class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main GUI Class It contains the main function and interfaces between the GUI and functions """ def __init__(self,parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self,parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) """ Main Variables Using Other Classes""" self.rex = Rexarm() = Video(cv2.VideoCapture(0)) self.world_coord = np.float32() """ Play and Repeat Variable """ self.wayPoints = [] self.wayPointsPos = [] self.wayPointsSpeed = [] self.wayPointsTime = [] """ Other Variables """ self.last_click = np.float32([-1,-1]) self.define_template_flag = -1 self.click_point1 = np.float32([-1,-1]) self.click_point2 = np.float32([-1,-1]) self.template = None self.targets = [] self.waypointsfp = csv.writer(open("waypoint.csv","wb")) self.currtime = 0 """ Set GUI to track mouse """ QtGui.QWidget.setMouseTracking(self,True) """ Video Function Creates a timer and calls play() function according to the given time delay (27mm) """ self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer.timeout.connect( self._timer.start(27) """ LCM Arm Feedback Creates a timer to call LCM handler continuously No delay implemented. Reads all time """ self._timer2 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer2.timeout.connect(self.rex.get_feedback) self._timer2.start() """ ARM Plan and Command Thread Creates a timer to call REXARM.plan_command function continuously """ self._timer3 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer3.timeout.connect(self.rex.plan_command) self._timer3.start() """ Connect Sliders to Function TO DO: CONNECT THE OTHER 5 SLIDERS IMPLEMENTED IN THE GUI """ self.ui.sldrBase.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrShoulder.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrElbow.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrWrist.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrSpeed.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) """ Commands the arm as the arm initialize to 0,0,0,0 angles """ self.slider_change() """ Connect Buttons to Functions """ self.ui.btnLoadCameraCal.clicked.connect(self.load_camera_cal) self.ui.btnPerfAffineCal.clicked.connect(self.affine_cal) self.ui.btnTeachRepeat.clicked.connect(self.tr_initialize) self.ui.btnAddWaypoint.clicked.connect(self.tr_add_waypoint) self.ui.btnSmoothPath.clicked.connect(self.tr_smooth_path) self.ui.btnPlayback.clicked.connect(self.tr_playback) self.ui.btnLoadPlan.clicked.connect(self.tr_load) self.ui.btnDefineTemplate.clicked.connect(self.def_template) self.ui.btnLocateTargets.clicked.connect(self.template_match) self.ui.btnExecutePath.clicked.connect(self.exec_path) def play(self): """ Play Funtion Continuously called by GUI """ """ Renders the Video Frame """ try: for t in self.targets: self.ui.videoFrame.setPixmap( self.ui.videoFrame.setScaledContents(True) cv2.imwrite("curretFrame.png", except TypeError: print "No frame" """ Update GUI Joint Coordinates Labels TO DO: include the other slider labels """ self.ui.rdoutBaseJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutShoulderJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutElbowJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutWristJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]*R2D)) fk_result = self.rex.rexarm_FK(3) #print fk_result self.ui.rdoutX.setText(repr(fk_result[0])) self.ui.rdoutY.setText(repr(fk_result[1])) self.ui.rdoutZ.setText(repr(fk_result[2])) self.ui.rdoutT.setText(repr(fk_result[3])) """ Mouse position presentation in GUI TO DO: after getting affine calibration make the apprriate label to present the value of mouse position in world coordinates """ x = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).x() y = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).y() if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(-,-)") self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") else: x = x - MIN_X y = y - MIN_Y self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(%.0f,%.0f)" % (x,y)) if ( == 2): """ TO DO Here is where affine calibration must be used """ self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(%0.f,%0.f)" % (self.world_coord[0][0], self.world_coord[1][0])) else: self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") """ Updates status label when rexarm playback is been executed. This will be extended to includ eother appropriate messages """ if(self.rex.plan_status == 1): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Playing Back - Waypoint %d" %(self.rex.wpt_number + 1)) def slider_change(self): """ Function to change the slider labels when sliders are moved and to command the arm to the given position TO DO: Implement for the other sliders """ self.ui.rdoutBase.setText(str(self.ui.sldrBase.value())) self.ui.rdoutShoulder.setText(str(self.ui.sldrShoulder.value())) self.ui.rdoutElbow.setText(str(self.ui.sldrElbow.value())) self.ui.rdoutWrist.setText(str(self.ui.sldrWrist.value())) self.ui.rdoutTorq.setText(str(self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()) + "%") self.ui.rdoutSpeed.setText(str(self.ui.sldrSpeed.value()) + "%") self.rex.max_torque = self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()/100.0 for i in xrange(4): self.rex.speed[i] = self.ui.sldrSpeed.value()/100.0 self.rex.joint_angles[0] = self.ui.sldrBase.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[1] = self.ui.sldrShoulder.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[2] = self.ui.sldrElbow.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[3] = self.ui.sldrWrist.value()*D2R self.rex.cmd_publish() def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): """ Function used to record mouse click positions for affine calibration """ """ Get mouse posiiton """ x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() """ If mouse position is not over the camera image ignore """ if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): return """ Change coordinates to image axis """ self.last_click[0] = x - MIN_X self.last_click[1] = y - MIN_Y """ If affine calibration is been performed """ if ( == 1): """ Save last mouse coordinate """[] = [(x-MIN_X),(y-MIN_Y)] """ Update the number of used poitns for calibration """ += 1 """ Update status label text """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) """ If the number of click is equal to the expected number of points computes the affine calibration. TO DO: Change this code to use you programmed affine calibration and NOT openCV pre-programmed function as it is done now. """ if( == """ Update status of calibration flag and number of mouse clicks """ = 2 = 0 print print """ Perform affine calibration with OpenCV """ = cv2.getAffineTransform( #, # """ Updates Status Label to inform calibration is done """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Waiting for input") """ Uncomment to gether affine calibration matrix numbers on terminal """ print if == 2: mouse_coord = np.array([[(x-MIN_X)], [(y-MIN_Y)],[1]]) self.world_coord =, mouse_coord) if self.define_template_flag == 0: self.click_point1 = copy.deepcopy(self.last_click) self.define_template_flag = 1 elif self.define_template_flag == 1: self.click_point2 = copy.deepcopy(self.last_click) self.template = copy.deepcopy([2*self.click_point1[1]:2*self.click_point2[1],2*self.click_point1[0]:2*self.click_point2[0]]) print self.click_point1 print self.click_point2 self.define_template_flag = -1 cv2.imwrite('./template.png', self.template) def affine_cal(self): """ Function called when affine calibration button is called. Note it only chnage the flag to record the next mouse clicks and updates the status text label """ = 1 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) def load_camera_cal(self): print "Load Camera Cal" def tr_initialize(self): self.wayPointsPos = [] self.wayPointsSpeed = [] self.wayPointsTime = [] print "Teach and Repeat" def tr_add_waypoint(self): #waypoints1 = copy.deepcopy(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) #waypoints2 = copy.deepcopy(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) #self.wayPointsPos.append(waypoints1) #self.wayPointsTime.append([self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime]) #self.wayPointsSpeed.append([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) #self.currtime += 70000 #waypoints2[1] -= 0.7 #self.wayPointsPos.append(waypoints2) #self.wayPointsTime.append([self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime]) #self.wayPointsSpeed.append([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) #self.currtime += 70000 #self.waypointsfp.writerow(waypoints1) #self.waypointsfp.writerow(waypoints2)"waypointsPos",self.wayPointsPos)"waypointsSpeed", self.wayPointsSpeed)"waypointsTime", self.wayPointsTime) self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(self.rex.joint_angles_fb)) self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy(self.rex.speed_fb)) self.wayPointsTime.append(copy.deepcopy(self.rex.time_fb))"waypointsPos",self.wayPointsPos)"waypointsSpeed", self.wayPointsSpeed)"waypointsTime", self.wayPointsTime) #print self.wayPoints print "Add Waypoint" def cubic_spline(self, q0, q0dot, t0, qf, qfdot, tf, stepnum): a0 = q0 a1 = q0dot a2 = (3*(qf-q0) - (2*q0dot+qfdot)*float(tf-t0)) / float((tf-t0)*(tf-t0)) a3 = (2*(q0-qf) + (q0dot+qfdot)*float(tf-t0)) / float((tf-t0)*(tf-t0)*(tf-t0)) stepsize = float(tf-t0)/float(stepnum) currtime = t0 + stepsize pos_interpolated = [] speed_interpolated = [] for i in xrange(stepnum-1): pos_interpolated.append(a0 + a1*currtime + a2*currtime*currtime + \ a3*currtime*currtime*currtime) speed_interpolated.append(np.abs(a1 + 2*a2*currtime + 3*a3*currtime*currtime)) currtime += stepsize #print q0, qf #print pos_interpolated return (pos_interpolated, speed_interpolated) def tr_smooth_path(self): if len(self.wayPointsPos) != len(self.wayPointsSpeed) and len(self.wayPointsPos) != len(self.wayPointsTime): print "Error on waypoints number, cannot smooth path" return for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsTime)): for j in xrange(4): self.wayPointsTime[i][j] *= US2S for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsSpeed)): for j in xrange(4): self.wayPointsSpeed[i][j] *= percent2rads interpolated_waypoints_pos = [] interpolated_waypoints_speed = [] for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsPos)-1): time_offset = self.wayPointsTime[i] startPos = self.wayPointsPos[i] endPos = self.wayPointsPos[i+1] startSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed[i] endSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed[i+1] startTime = self.wayPointsTime[i] endTime = self.wayPointsTime[i+1] stepnum = 3 four_joint_interpolated_pos = [] four_joint_interpolated_speed = [] for j in xrange(4): q0 = startPos[j] q0dot = startSpeed[j] t0 = startTime[j] - time_offset[j] qf = endPos[j] qfdot = endSpeed[j] tf = endTime[j] - time_offset[j] res = self.cubic_spline(q0, q0dot, t0, qf, qfdot, tf, stepnum) four_joint_interpolated_pos.append(res[0]) four_joint_interpolated_speed.append(res[1]) interpolated_waypoints_pos.append(startPos) for i in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_pos[0])): pos = [] for j in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_pos)): pos.append(four_joint_interpolated_pos[j][i]) interpolated_waypoints_pos.append(pos) interpolated_waypoints_pos.append(endPos) interpolated_waypoints_speed.append(startSpeed) for i in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_speed[0])): speed = [] for j in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_speed)): speed.append(four_joint_interpolated_speed[j][i]) interpolated_waypoints_speed.append(speed) interpolated_waypoints_speed.append(endSpeed) self.wayPointsPos = interpolated_waypoints_pos self.wayPointsSpeed = interpolated_waypoints_speed for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsSpeed)): for j in xrange(len(self.wayPointsSpeed[0])): self.wayPointsSpeed[i][j] /= percent2rads #pprint.pprint(self.wayPointsPos) #pprint.pprint(self.wayPointsSpeed)"interpolated_waypoints_pos", self.wayPointsPos)"interpolated_waypoints_speed", self.wayPointsSpeed) print "Smooth Path" def tr_playback(self): #print self.wayPoints self.rex.planPos = self.wayPointsPos self.rex.planSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed #print self.rex.plan self.rex.save_data = True self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.wpt_total = len(self.rex.planPos) print "Playback" def tr_load(self): self.wayPointsPos = np.load("waypointsPos.npy") self.wayPointsSpeed = np.load("waypointsSpeed.npy") self.wayPointsTime = np.load("waypointsTime.npy") print "Load waypoints" def def_template(self): print "Define Template" self.define_template_flag = 0 @do_cprofile def template_match(self): print "Template Match" self.targets = [] result_pq = Queue.PriorityQueue() template = cv2.resize(self.template, None, fx=0.6, fy=0.6, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) frame = cv2.resize(, None, fx=0.6, fy=0.6, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) height, width = template.shape for i in xrange(0, frame.shape[0] - height): for j in xrange(0, frame.shape[1] - width): center_x = (i + height/2.0)/0.6 center_y = (j + width/2.0)/0.6 to_compare = frame[i:i+height,j:j+width] num = la.norm(to_compare - template) result_pq.put((num, center_y, center_x)) result = [] #for i in xrange(40): # t = result_pq.get() # print t[0] # result.append([int(t[1]), int(t[2])]) for i in xrange((frame.shape[0]-height)*(frame.shape[1]-width)): t = result_pq.get() if t[0] > 350: break else: result.append([int(t[1]), int(t[2])]) distort = sys.maxint cluster_size = 1 #print result while distort > 20: clustered_result, distort = scv.kmeans(np.array(result), cluster_size) cluster_size += 1 clustered_result, distort = scv.kmeans(np.array(result), 4) print "cluster_size: ", cluster_size-1 print "distort", distort for r in clustered_result: print r self.targets.append((r[0], r[1])) #circles = cv2.HoughCircles(,, 1, minDist=5, param1=50, param2=50, minRadius=1, maxRadius=30) #for c in circlesi[0,:]: # print c # self.targets.append((c[0],c[1])) #img = np.zeros((1000,1000,3), np.uint8) #for t in self.targets: # img =, t, 10, (255,255,255), -1) #cv2.imwrite("./result.png", img) def exec_path(self): #waypoints = [(-80.0, 90.0, 350.0), (70.0, 80.0, 400.0), (-180.0, -250.0, 125.0),(240.0, -190.0, 95.0), (-80.0, 90.0, 350.0)] #waypoints = [(-100.0, 100.0, 5.0), (-100.0, 100.0, 200.0), (100.0, 100.0, 200.0),(100.0, 100.0, 5.0), (100.0, -100.0, 5.0), (100.0, -100.0, 200.0), (100.0, 100.0, 200.0)] waypoints = [] for t in xrange(0,12,1): x = 150 * np.cos(t) y = 150 * np.sin(t) z = 5.0 + 30.0 * t waypoints.append((x, y, z)) #waypoints = [] #if not self.targets or len(self.targets) == 0: # return #for t in self.targets: # img_coord = np.array([[(t[0]/2.0)], [(t[1]/2.0)], [1]]) # world_coord =, img_coord) # print "img coord: ", img_coord # print "world coord: ", world_coord # waypoints.append((world_coord[0], world_coord[1], 5)) print waypoints self.wayPointsPos = [] self.wayPointsSpeed = [] self.wayPointsTime = [] for i in xrange(0, 3*len(waypoints), 3): x, y, z = waypoints[i/3] self.wayPointsPos.append(self.rex.rexarm_IK_Search((x,y,z))) self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15])) #jointsUp = self.rex.rexarm_IK_Search((x, y, 50.0)) #jointsDown = self.rex.rexarm_IK_Search((x, y, 0.0)) #if jointsUp: # self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(jointsUp)) # self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15])) # self.wayPointsTime.append([2000000*i,2000000*i,2000000*i,2000000*i]) # #if jointsDown: # self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(jointsDown)) # self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])) # self.wayPointsTime.append([2000000*(i+1),2000000*(i+1),2000000*(i+1),2000000*(i+1)]) #if jointsUp: # self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(jointsUp)) # self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])) # self.wayPointsTime.append([2000000*(i+2),2000000*(i+2),2000000*(i+2),2000000*(i+2)])"funPathPos",self.wayPointsPos)"funPathSpeed", self.wayPointsSpeed)"funPathTime", self.wayPointsTime) self.rex.planPos = self.wayPointsPos self.rex.planSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed print self.rex.planPos self.rex.save_data = True self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.wpt_total = len(self.rex.planPos)
class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main GUI Class It contains the main function and interfaces between the GUI and functions """ def __init__(self,parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self,parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) """ Main Variables Using Other Classes""" self.rex = Rexarm() = Video(cv2.VideoCapture(0)) """ Other Variables """ self.last_click = np.float32([0,0]) """ Set GUI to track mouse """ QtGui.QWidget.setMouseTracking(self,True) """ Video Function Creates a timer and calls play() function according to the given time delay (27mm) """ self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer.timeout.connect( self._timer.start(27) """ LCM Arm Feedback Creates a timer to call LCM handler continuously No delay implemented. Reads all time """ self._timer2 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer2.timeout.connect(self.rex.get_feedback) self._timer2.start() """ Connect Sliders to Function TO DO: CONNECT THE OTHER 5 SLIDERS IMPLEMENTED IN THE GUI """ self.ui.sldrBase.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrShoulder.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrElbow.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrWrist.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrSpeed.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) """ Commands the arm as the arm initialize to 0,0,0,0 angles """ self.slider_change() """ Connect Buttons to Functions """ self.ui.btnLoadCameraCal.clicked.connect(self.load_camera_cal) self.ui.btnPerfAffineCal.clicked.connect(self.affine_cal) self.ui.btnTeachRepeat.clicked.connect(self.tr_initialize) self.ui.btnAddWaypoint.clicked.connect(self.tr_add_waypoint) self.ui.btnSmoothPath.clicked.connect(self.tr_smooth_path) self.ui.btnPlayback.clicked.connect(self.tr_playback) self.ui.btnDefineTemplate.clicked.connect(self.def_template) self.ui.btnLocateTargets.clicked.connect(self.template_match) self.ui.btnExecutePath.clicked.connect(self.exec_path) self.ui.path_start_time = None self.executed_path = [] self.get_template = 0 self.templat_point = None self.donuts = [] def play(self): """ Play Funtion Continuously called by GUI """ """ Renders the Video Frame """ try: self.ui.videoFrame.setPixmap( self.ui.videoFrame.setScaledContents(True) except TypeError: print "No frame" """ Update GUI Joint Coordinates Labels TO DO: include the other slider labels """ self.ui.rdoutBaseJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutShoulderJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutElbowJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutWristJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]*R2D)) t = [self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1] - 90.0 * D2R, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]] a = [0.0, 100.0, 100.0, 108.0] d = [116.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] al = [-90.0 * D2R, 0.0 * D2R, 0.0 * D2R, 0.0 * D2R] dh_table = [t,a,d,al] (x, y, z, phi) = self.rex.rexarm_FK(dh_table, 3) self.ui.rdoutX.setText(str(x)) self.ui.rdoutY.setText(str(y)) self.ui.rdoutZ.setText(str(z)) self.ui.rdoutT.setText(str(phi*R2D)) # res = self.rex.rexarm_IK((0.0,-275.0,80.0,0.0), 1) # if res != None: # self.rex.joint_angles[0] = res[0] # self.rex.joint_angles[1] = res[1] # self.rex.joint_angles[2] = res[2] # self.rex.joint_angles[3] = res[3] # self.rex.cmd_publish() """ Mouse position presentation in GUI TO DO: after getting affine calibration make the apprriate label to present the value of mouse position in world coordinates """ x = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).x() y = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).y() if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(-,-)") self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") else: x = x - MIN_X y = y - MIN_Y self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(%.0f,%.0f)" % (x,y)) if ( == 2): """ TO DO Here is where affine calibration must be used """ aff = wx = x*aff[0][0] + y*aff[0][1] + aff[0][2] wy = x*aff[1][0] + y*aff[1][1] + aff[1][2] self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(%.2f,%.2f)" %(wx,wy)) else: self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") """ Updates status label when rexarm playback is been executed. This will be extended to includ eother appropriate messages THIS SHOULD BE LAST BECAUSE IT RETURNS EARLY!!!!!!!! (Pedro don't be sad please) """ if(self.rex.plan_status == 1): if self.rex.wpt_total == 0: self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("No waypoints!") self.rex.plan_status = 0 else: self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Playing Back - Waypoint %d" %(self.rex.wpt_number + 1)) [start_time, prev_waypoint, prev_vel] = self.rex.plan[self.rex.wpt_number-1] [end_time, current_waypoint, current_vel] = self.rex.plan[self.rex.wpt_number] t = float(micro_time() - self.path_start_time) #Linear Interp for joint in range(4): #Set the goal self.rex.joint_angles[joint] = current_waypoint[joint] #Figure the speed out dist = abs(current_waypoint[joint] - prev_waypoint[joint]) time_left = (end_time - t)/1000000.0 v = dist/time_left # rad/sec * sec/min * rot/rad / max RPM speed_val = v * (60.0/(2*math.pi)) / 59.0 speed_val = max(speed_val, 1.0/1023.0) print speed_val, time_left if time_left < 0: #were behind haul ass self.rex.speed[joint] = 1.0 else: self.rex.speed[joint] = speed_val self.rex.cmd_publish() #Check if we have arrived def within_error(joint, wpt): #print joint, wpt error = math.fabs(joint * R2D - wpt * R2D) #print error return error < 5.0 if within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0], current_waypoint[0]) and \ within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1], current_waypoint[1]) and \ within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2], current_waypoint[2]) and \ within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3], current_waypoint[3]): print "Within Error Bounds: %d" %(self.rex.wpt_number) self.rex.wpt_number += 1 self.executed_path.append([micro_time() - self.path_start_time , self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:]]) if self.rex.wpt_number >= len(self.rex.plan): self.rex.plan_status = 0 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Plan finished!") self.rex.speed = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] self.rex.plan = self.rex.plan[1:] with open('executed_path.config', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(self.executed_path, f) def slider_change(self): """ Function to change the slider labels when sliders are moved and to command the arm to the given position TO DO: Implement for the other sliders """ self.ui.rdoutBase.setText(str(self.ui.sldrBase.value())) self.ui.rdoutShoulder.setText(str(self.ui.sldrShoulder.value())) self.ui.rdoutElbow.setText(str(self.ui.sldrElbow.value())) self.ui.rdoutWrist.setText(str(self.ui.sldrWrist.value())) self.ui.rdoutTorq.setText(str(self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()) + "%") self.ui.rdoutSpeed.setText(str(self.ui.sldrSpeed.value())) if self.rex.plan_status == 0: self.rex.max_torque = self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()/100.0 self.rex.joint_angles[0] = self.ui.sldrBase.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[1] = self.ui.sldrShoulder.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[2] = self.ui.sldrElbow.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[3] = self.ui.sldrWrist.value()*D2R self.rex.cmd_publish() def solveAffineMatrix(self): A = [] b = [] for i in range( px =[i][0] py =[i][1] wx =[i][0] wy =[i][1] A.append([px, py, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) A.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, px, py, 1.0]) b.append(wx) b.append(wy) print A, '\n', b x, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b) print x = [[x[0], x[1], x[2]], [x[3], x[4], x[5]], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): """ Function used to record mouse click positions for affine calibration """ """ Get mouse posiiton """ x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() """ If mouse position is not over the camera image ignore """ if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): return """ Change coordinates to image axis """ self.last_click[0] = x - MIN_X self.last_click[1] = y - MIN_Y """ If affine calibration is been performed """ if ( == 1): """ Save last mouse coordinate """[] = [(x-MIN_X), (y-MIN_Y)] """ Update the number of used poitns for calibration """ += 1 """ Update status label text """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) """ If the number of click is equal to the expected number of points computes the affine calibration. TO DO: Change this code to use you programmed affine calibration and NOT openCV pre-programmed function as it is done now. """ if( == """ Update status of calibration flag and number of mouse clicks """ = 2 = 0 """ Perform affine calibration with OpenCV """ = cv2.getAffineTransform( #, # self.solveAffineMatrix() print """ Updates Status Label to inform calibration is done """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Waiting for input") """ Uncomment to gether affine calibration matrix numbers on terminal """ #print if self.get_template == 1: self.template_point = [(x-MIN_X)*(960.0/480.0), (y-MIN_Y)*(1280.0/640.0)] self.get_template += 1 elif self.get_template == 2: self.get_template = 0 bottom_point = [(x-MIN_X)*(960.0/480.0), (y-MIN_Y)*(1280.0/640.0)] dx = bottom_point[0] - self.template_point[0] dy = bottom_point[1] - self.template_point[1] grey_frame = cv2.cvtColor(, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.template = grey_frame[self.template_point[1]-dy:bottom_point[1], self.template_point[0]-dx:bottom_point[0]] #self.template = cv2.cvtColor(self.template, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imwrite('./template.png', self.template) print "Got Template" def affine_cal(self): """ Function called when affine calibration button is called. Note it only chnage the flag to record the next mouse clicks and updates the status text label """ = 1 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) def load_camera_cal(self): print "Load Camera Cal" def tr_initialize(self): print "Teach and Repeat" self.path_start_time = micro_time() self.rex.plan = [] self.rex.plan_status = 0 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.max_torque = 0.0 self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.setValue(0.0) def tr_add_waypoint(self): print "Add Waypoint" self.rex.plan.append([micro_time() - self.path_start_time, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:], [0,0,0,0]]) self.rex.wpt_total += 1 def tr_smooth_path(self): print "Smooth Path" #Basic smoothing new_plan = [] #for i, (t, p) in enumerate(self.rex.plan): # np = p[:] # nt = t + 1000000 * i + 500000 # if p[1] < 0: # np[1] += 10*D2R # else: # np[1] -= 10*D2R # # new_plan.append([nt-500000, np]) # new_plan.append([nt, p[:]]) # new_plan.append([nt+500000, np]) self.rex.plan = [[0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0,0,0,0]]] + self.rex.plan #Handle all other points for i in range(1,len(self.rex.plan)): [tprev, qprev, vprev] = self.rex.plan[i-1] [ti, qi, vi] = self.rex.plan[i] dt = (ti - tprev) * 0.3 nprev = qprev[:] if nprev[1] < 0: nprev[1] += 10*D2R else: nprev[1] -= 10*D2R ni = qi[:] if ni[1] < 0: ni[1] += 10*D2R else: ni[1] -= 10*D2R new_plan.append([tprev + dt, nprev, vprev]) new_plan.append([ti - dt, ni, vi]) new_plan.append([ti, qi[:], vi]) #Handle last point [ti, pi, vi] = self.rex.plan[-1] ni = qi[:] if ni[1] < 0: ni[1] += 10*D2R else: ni[1] -= 10*D2R new_plan.append([ti+500000, ni, vi]) self.rex.plan = new_plan[1:] #Cubic spline smoothing # new_plan = [self.rex.plan[0][:]] # for i in range(1,len(self.rex.plan)): # [start_time, prev_waypoint, prev_vel] = self.rex.plan[i-1] # [end_time, current_waypoint, current_vel] = self.rex.plan[i] # a0 = [0,0,0,0] # a1 = [0,0,0,0] # a2 = [0,0,0,0] # a3 = [0,0,0,0] # for joint in range(4): # def calc_params(t0, q0, v0, tf, qf, vf): # a0 = q0 # a1 = v0 # a2 = (3.0*(qf-q0)-(2.0*v0+vf)*(tf-t0))/math.pow(tf-t0, 2) # a3 = (2.0*(q0-qf) + (v0+vf)*(tf-t0))/math.pow(tf-t0, 3) # return a0, a1, a2, a3 # a0[joint], a1[joint], a2[joint], a3[joint] = calc_params(0.0,\ # float(prev_waypoint[joint]),\ # float(prev_vel[joint]),\ # 1.0,\ # float(current_waypoint[joint]),\ # float(current_vel[joint])) # duration = end_time - start_time # for frac in range(1,100,10): # frac = float(frac) / 100.0 # time = start_time + int(duration * frac) # q = [0,0,0,0] # for joint in range(4): # q[joint] = a0[joint] + a1[joint] * frac + a2[joint] * frac * frac + a3[joint] * frac * frac * frac # new_plan.append([time, q[:], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) # #Add the destination point # new_plan.append(self.rex.plan[i][:]) # with open('smooth_path.config', 'w') as f: # print len(new_plan) # pickle.dump(new_plan, f) # with open('path.config', 'w') as f: # pickle.dump(self.rex.plan, f) # self.rex.plan = new_plan def tr_playback(self): print "Playback" self.path_start_time = micro_time() self.rex.wpt_number = 1 self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.max_torque = 50.0 self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.setValue(50.0) self.executed_path = [] with open('path.config', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(self.rex.plan, f) self.rex.plan = [[micro_time() - self.path_start_time, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:], [0,0,0,0]]] + self.rex.plan def def_template(self): print "Define Template" self.get_template = 1 def template_match(self): print "Template Match" def make_bounding_box(): min_x = 10000 min_y = 10000 max_x = 0 max_y = 0 for p in x,y = mouse_to_raw(p[0], p[1]) if x < min_x: min_x = x if x > max_x: max_x = x if y < min_y: min_y = y if y > max_y: max_y = y return [min_x, min_y], [max_x, max_y] #TODO get this working search_image = #Make it greyscale search_image = cv2.cvtColor(search_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) [tx,ty],[bx,by] = make_bounding_box() print [tx,ty], [bx,by] search_image = search_image[tx:bx:,ty:by] search_size = search_image.shape print search_size #Get the size of the template template_size = self.template.shape #We just want a greyscale 2d image def SAD(x, y): sad = 0 sub_region = search_image[x:x+template_size[0], y:y+template_size[1]] diff = sub_region - self.template sad = np.sum(diff**2) return sad / (template_size[0]*template_size[1]) # for i in range(template_size[0]): # for j in range(template_size[1]): # sad += float(abs(int(search_image[x+i,y+j]) - int(self.template[i,j]))) # return sad / (template_size[0]*template_size[1]*255.0) results = np.zeros((search_size[0]-template_size[0], search_size[1]-template_size[1])) print "Doing SAD" for x in range(search_size[0] - template_size[0]): for y in range(search_size[1] - template_size[1]): results[x,y] = SAD(x,y) print results.max(), results.min() print "Done SAD" threshold = 70.0 positions = [] max_val = results.max() def arg_min(a): min_val = float('inf') min_x = 0 min_y = 0 for x in range(a.shape[0]): for y in range(a.shape[1]): if a[x,y] < min_val: min_val = a[x,y] min_x = x min_y = y return min_x, min_y count = 0 while True: #If this is below the confidence level then quit min_index = arg_min(results) pixel_value = results[min_index] print pixel_value if pixel_value > threshold: break #Add it to potential positions positions.append(min_index) #Local max suppression def suppress_area(x,y): for i in range(-template_size[0]/2, template_size[0]/2): for j in range(-template_size[1]/2, template_size[1]/2): if x+i < 0 or y+j < 0: continue if x+i >= results.shape[0] or y+j >= results.shape[1]: continue results[x+i, y+j] = max_val suppress_area(min_index[0], min_index[1]) out = results * (255.0/results.max()) cv2.imwrite('./results_%d.png'%(count), out) count += 1 #DONE-ish the points need to be shifted by half a template image size print positions #CONVERT POINTS TO WORLD COORDS cx = self.template.shape[0]/2 cy = self.template.shape[1]/2 positions = [raw_to_mouse(p[0]+tx+cx, p[1]+ty+cx) for p in positions] def aff_trans(x, y): aff = wx = x*aff[0][0] + y*aff[0][1] + aff[0][2] wy = x*aff[1][0] + y*aff[1][1] + aff[1][2] return wx,wy self.donuts = [aff_trans(p[0], p[1]) for p in positions] def exec_path(self): print "Execute Path" def get_phi(x,y): from math import sqrt, pow r = sqrt(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)) if r <= 95.0: return -135.0*D2R elif r > 95.0 and r < 190.0: return -90.0*D2R else: return -45.0*D2R self.donuts.sort(key=lambda x: math.atan2(x[1], x[0])) from itertools import chain, izip world_points = [(x,y, 50.0, get_phi(x,y)) for (x,y) in self.donuts] in_points = [(x,y, 10.0, get_phi(x,y)) for (x,y) in self.donuts] final_points = [] for i,p in enumerate(world_points): final_points.append(p) final_points.append(in_points[i]) final_points.append(p) config_space = [self.rex.rexarm_IK(p, 1) for p in final_points if self.rex.rexarm_IK(p, 1) != None] print "Playback" self.path_start_time = micro_time() self.rex.wpt_number = 1 self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.max_torque = 50.0 self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.setValue(50.0) self.executed_path = [] self.rex.plan = [[0, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:], [0,0,0,0]]] + \ [[3000000*(i+1), q, [0,0,0,0]] for i,q in enumerate(config_space)] print self.rex.plan self.rex.wpt_total = len(self.rex.plan)
class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main GUI Class It contains the main function and interfaces between the GUI and functions """ def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) """ Main Variables Using Other Classes""" self.rex = Rexarm(self.ui.rdoutX, self.ui.rdoutY, self.ui.rdoutZ, self.ui.rdoutT) = Video(cv2.VideoCapture(0)) """ Other Variables """ self.last_click = np.float32([0, 0]) """ Set GUI to track mouse """ QtGui.QWidget.setMouseTracking(self, True) """ Video Function Creates a timer and calls play() function according to the given time delay (27mm) """ self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer.timeout.connect( self._timer.start(27) """ LCM Arm Feedback Creates a timer to call LCM handler continuously No delay implemented. Reads all time """ self._timer2 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer2.timeout.connect(self.rex.get_feedback) self._timer2.start() """ Connect Sliders to Function LAB TASK: CONNECT THE OTHER 5 SLIDERS IMPLEMENTED IN THE GUI """ self.ui.sldrBase.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 0)) self.ui.sldrShoulder.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 1)) self.ui.sldrElbow.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 2)) self.ui.sldrWrist.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 3)) self.ui.sldrGrip1.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 4)) self.ui.sldrGrip2.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 5)) self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 6)) self.ui.sldrSpeed.valueChanged.connect( functools.partial(self.sliderChange, 7)) #Setting the poses #Pick up position self.ui.btnUser2.setText("Pick Up Position") self.ui.btnUser2.clicked.connect( functools.partial(self.setPose, [-0.063, 0.203, -.605, -1.493, -0.107, 1.702])) #Home position (Outside kinect view) self.ui.btnUser4.clicked.connect( functools.partial(self.setPose, [-2.015, -1.89, 0.318, -1.135, -0.47, 1.723])) #self.ui.btnUser4.clicked.connect(functools.partial(self.setPose,[0.622,1.119,-0.069,1.125])) #self.ui.btnUser5.clicked.connect(functools.partial(self.setPose,[0,0,0,0])) #Robot frame points. Index 3 is phi, the grasping angle with respect to the world frame point = [0, 0.44, 0, 90 * D2R] #Regular rexarm position point = [0.002, 0.189, -0.056, (90 + 72) * D2R] point = [0.004, 0.388, -0.008, (90) * D2R] point = [-0.002, 0.361, 0, 90 * D2R] point = [0, 0.24, -0, 02, 90 * D2R] point = [0.14, 0.04, 0.14, 90 * D2R] #Test Case point = [.22, 0, .22, 18 * D2R] #Different test cases point = [.12, 0.22, 0.1, 90 * D2R] point = [-0.03, -0.17, 0.074, 90 * D2R] #Testing a pick up position (Waterbottle) point = [0.039, -0.002, 0.35, 37 * D2R] point = [0.18, 0, 0.294, (352 * D2R)] point = [0.131, 0.139, -0.015, 87 * D2R] point = [0.184, 0.202, -0.02, 38 * D2R] self.ui.btnUser6.setText("IK on " + str(point)) self.ui.btnUser6.clicked.connect(functools.partial(self.runIK, point)) #point = [0,0.05,0.082, 90 * D2R] #self.ui.btnUser7.setText("IK on " + str(point)) #self.ui.btnUser7.clicked.connect(functools.partial(self.runIK,np.transpose(point))) self.ui.btnUser3.setText("Straight Position") self.ui.btnUser3.clicked.connect( functools.partial(self.setPose, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) self.ui.btnUser11.setText("Recall Position") self.ui.btnUser11.clicked.connect(self.recall_pose) self.ui.btnUser12.setText("Save Position") self.ui.btnUser12.clicked.connect(self.save_pose) """ Commands the arm as the arm initialize to 0,0,0,0 angles """ self.sliderChange(0) """ Connect Buttons to Functions LAB TASK: NAME AND CONNECT BUTTONS AS NEEDED """ self.ui.btnUser1.setText("Affine Calibration") self.ui.btnUser1.clicked.connect(self.affine_cal) #Holds the current rexarm position when torque has been set to zero def save_pose(self): self.saved_angles = self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:] def recall_pose(self): self.setPose(self.saved_angles) #Takes a list of [x,y,z] in kinect coordinates def kinect_world_to_rexarm_world(self, kinect_coords): x = kinect_coords[0] y = kinect_coords[1] z = -kinect_coords[2] #produce rot_angle = -30 * D2R rot_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(rot_angle), -np.sin(rot_angle), 0], [0, np.sin(rot_angle), np.cos(rot_angle), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) rot_angle = 90 * D2R rot_z = np.array([[np.cos(rot_angle), -np.sin(rot_angle), 0, 0], [np.sin(rot_angle), np.cos(rot_angle), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) translation = np.array([[1, 0, 0, .072], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -.625], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) inv_xform =, rot_z), translation) #Invert the matrix produced so we can go from kinect coordinates to rexarm coordinates xform = numpy.linalg.inv(inv_xform) coords = np.array([[x], [y], [z], [1]]) rex_coords =, coords) #Clamp z if below this limit z_limit = -0.01 if rex_coords[2][0] <= z_limit: print "z_limit was", rex_coords[2][0], "; clamped it to", z_limit rex_coords[2][0] = z_limit return [rex_coords[0][0], rex_coords[1][0], rex_coords[2][0]] #Runs inverse kinematics and only returns hardware thetas. Up to the #user to set the pose def runIK_noCommand(self, xyz_phi_world): #In the robot frame xyz_world = xyz_phi_world[0:3] phi_world = xyz_phi_world[3] #In the rexarm frame xyz_rexarm = None #To be computed #print "World Coords:", xyz_world #Homogeneous coordinates xyz_world = np.append(xyz_world, 1) xyz_world = xyz_world.reshape(4, 1) #print "Shape:", xyz.shape #Convert xyz to rexarm coordinates (with respect to frame of point right below joint 1) by using inverse matrix #shift_horizontal_only = self.rex.trans_base.copy() #Don't shift along z axis. Only shift along x #shift_horizontal_only[2][3] = 0 #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() #transformation =,self.rex.rot_72),self.rex.rot_90),shift_horizontal_only) #inv_transformation = np.linalg.inv(transformation) #Convert desired IK coordinates from world frame to robot frame #xyz_rexarm =,xyz_world) xyz_rexarm = xyz_world.copy() xyz_rexarm = xyz_rexarm[0:3] print "Rexarm Frame Coords:", xyz_rexarm phi_rexarm = phi_world # - 72 * D2R #Converts grasping angle in world frame to angle in rexarm frame. xyz_rexarm = np.append(xyz_rexarm, phi_rexarm) xyz_rexarm = xyz_rexarm.reshape(4, 1) #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() #Run Inverse kinematics DH_thetas = self.rex.rexarm_IK(xyz_rexarm, 1) #Send arm_thetas to the rexarm #First convert from DH parameter angle to hardware servo angle hardware_thetas = list(DH_thetas.copy()) for i in range(len(hardware_thetas)): hardware_thetas[i] -= self.rex.joint_offsets[i] # Append 0,0 for now for the remaining two joints hardware_thetas.append(0) hardware_thetas.append(0) return hardware_thetas #Runs inverse kinematics on xyz_phi_world, which has form #[x,y,z,phi_in_radians] def runIK(self, xyz_phi_world): hardware_thetas = self.runIK_noCommand(xyz_phi_world) print "Send thetas:", hardware_thetas #Send pose to Rexarm self.setPose(hardware_thetas) def play(self): """ Play Funtion Continuously called by GUI """ """ Renders the Video Frame """ try: self.ui.videoFrame.setPixmap( self.ui.videoFrame.setScaledContents(True) except TypeError: #print "No frame" pass """ Update GUI Joint Coordinates Labels LAB TASK: include the other slider labels """ self.ui.rdoutBaseJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0] * R2D))) self.ui.rdoutShoulderJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1] * R2D))) self.ui.rdoutElbowJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2] * R2D))) self.ui.rdoutWristJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3] * R2D))) """ Mouse position presentation in GUI TO DO: after getting affine calibration make the apprriate label to present the value of mouse position in world coordinates """ x = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self, QtGui.QCursor.pos()).x() y = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self, QtGui.QCursor.pos()).y() if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(-,-)") self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") else: x = x - MIN_X y = y - MIN_Y self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(%.0f,%.0f)" % (x, y)) if ( == 2): """ TO DO Here is where affine calibration must be used """ self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") else: self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") """ Updates status label when rexarm playback is been executed. This will be extended to includ eother appropriate messages """ if (self.rex.plan_status == 1): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Playing Back - Waypoint %d" % (self.rex.wpt_number + 1)) def sliderChange(self, selected_slider): """ Function to change the slider labels when sliders are moved and to command the arm to the given position TO DO: Implement for the other sliders """ #print "Selected joint:", selected_slider if 0 <= selected_slider and selected_slider <= 5: angle = 0 if selected_slider == 0: self.ui.rdoutBase.setText(str(self.ui.sldrBase.value())) angle = self.ui.sldrBase.value() * D2R elif selected_slider == 1: self.ui.rdoutShoulder.setText(str( self.ui.sldrShoulder.value())) angle = self.ui.sldrShoulder.value() * D2R elif selected_slider == 2: self.ui.rdoutElbow.setText(str(self.ui.sldrElbow.value())) angle = self.ui.sldrElbow.value() * D2R elif selected_slider == 3: self.ui.rdoutWrist.setText(str(self.ui.sldrWrist.value())) angle = self.ui.sldrWrist.value() * D2R elif selected_slider == 4: self.ui.rdoutGrip1.setText(str(self.ui.sldrGrip1.value())) angle = self.ui.sldrGrip1.value() * D2R elif selected_slider == 5: self.ui.rdoutGrip2.setText(str(self.ui.sldrGrip2.value())) angle = self.ui.sldrGrip2.value() * D2R self.rex.joint_angles[selected_slider] = angle elif 6 <= selected_slider and selected_slider <= 7: if selected_slider == 6: self.ui.rdoutTorq.setText( str(self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()) + "%") self.rex.max_torque = self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value() / 100.0 elif selected_slider == 7: self.ui.rdoutSpeed.setText( str(self.ui.sldrSpeed.value()) + "%") self.rex.speed = self.ui.sldrSpeed.value() / 100.0 else: print "Error: Unrecognized slider index", selected_slider self.rex.cmd_publish() # angles is a list of floats, an angle for each joint #Use this with state machine since lcm feedback handler isn't working. #current_angles is provided by Rexarm state machine since rex.joint_angles_fb #isn't being updated with the rexarm lcm handler #Returns the new pose as a variable def setPose(self, desired_angles, current_angles=[]): #Use the linear motion plan that the professor explained step_size = 0.04 t_range = list(np.arange(0, 1 + step_size, step_size)) desired_angles = np.array(desired_angles) initial_angles = None if len(current_angles) == 0: initial_angles = np.array(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) else: initial_angles = np.array(current_angles) for t in t_range: new_pose = desired_angles * t + initial_angles * (1 - t) #Sends motor command to rexarm for i in range(len(new_pose)): #Obey joint_limits to prevent breaking motors if new_pose[i] < self.rex.joint_limits[i][0]: new_pose[i] = self.rex.joint_limits[i][0] if new_pose[i] > self.rex.joint_limits[i][1]: new_pose[i] = self.rex.joint_limits[i][1] self.rex.joint_angles[i] = new_pose[i] self.rex.cmd_publish() time.sleep(0.1) return desired_angles def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): """ Function used to record mouse click positions for affine calibration """ """ Get mouse posiiton """ x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() """ If mouse position is not over the camera image ignore """ if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): return """ Change coordinates to image axis """ self.last_click[0] = x - MIN_X self.last_click[1] = y - MIN_Y """ If affine calibration is been performed """ if ( == 1): """ Save last mouse coordinate """[] = [(x - MIN_X), (y - MIN_Y)] """ Update the number of used poitns for calibration """ += 1 """ Update status label text """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click Point %d" % ( + 1)) """ If the number of click is equal to the expected number of points computes the affine calibration. LAB TASK: Change this code to use your affine calibration routine and NOT openCV pre-programmed function as it is done now. """ if ( == """ Update status of calibration flag and number of mouse clicks """ = 2 = 0 """ Perform affine calibration with OpenCV """ = cv2.getAffineTransform(, """ Updates Status Label to inform calibration is done """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Waiting for input") """ print affine calibration matrix numbers to terminal """ print def affine_cal(self): """ Function called when affine calibration button is called. Note it only chnage the flag to record the next mouse clicks and updates the status text label """ = 1 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click Point %d" % ( + 1)) #Initialize socket to send acknowledgement over def send_socket_ack(self): print "Sending socket acknowledgement..." self.kinect_endpoint = "/tmp/kinect_endpoint" #if not os.path.isfile(self.kinect_endpoint): # open(self.kinect_endpoint, 'w').close() try: self.sock.sendto("1", self.kinect_endpoint) print "Acknowledgement successfully sent." except Exception as e: print str(e) print "Failed to send acknowledgement." return def init_socket(self): self.sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_UNIX, # Local computer socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP self.kinect_path_recv = "/tmp/rexarm_endpoint" try: os.remove(self.kinect_path_recv) except OSError: pass self.sock.bind(self.kinect_path_recv) print "Socket binded. Ready to receive data." # Don't need this? #self.sock.listen(1) #Blocks until Kinect code connects #self.conn, self.addr = self.sock.accept() def get_socket_data(self): point = None #Grasping Point struct is 28 bytes while True: print "Waiting for data..." #Num bytes in grasping point struct struct_size = 40 data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(struct_size) print "Received", struct_size, " bytes" if not data: #Error pass #p is point. n is normal #TODO: Check endianness time, p1, p2, p3, n1, n2, n3, a1, a2, a3 = struct.unpack( "ifffffffff", data) print "Time:", time print "Point (mm):", p1, p2, p3 print "Normal (mm):", n1, n2, n3 print "Principal Axis (mm):", a1, a2, a3 point = [p1 / 1000.0, p2 / 1000.0, p3 / 1000.0] axis = [a1 / 1000.0, a2 / 1000.0, a3 / 1000.0] break return point, axis #Busy waits code until rexarm has reached desired pose def wait_until_reached(self, pose, ignore_grasp=False): self.rex.lcm_mutex.acquire() while not self.reached_pose(pose, ignore_grasp): #time.sleep(1) print "Desired Pose:", pose print "Current Rexarm Pose:", self.rex.joint_angles_fb print "not reached desired pose yet. Thread going to sleep..." self.rex.lcm_cv.wait() #print "Woke up" self.rex.lcm_mutex.release() #Returns true if the rexarm's angles match the pose input approximately. #Use this to repeatedly check if rexarm has reached a configuration # pose is a list of angles for each rexarm_joint ex. [0,0,0,0,0,0] def reached_pose(self, pose, ignore_grasp): reached = True allowed_error = 0.3 #radians limit = 0 if ignore_grasp: limit = len(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) - 1 else: limit = len(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) for i in range(limit): #If error for any of the joints is > 0.01, then arm is not #at the desired location. if abs(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[i] - pose[i]) > allowed_error: reached = False break return reached #Instantly publishes pose to rexarm without any motion smoothing #Used to save time def instant_publish(self, pose): self.rex.joint_angles = pose[:] self.rex.cmd_publish() #Checks if pose, a list of length 6, has angles within the range #of the rexarm's joint limits def check_pose_valid(self, pose): valid = True for i in range(len(pose)): if pose[i] < self.rex.joint_limits[i][0] or self.rex.joint_limits[ i][1] < pose[i]: valid = False break return valid #Returns angle between x-axis and princiapl axis in range 0 to 360 #x-axis and principal axis are 3D lists #Takes in x-axis and principal axis as 1D arrays of size 2 def compute_2D_angle(self, x_axis, princ_axis): #Use the dot product x_np = np.array(x_axis) p_np = np.array(princ_axis) #Find angle temp = x_np, p_np) / (numpy.linalg.norm(x_np) * numpy.linalg.norm(p_np)) #Take arccos angle = math.acos(temp) #Angle is in range 0 to pi return_angle = None #Quadrant 1 if p_np[0] > 0 and p_np[1] >= 0: return_angle = angle #Quadrant 2 elif p_np[0] <= 0 and p_np[1] >= 0: return_angle = angle #Quadrant 3 elif p_np[0] < 0 and p_np[1] < 0: return_angle = 2 * math.pi - angle #Quadrant 4 elif p_np[0] >= 0 and p_np[1] < 0: return_angle = 2 * math.pi - angle return return_angle #Converts vector defined in kinect coordinates to vector defined in rexarm coordinates. #Must be lists def kinect_vec_to_rexarm_vec(self, kinect_vec): #Convert [0,0,0] and principal_axis point to rexarm coordinates #Get the vector in rexarm world start_point_rex = self.kinect_world_to_rexarm_world([0, 0, 0]) end_point_rex = self.kinect_world_to_rexarm_world(kinect_vec) rex_vec = list(np.array(end_point_rex) - np.array(start_point_rex)) return rex_vec #Takes in the principal axis in terms of rexarm coordinates as # a [x,y,z] list and returns hardware angle for wrist to rotate to def compute_wrist_angle(self, rex_axis_input): #Project the axis vector onto the rexarm's x-y plane by setting z to 0 rex_axis = rex_axis_input[:] rex_axis[2] = 0 #2D vector axis = rex_axis[:2] #Find angle between x-axis of rexarm and the rex_principal_axis in range 0 #to 360 x_axis = [1, 0] angle_2d = self.compute_2D_angle(x_axis, axis) print "Angle between Rexarm x axis and principal axis:", angle_2d assert (0 <= angle_2d and angle_2d <= 2 * math.pi) phi = 0 #Based on 4 cases, compute wrist_angle if 0 < angle_2d and angle_2d <= math.pi / 2: phi = -(math.pi / 2 - angle_2d) if math.pi / 2 < angle_2d and angle_2d <= math.pi: phi = angle_2d - math.pi / 2 if math.pi < angle_2d and angle_2d <= (3 * math.pi / 2): phi = -(3 * math.pi / 2 - angle_2d) if (3 * math.pi / 2) < angle_2d and angle_2d <= 2 * math.pi: phi = angle_2d - 3 * math.pi / 2 #Add pi/2 to phi for unknown reason phi += math.pi / 2 return phi #base vector is [x,y,z] def get_principal_angle(self, principal_axis_rexarm, base_vector): #Get angle between rexarm principal axis and vector from origin #to object. #First project both to z = 0 p = np.array(principal_axis_rexarm[0:2]) v = np.array(base_vector[0:2]) #Flip principal axis if in quadrants 2 or 3 if p[0] < 0: p = -p temp =, v) / (numpy.linalg.norm(p) * numpy.linalg.norm(v)) angle = math.acos(temp) return angle def trash_state_machine(self): #Setting the torque and speed. Ranges from 0 to 1 self.rex.max_torque = 0.55 self.rex.speed = 0.4 self.rex.cmd_publish() #Thread to call rex.get_feedback, which enables the callback #function to work try: thread.start_new_thread(self.rex.get_feedback, (False, )) #t = Thread(target = self.rex.get_feedback, args = (False,)) #t.start() print "Started get_feedback thread" except: print "Unable to start get_feedback thread" self.init_socket() tighten_gripper = 115 * D2R net_base_angle = -1.71 poses = { "HOME": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, tighten_gripper], #Tightens gripper "HIDE": [1.557, -2.03, -0.629, 1.079, -0.061, 1.994], "PRE_DUNK": [1.544, 0.233, -0.781, -0.736, -1.565, tighten_gripper], "ABOUT_TO_DUNK": [1.545, 0.040, -0.019, 0.046, -1.564, tighten_gripper], "DUNK": [1.237, -0.124, 0.26, 0.854, -1.559, tighten_gripper] #"NET_ARCH": [net_base_angle,-0.135,-1.223,-1.447,-0.061,tighten_gripper] } #TODO: populate this variable with the pose we're currently trying to reach #Use this since LCM feedback handler isn't being called :( current_pose = None next_pose = None #x,y,z coordinates to conduct IK for desired_IK = [] #Angle at which to rotate wrist and grab wrist_rot_angle = 0 #Angles to command rexarm for inverse kinematics IK_cmd_thetas = None principal_axis_kinect = None #State1: Turn 90 degrees at base to prevent collision states = [ "START", "RUN_IK_TURN_BASE", "RUN_IK_DESCEND", "GRASP", "LIFT_UP", "TURN_TO_NET", "ARCH_TO_NET", "DROP", "UNARCH", "TURN_TO_HOME_FROM_NET", "HIDE_POSITION_1", "HIDE_POSITION_2", "UNHIDE", "TURN_TO_HOME_FROM_UNHIDE" ] curr_state = "START" synchro_timer = 1.5 start = True linear = True #Set to True if we're in a state where we're holding object grasp = False #Set to True if we're in the grasping state clamp = False while True: print "----------------------------------------" print "Current State:", curr_state if curr_state == "START": next_pose = poses["HOME"][:] next_state = "HIDE_POSITION_1" elif curr_state == "RUN_IK_TURN_BASE": #Run_IK IK_cmd_thetas = [] IK_successful = True IK_message = "" try: IK_cmd_thetas = self.runIK_noCommand(desired_IK) except Exception as e: IK_successful = False IK_message = "ERROR: IK encountered runtime error.\n" + str( e) if not self.check_pose_valid(IK_cmd_thetas): IK_successful = False IK_message = "ERROR: IK gave angles outside of feasible range.\n" print "IK_result:", IK_cmd_thetas #Check that the joint angles returned by IK are possible if not IK_successful: print IK_message print "Returning to Hide position" linear = False next_state = "HIDE_POSITION_2" else: #Turn base towards object next_pose[0] = IK_cmd_thetas[0] #Twist wrist #next_pose[4] = IK_cmd_thetas[4] linear = False self.instant_publish(next_pose) print "Turned Base to:", next_pose[0] #TODO: Get lcm joint angles returned from runIK so that #we can wait before grasping next_state = "TURN_WRIST" elif curr_state == "TURN_WRIST": #Current base angle print "Current base angle after turning:", self.rex.joint_angles_fb[ 0] print "Principal Axis Vector in Kinect World:", principal_axis_kinect print "Principal Axis Vector in Rexarm World:", principal_axis_rexarm #Wrist rotation angle with respect to the x-axis of the rexarm base frame wrist_rot_angle = self.compute_wrist_angle( principal_axis_rexarm) print "wrist rotation angle determined with respect to rexarm x-axis:", wrist_rot_angle #Subtract the rotation of the base before adding the wrist_rot_angle IK_cmd_thetas[ 4] = wrist_rot_angle - self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0] print "wrist rotation angle after subtracting base joint rotation:", IK_cmd_thetas[ 4] #Now subtract the angle between principal axis and vector from #base to object axis_baserot_angle = self.get_principal_angle( principal_axis_rexarm, desired_IK[:3]) IK_cmd_thetas[4] -= axis_baserot_angle #---------------------------TODO: Put in function #Map it to an untangled state from -wrist_limit to wrist_limit IK_cmd_thetas[4] = IK_cmd_thetas[4] % (2 * math.pi) print "wrist rotation angle after modulus with 2PI:", IK_cmd_thetas[ 4] #Map it from -PI to PI if IK_cmd_thetas[4] > math.pi: IK_cmd_thetas[4] -= 2 * math.pi print "wrist rotation angle after restricting to -PI to PI:", IK_cmd_thetas[ 4] if IK_cmd_thetas[4] <= -self.rex.wrist_limit: IK_cmd_thetas[4] += math.pi if IK_cmd_thetas[4] >= self.rex.wrist_limit: IK_cmd_thetas[4] -= math.pi print "wrist rotation angle after restricting to wrist range:", IK_cmd_thetas[ 4] #---------------------------TODO: Put in function IK_cmd_thetas[4] = 0 next_pose[4] = IK_cmd_thetas[4] linear = False self.instant_publish(next_pose) next_state = "RUN_IK_DESCEND" elif curr_state == "RUN_IK_DESCEND": print "About to descend:" print "Current pose:", self.rex.joint_angles_fb print "Desired Pose:", IK_cmd_thetas #Descend the rest of the IK outside of base next_pose = IK_cmd_thetas[:] next_state = "GRASP" elif curr_state == "GRASP": #Set joint 5 to grasp next_pose[5] = tighten_gripper clamp = True next_state = "PRE_DUNK" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Lift to pre-dunk state after grasping. Ignore last joint elif curr_state == "PRE_DUNK": next_pose = poses["PRE_DUNK"][:] grasp = True next_state = "ABOUT_TO_DUNK" elif curr_state == "ABOUT_TO_DUNK": next_pose = poses["ABOUT_TO_DUNK"][:] grasp = True linear = False self.instant_publish(next_pose) next_state = "DUNK" elif curr_state == "DUNK": next_pose = poses["DUNK"][:] grasp = True #linear = False #self.instant_publish(next_pose) next_state = "DROP" elif curr_state == "DROP": #Set joint 5 to 0 angle next_pose[5] = 0 linear = False self.instant_publish(next_pose) next_state = "RETURN_HOME" elif curr_state == "RETURN_HOME": next_pose = poses["ABOUT_TO_DUNK"][:] next_state = "HOME_TURN" elif curr_state == "HOME_TURN": next_pose = poses["HOME"][:] linear = False self.instant_publish(next_pose) next_state = "HIDE_POSITION_2" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif curr_state == "UNHIDE": #Go to home position. Then run IK next_pose = poses["HOME"][:] next_state = "RUN_IK_TURN_BASE" elif curr_state == "HIDE_POSITION_1": next_pose = poses["HIDE"][:] next_state = "SOCKET_READ" elif curr_state == "HIDE_POSITION_2": next_pose = poses["HIDE"][:] next_state = "SEND_ACK" elif curr_state == "SEND_ACK": #Acknowledge that we are done picking up and disposing of object self.send_socket_ack() linear = False next_state = "SOCKET_READ" elif curr_state == "SOCKET_READ": #Block and wait for next point of new object kin_point, principal_axis_kinect = self.get_socket_data() #Convert to rexarm coordinates from kinect coordinates rex_point = self.kinect_world_to_rexarm_world(kin_point) #Converts principal axis from kinect coordinates to rexarm coordinates principal_axis_rexarm = self.kinect_vec_to_rexarm_vec( principal_axis_kinect) #principal_axis_rexarm = [2,-1,5] #principal_axis_rexarm = [1,0,5] #print "Principal Axis Vector in Kinect World:", principal_axis_kinect print "Principal Axis Vector in Rexarm World:", principal_axis_rexarm desired_IK = [ rex_point[0], rex_point[1], rex_point[2], 87 * D2R ] #desired_IK = [0.131,0.139,-0.015, 87 * D2R] #desired_IK = [0.15,0.1,0.05, 87 * D2R] #desired_IK = [0.15,0.15,0, 87 * D2R] print "Inverse Kinematics Target:" print "Goal x in Rexarm:", desired_IK[0] print "Goal y in Rexarm:", desired_IK[1] print "Goal z:", desired_IK[2] linear = False #Not setting next_pose next_state = "UNHIDE" if linear: if start: self.setPose(next_pose) start = False else: self.setPose(next_pose, current_pose) else: linear = True #Setting current_pose to whatever next_pose was #determined to be current_pose = next_pose[:] if not clamp: if not grasp: self.wait_until_reached(next_pose) else: self.wait_until_reached(next_pose, ignore_grasp=True) grasp = False else: time.sleep(synchro_timer) clamp = False print "Next State:", next_state print "----------------------------------------" curr_state = next_state
class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main GUI Class It contains the main function and interfaces between the GUI and functions """ def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) """ Main Variables Using Other Classes""" self.rex = Rexarm(self.ui) = Video(cv2.VideoCapture(0)) """ Zhentao added Here. Initialize the statemachine. """ self.statemanager = StateManager(self.rex, """ Other Variables """ self.last_click = np.float32([0, 0]) """ Set GUI to track mouse """ QtGui.QWidget.setMouseTracking(self, True) """ Video Function Creates a timer and calls play() function according to the given time delay (27mm) """ self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer.timeout.connect( self._timer.start(27) """ LCM Arm Feedback Creates a timer to call LCM handler continuously No delay implemented. Reads all time """ self._timer2 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer2.timeout.connect(self.rex.get_feedback) self._timer2.start() """ Connect Sliders to Function LAB TASK: CONNECT THE OTHER 5 SLIDERS IMPLEMENTED IN THE GUI """ ## TODO: IMPLEMENT GRIP VALUE CONTROLS ## self.ui.sldrBase.valueChanged.connect(self.sliderChange) self.ui.sldrShoulder.valueChanged.connect(self.sliderChange) self.ui.sldrElbow.valueChanged.connect(self.sliderChange) self.ui.sldrWrist.valueChanged.connect(self.sliderChange) self.ui.sldrGrip1.valueChanged.connect(self.sliderChange) self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.valueChanged.connect(self.sliderChange) self.ui.sldrSpeed.valueChanged.connect(self.sliderChange) """ Commands the arm as the arm initialize to 0,0,0,0 angles """ self.sliderChange() """ Connect Buttons to Functions LAB TASK: NAME AND CONNECT BUTTONS AS NEEDED """ #This is needed. self.ui.btnUser1.setText("Affine Calibration") self.ui.btnUser1.clicked.connect(self.affine_cal) self.ui.btnUser2.setText("SM Test") self.ui.btnUser2.clicked.connect(self.iTestSM) self.ui.btnUser3.setText("Reset Position") self.ui.btnUser3.clicked.connect(self.rex.iResetPosition) self.ui.btnUser4.setText("Replay") self.ui.btnUser4.clicked.connect(self.iReplay) """ self.ui.btnUser4.setText("OpenGripper") self.ui.btnUser4.clicked.connect(self.iTestGripperOpen) self.ui.btnUser5.setText("CloseGripper") self.ui.btnUser5.clicked.connect(self.iTestGripperClose) """ """ self.ui.btnUser2.setText("STEP1: Reset Position") self.ui.btnUser2.clicked.connect(self.iResetPosition) self.ui.btnUser3.clicked.connect(self.iResetTorqueAndSpeed) self.ui.btnUser3.setText("STEP2: Reset Torque and Speed") self.ui.btnUser4.setText("STEP3: Train Begin") self.ui.btnUser4.clicked.connect(self.iTrainBegin) self.ui.btnUser5.setText("STEP4(r): GetWayPoint") self.ui.btnUser5.clicked.connect(self.iGetWayPoint) self.ui.btnUser5.setEnabled(False) self.ui.btnUser6.setText("STEP5: Stop Recording") self.ui.btnUser6.clicked.connect(self.iTrainStop) self.ui.btnUser6.setEnabled(False) self.ui.btnUser7.clicked.connect(self.iReplayBegin) self.ui.btnUser7.setText("Replay WholeWay") self.ui.btnUser8.clicked.connect(self.iReplayWPTBegin_FAST) self.ui.btnUser8.setText("Replay WayPoint(FAST)") self.ui.btnUser9.clicked.connect(self.iReplayWPTBegin_SLOW) self.ui.btnUser9.setText("Replay WayPoint(SLOW)") self.ui.btnUser10.setText("PlayStop") self.ui.btnUser10.clicked.connect(self.iReplayStop) self.ui.btnUser11.setText("Save WPT Data") self.ui.btnUser11.clicked.connect(self.iSaveData) self.ui.btnUser12.setText("Load WPT Data") self.ui.btnUser12.clicked.connect(self.iLoadData) """ def play(self): self.statemanager.Statemanager_MoveToNextState() """ Play Funtion Continuously called by GUI """ """ Renders the Video Frame """ try: self.ui.videoFrame.setPixmap( self.ui.videoFrame.setScaledContents(True) except TypeError: print "No frame" """ Update GUI Joint Coordinates Labels on Sliders LAB TASK: include the other slider labels """ self.ui.rdoutBaseJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0] * R2D))) self.ui.rdoutShoulderJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1] * R2D))) self.ui.rdoutElbowJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2] * R2D))) self.ui.rdoutWristJC.setText( str("%.2f" % (self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3] * R2D))) """ Mouse position presentation in GUI TO DO: after getting affine calibration make the apprriate label to present the value of mouse position in world coordinates """ x = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self, QtGui.QCursor.pos()).x() y = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self, QtGui.QCursor.pos()).y() if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(-,-)") self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") else: x = x - MIN_X y = y - MIN_Y self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(%.0f,%.0f)" % (x, y)) if ( == 2): """ ZHENTAO: STATE CONTROL: after finishing the camera calibration, move to the next states. """ """ ######################################## TED added world_coords label to frame ######################################## """ world_coords =, np.array([[x], [y], [1]])) self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText( "(%.0f,%.0f)" % (world_coords[0], world_coords[1])) else: self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") """ Set button avalibity. """ #self.iPrintStatusTerminal()########################################Here should be activated. self.iSetButtonAbility() self.iUpdateStatusBar() """ Updates status label when rexarm playback is been executed. This will be extended to include other appropriate messages """ """ if(self.rex.plan_status == 1): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Playing Back - Waypoint %d" %(self.rex.wpt_number + 1)) if (self.rex.plan_status == 0 and self.rex.way_total == 0): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Click [Train Begin] button to start train.") if (self.rex.plan_status == 2): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Click [Get Way Point] button to record way point. Click [Stop Recording] to stop recording.") if (self.rex.plan_status == 0 and self.rex.way_total != 0 and self.rex.way_number == 0): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Click [Replay Wholeway] to play the whole way. Click [Save Data] to Save the data.") if (self.rex.plan_status == 5): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Click [Play Stop] to stop") """ """############################################### Frank Added Here ###############################################""" if (self.rex.plan_status == 2): self.ui.sldrBase.setProperty("value", self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0] * R2D) self.ui.sldrShoulder.setProperty("value", self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1] * R2D) self.ui.sldrElbow.setProperty("value", self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2] * R2D) self.ui.sldrWrist.setProperty("value", self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3] * R2D) self.iTrain_AddOneWay() # replay continuously recorded waypoints if (self.rex.plan_status == 5): self.iReplay_PlayOneWay() # replay manually recorded waypoints if (self.rex.plan_status == 3 or self.rex.plan_status == 4): self.iReplayWPT_PlayOneWay() self.iShowFK() def sliderChange(self): """ Function to change the slider labels when sliders are moved and to command the arm to the given position TO DO: Implement for the other sliders """ self.ui.rdoutBase.setText(str(self.ui.sldrBase.value())) self.ui.rdoutShoulder.setText(str(self.ui.sldrShoulder.value())) self.ui.rdoutElbow.setText(str(self.ui.sldrElbow.value())) self.ui.rdoutWrist.setText(str(self.ui.sldrWrist.value())) self.ui.rdoutGrip1.setText(str(self.ui.sldrGrip1.value())) self.ui.rdoutTorq.setText(str(self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()) + "%") self.ui.rdoutSpeed.setText(str(self.ui.sldrSpeed.value()) + "%") self.rex.max_torque = self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value() / 100.0 self.rex.speed = self.ui.sldrSpeed.value() / 100.0 #self.rex.joint_angles[0] = self.ui.sldrBase.value()*D2R #self.rex.joint_angles[1] = self.ui.sldrShoulder.value()*D2R #self.rex.joint_angles[2] = self.ui.sldrElbow.value()*D2R #elf.rex.joint_angles[3] = self.ui.sldrWrist.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[4] = self.ui.sldrGrip1.value() * D2R self.rex.cmd_publish() def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): """ Function used to record mouse click positions for affine calibration """ """ Get mouse posiiton """ x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() """ If mouse position is not over the camera image ignore """ if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): return """ Change coordinates to image axis """ self.last_click[0] = x - MIN_X self.last_click[1] = y - MIN_Y ### TESTING BLOB DETECTION TESTING ### ### TESTING BLOB DETECTION TESTING ### # if aff_flag is 2, affine transform has been performed if ( == 2): ik_wcoords =, np.array([[x - MIN_X], [y - MIN_Y], [1]])) #self.iTestIK(ik_wcoords[0], ik_wcoords[1], 40,4*PI/4) """ #TODO: Temperary here to take the place of Camera that Ted will write. """ self.iMimicCamera(ik_wcoords[0], ik_wcoords[1]) """ If affine calibration is being performed """ if ( == 1): """ Save last mouse coordinate """[] = [(x - MIN_X), (y - MIN_Y)] """ Update the number of used poitns for calibration """ += 1 """ Update status label text """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click Point %d" % ( + 1)) """ If the number of click is equal to the expected number of points computes the affine calibration. LAB TASK: Change this code to use your affine calibration routine and NOT openCV pre-programmed function as it is done now. """ if ( == """ Perform affine calibration with OpenCV = cv2.getAffineTransform(, """ """ ######################################## TED added affineTransform function here ######################################## """ = = 2 = 0 """ Update status of calibration flag and number of mouse clicks """ """ Updates Status Label to inform calibration is done """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Transform Completed") """ print affine calibration matrix numbers to terminal """ print("[Msg]: Affine Calibration Finished.") print("[Msg]: Affine Calibration Matrix: "), print def affine_cal(self): """ Function called when affine calibration button is called. Note it only chnage the flag to record the next mouse clicks and updates the status text label """ = 1 = 0 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click Point %d" % ( + 1)) """ Button 1: Reset Position """ def iResetTorqueAndSpeed(self): self.rex.iSetTorque(0.0) self.rex.iSetSpeed(0.1) self.rex.cmd_publish() """ Button 3: Start Train. """ def iTrain_ClearRecord(self): self.rex.wpt = [] self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.wpt_total = 0 self.rex.way = [] self.rex.way_number = 0 self.rex.way_total = 0 def iTrainBegin(self): self.rex.iSetTorque(0.0) self.iTrain_ClearRecord() self.rex.plan_status = 2 """ In Play, keep recording. """ def iTrain_FetchSensorData(self): return [ self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3] ] # fetch list of sensor data and append to the list of waypoints continuously def iTrain_AddOneWay(self): SensorData = self.iTrain_FetchSensorData() self.rex.way.append(SensorData) self.rex.way_total = self.rex.way_total + 1 # Have such data point up to now. """ Get Way Point: """ def iGetWayPoint(self): SensorData = self.iTrain_FetchSensorData() currentTime = self.iGetTime_now() SensorData.append(currentTime) self.rex.wpt.append(SensorData) self.rex.wpt_total = self.rex.wpt_total + 1 # Have such data point up to now. print self.rex.wpt_number """ Train stop: """ def iTrainStop(self): self.rex.plan_status = 0 print("Stop Recording!") """ Replay """ # Begin replaying waypoints that were continuously set def iReplayBegin(self): self.rex.iSetTorque(0.5) self.rex.plan_status = 5 self.rex.way_number = 0 print("Replay Start") """ """ # Stop replaying waypoints and reset waypoint number to 0 def iReplayStop(self): self.rex.plan_status = 0 self.rex.way_number = 0 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 ### TESTING TED ADDED ### def iReplay_SetOneSensorData(self, valueIndex): sensorData = self.rex.way[valueIndex] self.rex.iSetJointAngle(0, sensorData[0]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(1, sensorData[1]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(2, sensorData[2]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(3, sensorData[3]) self.rex.cmd_publish() # TODO: add comments def iReplay_PlayOneWay(self): if (self.rex.way_number == self.rex.way_total): self.iReplayStop() else: self.iReplay_SetOneSensorData(self.rex.way_number) self.rex.way_number = self.rex.way_number + 1 "Replay WPT" # begin replaying manually set waypoints at a slow speed #Slow: plan_status = 3. def iReplayWPTBegin_SLOW(self): self.rex.iSetTorque(0.7) self.rex.iSetSpeed(GLOBALSLOWSPEED) self.rex.plan_status = 3 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.recslow_total = 0 self.rex.recslow = [] #self.calcCubicCoeffs() # begin replaying manually set waypoints at a fast speed # Fast mode: plan_status = 4. def iReplayWPTBegin_FAST(self): self.rex.iSetTorque(0.7) self.rex.iSetSpeed(GLOBALFASTSPEED) self.rex.plan_status = 4 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.recfast_total = 0 self.rex.recfast = [] #self.calcCubicCoeffs() def iReplayWPT_GetSensorData(self): return [ self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3] ] def iCheckIfArrived(self, target, errorTorrance): sensorData = self.iReplayWPT_GetSensorData() error0 = abs(target[0] - sensorData[0]) error1 = abs(target[1] - sensorData[1]) error2 = abs(target[2] - sensorData[2]) error3 = abs(target[3] - sensorData[3]) if (error0 < errorTorrance and error1 < errorTorrance and error2 < errorTorrance and error3 < errorTorrance): return True else: return False """ def iReplayWPT_PlayOneWay(self): if (self.rex.wpt_number == self.rex.wpt_total): self.iReplayStop() else: target = self.rex.wpt[self.rex.wpt_number] arrived = self.iCheckIfArrived(target,GLOBALERRORTORRANCE) if (arrived): self.rex.wpt_number = self.rex.wpt_number + 1 print "CURRENT WAYPOINT SENT TO CALC CUBIC" print(self.rex.wpt_number), self.calcCubicCoeffs() else: self.cubicPoly() self.rex.cmd_publish() """ def iReplayWPT_PlayOneWay(self): if (self.rex.wpt_number == self.rex.wpt_total): self.iReplayStop() else: target = self.rex.wpt[self.rex.wpt_number] arrived = self.iCheckIfArrived(target, GLOBALERRORTORRANCE) #Record one real time data into self.rex.rec list and self.rex.rec_total += 1. #SLOW if (self.rex.plan_status == 3): mode = 0 #Fast: elif (self.rex.plan_status == 4): mode = 1 else: print("Error: iReplayWPT_PlayOneWay: Undefined status.") self.iRecord_JointAngleFB(mode) if (arrived): self.rex.wpt_number = self.rex.wpt_number + 1 else: self.rex.iSetJointAngle(0, target[0]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(1, target[1]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(2, target[2]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(3, target[3]) self.rex.cmd_publish() #self.ui.sldrBase.setProperty("value",self.rex.joint_angles[0]*R2D) #self.ui.sldrShoulder.setProperty("value",self.rex.joint_angles[1]*R2D) #self.ui.sldrElbow.setProperty("value",self.rex.joint_angles[2]*R2D) #self.ui.sldrWrist.setProperty("value",self.rex.joint_angles[3]*R2D) """ Button Availibity """ def iSetButtonAbility(self): if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_INIT): self.ui.btnUser1.setEnabled(1) else: self.ui.btnUser1.setEnabled(0) if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_END): self.ui.btnUser4.setEnabled(1) else: self.ui.btnUser4.setEnabled(0) """ if (self.rex.plan_status == 0): self.ui.btnUser4.setEnabled(True) self.ui.btnUser5.setEnabled(False) self.ui.btnUser6.setEnabled(False) if (self.rex.plan_status == 2): self.ui.btnUser4.setEnabled(False) self.ui.btnUser5.setEnabled(True) self.ui.btnUser6.setEnabled(True) '''Replay way''' if (self.rex.plan_status == 0 and self.rex.way_total != 0): self.ui.btnUser7.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.btnUser7.setEnabled(False) ''' replay way point. ''' if (self.rex.plan_status == 0 and self.rex.wpt_total != 0): self.ui.btnUser8.setEnabled(True) self.ui.btnUser9.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.btnUser8.setEnabled(False) self.ui.btnUser9.setEnabled(False) ''' save data. ''' if (self.rex.plan_status == 0 and self.rex.way_total != 0): self.ui.btnUser11.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.btnUser11.setEnabled(False) ''' Load Data ''' if (self.rex.plan_status == 0): self.ui.btnUser12.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.btnUser12.setEnabled(False) """ def iPrintStatusTerminal(self): print("[Status = "), print(self.rex.plan_status), print(",#way="), print(self.rex.way_total), print(",#way_now="), print(self.rex.way_number), print(",#wpt="), print(self.rex.wpt_total), print(",#wpt_now="), print(self.rex.wpt_number), print(",#recslow="), print(self.rex.recslow_total), print(",#recfast="), print(self.rex.recfast_total), print("]") def iShowFK(self): self.rex.rexarm_FK(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) """ print("[x]:"), print(P0[0][0]) print("[y]:"), print(P0[1][0]) print("[z]:"), print(P0[2][0]) print("\n") """ self.ui.rdoutX.setText(str(float("{0:.2f}".format(self.rex.P0[0])))) self.ui.rdoutY.setText(str(float("{0:.2f}".format(self.rex.P0[1])))) self.ui.rdoutZ.setText(str(float("{0:.2f}".format(self.rex.P0[2])))) self.ui.rdoutT.setText(str(float("{0:.2f}".format(self.rex.T * R2D)))) # function which sets the self.rex.joint_angles for each joint to the values # calculated by the cubic polynomials as a function of time def cubicPoly(self): if self.rex.wpt_number == self.rex.wpt_total: self.iReplayStop() # TODO: break from function here # TODO: set the start time when at the first waypoint! for i in range(0, 4): t = self.iGetTime_now() - self.rex.joint_angles[i] = ( self.rex.cubic_coeffs[i] )[0] #+((self.rex.cubic_coeffs[i])[1]*t)+((self.rex.cubic_coeffs[i])[2]*(t**2))+((self.rex.cubic_coeffs[i])[3]*(t**3)) # function which calculates the coefficients for the cubic polynomial function def calcCubicCoeffs(self): #NOTE: each array index corresponds to the joint #TODO: Forward Kinematics + Calculate Time + Set time for moving + set tf. v0 = [0, 0, 0, 0] vf = [0, 0, 0, 0] t0 = [0, 0, 0, 0] tf = [1, 1, 1, 1] current_wpt = self.rex.wpt_number next_wpt = self.rex.wpt_number + 1 q0 = [ self.rex.wpt[current_wpt][0], self.rex.wpt[current_wpt][1], self.rex.wpt[current_wpt][2], self.rex.wpt[current_wpt][3] ] qf = [ self.rex.wpt[next_wpt][0], self.rex.wpt[next_wpt][1], self.rex.wpt[next_wpt][2], self.rex.wpt[next_wpt][3] ] A = [] b = [] A = list() b = list() # NOTE: format is Ax=b where A is the constant waypoint relation matrix, # x is the unknown coefficients and bi is the [q0,v0,qf,vf] column vector # for each joint # For each joint create arrays A and b # A: list of 4 numpy arrays that are 4x4 # b: list of 4 numpy arrays that are 4x1 # self.rex.cubic_coeffs: list of 4 numpy arrays that are 4x1 for i in range(0, 4): A.append( np.array([[1, t0[i], t0[i]**2, t0[i]**3], [0, 1, 2 * t0[i], 3 * (t0[i]**2)], [1, tf[i], tf[i]**2, tf[i]**3], [0, 1, 2 * tf[i], 3 * (tf[i]**2)]])) b.append(np.array([q0[i], v0[i], qf[i], vf[i]])) self.rex.cubic_coeffs[i] =[i]), b[i]) #set the start time used by the cubic = self.iGetTime_now() def iSaveData(self): """ The data variable to save is: self.wpt = [] self.wpt_total = 0 self.way = [] self.way_total = 0 """ """ f = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_WAYNUM,'wt') writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow([self.rex.way_total]) f.close() """ f = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_WAY, 'wt') writer = csv.writer(f) for ii in range(self.rex.way_total): writer.writerow(self.rex.way[ii]) f.close() """ f = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_WPTNUM,'wt') writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow([self.rex.wpt_total]) f.close() """ f = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_WPT, 'wt') writer = csv.writer(f) for ii in range(self.rex.wpt_total): writer.writerow(self.rex.wpt[ii]) f.close() f = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_RECSLOW, 'wt') writer = csv.writer(f) for ii in range(self.rex.recslow_total): writer.writerow(self.rex.recslow[ii]) f.close() f = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_RECFAST, 'wt') writer = csv.writer(f) for ii in range(self.rex.recfast_total): writer.writerow(self.rex.recfast[ii]) f.close() print("Saving") def iLoadData(self): """ the data variable to load is: self.wpt = [] self.wpt_total = 0 self.way = [] self.way_total = 0 """ self.rex.wpt = [] self.rex.way = [] self.rex.wpt_total = 0 self.rex.way_total = 0 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.way_number = 0 datafile = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_WAY, 'r') datafileReader = csv.reader(datafile) for ii in datafileReader: ii = map(float, ii) self.rex.way.append(ii) self.rex.way_total = self.rex.way_total + 1 datafile = open(GLOBALDFILENAME_WPT, 'r') datafileReader = csv.reader(datafile) for ii in datafileReader: ii = map(float, ii) self.rex.wpt.append(ii) self.rex.wpt_total = self.rex.wpt_total + 1 print("Loading Finished.") def iGetTime_now(self): return int(time.time() * 1E6) # Record the real time joint angle feedback when replaying the way points. # mdoe == 0: slow mode, 1: fast mode def iRecord_JointAngleFB(self, mode): if (mode == 0): temp = [] #0: Time temp.append(self.iGetTime_now()) #1-4: Joint angles. temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0]) temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1]) temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2]) temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]) #5-7: Forward kinematics. temp.append(self.rex.P0[0]) temp.append(self.rex.P0[1]) temp.append(self.rex.P0[2]) temp.append(self.rex.T) print(len(self.rex.recslow)) print(temp) self.rex.recslow.append(temp) self.rex.recslow_total = self.rex.recslow_total + 1 elif (mode == 1): temp = [] temp.append(self.iGetTime_now()) temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0]) temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1]) temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2]) temp.append(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]) temp.append(self.rex.P0[0]) temp.append(self.rex.P0[1]) temp.append(self.rex.P0[2]) temp.append(self.rex.T) self.rex.recfast.append(temp) print(temp) self.rex.recfast_total = self.rex.recfast_total + 1 """ A function to test the IK, not need for final competition. """ def iMimicCamera(self, x, y): print("[Msg]: MimicCam is called.") = 1 = True = [x, y] """ self.numPokRemain = 0 self.whetherFinishedCam = False; self.nextLocationofPokmon = [0,0]; """ def iTestIK(self, x, y, z, phi): phi = self.rex.rexarm_IK_CatchAnglePlaner([x, y, z]) print("[Msg]: IK is called.") [ validity_1, IK_conf_1, validity_2, IK_conf_2, validity_3, IK_conf_3, validity_4, IK_conf_4 ] = self.rex.rexarm_IK([x, y, z, phi], 1) if (validity_1): self.rex.iSetJointAngle(0, IK_conf_1[0]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(1, IK_conf_1[1]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(2, IK_conf_1[2]) self.rex.iSetJointAngle(3, IK_conf_1[3]) self.rex.cmd_publish() else: print("[Msg]: IK is not reachable.") """ State manager Testing. """ def iTestSM(self): self.statemanager.StateManager_Test() """ Update the name of the state to the state bar. """ def iUpdateStatusBar(self): if ( == 1): pass if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_INIT): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_INIT") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_RP): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_RP") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_MTB): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_MTB") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_MTFT): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_MTFT") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_CP): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_CP") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_OG): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_OG") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_CCACFP): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_CCACFP") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_END): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_END") if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_RAP): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("STATE_CODE_RAP") """ STATE_CODE_INIT = 1 STATE_CODE_CCACFP = 2 STATE_CODE_OG = 3 STATE_CODE_MTFT = 4 STATE_CODE_CP = 5 STATE_CODE_MTB = 6 STATE_CODE_RP = 7 STATE_END = 8 """ def iTestGripperOpen(self): self.rex.rexarm_gripper_grab(1) def iTestGripperClose(self): self.rex.rexarm_gripper_grab(0) def iReplay(self): if (self.statemanager.currentState == STATE_CODE_END): self.statemanager.currentState = STATE_CODE_INIT