コード例 #1
def init_new_vehicles(labels):
    # Iterate through labels in integrated heatmap
    for car_number in range(1, labels[1] + 1):
        # Find pixels with each car_number label value
        nonzero = (labels[0] == car_number).nonzero()
        # Identify x and y values of those pixels
        nonzeroy = np.array(nonzero[0])
        nonzerox = np.array(nonzero[1])
        # Define a bounding box based on min/max x and y
        xleft = np.min(nonzerox)
        ytop = np.min(nonzeroy)
        xright = np.max(nonzerox)
        ybot = np.max(nonzeroy)

        # Search over all vehicles for best overlap to associate
        max_iou = -1.0
        for v in vehicle_list:

            if v.age_predicted < max_age_predicted:
                centerx_v = v.fit_centroid_x
                xleft_v = np.int(centerx_v - 0.5 * v.fit_width)
                xright_v = np.int(centerx_v + 0.5 * v.fit_width)

                centery_v = v.fit_centroid_y
                ytop_v = np.int(centery_v - 0.5 * v.fit_height)
                ybot_v = np.int(centery_v + 0.5 * v.fit_height)

                # Calc intersection over union:
                area_det = (xright - xleft + 1) * (ybot - ytop + 1)
                area_v = (xright_v - xleft_v + 1) * (ybot_v - ytop_v + 1)
                intersection = max(
                    min(xright, xright_v) - max(xleft, xleft_v)) * max(
                        min(ybot, ybot_v) - max(ytop, ytop_v))
                union = area_det + area_v - intersection
                iou = intersection / union

                if iou > max_iou:
                    max_iou = iou

        # If overlap is small -> init new track
        if max_iou < min_iou:
            new_vehicle = Vehicle()
            new_vehicle.centroid_x = 0.5 * (xleft + xright)
            new_vehicle.centroid_y = 0.5 * (ytop + ybot)
            new_vehicle.width = xright - xleft
            new_vehicle.height = ybot - ytop
            new_vehicle.fit_centroid_x = new_vehicle.centroid_x
            new_vehicle.fit_centroid_y = new_vehicle.centroid_y
            new_vehicle.fit_width = new_vehicle.width
            new_vehicle.fit_height = new_vehicle.height
            new_vehicle.allx.extend(np.arange(xleft, xright + 1))
            new_vehicle.ally.extend(np.arange(ytop, ybot + 1))
            new_vehicle.detected = True
            new_vehicle.age_predicted = 0