コード例 #1
ファイル: sigmoidal.py プロジェクト: jlehtoma/zsetup-esmk
def sigmoidal_index(raster, output, mod_asym, rxmod, lxmod, lscale, rscale,

    startTime = time.time()

    # open the image
    output_name = os.path.join(output,

    ds = gdal.Open(raster, GA_ReadOnly)

    if ds is None:
        print 'Could not open %s' % raster

    # get raster  size
    rows = ds.RasterYSize
    cols = ds.RasterXSize

    # get the bands and block sizes
    inBand = ds.GetRasterBand(1)

    # create the output image
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('HFA')
    dst_options = ['COMPRESS=LZW']
    outDs = driver.Create(output_name, cols, rows, 1, GDT_Float32, dst_options)
    if outDs is None:
        print 'Could not create %s' % output_name
    outBand = outDs.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Get NoData

    NO_DATA = inBand.GetNoDataValue()
    if NO_DATA is not None:
        print 'NoData value: %s' % NO_DATA
        if inBand.DataType == GDT_Float32:
            NO_DATA = -3.40282346639e+38
            print 'NoData value not available, using default for GDT_Float32'
            print 'No NoData information available, defaulting to -1'
            NO_DATA = -1

    print 'Reading in data...'
    data_raster = inBand.ReadAsArray()

    print 'Masking NoData...'
    ma_data = ma.masked_where(data_raster == NO_DATA, data_raster)

    ma_max = ma_data.max()

    if not xmid:
        xmid = ma.median(ma_data)

    print 'Masked max: %s' % ma_max
    print 'Xmid: %s' % xmid
    print 'Lxmid: %s' % lxmod
    print 'Rxmod: %s' % rxmod
    print 'Mod asym (if used): %s' % mod_asym
    print 'Lscale: %s' % lscale
    print 'Rscale: %s' % rscale

    print 'Calculationg sigmoidal transformation...'
    # This is the assymetric version
    ma_sig = np.where(ma_data <= xmid,
                      sigmoidal(ma_data, asym=mod_asym,
                                xmid=xmid + (ma_max * lxmod),
                                scale=(ma_max / lscale)),
                                xmid=xmid + (ma_max * rxmod),
                                scale=(ma_max / rscale)))

    # Write data
    data = ma.filled(ma_sig, fill_value=NO_DATA)
    print 'Writing raster...'

    # flush data to disk, set the NoData value and calculate stats
    if NO_DATA is not None:
        print "Setting NoData to: %s" % NO_DATA

    # georeference the image and set the projection

    # build pyramids
    gdal.SetConfigOption('HFA_USE_RRD', 'YES')
    outDs.BuildOverviews(overviewlist=[2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128])

    ds = None
    outDs = None

    print('Calculation of %s took %s seconds to run\n'
          % (raster, time.time() - startTime))
コード例 #2
ファイル: sigmoidal.py プロジェクト: jlehtoma/zsetup-esmk
def sigmoidal_multiply_index(raster1, raster2, output, mod_asym, xmid, lxmod,
                             rxmod, lscale, rscale):

    startTime = time.time()

    # open the image
    raster_lpm = raster1
    print("Raster 1 (AVDIA): {0}".format(os.path.basename(raster_lpm)))
    raster_vol = raster2
    print("Raster 2 (VOL): {0}".format(os.path.basename(raster_vol)))
    output_name = os.path.join(output,
    print("Output: {0}".format(output_name))
    ds_lpm = gdal.Open(raster_lpm, GA_ReadOnly)
    ds_vol = gdal.Open(raster_vol, GA_ReadOnly)

    if ds_lpm is None:
        print 'Could not open %s' % raster_lpm
    elif ds_vol is None:
        print 'Could not open %s' % raster_vol

    # get raster 1 size
    rows_lpm = ds_lpm.RasterYSize
    cols_lpm = ds_lpm.RasterXSize

    # get raster 2 size
    rows_vol = ds_vol.RasterYSize
    cols_vol = ds_vol.RasterXSize

    # Check dimensions
    if rows_lpm != rows_vol or cols_lpm != cols_vol:
        print('Raster dimensions do not match: <%s %s> <%s %s>'
              % (rows_lpm, cols_lpm, rows_vol, cols_vol))

    # get the bands and block sizes
    inBand_lpm = ds_lpm.GetRasterBand(1)
    inBand_vol = ds_vol.GetRasterBand(1)

    # create the output image
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('HFA')
    outDs = driver.Create(output_name, cols_lpm, rows_lpm, 1, GDT_Float32)
    if outDs is None:
        print 'Could not create %s' % output_name
    outBand = outDs.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Get NoData

    NO_DATA = inBand_lpm.GetNoDataValue()
    if NO_DATA is not None:
        print 'NoData value: %s' % NO_DATA
        if inBand_lpm.DataType == GDT_Float32:
            NO_DATA = -3.40282346639e+38
            print 'NoData value not available, using default for GDT_Float32'
            print 'No NoData information available, defaulting to -1'
            NO_DATA = -1

    print 'Reading in data...'
    data_lpm = inBand_lpm.ReadAsArray()
    data_vol = inBand_vol.ReadAsArray()

    print 'Masking NoData...'
    ma_data_lpm = ma.masked_where(data_lpm == NO_DATA, data_lpm)
    ma_data_vol = ma.masked_where(data_vol == NO_DATA, data_vol)

    ma_lpm_max = ma_data_lpm.max()

    if not xmid:
        xmid = ma.median(ma_data_lpm)

    print 'Left Xmod: %s' % lxmod
    print 'Right Xmod: %s' % rxmod
    print 'Mod asym (if used): %s' % mod_asym
    print 'Left scale: %s' % lscale
    print 'Right scale: %s' % rscale

    print 'Data min: %s' % ma_data_lpm.min()
    print 'Data max: %s' % ma_data_lpm.max()
    print 'Data mean: %s' % ma_data_lpm.mean()
    print 'Data median: %s' % ma.median(ma_data_lpm)

    print 'Calculationg sigmoidal transformation...'
    ma_sig_lpm = np.where(ma_data_lpm <= xmid,
                          sigmoidal(ma_data_lpm, asym=mod_asym,
                                    xmid=xmid + (ma_lpm_max * lxmod),
                                    scale=(ma_lpm_max / lscale)),
                                    xmid=xmid + (ma_lpm_max * rxmod),
                                    scale=(ma_lpm_max / rscale)))
    print 'Masked trans max: %s' % ma_sig_lpm.max()
    print 'Masked data (vol) max: %s' % ma_data_vol.max()
    ma_product = ma_sig_lpm * ma_data_vol
    print 'Masked index max: %s' % ma_product.max()

    #test_mid = xmid + (ma_lpm_max * rxmod)
    #test_scale = (ma_lpm_max / rscale)
    #print 'test_mid: %s' % test_mid
    #print 'test_scale: %s' % test_scale

    #test_val = sigmoidal(32.24, asym=mod_asym, xmid=test_mid, scale=test_scale)
    #print 'Testing calc: %s' % test_val

    # Write data
    data = ma.filled(ma_product, fill_value=NO_DATA)
    print 'Writing raster...'

    # flush data to disk, set the NoData value and calculate stats
    if NO_DATA is not None:
        print "Setting NoData to: %s" % NO_DATA

    # georeference the image and set the projection

    # build pyramids
    gdal.SetConfigOption('HFA_USE_RRD', 'YES')
    outDs.BuildOverviews(overviewlist=[2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128])

    ds_lpm = None
    ds_vol = None
    outDs = None

    print('Calculation of %s and %s took %s seconds to run\n'
          % (raster_lpm, raster_vol, time.time() - startTime))