コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, vulndb_id=None):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        :param vulndb_id: The vulnerability ID in the vulndb that is associated
                          with this Info instance. If set it will override the
                          vulndb_id which we get from vulns.py using the
                          mandatory name attribute.

        :see: https://github.com/vulndb/data
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None
        self._vulndb_id = None
        self._vulndb = None
        self._uniq_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Set the values provided by the user
コード例 #2
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: vasubesimple/w3af
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None

        # Set the values provided by the user
コード例 #3
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: Daisymei/w3af
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None

        # Set the values provided by the user
コード例 #4
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: 0x554simon/w3af
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, vulndb_id=None):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        :param vulndb_id: The vulnerability ID in the vulndb that is associated
                          with this Info instance. If set it will override the
                          vulndb_id which we get from vulns.py using the
                          mandatory name attribute.

        :see: https://github.com/vulndb/data
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None
        self._vulndb_id = None
        self._vulndb = None
        self._uniq_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Set the values provided by the user
コード例 #5
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: woverines/w3af
    def from_fr(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, freq):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the fuzzable request.
        if not isinstance(freq, FuzzableRequest):
            raise TypeError('FuzzableRequest expected in from_fr.')

        mutant = EmptyMutant(freq)

        return Info.from_mutant(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant)
コード例 #6
ファイル: info_set.py プロジェクト: xenobyte/w3af
    def __init__(self, info_instances):
        if not len(info_instances):
            raise ValueError('Empty InfoSets are not allowed')

        if not isinstance(info_instances, list):
            raise TypeError('info_instances must be a list')

        for info in info_instances:
            if not isinstance(info, Info):
                raise TypeError('info_instances list items must be Info sub'
                                '-classes, found "%r" instead' % info)

        self.infos = info_instances
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()
コード例 #7
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: woverines/w3af
class Info(dict):
    This class represents an information that is saved to the kb.
    :author: Andres Riancho ([email protected])
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, vulndb_id=None):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        :param vulndb_id: The vulnerability ID in the vulndb that is associated
                          with this Info instance. If set it will override the
                          vulndb_id which we get from vulns.py using the
                          mandatory name attribute.

        :see: https://github.com/vulndb/data
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None
        self._vulndb_id = None
        self._vulndb = None

        # Set the values provided by the user

        self._uniq_id = None

    def generate_new_id(self):
        self._uniq_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    def from_mutant(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the mutant.
        if not isinstance(mutant, Mutant):
            raise TypeError('Mutant expected in from_mutant.')

        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)

        return inst

    def from_fr(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, freq):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the fuzzable request.
        if not isinstance(freq, FuzzableRequest):
            raise TypeError('FuzzableRequest expected in from_fr.')

        mutant = EmptyMutant(freq)

        return Info.from_mutant(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant)

    def from_info(cls, other_info):
        :return: A clone of other_info. 
        if not isinstance(other_info, Info):
            raise TypeError('Info expected in from_info.')

        name = other_info.get_name()
        desc = other_info.get_desc(with_id=False)
        response_ids = other_info.get_id()
        plugin_name = other_info.get_plugin_name()

        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)
        inst._string_matches = other_info.get_to_highlight()
        inst._mutant = other_info.get_mutant()
        inst._uniq_id = other_info.get_uniq_id()

        for k in other_info.keys():
            inst[k] = other_info[k]

        return inst

    def to_json(self):
        :return: A dict containing all (*) the information from this Info
                 instance, which can be serialized using python's json module.

                 (*) There is some loss of fidelity, make sure you read the
                     implementation before using it for anything other than
                     writing a report.
        attributes = {}
        long_description = None
        fix_guidance = None
        fix_effort = None
        tags = None
        wasc_ids = None
        wasc_urls = None
        cwe_urls = None
        cwe_ids = None
        references = None
        owasp_top_10_references = None

        for k, v in self.iteritems():
            attributes[str(k)] = str(v)

        if self.has_db_details():
            long_description = self.get_long_description()
            fix_guidance = self.get_fix_guidance()
            fix_effort = self.get_fix_effort()
            tags = self.get_tags()
            wasc_ids = self.get_wasc_ids()
            cwe_ids = self.get_cwe_ids()

            # These require special treatment since they are iterators
            wasc_urls = [u for u in self.get_wasc_urls()]
            cwe_urls = [u for u in self.get_cwe_urls()]

            owasp_top_10_references = []
            for owasp_version, risk_id, ref in self.get_owasp_top_10_references(
                data = {
                    'owasp_version': owasp_version,
                    'risk_id': risk_id,
                    'link': ref

            references = []
            for ref in self.get_references():
                data = {'url': ref.url, 'title': ref.title}

        _data = {
            'url': str(self.get_url()),
            'var': self.get_token_name(),
            'response_ids': self.get_id(),
            'vulndb_id': self.get_vulndb_id(),
            'name': self.get_name(),
            'desc': self.get_desc(with_id=False),
            'long_description': long_description,
            'fix_guidance': fix_guidance,
            'fix_effort': fix_effort,
            'tags': tags,
            'wasc_ids': wasc_ids,
            'wasc_urls': wasc_urls,
            'cwe_urls': cwe_urls,
            'cwe_ids': cwe_ids,
            'references': references,
            'owasp_top_10_references': owasp_top_10_references,
            'plugin_name': self.get_plugin_name(),
            'severity': self.get_severity(),
            'attributes': attributes,
            'highlight': list(self.get_to_highlight()),
            'uniq_id': self.get_uniq_id()

        return _data

    def get_severity(self):
        :return: severity.INFORMATION , all information objects have the same
                 level of severity.
        return INFORMATION

    def set_name(self, name):
        self._name = name

        if self.get_vulndb_id() is None:
            # This means that the plugin developer did NOT set the vuln_id via
            # kwargs, so we're going to try to get that id via VULNS
            self.set_vulndb_id(VULNS.get(name, None))

        #   This section is only here for helping me debug / unittest the
        #   names used in the framework. See test_vulns.py for more info.
        if not is_running_tests():

        from w3af.core.data.kb.tests.test_info import MockInfo
        from w3af.core.data.kb.tests.test_vuln import MockVuln

        if isinstance(self, (MockVuln, MockInfo)):

        if not is_valid_name(name):
            missing = os.path.join(ARTIFACTS_DIR, 'missing-vulndb.txt')
            missing = file(missing, 'a')
            missing.write('%s\n' % name)

    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_url(self, url):
        I've been using set_url and set_uri in mixed cases, in this case they
        are the same thing, so just call set_uri.
        return self.set_uri(url)

    def get_url(self):
        return self._mutant.get_url()

    def set_uri(self, uri):
        return self._mutant.set_uri(uri)

    def get_uri(self):
        return self._mutant.get_uri()

    def set_method(self, method):
        return self._mutant.set_method(method)

    def get_method(self):
        return self._mutant.get_method()

    def set_desc(self, desc):
        if not isinstance(desc, basestring):
            raise TypeError('Descriptions need to be strings.')

        if len(desc) <= 15:
            raise ValueError('Description too short.')

        self._desc = desc

    def get_desc(self, with_id=True):
        return self._get_desc_impl('information', with_id)

    def get_vulndb_id(self):
        return self._vulndb_id

    def set_vulndb_id(self, vulndb_id):
        if vulndb_id is None:
            self._vulndb_id = None

        if not DBVuln.is_valid_id(vulndb_id):
            all_db_ids = DBVuln.get_all_db_ids()
            msg = (
                'Invalid vulnerability DB id %s. There are %s entries in'
                ' the vulnerability database but none is the specified one.')
            args = (vulndb_id, len(all_db_ids))
            raise ValueError(msg % args)

        self._vulndb_id = vulndb_id

    def has_db_details(self):
        :return: True if this vulnerability has an associated DBVuln instance
                 from which to fetch detailed vuln information.
        return self._vulndb_id is not None

    def get_long_description(self):
        :return: The long description for this vulnerability, extracted from the
                 vulndb module.

        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().description

    def get_fix_guidance(self):
        :return: The text on how to fix this vulnerability, extracted from the
                 vulndb module.

        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().fix_guidance

    def get_fix_effort(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().fix_effort

    def get_tags(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().tags

    def get_wasc_ids(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().wasc

    def get_wasc_urls(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        for wasc_id in self.get_wasc_ids():
            yield DBVuln.get_wasc_url(wasc_id)

    def get_cwe_urls(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        for cwe_id in self.get_cwe_ids():
            yield DBVuln.get_cwe_url(cwe_id)

    def get_cwe_ids(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().cwe

    def get_references(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().references

    def get_owasp_top_10_references(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        :return: Yields tuples containing owasp version, owasp risk id (1-10),
                 link to the owasp wiki for that risk
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().get_owasp_top_10_references()

    def get_vuln_info_from_db(self):
        Read the vulnerability information from the vulndb
        if self._vulndb is not None:
            return self._vulndb

        if self._vulndb_id is not None:
            self._vulndb = DBVuln.from_id(self._vulndb_id)
            return self._vulndb

    def _get_desc_impl(self, what, with_id=True):

        if self._id is not None and self._id != 0 and with_id:
            if self._desc[-1] != '\n' and not self._desc.strip().endswith('.'):
                self._desc += '. '

            # One request OR more than one request
            desc_to_return = self._desc
            if len(self._id) > 1:
                id_range = self._convert_to_range_wrapper(self._id)

                desc_to_return += 'This %s was found in the requests' % what
                desc_to_return += ' with ids %s.' % id_range

            elif len(self._id) == 1:
                desc_to_return += 'This %s was found in the request' % what
                desc_to_return += ' with id %s.' % self._id[0]

            return desc_to_return
            return self._desc

    def set_plugin_name(self, plugin_name):
        self._plugin_name = plugin_name

    def get_plugin_name(self):
        return self._plugin_name

    def _convert_to_range_wrapper(self, list_of_integers):
        Just a wrapper for _convert_to_range; please see documentation below!

        :return: The result of self._convert_to_range( list_of_integers ) but
                 without the trailing comma.
        res = self._convert_to_range(list_of_integers)
        if res.endswith(','):
            res = res[:-1]
        return res

    def _convert_to_range(self, seq):
        Convert a list of integers to a nicer "range like" string. Assumed
        that `seq` elems are ordered.

        @see test_info.py
        first = last = seq[0]
        dist = 0
        res = []
        last_in_seq = seq[-1]
        is_last_in_seq = lambda num: num == last_in_seq

        for num in seq[1:]:
            # Is it a new sub-sequence?
            is_new_seq = (num != last + 1)
            if is_new_seq:  # End of sequence
                if dist:  # multi-elems sequence
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, last))
                else:  # one-elem sequence
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('and') + ' %s' % num)
                dist = 0
                first = num
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, num))
                dist += 1
            last = num

        res_str = ', '.join(str(ele) for ele in res)
        return res_str.replace(', ' + _('and'), ' and')

    def __str__(self):
        return self._desc

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<info object for issue: "%s">' % self._desc

    def get_uniq_id(self):
        :return: A uniq identifier for this info object. Since info objects are
                 persisted to SQLite and then re-generated for showing them to
                 the user, we can't use id() to know if two info objects are
                 the same or not.
                 Also, for some special cases it's not enough to be able to use
                 __eq__ since the code was already designed to use id().
                 This method was added as part of the KB to SQLite migration
                 and might disappear in the future. If possible use __eq__
                 to verify if two instances are the same.
        return self._uniq_id

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.get_uri() == other.get_uri()
                and self.get_method() == other.get_method()
                and self.get_token_name() == other.get_token_name()
                and self.get_dc() == other.get_dc()
                and self.get_id() == other.get_id()
                and self.get_name() == other.get_name()
                and self.get_desc() == other.get_desc()
                and self.get_plugin_name() == other.get_plugin_name())

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def set_id(self, _id):
        The id is a unique number that identifies every request and response
        performed by the framework.

        The id parameter is usually an integer, that points to that request/
        response pair.

        In some cases, one information object is related to more than one
        request/response, in those cases, the id parameter is a list of

        For example, in the cases where the info object is related to one
        request / response, we get this call:
            set_id( 3 )

        And we save this to the attribute:

        When the info object is related to more than one request / response,
        we get this call:
            set_id( [3, 4] )

        And we save this to the attribute:
            [3, 4]

        Also, the list is sorted!
            set_id([4, 3])

        Will save:
            [3, 4]
        if isinstance(_id, list):
            # A list with more than one ID:
            # Ensuring that all of them are actually integers
            error_msg = 'All request/response ids have to be integers.'
            for i in _id:
                assert isinstance(i, int), error_msg
            self._id = _id
        elif isinstance(_id, int):
            self._id = [
            msg = 'IDs need to be lists of int or int not %s'
            raise TypeError(msg % type(_id))

    def get_id(self):
        :return: The list of ids related to this information object. Please read
                 the documentation of set_id().
        return self._id

    def set_token(self, token_path):
        Sets the token in the DataContainer to point to the variable specified
        in token_path. Usually args will be one of:
            * ('id',) - When the data container doesn't support repeated params
            * ('id', 3) - When it does

        :raises: An exception when the DataContainer does NOT contain the
                 specified path in *args to find the variable
        :return: The token if we were able to set it in the DataContainer
        return self._mutant.get_dc().set_token(token_path)

    def get_token_name(self):
        :return: The name of the variable where the vulnerability was found
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token().get_name()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def get_token(self):
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def set_dc(self, data_container):
        Set the data_container variable as the current DataContainer for this
        Info instance.

        This shouldn't be used much, since in most cases we'll be creating and
        setting all attributes for the instance using from_fr and from_mutant.

        Once the instance is configured, the rest of the calls are all to get_*
        return self._mutant.set_dc(data_container)

    def get_dc(self):
        return self._mutant.get_dc()

    def set_mutant(self, mutant):
        Sets the mutant that triggered this vuln.
        self._mutant = mutant

    def get_mutant(self):
        return self._mutant

    def get_to_highlight(self):
        The string match is the string that was used to identify the
        vulnerability. For example, in a SQL injection the string match would
        look like:

            - "...supplied argument is not a valid MySQL..."

        This information is used to highlight the string in the GTK user
        interface, when showing the request / response.
        return self._string_matches

    def add_to_highlight(self, *str_match):
        for s in str_match:
            if not isinstance(s, basestring):
                raise TypeError('Only able to highlight strings.')

コード例 #8
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: Daisymei/w3af
class Info(dict):
    This class represents an information that is saved to the kb.
    :author: Andres Riancho ([email protected])
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None

        # Set the values provided by the user
    def from_mutant(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the mutant.
        if not isinstance(mutant, Mutant):
            raise TypeError('Mutant expected in from_mutant.')
        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)
        return inst

    def from_fr(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, freq):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the fuzzable request.
        if not isinstance(freq, FuzzableRequest):
            raise TypeError('FuzzableRequest expected in from_fr.')

        mutant = EmptyMutant(freq)

        return Info.from_mutant(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant)

    def from_info(cls, other_info):
        :return: A clone of other_info. 
        if not isinstance(other_info, Info):
            raise TypeError('Info expected in from_info.')
        name = other_info.get_name()
        desc = other_info.get_desc()
        response_ids = other_info.get_id()
        plugin_name = other_info.get_plugin_name()
        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)
        inst._string_matches = other_info.get_to_highlight()
        inst._mutant = other_info.get_mutant()

        for k in other_info.keys():
            inst[k] = other_info[k]

        return inst

    def get_severity(self):
        :return: severity.INFORMATION , all information objects have the same
                 level of severity.
        return INFORMATION

    def set_name(self, name):
        if not is_valid_name(name):
            msg = 'Invalid vulnerability name "%s" specified.'
            raise ValueError(msg % name)
        self._name = name

    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_url(self, url):
        I've been using set_url and set_uri in mixed cases, in this case they
        are the same thing, so just call set_uri.
        return self.set_uri(url)

    def get_url(self):
        return self._mutant.get_url()

    def set_uri(self, uri):
        return self._mutant.set_uri(uri)

    def get_uri(self):
        return self._mutant.get_uri()

    def set_method(self, method):
        return self._mutant.set_method(method)

    def get_method(self):
        return self._mutant.get_method()

    def set_desc(self, desc):
        if not isinstance(desc, basestring):
            raise TypeError('Descriptions need to be strings.')
        if len(desc) <= 15:
            raise ValueError('Description too short.')
        self._desc = desc

    def get_desc(self, with_id=True):
        return self._get_desc_impl('information', with_id)
    def _get_desc_impl(self, what, with_id=True):
        if self._id is not None and self._id != 0 and with_id:
            if not self._desc.strip().endswith('.'):
                self._desc += '.'

            # One request OR more than one request
            desc_to_return = self._desc
            if len(self._id) > 1:
                id_range = self._convert_to_range_wrapper(self._id)
                desc_to_return += ' This %s was found in the requests with' % what
                desc_to_return += ' ids %s.' % id_range

            elif len(self._id) == 1:
                desc_to_return += ' This %s was found in the request with' % what
                desc_to_return += ' id %s.' % self._id[0]

            return desc_to_return
            return self._desc

    def set_plugin_name(self, plugin_name):
        self._plugin_name = plugin_name

    def get_plugin_name(self):
        return self._plugin_name

    def _convert_to_range_wrapper(self, list_of_integers):
        Just a wrapper for _convert_to_range; please see documentation below!

        :return: The result of self._convert_to_range( list_of_integers ) but
                 without the trailing comma.
        res = self._convert_to_range(list_of_integers)
        if res.endswith(','):
            res = res[:-1]
        return res

    def _convert_to_range(self, seq):
        Convert a list of integers to a nicer "range like" string. Assumed
        that `seq` elems are ordered.

        @see test_info.py
        first = last = seq[0]
        dist = 0
        res = []
        last_in_seq = seq[-1]
        is_last_in_seq = lambda num: num == last_in_seq

        for num in seq[1:]:
            # Is it a new subsequence?
            is_new_seq = (num != last + 1)
            if is_new_seq:  # End of sequence
                if dist:  # multi-elems sequence
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, last))
                else:  # one-elem sequence
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('and') + ' %s' % num)
                dist = 0
                first = num
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, num))
                dist += 1
            last = num

        res_str = ', '.join(str(ele) for ele in res)
        return res_str.replace(', ' + _('and'), ' and')

    def __str__(self):
        return self._desc

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<info object for issue: "%s">' % self._desc
    def get_uniq_id(self):
        :return: A uniq identifier for this info object. Since info objects are
                 persisted to SQLite and then re-generated for showing them to
                 the user, we can't use id() to know if two info objects are
                 the same or not.
                 Also, for some special cases it's not enough to be able to use
                 __eq__ since the code was already designed to use id().
                 This method was added as part of the KB to SQLite migration
                 and might disappear in the future. If possible use __eq__
                 to verify if two instances are the same.
        concat_all = ''
        for functor in (self.get_uri, self.get_method, self.get_token_name,
                        self.get_dc, self.get_id, self.get_name, self.get_desc,
            data = functor()
            if isinstance(data, unicode):
                data = data.encode('utf-8')
            concat_all += str(data)
        return str(hash(concat_all))
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.get_uri() == other.get_uri() and\
               self.get_method() == other.get_method() and\
               self.get_token_name() == other.get_token_name() and\
               self.get_dc() == other.get_dc() and\
               self.get_id() == other.get_id() and\
               self.get_name() == other.get_name() and\
               self.get_desc() == other.get_desc() and\
               self.get_plugin_name() == other.get_plugin_name()

    def set_id(self, _id):
        The id is a unique number that identifies every request and response
        performed by the framework.

        The id parameter is usually an integer, that points to that request/
        response pair.

        In some cases, one information object is related to more than one
        request/response, in those cases, the id parameter is a list of integers.

        For example, in the cases where the info object is related to one
        request / response, we get this call:
            set_id( 3 )

        And we save this to the attribute:
            [ 3, ]

        When the info object is related to more than one request / response,
        we get this call:
            set_id( [3, 4] )

        And we save this to the attribute:
            [ 3, 4]

        Also, the list is sorted!
            set_id( [4, 3] )

        Will save:
            [3, 4]
        if isinstance(_id, list):
            # A list with more than one ID:
            # Ensuring that all of them are actually integers
            error_msg = 'All request/response ids have to be integers.'
            for i in _id:
                assert isinstance(i, int), error_msg
            self._id = _id
        elif isinstance(_id, int):
            self._id = [_id, ]
            msg = 'IDs need to be lists of int or int not %s'
            raise TypeError(msg % type(_id))

    def get_id(self):
        :return: The list of ids related to this information object. Please read
                 the documentation of set_id().
        return self._id

    def set_token(self, token_path):
        Sets the token in the DataContainer to point to the variable specified
        in token_path. Usually args will be one of:
            * ('id',) - When the data container doesn't support repeated params
            * ('id', 3) - When it does

        :raises: An exception when the DataContainer does NOT contain the
                 specified path in *args to find the variable
        :return: The token if we were able to set it in the DataContainer
        return self._mutant.get_dc().set_token(token_path)

    def get_token_name(self):
        :return: The name of the variable where the vulnerability was found
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token().get_name()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def get_token(self):
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def set_dc(self, data_container):
        Set the data_container variable as the current DataContainer for this
        Info instance.

        This shouldn't be used much, since in most cases we'll be creating and
        setting all attributes for the instance using from_fr and from_mutant.

        Once the instance is configured, the rest of the calls are all to get_*
        return self._mutant.set_dc(data_container)

    def get_dc(self):
        return self._mutant.get_dc()

    def set_mutant(self, mutant):
        Sets the mutant that triggered this vuln.
        self._mutant = mutant

    def get_mutant(self):
        return self._mutant

    def get_to_highlight(self):
        The string match is the string that was used to identify the
        vulnerability. For example, in a SQL injection the string match would
        look like:

            - "...supplied argument is not a valid MySQL..."

        This information is used to highlight the string in the GTK user
        interface, when showing the request / response.
        return self._string_matches

    def add_to_highlight(self, *str_match):
        for s in str_match:
            if not isinstance(s, basestring):
                raise TypeError('Only able to highlight strings.')
コード例 #9
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: 0x554simon/w3af
class Info(dict):
    This class represents an information that is saved to the kb.
    :author: Andres Riancho ([email protected])
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, vulndb_id=None):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        :param vulndb_id: The vulnerability ID in the vulndb that is associated
                          with this Info instance. If set it will override the
                          vulndb_id which we get from vulns.py using the
                          mandatory name attribute.

        :see: https://github.com/vulndb/data
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None
        self._vulndb_id = None
        self._vulndb = None
        self._uniq_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Set the values provided by the user
    def from_mutant(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the mutant.
        if not isinstance(mutant, Mutant):
            raise TypeError('Mutant expected in from_mutant.')
        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)
        return inst

    def from_fr(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, freq):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the fuzzable request.
        if not isinstance(freq, FuzzableRequest):
            raise TypeError('FuzzableRequest expected in from_fr.')

        mutant = EmptyMutant(freq)

        return Info.from_mutant(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant)

    def from_info(cls, other_info):
        :return: A clone of other_info. 
        if not isinstance(other_info, Info):
            raise TypeError('Info expected in from_info.')
        name = other_info.get_name()
        desc = other_info.get_desc(with_id=False)
        response_ids = other_info.get_id()
        plugin_name = other_info.get_plugin_name()
        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)
        inst._string_matches = other_info.get_to_highlight()
        inst._mutant = other_info.get_mutant()
        inst._uniq_id = other_info.get_uniq_id()

        for k in other_info.keys():
            inst[k] = other_info[k]

        return inst

    def to_json(self):
        :return: A dict containing all (*) the information from this Info
                 instance, which can be serialized using python's json module.

                 (*) There is some loss of fidelity, make sure you read the
                     implementation before using it for anything other than
                     writing a report.
        attributes = {}
        long_description = None
        fix_guidance = None
        fix_effort = None
        tags = None
        wasc_ids = None
        wasc_urls = None
        cwe_urls = None
        cwe_ids = None
        references = None
        owasp_top_10_references = None

        for k, v in self.iteritems():
            attributes[str(k)] = str(v)

        if self.has_db_details():
            long_description = self.get_long_description()
            fix_guidance = self.get_fix_guidance()
            fix_effort = self.get_fix_effort()
            tags = self.get_tags()
            wasc_ids = self.get_wasc_ids()
            cwe_ids = self.get_cwe_ids()

            # These require special treatment since they are iterators
            wasc_urls = [u for u in self.get_wasc_urls()]
            cwe_urls = [u for u in self.get_cwe_urls()]

            owasp_top_10_references = []
            for owasp_version, risk_id, ref in self.get_owasp_top_10_references():
                data = {'owasp_version': owasp_version,
                        'risk_id': risk_id,
                        'link': ref}

            references = []
            for ref in self.get_references():
                data = {'url': ref.url,
                        'title': ref.title}

        _data = {'url': str(self.get_url()),
                 'var': self.get_token_name(),
                 'response_ids': self.get_id(),
                 'vulndb_id': self.get_vulndb_id(),
                 'name': self.get_name(),
                 'desc': self.get_desc(with_id=False),
                 'long_description': long_description,
                 'fix_guidance': fix_guidance,
                 'fix_effort': fix_effort,
                 'tags': tags,
                 'wasc_ids': wasc_ids,
                 'wasc_urls': wasc_urls,
                 'cwe_urls': cwe_urls,
                 'cwe_ids': cwe_ids,
                 'references': references,
                 'owasp_top_10_references': owasp_top_10_references,
                 'plugin_name': self.get_plugin_name(),
                 'severity': self.get_severity(),
                 'attributes': attributes,
                 'highlight': list(self.get_to_highlight()),
                 'uniq_id': self.get_uniq_id()}

        return _data

    def get_severity(self):
        :return: severity.INFORMATION , all information objects have the same
                 level of severity.
        return INFORMATION

    def set_name(self, name):
        self._name = name

        if self.get_vulndb_id() is None:
            # This means that the plugin developer did NOT set the vuln_id via
            # kwargs, so we're going to try to get that id via VULNS
            self.set_vulndb_id(VULNS.get(name, None))

        #   This section is only here for helping me debug / unittest the
        #   names used in the framework. See test_vulns.py for more info.
        if not is_running_tests():

        from w3af.core.data.kb.tests.test_info import MockInfo
        from w3af.core.data.kb.tests.test_vuln import MockVuln

        if isinstance(self, (MockVuln, MockInfo)):

        if not is_valid_name(name):
            missing = os.path.join(ARTIFACTS_DIR, 'missing-vulndb.txt')
            missing = file(missing, 'a')
            missing.write('%s\n' % name)

    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_url(self, url):
        I've been using set_url and set_uri in mixed cases, in this case they
        are the same thing, so just call set_uri.
        return self.set_uri(url)

    def get_url(self):
        return self._mutant.get_url()

    def set_uri(self, uri):
        return self._mutant.set_uri(uri)

    def get_uri(self):
        return self._mutant.get_uri()

    def set_method(self, method):
        return self._mutant.set_method(method)

    def get_method(self):
        return self._mutant.get_method()

    def set_desc(self, desc):
        if not isinstance(desc, basestring):
            raise TypeError('Descriptions need to be strings.')
        if len(desc) <= 15:
            raise ValueError('Description too short.')
        self._desc = desc

    def get_desc(self, with_id=True):
        return self._get_desc_impl('information', with_id)

    def get_vulndb_id(self):
        return self._vulndb_id

    def set_vulndb_id(self, vulndb_id):
        if vulndb_id is None:
            self._vulndb_id = None

        if not DBVuln.is_valid_id(vulndb_id):
            all_db_ids = DBVuln.get_all_db_ids()
            msg = ('Invalid vulnerability DB id %s. There are %s entries in'
                   ' the vulnerability database but none is the specified one.')
            args = (vulndb_id, len(all_db_ids))
            raise ValueError(msg % args)

        self._vulndb_id = vulndb_id

    def has_db_details(self):
        :return: True if this vulnerability has an associated DBVuln instance
                 from which to fetch detailed vuln information.
        return self._vulndb_id is not None

    def get_long_description(self):
        :return: The long description for this vulnerability, extracted from the
                 vulndb module.

        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().description

    def get_fix_guidance(self):
        :return: The text on how to fix this vulnerability, extracted from the
                 vulndb module.

        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().fix_guidance

    def get_fix_effort(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().fix_effort

    def get_tags(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().tags

    def get_wasc_ids(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().wasc

    def get_wasc_urls(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        for wasc_id in self.get_wasc_ids():
            yield DBVuln.get_wasc_url(wasc_id)

    def get_cwe_urls(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        for cwe_id in self.get_cwe_ids():
            yield DBVuln.get_cwe_url(cwe_id)

    def get_cwe_ids(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().cwe

    def get_references(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().references

    def get_owasp_top_10_references(self):
        :note: Call has_db_details before calling this, or you'll get exceptions
        :return: Yields tuples containing owasp version, owasp risk id (1-10),
                 link to the owasp wiki for that risk
        return self.get_vuln_info_from_db().get_owasp_top_10_references()

    def get_vuln_info_from_db(self):
        Read the vulnerability information from the vulndb
        if self._vulndb is not None:
            return self._vulndb

        if self._vulndb_id is not None:
            self._vulndb = DBVuln.from_id(self._vulndb_id)
            return self._vulndb

    def _get_desc_impl(self, what, with_id=True):
        if self._id is not None and self._id != 0 and with_id:
            if not self._desc.strip().endswith('.'):
                self._desc += '.'

            # One request OR more than one request
            desc_to_return = self._desc
            if len(self._id) > 1:
                id_range = self._convert_to_range_wrapper(self._id)
                desc_to_return += ' This %s was found in the requests' % what
                desc_to_return += ' with ids %s.' % id_range

            elif len(self._id) == 1:
                desc_to_return += ' This %s was found in the request' % what
                desc_to_return += ' with id %s.' % self._id[0]

            return desc_to_return
            return self._desc

    def set_plugin_name(self, plugin_name):
        self._plugin_name = plugin_name

    def get_plugin_name(self):
        return self._plugin_name

    def _convert_to_range_wrapper(self, list_of_integers):
        Just a wrapper for _convert_to_range; please see documentation below!

        :return: The result of self._convert_to_range( list_of_integers ) but
                 without the trailing comma.
        res = self._convert_to_range(list_of_integers)
        if res.endswith(','):
            res = res[:-1]
        return res

    def _convert_to_range(self, seq):
        Convert a list of integers to a nicer "range like" string. Assumed
        that `seq` elems are ordered.

        @see test_info.py
        first = last = seq[0]
        dist = 0
        res = []
        last_in_seq = seq[-1]
        is_last_in_seq = lambda num: num == last_in_seq

        for num in seq[1:]:
            # Is it a new sub-sequence?
            is_new_seq = (num != last + 1)
            if is_new_seq:  # End of sequence
                if dist:  # multi-elems sequence
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, last))
                else:  # one-elem sequence
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('and') + ' %s' % num)
                dist = 0
                first = num
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, num))
                dist += 1
            last = num

        res_str = ', '.join(str(ele) for ele in res)
        return res_str.replace(', ' + _('and'), ' and')

    def __str__(self):
        return self._desc

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<info object for issue: "%s">' % self._desc
    def get_uniq_id(self):
        :return: A uniq identifier for this info object. Since info objects are
                 persisted to SQLite and then re-generated for showing them to
                 the user, we can't use id() to know if two info objects are
                 the same or not.
                 Also, for some special cases it's not enough to be able to use
                 __eq__ since the code was already designed to use id().
                 This method was added as part of the KB to SQLite migration
                 and might disappear in the future. If possible use __eq__
                 to verify if two instances are the same.
        return self._uniq_id
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.get_uri() == other.get_uri() and
                self.get_method() == other.get_method() and
                self.get_token_name() == other.get_token_name() and
                self.get_dc() == other.get_dc() and
                self.get_id() == other.get_id() and
                self.get_name() == other.get_name() and
                self.get_desc() == other.get_desc() and
                self.get_plugin_name() == other.get_plugin_name())

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def set_id(self, _id):
        The id is a unique number that identifies every request and response
        performed by the framework.

        The id parameter is usually an integer, that points to that request/
        response pair.

        In some cases, one information object is related to more than one
        request/response, in those cases, the id parameter is a list of

        For example, in the cases where the info object is related to one
        request / response, we get this call:
            set_id( 3 )

        And we save this to the attribute:
            [ 3, ]

        When the info object is related to more than one request / response,
        we get this call:
            set_id( [3, 4] )

        And we save this to the attribute:
            [ 3, 4]

        Also, the list is sorted!
            set_id( [4, 3] )

        Will save:
            [3, 4]
        if isinstance(_id, list):
            # A list with more than one ID:
            # Ensuring that all of them are actually integers
            error_msg = 'All request/response ids have to be integers.'
            for i in _id:
                assert isinstance(i, int), error_msg
            self._id = _id
        elif isinstance(_id, int):
            self._id = [_id, ]
            msg = 'IDs need to be lists of int or int not %s'
            raise TypeError(msg % type(_id))

    def get_id(self):
        :return: The list of ids related to this information object. Please read
                 the documentation of set_id().
        return self._id

    def set_token(self, token_path):
        Sets the token in the DataContainer to point to the variable specified
        in token_path. Usually args will be one of:
            * ('id',) - When the data container doesn't support repeated params
            * ('id', 3) - When it does

        :raises: An exception when the DataContainer does NOT contain the
                 specified path in *args to find the variable
        :return: The token if we were able to set it in the DataContainer
        return self._mutant.get_dc().set_token(token_path)

    def get_token_name(self):
        :return: The name of the variable where the vulnerability was found
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token().get_name()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def get_token(self):
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def set_dc(self, data_container):
        Set the data_container variable as the current DataContainer for this
        Info instance.

        This shouldn't be used much, since in most cases we'll be creating and
        setting all attributes for the instance using from_fr and from_mutant.

        Once the instance is configured, the rest of the calls are all to get_*
        return self._mutant.set_dc(data_container)

    def get_dc(self):
        return self._mutant.get_dc()

    def set_mutant(self, mutant):
        Sets the mutant that triggered this vuln.
        self._mutant = mutant

    def get_mutant(self):
        return self._mutant

    def get_to_highlight(self):
        The string match is the string that was used to identify the
        vulnerability. For example, in a SQL injection the string match would
        look like:

            - "...supplied argument is not a valid MySQL..."

        This information is used to highlight the string in the GTK user
        interface, when showing the request / response.
        return self._string_matches

    def add_to_highlight(self, *str_match):
        for s in str_match:
            if not isinstance(s, basestring):
                raise TypeError('Only able to highlight strings.')
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_empty_mutant.py プロジェクト: binarever/tools
    def test_create_instance(self):
        emu = EmptyMutant()

        self.assertIsInstance(emu.get_dc(), NonRepeatKeyValueContainer)
コード例 #11
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: vasubesimple/w3af
class Info(dict):
    This class represents an information that is saved to the kb.
    :author: Andres Riancho ([email protected])
    def __init__(self, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name):
        :param name: The vulnerability name, will be checked against the values
                     in core.data.constants.vulns.
        :param desc: The vulnerability description
        :param response_ids: A list of response ids associated with this vuln
        :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin which identified the vuln
        super(Info, self).__init__()

        # Default values
        self._string_matches = set()
        self._mutant = EmptyMutant()

        # We set these to None just for PyCharm's code analyzer to be happy
        self._name = None
        self._desc = None
        self._id = []
        self._plugin_name = None

        # Set the values provided by the user

    def from_mutant(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the mutant.
        if not isinstance(mutant, Mutant):
            raise TypeError('Mutant expected in from_mutant.')

        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)

        return inst

    def from_fr(cls, name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, freq):
        :return: An info instance with the proper data set based on the values
                 taken from the fuzzable request.
        if not isinstance(freq, FuzzableRequest):
            raise TypeError('FuzzableRequest expected in from_fr.')

        mutant = EmptyMutant(freq)

        return Info.from_mutant(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name, mutant)

    def from_info(cls, other_info):
        :return: A clone of other_info. 
        if not isinstance(other_info, Info):
            raise TypeError('Info expected in from_info.')

        name = other_info.get_name()
        desc = other_info.get_desc()
        response_ids = other_info.get_id()
        plugin_name = other_info.get_plugin_name()

        inst = cls(name, desc, response_ids, plugin_name)
        inst._string_matches = other_info.get_to_highlight()
        inst._mutant = other_info.get_mutant()

        for k in other_info.keys():
            inst[k] = other_info[k]

        return inst

    def get_severity(self):
        :return: severity.INFORMATION , all information objects have the same
                 level of severity.
        return INFORMATION

    def set_name(self, name):
        if not is_valid_name(name):
            msg = 'Invalid vulnerability name "%s" specified.'
            raise ValueError(msg % name)
        self._name = name

    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_url(self, url):
        I've been using set_url and set_uri in mixed cases, in this case they
        are the same thing, so just call set_uri.
        return self.set_uri(url)

    def get_url(self):
        return self._mutant.get_url()

    def set_uri(self, uri):
        return self._mutant.set_uri(uri)

    def get_uri(self):
        return self._mutant.get_uri()

    def set_method(self, method):
        return self._mutant.set_method(method)

    def get_method(self):
        return self._mutant.get_method()

    def set_desc(self, desc):
        if not isinstance(desc, basestring):
            raise TypeError('Descriptions need to be strings.')

        if len(desc) <= 15:
            raise ValueError('Description too short.')

        self._desc = desc

    def get_desc(self, with_id=True):
        return self._get_desc_impl('information', with_id)

    def _get_desc_impl(self, what, with_id=True):

        if self._id is not None and self._id != 0 and with_id:
            if not self._desc.strip().endswith('.'):
                self._desc += '.'

            # One request OR more than one request
            desc_to_return = self._desc
            if len(self._id) > 1:
                id_range = self._convert_to_range_wrapper(self._id)

                desc_to_return += ' This %s was found in the requests with' % what
                desc_to_return += ' ids %s.' % id_range

            elif len(self._id) == 1:
                desc_to_return += ' This %s was found in the request with' % what
                desc_to_return += ' id %s.' % self._id[0]

            return desc_to_return
            return self._desc

    def set_plugin_name(self, plugin_name):
        self._plugin_name = plugin_name

    def get_plugin_name(self):
        return self._plugin_name

    def _convert_to_range_wrapper(self, list_of_integers):
        Just a wrapper for _convert_to_range; please see documentation below!

        :return: The result of self._convert_to_range( list_of_integers ) but
                 without the trailing comma.
        res = self._convert_to_range(list_of_integers)
        if res.endswith(','):
            res = res[:-1]
        return res

    def _convert_to_range(self, seq):
        Convert a list of integers to a nicer "range like" string. Assumed
        that `seq` elems are ordered.

        @see test_info.py
        first = last = seq[0]
        dist = 0
        res = []
        last_in_seq = seq[-1]
        is_last_in_seq = lambda num: num == last_in_seq

        for num in seq[1:]:
            # Is it a new subsequence?
            is_new_seq = (num != last + 1)
            if is_new_seq:  # End of sequence
                if dist:  # multi-elems sequence
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, last))
                else:  # one-elem sequence
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('and') + ' %s' % num)
                dist = 0
                first = num
                if is_last_in_seq(num):
                    res.append(_('%s to %s') % (first, num))
                dist += 1
            last = num

        res_str = ', '.join(str(ele) for ele in res)
        return res_str.replace(', ' + _('and'), ' and')

    def __str__(self):
        return self._desc

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<info object for issue: "%s">' % self._desc

    def get_uniq_id(self):
        :return: A uniq identifier for this info object. Since info objects are
                 persisted to SQLite and then re-generated for showing them to
                 the user, we can't use id() to know if two info objects are
                 the same or not.
                 Also, for some special cases it's not enough to be able to use
                 __eq__ since the code was already designed to use id().
                 This method was added as part of the KB to SQLite migration
                 and might disappear in the future. If possible use __eq__
                 to verify if two instances are the same.
        concat_all = ''

        for functor in (self.get_uri, self.get_method, self.get_token_name,
                        self.get_dc, self.get_id, self.get_name, self.get_desc,
            data = functor()
            if isinstance(data, unicode):
                data = data.encode('utf-8')
            concat_all += str(data)

        return str(hash(concat_all))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.get_uri() == other.get_uri() and\
               self.get_method() == other.get_method() and\
               self.get_token_name() == other.get_token_name() and\
               self.get_dc() == other.get_dc() and\
               self.get_id() == other.get_id() and\
               self.get_name() == other.get_name() and\
               self.get_desc() == other.get_desc() and\
               self.get_plugin_name() == other.get_plugin_name()

    def set_id(self, _id):
        The id is a unique number that identifies every request and response
        performed by the framework.

        The id parameter is usually an integer, that points to that request/
        response pair.

        In some cases, one information object is related to more than one
        request/response, in those cases, the id parameter is a list of integers.

        For example, in the cases where the info object is related to one
        request / response, we get this call:
            set_id( 3 )

        And we save this to the attribute:
            [ 3, ]

        When the info object is related to more than one request / response,
        we get this call:
            set_id( [3, 4] )

        And we save this to the attribute:
            [ 3, 4]

        Also, the list is sorted!
            set_id( [4, 3] )

        Will save:
            [3, 4]
        if isinstance(_id, list):
            # A list with more than one ID:
            # Ensuring that all of them are actually integers
            error_msg = 'All request/response ids have to be integers.'
            for i in _id:
                assert isinstance(i, int), error_msg
            self._id = _id
        elif isinstance(_id, int):
            self._id = [
            msg = 'IDs need to be lists of int or int not %s'
            raise TypeError(msg % type(_id))

    def get_id(self):
        :return: The list of ids related to this information object. Please read
                 the documentation of set_id().
        return self._id

    def set_token(self, token_path):
        Sets the token in the DataContainer to point to the variable specified
        in token_path. Usually args will be one of:
            * ('id',) - When the data container doesn't support repeated params
            * ('id', 3) - When it does

        :raises: An exception when the DataContainer does NOT contain the
                 specified path in *args to find the variable
        :return: The token if we were able to set it in the DataContainer
        return self._mutant.get_dc().set_token(token_path)

    def get_token_name(self):
        :return: The name of the variable where the vulnerability was found
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token().get_name()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def get_token(self):
            return self._mutant.get_dc().get_token()
        except AttributeError:
            # get_token() -> None
            # None.get_name() -> raise AttributeError
            return None

    def set_dc(self, data_container):
        Set the data_container variable as the current DataContainer for this
        Info instance.

        This shouldn't be used much, since in most cases we'll be creating and
        setting all attributes for the instance using from_fr and from_mutant.

        Once the instance is configured, the rest of the calls are all to get_*
        return self._mutant.set_dc(data_container)

    def get_dc(self):
        return self._mutant.get_dc()

    def set_mutant(self, mutant):
        Sets the mutant that triggered this vuln.
        self._mutant = mutant

    def get_mutant(self):
        return self._mutant

    def get_to_highlight(self):
        The string match is the string that was used to identify the
        vulnerability. For example, in a SQL injection the string match would
        look like:

            - "...supplied argument is not a valid MySQL..."

        This information is used to highlight the string in the GTK user
        interface, when showing the request / response.
        return self._string_matches

    def add_to_highlight(self, *str_match):
        for s in str_match:
            if not isinstance(s, basestring):
                raise TypeError('Only able to highlight strings.')
