コード例 #1
#! /usr/bin/env python

import uvmf_gen

## The input to this call is the name of the desired interface
intf = uvmf_gen.InterfaceClass('def')

## Specify the clock and reset signal for the interface
intf.clock = 'pdClk'
intf.reset = 'pdRst'

## Specify the ports associated with this interface.
##   addPort(<name>,<width>,[input|output|inout])
intf.addPort('def_wdata', 8, 'input')
intf.addPort('def_addr', 16, 'input')
intf.addPort('def_rdata', 8, 'output')

## Specify transaction variables for the interface.
##   addTransVar(<name>,<type>)
##     optionally can specify if this variable may be specified as 'rand'
intf.addTransVar('def_trnVar1', 'byte', isrand=False)
intf.addTransVar('def_trnVar2', 'int', isrand=True)
intf.addTransVar('def_trnVar3', 'bit [15:0]', isrand=False)

## Specify configuration variables for the interface.
##   addConfigVar(<name>,<type>)
##     optionally can specify if this variable may be specified as 'rand'
intf.addConfigVar('def_cfgVar1', 'bit', isrand=False)
intf.addConfigVar('def_cfgVar2', 'int', isrand=True)
intf.addConfigVar('def_cfgVar3', 'bit [3:0]', isrand=False)
コード例 #2
#! /usr/bin/env python

import uvmf_gen

## The input to this call is the name of the desired interface
intf = uvmf_gen.InterfaceClass('decode_out')

## Specify parameters for this interface package.
## These parameters can be used when defining signal and variable sizes.
# addHdlParamDef(<name>,<type>,<value>)

## Specify the clock and reset signal for the interface
intf.clock = 'clock'
intf.reset = 'reset'
intf.resetAssertionLevel = True

## Specify the ports associated with this interface.
## The direction is from the perspective of the test bench as an INITIATOR on the bus.
##   addPort(<name>,<width>,[input|output|inout])

## Specify typedef for inclusion in typedefs_hdl file
# addHdlTypedef(<name>,<type>)
#intf.addHdlTypedef('op_t','enum bit [3:0] { ADD=4\'b0001 , AND=4\'b0101 , NOT=4\'b1001 ,  LD=4\'b0010 , LDR=4\'b0110 , LDI=4\'b1010 , LEA=4\'b1110 ,  ST=4\'b0011 , STR=4\'b0111 , STI=4\'b1011 }')
#intf.addHdlTypedef('reg_t','enum bit [2:0] { R0=3\'b000 , R1=3\'b001 , R2=3\'b010 , R3=3\'b011 , R4=3\'b100 , R5=3\'b101 , R6=3\'b110 , R7=3\'b111 }')
#intf.addHdlTypedef('imm5_t','bit [4:0]')
コード例 #3
#! /usr/bin/env python

import uvmf_gen

## The input to this call is the name of the desired interface
intf = uvmf_gen.InterfaceClass('decode_in')

## Specify parameters for this interface package.
## These parameters can be used when defining signal and variable sizes.
# addHdlParamDef(<name>,<type>,<value>)

## Specify the clock and reset signal for the interface
intf.clock = 'clock'
intf.reset = 'reset'
intf.resetAssertionLevel = True

## Specify the ports associated with this interface.
## The direction is from the perspective of the test bench as an INITIATOR on the bus.
##   addPort(<name>,<width>,[input|output|inout])
intf.addPort('enable_decode', 1, 'output')
intf.addPort('dout', 16, 'output')
intf.addPort('npc_in', 16, 'output')

## Specify typedef for inclusion in typedefs_hdl file
# addHdlTypedef(<name>,<type>)
    'enum bit [3:0] { ADD=4\'b0001 , AND=4\'b0101 , NOT=4\'b1001 ,  LD=4\'b0010 , LDR=4\'b0110 , LDI=4\'b1010 , LEA=4\'b1110 ,  ST=4\'b0011 , STR=4\'b0111 , STI=4\'b1011 , BR=4\'0000, JMP=4\'1100}'
コード例 #4
#! /usr/bin/env python

import uvmf_gen

## The input to this call is the name of the desired interface
intf = uvmf_gen.InterfaceClass('ghi')

## Specify the clock and reset signal for the interface
intf.clock = 'pgClk'
intf.reset = 'pgRst'

## Specify the ports associated with this interface.
##   addPort(<name>,<width>,[input|output|inout])
intf.addPort('ghi_wdata', 8, 'input')
intf.addPort('ghi_addr', 16, 'input')
intf.addPort('ghi_rdata', 8, 'output')

## Specify transaction variables for the interface.
##   addTransVar(<name>,<type>)
##     optionally can specify if this variable may be specified as 'rand'
intf.addTransVar('ghi_trnVar1', 'byte', isrand=False)
intf.addTransVar('ghi_trnVar2', 'int', isrand=True)
intf.addTransVar('ghi_trnVar3', 'bit [15:0]', isrand=False)

## Specify configuration variables for the interface.
##   addConfigVar(<name>,<type>)
##     optionally can specify if this variable may be specified as 'rand'
intf.addConfigVar('ghi_cfgVar1', 'bit', isrand=False)
intf.addConfigVar('ghi_cfgVar2', 'int', isrand=True)
intf.addConfigVar('ghi_cfgVar3', 'bit [3:0]', isrand=False)
コード例 #5
#! /usr/bin/env python

import uvmf_gen

## The input to this call is the name of the desired interface
intf = uvmf_gen.InterfaceClass('jkl')

## Specify the clock and reset signal for the interface
intf.clock = 'pjClk'
intf.reset = 'pjRst'

## Specify the ports associated with this interface.
##   addPort(<name>,<width>,[input|output|inout])
intf.addPort('jkl_wdata', 8, 'input')
intf.addPort('jkl_addr', 16, 'input')
intf.addPort('jkl_rdata', 8, 'output')

## Specify transaction variables for the interface.
##   addTransVar(<name>,<type>)
##     optionally can specify if this variable may be specified as 'rand'
intf.addTransVar('jkl_trnVar1', 'byte', isrand=False)
intf.addTransVar('jkl_trnVar2', 'int', isrand=True)
intf.addTransVar('jkl_trnVar3', 'bit [15:0]', isrand=False)

## Specify configuration variables for the interface.
##   addConfigVar(<name>,<type>)
##     optionally can specify if this variable may be specified as 'rand'
intf.addConfigVar('jkl_cfgVar1', 'bit', isrand=False)
intf.addConfigVar('jkl_cfgVar2', 'int', isrand=True)
intf.addConfigVar('jkl_cfgVar3', 'bit [3:0]', isrand=False)
コード例 #6
## This example will produce several new interface/agent packages, an
##   environment package and a project bench.  Note that the
##   'def','ghi' and 'jkl' interfaces are simply copies of the
##   first agent and are NOT examples of what you should actually
##   be doing.  They are included here to fill out the contents of
##   the environment example.
## It is allowable to split the creation of interfaces, environments
##   and benches into separate config files to be executed
##   independently of one another, just make sure that the uvmf_gen
##   module is imported at the top of each file.

import uvmf_gen

## The input to this call is the name of the desired interface
intf = uvmf_gen.InterfaceClass('abc')

## Specify the clock and reset signal for the interface
intf.clock = 'paClk'
intf.reset = 'paRst'

## Specify the ports associated with this interface.
##   addPort(<name>,<width>,[input|output|inout])
intf.addPort('wdata', 8, 'input')
intf.addPort('addr', 16, 'input')
intf.addPort('rdata', 8, 'output')

intf.addHdlParamDef('NUM_FILTERS', 'int', '20')
intf.addHdlParamDef('NUM_TAPS', 'int', '12')

## Specify transaction variables for the interface.