape[1]
                    height = img.shape[0]
                    roi = img[int(height * 2 / 5):height, 0:int(width // 2), :]
                    lines, linePoints = line_detection.line_detection(roi)
                    result = line_detection.digit_detection(
                        roi, lines, linePoints)
                    result = result[1:]
                    print("result", result)

            x, y = coordinate_transform(result)
            print("x", x, "y", y)
            x = utils.constrain(x, 40, 20)
            y = utils.constrain(y, 82, 70)
            print("x", x, "y", y)
            target_x = x + LOT_WIDTH // 2 + 5
            target_y = y - LOT_LENGTH // 2 + 5
            print("target", target_x, target_y)

            parking_control.park(target_x, target_y, 0)
            current_lot = target_lot
            print("Parking finished!")
            parking_state = 2
        if parking_state == 2:
            print("Which lot would you like to park? :-)")
                target_lot = int(input())
                if target_lot == -1:
                elif target_lot < 0 or target_lot > 4:
                    raise lotOutOfRangeError(
                        "The lot number must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.")
                print("Invalid input! The lot number must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.")

            if current_lot == target_lot:
                print("Already in lot %d" % (current_lot))
                parking_control.reverse(target_x, target_y)
                # delta = current_lot - target_lot
                # print("distance", delta*LOT_LENGTH)
                # parking_control.gostraight(delta*LOT_LENGTH)
                parking_state = 1
コード例 #21
def art_step(map):
    if map.stage is not None:
        stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last_index = map.stage
        stage1_last = map.stones[
            stage1_last_index] if stage1_last_index is not None else None
        stage_mode = 0
        stage1_y = None
        stage1_last = None
        stage_step = 0

    # Color range
    global min_l, max_l
    if min_l is None:
        min_l = min(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]
    if max_l is None:
        max_l = max(map.stones, key=lambda x: x.color[0]).color[0]

    global flower_seeds

    # Generate seeds
    if flower_seeds is None:
        max_x, max_y = map.size[0], map.size[1]

        flower_seeds = []

        for i in range(9):
            margin_y = 180
            y = map_value(i, 0, 8, margin_y, max_y - margin_y)

            if i % 2 == 0:
                x = max_x - 400.0
                x = max_x - 1150.0

            flower_seeds.append((x, y))

    index, new_center, new_angle = None, None, None

    # clean unusable holes
    map.holes = [
        h for h in map.holes
        if not in_workarea(h) and h.center[0] + h.size <= WORKAREA_START_X -
        (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)

    art_center = (0, map.size[1] / 2)

    if stage_mode == 0:  # Clear area
        sel = [
            s for s in map.stones
            if not s.flag and not in_workarea(s) and s.center[0] +
            s.size[0] > WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) *
            (stage_step + 1) and s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X -
            (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step)
        if sel:
            s = sel[0]
            index = s.index

            bucket = map_value(s.color[0], min_l, max_l, 0,
                               len(flower_seeds) + 1)
            bucket = constrain(int(bucket), 0, len(flower_seeds) - 1)
            new_center, new_angle = find_flower_pos(map, s,

    elif stage_mode == 1:  # Fill line
        untouched_sel = [
            s for s in map.stones
            if s.center[0] + s.size[0] <= WORKAREA_START_X -
            (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 1)
        workarea_sel = [s for s in map.stones if in_workarea(s)]

        max_fill = 2000
        rand_thresh = max(max_fill - len(workarea_sel), 0) / float(max_fill)

        if len(workarea_sel) > max_fill * 0.5 and random() > rand_thresh:
            total_sel = workarea_sel
            total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        total_sel = workarea_sel + untouched_sel

        sel = [s for s in total_sel if not s.flag]

        if sel:
            if stage1_y is None:
                # first run of this stage
                stage1_y = 50
                # pick random stone
                if stage1_last is not None:
                    s = find_most_distant_color(stage1_last, sel)
                    s = choice(sel)

                stage1_last = s
                s = find_best_match(stage1_last, sel)
                rc = abs(math.cos(math.radians(stage1_last.angle)))
                rs = abs(math.sin(math.radians(stage1_last.angle)))
                a, b = stage1_last.size[1] * rc, stage1_last.size[0] * rs
                c, d = s.size[1] * rc, s.size[0] * rs
                e, f = math.sqrt(a * a + b * b), math.sqrt(c * c + d * d)
                stage1_y += e + f + 5
                stage1_last = s
            index = s.index
            x = WORKAREA_START_X - (map.maxstonesize + 10) * (stage_step + 0.5)
            new_center = x, stage1_y
            new_angle = atan_angle(art_center, new_center)
            if stage1_y > 1650:
                stage1_y = None
                stage_step += 1
                stage_mode = 0

    elif stage_mode == 2:  # Done

    if index is not None:
        force_advance = False
            'Art stage mode %d: stone %s => new center: %s, new angle: %s',
            stage_mode, index, str(new_center), str(new_angle))
        force_advance = True
        stage_mode = min(stage_mode + 1, MAX_STAGE_MODE)
        log.debug('Art stage mode %d: None', stage_mode)

    stage = stage_mode, stage_step, stage1_y, stage1_last.index if stage1_last else None  # Do not store in map

    return index, new_center, new_angle, stage, force_advance
コード例 #22
ファイル: metaball.py プロジェクト: argasek/morphine
  for i in range(8):
    pal.extend([0, 0, 0])
  for i in range(16):
    c = int(lerp(0, 255, float(i + 1) / 16))
    pal.extend([c, c, c])
  for i in range(4):
    pal.extend([255, 255, 255])
  for i in range(4):
    c = int(lerp(255, 0, float(i + 1) / 4))
    pal.extend([c, c, c])

  for i in range(size[0]):
    for j in range(size[1]):
      x = lerp(-D, D, float(i) / size[0])
      y = lerp(-D, D, float(j) / size[1])

      d = dist(x, y, 0, 0);

      if d < D:
        p = constrain(int(sq(1.0 - d) * 128), 0, 31)
        p = 0


  im = Image.new('L', size)
  im.save("metaball.png", "PNG")
コード例 #23
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from utils import constrain, lerp, dist
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    size = (128, 128)

    print('const u_short light_w = 128;')
    print('const u_short light_h = 128;')
    print('u_char %s[] = {' % sys.argv[1])

    for i in range(size[0]):
        sys.stdout.write(' ')
        for j in range(size[1]):
            x = lerp(-1.5, 1.5, float(i) / size[0])
            y = lerp(-1.5, 1.5, float(j) / size[1])
            pixel = 1.0 - dist(0.0, 0.0, x, y)
            sys.stdout.write(' 0x%02x,' %
                             int(constrain(pixel, 0.0, 1.0) * 255))