class BlueRov(Bridge): def __init__(self, device='udp:', baudrate=115200): """ BlueRov ROS Bridge Args: device (str, optional): mavproxy device description baudrate (int, optional): Serial baudrate """ super(BlueRov, self).__init__(device, baudrate) = Pubs() self.sub = Subs() self.ROV_name = 'BlueRov2' self.model_base_link = '/base_link' = Video() self.video_bridge = CvBridge() self.pub_topics = [ [self._create_battery_msg, '/battery', BatteryState, 1], [self._create_camera_msg, '/camera/image_raw', Image, 1], [self._create_ROV_state, '/state', State, 1], [self._create_imu_msg, '/imu/data', Imu, 1], [self._create_odometry_msg, '/odometry', Odometry, 1], [self._create_bar30_msg, '/bar30', Bar30, 1], [self._create_imu_euler_msg, '/imu/attitude', Attitude, 1] ] self.sub_topics = [ [ self._setpoint_velocity_cmd_vel_callback, '/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel', TwistStamped, 1 ], [ self._set_servo_callback, '/servo{}/set_pwm', UInt16, 1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] ], [ self._set_rc_channel_callback, '/rc_channel{}/set_pwm', UInt16, 1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ], [self._set_mode_callback, '/mode/set', String, 1], [self._arm_callback, '/arm', Bool, 1], [self._manual_control_callback, '/manual_control', Joy, 1] ] self.mavlink_msg_available = {} for _, topic, msg, queue in self.pub_topics: self.mavlink_msg_available[topic] = 0 self._pub_subscribe_topic(topic, msg, queue) for topic in self.sub_topics: if len(topic) <= 4: callback, topic_name, msg, queue = topic self._sub_subscribe_topic(topic_name, msg, queue, callback) else: callback, topic_name, msg, queue, arg = topic for name in arg: self._sub_subscribe_topic(topic_name.format(name), msg, queue, callback) @staticmethod def _callback_from_topic(topic): """ Create callback function name Args: topic (str): Topic name Returns: str: callback name """ return topic.replace('/', '_') + '_callback' def _pub_subscribe_topic(self, topic, msg, queue_size=1): """ Subscribe to a topic using the publisher Args: topic (str): Topic name msg (TYPE): ROS message type queue_size (int, optional): Queue size """ + topic, msg, queue_size) def _sub_subscribe_topic(self, topic, msg, queue_size=1, callback=None): """ Subscribe to a topic using the subscriber Args: topic (str): Topic name msg (TYPE): ROS message type queue_size (int, optional): Queue size callback (None, optional): Callback function """ self.sub.subscribe_topic(self.ROV_name + topic, msg, queue_size, callback) def _set_servo_callback(self, msg, topic): """ Set servo from topic Args: msg (TYPE): ROS message topic (TYPE): Topic name Returns: None: Description """ paths = topic.split('/') servo_id = None for path in paths: if 'servo' in path: servo_id = int('[0-9]', path).group(0)) + 1 # Found valid id ! break else: # No valid id return self.set_servo_pwm(servo_id, def _set_rc_channel_callback(self, msg, topic): """ Set RC channel from topic Args: msg (TYPE): ROS message topic (TYPE): Topic name Returns: TYPE: Description """ paths = topic.split('/') channel_id = None for path in paths: if 'rc_channel' in path: channel_id = int('[0-9]', path).group(0)) - 1 # Found valid id ! break else: # No valid id return self.set_rc_channel_pwm(channel_id, def _set_mode_callback(self, msg, _): """ Set ROV mode from topic Args: msg (TYPE): Topic message _ (TYPE): Description """ self.set_mode( def _arm_callback(self, msg, _): """ Set arm state from topic Args: msg (TYPE): ROS message _ (TYPE): Description """ self.arm_throttle( def _manual_control_callback(self, msg, _): """ Set manual control message from topic Args: msg (TYPE): ROS message _ (TYPE): description """ a = 0 #self.set_manual_control([0,0,0,0], msg.buttons) def _setpoint_velocity_cmd_vel_callback(self, msg, _): """ Set angular and linear velocity from topic Args: msg (TYPE): ROS message _ (TYPE): Description """ # params = [ None, None, None, msg.twist.linear.x, msg.twist.linear.y, msg.twist.linear.z, None, None, None, None, None, ] self.set_position_target_local_ned(params) # params = [ None, None, None, None, msg.twist.angular.x, msg.twist.angular.y, msg.twist.angular.z, None, ] self.set_attitude_target(params) def _create_header(self, msg): """ Create ROS message header Args: msg (ROS message): ROS message with header """ msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = self.model_base_link def _create_bar30_msg(self): if 'SCALED_PRESSURE2' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no SCALE_PRESSURE2 data') else: pass bar30_data = self.get_data()['SCALED_PRESSURE2'] msg = Bar30() self._create_header(msg) msg.time_boot_ms = bar30_data['time_boot_ms'] msg.press_abs = bar30_data['press_abs'] msg.press_diff = bar30_data['press_diff'] msg.temperature = bar30_data['temperature']'/bar30', msg) def _create_imu_euler_msg(self): if 'ATTITUDE' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no ATTITUDE data') else: pass # attitude_data = self.get_data()['ATTITUDE'] orientation = [attitude_data[i] for i in ['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']] orientation_speed = [ attitude_data[i] for i in ['rollspeed', 'pitchspeed', 'yawspeed'] ] msg = Attitude() self._create_header(msg) msg.time_boot_ms = attitude_data['time_boot_ms'] msg.roll = orientation[0] msg.pitch = orientation[1] msg.yaw = orientation[2] msg.rollspeed = orientation_speed[0] msg.pitchspeed = orientation_speed[1] msg.yawspeed = orientation_speed[2]'/imu/attitude', msg) def _create_odometry_msg(self): """ Create odometry message from ROV information Raises: Exception: No data to create the message """ # Check if data is available if 'LOCAL_POSITION_NED' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no LOCAL_POSITION_NED data') if 'ATTITUDE' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no ATTITUDE data') #TODO: Create class to deal with BlueRov state msg = Odometry() self._create_header(msg) # local_position_data = self.get_data()['LOCAL_POSITION_NED'] xyz_data = [local_position_data[i] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] vxyz_data = [local_position_data[i] for i in ['vx', 'vy', 'z']] msg.pose.pose.position.x = xyz_data[0] msg.pose.pose.position.y = xyz_data[1] msg.pose.pose.position.z = xyz_data[2] msg.twist.twist.linear.x = vxyz_data[0] / 100 msg.twist.twist.linear.y = vxyz_data[1] / 100 msg.twist.twist.linear.z = vxyz_data[2] / 100 # attitude_data = self.get_data()['ATTITUDE'] orientation = [attitude_data[i] for i in ['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']] orientation_speed = [ attitude_data[i] for i in ['rollspeed', 'pitchspeed', 'yawspeed'] ] # cy = math.cos(orientation[2] * 0.5) sy = math.sin(orientation[2] * 0.5) cr = math.cos(orientation[0] * 0.5) sr = math.sin(orientation[0] * 0.5) cp = math.cos(orientation[1] * 0.5) sp = math.sin(orientation[1] * 0.5) msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = cy * cr * cp + sy * sr * sp msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = cy * sr * cp - sy * cr * sp msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = cy * cr * sp + sy * sr * cp msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = sy * cr * cp - cy * sr * sp msg.twist.twist.angular.x = orientation_speed[0] msg.twist.twist.angular.y = orientation_speed[1] msg.twist.twist.angular.z = orientation_speed[2]'/odometry', msg) def _create_imu_msg(self): """ Create imu message from ROV data Raises: Exception: No data available """ # Check if data is available if 'ATTITUDE' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no ATTITUDE data') #TODO: move all msgs creating to msg msg = Imu() self._create_header(msg) # imu_data = None for i in ['', '2', '3']: try: imu_data = self.get_data()['SCALED_IMU{}'.format(i)] break except Exception as e: pass if imu_data is None: raise Exception('no SCALED_IMUX data') acc_data = [imu_data['{}acc'.format(i)] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] gyr_data = [imu_data['{}gyro'.format(i)] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] mag_data = [imu_data['{}mag'.format(i)] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] # msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data[0] / 100 msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data[1] / 100 msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data[2] / 100 msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data[0] / 1000 msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data[1] / 1000 msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data[2] / 1000 msg.angular_velocity_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # attitude_data = self.get_data()['ATTITUDE'] orientation = [attitude_data[i] for i in ['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']] # cy = math.cos(orientation[2] * 0.5) sy = math.sin(orientation[2] * 0.5) cr = math.cos(orientation[0] * 0.5) sr = math.sin(orientation[0] * 0.5) cp = math.cos(orientation[1] * 0.5) sp = math.sin(orientation[1] * 0.5) msg.orientation.w = cy * cr * cp + sy * sr * sp msg.orientation.x = cy * sr * cp - sy * cr * sp msg.orientation.y = cy * cr * sp + sy * sr * cp msg.orientation.z = sy * cr * cp - cy * sr * sp msg.orientation_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]'/imu/data', msg) def _create_battery_msg(self): """ Create battery message from ROV data Raises: Exception: No data available """ # Check if data is available if 'SYS_STATUS' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no SYS_STATUS data') if 'BATTERY_STATUS' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no BATTERY_STATUS data') bat = BatteryState() self._create_header(bat) # bat.voltage = self.get_data()['SYS_STATUS']['voltage_battery'] / 1000 bat.current = self.get_data()['SYS_STATUS']['current_battery'] / 100 bat.percentage = self.get_data( )['BATTERY_STATUS']['battery_remaining'] / 100'/battery', bat) def _create_camera_msg(self): if not return frame = image_msg = Image() self._create_header(image_msg) height, width, channels = frame.shape image_msg.width = width image_msg.height = height image_msg.encoding = 'bgr8' = frame msg = self.video_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, "bgr8") self._create_header(msg) msg.step = int(msg.step)'/camera/image_raw', msg) def _create_ROV_state(self): """ Create ROV state message from ROV data Raises: Exception: No data available """ # Check if data is available if 'SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW data') if 'HEARTBEAT' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no HEARTBEAT data') servo_output_raw_msg = self.get_data()['SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW'] servo_output_raw = [ servo_output_raw_msg['servo{}_raw'.format(i + 1)] for i in range(8) ] motor_throttle = [servo_output_raw[i] - 1500 for i in range(6)] # 1100 -> -1 and 2000 -> 1 for throttle in motor_throttle: if throttle < 0: throttle = throttle / 400 else: throttle = throttle / 500 light_on = (servo_output_raw[6] - 1100) / 8 #need to check camera_angle = servo_output_raw[7] - 1500 # Create angle from pwm camera_angle = -45 * camera_angle / 400 base_mode = self.get_data()['HEARTBEAT']['base_mode'] custom_mode = self.get_data()['HEARTBEAT']['custom_mode'] mode, arm = self.decode_mode(base_mode, custom_mode) data = State() data.arm = arm data.rc1 = motor_throttle[0] data.rc2 = motor_throttle[1] data.rc3 = motor_throttle[2] data.rc4 = motor_throttle[3] data.rc5 = motor_throttle[4] data.rc6 = motor_throttle[5] data.light = light_on = camera_angle data.mode = mode'/state', data) def publish(self): """ Publish the data in ROS topics """ self.update() for sender, topic, _, _ in self.pub_topics: try: if time.time() - self.mavlink_msg_available[topic] > 1: sender() except Exception as e: self.mavlink_msg_available[topic] = time.time() print(e)
class BlueRov(Bridge): def __init__(self, device='udp:', baudrate=115200): super(BlueRov, self).__init__(device, baudrate) = Pubs() self.sub = Subs() self.ROV_name = 'BlueRov2' self.model_base_link = '/base_link' = Video() self.video_bridge = CvBridge() self.pub_topics = [ [self._create_camera_msg, '/battery', BatteryState, 1], [self._create_battery_msg, '/camera/image_raw', Image, 1], [self._create_ROV_state, '/state', String, 1], [self._create_imu_msg, '/imu/data', Imu, 1], [self._create_odometry_msg, '/odometry', Odometry, 1], ] self.sub_topics = [ [ self._setpoint_velocity_cmd_vel_callback, '/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel', TwistStamped, 1 ], [ self._set_servo_callback, '/servo{}/set_pwm', UInt16, 1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] ], [ self._set_rc_channel_callback, '/rc_channel{}/set_pwm', UInt16, 1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] ], [self._set_mode_callback, '/mode/set', String, 1], [self._arm_callback, '/arm', Bool, 1], ] self.mavlink_msg_available = {} for _, topic, msg, queue in self.pub_topics: self.mavlink_msg_available[topic] = 0 self._pub_subscribe_topic(topic, msg, queue) for topic in self.sub_topics: if len(topic) <= 4: callback, topic_name, msg, queue = topic self._sub_subscribe_topic(topic_name, msg, queue, callback) else: callback, topic_name, msg, queue, arg = topic for name in arg: self._sub_subscribe_topic(topic_name.format(name), msg, queue, callback) @staticmethod def _callback_from_topic(topic): return topic.replace('/', '_') + '_callback' def _pub_subscribe_topic(self, topic, msg, queue_size=1): + topic, msg, queue_size) def _sub_subscribe_topic(self, topic, msg, queue_size=1, callback=None): self.sub.subscribe_topic(self.ROV_name + topic, msg, queue_size, callback) def _set_servo_callback(self, msg, topic): paths = topic.split('/') servo_id = None for path in paths: if 'servo' in path: servo_id = int('[0-9]', path).group(0)) + 1 # Found valid id ! break else: # No valid id return self.set_servo_pwm(servo_id, def _set_rc_channel_callback(self, msg, topic): paths = topic.split('/') channel_id = None for path in paths: if 'rc_channel' in path: channel_id = int('[0-9]', path).group(0)) - 1 # Found valid id ! break else: # No valid id return self.set_rc_channel_pwm(channel_id, def _set_mode_callback(self, msg, _): self.set_mode( def _arm_callback(self, msg, _): self.arm_throttle( def _setpoint_velocity_cmd_vel_callback(self, msg, _): # params = [ None, None, None, msg.twist.linear.x, msg.twist.linear.y, msg.twist.linear.z, None, None, None, None, None, ] self.set_position_target_local_ned(params) # params = [ None, None, None, None, msg.twist.angular.x, msg.twist.angular.y, msg.twist.angular.z, None, ] self.set_attitude_target(params) def _create_header(self, msg): msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = self.model_base_link def _create_odometry_msg(self): # Check if data is available if 'LOCAL_POSITION_NED' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no LOCAL_POSITION_NED data') if 'ATTITUDE' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no ATTITUDE data') #TODO: Create class to deal with BlueRov state msg = Odometry() self._create_header(msg) # local_position_data = self.get_data()['LOCAL_POSITION_NED'] xyz_data = [local_position_data[i] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] vxyz_data = [local_position_data[i] for i in ['vx', 'vy', 'z']] msg.pose.pose.position.x = xyz_data[0] msg.pose.pose.position.y = xyz_data[1] msg.pose.pose.position.z = xyz_data[2] msg.twist.twist.linear.x = vxyz_data[0] / 100 msg.twist.twist.linear.y = vxyz_data[1] / 100 msg.twist.twist.linear.z = vxyz_data[2] / 100 # attitude_data = self.get_data()['ATTITUDE'] orientation = [attitude_data[i] for i in ['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']] orientation_speed = [ attitude_data[i] for i in ['rollspeed', 'pitchspeed', 'yawspeed'] ] # cy = math.cos(orientation[2] * 0.5) sy = math.sin(orientation[2] * 0.5) cr = math.cos(orientation[0] * 0.5) sr = math.sin(orientation[0] * 0.5) cp = math.cos(orientation[1] * 0.5) sp = math.sin(orientation[1] * 0.5) msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = cy * cr * cp + sy * sr * sp msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = cy * sr * cp - sy * cr * sp msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = cy * cr * sp + sy * sr * cp msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = sy * cr * cp - cy * sr * sp msg.twist.twist.angular.x = orientation_speed[0] msg.twist.twist.angular.y = orientation_speed[1] msg.twist.twist.angular.z = orientation_speed[2]'/odometry', msg) def _create_imu_msg(self): # Check if data is available if 'ATTITUDE' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no ATTITUDE data') #TODO: move all msgs creating to msg msg = Imu() self._create_header(msg) # imu_data = None for i in ['', '2', '3']: try: imu_data = self.get_data()['SCALED_IMU{}'.format(i)] break except Exception as e: pass if imu_data is None: raise Exception('no SCALED_IMUX data') acc_data = [imu_data['{}acc'.format(i)] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] gyr_data = [imu_data['{}gyro'.format(i)] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] mag_data = [imu_data['{}mag'.format(i)] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] # msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data[0] / 100 msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data[1] / 100 msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data[2] / 100 msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data[0] / 1000 msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data[1] / 1000 msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data[2] / 1000 msg.angular_velocity_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # attitude_data = self.get_data()['ATTITUDE'] orientation = [attitude_data[i] for i in ['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']] # cy = math.cos(orientation[2] * 0.5) sy = math.sin(orientation[2] * 0.5) cr = math.cos(orientation[0] * 0.5) sr = math.sin(orientation[0] * 0.5) cp = math.cos(orientation[1] * 0.5) sp = math.sin(orientation[1] * 0.5) msg.orientation.w = cy * cr * cp + sy * sr * sp msg.orientation.x = cy * sr * cp - sy * cr * sp msg.orientation.y = cy * cr * sp + sy * sr * cp msg.orientation.z = sy * cr * cp - cy * sr * sp msg.orientation_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]'/imu/data', msg) def _create_battery_msg(self): # Check if data is available if 'SYS_STATUS' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no SYS_STATUS data') if 'BATTERY_STATUS' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no BATTERY_STATUS data') bat = BatteryState() self._create_header(bat) # bat.voltage = self.get_data()['SYS_STATUS']['voltage_battery'] / 1000 bat.current = self.get_data()['SYS_STATUS']['current_battery'] / 100 bat.percentage = self.get_data( )['BATTERY_STATUS']['battery_remaining'] / 100'/battery', bat) def _create_camera_msg(self): if not return frame = image_msg = Image() self._create_header(image_msg) height, width, channels = frame.shape image_msg.width = width image_msg.height = height image_msg.encoding = 'bgr8' = frame msg = self.video_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, "bgr8") self._create_header(msg) msg.step = int(msg.step)'/camera/image_raw', msg) def _create_ROV_state(self): # Check if data is available if 'SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW data') if 'HEARTBEAT' not in self.get_data(): raise Exception('no HEARTBEAT data') servo_output_raw_msg = self.get_data()['SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW'] servo_output_raw = [ servo_output_raw_msg['servo{}_raw'.format(i + 1)] for i in range(8) ] motor_throttle = [servo_output_raw[i] - 1500 for i in range(6)] # 1100 -> -1 and 2000 -> 1 for throttle in motor_throttle: if throttle < 0: throttle = throttle / 400 else: throttle = throttle / 500 light_on = servo_output_raw[6] > 1500 #need to check camera_angle = servo_output_raw[7] - 1500 if camera_angle < 0: camera_angle = 45 * camera_angle / 400 else: camera_angle = 45 * camera_angle / 500 base_mode = self.get_data()['HEARTBEAT']['base_mode'] custom_mode = self.get_data()['HEARTBEAT']['custom_mode'] mode, arm = self.decode_mode(base_mode, custom_mode) state = { 'motor': motor_throttle, 'light': light_on, 'camera_angle': camera_angle, 'mode': mode, 'arm': arm } string = String() = str(json.dumps(state, ensure_ascii=False))'/state', string) def publish(self): self.update() for sender, topic, _, _ in self.pub_topics: try: if time.time() - self.mavlink_msg_available[topic] > 1: sender() except Exception as e: self.mavlink_msg_available[topic] = time.time() print(e)
port_num = rospy.get_param("~portnum", '5601') rospy.loginfo("Using camera info from file = " + yaml_filename) camera_info_msg = yaml_to_CameraInfo( yaml_filename ) #'/home/rtmcclai/thesis/Thesis/catkin_ws/src/udpvid/config/camera_info.yaml') video_bridge = CvBridge() # Create an instance of the CvBridge class. video = Video(port=port_num) # same as above # set the topics up infopub = rospy.Publisher('ROVcam/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=1) campub = rospy.Publisher('ROVcam/image_raw', Image, queue_size=1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if video.frame_available(): cammsg = getimage() # grabs the image msgs = [cammsg, camera_info_msg ] # sets up list for the time setting loop timenow = ) # grabs the current time and makes it the stamp for msg in msgs: msg.header.stamp = timenow # sets the header time stamp, this is how it synchronizes i think # Publish the messages campub.publish(cammsg) infopub.publish(camera_info_msg) rospy.loginfo("Image sent") else: rospy.loginfo("No frame available")