def init_settings(mainSceneWindow, cameraWindow, cameraWindowView, cam, pause_screen, nunchuck_disconnect_screen, message_screen, wiimote, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run): viz.MainWindow.visible(viz.OFF) #Hago invisible la main window viz.setMultiSample(8) # FSAA de 8 viz.fogcolor = viz.BLACK # Color de sombra = negro viz.fog(0.15) # Agrega sombra de tipo exponencial viz.collision(viz.ON) # Habilita colisiones en el mundo viz.phys.enable() # Habilita la fisica #Desabilita mouse viz.mouse.setOverride(viz.ON) #Mouse invisible viz.mouse.setVisible(viz.OFF) #Subventana que renderea viz.MainWindow mainSceneWindow = viz.addWindow() mainSceneWindow.setSize(0.7,1) mainSceneWindow.setPosition(0,1) mainSceneWindow.fov(40, 1.3) # Coloca el FOV de la ventana principal en la actual con los valores de default (40 grados verticales, 1.3 aspect ratio) #Creando una ventana y un punto de vista para la camara cameraWindow = viz.addWindow(pos =[.7,1],size=(0.4,1)) #Creando la ventana cameraWindowView = viz.addView() #Creando un viewpoint cameraWindowView.setScene(2) #Poniendo la nueva ventana en la escena 2 cameraWindow.setView(cameraWindowView) #Ligando el viewpoint con la nueva ventana #Vincular camara web a plugin de AR cam = ar.addWebCamera(window=cameraWindow) #Agregando una camara en la ventada nueva # Configuracion de mensajes de la pantalla message_screen = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.SCREEN, pos=[0.5,0.5,1], scale=[12.80,10.24,1]) pause_screen = viz.add("PAUSA.png") nunchuck_disconnect_screen = viz.add("NUNCHUCK_DISCONNECTED.png") message_screen.texture(pause_screen) message_screen.visible(viz.OFF) #Cuando should_it_run sea False, viz.ON es el valor a usar. # Conecta al primer wiimote disponible wiimote = wii.addWiimote() # Prende el LED 1 del wiimote wiimote.led = wii.LED_1 # Obten el nunchuck del wiimote nunchuck_wiimote = wiimote.nunchuk #Determines wheter the program should run or not. #It will run if the Nunchuck is connected; otherwise, it won't. should_it_run = True #Ensures that the program won't run without the NUNCHUCK plug'd in. if(wiimote.getExtension() == wii.EXT_NUNCHUK): should_it_run = True else: print "Please plug-in the Wii NUNCHUCK." message_screen.texture(nunchuck_disconnect_screen) message_screen.visible(viz.ON) should_it_run = False return mainSceneWindow, cameraWindow, cameraWindowView, cam, pause_screen, nunchuck_disconnect_screen, message_screen, wiimote, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run
def initScreen(self): self.subwindow = viz.addWindow() self.subview = viz.addView() self.subwindow.setScene(self.scene) self.subwindow.setView(self.subview) self.subwindow.setPosition([0,1]) self.subwindow.setSize([self.scale,self.scale])
def __init__(self, view=None, win=None, winPos=[], player=None, fact=None, data=None, sm=None, fmap=None, lang=None): if view == None: view = viz.addView() self._view = view if win == None: win = viz.addWindow() self._window = win self._window.fov(60) self._window.setSize(.5,.5) self._window.setPosition(winPos) self._window.setView(self._view) self._size = self._window.getSize(viz.WINDOW_ORTHO) self._player = player self.LoadToolTips(lang) #check if this is a player window if player in [1,2,3]: self.PLAYERS[player] = self #list of all player instances (used by FSM_Actions) self._name = data['name'] self._view.setPosition(data['pos']) self._view.stepSize(0.1) self._view.collisionBuffer(0.25) self._view.getHeadLight().disable() self._window.clearcolor(viz.SKYBLUE) self.AddPanel(lang) #reset other variables self._toolbox = OrderedDict() self._selected = None #object name being currently held/selected self._holding = None #object being currently held/selected self._picking = None #object name being intersected by cursor self._iMach = None #machine interacting with (one of its components) self._nearMachine = None#machine being near to (based on proximity) self._updateAlerts = [] #a list of tuples (machine, error) for checking the alert update self._factory = fact #factory object self.AddToToolbox('hand') self._fsm = sm #FSM with all machine states self._mapWin = fmap #the map (storing all alerts and messages) self._pressed = False #True is player presses a button self._pickcolor = viz.GREEN self._feedback = None #feedback message as result of interaction (not in FSM) self._iLog = [] #for logging picked and dropped tools from inventory self._proxLog = [] #for logging proximity to machines (enter, exit) self._pLog = [] #for logging position data self._collabAction = '' #stores the collab action in 1P mode #set an update function to take care of window resizing (priority=0) self._updateFunc = vizact.onupdate(0, self.Update) #FSM_Actions.FSM_Actions.__init__(self) else: #this is the map view self._window.clearcolor([.3,.3,.3]) self._window.ortho(-25,25,-15,20,-1,1) self._view.setPosition(-3.8,0,0) self._view.setEuler(0,90,0) self._alerts = {} self._messages = OrderedDict() self.AddMap()
import subprocess import vizfx #global cpps #cpps = subprocess.Popen('"C:/Users/Gelsey Torres-Oviedo/Documents/Visual Studio 2013/Projects/Vicon2Python_DK2_rev2/x64/Release/Vicon2Python_DK2_rev2.exe"') #time.sleep(3) viz.splashScreen( 'C:\Users\Gelsey Torres-Oviedo\Desktop\VizardFolderVRServer\Logo_final_DK2.jpg' ) viz.setMultiSample(8) viz.go( #viz.FULLSCREEN #run world in full screen ) monoWindow = viz.addWindow(size=(1, 1), pos=(0, 1), scene=viz.addScene()) monoQuad = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.ORTHO, scene=monoWindow) monoQuad.setBoxTransform(viz.BOX_ENABLED) monoQuad.setTexQuadDisplayMode(viz.TEXQUAD_FILL) texture = vizfx.postprocess.getEffectManager().getColorTexture() def UpdateTexture(): monoQuad.texture(texture) vizact.onupdate(0, UpdateTexture) global hmd view = viz.addView hmd = oculus.Rift()
import vizact import struct import array import math import vizlens import imp oculus = imp.load_source('oculus', 'C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard5\python\') import subprocess import vizfx viz.splashScreen('C:\Users\Gelsey Torres-Oviedo\Desktop\VizardFolderVRServer\Logo_final_DK2.jpg') viz.setMultiSample(8) viz.go( #viz.FULLSCREEN #run world in full screen ) monoWindow = viz.addWindow(size=(1,1), pos=(0,1), scene=viz.addScene()) monoQuad = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.ORTHO, scene=monoWindow) monoQuad.setBoxTransform(viz.BOX_ENABLED) monoQuad.setTexQuadDisplayMode(viz.TEXQUAD_FILL) texture = vizfx.postprocess.getEffectManager().getColorTexture() def UpdateTexture(): monoQuad.texture(texture) global hmd view = viz.addView hmd = oculus.Rift() hmd.getSensor() viz.MainView.setPosition(0,0.15,-1.27*3/2+0.002) viz.MainView.setEuler(0,0,0)
# set size (in pixels) and title of application window viz.window.setSize(640, 480) viz.window.setName("Taxi Driver!") # get graphics window window = viz.MainWindow sound = viz.addAudio('MoonlightSonata.wav') sound.volume(.5) #sound.setTime(1) #sound.setRate(0.7) # get mini map miniMap = viz.addWindow() miniMap.setSize([.3, .4]) miniMap.setPosition([0, 1]) miniMap.fov(70) miniMapView = viz.addView() miniMap.setView(miniMapView) miniMapView.setPosition([250, 450, 275]) miniMapView.setEuler([90, 90, 0]) # set background color of window to gray viz.MainWindow.clearcolor([150, 150, 150]) # allows mouse to rotate, translate, and zoom in/out on object #pivotNav = vizcam.PivotNavigate()
def getOutputTexture(self): return self._output_texture def remove(self): self._cam.remove() self._projector.remove() viz.VizNode.remove(self) if __name__ == '__main__': import vizshape import vizcam viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.fov(60) viz.go() vizcam.WalkNavigate() piazza = viz.addChild('piazza.osgb') capture = ViewAccumulator(frame_weight=0.5, aperture_scale=0.5) capture.setPosition(0, 1.8, 3.0) # add debug quad output_quad = vizshape.addQuad() output_quad.texture(capture.getOutputTexture()) output_quad.disable(viz.LIGHTING) output_quad.renderOnlyToWindows( [viz.addWindow(pos=[0.5, 0.5], size=[0.5, 0.5])]), output_quad)
dm = viz.getFrameElapsed() * MOVE_SPEED rm = viz.getFrameElapsed() * ROTATION_SPEED #get move of Joystick x, y, z = joy.getPosition() m.preTrans([0, 0, -y * dm]) navigationNode.setPosition(m.getPosition(), viz.REL_PARENT) #Get the twist of the joystick # twist = joy.getTwist() m.setEuler(x * rm) navigationNode.setEuler(m.getEuler(), viz.REL_LOCAL) current_scene = 0 ARscene = viz.addScene() ARsubWindow = viz.addWindow(pos=[0, 1], size=[0.25, 0.25]) ARsubView = viz.addView() ARsubView.setScene(ARscene) ARsubWindow.setView(ARsubView) cam = ar.addWebCamera(window=ARsubWindow) ARitem = viz.addChild(item['gem3'], scene=ARscene) mark1 = cam.addMatrixMarker(0, width=1000), ARitem) #AR2item = viz.addChild(item['gem4'], scene=ARscene) #mark2 = cam.addMarker("ar\patt.hiro"), AR2item) ARsubWindow.visible(False)
def initDisplays(initFlag=vizconnect.INIT_INDEPENDENT, initList=None): #VC: place any general initialization code here rawDisplay = vizconnect.getRawDisplayDict() #VC: initialize a new display _name = 'exp_display' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('display', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set the window for the display _window = viz.addWindow() _window.setView(viz.addView()) #VC: set placement with alignment: free _window.setPosition(0, 1, mode=viz.WINDOW_NORMALIZED) _window.setSize(1, 1, mode=viz.WINDOW_NORMALIZED) #VC: make the window visible only for certain clients _clusterMask = viz.CLIENT1 with viz.cluster.MaskedContext(viz.ALLCLIENTS&~_clusterMask):# hide _window.visible(False) with viz.cluster.MaskedContext(_clusterMask):# show _window.visible(True) #VC: set the fullscreen monitor with viz.cluster.MaskedContext(viz.CLIENT1):# only for clients with this display viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(3) viz.window.setFullscreen(True) #VC: set some parameters VFOV = 60 aspect = viz.AUTO_COMPUTE stereo = viz.OFF #VC: create the raw object _window.fov(VFOV,aspect) _window.stereo(stereo) rawDisplay[_name] = _window #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addDisplay(rawDisplay[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='Custom Window') #VC: set the parent of the node if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_PARENTS: vizconnect.getDisplay(_name).setParent(vizconnect.getTracker('head_tracker')) #VC: initialize a new display _name = 'rift_display' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('display', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set the window for the display _window = viz.MainWindow #VC: set some parameters autoDetectMonitor = True timeWarpEnabled = True #VC: create the raw object import oculus try: display = oculus.Rift(window=_window, autoDetectMonitor=autoDetectMonitor) _window.displayNode = display viz.window.setFullscreen(True) except AttributeError: _window.displayNode = None rawDisplay[_name] = _window #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addDisplay(rawDisplay[_name], _name, make='Oculus VR', model='DK2') #VC: set the parent of the node if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_PARENTS: vizconnect.getDisplay(_name).setParent(vizconnect.getTracker('head_tracker')) #VC: return values can be modified here return None
This script demonstrates how to add multiple windows. The upper right window is a rear view of the scene The upper left window is a birds eye view """ import viz import vizact viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.fov(60) viz.go() import vizinfo # Create a new window in the upper left corner UpperLeftWindow = viz.addWindow(pos=(0, 1.0), size=(0.2, 0.2)) #Create a new window in the upper right corner UpperRightWindow = viz.addWindow(pos=(0.7, 1.0), size=(0.2, 0.2)) # Create a new viewpoint BirdView = viz.addView() #Attach the bird's eye view to the upper left window UpperLeftWindow.setView(BirdView) #Move the view above the center of the room BirdView.setPosition([0, 500, 0]) #Rotate the view so that it looks down BirdView.setEuler([0, 90, 0])
SS_CURRENTLY_PAUSED = 4 SS_CURRENTLY_PULLED_TOWARDS_CHILD = 5 SS_CURRENTLY_LANDED_AT_CHILD = 6 #The different helicopter models HELI_MODEL1 = 'passenger cockpit' HELI_MODEL2 = 'cockpit2' HELI_MODEL = HELI_MODEL2 # City Model: see for reference cityModel = CityModel() #Sounds to play on building collisions CRASH_SOUND = viz.playSound('BuildingCrashSound.wav', viz.SOUND_PRELOAD) BirdEyeWindow = viz.addWindow() BirdEyeWindow.fov(60) BirdEyeWindow.visible(0,viz.SCREEN) BirdEyeView = viz.addView() BirdEyeWindow.setView(BirdEyeView) BirdEyeWindow.setPosition([0,25,0]) BirdEyeView.setEuler([0,90,0]) ###User tracking with lines### viz.startLayer(viz.LINE_STRIP) viz.vertexColor(viz.YELLOW) lines = viz.endLayer(parent=viz.ORTHO,scene=BirdEyeWindow) lines.dynamic() def UpdatePath():
import scipy as sp from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R viz.go() #vizshape.addAxes() SIZE = 20 #viz.MainView.setEuler(-45,0,0) viz.MainView.setPosition(0, 0, 0) viz.MainWindow.fov(100) newView = viz.addView() newView.setPosition([SIZE / 2, SIZE / 2, SIZE / 2]) newView.lookAt([0, 0, 0]) newwindow = viz.addWindow() newwindow.setView(newView) newwindow.fov(80) def build_env(): spaceSize = SIZE half = SIZE / 2 borders = [viz.addTexQuad(size=spaceSize) for x in range(6)] borders[0].setPosition([half, 0, 0]) borders[1].setPosition([-half, 0, 0]) borders[2].setPosition([0, half, 0]) borders[3].setPosition([0, -half, 0]) borders[4].setPosition([0, 0, half]) borders[5].setPosition([0, 0, -half])
name='Bottom' ) walls = [FrontWall,LeftWall,RightWall,BottomWall] wall_frustum = CaveFrustum(parent=cave_origin) def setActiveWall(wall): wall_frustum.setWallAndTracker(wall,cave.getPositionTracker()) cave.activeWall = wall for w in walls: w.window.visible(w is wall) # Setup cave cave = vizcave.Cave() for index,wall in enumerate(walls): wall.window = viz.addWindow(pos=(0.5,1),size=(0.5,1),view=caveView) wall.window.visible(False) cave.addWall(wall,window=wall.window) vizact.onkeydown(str(index+1),setActiveWall,wall) cave.setTracker(hatRigid.vizNode) setActiveWall(FrontWall) def addCaveWall(cave): """Create visualization of cave walls""" walls = cave.getWalls() group = viz.addGroup()