def __init__(self): print "Initialized new supervisor" self.time_limit = 3 self.state_machine = msm.motion_state_machine() self.bumper = bump.Bumper((0.161, 0, 0)) self.start_time = time.time() self.vac=vacuum() self.hand = HandHandler() self.handler=jsonHandler() (self.origMap,self.workOrder)=self.handler.readInFile("RandomTestB.json") self.items_to_stow = len(self.workOrder[0]) ##Load bin Selector self.binSelect=binSelector() ##Initialize bin Selector self.binSelect.initialize("RandomTestB.json")
import numpy as np import pylab as pl import glob import vacuum for f in sorted(glob.glob("2d/vacuum2d*.hdf5")): print "processing", f[:-5] file = h5py.File(f, "r") coords = np.array(file["/PartType0/Coordinates"]) rho = np.array(file["/PartType0/Density"]) vs = np.array(file["/PartType0/Velocities"]) P = np.array(file["/PartType0/InternalEnergy"]) P = 2. * rho * P / 3. t = file["/Header"].attrs["Time"] xsol, rhosol, usol, Psol = vacuum.vacuum([1., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0.], t) fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 2) ax[0][0].plot(xsol, rhosol, "r-") ax[0][0].plot(coords[:, 0], rho, "k.") ax[0][1].plot(xsol, usol, "r-") ax[0][1].plot(coords[:, 0], vs[:, 0], "k.") ax[1][0].plot(xsol, Psol, "r-") ax[1][0].plot(coords[:, 0], P, "k.") pl.savefig("{name}.png".format(name=f[:-5])) pl.close() for f in sorted(glob.glob("3d/vacuum3d*.hdf5")): print "processing", f[:-5] file = h5py.File(f, "r") coords = np.array(file["/PartType0/Coordinates"])
def main(): zmin = -40000. zmax = -10100. xmin = -1300. xmax = 800. c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 700) frame = gPad.DrawFrame(zmin, xmin, zmax, xmax) # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in ROOT frame.SetTitle(";Length #it{z} (mm);Horizontal #it{x} (mm)") siz = 0.035 frame.SetTitleSize(siz) frame.SetLabelSize(siz) frame.SetTitleSize(siz, "Y") frame.SetLabelSize(siz, "Y") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() frame.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.09) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.01) gPad.SetTopMargin(0.02) gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.09) #geometry geo = rt.GeoParser("../../config/pro1/") #spectrometer magnet mag = magnet("lumi_dipole", geo) mag.label = "Spectr. dipole" mag.draw() #B2BeR magnet b2b = magnet("B2BeR", geo) b2b.label = "B2BeR" b2b.draw() #Q3eR magnet q3 = magnet("Q3eR", geo) q3.label = "Q3eR" q3.draw() #beam vacuum bvac = vacuum(geo) bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_drift", "zQB", "xQB") bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_drift", "zQT", "xQT") bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_drift", "zW", "xW") bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_window", "win_z", "win_xmax") bvac.add_point_2("vac_b2b_window.b2b_end_z", "B2BeR.r2") bvac.add_point("vac_tag1_win", "zB", "xB") bvac.draw() #vacuum in front of Tagger 1 vac_t1 = vacuum(geo) vac_t1.add_point("vac_tag1_win", "zTB", "xTB") vac_t1.add_point("vac_tag1_win", "zT", "xT") vac_t1.add_point("vac_tag1_win", "zB", "xB") vac_t1.draw() #vacuum in front of Tagger 2 vac_t2 = vacuum(geo) vac_t2.add_point("vac_tag2_win", "zTB", "xTB") vac_t2.add_point("vac_tag2_win", "zT", "xT") vac_t2.add_point("vac_tag2_win", "zB", "xB") vac_t2.draw() #vacuum from exit window to spectrometer magnet vac_win = vacuum(geo) vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z1", "dX1", -1.) vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z1", "dX1") vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z0", "dX0") vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z0", "dX0", -1.) #vac_win.add_point("", "", "") #vac_win.draw() #vacuum from spectrometer magnet to spectrometer detectors vac_mag = vacuum(geo) vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z1", "dX1", -1.) vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z1", "dX1") vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z0", "dX0") vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z0", "dX0", -1.) #vac_mag.draw() #vacuum section from spectrometers to direct photon detector vac_phot = vacuum(geo) vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z1", "dX1", -1.) vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z1", "dX1") vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z0", "dX0") vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z0", "dX0", -1.) #vac_phot.draw() #Tagger1 tag1 = segment("Tagger1box", geo) tag1.label = "Tagger 1" tag1.draw() #Tagger2 tag2 = segment("Tagger2box", geo) tag2.label = "Tagger 2" tag2.draw() #Luminosity exit window ew = segment("ExitWinBox", geo) ew.label = "Exit window" ew.fill_col = rt.kGreen + 1 ew.draw() #up spectrometer for both spectrometers up = segment("LumiSUbox", geo) up.theta = 0 up.label = "Spectrometers" up.draw() #Luminosity direct photon detector phot = segment("LumiDbox", geo) phot.label = "Photon detector" phot.draw() leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.8, 0.21, 0.25, 0.15, 0.03) #, 0.027) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz leg.AddEntry(tag1.gbox, "Detector", "f") leg.AddEntry(b2b.gbox, "Magnet", "f") leg.AddEntry(bvac.gbox, "Vacuum", "f") leg.Draw("same") gPad.SetGrid() ut.invert_col(gPad) c1.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def main(): game_over = False game__over=False rows, cols = 15, 15 borders = 0 dirty_tiles=0 while(rows >= 15 or cols >= 15 or rows==0 or cols==0 or borders==0 or dirty_tiles==0): try: layout = [ [sg.Text('Necessary Inputs')], [sg.Text('Please enter number of rows as an integer:'), sg.InputText()], [sg.Text('Please enter number of cols as an integer:'), sg.InputText()], [sg.Text('Please enter number of dirty tiles:'), sg.InputText()], [sg.Text('Please enter number of borders:'), sg.InputText()], [sg.Text('Speed:'),sg.Slider(range=(1000,30),default_value=1000,size=(20,15),orientation='horizontal', disable_number_display=True)], [sg.Text('Window dirt Period'),sg.Slider(range=(2,10),default_value=5,size=(20,15),orientation='horizontal', disable_number_display=True)], [sg.Text('Agent Period'),sg.Slider(range=(2,10),default_value=5,size=(20,15),orientation='horizontal', disable_number_display=True)], [sg.Spin([i for i in range(1,5)], initial_value=1), sg.Text('Cleaning Agents')], [sg.Spin([i for i in range(0,5)], initial_value=0), sg.Text('Dirt Agents')], [sg.Frame(layout=[ [sg.Radio('Case1 (Fully observable map and once generated dirt):', "Case1", default=False)], [sg.Radio('Case2 (Fully observable map and continuously added dirt):', "Case1", default=False)], [sg.Radio('Case3 (Fully observable borders and unknown dirt positions):', "Case1", default=False)], [sg.Radio('Case4 (Unknown borders and dirt positions):', "Case1", default=False)], [sg.Checkbox('Alternate Dirt Algorithm', default=False)], [sg.Checkbox('Box In', default=False)]], title='Choose Any of these Cases',title_color='red', relief=sg.RELIEF_SUNKEN, tooltip='Use these to set flags')], [sg.Submit()]] window = sg.Window('Vacuum Cleaner Agent', layout) event, values = window.Read() case1=values[9] case2=values[10] case3=values[11] case4=values[12] intelligenceDirtFirst=values[13] boxIn = values[14] rows=int(values[0]) cols=int(values[1]) dirty_tiles= int(values[2]) borders=int(values[3]) globals.globals.speed=int(values[4]) globals.globals.frequency=int(values[5]) globals.globals.period=int(values[6]) globals.globals.cleaning_agents=int(values[7]) globals.globals.dirt_agents=int(values[8]) if event in ('Submit'): print('Borders are placed randomly') window.Close() except ValueError: print("No valid integer! Please try again ...") CELL_SIZE = 40 window_size = [cols * CELL_SIZE, rows * CELL_SIZE] pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode(window_size) pygame.display.set_caption("Vacuum Cleaner Agent") run = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() r = room(CELL_SIZE, rows, cols, window) r.draw_grid() r.draw_borders(borders) vacuums = [] dirt_machines = [] for x in range(globals.globals.cleaning_agents): vacuums.append(vacuum(r, window, x)) print("creating vacuum with ID: ", x) if(globals.globals.dirt_agents > 0): for x in range(globals.globals.dirt_agents): dirt_machines.append(dirt_machine(r, window, x)) print("creating dirt machine with ID: ", x) else: pass # print(dirt_machines) d = dirt(r, window, dirty_tiles) pos = None mySolver = solver(r.get_array()) tempLastLoc = None pos2 = None globals.globals.start_duration = # depending on the Specific case if(case1): # fully observable with set amount of dirt while run: pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) clock.tick(10) for event in pygame.event.get(): #gameover if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or ((event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE))): globals.globals.end_duration= layout2 = [[sg.Text('Duration: ' + str(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)))], [sg.Text('Number of cleaned tiles: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles))], [sg.Text('Number of steps: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_steps))], [sg.Text('Number of added dirt: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_added_dirt))], [sg.Text('Average number of steps per dirt: '+ str(round(globals.globals.nb_steps/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles)))], [sg.Text('Average time to clean a dirt: ' + str(round(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles, 2)))], [sg.Button('Exit')]] window1 = sg.Window('Measures', layout2) window1.Read() game_over = True r.clear_room() window.fill((0,0,0)) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) text_surface = font.render("Game Over", True, (150,150,150)) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect() = (window.get_width()//2, window.get_height()//2) window.blit(text_surface, text_rect) pygame.display.update() vacuums[0].set_position((rows//2)+1,(cols//2)-1)'game-over.wav') vacuums[0].move_left() pygame.time.delay(500) vacuums[0].move_right() pygame.time.delay(500) vacuums[0].move_right() pygame.time.delay(500) vacuums[0].move_right() run = False #arrows as input if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: v.move_left() if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: v.move_right() if event.key == pygame.K_UP: v.move_up() if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: v.move_down() if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: pygame.time.delay(5000) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if(not game_over): if(not intelligenceDirtFirst): for x in vacuums: x.move_to_closest_dirt() if(globals.globals.dirt_agents != 0): if(intelligenceDirtFirst): #Alternate Algrthm paths = mySolver.getFirstPathForDirt(r,dirt_machines,vacuums, boxIn) index = -1 if(not paths is None): m = len(paths[0]) for p in paths: if(len(p) < m): m = len(p) for idx in range(0,m): for pathX in paths: index += 1 if( pathX is None or pathX == [] or len(pathX) == 0 or pathX[0] == None): continue if(idx >= len(pathX)): continue try: didMove = False if(pathX[idx] == 'L'): dirt_machines[index].move_left() didMove = True if(pathX[idx] == 'U'): dirt_machines[index].move_up() didMove = True if(pathX[idx] == 'D'): dirt_machines[index].move_down() didMove = True if(pathX[idx] == 'R'): dirt_machines[index].move_right() didMove = True # if(idx >= 1): for x in vacuums: x.move_to_closest_dirt() if( intelligenceDirtFirst): pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) except Exception: pass else: for x in dirt_machines: x.move_from_closest_dirt() elif(case2): # fully observable and dirt keeps getting added count = 0 while run: if(count == globals.globals.frequency): d.probabilistic_dirt(1) count = 0 if(not intelligenceDirtFirst): pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) clock.tick(10) for event in pygame.event.get(): #gameover if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or ((event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE))): globals.globals.end_duration= layout2 = [[sg.Text('Duration: ' + str(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)))], [sg.Text('Number of cleaned tiles: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles))], [sg.Text('Number of steps: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_steps))], [sg.Text('Number of added dirt: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_added_dirt))], [sg.Text('Average number of steps per dirt: '+ str(round(globals.globals.nb_steps/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles)))], [sg.Text('Average time to clean a dirt: ' + str(round(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles, 2)))], [sg.Button('Exit')]] window1 = sg.Window('Measures', layout2) window1.Read() game_over = True r.clear_room() window.fill((0,0,0)) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) text_surface = font.render("Game Over", True, (150,150,150)) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect() = (window.get_width()//2, window.get_height()//2) window.blit(text_surface, text_rect) pygame.display.update() vacuums[0].set_position((rows//2)+1,(cols//2)-1)'game-over.wav') vacuums[0].move_left() pygame.time.delay(500) vacuums[0].move_right() pygame.time.delay(500) vacuums[0].move_right() pygame.time.delay(500) vacuums[0].move_right() run = False #arrows as input if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: pygame.time.delay(5000) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if(not game_over): if(not intelligenceDirtFirst): for x in vacuums: x.move_to_closest_dirt() if(globals.globals.dirt_agents != 0): if(intelligenceDirtFirst): #Alternate Algrthm paths = mySolver.getFirstPathForDirt(r,dirt_machines,vacuums, boxIn) index = -1 if(not paths is None): m = len(paths[0]) for p in paths: if(len(p) < m): m = len(p) for idx in range(0,m): for pathX in paths: index += 1 if( pathX is None or pathX == [] or len(pathX) == 0 or pathX[0] == None): continue if(idx >= len(pathX)): continue try: didMove = False if(pathX[idx] == 'L'): dirt_machines[index].move_left() didMove = True if(pathX[idx] == 'U'): dirt_machines[index].move_up() didMove = True if(pathX[idx] == 'D'): dirt_machines[index].move_down() didMove = True if(pathX[idx] == 'R'): dirt_machines[index].move_right() didMove = True # if(idx >= 1): for x in vacuums: x.move_to_closest_dirt() if( intelligenceDirtFirst): pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) except Exception: pass else: for x in dirt_machines: x.move_from_closest_dirt() count += 1 #Partially visible in HERE elif(case3): dirtMachineIntelligence = 0 if(intelligenceDirtFirst): dirtMachineIntelligence = 1 path = [] pathDirt = [] count = 0 mySolver.expoloreAllBorders() cyclesStuckCount = [1] cycleStuckPos = [ [0,0] ] cyclesStuckCountDirt = [1] cycleStuckPosDirt = [ [0,0] ] while run: if(count >= globals.globals.frequency): d.probabilistic_dirt(1) count = 0 #FOR DEBUGGING #NOTE TO SELF => REMOVE LATER ON #d.rnd_dirt_DEBUG(1) count += 1 #//////////////////////////////////// pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) clock.tick(10) for event in pygame.event.get(): #gameover if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or ((event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE))): game__over=True globals.globals.end_duration= layout2 = [[sg.Text('Duration: ' + str(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)))], [sg.Text('Number of cleaned tiles: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles))], [sg.Text('Number of steps: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_steps))], [sg.Text('Number of added dirt: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_added_dirt))], [sg.Text('Average number of steps per dirt: '+ str(round(globals.globals.nb_steps/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles)))], [sg.Text('Average time to clean a dirt: ' + str(round(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles, 2)))], [sg.Button('Exit')]] window1 = sg.Window('Measures', layout2) window1.Read() r.clear_room() path=["R","R","R","R"] window.fill((0,0,0)) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) text_surface = font.render("Game Over", True, (150,150,150)) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect() = (window.get_width()//2, window.get_height()//2) window.blit(text_surface, text_rect) pygame.display.update() vacuums[0].set_position((rows//2)+1,(cols//2)-1)'game-over.wav') run = False #arrows as input if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: pygame.time.delay(5000) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False index = -1 for v in vacuums: index += 1 if(len(path) < index + 1): path.append([]) if(len(cyclesStuckCount) < index + 1): cyclesStuckCount.append(1) cycleStuckPos.append( [0,0] ) if(pos2 is None): pos2 = r.vacuum_position(index) pos2 = copy.deepcopy ( r.vacuum_position(index) ) #pos2 = r.vacuum_position() pos2 = mySolver.dirtPathIterator( copy.deepcopy( pos2 ) ) #print("pos 2") #print(pos2) if(not game__over): path[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath() #machine.move_from_closest_dirt() # Take care of dynmaic collision #if stuck by other agent abort mission if(cyclesStuckCount[index] > 1): #print(cycleStuckPos[index]) cyclesStuckCount[index] = 1 mySolver.escapeFromAgent(r.vacuum_position(index), cycleStuckPos[index] ) path[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath(); if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 0): index = -1 for _ in dirt_machines: index += 1 if(len(pathDirt) < index + 1): pathDirt.append([]) if(len(cyclesStuckCountDirt) < index + 1): cyclesStuckCountDirt.append(1) cycleStuckPosDirt.append( [0,0] ) if(pos2 is None): pos2 = r.dirt_machine_position(index) pos2 = copy.deepcopy ( r.dirt_machine_position(index) ) #pos2 = r.vacuum_position() pos2 = mySolver.addDirtPathIterator( copy.deepcopy( pos2 ) ) #print("pos 2") #print(pos2) if(not game__over): pathDirt[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath() #machine.move_from_closest_dirt() # Take care of dynmaic collision #if stuck by other agent abort mission if(cyclesStuckCountDirt[index] > 1): #print(cycleStuckPos[index]) cyclesStuckCountDirt[index] = 1 mySolver.escapeFromAgent(r.dirt_machine_position(index), cycleStuckPosDirt[index] ) pathDirt[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath(); m = len(path[0]) for p in path: if(len(p) < m): m = len(p) if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 0): for p in pathDirt: if(len(p) < m): m = len(p) for idx in range(0,m): index = -1 for pathX in path: index += 1 #print(index) #print(idx) p = pathX[idx] # Take care of dynmaic collision if( not p in vacuums[index].get_valid_moves() ): #print("Vacuum Was Gonna Hit") #exit(0) cyclesStuckCount[index] += 1 deltX = 0 deltaY = 0 if(p == "L"): deltX = -1 elif(p == "R"): deltX = 1 elif(p == "U"): deltaY = -1 elif(p == "D"): deltaY = 1 cycleStuckPos[index] = [r.vacuum_position(index)[0] + deltaY, r.vacuum_position(index)[1] + deltX, ] continue; if(p == "L"): vacuums[index].move_left() elif(p == "R"): vacuums[index].move_right() elif(p == "U"): vacuums[index].move_up() elif(p == "D"): vacuums[index].move_down() mySolver.addExploredToGrid(r.get_array(), r.vacuum_position(index)[0], r.vacuum_position(index)[1] ) # if(globals.globals.dirt_agents != 0): # for x in dirt_machines: # x.move_from_closest_dirt() # else: # pass #if(not game__over and globals.globals.dirt_agents > 0): # dirt_machines[0].move_from_closest_dirt() if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 0): index = -1 for pathX in pathDirt: index += 1 if(isVacuumNeghbr(r,vacuums, r.dirt_machine_position(index), boxIn )): continue p = pathX[idx] # Take care of dynmaic collision if( not p in dirt_machines[index].get_valid_moves() ): #print("Vacuum Was Gonna Hit") #exit(0) cyclesStuckCountDirt[index] += 1 deltX = 0 deltaY = 0 if(p == "L"): deltX = -1 elif(p == "R"): deltX = 1 elif(p == "U"): deltaY = -1 elif(p == "D"): deltaY = 1 cycleStuckPosDirt[index] = [r.dirt_machine_position(index)[0] + deltaY, r.dirt_machine_position(index)[1] + deltX, ] continue; if(p == "L"): dirt_machines[index].move_left() elif(p == "R"): dirt_machines[index].move_right() elif(p == "U"): dirt_machines[index].move_up() elif(p == "D"): dirt_machines[index].move_down() dirt_machines[index].incrementCountForDirt(8) if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 1): for mac in dirt_machines: mac.move_from_closest_dirt() pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) #pos2 = r.vacuum_position(); pygame.display.update() elif(case4): path = [] count = 0 dirtMachineIntelligence = 0 if(intelligenceDirtFirst): dirtMachineIntelligence = 1 cyclesStuckCount = [1] cycleStuckPos = [ [0,0] ] tempLastLoc = [] pathDirt = [] cyclesStuckCountDirt = [1] cycleStuckPosDirt = [ [0,0] ] while run: if(count >= globals.globals.frequency): d.probabilistic_dirt(1) count = 0 #FOR DEBUGGING #NOTE TO SELF => REMOVE LATER ON #d.rnd_dirt_DEBUG(1) count += 1 #//////////////////////////////////// pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) clock.tick(10) for event in pygame.event.get(): #gameover if (event.type == pygame.QUIT or ((event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP) and (event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE))): game__over=True globals.globals.end_duration= layout2 = [[sg.Text('Duration: ' + str(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)))], [sg.Text('Number of cleaned tiles: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles))], [sg.Text('Number of steps: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_steps))], [sg.Text('Number of added dirt: '+ str(globals.globals.nb_added_dirt))], [sg.Text('Average number of steps per dirt: '+ str(round(globals.globals.nb_steps/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles)))], [sg.Text('Average time to clean a dirt: ' + str(round(round(globals.globals.end_duration-globals.globals.start_duration,3)/globals.globals.nb_clean_tiles, 2)))], [sg.Button('Exit')]] window1 = sg.Window('Measures', layout2) window1.Read() r.clear_room() path=["R","R","R","R"] window.fill((0,0,0)) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) text_surface = font.render("Game Over", True, (150,150,150)) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect() = (window.get_width()//2, window.get_height()//2) window.blit(text_surface, text_rect) pygame.display.update() v.set_position((rows//2)+1,(cols//2)-3)'game-over.wav') run = False #arrows as input if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: pygame.time.delay(5000) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False #EXPLORE MAP CODE index = -1 for v in vacuums: index += 1 if(len(path) < index + 1): path.append([]) if(len(cyclesStuckCount) < index + 1): cyclesStuckCount.append(1) cycleStuckPos.append( [0,0] ) if(len(tempLastLoc) < index + 1): tempLastLoc.append( [] ) #if(index > 1): # print("Impossible Indx") # exit(0) if (pos is None or not pos[0] == -1): if(not pos is None): tempLastLoc[index] = copy.deepcopy( pos ) pos = mySolver.discoverMapIter( copy.deepcopy(r.vacuum_position(index)) ) #print('target pos: ' + str(pos) ) if(not game__over): path[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath() #print('path: ' + str(path) ) #print(r.vacuum_position() ) else: #print("Dirt Phase") if(pos2 is None): pos2 = tempLastLoc[index] pos2 = mySolver.dirtPathIterator( copy.deepcopy( r.vacuum_position(index) ) ) #pos2 = mySolver.dirtPathIterator( copy.deepcopy( pos2 ) ) #print("pos 2") #print(pos2) if(not game__over): path[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath() pst = [-1,-1] #if stuck by other agent abort mission if(cyclesStuckCount[index] > 1): #print("getting out") cyclesStuckCount[index] = 1 pst = mySolver.escapeFromAgent(r.vacuum_position(index), cycleStuckPos[index] ) path[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath(); #print("agent") #print(index) #print(pst) #print(index) #print("My pos") #print(r.vacuum_position(index)) #print("dest") #if(pst[0] == -1): # print(pos2) #else: # print(pst) #print("path") #print(path[index]) if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 0): index = -1 for _ in dirt_machines: index += 1 if(len(pathDirt) < index + 1): pathDirt.append([]) if(len(cyclesStuckCountDirt) < index + 1): cyclesStuckCountDirt.append(1) cycleStuckPosDirt.append( [0,0] ) if(pos2 is None): pos2 = r.dirt_machine_position(index) pos2 = copy.deepcopy ( r.dirt_machine_position(index) ) #pos2 = r.vacuum_position() pos2 = mySolver.addDirtPathIterator( copy.deepcopy( pos2 ) ) #print("pos 2") #print(pos2) if(not game__over): pathDirt[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath() #machine.move_from_closest_dirt() # Take care of dynmaic collision #if stuck by other agent abort mission if(cyclesStuckCountDirt[index] > 1): #print(cycleStuckPos[index]) cyclesStuckCountDirt[index] = 1 mySolver.escapeFromAgent(r.dirt_machine_position(index), cycleStuckPosDirt[index] ) pathDirt[index] = mySolver.getLastActualUsedPath(); #END OF EXPLORATION #print("paths") #print(path[0]) #print(path[1]) m = len(path[0]) for p in path: if(len(p) < m): m = len(p) if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 0): for p in pathDirt: if(len(p) < m): m = len(p) if(m < 2): m = 3 #print("M value") #print(m) for idx in range(0,m): index = -1 for pathX in path: index += 1 #print(index) #print(idx) if(idx >= len(pathX)): continue p = pathX[idx] #mySolver.addExploredToGrid(r.get_array(), r.vacuum_position(index)[0], r.vacuum_position(index)[1] ) #print("in pathX loop") if( not p in vacuums[index].get_valid_moves() ): # print(p + " Vacuum Was Gonna Hit") #exit(0) cyclesStuckCount[index] += 1 deltX = 0 deltaY = 0 if(p == "L"): deltX = -1 elif(p == "R"): deltX = 1 elif(p == "U"): deltaY = -1 elif(p == "D"): deltaY = 1 cycleStuckPos[index] = [r.vacuum_position(index)[0] + deltaY, r.vacuum_position(index)[1] + deltX ] #print(cycleStuckPos[index]) #print(cyclesStuckCount[index]) continue; if(p == "L"): vacuums[index].move_left() elif(p == "R"): vacuums[index].move_right() elif(p == "U"): vacuums[index].move_up() elif(p == "D"): vacuums[index].move_down() #print("moved vacuum " + str(index) ) mySolver.addExploredToGrid(r.get_array(), r.vacuum_position(index)[0], r.vacuum_position(index)[1] ) #if(not game__over): # machine.move_from_closest_dirt() if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 0): index = -1 for pathX in pathDirt: index += 1 if(isVacuumNeghbr(r,vacuums, r.dirt_machine_position(index) , boxIn)): continue if(idx >= len(pathX)): continue p = pathX[idx] # Take care of dynmaic collision if( not p in dirt_machines[index].get_valid_moves() ): #print("Vacuum Was Gonna Hit") #exit(0) cyclesStuckCountDirt[index] += 1 deltX = 0 deltaY = 0 if(p == "L"): deltX = -1 elif(p == "R"): deltX = 1 elif(p == "U"): deltaY = -1 elif(p == "D"): deltaY = 1 cycleStuckPosDirt[index] = [r.dirt_machine_position(index)[0] + deltaY, r.dirt_machine_position(index)[1] + deltX, ] continue; if(p == "L"): dirt_machines[index].move_left() elif(p == "R"): dirt_machines[index].move_right() elif(p == "U"): dirt_machines[index].move_up() elif(p == "D"): dirt_machines[index].move_down() dirt_machines[index].incrementCountForDirt(8) #print("moved machine " + str(index) ) if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 1): for mac in dirt_machines: mac.move_from_closest_dirt() pygame.time.delay(globals.globals.speed) path[index] = [] if(dirtMachineIntelligence == 0): pathDirt[index] = [] #print("idx loop") pygame.display.update() pygame.quit()
def main(): zmin = -40000. zmax = -4000. xmin = -1300. xmax = 800. c1 = TCanvas("c1","c1",1000,700) frame = gPad.DrawFrame(zmin, xmin, zmax, xmax) # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in ROOT frame.SetTitle(";Length #it{z} (mm);Horizontal #it{x} (mm)") siz = 0.035 frame.SetTitleSize(siz) frame.SetLabelSize(siz) frame.SetTitleSize(siz, "Y") frame.SetLabelSize(siz, "Y") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() frame.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.09) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.01) gPad.SetTopMargin(0.02) gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.09) #geometry geo = rt.GeoParser("../../config/pro2/") #Q1eR magnet q1 = magnet("Q1eR", geo) q1.label = "Q1eR" q1.draw() #Q2eR magnet q2 = magnet("Q2eR", geo) q2.label = "Q2eR" q2.draw() #B2eR magnet b2 = magnet("B2eR", geo) b2.label = "B2eR" b2.draw() #Q3eR magnet q3 = magnet("Q3eR", geo) q3.label = "Q3eR" q3.draw() #vacuum from Q1eR to Q2eR q1q2 = vacuum(geo) q1q2.add_point_const("Q1eR_End_Z", "Q1eR_InnerRadius", -1) q1q2.add_point_const("Q2eR_Start_Z", "Q1eR_InnerRadius", -1) q1q2.add_point_const("Q2eR_Start_Z", "Q1eR_InnerRadius") q1q2.add_point_const("Q1eR_End_Z", "Q1eR_InnerRadius") q1q2.draw() #vacuum from Q2eR to B2eR q2b2 = vacuum(geo) q2b2.add_point_const("Q2eR_End_Z", "Q2eR_InnerRadius", -1) q2b2.add_point_const("B2eR_Start_Z", "Q2eR_InnerRadius", -1) q2b2.add_point_const("B2eR_Start_Z", "Q2eR_InnerRadius") q2b2.add_point_const("Q2eR_End_Z", "Q2eR_InnerRadius") q2b2.draw() #beam vacuum bvac = vacuum(geo) bvac.add_point("vac_B2", "z1BI", "x1BI") bvac.add_point("vac_win_tag1", "z0BI", "x0BI") bvac.add_point("vac_win_tag1", "z0TO", "x0TO") bvac.add_point("vac_win_tag2", "z0BI", "x0BI") bvac.add_point("vac_win_tag2", "z0TO", "x0TO") bvac.add_point("vac_Q3", "z0BI", "x0BI") bvac.add_point("vac_Q3", "z0TI", "x0TI") bvac.add_point_2("vac_B2.z0TO", "ExitWinBox.dx", -0.5) bvac.add_point("vac_B2", "z0TO", "x0TI") bvac.add_point("vac_B2", "z1TI", "x1TI") bvac.draw() #geometry from pro1 for luminosity geo2 = rt.GeoParser("../../config/pro1/") #spectrometer magnet spec_mag = magnet("lumi_dipole", geo2) spec_mag.label = "Spectr. dipole" spec_mag.draw() #vacuum from exit window to spectrometer magnet vac_win = vacuum(geo2) vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z1", "dX1", -1.) vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z1", "dX1") vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z0", "dX0") vac_win.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z0", "dX0", -1.) vac_win.draw() #vacuum from spectrometer magnet to spectrometer detectors vac_mag = vacuum(geo2) vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z1", "dX1", -1.) vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z1", "dX1") vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z0", "dX0") vac_mag.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z0", "dX0", -1.) vac_mag.draw() #vacuum section from spectrometers to direct photon detector vac_phot = vacuum(geo2) vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z1", "dX1", -1.) vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z1", "dX1") vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z0", "dX0") vac_phot.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z0", "dX0", -1.) vac_phot.draw() #up spectrometer for both spectrometers up = segment("LumiSUbox", geo2) up.theta = 0 up.label = "Spectrometers" up.draw() #Luminosity direct photon detector phot = segment("LumiDbox", geo2) phot.label = "Photon detector" phot.draw() #Luminosity exit window ew = segment("ExitWinBox", geo) ew.label = "Exit window" ew.fill_col = rt.kGreen+1 ew.draw() #Tagger1 tag1 = segment("Tagger1box", geo) tag1.label = "Tagger 1" tag1.draw() #Tagger2 tag2 = segment("Tagger2box", geo) tag2.label = "Tagger 2" tag2.draw() leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.8, 0.21, 0.25, 0.15, 0.03)#, 0.027) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz leg.AddEntry(tag1.gbox, "Detector", "f") leg.AddEntry(b2.gbox, "Magnet", "f") leg.AddEntry(bvac.gbox, "Vacuum", "f") leg.Draw("same") gPad.SetGrid() #ut.invert_col(gPad) c1.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
import numpy as np import pylab as pl import glob import vacuum for f in sorted(glob.glob("2d/vacuum2d*.hdf5")): print "processing", f[:-5] file = h5py.File(f, "r") coords = np.array(file["/PartType0/Coordinates"]) rho = np.array(file["/PartType0/Density"]) vs = np.array(file["/PartType0/Velocities"]) P = np.array(file["/PartType0/InternalEnergy"]) P = 2.*rho*P/3. t = file["/Header"].attrs["Time"] xsol, rhosol, usol, Psol = vacuum.vacuum([1., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0.], t) fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 2) ax[0][0].plot(xsol, rhosol, "r-") ax[0][0].plot(coords[:,0], rho, "k.") ax[0][1].plot(xsol, usol, "r-") ax[0][1].plot(coords[:,0], vs[:,0], "k.") ax[1][0].plot(xsol, Psol, "r-") ax[1][0].plot(coords[:,0], P, "k.") pl.savefig("{name}.png".format(name=f[:-5])) pl.close() for f in sorted(glob.glob("3d/vacuum3d*.hdf5")): print "processing", f[:-5] file = h5py.File(f, "r") coords = np.array(file["/PartType0/Coordinates"])
def main(): zmin = -40000. zmax = -10100. ymin = -800 ymax = 800. c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 700) frame = gPad.DrawFrame(zmin, ymin, zmax, ymax) # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in ROOT frame.SetTitle(";Length #it{z} (mm);Vertical #it{y} (mm)") siz = 0.035 frame.SetTitleSize(siz) frame.SetLabelSize(siz) frame.SetTitleSize(siz, "Y") frame.SetLabelSize(siz, "Y") frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() frame.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.09) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.01) gPad.SetTopMargin(0.02) gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.09) #geometry geo = rt.GeoParser("../../config/") #B2BeR magnet b2b = magnet("B2BeR", geo) b2b.label = "B2BeR" b2b.draw() #beam vacuum from B2BeR to exit window bvac = vacuum(geo) bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_window", "b2b_end_z", "b2b_end_xy", -0.5) bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_window", "win_z", "win_xmax", -1) bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_window", "win_z", "win_xmax") bvac.add_point("vac_b2b_window", "b2b_end_z", "b2b_end_xy", 0.5) bvac.draw() #vacuum from exit window to spectometer magnet vac_win_spec = vacuum(geo) vac_win_spec.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z0", "dY0", -1) vac_win_spec.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z1", "dY1", -1) vac_win_spec.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z1", "dY1") vac_win_spec.add_point("vac_lumi_win_mag", "z0", "dY0") vac_win_spec.draw() #vacuum from specrometer magnet to detectors vac_det = vacuum(geo) vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z0", "dY0", -1) vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z1", "dY1", -1) vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_mid", "z0", "dY0", -1) vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z0", "dY0", -1) vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z1", "dY1", -1) vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z1", "dY1") vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_phot", "z0", "dY0") vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_spec_mid", "z0", "dY0") vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z1", "dY1") vac_det.add_point("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "z0", "dY0") vac_det.draw() #spectrometer magnet mag = magnet("lumi_dipole", geo) mag.label = "Spectr. dipole" mag.draw() #luminosity exit window ew = segment("ExitWinBox", geo) ew.y_project = True ew.label = "Exit window" ew.fill_col = rt.kGreen + 1 ew.draw() #up spectrometer up = segment("LumiSUbox", geo) up.y_project = True up.theta = -1. * up.theta up.label = "Up" up.draw() #down spectrometer down = segment("LumiSDbox", geo) down.y_project = True down.theta = -1. * down.theta down.label = "Down" down.draw() #photon detector phot = segment("LumiDbox", geo) phot.y_project = True phot.label = "Photon detector" phot.draw() leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.8, 0.21, 0.25, 0.15, 0.03) #, 0.027) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz leg.AddEntry(phot.gbox, "Detector", "f") leg.AddEntry(b2b.gbox, "Magnet", "f") leg.AddEntry(bvac.gbox, "Vacuum", "f") leg.Draw("same") l2 = ut.prepare_leg(0.64, 0.75, 0.25, 0.12, 0.027) l2.AddEntry("", "Space for exit window:", "") l2.AddEntry("", "Center #it{z}: " + str(ew.zpos), "") l2.AddEntry("", "Size in #it{xy}: " + str(ew.dy), "") l2.AddEntry("", "Lenght in #it{z}: " + str(, "") l2.Draw("same") l3 = ut.prepare_leg(0.45, 0.75, 0.25, 0.12, 0.027) l3.AddEntry("", "Specrometer dipole:", "") l3.AddEntry("", "Center #it{z}: " + str(mag.zpos), "") l3.AddEntry("", "Radius: " + str(mag.r1), "") l3.AddEntry("", "Lenght in #it{z}: " + str(, "") l3.Draw("same") l4 = ut.prepare_leg(0.15, 0.75, 0.25, 0.15, 0.027) l4.AddEntry("", "Up detector:", "") l4.AddEntry("", "Center #it{z}: " + "{0:.1f}".format(up.zpos), "") l4.AddEntry("", "Center #it{y}: " + "{0:.1f}".format(up.ypos), "") l4.AddEntry("", "Size in #it{xy}: " + str(up.dy), "") l4.AddEntry("", "Lenght in #it{z}: " + str(, "") l4.Draw("same") l5 = ut.prepare_leg(0.1, 0.12, 0.25, 0.15, 0.027) l5.AddEntry("", "Down detector:", "") l5.AddEntry("", "Center #it{z}: " + "{0:.1f}".format(down.zpos), "") l5.AddEntry("", "Center #it{y}: " + "{0:.1f}".format(down.ypos), "") l5.AddEntry("", "Size in #it{xy}: " + str(down.dy), "") l5.AddEntry("", "Lenght in #it{z}: " + str(, "") l5.Draw("same") l6 = ut.prepare_leg(0.3, 0.11, 0.25, 0.12, 0.027) l6.AddEntry("", "Photon detector:", "") l6.AddEntry("", "Center #it{z}: " + "{0:.1f}".format(phot.zpos), "") l6.AddEntry("", "Size in #it{xy}: " + str(phot.dy), "") l6.AddEntry("", "Lenght in #it{z}: " + str(, "") l6.Draw("same") l7 = ut.prepare_leg(0.5, 0.11, 0.25, 0.12, 0.027) l7.AddEntry("", "B2BeR magnet:", "") l7.AddEntry("", "Center #it{z}: " + str(b2b.zpos), "") l7.AddEntry("", "Radius: " + str(b2b.r1), "") l7.AddEntry("", "Lenght in #it{z}: " + str(, "") l7.Draw("same") l8 = ut.prepare_leg(0.3, 0.92, 0.25, 0.01, 0.03) l8.AddEntry("", "Luminosity layout, side view. All dimensions in mm.", "") l8.Draw("same") #gPad.SetGrid() ut.invert_col(gPad) c1.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")