コード例 #1
ファイル: main2.py プロジェクト: drakinosh/python-projects
def main():
    clock = pg.time.Clock()
    mainS = pg.display.set_mode(const.SCREEN_SIZE)


    bone0 = boneC.Bone(const.DEF_BONE_POS, None)

    main_bone = boneC.ChiefBone(const.DEF_CBONE_POS)

    bone_list = []
    frame_list = []

    fgen = framenumGen()

    cur_frame = frameC.Frame(fgen.next(),bone_list)

    onion_frame = None
    cur_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()

    univ_parent_no = 0      # number of bones selected for parenting
    parent_mode = False

    select_mutex = False     # to allow only one bone to be
                            # selected at a time (i.e. layering)

    frame_snap_mode = False # snapping frames

    FPS = const.FPS
    RATE = 16               # animation play framerate
    save_anim = False
    save_ind = -1

    onion_skin = True

    while True:
        cur_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()

        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:

            # Toggle parent mode using Q

            if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pg.K_q:
                    parent_mode = not parent_mode

                if event.key == pg.K_a:
                    new_bone = boneC.Bone(const.DEF_BONE_POS, None)

                if event.key == pg.K_d:
                    new_bone = boneC.CircleBone(const.DEF_BONE_POS, None,
                                                const.DEF_CIRCLE_RAD, const.DEF_THICKN)
                if event.key == pg.K_f:
                    #frame_snap_mode = not frame_snap_mode

                    # handle onionskin
                    frame_snap_mode = True

                if event.key == pg.K_e:
                    cur_frame = utils.getNextFrame(cur_frame, frame_list)

                if event.key == pg.K_w:
                    cur_frame = utils.getPrevFrame(cur_frame, frame_list)

                if event.key == pg.K_p:
                    print("Saving animation...")
                    save_anim = True

                if event.key == pg.K_t:
                    print("Some select debug stats...")
                    print("Frame snap mode {}".format(frame_snap_mode))
                    print("Select mutex {}".format(select_mutex))

                if event.key == pg.K_s:
                    fname = raw_input("Provide filename: ")
                    utils.saveFramelist(fname, frame_list)

                if event.key == pg.K_l:
                    fname = raw_input("Provide filename: ")
                    frame_list = utils.loadFramelist(fname)
                    cur_frame = frame_list[0]
                    print("Successful load from file %s" % fname)


            if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                for each in cur_frame.bone_list:
                    if each.handle.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                        if not select_mutex:
                            select_mutex = True
                            each.grabbed = True

                    if each.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:
                        if not select_mutex and each.translator.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                            each.trans_grabbed = True

                            select_mutex = True

                    # for parenting
                    if parent_mode:
                        if univ_parent_no == 0:

                            if each.pos_rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                                univ_parent_no = 1
                                each.parenting_code = univ_parent_no

                        elif univ_parent_no == 1:

                            if each.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:
                                if each.translator.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                                    each.SP_SEL = True
                                    univ_parent_no = 2
                                    each.parenting_code = univ_parent_no

                            if each.handle.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                                univ_parent_no = 2
                                each.parenting_code = univ_parent_no

            if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                for each in cur_frame.bone_list:
                    if each.grabbed:
                        each.grabbed = False
                        select_mutex = False

                    if each.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE and each.trans_grabbed:
                        each.trans_grabbed = False
                        select_mutex = False


        # At the lowest layer, draw onionskin
        if onion_skin and not save_anim:

            if onion_frame is not None:
                for bone in onion_frame.bone_list:
                    bone.draw(mainS, True)

        # Rotate the bones, if any are grabbed
        # Also, draw the bones

        for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:

            # rotation for original bone
            if bone.grabbed:
                if not bone.parent:
                    bone.rotating = False

            # for child bones
            if bone.parent:
                if bone.parent.translating:
                    bone.translating = False
                if not bone.grabbed:
                    if bone.parent.rotating:
                        bone.rotating = False

            if bone.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:
                if bone.trans_grabbed:
                    bone.translating = True
                    bone.translating = False


        # Draw the bone handles on top of all others
        # only in editing mode, though
        if not save_anim:
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:

            # Draw the translator on top of everything else
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:
                if bone.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:

        # reset all parenting codes if parent_mode is toggle False
        if not parent_mode:
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:
                bone.parenting_code = 0

        if parent_mode and univ_parent_no == 2:
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:
                if bone.parenting_code == 1:
                    child_b = bone

                if bone.parenting_code == 2:
                    parent_b = bone

            #if the child bone already has a parent, cancel
            if not child_b.parent: 
                parent(parent_b, child_b)

            univ_parent_no = 0
            parent_mode = False



        # 'mode' may be a bit misleading
        # the following conditional block instantaneously
        # saves the current frame.
        # in addition, it also assigns the current frame
        # to onion_frame

        if frame_snap_mode:

            # We need to deselect all the bones to avoid continuity
            # errors in the next frame or after playing the animation
            # IMPORTANT: select_mutex should also be set to False

            select_mutex = False
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:
                bone.grabbed = False

                if bone.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:
                    bone.trans_grabbed = False
            # add current frame to list
            onion_frame = cur_frame
            # create new frame from existing one
            # copy the list
            #new_bone_list = copy.deepcopy(cur_frame.bone_list)
            new_bone_list = utils.ultraCopy(cur_frame.bone_list)

            new_f = frameC.Frame(fgen.next(), new_bone_list)

            #pg.image.save(mainS, "frame.jpeg")

            # now this frame is the current one
            cur_frame = new_f

            frame_snap_mode = False

        # To save an animation, each frame is loaded i.e. assigned to cur_frame
        # and each frame is saved seperately
        # The whole exception-catching business is for loading
        # the fist frame.

        # Also, during saving, the animation is played 
        # by changing the FPS value
        if save_anim:
            if save_ind == -1:
                name = raw_input("name>> ")
                FPS = RATE

                cur_frame = frame_list[save_ind]
                path = os.path.join(name, str(cur_frame.number)+".jpeg")

                pg.image.save(mainS, path)
                save_ind += 1

            except IndexError:
                save_ind += 1

            if save_ind - 1 == len(frame_list):
                save_anim = False
                save_ind = -1
                FPS = const.FPS

                cur_frame = frame_list[-1]

                print("Creating gif....")

                path = os.path.join(name, str(frame_list[0].number)+".jpeg")
                img = Image.open(path)

                frames = [frame.copy() for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(img)]

                images2gif.writeGif("anim.gif", frames, 0.5)

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: drakinosh/python-projects
def main():

    clock = pg.time.Clock()
    mainS = pg.display.set_mode(const.SCREEN_SIZE)

    bone0 = boneC.Bone(const.DEF_BONE_POS, None, mainS)

    main_bone = boneC.ChiefBone(const.DEF_CBONE_POS, mainS)

    bone_list = []
    frame_list = []

    fgen = framenumGen()

    cur_frame = frameC.Frame(mainS, fgen.next(), bone_list)


    cur_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()

    univ_parent_no = 0  # number of bones selected for parenting
    parent_mode = False

    select_mutex = False  # to allow only one bone to be
    # selected at a time (i.e. layering)

    frame_snap_mode = False  # snapping frames

    while True:

        cur_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()

        for event in pg.event.get():

            if event.type == pg.QUIT:

            # Toggle parent mode using Q

            if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pg.K_q:
                    parent_mode = not parent_mode

                if event.key == pg.K_a:
                    new_bone = boneC.Bone(const.DEF_BONE_POS, None, mainS)

                if event.key == pg.K_f:
                    # frame_snap_mode = not frame_snap_mode
                    frame_snap_mode = True

                if event.key == pg.K_e:
                    cur_frame = utils.getNextFrame(cur_frame, frame_list)

                if event.key == pg.K_w:
                    cur_frame = utils.getPrevFrame(cur_frame, frame_list)
                    print("LEN {}".format(len(frame_list)))

                if event.key == pg.K_s:
                    print("SANITY CHECK ", cur_frame.number)

            if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

                for each in cur_frame.bone_list:
                    if each.handle.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):

                        if not select_mutex:
                            select_mutex = True
                            each.grabbed = True

                    if each.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:

                        if not select_mutex and each.translator.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                            each.trans_grabbed = True

                            select_mutex = True

                    # for parenting
                    if parent_mode:

                        if univ_parent_no == 0:

                            if each.pos_rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):

                                univ_parent_no = 1
                                each.parenting_code = univ_parent_no

                        elif univ_parent_no == 1:

                            if each.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:

                                if each.translator.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                                    each.SP_SEL = True
                                    univ_parent_no = 2
                                    each.parenting_code = univ_parent_no

                            if each.handle.rect.collidepoint(cur_pos):
                                univ_parent_no = 2
                                each.parenting_code = univ_parent_no

            if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP:

                for each in cur_frame.bone_list:
                    if each.grabbed:
                        each.grabbed = False
                        select_mutex = False

                    if each.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE and each.trans_grabbed:
                        each.trans_grabbed = False
                        select_mutex = False


        # Rotate the bones, if any are grabbed
        # Also, draw the bones

        for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:

            if bone.grabbed:

            if bone.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE and bone.trans_grabbed:


        # Draw the bone handles on top of all others
        if not frame_snap_mode:
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:

            # Draw the translator on top of everything else
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:
                if bone.type == const.TYPE_CHIEF_BONE:

        # reset all parenting codes if parent_mode is toggle False
        if not parent_mode:
            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:
                bone.parenting_code = 0

        if parent_mode and univ_parent_no == 2:

            for bone in cur_frame.bone_list:

                if bone.parenting_code == 1:

                    child_b = bone

                if bone.parenting_code == 2:

                    parent_b = bone

            # if the child bone already has a parent, cancel

            if not child_b.parent:
                parent(parent_b, child_b)

            univ_parent_no = 0
            parent_mode = False


        if frame_snap_mode:

            # add current frame to list

            # create new frame from existing one
            # copy the list

            # new_bone_list = copy.deepcopy(cur_frame.bone_list)
            new_bone_list = [copy.copy(b) for b in cur_frame.bone_list]

            new_f = frameC.Frame(mainS, fgen.next(), new_bone_list)

            # pg.image.save(mainS, "frame.jpeg")

            frame_snap_mode = False

            # now this frame is the current one
            cur_frame = new_f
