コード例 #1
    def draw(self):
        b = DrawBuffer()
        color = self.getColor(0x0201)

        b.moveChar(0, ' ', color, self.size.x)
        b.moveCStr(1, self.text, color)
        self.writeLine(0, 0, self.size.x, 1, b)
コード例 #2
ファイル: label.py プロジェクト: gabbpuy/vindauga
    def draw(self):
        b = DrawBuffer()

        if self._light:
            color = self.getColor(0x0402)
            scOff = 0
            color = self.getColor(0x0301)
            scOff = 4

        b.moveChar(0, ' ', color, self.size.x)
        if self._text:
            b.moveCStr(1, self._text, color)

        if self.showMarkers:
            b.putChar(0, SPECIAL_CHARS[scOff])

        self.writeLine(0, 0, self.size.x, 1, b)
コード例 #3
    def draw(self):
        b = DrawBuffer()

        if not self.state & sfDragging:
            color = self.getColor(1)
            frame = self.dragFrame
            color = self.getColor(2)
            frame = self.normalFrame

        b.moveChar(0, frame, color, self.size.x)

        if self._modified:
            b.putChar(0, '☼')

        s = ' {:3d}:{:3d} '.format(self._location.y + 1, self._location.x + 1)

        b.moveCStr(8 - s.find(':'), s, color)
        self.writeBuf(0, 0, self.size.x, 1, b)
コード例 #4
ファイル: status_line.py プロジェクト: gabbpuy/vindauga
    def __drawSelect(self, selected):
        b = DrawBuffer()
        cNormal = self.getColor(0x0301)
        cSelect = self.getColor(0x0604)
        cNormDisabled = self.getColor(0x0202)
        cSelDisabled = self.getColor(0x0505)

        b.moveChar(0, ' ', cNormal, self.size.x)
        i = 0

        textItems = (item for item in self._items if item.text)
        for item in textItems:
            textLen = nameLength(item.text)
            if i + textLen < self.size.x:
                if self.commandEnabled(item.command):
                    if item is selected:
                        color = cSelect
                        color = cNormal
                    if item is selected:
                        color = cSelDisabled
                        color = cNormDisabled

                b.moveChar(i, ' ', color, 1)
                b.moveCStr(i + 1, item.text, color)
                b.moveChar(i + textLen + 1, ' ', color, 1)
            i += textLen + 2

        if i < self.size.x - 2:
            hintBuf = self.hint(self.helpCtx)
            if hintBuf:
                b.moveStr(i, self.hintSeparator, cNormal)
                i += len(self.hintSeparator)
                if len(hintBuf) + i > self.size.x:
                    hintBuf = hintBuf[:self.size.x - i]

                b.moveStr(i, hintBuf, cNormal)
                i += len(hintBuf)

        self.writeLine(0, 0, self.size.x, 1, b)
コード例 #5
ファイル: menu_box.py プロジェクト: gabbpuy/vindauga
    def draw(self):
        Draws the framed menu box and associated menu items in the default
        b = DrawBuffer()
        cSelect = self.getColor(0x0604)
        cNormDisabled = self.getColor(0x0202)
        cSelDisabled = self.getColor(0x0505)
        y = 0
        color = self.cNormal
        self.__frameLine(b, 0, color)
        self.writeBuf(0, y, self.size.x, 1, b)
        y += 1

        if self.menu:
            for p in self.menu.items:
                color = self.cNormal
                if not p.name:
                    self.__frameLine(b, 15, color)
                    if p.disabled:
                        if p is self._current:
                            color = cSelDisabled
                            color = cNormDisabled
                    elif p is self._current:
                        color = cSelect

                    self.__frameLine(b, 10, color)
                    b.moveCStr(3, p.name, color)
                    if not p.command:
                        b.putChar(self.size.x - 4, self.subMenuIndicator)
                    elif p.param:
                        b.moveStr(self.size.x - 3 - len(p.param), p.param,
                self.writeBuf(0, y, self.size.x, 1, b)
                y += 1
        color = self.cNormal
        self.__frameLine(b, 5, color)
        self.writeBuf(0, y, self.size.x, 1, b)
コード例 #6
    def drawMultiBox(self, icon, marker):
        b = DrawBuffer()

        cNorm = self.getColor(0x0301)
        cSel = self.getColor(0x0402)
        cDis = self.getColor(0x0505)

        for i in range(self.size.y):
            b.moveChar(0, ' ', cNorm, self.size.x)

            for j in range((len(self._strings) - 1) // self.size.y + 1):
                cur = j * self.size.y + i
                if cur < len(self._strings):
                    col = self.__column(cur)

                    if col < self.size.x:
                        if not self.buttonState(cur):
                            color = cDis
                        elif (cur == self._sel) and (self.state & sfSelected):
                            color = cSel
                            color = cNorm
                        b.moveChar(col, ' ', color, self.size.x - col)
                        b.moveCStr(col, icon, color)
                        b.putChar(col + 2, marker[self.multiMark(cur)])
                        b.moveCStr(col + 5, self._strings[cur], color)

                        if (self.showMarkers
                                and ((self.state & sfSelected) != 0
                                     and cur == self._sel)):
                            b.putChar(col, SPECIAL_CHARS[0])
                                self.__column(cur + self.size.y) - 1,

            self.writeBuf(0, i, self.size.x, 1, b)
        self.setCursor(self.__column(self._sel) + 2, self.__row(self._sel))
コード例 #7
    def draw(self):
        Draws the menu bar with the default palette. The `MenuItem.name`
        and `MenuItem.disabled` data members of each `MenuItem`
        object in the menu linked list are read to give the menu legends in
        the correct colors.

        The current (selected) item is highlighted.
        b = DrawBuffer()
        cNormal = self.getColor(0x0301)
        b.moveChar(0, ' ', cNormal, self.size.x)
        if self.menu and self.menu.items:
            x = 1
            items = (item for item in self.menu.items if item.name)
            for p in items:
                nameLen = nameLength(p.name)
                if x + nameLen < self.size.x:
                    color = self._chooseColor(p)
                    b.moveChar(x, ' ', color, 1)
                    b.moveCStr(x + 1, p.name, color)
                    b.moveChar(x + nameLen + 1, ' ', color, 1)
                x += (nameLen + 2)
        self.writeBuf(0, 0, self.size.x, 1, b)
コード例 #8
ファイル: history.py プロジェクト: gabbpuy/vindauga
    def draw(self):
        b = DrawBuffer()

        b.moveCStr(0, self.icon, self.getColor(0x0102))
        self.writeLine(0, 0, self.size.x, self.size.y, b)
コード例 #9
    def draw(self):
        Draws the frame with color attributes and icons appropriate to the
        current state flags: active, inactive, being dragged. Adds zoom, close
        and resize icons depending on the owner window's flags. Adds the title,
        if any, from the owning window's title data member.

        Active windows are drawn with a double-lined frame and any icons;
        inactive windows are drawn with a single-lined frame and no icons.
        f = 0
        drawable = DrawBuffer()
        if self.state & sfDragging:
            cFrame = 0x0505
            cTitle = 0x0005
        elif not (self.state & sfActive):
            cFrame = 0x0101
            cTitle = 0x0002
            cFrame = 0x0503
            cTitle = 0x0004
            f = 9

        cFrame = self.getColor(cFrame)
        cTitle = self.getColor(cTitle)

        width = self.size.x
        lineLength = width - 10

        if self.owner.flags & (wfClose | wfZoom):
            lineLength -= 6

        self.__frameLine(drawable, 0, f, cFrame & 0xFF)

        if self.owner.number != wnNoNumber and self.owner.number < 10:
            lineLength -= 4
            if self.owner.flags & wfZoom:
                i = 7
                i = 3
            drawable.putChar(width - i, chr(self.owner.number + ord('0')))

        if self.owner:
            title = self.owner.getTitle(lineLength)
            if title:
                lineLength = min(len(title), width - 10)  # min(nameLength(title), width - 10)
                lineLength = max(lineLength, 0)
                i = (width - lineLength) >> 1
                drawable.putChar(i - 1, ' ')
                drawable.moveBuf(i, title, cTitle, lineLength)
                drawable.putChar(i + lineLength, ' ')

        if self.state & sfActive:
            if self.owner.flags & wfClose:
                drawable.moveCStr(2, self.closeIcon, cFrame)
            if self.owner.flags & wfZoom:
                minSize = Point()
                maxSize = Point()
                self.owner.sizeLimits(minSize, maxSize)
                if self.owner.size == maxSize:
                    drawable.moveCStr(width - 5, self.unZoomIcon, cFrame)
                    drawable.moveCStr(width - 5, self.zoomIcon, cFrame)

        self.writeLine(0, 0, self.size.x, 1, drawable)

        for i in range(1, self.size.y - 1):
            self.__frameLine(drawable, i, f + 3, cFrame)
            self.writeLine(0, i, self.size.x, 1, drawable)

        self.__frameLine(drawable, self.size.y - 1, f + 6, cFrame)

        if self.state & sfActive:
            if self.owner.flags & wfGrow:
                drawable.moveCStr(width - 2, self.dragIcon, cFrame)

        self.writeLine(0, self.size.y - 1, self.size.x, 1, drawable)