def watch(path, callback): """ Start observing changes in filesystem. See JasyEventHandler for the event callbacks. :param path: Path wich will be observed :type name: string """ if Observer is None: Console.error("You need to install Watchdog for supporting file system watchers") # Initialize file system observer observer = Observer() observer.schedule(JasyEventHandler(), ".", recursive=True) observer.start()"Started file system watcher for %s... [PID=%s]", path, os.getpid())"Use 'ulimit -n 1024' to increase number of possible open files") try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop()"Stopped file system watcher for %s...", path) observer.join()
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) and os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1])): filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = gui.get_path("*.csv",defaultFile="data.csv") commonPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(filename)[0]) outputFile = os.path.join(commonPath, "odmanalysis.csv") print "Now watching %s for changes" % filename handler = OMDCsvChunkHandler(filename,outputFile) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(handler, path=commonPath, recursive=False) handler.startPCChain() observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print "Stopping..." observer.stop() time.sleep(1) observer.join()
def generate_and_observe(args, event): while event.isSet(): # Generate the presentation monitor_list = generate(args) print("Presentation generated.") # Make a list of involved directories directories = defaultdict(list) for file in monitor_list: directory, filename = os.path.split(file) directories[directory].append(filename) observer = Observer() handler = HovercraftEventHandler(monitor_list) for directory, files in directories.items(): observer.schedule(handler, directory, recursive=False) observer.start() while event.wait(1): time.sleep(0.05) if handler.quit: break observer.stop() observer.join()
def watch(path, callback): header("Build Daemon") if Observer is None: error("You need to install Watchdog for supporting file system watchers") # We need to pause the session to make room for other jasy executions session.pause() # Initialize file system observer observer = Observer() observer.schedule(JasyEventHandler(), ".", recursive=True) observer.start() info("Started file system watcher for %s... [PID=%s]", path, os.getpid()) info("Use 'ulimit -n 1024' to increase number of possible open files") try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() info("Stopped file system watcher for %s...", path) observer.join()
def watch(self, source, write=True, package=None, run=False, force=False): """Watches a source and recompiles on change.""" from import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer def recompile(path): if os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.splitext(path)[1] in code_exts: self.compile_path(path, write, package, run, force) class watcher(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_modified(_, event): recompile(event.src_path) def on_created(_, event): recompile(event.src_path) source = fixpath(source)"Watching "+showpath(source)+" ...") self.console.print("(press Ctrl-C to end)") observer = Observer() observer.schedule(watcher(), source, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: observer.stop() observer.join()
class FSWatcher(object): def __init__(self): = Observer() for path in odoo.modules.module.ad_paths:'Watching addons folder %s', path), path, recursive=True) def dispatch(self, event): if isinstance(event, (FileCreatedEvent, FileModifiedEvent, FileMovedEvent)): if not event.is_directory: path = getattr(event, 'dest_path', event.src_path) if path.endswith('.py'): try: source = open(path, 'rb').read() + '\n' compile(source, path, 'exec') except SyntaxError: _logger.error('autoreload: python code change detected, SyntaxError in %s', path) else:'autoreload: python code updated, autoreload activated') restart() def start(self):'AutoReload watcher running') def stop(self):
def main(): global badExtensionCounter, failedFlag, pool, failedProcessCounter#, db sql_setup() # Set-up SQL Database/check to see if exists # Initiate File Path Handler observer = Observer() observer.schedule(MyHandler(), path=file_path, recursive=True) observer.start() cpuCount = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # Count all available CPU's print "\nTotal CPU Count: %d"%(cpuCount) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4, worker,(processQueue,)) # Create 4 child processes to handle all queued elements active = multiprocessing.active_children() # All active child processes print "Total number of active child processes: %s\n"%(str(active)) try: while True: time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() # Stop all child processes pool.join() # Join the processes with parent and terminate active = multiprocessing.active_children() # All active child processes, list should be empty at this point. print "\nTotal number of active child processes: %s\n"%(str(active)) shutdown() # Run shutdown sequence observer.stop() observer.join() sys.exit(1)
def main(): # Fill all changes that occurred when wasn't running. if os.path.isdir("out"): shutil.rmtree("out", True) if not os.path.isdir("out"): os.mkdir("out") startup_changes.sync_offline_changes("posts", "out") print "Watching posts directory for changes... CTRL+C to quit." watch_directory = "posts" event_handler = MyHandler() # Run the watchdog. observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, watch_directory, True) observer.start() """ Keep the script running or else python closes without stopping the observer thread and this causes an error. """ try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
class WatchFile(object): def __init__(self, send_msg_func, *args, **kargs): self.path = kargs['path'] if kargs.has_key('path') else '.' self.suffix = kargs['suffix'] if kargs.has_key('suffix') else '*' # star represent any file = Observer() self.event_handler = MyFileMonitor(self.suffix, callback=self.get_data) self.send_msg_func = send_msg_func self.filename = self.zip_filename = '' def run(self):, self.path, recursive=True) try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: def get_data(self, filename): data = self._unpack(filename) data = str(data) print(data, type(data)) self.send_msg_func(data) def _unpack(self, filename): # first rename suffix to zip file # may not work on linux if system == 'Windows': filename = filename[2:] if filename.startswith('.\\') else filename filename = filename.lstrip() new_name = filename.split('.')[0] + '.zip' new_name = new_name[1:] if new_name.startswith('\\') else new_name elif system == 'Linux': new_name = filename print('Old name:', filename, ' New name:', new_name) self.filename = filename self.zip_filename = new_name # waiting for operating sys create the file time.sleep(3) os.rename(filename, new_name) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(new_name, 'r') json_data = "" for name in zip_file.namelist(): if name == "project.json": file =, 'r') json_data = "".join(file.readlines()) # change filename back to .sb2 if new_name.endswith('.zip'): os.rename(new_name, filename) return self.get_cmd(json_data) def get_cmd(self, json_data): jsonfy_data = json.loads(json_data) child = jsonfy_data['children'][0] scripts = child['scripts'] return scripts
def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize the watcher, use the config passed from main """ self.config = config # List of pending files self.pending_files = set() self.sync_timer = None # Setup our watchdog observer observer = Observer() observer.schedule(ChangeHandler(self.on_file_changed),, recursive=True) observer.start()"Starting change tracker, cmd: {}, dir: {}, delay: {}".format(config.sync_cmd,, config.delay)) try: while True: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
class PropMTimeWatcher: def __init__(self, app_data_folder): self._app_data_folder = app_data_folder self._observer = Observer() self.schedule() def schedule(self): pref = PropMTimePreferences(self._app_data_folder) self._observer.unschedule_all() for path, watcher in pref.get_all_paths().items(): if watcher: if os.path.exists(path): event_handler = ModHandler(path, self._app_data_folder)'scheduling watcher : %s' % path) self._observer.schedule(event_handler, path=path, recursive=True) else: log.error('Error: "%s" does not exist.\n\nPlease edit the path.\n\nTo do this, click on the %s icon and select "Paths".' % (path, __application_name__)) self._observer.start() def request_exit(self): self._observer.unschedule_all() self._observer.stop() self._observer.join(TIMEOUT) if self._observer.isAlive(): log.error('observer still alive')
def watch(directory=None, auto_clear=False, beep_on_failure=True, onpass=None, onfail=None, extensions=[]): """ Starts a server to render the specified file or directory containing a README. """ if directory and not os.path.isdir(directory): raise ValueError('Directory not found: ' + directory) directory = os.path.abspath(directory or '') # Initial run event_handler = ChangeHandler(directory, auto_clear, beep_on_failure, onpass, onfail, extensions) # Setup watchdog observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path=directory, recursive=True) observer.start() # Watch and run tests until interrupted by user try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def watch(path, handler=None, debug=True): import time from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_any_event(self, event): if debug: print "File {0}: {1}".format(event.event_type, event.src_path) if not handler: print "No handler specified" return handler(event.src_path, event.event_type) event_handler = Handler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def watch_project(markdown_fn, output_fn, template_fn, render_first=True): class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_any_event(self, event): if event.src_path == os.path.abspath(output_fn): return print('Rendering slides...') process_slides(markdown_fn, output_fn, template_fn) if render_first == True: process_slides(markdown_fn, output_fn, template_fn) observer = Observer() event_handler = Handler() dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(markdown_fn)) observer.schedule(event_handler, path=dirname, recursive=True) print("Watching for events on {:s}...".format(dirname)) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def watch_assets(options): """ Watch for changes to asset files, and regenerate js/css """ # Don't watch assets when performing a dry run if tasks.environment.dry_run: return observer = Observer() CoffeeScriptWatcher().register(observer) SassWatcher().register(observer) XModuleSassWatcher().register(observer) XModuleAssetsWatcher().register(observer) print("Starting asset watcher...") observer.start() if not getattr(options, 'background', False): # when running as a separate process, the main thread needs to loop # in order to allow for shutdown by contrl-c try: while True: observer.join(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() print("\nStopped asset watcher.")
class Modsync: _target = [] _source = '' _observer = None def __init__(self): pass def setSource(self, source): self._source = source def setTarget(self, target_dir): self._target.append(target_dir) def getObserver(self): return self._observer def run(self): if not self._source: return 0 self._observer = Observer() event_handler = ModsyncEventHandler(self._observer, self._source, self._target) self._observer.schedule(event_handler, self._source, recursive=True) self._observer.start() try: time.sleep(2) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: self._observer.stop() self._observer.join() return 0
def main(): if not config['play']['scan']: raise Exception(''' Nothing to scan. Add a path in the config file. Example: play: scan: - type: shows path: /a/path/to/the/shows ''') obs = Observer() for s in config['play']['scan']: event_handler = Handler( scan_path=s['path'], type_=s['type'], ) obs.schedule( event_handler, s['path'], recursive=True, ) obs.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: obs.stop() obs.join()
class Sceduler: def __init__(self, config): fs = config.get('scheduler', 'fs', 0) dest = config.get('store', 'path', 0) self.ioqueue = Queue() self.iothread = Thread(target=self.ioprocess) self.iothread.daemon = True = Observer() self.event_handler = IoTask(self.ioqueue, fs, dest), fs, recursive=True) def ioprocess(self): while True: t = self.ioqueue.get() try: t.process() finally: self.ioqueue.task_done() def start(self): self.iothread.start() def stop(self): self.iothread.stop() def join(self): self.iothread.join()
def __init__(self, input_dir, templates_dir): paths = [input_dir, templates_dir] threads = [] try: observer = Observer() event_handler = WatchEventHandler() for i in paths: targetPath = str(i) observer.schedule(event_handler, targetPath, recursive=True) threads.append(observer) observer.start() signal_watch_init = signal('watch_init') signal_watch_init.send(self) try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: wrangler._reporter.log("Stopping with grace and poise", "green") observer.stop() observer.join() except: return None
def main(): arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Storyline HTTP v0.1') if arguments.get('--debug'): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) logger.addHandler(handler) app.config.from_object(__name__) app.debug = arguments.get('--debug') story_path = arguments.get('STORY_PATH', '.') global plot plot = storyfile.load_plot_from_path(story_path) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(LoggingEventHandler(), path=story_path, recursive=True) observer.schedule(Reloader(story_path), path=story_path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: finally: observer.stop() observer.join()
def start_watchdog(): event_handler = RankingHandler() observer = Observer() log_handler = LoggingEventHandler() log_observer = Observer() try: observer.schedule(event_handler, path='./watch') observer.start() log_observer.schedule(log_handler, path='./watch') log_observer.start()"Watching Directory") while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Kill message sent. Aborting") observer.stop() log_observer.stop() except:"Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) observer.stop() log_observer.stop() error_message(sys.exc_info()[0]) observer.join() log_observer.join()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--after', help="a command to run after") args = parser.parse_args() py_event_handler = TouchFileEventHandler( patterns=['*.py'], touch_file='index.rst' ) rst_event_handler = MakeEventHandler( patterns=['*.rst'], make_target='html', after=args.after) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(py_event_handler, path='..', recursive=True) observer.schedule(rst_event_handler, path='.', recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def serve(site, director): """Run a simple web server that serve the output directory and watches for changes to the site. When something is changed, it should be generated. """ # Override the log level to display some interactive messages with the # user. With the dev server running, there's no sense in being silent. logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Start the watchdog. event_handler = SiteHandler(director) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, site.path, recursive=True) observer.start() # The simple HTTP server is pretty dumb and does not even take a path to # serve. The only way to serve the right path is to change the directory. outdir = director.outdir os.chdir(outdir) socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', PORT), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) _('Serving {outdir} at http://localhost:{port}/.' '\nPress Ctrl-C to quit.').format(outdir=outdir, port=PORT)) try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt:'\nBye.')) observer.stop() observer.join()
def watch_directory(watch_dir, target_dir, condition=None): if condition: condition.acquire() watch_path = abspath(watch_dir)'Watch path: %s' % watch_path) target_path = abspath(target_dir)'Target path: %s' % target_path) handler = ModifiedHandler(watch_path, target_path) obs = Observer() obs.schedule(handler, watch_path, recursive=True) obs.start() if condition: condition.notify() condition.release() try: while True: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: obs.stop() obs.join()
def filemonitor(topdir, mode, jfs): errors = {} def saferun(cmd, *args): log.debug('running %s with args %s', cmd, args) try: return apply(cmd, args) except Exception as e: puts('Ouch. Something\'s wrong with "%s":' % args[0])) log.exception('SAFERUN: Got exception when processing %s', args) errors.update( {args[0]:e} ) return False if mode == 'archive': event_handler = ArchiveEventHandler(jfs, topdir) elif mode == 'sync': event_handler = SyncEventHandler(jfs, topdir) #event_handler = LoggingEventHandler() elif mode == 'share': event_handler = ShareEventHandler(jfs, topdir) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, topdir, recursive=True) observer.start() try: puts('Starting JottaCloud monitor')) while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() puts('JottaCloud monitor stopped')) observer.join()
def go_watch(): try: print 'Start watching %s' % PATH_TO_WATCH logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') event_handler = LoggingEventHandler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, PATH_TO_WATCH, recursive=True) observer.start() event_handler.on_modified = sync_upload event_handler.on_deleted = sync_upload_delete event_handler.on_created = sync_upload_create event_handler.on_moved = sync_upload_move time_loop = 1 try: while True: time.sleep(1) time_loop += 1 if not time_loop % AUTO_SYNC_TIME: print 'Auto sync every %s second' % AUTO_SYNC_TIME if not observer.event_queue.unfinished_tasks: sync_download() check_dir_deleted() print 'Auto check downloaded file or folder' check_dir_deleted() except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'End watching.' observer.stop() observer.join() except Exception, e: print '*' * 10 print e print '*' * 10 return
def start(self): # Watch the source files for changes filewatch = Observer() filewatch.schedule(FilewatchHandler(parent=self, ignore_patterns=['*.swp', '*~']), self.src_dir, recursive=True) # Clean shutdown on ctrl+c def signal_handler(signal, frame): print print 'Shutting down...' self.stop_server() filewatch.stop() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) self.rebuild() self.start_server() print 'Serving at port', self.port print 'Serving files from', self.final_build_dir print('Press Ctrl+C to stop') filewatch.start() signal.pause() filewatch.join(5000)
def start_watchdog(): event_handler = FileSystemEventHandler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path='../watch') observer.start() log_handler = LoggingEventHandler() log_observer = Observer() log_observer.schedule(log_handler, path='../watch') log_observer.start() try:"Watching Directory") while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Kill message sent. Aborting") observer.stop() log_observer.stop() except:"Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) observer.stop() log_observer.stop() # Send Email msg = "Unexpected error: %s\nScript Failed. Please log in and restart manually" % sys.exc_info()[0] for receiver in toaddrs: server = smtplib.SMTP('') server.starttls() server.login(username,password) server.sendmail(fromaddr, receiver, msg) server.quit() observer.join() log_observer.join()
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "Usage: autorerun <directory_to_monitory> <pattern> <command> <command_args>" return logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') directory = sys.argv[1] pattern = sys.argv[2] command = sys.argv[3:] event_handler = RestartSubProcessEvent(command, pattern) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, directory, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() event_handler.kill() observer.join()
def compile(self): """ Generate autodoc rst files from code docstrings and compile sphinx output """ if self.options.get('watch', False): # If the watch folder is set, we will set up # an observer using watchdog and re-compile on code change from watchdog.observers import Observer observer = Observer() handler = CompileEventHandler(self) observer.schedule(handler, path=self.doc_path, recursive=True) observer.start() print "Watching folder @ {} for changes.".format(self.doc_path) try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Stopping watch folder and Exiting." observer.stop() observer.join() print "Goodbye" else: print "Compiling autodoc rst and sphinx files" self._compile_all() print "Files compiled. Goodbye"
def main(args): stream = ALPACA_STREAM(data_feed='sip') api = ALPACA_REST() fleet = {} # Move old signals so that we do not consider them MoveOldSignals(api) # checking for trades to execute! event_handler = MyHandler(fleet,api,stream) observer = Observer(timeout=1) observer.schedule(event_handler, path='/Users/schae/testarea/finances/FinanceMonitor/Instructions/', recursive=True) observer.start() symbols = args.symbols for symbol in symbols: if args.lot>0: algo = BullishAlgo(api, symbol, lot=args.lot, limit=args.limit,, df=[]) fleet[symbol] = algo # Trigger the loading of the trades event_handler.on_modified(True) async def on_bars(data): if data.symbol in fleet: fleet[data.symbol].on_bar(data) for symbol in symbols: print(symbol) sys.stdout.flush() #stream.subscribe_trades(on_bars, symbol) stream.subscribe_bars(on_bars, symbol) async def on_trade_updates(data):'trade_updates {data}') symbol = data.order['symbol'] if symbol in fleet: fleet[symbol].on_order_update(data.event, data.order) stream.subscribe_trade_updates(on_trade_updates) async def periodic(): while True: if not api.get_clock().is_open:'exit as market is not open') sys.exit(0) await asyncio.sleep(30) positions = api.list_positions() for symbol, algo in fleet.items(): pos = [p for p in positions if p.symbol == symbol] algo.checkup(pos[0] if len(pos) > 0 else None) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() while 1: try: loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(stream._run_forever(),periodic())) except (ConnectionResetError,urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError,requests.exceptions.ConnectionError,APIError,ValueError,AttributeError,RuntimeError,TimeoutError): print('Connection error. will try to restart') pass loop.close() observer.stop() observer.join()
class LocalFS(FileSystem): def __init__(self, root): abs_root = os.path.abspath(root) os.makedirs(abs_root, exist_ok=True) super().__init__(abs_root) self._state = {} self._watchdog = Observer() self._watchdog.schedule(LocalFSEventHandler(self), abs_root, recursive=True) self._queue = Queue() def _abs_path(self, path): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._root, path)) def _rel_path(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, start=self.root) def _to_file(self, abs_path): is_folder = os.path.isdir(abs_path) rel_path = self._rel_path(abs_path) return LocalFile( md5=_md5(abs_path) if not is_folder else os.stat(abs_path).st_ino, is_folder=is_folder, modified_date=datetime.fromtimestamp(round(os.path.getmtime(abs_path), 3)) if not is_folder else None, ) @property def state(self): if self._state: return self._state self._state = LocalFSState.from_file_list(self._list()) self._watchdog.start() return self._state def get_changes(self): while True: yield self._queue.get() @atomic() def makedirs(self, path): LOGGER.debug(f"Creating local directory {path}") os.makedirs(self._abs_path(path), exist_ok=True) def read(self, path): try: return open(self._abs_path(path), "rb") except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): LOGGER.error(f"Cannot read file {self._abs_path(path)} from {self}") return None def search(self, path): return self.state[path] def _list(self): return [ (self._rel_path(os.path.join(dp, f)), self._to_file(os.path.join(dp, f))) for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(self.root) for f in dn + filenames ] def list(self): return iter(self.state) @atomic() def remove(self, path): LOGGER.debug(f"Removing local file at {path}") abs_path = self._abs_path(path) try: os.remove(abs_path) except IsADirectoryError: rmtree(abs_path) except FileNotFoundError: pass @atomic() def move(self, src: str, dst: str): try: LOGGER.debug(f"Moving local file {src} to {dst}") move(self._abs_path(src), self._abs_path(dst)) except FileNotFoundError: pass @atomic() def write(self, stream, path, modified_date): abs_path = self._abs_path(path) folder = os.path.dirname(path) if not self.makedirs(folder) with open(abs_path, "wb") as fout: copyfileobj(stream, fout) stream.close() mtime = datetime.timestamp(modified_date) os.utime(abs_path, (mtime, mtime)) def conflict(self, path: str) -> str: head, tail = os.path.split(path) return os.path.join( head, f"conflict_{hex(int(time())).replace('0x', '')}_{tail}" ) @atomic() def copy(self, src: str, dst: str): try: copy(self._abs_path(src), self._abs_path(dst)) except FileNotFoundError: pass def __del__(self): self._watchdog.stop() self._watchdog.join() super().__del__() def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({self._root})"
def process(self, event): """ event.event_type 'modified' | 'created' | 'moved' | 'deleted' event.is_directory True | False event.src_path path/to/observed/file """ print(event.src_path, event.event_type) # print now only for debug def on_modified(self, event): self.process(event) if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] observer = Observer() observer.schedule(MyHandler(), path=args[0] if args else '.') observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) # print('checking') except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
import sys import time import logging from watchdog.observers import Observer from import LoggingEventHandler if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') path = "P:/Dokument/3" event_handler = LoggingEventHandler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=False) observer.start() try: while True: print("wach") time.sleep(1) print("schlafe") except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() print("stopped") observer.join() #einrücken oder links ? print("joined")
class PortListerPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin, octoprint.plugin.AssetPlugin, octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin): def on_after_startup(self, *args, **kwargs):"Port Lister %s %s" % (repr(args), repr(kwargs))) event_handler = PortListEventHandler(self) self._observer = Observer() self._observer.schedule(event_handler, "/dev", recursive=False) self._observer.start() def on_port_created(self, port, *args, **kwargs): # if we're already connected ignore it if self._printer.is_closed_or_error(): connection_options = get_connection_options()"on_port_created connection_options %s" % (repr(connection_options))) # is the new device in the port list? yes, tell the view model"Checking if %s is in %s" % (port, repr(connection_options["ports"]))) if port in connection_options["ports"]: self._plugin_manager.send_plugin_message(self._plugin_name, port) # if autoconnect and the new port matches, try to connect if self._settings.global_get_boolean(["serial", "autoconnect"]):"autoconnect_delay %d", self._settings.get(["autoconnect_delay"])) Timer(self._settings.get(["autoconnect_delay"]), self.do_auto_connect, [port]).start() else:"Not autoconnecting because autoconnect is turned off.") else: self._logger.warning("Won't autoconnect because %s isn't in %s" % (port, repr(connection_options["ports"]))) else: self._logger.warning("Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.") def on_shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):"Shutting down file system observer") self._observer.stop(); self._observer.join() def do_auto_connect(self, port, *args, **kwargs): try:"do_auto_connect") (autoport, baudrate) = self._settings.global_get(["serial", "port"]), self._settings.global_get_int(["serial", "baudrate"]) if not autoport: autoport = "AUTO" if not port: port = "AUTO" if autoport == "AUTO" or os.path.realpath(autoport) == os.path.realpath(port):"realpath match") printer_profile = self._printer_profile_manager.get_default() profile = printer_profile["id"] if "id" in printer_profile else "_default" if not self._printer.is_closed_or_error():"Not autoconnecting; printer already connected") return"Attempting to connect to %s at %d with profile %s" % (autoport, baudrate, repr(profile))) self._printer.connect(port=autoport, baudrate=baudrate, profile=profile) else:"realpath no match")"Skipping auto connect on %s because it isn't %s" % (os.path.realpath(port), os.path.realpath(autoport))) except: self._logger.error("Exception in do_auto_connect %s", get_exception_string()) def get_settings_defaults(self, *args, **kwargs): return dict(autoconnect_delay=0) def get_assets(self, *args, **kwargs): return dict(js=["js/portlister.js"]) def get_update_information(self, *args, **kwargs): return dict( portlister=dict( displayName="PortLister", displayVersion=self._plugin_version, # use github release method of version check type="github_release", user="******", repo="OctoPrint-PortLister", current=self._plugin_version, # update method: pip pip="{target_version}.zip" ) )
def root(): initial_log = [] global f_name_pos_map with open(log_filename) as f: for i in f.readlines(): initial_log.append(i) f_name_pos_map[log_filename] =, 2) return render_template('static.html', initial_log=initial_log) @app.route('/ping') def handle_my_custom_event(): print(request.args) socketio.emit('log_response', "testing response") return "" log_observer = Observer() log_observer.schedule(LogChangeHandler(patterns=["*.log"], ignore_patterns=["*.swp"], ignore_directories=True, case_sensitive=True), "logs", recursive=False) log_observer.start() if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True) log_observer.stop() log_observer.join()
# # def on_deleted(event): # print(event,'has been deleted') # # def on_moved(event): # print(event,'has been moved') #my_event_handler.on_created = on_created() my_event_handler.on_modified = Practice.FilePoller.FilePoller.on_modified #my_event_handler.on_deleted = on_deleted #my_event_handler.on_moved = on_moved path = 'F:/Python/TextFiles/' go_recursively = True Obj_Observer = Observer() Obj_Observer.schedule(my_event_handler, path, recursive=go_recursively) Obj_Observer.start() try: while True: #print('Sleep starts') time.sleep(10) #print('Sleep ends') except KeyboardInterrupt: Obj_Observer.stop() Obj_Observer.join()
def interact(self, shell, keyboard_thread): event_handler = RerunSceneHandler(self.queue) file_observer = Observer() file_observer.schedule(event_handler, config["input_file"], recursive=True) file_observer.start() self.quit_interaction = False keyboard_thread_needs_join = shell.pt_app is not None assert self.queue.qsize() == 0 last_time = time.time() while not (self.renderer.window.is_closing or self.quit_interaction): if not self.queue.empty(): tup = self.queue.get_nowait() if tup[0].startswith("rerun"): # Intentionally skip calling join() on the file thread to save time. if not tup[0].endswith("keyboard"): if shell.pt_app: file_observer.unschedule_all() raise RerunSceneException keyboard_thread.join() kwargs = tup[2] if "from_animation_number" in kwargs: config["from_animation_number"] = kwargs[ "from_animation_number" ] # # TODO: This option only makes sense if interactive_embed() is run at the # # end of a scene by default. # if "upto_animation_number" in kwargs: # config["upto_animation_number"] = kwargs[ # "upto_animation_number" # ] keyboard_thread.join() file_observer.unschedule_all() raise RerunSceneException elif tup[0].startswith("exit"): # Intentionally skip calling join() on the file thread to save time. if not tup[0].endswith("keyboard") and shell.pt_app: keyboard_thread.join() # Remove exit_keyboard from the queue if necessary. while self.queue.qsize() > 0: self.queue.get() keyboard_thread_needs_join = False break else: method, args, kwargs = tup getattr(self, method)(*args, **kwargs) else: self.renderer.animation_start_time = 0 dt = time.time() - last_time last_time = time.time() self.renderer.render(self, dt, self.moving_mobjects) self.update_mobjects(dt) self.update_meshes(dt) self.update_self(dt) # Join the keyboard thread if necessary. if shell is not None and keyboard_thread_needs_join: keyboard_thread.join() # Remove exit_keyboard from the queue if necessary. while self.queue.qsize() > 0: self.queue.get() file_observer.stop() file_observer.join() if self.dearpygui_imported and config["enable_gui"]: dpg.stop_dearpygui() if self.renderer.window.is_closing: self.renderer.window.destroy()
class TangibleLandscapePlugin(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, giface, parent): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title="Tangible Landscape", style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.giface = giface self.parent = parent if not gscript.find_program(''): self.giface.WriteError("ERROR: Module not found.") self.settings = {} UserSettings.ReadSettingsFile(settings=self.settings) # for the first time if not 'tangible' in self.settings: self.settings['tangible'] = {'calibration': {'matrix': None}, 'analyses': {'file': None, 'contours': None, 'contours_step': 1} } self.calib_matrix = self.settings['tangible']['calibration']['matrix'] self.delay = 0.3 self.process = None = None self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.changedInput = False self.filter = {'filter': False, 'counter': 0, 'threshold': 0.1, 'debug': False} # to be able to add params to runAnalyses from outside self.additionalParams4Analyses = {} self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self) self.scanning_panel = ScanningPanel(self.notebook, self.giface, self.settings['tangible'], scaniface=self) self.notebook.AddPage(self.scanning_panel, "Scanning") self.scan = self.settings['tangible']['scan'] self.outputPanel = OutputPanel(self.notebook, self.giface, self.settings['tangible']) self.notebook.AddPage(self.outputPanel, "Output") self.scanning_panel.settingsChanged.connect(lambda: setattr(self, 'changedInput', True)) analyses_panel = AnalysesPanel(self.notebook, self.giface, self.settings['tangible'], scaniface=self) self.notebook.AddPage(analyses_panel, "Analyses") analyses_panel.settingsChanged.connect(lambda: setattr(self, 'changedInput', True)) self.outputPanel.settingsChanged.connect(lambda: setattr(self, 'changedInput', True)) self.drawing_panel = DrawingPanel(self.notebook, self.giface, self.settings['tangible']) self.notebook.AddPage(self.drawing_panel, "Drawing") self.drawing_panel.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_GUI, self.OnUpdate) self.drawing_panel.settingsChanged.connect(lambda: setattr(self, 'changedInput', True)) self.activities_panel = ActivitiesPanel(self.notebook, self.giface, self.settings['tangible'], scaniface=self) self.notebook.AddPage(self.activities_panel, "Activities") btnStart = wx.Button(self, label="Start") btnStop = wx.Button(self, label="Stop") btnPause = wx.Button(self, label="Pause") self.btnPause = btnPause btnScanOnce = wx.Button(self, label="Scan once") btnHelp = wx.Button(self, label="Help") btnClose = wx.Button(self, label="Close") self.status = wx.StaticText(self) # bind events btnStart.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.Start()) btnStop.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.Stop()) btnPause.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda evt: self.Pause()) btnScanOnce.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.ScanOnce) btnHelp.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnHelp) btnClose.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose) self.Layout() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hSizer.Add(btnStart, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5) hSizer.Add(btnStop, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5) hSizer.Add(btnPause, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5) hSizer.Add(btnScanOnce, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5) sizer.Add(hSizer, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hSizer.Add(self.status, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=5) sizer.Add(hSizer) sizer.Add(self.notebook, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hSizer.AddStretchSpacer() hSizer.Add(btnHelp, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5) hSizer.Add(btnClose, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5) sizer.Add(hSizer, flag=wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) self.SetMinSize(self.GetBestSize()) self.Layout() self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.RestartIfNotRunning, self.timer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) self.Bind(EVT_UPDATE_GUI, self.OnUpdate) self.Bind(EVT_ADD_LAYERS, self.OnAddLayers) self.Bind(EVT_REMOVE_LAYERS, self.OnRemoveLayers) self.Bind(EVT_CHECK_LAYERS, self.OnCheckLayers) self.pause = None self.resume_once = None def OnHelp(self, event): """Show help""" self.giface.Help(entry='g.gui.tangible', online=False) def OnClose(self, event): self.Stop() UserSettings.SaveToFile(self.settings) self.Destroy() def OnUpdate(self, event=None): for each in self.giface.GetAllMapDisplays(): each.GetMapWindow().UpdateMap(delay=self.delay) def CalibrateModelBBox(self, event): if self.IsScanning(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'In order to calibrate, please stop scanning process first.', 'Stop scanning', wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return params = {} if self.calib_matrix: params['calib_matrix'] = self.calib_matrix params['rotate'] = self.scan['rotation_angle'] zrange = ','.join(self.scan['trim_nsewtb'].split(',')[4:]) params['zrange'] = zrange res = gscript.parse_command('', flags='m', overwrite=True, **params) if not res['bbox']: gscript.message(_("Failed to find model extent")) offsetcm = 2 n, s, e, w = [int(round(float(each))) for each in res['bbox'].split(',')] self.scanning_panel.trim['n'].SetValue(str(n + offsetcm)) self.scanning_panel.trim['s'].SetValue(str(abs(s) + offsetcm)) self.scanning_panel.trim['e'].SetValue(str(e + offsetcm)) self.scanning_panel.trim['w'].SetValue(str(abs(w) + offsetcm)) def Calibrate(self, event): if self.IsScanning(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'In order to calibrate, please stop scanning process first.', 'Stop scanning', wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'In order to calibrate, please remove objects from the table.', 'Calibration', wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() res = gscript.parse_command('', flags='c', overwrite=True) if not (res['calib_matrix'] and len(res['calib_matrix'].split(',')) == 9): gscript.message(_("Failed to calibrate")) return else: self.giface.WriteCmdLog("Measured and corrected tilting of sensor: {angle} degrees".format(angle=res['angle_deviation'])) if float(res['angle_deviation']) > 3: self.giface.WriteWarning("Angle deviation is too high, please level the sensor.") offsetcm = 1 height = str(round(float(res['height']) * 100 - offsetcm, 1)) self.scanning_panel.trim['b'].SetValue(height) nswetb = self.settings['tangible']['scan']['trim_nsewtb'].split(',') nswetb[-1] = height self.settings['tangible']['scan']['trim_nsewtb'] = ','.join(nswetb) self.settings['tangible']['calibration']['matrix'] = res['calib_matrix'] UserSettings.SaveToFile(self.settings) # update self.calib_matrix = res['calib_matrix'] def GatherParameters(self, editMode, continuous): """Create dict of input parameteres for Parameter editMode=True is needed when this dict is passed as stdin into during scanning. Parameter continuous is needed when the scanning is supposed to run in loop and not just once""" params = {} if self.settings['tangible']['output']['scan']: params['output'] = self.settings['tangible']['output']['scan'] + 'tmp' # drawing if self.settings['tangible']['drawing']['active'] and self.settings['tangible']['drawing']['name']: params['draw_output'] = self.settings['tangible']['drawing']['name'] params['draw'] = self.settings['tangible']['drawing']['type'] params['draw_threshold'] = self.settings['tangible']['drawing']['threshold'] # we don't want to scan when drawing if editMode: params['output'] = "" else: del params['output'] elif editMode: params['draw_output'] = "" if self.calib_matrix: params['calib_matrix'] = self.calib_matrix if self.scan['elevation']: params['raster'] = self.scan['elevation'] elif self.scan['region']: params['region'] = self.scan['region'] if self.scan['trim_tolerance']: params['trim_tolerance'] = self.scan['trim_tolerance'] # flags params['flags'] = '' if continuous: params['flags'] += 'l' if not editMode and not params['flags']: del params['flags'] if self.settings['tangible']['analyses']['contours'] and 'output' in params: params['contours'] = self.settings['tangible']['analyses']['contours'] params['contours_step'] = self.settings['tangible']['analyses']['contours_step'] elif editMode: params['contours'] = "" # export PLY if 'output' in self.settings['tangible'] and self.settings['tangible']['output']['PLY'] and \ self.settings['tangible']['output']['PLY_file'] and not self.settings['tangible']['drawing']['active']: params['ply'] = self.settings['tangible']['output']['PLY_file'] elif editMode: params['ply'] = "" # export color if 'output' in self.settings['tangible'] and self.settings['tangible']['output']['color'] and \ self.settings['tangible']['output']['color_name']: params['color_output'] = self.settings['tangible']['output']['color_name'] elif editMode: params['color_output'] = "" trim_nsew = ','.join(self.scan['trim_nsewtb'].split(',')[:4]) params['trim'] = trim_nsew params['smooth_radius'] = float(self.scan['smooth'])/1000 if self.scan['interpolate']: method = 'interpolation' else: method = 'mean' params['method'] = method zrange = ','.join(self.scan['trim_nsewtb'].split(',')[4:]) params['zrange'] = zrange params['rotate'] = self.scan['rotation_angle'] params['resolution'] = float(self.scan['resolution'])/1000 params['zexag'] = self.scan['zexag'] params['numscan'] = self.scan['numscans'] if self.process and self.process.poll() is None: # still running if self.resume_once is True: params['resume_once'] = '' self.resume_once = None if self.pause is True: params['pause'] = '' elif self.pause is False: params['resume'] = '' return params def IsScanning(self): if self.process and self.process.poll() is None: return True return False def Scan(self, continuous): if self.process and self.process.poll() is None: return self.status.SetLabel("Scanning...") wx.SafeYield() params = self.GatherParameters(editMode=False, continuous=continuous) self.process = gscript.start_command('', overwrite=True, quiet=True, stdin=PIPE, **params) return self.process def ScanOnce(self, event): # if already running, resume scanning one time if self.process and self.process.poll() is None: # still running self.resume_once = True self.changedInput = True else: self.Scan(continuous=False) self.status.SetLabel("Importing scan...") self.process.wait() self.process = None run_analyses(settings=self.settings, analysesFile=self.settings['tangible']['analyses']['file'], giface=self.giface, update=self.OnUpdate, eventHandler=self, scanFilter=self.filter) self.status.SetLabel("Done.") self.OnUpdate(None) def RestartIfNotRunning(self, event): """Mechanism to restart scanning if process ends or to update scanning properties during running if scanning input changed""" if self.process and self.process.poll() is not None: if try: except TypeError: # throws error on mac pass = None self.Start() if self.changedInput: self.changedInput = False if self.process and self.process.poll() is None: params = self.GatherParameters(editMode=True, continuous=True) new_input = ["{}={}".format(key, params[key]) for key in params] self.process.stdin.write('\n'.join(new_input) + '\n\n') # SIGUSR1 is the signal looks for self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) def Start(self): self.Scan(continuous=True) self.status.SetLabel("Real-time scanning is running now.") if return gisenv = gscript.gisenv() mapsetPath = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], gisenv['MAPSET']) path1 = os.path.join(mapsetPath, 'fcell') if not os.path.exists(path1): os.mkdir(os.path.join(mapsetPath, 'fcell')) path2 = os.path.join(mapsetPath, 'vector') if not os.path.exists(path2): os.mkdir(os.path.join(mapsetPath, 'vector')) paths = [path1, path2] handlers = [RasterChangeHandler(self.runImport, self.settings['tangible']['output']), DrawingChangeHandler(self.runImportDrawing, self.settings['tangible']['drawing']['name'])] = Observer() for path, handler in zip(paths, handlers):, path) self.timer.Start(1000) def Stop(self): if self.process and self.process.poll() is None: # still running self.process.terminate() self.process.wait() self.process = None if try: except TypeError: # throws error on mac pass = None self.timer.Stop() self.status.SetLabel("Real-time scanning stopped.") self.pause = False self.btnPause.SetLabel("Pause") def Pause(self): if self.process and self.process.poll() is None: # still running if not self.pause: self.pause = True self.btnPause.SetLabel("Resume") else: self.pause = False self.btnPause.SetLabel("Pause") self.changedInput = True def runImport(self): run_analyses(settings=self.settings, analysesFile=self.settings['tangible']['analyses']['file'], giface=self.giface, update=self.OnUpdate, eventHandler=self, scanFilter=self.filter, **self.additionalParams4Analyses) evt = updateGUIEvt(self.GetId()) wx.PostEvent(self, evt) def runImportDrawing(self): self.drawing_panel.appendVector() run_analyses(settings=self.settings, analysesFile=self.settings['tangible']['analyses']['file'], giface=self.giface, update=self.OnUpdate, eventHandler=self, scanFilter=self.filter, **self.additionalParams4Analyses) evt = updateGUIEvt(self.GetId()) wx.PostEvent(self, evt) def postEvent(self, receiver, event): wx.PostEvent(receiver, event) def OnAddLayers(self, event): ll = self.giface.GetLayerList() for each in event.layerSpecs: ll.AddLayer(**each) def OnRemoveLayers(self, event): ll = self.giface.GetLayerList() if not hasattr(ll, 'DeleteLayer'): print "Removing layers from layer Manager requires GRASS GIS version > 7.2" return for each in event.layers: ll.DeleteLayer(each) def OnCheckLayers(self, event): ll = self.giface.GetLayerList() if not hasattr(ll, 'CheckLayer'): print "Checking and unchecking layers in layer Manager requires GRASS GIS version > 7.2" return for each in event.layers: ll.CheckLayer(each, checked=event.checked)
class IngestionMonitor: def __init__(self, csv_file): self.logger = logging.getLogger("Monitor") # Process CSV files and get the specific routes and file masks. self.csv_file = csv_file self.routes = self.process_csv()"Creating observer for %s" % csv_file) = Observer() for mask in self.routes: # Attach a watcher for each file mask in the CSV file to the Observer. mask_path = '/'.join(mask.split('/')[:-1]) if os.path.isdir(mask_path): event_handler = MaskRouteEventHandler(patterns=[mask], routes=self.routes[mask]), mask_path, recursive=True) else: self.logger.warning("Directory not found: %s" % mask_path) if self.watchers == 0: self.logger.warning("No watchers set for this observer: %s" % self.csv_file) @property def watchers(self): return len( def process_csv(self): try: reader = csv.DictReader(open(self.csv_file, "U")) except IOError: self.logger.error("%s not found." % self.csv_file) return False fieldnames = ['uframe_route', 'filename_mask', 'reference_designator', 'data_source'] if not set(fieldnames).issubset(reader.fieldnames): self.logger.error(( "%s does not have valid column headers. " "The following columns are required: %s") % (self.csv_file, ", ".join(fieldnames))) return False def commented(row): ''' Check to see if the row is commented out. Any field that starts with # indictes a comment.''' return bool([v for v in row.itervalues() if v and v.startswith("#")]) routes = {} # Load the queue with parameters from each row. for row in reader: if not commented(row): mask = row['filename_mask'] parameters = { f: row[f] for f in row if f in ('uframe_route', 'reference_designator', 'data_source') } if mask in routes.keys(): routes[mask].append(parameters) else: routes[mask] = [parameters] return {mask: routes[mask] for mask in routes} def start(self):"Starting %s watchers for %s" % (self.watchers, self.csv_file)) def stop(self):
def main(): args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.input_dir): print("Error: Invalid input folder %s" % args.input_dir) exit(-1) if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): print("Error: Invalid output folder %s" % args.output_dir) exit(-1) with torch.no_grad(): config, resmodel = get_model1() #config, inresmodel = get_model2() #config, incepv3model = get_model3() config, rexmodel = get_model4() net1 = #net2 = #net3 = net4 = checkpoint = torch.load('denoise_res_015.ckpt') if isinstance(checkpoint, dict) and 'state_dict' in checkpoint: resmodel.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) else: resmodel.load_state_dict(checkpoint) #checkpoint = torch.load('denoise_inres_014.ckpt') #if isinstance(checkpoint, dict) and 'state_dict' in checkpoint: #inresmodel.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) #else: #inresmodel.load_state_dict(checkpoint) #checkpoint = torch.load('denoise_incepv3_012.ckpt') #if isinstance(checkpoint, dict) and 'state_dict' in checkpoint: #incepv3model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) #else: #incepv3model.load_state_dict(checkpoint) checkpoint = torch.load('denoise_rex_001.ckpt') if isinstance(checkpoint, dict) and 'state_dict' in checkpoint: rexmodel.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) else: rexmodel.load_state_dict(checkpoint) if not args.no_gpu: #inresmodel = inresmodel.cuda() resmodel = resmodel.cuda() #incepv3model = incepv3model.cuda() rexmodel = rexmodel.cuda() #inresmodel.eval() resmodel.eval() #incepv3model.eval() rexmodel.eval() #inceptionresnetv2 for ramdon padding model = inceptionresnetv2(num_classes=1001, pretrained='imagenet+background') model = model.cuda() model.eval() # Load kmean kmean = auxkmean(64, 10) kmean.importmodel() ''' watch the input dir for defense ''' observer = Observer() event_handler = FileEventHandler(batch_size=args.batch_size, input_dir=args.input_dir, net1=net1, net4=net4, model=model, itr=args.itr, output_dir=args.output_dir, no_gpu=args.no_gpu, kmean=kmean) observer.schedule(event_handler, args.input_dir, recursive=True) observer.start() print("watchdog start...") try: while True: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() print("\nwatchdog stoped!")
class CommandAuto(Command): """Automatic rebuilds for Nikola.""" name = "auto" has_server = True doc_purpose = "builds and serves a site; automatically detects site changes, rebuilds, and optionally refreshes a browser" dns_sd = None delta_last_rebuild = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=100) web_runner = None # type: web.AppRunner cmd_options = [ { 'name': 'port', 'short': 'p', 'long': 'port', 'default': 8000, 'type': int, 'help': 'Port number', }, { 'name': 'address', 'short': 'a', 'long': 'address', 'type': str, 'default': '', 'help': 'Address to bind', }, { 'name': 'browser', 'short': 'b', 'long': 'browser', 'type': bool, 'help': 'Start a web browser', 'default': False, }, { 'name': 'ipv6', 'short': '6', 'long': 'ipv6', 'default': False, 'type': bool, 'help': 'Use IPv6', }, { 'name': 'no-server', 'long': 'no-server', 'default': False, 'type': bool, 'help': 'Disable the server, automate rebuilds only' }, { 'name': 'process', 'short': 'n', 'long': 'process', 'default': 0, 'type': int, 'help': 'Number of subprocesses (nikola build argument)' }, { 'name': 'parallel-type', 'short': 'P', 'long': 'parallel-type', 'default': 'process', 'type': str, 'help': "Parallelization mode ('process' or 'thread', nikola build argument)" }, ] def _execute(self, options, args): """Start the watcher.""" self.sockets = [] self.rebuild_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.reload_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.last_rebuild = self.is_rebuilding = False if aiohttp is None and Observer is None: req_missing(['aiohttp', 'watchdog'], 'use the "auto" command') elif aiohttp is None: req_missing(['aiohttp'], 'use the "auto" command') elif Observer is None: req_missing(['watchdog'], 'use the "auto" command') if sys.argv[0].endswith(''): self.nikola_cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'nikola', 'build'] else: self.nikola_cmd = [sys.argv[0], 'build'] if != '': self.nikola_cmd.append('--conf=' + if options and options.get('process'): self.nikola_cmd += [ '--process={}'.format(options['process']), '--parallel-type={}'.format(options['parallel-type']) ] port = options and options.get('port') self.snippet = '''<script>document.write('<script src="http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':{0}/livereload.js?snipver=1"></' + 'script>')</script> </head>'''.format(port) # Deduplicate entries by using a set -- otherwise, multiple rebuilds are triggered watched = set(['templates/'] + [get_theme_path(name) for name in]) for item in['post_pages']: watched.add(os.path.dirname(item[0])) for item in['FILES_FOLDERS']: watched.add(item) for item in['GALLERY_FOLDERS']: watched.add(item) for item in['LISTINGS_FOLDERS']: watched.add(item) for item in['IMAGE_FOLDERS']: watched.add(item) for item in watched.add(item) # Nikola itself (useful for developers) watched.add(pkg_resources.resource_filename('nikola', '')) out_folder =['OUTPUT_FOLDER'] if not os.path.exists(out_folder): makedirs(out_folder) if options and options.get('browser'): browser = True else: browser = False if options['ipv6']: dhost = '::' else: dhost = '' host = options['address'].strip('[').strip(']') or dhost # Prepare asyncio event loop # Required for subprocessing to work loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Set debug setting loop.set_debug( # Server can be disabled (Issue #1883) self.has_server = not options['no-server'] if self.has_server: loop.run_until_complete(self.set_up_server(host, port, out_folder)) # Run an initial build so we are up-to-date. The server is running, but we are not watching yet. loop.run_until_complete(self.run_initial_rebuild()) self.wd_observer = Observer() # Watch output folders and trigger reloads if self.has_server: self.wd_observer.schedule(NikolaEventHandler( self.reload_page, loop), out_folder, recursive=True) # Watch input folders and trigger rebuilds for p in watched: if os.path.exists(p): self.wd_observer.schedule(NikolaEventHandler( self.queue_rebuild, loop), p, recursive=True) # Watch config file (a bit of a hack, but we need a directory) _conf_fn = os.path.abspath( or '') _conf_dn = os.path.dirname(_conf_fn) self.wd_observer.schedule(ConfigEventHandler(_conf_fn, self.queue_rebuild, loop), _conf_dn, recursive=False) self.wd_observer.start() win_sleeper = None # (fixed in Python 3.8) if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info < (3, 8): win_sleeper = asyncio.ensure_future(windows_ctrlc_workaround()) if not self.has_server:"Watching for changes...") # Run the event loop forever (no server mode). try: # Run rebuild queue loop.run_until_complete(self.run_rebuild_queue()) loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: if win_sleeper: win_sleeper.cancel() self.wd_observer.stop() self.wd_observer.join() loop.close() return if options['ipv6'] or '::' in host: server_url = "http://[{0}]:{1}/".format(host, port) else: server_url = "http://{0}:{1}/".format(host, port)"Serving on {0} ...".format(server_url)) if browser: # Some browsers fail to load (Issue #2755) if host == '': server_url = "{0}/".format(port) "Opening {0} in the default web browser...".format(server_url)) # Run the event loop forever and handle shutdowns. try: # Run rebuild queue rebuild_queue_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self.run_rebuild_queue()) reload_queue_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self.run_reload_queue()) self.dns_sd = dns_sd(port, (options['ipv6'] or '::' in host)) loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally:"Server is shutting down.") if win_sleeper: win_sleeper.cancel() if self.dns_sd: self.dns_sd.Reset() rebuild_queue_fut.cancel() reload_queue_fut.cancel() loop.run_until_complete(self.web_runner.cleanup()) self.wd_observer.stop() self.wd_observer.join() loop.close() async def set_up_server(self, host: str, port: int, out_folder: str) -> None: """Set up aiohttp server and start it.""" webapp = web.Application() webapp.router.add_get('/livereload.js', self.serve_livereload_js) webapp.router.add_get('/robots.txt', self.serve_robots_txt) webapp.router.add_route('*', '/livereload', self.websocket_handler) resource = IndexHtmlStaticResource(True, self.snippet, '', out_folder) webapp.router.register_resource(resource) webapp.on_shutdown.append(self.remove_websockets) self.web_runner = web.AppRunner(webapp) await self.web_runner.setup() website = web.TCPSite(self.web_runner, host, port) await website.start() async def run_initial_rebuild(self) -> None: """Run an initial rebuild.""" await self._rebuild_site() # If there are any clients, have them reload the root. await self._send_reload_command(['INDEX_FILE']) async def queue_rebuild(self, event) -> None: """Rebuild the site.""" # Move events have a dest_path, some editors like gedit use a # move on larger save operations for write protection event_path = event.dest_path if hasattr( event, 'dest_path') else event.src_path if sys.platform == 'win32': # Windows hidden files support is_hidden = os.stat( event_path).st_file_attributes & stat.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN else: is_hidden = False has_hidden_component = any( p.startswith('.') for p in event_path.split(os.sep)) if (is_hidden or has_hidden_component or '__pycache__' in event_path or event_path.endswith(('.pyc', '.pyo', '.pyd', '_bak', '~')) or event.is_directory ): # Skip on folders, these are usually duplicates return self.logger.debug('Queuing rebuild from {0}'.format(event_path)) await self.rebuild_queue.put((, event_path)) async def run_rebuild_queue(self) -> None: """Run rebuilds from a queue (Nikola can only build in a single instance).""" while True: date, event_path = await self.rebuild_queue.get() if date < (self.last_rebuild + self.delta_last_rebuild): self.logger.debug( "Skipping rebuild from {0} (within delta)".format( event_path)) continue await self._rebuild_site(event_path) async def _rebuild_site(self, event_path: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Rebuild the site.""" self.is_rebuilding = True self.last_rebuild = if event_path:'REBUILDING SITE (from {0})'.format(event_path)) else:'REBUILDING SITE') p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*self.nikola_cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) exit_code = await p.wait() out = (await'utf-8') if exit_code != 0: self.logger.error("Rebuild failed\n" + out) await self.send_to_websockets({'command': 'alert', 'message': out}) else:"Rebuild successful\n" + out) self.is_rebuilding = False async def run_reload_queue(self) -> None: """Send reloads from a queue to limit CPU usage.""" while True: p = await self.reload_queue.get()'REFRESHING: {0}'.format(p)) await self._send_reload_command(p) if self.is_rebuilding: await asyncio.sleep(REBUILDING_REFRESH_DELAY) else: await asyncio.sleep(IDLE_REFRESH_DELAY) async def _send_reload_command(self, path: str) -> None: """Send a reload command.""" await self.send_to_websockets({ 'command': 'reload', 'path': path, 'liveCSS': True }) async def reload_page(self, event) -> None: """Reload the page.""" # Move events have a dest_path, some editors like gedit use a # move on larger save operations for write protection if event: event_path = event.dest_path if hasattr( event, 'dest_path') else event.src_path else: event_path =['OUTPUT_FOLDER'] p = os.path.relpath(event_path, os.path.abspath(['OUTPUT_FOLDER'])).replace( os.sep, '/') await self.reload_queue.put(p) async def serve_livereload_js(self, request): """Handle requests to /livereload.js and serve the JS file.""" return FileResponse(LRJS_PATH) async def serve_robots_txt(self, request): """Handle requests to /robots.txt.""" return Response(body=b'User-Agent: *\nDisallow: /\n', content_type='text/plain', charset='utf-8') async def websocket_handler(self, request): """Handle requests to /livereload and initiate WebSocket communication.""" ws = web.WebSocketResponse() await ws.prepare(request) self.sockets.append(ws) while True: msg = await ws.receive() self.logger.debug("Received message: {0}".format(msg)) if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: message = msg.json() if message['command'] == 'hello': response = { 'command': 'hello', 'protocols': [ '', ], 'serverName': 'Nikola Auto (livereload)', } await ws.send_json(response) elif message['command'] != 'info': self.logger.warning( "Unknown command in message: {0}".format(message)) elif msg.type in (aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSING): break elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE: self.logger.debug("Closing WebSocket") await ws.close() break elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: self.logger.error( 'WebSocket connection closed with exception {0}'.format( ws.exception())) break else: self.logger.warning( "Received unknown message: {0}".format(msg)) self.sockets.remove(ws) self.logger.debug("WebSocket connection closed: {0}".format(ws)) return ws async def remove_websockets(self, app) -> None: """Remove all websockets.""" for ws in self.sockets: await ws.close() self.sockets.clear() async def send_to_websockets(self, message: dict) -> None: """Send a message to all open WebSockets.""" to_delete = [] for ws in self.sockets: if ws.closed: to_delete.append(ws) continue try: await ws.send_json(message) if ws._close_code: await ws.close() to_delete.append(ws) except RuntimeError as e: if 'closed' in e.args[0]: self.logger.warning( "WebSocket {0} closed uncleanly".format(ws)) to_delete.append(ws) else: raise for ws in to_delete: self.sockets.remove(ws)
class _MultiFileWatcher(object): """Watches multiple files.""" _singleton = None @classmethod def get_singleton(cls): """Return the singleton _MultiFileWatcher object. Instantiates one if necessary. """ if cls._singleton is None: LOGGER.debug("No singleton. Registering one.") _MultiFileWatcher() return _MultiFileWatcher._singleton # Don't allow constructor to be called more than once. def __new__(cls): """Constructor.""" if _MultiFileWatcher._singleton is not None: raise RuntimeError("Use .get_singleton() instead") return super(_MultiFileWatcher, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" _MultiFileWatcher._singleton = self # Map of folder_to_watch -> _FolderEventHandler. self._folder_handlers = {} # Used for mutation of _folder_handlers dict self._lock = threading.Lock() # The Observer object from the Watchdog module. Since this class is # only instantiated once, we only have a single Observer in Streamlit, # and it's in charge of watching all paths we're interested in. self._observer = Observer() self._observer.start() # Start observer thread. def watch_file(self, file_path, callback): """Start watching a file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The full path of the file to watch. callback : callable The function to execute when the file is changed. """ folder_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path)) with self._lock: folder_handler = self._folder_handlers.get(folder_path) if folder_handler is None: folder_handler = _FolderEventHandler() self._folder_handlers[folder_path] = folder_handler = self._observer.schedule(folder_handler, folder_path, recursive=False) folder_handler.add_file_change_listener(file_path, callback) def stop_watching_file(self, file_path, callback): """Stop watching a file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The full path of the file to stop watching. callback : callable The function to execute when the file is changed. """ folder_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path)) with self._lock: folder_handler = self._folder_handlers.get(folder_path) if folder_handler is None: LOGGER.debug( "Cannot stop watching path, because it is already not being " "watched. %s", folder_path, ) return folder_handler.remove_file_change_listener(file_path, callback) if not folder_handler.is_watching_files(): # Sometimes watchdog's FileSystemEventHandler does not have # a .watch property. It's unclear why -- may be due to a # race condition. if hasattr(folder_handler, "watch"): self._observer.unschedule( del self._folder_handlers[folder_path] def close(self): with self._lock: """Close this _MultiFileWatcher object forever.""" if len(self._folder_handlers) != 0: self._folder_handlers = {} LOGGER.debug( "Stopping observer thread even though there is a non-zero " "number of event observers!") else: LOGGER.debug("Stopping observer thread") self._observer.stop() self._observer.join(timeout=5)
os.mkdir(folder_name) #makes new dir print("Directory ", folder_name, " Created ") new_name = folder_destination + '/' + folder_name + '/' + filename #new location of file return new_name class Myhandler(FileSystemEventHandler): i = 1 def on_modified(self, event): for filename in os.listdir(folder_to_track): #iterates in directory src = folder_to_track + '/' + filename #source Directory new_destination = folder(filename) #new directory os.rename(src, new_destination) folder_to_track = 'C:/Users/usert/Downloads/sorter2' #source Directory folder_destination = 'C:/Users/usert/Downloads' #target directory (main dir) os.chdir(folder_destination) #changes working dir event_handler = Myhandler() Observer = Observer() Observer.schedule(event_handler, folder_to_track, recursive=True) Observer.start() #creates a new thread try: while True: time.sleep(10) #keeps the thread running except KeyboardInterrupt: Observer.stop() #stops if interrupted Observer.join() #does some work before the thread terminate
class WhenChanged(FileSystemEventHandler): # files to exclude from being watched exclude = re.compile(r'|'.join(r'(.+/)?' + a for a in [ # Vim swap files r'\..*\.sw[px]*$', # file creation test file 4913 r'4913$', # backup files r'.~$', # git directories r'\.git/?', # __pycache__ directories r'__pycache__/?', ])) def __init__(self, files, command, recursive=False, run_once=False, run_at_start=False): self.files = files paths = {} for f in files: paths[os.path.realpath(f)] = f self.paths = paths self.command = command self.recursive = recursive self.run_once = run_once self.run_at_start = run_at_start self.last_run = 0 = Observer(timeout=0.1) for p in self.paths: if os.path.isdir(p): # Add directory, p, recursive=True) else: # Add parent directory p = os.path.dirname(p), p) def run_command(self, thefile): if self.run_once: if os.path.exists( thefile) and os.path.getmtime(thefile) < self.last_run: return new_command = [] for item in self.command: new_command.append(item.replace('%f', thefile)), shell=(len(new_command) == 1)) self.last_run = time.time() def is_interested(self, path): if self.exclude.match(path): return False if path in self.paths: return True path = os.path.dirname(path) if path in self.paths: return True if self.recursive: while os.path.dirname(path) != path: path = os.path.dirname(path) if path in self.paths: return True return False def on_change(self, path): if self.is_interested(path): self.run_command(path) def on_created(self, event): if == 'InotifyObserver': # inotify also generates modified events for created files return if not event.is_directory: self.on_change(event.src_path) def on_modified(self, event): if not event.is_directory: self.on_change(event.src_path) def on_moved(self, event): if not event.is_directory: self.on_change(event.dest_path) def run(self): if self.run_at_start: self.run_command('/dev/null') try: while True: time.sleep(60 * 60) except KeyboardInterrupt:
class WatchdogReloaderLoop(ReloaderLoop): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: from watchdog.observers import Observer from import PatternMatchingEventHandler super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) trigger_reload = self.trigger_reload class EventHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler): # type: ignore def on_any_event(self, event): trigger_reload(event.src_path) reloader_name = Observer.__name__.lower() if reloader_name.endswith("observer"): reloader_name = reloader_name[:-8] = f"watchdog ({reloader_name})" = Observer() # Extra patterns can be non-Python files, match them in addition # to all Python files in default and extra directories. Ignore # __pycache__ since a change there will always have a change to # the source file (or initial pyc file) as well. Ignore Git and # Mercurial internal changes. extra_patterns = [p for p in self.extra_files if not os.path.isdir(p)] self.event_handler = EventHandler( patterns=["*.py", "*.pyc", "*.zip", *extra_patterns], ignore_patterns=[ "*/__pycache__/*", "*/.git/*", "*/.hg/*", *self.exclude_patterns, ], ) self.should_reload = False def trigger_reload(self, filename: str) -> None: # This is called inside an event handler, which means throwing # SystemExit has no effect. # self.should_reload = True self.log_reload(filename) def __enter__(self) -> ReloaderLoop: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {} return super().__enter__() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): def run(self) -> None: while not self.should_reload: self.run_step() time.sleep(self.interval) sys.exit(3) def run_step(self) -> None: to_delete = set( for path in _find_watchdog_paths(self.extra_files, self.exclude_patterns): if path not in try:[path] = self.event_handler, path, recursive=True) except OSError: # Clear this path from list of watches We don't want # the same error message showing again in the next # iteration.[path] = None to_delete.discard(path) for path in to_delete: watch =, None) if watch is not None:
class sr_post(sr_instances): # ============= # check # ============= def check(self): self.logger.debug("%s check" % self.program_name) if self.config_name == None and self.action != 'foreground': return # singleton if self.nbr_instances != 1: self.logger.error("number of instance must be one") # =============== # FIXME remove 2018 : temporary checks and fake subclass self.temporary_stuff() # =============== if self.post_broker == None: self.logger.error("post_broker required") if self.post_exchange == None: self.post_exchange = 'xs_%s' % self.post_broker.username if self.post_exchange_suffix: self.post_exchange += '_' + self.post_exchange_suffix if self.post_base_url == None: self.logger.error("post_base_url required") elif self.post_base_url.startswith('file:'): self.post_base_url = 'file:' # if accept_unmatch was not set, accept whatever not rejected if self.accept_unmatch == None: self.accept_unmatch = True # permanent message headers fields if self.to_clusters == None: self.to_clusters = self.post_broker.hostname # inflight try: self.inflight = int(self.inflight) except: pass # merge these 2 events self.create_modify = 'create' in or 'modify' in # ============= # close # ============= def close(self): self.logger.debug("%s close" % self.program_name) for plugin in self.on_stop_list: if not plugin(self): break if self.post_hc: self.post_hc.close() self.post_hc = None if hasattr(self, 'cache') and self.cache: self.cache.close() if self.sleep > 0 and len(self.obs_watched): for ow in self.obs_watched: if self.restore_queue != None: self.publisher.restore_clear() # ============= # connect # ============= def connect(self): self.logger.debug("%s connect" % self.program_name) # ============= # create message if needed # ============= self.msg = sr_message(self) # ============= # posting # ============= loop = True if self.sleep <= 0: loop = False self.post_hc = HostConnect(logger=self.logger) self.post_hc.set_pika(self.use_pika) self.post_hc.set_url(self.post_broker) self.post_hc.loop = loop self.post_hc.connect() self.publisher = Publisher(self.post_hc)"Output AMQP broker(%s) user(%s) vhost(%s)" % \ (self.post_broker.hostname,self.post_broker.username,self.post_broker.path) ) # ============= # setup message publish # ============= self.msg.user = self.post_broker.username self.msg.publisher = self.publisher self.msg.pub_exchange = self.post_exchange self.msg.post_exchange_split = self.post_exchange_split"Output AMQP exchange(%s)" % self.msg.pub_exchange) # ============= # amqp resources # ============= self.declare_exchanges() # ============= # retransmit/restore_queue # ============= if self.restore_queue != None: self.publisher.restore_set(self) self.msg.pub_exchange = self.publisher.restore_exchange self.msg.post_exchange_split = 0 # ============= # help # ============= def help(self): print("\nUsage: %s -u <url> -pb <post_broker> ... [OPTIONS]\n" % self.program_name) print("version: %s \n" % sarra.__version__) print("OPTIONS:") print( "-pb|post_broker <broker> default:amqp://guest:guest@localhost/" ) print("-c|config <config_file>") print("-pbd <post_base_dir> default:None") print( "-e <events> default:create|delete|follow|link|modify\n" ) print("-pe <post_exchange> default:xs_\"broker.username\"") print("-h|--help\n") print( "-parts [0|1|sz] 0-computed blocksize (default), 1-whole files (no partitioning), sz-fixed blocksize" ) print("-to <name1,name2,...> defines target clusters, default: ALL") print("-tp <topic_prefix>") print("-sub <subtopic> default:'path.of.file'") print("-rn <rename> default:None") print("-sum <sum> default:d") print("-caching default:enable caching") print("-reset default:enable reset") print("-path <path1... pathN> default:required") print("-on_post <script> default:None") print("DEBUG:") print("-debug") print("-r : randomize chunk posting") print("-rr : reconnect between chunks\n") # ============= # on_add (for SimpleEventHandler module) # ============= def on_add(self, event, src, dst): #self.logger.debug("%s %s %s" % ( event, src, dst ) ) self.new_events['%s %s' % (src, dst)] = (event, src, dst) # ============= # on_created (for SimpleEventHandler) # ============= def on_created(self, event): self.on_add('create', event.src_path, None) # ============= # on_deleted (for SimpleEventHandler) # ============= def on_deleted(self, event): self.on_add('delete', event.src_path, None) # ============= # on_modified (for SimpleEventHandler) # ============= def on_modified(self, event): self.on_add('modify', event.src_path, None) # ============= # on_moved (for SimpleEventHandler) # ============= def on_moved(self, event): self.on_add('move', event.src_path, event.dest_path) # ============= # __on_post__ posting of message # ============= def __on_post__(self): #self.logger.debug("%s __on_post__" % self.program_name) # invoke on_post when provided for plugin in self.on_post_list: if not plugin(self): return False ok = True if self.outlet == 'json': json_line = json.dumps( [self.msg.topic, self.msg.headers, self.msg.notice], sort_keys=True) + '\n' print("%s" % json_line) elif self.outlet == 'url': print("%s" % '/'.join(self.msg.notice.split()[1:3])) else: ok = self.msg.publish() # publish counter self.publish_count += 1 return ok # ============= # __on_watch__ # ============= def __on_watch__(self): # invoke user defined on_message when provided for plugin in self.on_watch_list: if not plugin(self): return False return True # ============= # __on_part__ # ============= def __on_part__(self): # invoke user defined on_part when provided for plugin in self.on_part_list: if not plugin(self): return False return True # ============= # overwride defaults # ============= def overwrite_defaults(self): self.logger.debug("%s overwrite_defaults" % self.program_name) self.post_hc = None self.obs_watched = [] self.watch_handler = None self.inl = [] self.new_events = OrderedDict() self.left_events = OrderedDict() self.blocksize = 200 * 1024 * 1024 # ============= # path inflight # ============= def path_inflight(self, path, lstat): #self.logger.debug("path_inflight %s" % path ) if not isinstance(self.inflight, int): #self.logger.debug("ok inflight unused") return False if lstat == None: #self.logger.debug("ok lstat None") return False age = time.time() - lstat[stat.ST_MTIME] if age < self.inflight: self.logger.debug("%d vs (inflight setting) %d seconds. Too New!" % (age, self.inflight)) return True return False # ============= # path renamed # ============= def path_renamed(self, path): newname = path # rename path given with no filename if self.rename: newname = self.rename if self.rename[-1] == '/': newname += os.path.basename(path) # strip 'N' heading directories if self.strip > 0: strip = self.strip if path[0] == '/': strip = strip + 1 # if we strip too much... keep the filename token = path.split('/') try: token = token[strip:] except: token = [os.path.basename(path)] newname = '/' + '/'.join(token) if newname == path: return None return newname # ============= # path rejected # ============= def path_rejected(self, path): #self.logger.debug("path_rejected %s" % path ) if not self.post_base_url: self.post_base_url = 'file:/' if self.masks == []: return False self.post_relpath = path if self.post_base_dir: self.post_relpath = path.replace(self.post_base_dir, '') urlstr = self.post_base_url + '/' + self.post_relpath if self.realpath_filter and not self.realpath_post: if os.path.exist(path): fltr_post_relpath = os.path.realpath(path) if sys.platform == 'win32': fltr_post_relpath = fltr_post_relpath.replace('\\', '/') if self.post_base_dir: fltr_post_relpath = fltr_post_relpath.replace( self.post_base_dir, '') urlstr = self.post_base_url + '/' + fltr_post_relpath if not self.isMatchingPattern(urlstr, self.accept_unmatch): self.logger.debug("%s Rejected by accept/reject options" % urlstr) return True self.logger.debug("%s not rejected" % urlstr) return False # ============= # post_delete # ============= def post_delete(self, path, key=None, value=None): #self.logger.debug("post_delete %s (%s,%s)" % (path,key,value) ) # accept this file if self.path_rejected(path): return False # post_init (message) self.post_init(path, None) # sumstr hash = sha512() hash.update(bytes(os.path.basename(path), encoding='utf-8')) sumstr = 'R,%s' % hash.hexdigest() # partstr partstr = None # caching if self.caching: new_post = self.cache.check(str(sumstr), path, partstr) self.cache.delete_path(path) # dont keep delete in cache if not new_post: self.logger.debug("already posted as deleted %s %s" % (path, sumstr)) return False # completing headers self.msg.headers['sum'] = sumstr # used when moving a file if key != None: self.msg.headers[key] = value if key == 'newname' and self.post_base_dir: self.msg.new_dir = os.path.dirname(value) self.msg.new_file = os.path.basename(value) self.msg.headers[key] = value.replace(self.post_base_dir, '') # post message ok = self.__on_post__() return ok # ============= # post_file # ============= def post_file(self, path, lstat, key=None, value=None): #self.logger.debug("post_file %s" % path ) # accept this file if self.path_rejected(path): return False # check if it is a part file if path.endswith('.' + self.msg.part_ext): return self.post_file_part(path, lstat) # This variable means that part_file_assemble plugin is loaded and will handle posting the original file (being assembled) elif hasattr(self, 'suppress_posting_partial_assembled_file'): return False # check the value of blocksize fsiz = lstat[stat.ST_SIZE] blksz = self.set_blocksize(self.blocksize, fsiz) # if we should send the file in parts if blksz > 0 and blksz < fsiz: return self.post_file_in_parts(path, lstat) # post_init (message) self.post_init(path, lstat) # partstr partstr = '1,%d,1,0,0' % fsiz # xattr turned off PS 20180423 # xattr ... check if sum is set in extended fileattributes sumstr = '' #try : # attr = xattr.xattr(path) # if 'user.sr_sum' in attr : # self.logger.debug("sum set by xattr") # sumstr = (attr['user.sr_sum'].decode("utf-8")).split()[1] #except: pass sumstr = self.compute_sumstr(path, fsiz, sumstr) # caching if self.caching: new_post = self.cache.check(str(sumstr), self.post_relpath, partstr) if new_post:"caching %s" % path) else: self.logger.debug("already posted %s" % path) return False # complete message self.msg.headers['parts'] = partstr self.msg.headers['sum'] = sumstr # used when moving a file if key != None: self.msg.headers[key] = value if key == 'oldname' and self.post_base_dir: self.msg.headers[key] = value.replace(self.post_base_dir, '') # post message ok = self.__on_post__() return ok def compute_sumstr(self, path, fsiz, sumstr=''): sumflg = self.sumflg if sumflg[:2] == 'z,' and len(sumflg) > 2: sumstr = sumflg else: if not sumflg[0] in ['0', 'd', 'n', 's', 'z']: sumflg = 'd' self.set_sumalgo(sumflg) sumalgo = self.sumalgo sumalgo.set_path(path) # compute checksum if sumflg in ['d', 's']: fp = open(path, 'rb') i = 0 while i < fsiz: buf = if not buf: break sumalgo.update(buf) i += len(buf) fp.close() # setting sumstr checksum = sumalgo.get_value() sumstr = '%s,%s' % (sumflg, checksum) return sumstr # xattr turned off PS 20180424 # setting extended attributes #self.logger.debug("xattr set for time and sum") #sr_attr = self.msg.time + ' ' + sumstr #attr['user.sr_sum' ] = bytes( sr_attr, encoding='utf-8') # ============= # post_file_in_parts # ============= def post_file_in_parts(self, path, lstat): #self.logger.debug("post_file_in_parts %s" % path ) # post_init (message) self.post_init(path, lstat) # check the value of blocksize fsiz = lstat[stat.ST_SIZE] chunksize = self.set_blocksize(self.blocksize, fsiz) # count blocks and remainder block_count = int(fsiz / chunksize) remainder = fsiz % chunksize if remainder > 0: block_count = block_count + 1 # default sumstr sumstr = self.sumflg # loop on chunks blocks = list(range(0, block_count)) if self.randomize: random.shuffle(blocks) #blocks = [8, 3, 1, 2, 9, 6, 0, 7, 4, 5] # Testing'Sending partitions in the following order: ' + str(blocks)) for i in blocks: # setting sumalgo for that part sumflg = self.sumflg if sumflg[:2] == 'z,' and len(sumflg) > 2: sumstr = sumflg else: sumflg = self.sumflg if not self.sumflg[0] in ['0', 'd', 'n', 's', 'z']: sumflg = 'd' self.set_sumalgo(sumflg) sumalgo = self.sumalgo sumalgo.set_path(path) # compute block stuff current_block = i offset = current_block * chunksize length = chunksize last = current_block == block_count - 1 if last and remainder > 0: length = remainder # set partstr partstr = 'i,%d,%d,%d,%d' %\ (chunksize,block_count,remainder,current_block) # compute checksum if needed if not self.sumflg in ['0', 'n', 'z']: bufsize = self.bufsize if length < bufsize: bufsize = length fp = open(path, 'rb') if offset != 0:, 0) t = 0 while t < length: buf = if not buf: break sumalgo.update(buf) t += len(buf) fp.close() checksum = sumalgo.get_value() sumstr = '%s,%s' % (sumflg, checksum) # caching if self.caching: new_post = self.cache.check(str(sumstr), self.post_relpath, partstr) if new_post:"caching %s (%s)" % (path, partstr)) else: self.logger.debug("already posted %s (%s)" % (path, partstr)) continue # complete message self.msg.headers['parts'] = partstr self.msg.headers['sum'] = sumstr # post message ok = self.__on_post__() if not ok: self.logger.error('Something went wrong while posting: %s' % self.msg.notice[2]) return True # ============= # post_file_part # ============= def post_file_part(self, path, lstat): # post_init (message) self.post_init(path, lstat) # verify suffix ok, log_msg, suffix, partstr, sumstr = self.msg.verify_part_suffix( path) # something went wrong if not ok: self.logger.debug("file part extension but %s for file %s" % (log_msg, path)) return False # check rename see if it has the right part suffix (if present) if 'rename' in self.msg.headers and not suffix in self.msg.headers[ 'rename']: self.msg.headers['rename'] += suffix # caching if self.caching: new_post = self.cache.check(str(sumstr), path, partstr) if new_post:"caching %s" % path) else: self.logger.debug("already posted %s" % path) return False # complete message self.msg.headers['parts'] = partstr self.msg.headers['sum'] = sumstr # post message and trigger part plugins ok = self.__on_part__() if ok: ok = self.__on_post__() return ok # ============= # post_init # ============= def post_init(self, path, lstat=None, key=None, value=None): self.msg.new_dir = os.path.dirname(path) self.msg.new_file = os.path.basename(path) # relpath self.post_relpath = path if self.post_base_dir: self.post_relpath = path.replace(self.post_base_dir, '') # exchange = self.post_exchange # topic self.msg.set_topic(self.topic_prefix, self.post_relpath) if self.subtopic: self.msg.set_topic_usr(self.topic_prefix, self.subtopic) # notice self.msg.set_notice(self.post_base_url, self.post_relpath) # rename rename = self.path_renamed(self.post_relpath) # headers self.msg.headers = {} self.msg.trim_headers() if self.to_clusters != None: self.msg.headers['to_clusters'] = self.to_clusters if self.cluster != None: self.msg.headers['from_cluster'] = self.cluster if self.source != None: self.msg.headers['source'] = self.source if rename != None: self.msg.headers['rename'] = rename if key != None: self.msg.headers[key] = value if lstat == None: return self.msg.headers['mtime'] = timeflt2str(lstat.st_mtime) self.msg.headers['atime'] = timeflt2str(lstat.st_atime) self.msg.headers['mode'] = "%o" % (lstat[stat.ST_MODE] & 0o7777) # ============= # post_link # ============= def post_link(self, path, key=None, value=None): #self.logger.debug("post_link %s" % path ) # accept this file if self.path_rejected(path): return False # post_init (message) self.post_init(path, None) # resolve link link = os.readlink(path) # partstr partstr = None # sumstr hash = sha512() hash.update(bytes(link, encoding='utf-8')) sumstr = 'L,%s' % hash.hexdigest() # caching if self.caching: new_post = self.cache.check(str(sumstr), self.post_relpath, partstr) if new_post:"caching %s" % path) else: self.logger.debug("already posted %s" % path) return False # complete headers self.msg.headers['link'] = link self.msg.headers['sum'] = sumstr # used when moving a file if key != None: self.msg.headers[key] = value # post message ok = self.__on_post__() return ok # ============= # post_move # ============= def post_move(self, src, dst): #self.logger.debug("post_move %s %s" % (src,dst) ) # watchdog funny ./ added at end of directory path ... removed src = src.replace('/./', '/') dst = dst.replace('/./', '/') if os.path.islink(dst) and self.realpath_post: dst = os.path.realpath(dst) if sys.platform == 'win32': dst = dst.replace('\\', '/') # file if os.path.isfile(dst): ok = self.post_delete(src, 'newname', dst) ok = self.post_file(dst, os.stat(dst), 'oldname', src) return True # link if os.path.islink(dst): ok = self.post_delete(src, 'newname', dst) ok = self.post_link(dst, 'oldname', src) return True # directory if os.path.isdir(dst): for x in os.listdir(dst): dst_x = dst + '/' + x src_x = src + '/' + x ok = self.post_move(src_x, dst_x) # directory list to delete at end self.move_dir_lst.append((src, dst)) return True # ============= # post1file # ============= def post1file(self, path, lstat): done = True # watchdog funny ./ added at end of directory path ... removed path = path.replace('/./', '/') # always use / as separator for paths being posted. if os.sep != '/': # windows path = path.replace(os.sep, '/') # path is a link if os.path.islink(path): ok = self.post_link(path) if self.follow_symlinks: link = os.readlink(path) try: rpath = os.path.realpath(link) if sys.platform == 'win32': rpath = rpath.replace('\\', '/') except: return done lstat = None if os.path.exists(rpath): lstat = os.stat(rpath) ok = self.post1file(rpath, lstat) return done # path deleted if lstat == None: ok = self.post_delete(path) return done # path is a file if os.path.isfile(path): ok = self.post_file(path, lstat) return done # at this point it is a create,modify directory return done # ============= # post1move # ============= def post1move(self, src, dst): #self.logger.debug("post1move %s %s" % (src,dst) ) self.move_dir_lst = [] ok = self.post_move(src, dst) for tup in self.move_dir_lst: src, dst = tup #self.logger.debug("deleting moved directory %s" % src ) ok = self.post_delete(src, 'newname', dst) return True # ============= # process event # ============= def process_event(self, event, src, dst): #self.logger.debug("process_event %s %s %s " % (event,src,dst) ) done = True later = False # delete if event == 'delete': if event in ok = self.post1file(src, None) return done # move if event == 'move': if self.create_modify: ok = self.post1move(src, dst) return done # create or modify # directory : skipped, its content is watched if os.path.isdir(src): return done # link ( os.path.exists = false, lstat = None ) if os.path.islink(src): if 'link' in ok = self.post1file(src, None) return done # file : must exists # (may have been deleted since event caught) if not os.path.exists(src): return done # file : must be old enough lstat = os.stat(src) if self.path_inflight(src, lstat): return later # post it if self.create_modify: ok = self.post1file(src, lstat) return done def post_pulse(self):"post_pulse message") self.connect() # build message self.msg.topic = 'v02.pulse' self.msg.set_time() self.msg.notice = '%s' % self.msg.time if self.pulse_message: self.msg.topic += '.message' self.msg.notice += ' ' + self.pulse_message else: self.msg.topic += '.tick' self.msg.headers = {} self.msg.trim_headers() # pulse on all exchanges # because of its topic, it should not impact any process # that does not consider topic v02.pulse lst_dict = run_rabbitmqadmin(self.post_broker, "list exchanges name", self.logger) ex = [] for edict in lst_dict: exchange = edict['name'] if exchange == '': continue if exchange[0] != 'x': continue if exchange == 'xreport': continue # deprecated exchanges if exchange == 'xlog': continue if exchange[0:3] == 'xl_': continue if exchange[0:3] == 'xr_': continue ex.append(exchange) self.msg.pub_exchange = exchange self.msg.message_ttl = self.message_ttl self.msg.publish() self.close() # ============= # set_blocksize ... directly from c code # ============= def set_blocksize(self, bssetting, fsiz): tfactor = 50 * 1024 * 1024 if bssetting == 0: ## autocompute if fsiz > 100 * tfactor: return 10 * tfactor elif fsiz > 10 * tfactor: return int((fsiz + 9) / 10) elif fsiz > tfactor: return int((fsiz + 2) / 3) else: return fsiz elif bssetting == 1: ## send file as one piece. return fsiz else: ## partstr=i return bssetting # ============= # wakeup # ============= def wakeup(self): #self.logger.debug("wakeup") # FIXME: Tiny potential for events to be dropped during copy. # these lists might need to be replaced with watchdog event queues. # left for later work. PS-20170105 # more details: # on_watch ok = self.__on_watch__() if not ok: return # pile up left events to process self.left_events.update(self.new_events) self.new_events = OrderedDict() # work with a copy events and keep done events (to delete them) self.done_events = [] self.cur_events = OrderedDict() self.cur_events.update(self.left_events) # nothing to do if len(self.cur_events) <= 0: return # loop on all events for key in self.cur_events: event, src, dst = self.cur_events[key] done = self.process_event(event, src, dst) if done: self.left_events.pop(key) # heartbeat self.heartbeat_check() # ============= # walk # ============= def walk(self, src): self.logger.debug("walk %s" % src) # how to proceed with symlink if os.path.islink(src) and self.realpath_post: src = os.path.realpath(src) if sys.platform == 'win32': src = src.replace('\\', '/') # walk src directory, this walk is depth first... there could be a lot of time # between *listdir* run, and when a file is visited, if there are subdirectories before you get there. # hence the existence check after listdir (crashed in flow_tests of > 20,000) for x in os.listdir(src): path = src + '/' + x if os.path.isdir(path): self.walk(path) continue # add path created if os.path.exists(path): self.post1file(path, os.stat(path)) # ============= # original walk_priming # ============= def walk_priming(self, p): """ Find all the subdirectories of the given path, start watches on them. deal with symbolically linked directories correctly """ if os.path.islink(p): realp = os.path.realpath(p) if sys.platform == 'win32': realp = realp.replace('\\', '/')"sr_watch %s is a link to directory %s" % (p, realp)) if self.realpath_post: d = realp else: d = p + '/' + '.' else: d = p try: fs = os.stat(d) dir_dev_id = '%s,%s' % (fs.st_dev, fs.st_ino) if dir_dev_id in self.inl: return True except: self.logger.warning("could not stat %s" % d) if os.access(d, os.R_OK | os.X_OK): try: ow =, d, recursive=True) self.obs_watched.append(ow) self.inl[dir_dev_id] = (ow, d) "sr_watch priming watch (instance=%d) scheduled for: %s " % (len(self.obs_watched), d)) except: self.logger.warning( "sr_watch priming watch: %s failed, deferred." % d) # add path created self.on_add('create', p, None) return True else: self.logger.warning( "sr_watch could not schedule priming watch of: %s (EPERM) deferred." % d) # add path created self.on_add('create', p, None) return True return True # ============= # watch_dir # ============= def watch_dir(self, sld): self.logger.debug("watch_dir %s" % sld) if self.force_polling: "sr_watch polling observer overriding default (slower but more reliable.)" ) = PollingObserver() else: "sr_watch optimal observer for platform selected (best when it works)." ) = Observer() self.obs_watched = [] self.watch_handler = SimpleEventHandler(self) self.walk_priming(sld) "sr_watch priming walk done, but not yet active. Starting...")"sr_watch now active on %s posting to exchange: %s" % (sld, self.post_exchange)) self.walk(sld) # ============= # watch_loop # ============= def watch_loop(self): self.logger.debug("watch_loop") last_time = time.time() while True: self.wakeup() now = time.time() elapse = now - last_time if elapse < self.sleep: time.sleep(self.sleep - elapse) last_time = now # ================================================== # FIXME in 2018? get rid of code from HERE TOP def temporary_stuff(self): # enforcing post_broker if self.post_broker == None: if != None: self.post_broker = self.logger.warning("use post_broker to set broker") # enforcing post_exchange if self.post_exchange == None: if != None: self.post_exchange = self.logger.warning("use post_exchange to set exchange") # verify post_base_dir if self.post_base_dir == None: if self.post_document_root != None: self.post_base_dir = self.post_document_root self.logger.warning( "use post_base_dir instead of post_document_root") elif self.document_root != None: self.post_base_dir = self.document_root self.logger.warning( "use post_base_dir instead of document_root") # faking having a subclass poster from which post is called addmodule = namedtuple('AddModule', ['post']) self.poster = addmodule(self.post_url) if == self.post_url: self.logger.debug("MY POSTER TRICK DID WORK !!!") def post_url(self,post_exchange,url,to_clusters,\ partstr=None,sumstr=None,rename=None,filename=None, \ mtime=None,atime=None,mode=None,link=None): self.logger.warning( "deprecated use of,url...") self.logger.warning( "should be using self.post1file or self.post_file...") post_relpath = url.path urlstr = url.geturl() post_base_url = urlstr.replace(post_relpath, '') # apply accept/reject if self.realpath_filter and not self.realpath_post: path = post_relpath if self.post_base_dir: path = self.post_base_dir + '/' + path if os.path.exist(path): fltr_post_relpath = os.path.realpath(path) if sys.platform == 'win32': fltr_post_relpath = fltr_post_relpath.replace('\\', '/') if self.post_base_dir: fltr_post_relpath = fltr_post_relpath.replace( self.post_base_dir, '') urlstr = self.post_base_url + '/' + fltr_post_relpath if not self.isMatchingPattern(urlstr, self.accept_unmatch): self.logger.debug("post of %s Rejected by accept/reject options" % urlstr) return True # need to return true because this isn´t a failure. # if caching is enabled make sure it was not already posted if self.caching: new_post = self.cache.check(str(sumstr), post_relpath, partstr) if new_post: # delete if sumstr.startswith('R,'): self.cache.delete_path(post_relpath) # link - never store them, message contains whole payload. elif sumstr.startswith('L,'): self.cache.delete_path(post_relpath) else:"caching %s" % post_relpath) # modified, or repost else: self.logger.debug("skipped already posted %s %s %s" % (post_relpath, partstr, sumstr)) return True # set message exchange = post_exchange # set message topic self.msg.set_topic(self.topic_prefix, post_relpath) if self.subtopic != None: self.msg.set_topic_usr(self.topic_prefix, self.subtopic) # set message notice self.msg.set_notice(post_base_url, post_relpath) # set message headers self.msg.headers = {} self.msg.headers['to_clusters'] = to_clusters if partstr != None: self.msg.headers['parts'] = partstr if sumstr != None: self.msg.headers['sum'] = sumstr if rename != None: self.msg.headers['rename'] = rename if mtime != None: self.msg.headers['mtime'] = mtime if atime != None: self.msg.headers['atime'] = atime if mode != None: self.msg.headers['mode'] = "%o" % (mode & 0o7777) if link != None: self.msg.headers['link'] = link if self.cluster != None: self.msg.headers['from_cluster'] = self.cluster if self.source != None: self.msg.headers['source'] = self.source self.msg.trim_headers() ok = self.__on_post__() return ok # FIXME in 2018? get rid of code to HERE BOTTOM # ================================================== # ============= # run # ============= def run(self):"%s run partflg=%s, sum=%s, caching=%s " % \ ( self.program_name, self.partflg, self.sumflg, self.caching ))"%s realpath_post=%s follow_links=%s force_polling=%s" % \ ( self.program_name, self.realpath_post, self.follow_symlinks, self.force_polling ) ) self.connect() # caching if self.caching: self.cache = sr_cache(self) self.cache_stat = True if self.reset: self.cache.close(unlink=True) if not hasattr(self, 'heartbeat_cache_installed' ) or not self.heartbeat_cache_installed: self.execfile("on_heartbeat", 'hb_cache') self.on_heartbeat_list.append(self.on_heartbeat) self.heartbeat_cache_installed = True pbd = self.post_base_dir for plugin in self.on_start_list: if not plugin(self): break for d in self.postpath: self.logger.debug("postpath = %s" % d) if pbd and not d.startswith(pbd): d = pbd + '/' + d if self.sleep > 0: self.watch_dir(d) continue if os.path.isdir(d): self.walk(d) elif os.path.islink(d): self.post1file(d, None) elif os.path.isfile(d): self.post1file(d, os.stat(d)) else: self.logger.error("could not post %s (exists %s)" % (d, os.path.exists(d))) if self.sleep > 0: self.watch_loop() self.close() def reload(self):"%s reload" % self.program_name) self.close() self.configure() def start(self):"%s %s startup" % (self.program_name, self.config_name)) self.log_settings() def stop(self):"%s stop" % self.program_name) self.close() os._exit(0) def cleanup(self):"%s %s cleanup" % (self.program_name, self.config_name)) if self.post_broker: self.post_hc = HostConnect(logger=self.logger) self.post_hc.set_pika(self.use_pika) self.post_hc.set_url(self.post_broker) self.post_hc.connect() self.declare_exchanges(cleanup=True) # caching if hasattr(self, 'cache') and self.cache: self.cache.close(unlink=True) self.cache = None self.close() def declare(self):"%s %s declare" % (self.program_name, self.config_name)) # on posting host if self.post_broker: self.post_hc = HostConnect(logger=self.logger) self.post_hc.set_pika(self.use_pika) self.post_hc.set_url(self.post_broker) self.post_hc.connect() self.declare_exchanges() self.close() def declare_exchanges(self, cleanup=False): # restore_queue mode has no post_exchange if not self.post_exchange: return # define post exchange (splitted ?) exchanges = [] if self.post_exchange_split != 0: for n in list(range(self.post_exchange_split)): exchanges.append(self.post_exchange + "%02d" % n) else: exchanges.append(self.post_exchange) # do exchanges for x in exchanges: if cleanup: self.post_hc.exchange_delete(x) else: self.post_hc.exchange_declare(x) def setup(self):"%s %s setup" % (self.program_name, self.config_name)) # on posting host if self.post_broker: self.post_hc = HostConnect(logger=self.logger) self.post_hc.set_pika(self.use_pika) self.post_hc.set_url(self.post_broker) self.post_hc.connect() self.declare_exchanges() self.close()
print("saving to file") # print('File moved!') else: print('File already processed! File: ' + filepath) if (cfManager.retrieve_delete_duplicate_files() == True): if (os.path.exists(filepath)): print('ACTUALLY DELETING THE FILE!!!') os.remove(filepath) my_event_handler.on_created = on_created my_event_handler.on_deleted = on_deleted my_event_handler.on_moved = on_moved my_event_handler.on_modified = on_modified cfManager = configManager.configManager() path = cfManager.retrieve_source_directory() fileMover.create_directory(path) go_recursively = True my_observer = Observer() my_observer.schedule(my_event_handler, path, recursive=go_recursively) my_observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: my_observer.stop() my_observer.join()
new_params["photoset"]) @staticmethod def parse_filepath(file_path): """ Returns a dictionary containing the photoset title and photo title of a given filepath """ parsed = file_path.split(os.sep) photo_parsed = os.path.splitext(parsed[-1]) return { "photoset": parsed[-2], "photo": photo_parsed[0], "ext": photo_parsed[1] } if __name__ == "__main__": FLICKRBOX = Flickrbox(sync=True) OBSERVER = Observer() OBSERVER.schedule(FlickrboxEventHandler(FLICKRBOX), FLICKRBOX.path, recursive=True) OBSERVER.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: OBSERVER.stop() OBSERVER.join()
class SqliteEventLogStorage(SqlEventLogStorage, ConfigurableClass): """SQLite-backed event log storage. Users should not directly instantiate this class; it is instantiated by internal machinery when ``dagit`` and ``dagster-graphql`` load, based on the values in the ``dagster.yaml`` file in ``$DAGSTER_HOME``. Configuration of this class should be done by setting values in that file. This is the default event log storage when none is specified in the ``dagster.yaml``. To explicitly specify SQLite for event log storage, you can add a block such as the following to your ``dagster.yaml``: .. code-block:: YAML event_log_storage: module: class: SqliteEventLogStorage config: base_dir: /path/to/dir The ``base_dir`` param tells the event log storage where on disk to store the databases. To improve concurrent performance, event logs are stored in a separate SQLite database for each run. """ def __init__(self, base_dir, inst_data=None): """Note that idempotent initialization of the SQLite database is done on a per-run_id basis in the body of connect, since each run is stored in a separate database.""" self._base_dir = os.path.abspath(check.str_param(base_dir, "base_dir")) mkdir_p(self._base_dir) self._obs = None self._watchers = defaultdict(dict) self._inst_data = check.opt_inst_param(inst_data, "inst_data", ConfigurableClassData) # Used to ensure that each run ID attempts to initialize its DB the first time it connects, # ensuring that the database will be created if it doesn't exist self._initialized_dbs = set() # Ensure that multiple threads (like the event log watcher) interact safely with each other self._db_lock = threading.Lock() if not os.path.exists(self.path_for_shard(INDEX_SHARD_NAME)): conn_string = self.conn_string_for_shard(INDEX_SHARD_NAME) engine = create_engine(conn_string, poolclass=NullPool) self._initdb(engine) self.reindex_events() self.reindex_assets() super().__init__() def upgrade(self): all_run_ids = self.get_all_run_ids() print( # pylint: disable=print-call f"Updating event log storage for {len(all_run_ids)} runs on disk..." ) alembic_config = get_alembic_config(__file__) if all_run_ids: for run_id in tqdm(all_run_ids): with self.run_connection(run_id) as conn: run_alembic_upgrade(alembic_config, conn, run_id) print("Updating event log storage for index db on disk...") # pylint: disable=print-call with self.index_connection() as conn: run_alembic_upgrade(alembic_config, conn, "index") self._initialized_dbs = set() @property def inst_data(self): return self._inst_data @classmethod def config_type(cls): return {"base_dir": StringSource} @staticmethod def from_config_value(inst_data, config_value): return SqliteEventLogStorage(inst_data=inst_data, **config_value) def get_all_run_ids(self): all_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._base_dir, "*.db")) return [ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] for filename in all_filenames if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] != INDEX_SHARD_NAME ] def path_for_shard(self, run_id): return os.path.join(self._base_dir, "{run_id}.db".format(run_id=run_id)) def conn_string_for_shard(self, shard_name): check.str_param(shard_name, "shard_name") return create_db_conn_string(self._base_dir, shard_name) def _initdb(self, engine): alembic_config = get_alembic_config(__file__) retry_limit = 10 while True: try: with engine.connect() as connection: db_revision, head_revision = check_alembic_revision( alembic_config, connection) if not (db_revision and head_revision): SqlEventLogStorageMetadata.create_all(engine) engine.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") stamp_alembic_rev(alembic_config, connection) break except (db.exc.DatabaseError, sqlite3.DatabaseError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exc: # This is SQLite-specific handling for concurrency issues that can arise when # multiple processes (e.g. the dagit process and user code process) contend with # each other to init the db. When we hit the following errors, we know that another # process is on the case and we should retry. err_msg = str(exc) if not ("table asset_keys already exists" in err_msg or "table secondary_indexes already exists" in err_msg or "table event_logs already exists" in err_msg or "database is locked" in err_msg or "table alembic_version already exists" in err_msg or "UNIQUE constraint failed: alembic_version.version_num" in err_msg): raise if retry_limit == 0: raise else: "SqliteEventLogStorage._initdb: Encountered apparent concurrent init, " "retrying ({retry_limit} retries left). Exception: {str_exc}" .format(retry_limit=retry_limit, str_exc=err_msg)) time.sleep(0.2) retry_limit -= 1 @contextmanager def _connect(self, shard): with self._db_lock: check.str_param(shard, "shard") conn_string = self.conn_string_for_shard(shard) engine = create_engine(conn_string, poolclass=NullPool) if not shard in self._initialized_dbs: self._initdb(engine) self._initialized_dbs.add(shard) conn = engine.connect() try: with handle_schema_errors( conn, get_alembic_config(__file__), msg="SqliteEventLogStorage for shard {shard}".format( shard=shard), ): yield conn finally: conn.close() engine.dispose() def run_connection(self, run_id=None): return self._connect(run_id) def index_connection(self): return self._connect(INDEX_SHARD_NAME) def store_event(self, event): """ Overridden method to replicate asset events in a central assets.db sqlite shard, enabling cross-run asset queries. Args: event (EventLogEntry): The event to store. """ check.inst_param(event, "event", EventLogEntry) insert_event_statement = self.prepare_insert_event(event) run_id = event.run_id with self.run_connection(run_id) as conn: conn.execute(insert_event_statement) if event.is_dagster_event and event.dagster_event.asset_key: check.invariant( event.dagster_event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION or event.dagster_event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_OBSERVATION, "Can only store asset materializations and observations in index database", ) # mirror the event in the cross-run index database with self.index_connection() as conn: conn.execute(insert_event_statement) if event.dagster_event.is_step_materialization: # Currently, only materializations are stored in the asset catalog. # We will store observations after adding a column migration to # store latest asset observation timestamp in the asset key table. self.store_asset(event) def get_event_records( self, event_records_filter: Optional[EventRecordsFilter] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ascending: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[EventLogRecord]: """Overridden method to enable cross-run event queries in sqlite. The record id in sqlite does not auto increment cross runs, so instead of fetching events after record id, we only fetch events whose runs updated after update_timestamp. """ check.opt_inst_param(event_records_filter, "event_records_filter", EventRecordsFilter) check.opt_int_param(limit, "limit") check.bool_param(ascending, "ascending") is_asset_query = event_records_filter and ( event_records_filter.event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION or event_records_filter.event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_OBSERVATION) if is_asset_query: # asset materializations and observations get mirrored into the index shard, so no # custom run shard-aware cursor logic needed return super(SqliteEventLogStorage, self).get_event_records( event_records_filter=event_records_filter, limit=limit, ascending=ascending) query = [, SqlEventLogStorageTable.c.event]) if event_records_filter and event_records_filter.asset_key: asset_details = next( iter(self._get_assets_details([event_records_filter.asset_key ]))) else: asset_details = None if not event_records_filter or not (isinstance( event_records_filter.after_cursor, RunShardedEventsCursor)): warnings.warn(""" Called `get_event_records` on a run-sharded event log storage with a query that is not run aware (e.g. not using a RunShardedEventsCursor). This likely has poor performance characteristics. Consider adding a RunShardedEventsCursor to your query or switching your instance configuration to use a non-run sharded event log storage (e.g. PostgresEventLogStorage, ConsolidatedSqliteEventLogStorage) """) query = self._apply_filter_to_query( query=query, event_records_filter=event_records_filter, asset_details=asset_details, apply_cursor_filters= False, # run-sharded cursor filters don't really make sense ) if limit: query = query.limit(limit) if ascending: query = query.order_by(SqlEventLogStorageTable.c.timestamp.asc()) else: query = query.order_by(SqlEventLogStorageTable.c.timestamp.desc()) # workaround for the run-shard sqlite to enable cross-run queries: get a list of run_ids # whose events may qualify the query, and then open run_connection per run_id at a time. run_updated_after = ( event_records_filter.after_cursor.run_updated_after if event_records_filter and isinstance( event_records_filter.after_cursor, RunShardedEventsCursor) else None) run_records = self._instance.get_run_records( filters=PipelineRunsFilter(updated_after=run_updated_after), order_by="update_timestamp", ascending=ascending, ) event_records = [] for run_record in run_records: run_id = run_record.pipeline_run.run_id with self.run_connection(run_id) as conn: results = conn.execute(query).fetchall() for row_id, json_str in results: try: event_record = deserialize_json_to_dagster_namedtuple( json_str) if not isinstance(event_record, EventLogEntry): logging.warning( "Could not resolve event record as EventLogEntry for id `{}`." .format(row_id)) continue else: event_records.append( EventLogRecord(storage_id=row_id, event_log_entry=event_record)) if limit and len(event_records) >= limit: break except seven.JSONDecodeError: logging.warning( "Could not parse event record id `{}`.".format(row_id)) if limit and len(event_records) >= limit: break return event_records[:limit] def delete_events(self, run_id): with self.run_connection(run_id) as conn: self.delete_events_for_run(conn, run_id) # delete the mirrored event in the cross-run index database with self.index_connection() as conn: self.delete_events_for_run(conn, run_id) def wipe(self): # should delete all the run-sharded dbs as well as the index db for filename in (glob.glob(os.path.join(self._base_dir, "*.db")) + glob.glob(os.path.join(self._base_dir, "*.db-wal")) + glob.glob(os.path.join(self._base_dir, "*.db-shm"))): os.unlink(filename) self._initialized_dbs = set() def _delete_mirrored_events_for_asset_key(self, asset_key): with self.index_connection() as conn: conn.execute(SqlEventLogStorageTable.delete().where( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter db.or_( SqlEventLogStorageTable.c.asset_key == asset_key.to_string(), SqlEventLogStorageTable.c.asset_key == asset_key.to_string( legacy=True), ))) def wipe_asset(self, asset_key): # default implementation will update the event_logs in the sharded dbs, and the asset_key # table in the asset shard, but will not remove the mirrored event_log events in the asset # shard super(SqliteEventLogStorage, self).wipe_asset(asset_key) self._delete_mirrored_events_for_asset_key(asset_key) def watch(self, run_id, start_cursor, callback): if not self._obs: self._obs = Observer() self._obs.start() watchdog = SqliteEventLogStorageWatchdog(self, run_id, callback, start_cursor) self._watchers[run_id][callback] = ( watchdog, self._obs.schedule(watchdog, self._base_dir, True), ) def end_watch(self, run_id, handler): if handler in self._watchers[run_id]: event_handler, watch = self._watchers[run_id][handler] self._obs.remove_handler_for_watch(event_handler, watch) del self._watchers[run_id][handler] def dispose(self): if self._obs: self._obs.stop() self._obs.join(timeout=15)
def watch(build_commands=None, patterns=None, ignore_patterns=None): """TODO(keir) docstring"""'Starting Pigweed build watcher') # If no build directory was specified, search the tree for GN build # directories and try to build them all. In the future this may cause # slow startup, but for now this is fast enough. if not build_commands: build_commands = []'Searching for GN build dirs...') gn_args_files = glob.glob('**/', recursive=True) for gn_args_file in gn_args_files: gn_build_dir = pathlib.Path(gn_args_file).parent if gn_build_dir.is_dir(): build_commands.append(BuildCommand(gn_build_dir)) # Make sure we found something; if not, bail. if not build_commands: _die("No build dirs found. Did you forget to 'gn gen out'?") # Verify that the build output directories exist. for i, build_target in enumerate(build_commands, 1): if not build_target.build_dir.is_dir(): _die("Build directory doesn't exist: %s", build_target) else:'Will build [%d/%d]: %s', i, len(build_commands), build_target) _LOG.debug('Patterns: %s', patterns) # TODO(keir): Change the watcher to selectively watch some # subdirectories, rather than watching everything under a single path. # # The problem with the current approach is that Ninja's building # triggers many events, which are needlessly sent to this script. path_of_directory_to_watch = '.' # Try to make a short display path for the watched directory that has # "$HOME" instead of the full home directory. This is nice for users # who have deeply nested home directories. path_to_log = pathlib.Path(path_of_directory_to_watch).resolve() try: path_to_log = path_to_log.relative_to(pathlib.Path.home()) path_to_log = f'$HOME/{path_to_log}' except ValueError: # The directory is somewhere other than inside the users home. path_to_log = path_of_directory_to_watch # Ignore the user-specified patterns. ignore_patterns = (ignore_patterns.split(_WATCH_PATTERN_DELIMITER) if ignore_patterns else []) ignore_dirs = ['.presubmit', '.python3-env'] env = pw_cli.env.pigweed_environment() if env.PW_EMOJI: charset = _EMOJI_CHARSET else: charset = _ASCII_CHARSET event_handler = PigweedBuildWatcher( patterns=patterns.split(_WATCH_PATTERN_DELIMITER), ignore_patterns=ignore_patterns, build_commands=build_commands, ignore_dirs=ignore_dirs, charset=charset, ) try: # It can take awhile to configure the filesystem watcher, so have the # message reflect that with the "...". Run inside the try: to # gracefully handle the user Ctrl-C'ing out during startup.'Attaching filesystem watcher to %s/...', path_to_log) observer = Observer() observer.schedule( event_handler, path_of_directory_to_watch, recursive=True, ) observer.start()'Triggering initial build...') while observer.isAlive(): observer.join(1) # Ctrl-C on Unix generates KeyboardInterrupt # Ctrl-Z on Windows generates EOFError except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): _exit_due_to_interrupt() _LOG.critical('Should never get here') observer.join()
def run(self): global timeout, w, tuples, regexes, json_pending, last_push, config fp = {} if osname == "linux": w = watcher.AutoWatcher() for path in config.get('Analyzer', 'paths').split(","): try: print("Recursively monitoring " + path.strip() + "...") w.add_all(path.strip(), inotify.IN_ALL_EVENTS) except OSError as err: pass if not w.num_watches(): print("No paths to analyze, nothing to do!") sys.exit(1) poll = select.poll() poll.register(w, select.POLLIN) timeout = None threshold = watcher.Threshold(w, 256) inodes = {} inodes_path = {} xes = connect_es(config) while True: events = poll.poll(timeout) nread = 0 if threshold() or not events: #print('reading,', threshold.readable(), 'bytes available') for evt in nread += 1 # The last thing to do to improve efficiency here would be # to coalesce similar events before passing them up to a # higher level. # For example, it's overwhelmingly common to have a stream # of inotify events contain a creation, followed by # multiple modifications of the created file. # Recognising this pattern (and others) and coalescing # these events into a single creation event would reduce # the number of trips into our app's presumably more # computationally expensive upper layers. masks = inotify.decode_mask(evt.mask) #print(masks) path = evt.fullpath #print(repr(evt.fullpath), ' | '.join(masks)) try: if not u'IN_ISDIR' in masks: if (u'IN_MOVED_FROM' in masks) and (path in filehandles): print( "File moved, closing original handle") try: filehandles[path].close() except Exception as err: print(err) del filehandles[path] inode = inodes_path[path] del inodes[inode] elif (not u'IN_DELETE' in masks) and ( not path in filehandles) and ( path.find(".gz") == -1): try: print("Opening " + path) idata = os.stat(path) inode = idata.st_ino if not inode in inodes: filehandles[path] = open(path, "r") print("Started watching " + path) filehandles[path].seek(0, 2) inodes[inode] = path inodes_path[path] = inode except Exception as err: print(err) try: filehandles[path].close() except Exception as err: print(err) del filehandles[path] inode = inodes_path[path] del inodes[inode] # First time we've discovered this file? if u'IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE' in masks and not path in filehandles: pass # New file created in a folder we're watching?? elif u'IN_CREATE' in masks: pass # File truncated? elif u'IN_CLOSE_WRITE' in masks and path in filehandles: # print(path + " truncated!") filehandles[path].seek(0, 2) # File contents modified? elif u'IN_MODIFY' in masks and path in filehandles: # print(path + " was modified") rd = 0 data = "" #print("Change in " + path) try: while True: line = filehandles[path].readline() if not line: #filehandles[path].seek(0,2) break else: rd += len(line) data += line #print("Read %u bytes from %s" % (rd, path)) parseLine(path, data) except Exception as err: try: print("Could not utilize " + path + ", closing.." + err) filehandles[path].close() except Exception as err: print(err) del filehandles[path] inode = inodes_path[path] del inodes[inode] # File deleted? (close handle) elif u'IN_DELETE' in masks: if path in filehandles: print("Closed " + path) try: filehandles[path].close() except Exception as err: print(err) del filehandles[path] inode = inodes_path[path] del inodes[inode] print("Stopped watching " + path) else: pass except Exception as err: print(err) for x in json_pending: if (time.time() > (last_push[x] + 15)) or len(json_pending[x]) >= 50: if not x in fp: fp[x] = True print("First push for " + x + "!") t = NodeThread() t.assign(json_pending[x], x, xes) t.start() json_pending[x] = [] last_push[x] = time.time() if nread: #print('plugging back in') timeout = None poll.register(w, select.POLLIN) else: #print('unplugging,', threshold.readable(), 'bytes available') timeout = 1000 poll.unregister(w) if osname == "freebsd": xes = connect_es(config) observer = Observer() for path in paths: observer.schedule(BSDHandler(), path, recursive=True) print("Recursively monitoring " + path.strip() + "...") observer.start() try: while True: for x in json_pending: if len(json_pending[x]) > 0 and ( (time.time() > (last_push[x] + 15)) or len(json_pending[x]) >= 50): if not x in fp: fp[x] = True print("First push for " + x + "!") t = NodeThread() t.assign(json_pending[x], x, xes) t.start() json_pending[x] = [] last_push[x] = time.time() time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
class MediaMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin): """ Middleware for serving and browser-side caching of media files. This MUST be your *first* entry in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES. Otherwise, some other middleware might add ETags or otherwise manipulate the caching headers which would result in the browser doing unnecessary HTTP roundtrips for unchanged media. """ MAX_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 def __init__(self, get_response=None): super(MediaMiddleware, self).__init__(get_response) self._observer_started = False self._cleaned_up = False # Go no further if not in dev mode if not MEDIA_DEV_MODE: return # v1.14 register ourselves for cleanup on exit global _middleware_instance _middleware_instance = self # Need an initial refresh to prevent errors on the first request refresh_dev_names() # Monitor static files for changes (v1.13 - when not unit testing) if not UNIT_TESTING: self.filesystem_event_handler = RefreshingEventHandler() self.filesystem_observer = Observer() for static_dir in get_media_dirs(): self.filesystem_observer.schedule( self.filesystem_event_handler, path=static_dir, recursive=True) self.filesystem_observer.start() self._observer_started = True def __del__(self): self.cleanup() def cleanup(self): if not self._cleaned_up: if hasattr(self, 'filesystem_observer'): self.filesystem_observer.unschedule_all() # Only try to stop if __init__ ran a successful start() if self._observer_started: self.filesystem_observer.stop() self.filesystem_observer.join() self._cleaned_up = True def process_request(self, request): if not MEDIA_DEV_MODE: return if not request.path.startswith(DEV_MEDIA_URL): return filename = request.path[len(DEV_MEDIA_URL):] try: backend = get_backend(filename) except KeyError: raise Http404( 'The mediagenerator could not find the media file "%s"' % filename) with _refresh_names_lock: # Don't serve while still refreshing content, mimetype = backend.get_dev_output(filename) if not mimetype: mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' if isinstance(content, unicode): content = content.encode('utf-8') if mimetype.startswith('text/') or mimetype in TEXT_MIME_TYPES: mimetype += '; charset=utf-8' response = HttpResponse(content, content_type=mimetype) response['Content-Length'] = len(content) # Cache manifest files MUST NEVER be cached or you'll be unable to update # your cached app!!! if response['Content-Type'] != 'text/cache-manifest' and \ response.status_code == 200: patch_cache_control(response, public=True, max_age=self.MAX_AGE) response['Expires'] = http_date(time.time() + self.MAX_AGE) return response
class Upshot(NSObject): """OS X status bar icon.""" image_paths = { 'icon16': 'icon16.png', 'icon16-off': 'icon16-off.png', } images = {} statusitem = None observer = None # Screenshot directory observer. menuitems = {} # Shortcut to our menuitems. def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification): if not DROPBOX_DIR: # Oh-oh. alert( 'Unable to detect Dropbox folder', 'UpShot requires Dropbox, for now. Please install it, then ' 'try again.', ['OK']) self.quit_(self) if not os.path.exists(PUBLIC_DIR): # No public folder? pressed = alert( 'Unable to detect Public Dropbox folder', 'UpShot requires a Dropbox Public folder. You seem to have ' 'Dropbox, but no Public folder.\n\n' 'Since October 2012, Dropbox will only create a public ' 'folder for you if you opt in to it.\n\n' 'Please do so before using UpShot.', ['Learn How to Create a Dropbox Public Folder', 'Quit UpShot']) if pressed == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: # Open Dropboc opt-in sw = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() sw.openURL_(NSURL.URLWithString_(DROPBOX_PUBLIC_INFO)) self.quit_(self) self.build_menu() # Go do something useful. if utils.get_pref('dropboxid'): self.startListening_() else: self.stopListening_() DropboxDetect.DropboxDetectWindowController.showWindow() def build_menu(self): """Build the OS X status bar menu.""" # Create the statusbar item statusbar = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar() self.statusitem = statusbar.statusItemWithLength_( NSVariableStatusItemLength) # Set statusbar icon and color/grayscale mode. for tag, img in self.image_paths.items(): self.images[tag] = NSImage.alloc().initByReferencingFile_(img) self.images[tag].setTemplate_( utils.get_pref('iconset') == 'grayscale') self.statusitem.setImage_(self.images['icon16']) self.statusitem.setHighlightMode_(1) self.statusitem.setToolTip_('Upshot Screenshot Sharing') # Build menu. = NSMenu.alloc().init() m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Browse Screenshots', 'openShareDir:', '') self.menuitems['opensharedir'] = m m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Start Screenshot Sharing', 'startListening:', '') m.setHidden_(True) # Sharing is on by default. self.menuitems['start'] = m m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Pause Screenshot Sharing', 'stopListening:', '') self.menuitems['stop'] = m m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( "Need to detect Dropbox ID. Open Preferences!", '', '') m.setHidden_(True) # We hopefully don't need this. self.menuitems['needpref'] = m m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Preferences...', 'openPreferences:', '') self.menuitems['preferences'] = m m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Open UpShot Project Website', 'website:', '') self.menuitems['website'] = m m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'About UpShot', 'about:', '') self.menuitems['about'] = m m = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Quit UpShot', 'quit:', '') self.menuitems['quit'] = m self.statusitem.setMenu_( def update_menu(self): """Update status bar menu based on app status.""" if self.statusitem is None: return # Apply iconset self.images['icon16'].setTemplate_( utils.get_pref('iconset') == 'grayscale') running = ( is not None) self.statusitem.setImage_( self.images['icon16' if running else 'icon16-off']) if utils.get_pref('dropboxid'): # Runnable. self.menuitems['stop'].setHidden_(not running) self.menuitems['start'].setHidden_(running) self.menuitems['needpref'].setHidden_(True) else: # Need settings. self.menuitems['start'].setHidden_(True) self.menuitems['stop'].setHidden_(True) self.menuitems['needpref'].setHidden_(False) def openShareDir_(self, sender=None): """Open the share directory in Finder.""" sw = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() sw.openFile_(SHARE_DIR) def about_(self, sender=None): """Open standard About dialog.""" app = NSApplication.sharedApplication() app.activateIgnoringOtherApps_(True) app.orderFrontStandardAboutPanel_(sender) def website_(self, sender=None): """Open the UpShot homepage in a browser.""" sw = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() sw.openURL_(NSURL.URLWithString_(HOMEPAGE_URL)) def openPreferences_(self, sender=None): Preferences.PreferencesWindowController.showWindow() def startListening_(self, sender=None): """Start listening for changes to the screenshot dir.""" event_handler = ScreenshotHandler() = Observer(), path=SCREENSHOT_DIR) self.update_menu() log.debug('Listening for screen shots to be added to: %s' % (SCREENSHOT_DIR)) growl = Growler.alloc().init() growl.notify('UpShot started', 'and listening for screenshots!') def stopListening_(self, sender=None): """Stop listening to changes ot the screenshot dir.""" if is not None: = None log.debug('Stop listening for screenshots.') growl = Growler.alloc().init() growl.notify('UpShot paused', 'Not listening for screenshots for now!') self.update_menu() def restart_(self, sender=None): self.stopListening_() self.startListening_() def quit_(self, sender=None): """Default quit event.""" log.debug('Terminating.') self.stopListening_() NSApplication.sharedApplication().terminate_(sender)
class UnveillanceFSEHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self): self.watcher_pid_file = os.path.join(MONITOR_ROOT, "") self.watcher_log_file = os.path.join(MONITOR_ROOT, "watcher.log.txt") self.annex_observer = Observer() self.netcat_queue = [] self.cleanup_upload_lock = False FileSystemEventHandler.__init__(self) def checkForDuplicate(self, _id, from_file=None): if from_file is not None and _id is None: _id = self.get_new_hash(file) url = "%s/documents/?_id=%s" % (buildServerURL(), _id) try: r = requests.get(url, verify=False) except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None try: r = json.loads(r.content) if 'data' in r.keys(): return r['data'] except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e return None def cleanupUploads(self): # THIS ANNOYS ME. # self.cleanup_upload_lock = True if DEBUG: print "starting watcher cleanup cron job" def addToNetcatQueue(self, netcat_stub, send_now=True): if netcat_stub['save_as'] not in [ ns['save_as'] for ns in self.netcat_queue ]: self.netcat_queue.append(netcat_stub) return self.uploadToAnnex(netcat_stub) def get_new_hash(self, file): if type(file) in [str, unicode]: new_hash = hashEntireFile(file) else: new_hash = hashEntireStream(file) if DEBUG: print "NEW HASH: %s" % new_hash return new_hash def uploadToAnnex(self, netcat_stub): use_git_annex = False this_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ANNEX_DIR) if type(netcat_stub['file']) in [str, unicode]: if GIT_ANNEX is not None: use_git_annex = True if DEBUG: print "GIT ANNEX ATTACHED TO INSTANCE." if use_git_annex: with settings(warn_only=True): # has this stub been uploaded? is_absorbed = local( "%s metadata \"%s\" --json --get=uv_uploaded" % (GIT_ANNEX, netcat_stub['save_as']), capture=True) if DEBUG: print "%s absorbed? (uv_uploaded = %s type = %s)" % ( netcat_stub['save_as'], is_absorbed, type(is_absorbed)) if is_absorbed == "" or "False": is_absorbed = False elif is_absorbed == "True": is_absorbed = True else: is_absorbed = False else: is_absorbed = False else: is_absorbed = False if is_absorbed: if DEBUG: print "%s IS absorbed (uv_uploaded = %s)" % ( netcat_stub['save_as'], is_absorbed) os.chdir(this_dir) return None new_hash = self.get_new_hash(netcat_stub['file']) possible_duplicate = self.checkForDuplicate(new_hash) if possible_duplicate is not None: if DEBUG: print "Document already exists in Annex and will not be uploaded! Here it is:" print possible_duplicate p = UnveillanceFabricProcess(register_upload_attempt, {'_id': possible_duplicate['_id']}) p.join() os.chdir(this_dir) self.netcat_queue.remove(netcat_stub) possible_duplicate = self.checkForDuplicate( possible_duplicate['_id']) possible_duplicate.update({ 'uploaded': False, 'duplicate_attempt': True }) return possible_duplicate with settings(warn_only=True): new_save_as = generateMD5Hash(content=new_hash, salt=local("whoami", capture=True)) if type(netcat_stub['file']) in [str, unicode]: new_file = netcat_stub['file'].replace(netcat_stub['save_as'], new_save_as) with settings(warn_only=True): local("mv \"%s\" %s" % (netcat_stub['file'], new_file)) if use_git_annex: local("%s metadata %s --json --set=uv_file_alias=\"%s\"" % (GIT_ANNEX, new_file, netcat_stub['save_as'])) netcat_stub['file'] = new_file netcat_stub['alias'] = netcat_stub['save_as'] netcat_stub['save_as'] = new_save_as success_tag = False # look up to see if this file is already in the annex with settings(warn_only=True): if type(netcat_stub['file']) in [str, unicode] and use_git_annex: local("%s add %s" % (GIT_ANNEX, netcat_stub['save_as'])) p = UnveillanceFabricProcess(netcat, netcat_stub) p.join() if p.error is None and p.output is not None: success_tag = True if DEBUG: print "NETCAT RESULT: (type=%s, success=%s)" % (type( p.output), success_tag) print "NETCAT ERROR (none is good!): (type=%s)" % type(p.error) if p.output is not None and DEBUG: for o in p.output: print "\n%s\n" % o if p.error is not None and DEBUG: print "ERROR:" print p.error if type(netcat_stub['file']) in [str, unicode] and use_git_annex: local("%s metadata \"%s\" --json --set=uv_uploaded=%s" % (GIT_ANNEX, netcat_stub['save_as'], str(success_tag))) self.netcat_queue.remove(netcat_stub) os.chdir(this_dir) return {'uploaded': success_tag, '_id': new_hash} def on_created(self, event): use_git_annex = False if GIT_ANNEX is not None: if DEBUG: print "GIT ANNEX ATTACHED TO INSTANCE." use_git_annex = True if event.event_type != "created": return if event.src_path == os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, ".git"): print "is git..." print event.src_path return if re.match(re.compile("%s/.*" % os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, ".git")), event.src_path) is not None: return if re.match(r'.*\.DS_Store', event.src_path) is not None: return sleep(3) filename = event.src_path.split("/")[-1] never_upload = False if use_git_annex: with settings(warn_only=True): # has this stub been uploaded? never_upload = local( "%s metadata \"%s\" --json --get=uv_never_upload" % (GIT_ANNEX, filename), capture=True) if DEBUG: print "%s valid? (uv_never_upload = %s type = %s)" % ( \ filename, never_upload, type(never_upload)) if never_upload == "True": never_upload = True elif never_upload == "": never_upload = False print "NEVER UPLOAD? %s" % never_upload if never_upload: return netcat_stub = None try: netcat_stub = [ ns for ns in self.netcat_queue if ns['save_as'] == filename ][0] except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print "NO NETCAT STUB FOUND FOR %s" % filename #if DEBUG: print "NEW EVENT:\ntype: %s\nis dir: %s\npath: %s\n" % (event.event_type, event.is_directory, event.src_path) if netcat_stub is None: netcat_stub = { 'file': event.src_path, 'save_as': filename, 'importer_source': "file_added" } self.addToNetcatQueue(netcat_stub) sleep(5) def on_message(self, message): print "MESSAGE: %s" % message def on_open(self, info): print "ON OPEN" def on_close(self): print "ON CLOSE" def startAnnexObserver(self): print "STARTING OBSERVER on %s" % ANNEX_DIR startDaemon(self.watcher_log_file, self.watcher_pid_file) self.annex_observer.schedule(self, ANNEX_DIR, recursive=True) self.annex_observer.start() while True: sleep(1) ''' if not self.cleanup_upload_lock: t = Thread(target=self.cleanupUploads) t.start() ''' def stopAnnexObserver(self): print "STOPPING OBSERVER" self.annex_observer.stop() self.annex_observer.join() stopDaemon(self.watcher_pid_file)
class SupysonicWatcher: def __init__(self, config): self.__delay = config.DAEMON["wait_delay"] self.__handler = SupysonicWatcherEventHandler( config.BASE["scanner_extensions"]) self.__folders = {} self.__queue = None self.__observer = None def add_folder(self, folder): if isinstance(folder, Folder): path = folder.path elif isinstance(folder, str): path = folder else: raise TypeError("Expecting string or Folder, got " + str(type(folder)))"Scheduling watcher for %s", path) watch = self.__observer.schedule(self.__handler, path, recursive=True) self.__folders[path] = watch def remove_folder(self, folder): if isinstance(folder, Folder): path = folder.path elif isinstance(folder, str): path = folder else: raise TypeError("Expecting string or Folder, got " + str(type(folder)))"Unscheduling watcher for %s", path) self.__observer.unschedule(self.__folders[path]) del self.__folders[path] self.__queue.unschedule_paths(path) def start(self): self.__queue = ScannerProcessingQueue(self.__delay) self.__observer = Observer() self.__handler.queue = self.__queue with db_session: for folder in f: f.root): self.add_folder(folder)"Starting watcher") self.__queue.start() self.__observer.start() def stop(self):"Stopping watcher") if self.__observer is not None: self.__observer.stop() self.__observer.join() if self.__queue is not None: self.__queue.stop() self.__queue.join() self.__observer = None self.__queue = None self.__handler.queue = None @property def running(self): return (self.__queue is not None and self.__observer is not None and self.__queue.is_alive() and self.__observer.is_alive())
class FSHandler: path = os.getenv("SERVER_ROUTE") patterns = "*" ignore_patterns = "" ignore_directories = False case_sensitive = True option = '' current_file = '' file_information = '' def __init__(self, socket, host, port, active_connections): self.socket = socket = host self.port = port self.active_connections = active_connections self.my_event_handler = PatternMatchingEventHandler( self.patterns, self.ignore_patterns, self.ignore_directories, self.case_sensitive) self.configure() self.create_observer() def configure(self): self.my_event_handler.on_created = self.on_created self.my_event_handler.on_deleted = self.on_deleted self.my_event_handler.on_modified = self.on_modified self.my_event_handler.on_moved = self.on_moved def create_observer(self): try: go_recursively = True self.my_observer = Observer() self.my_observer.schedule(self.my_event_handler, self.path, recursive=go_recursively) except: print("Error") def start_observer(self): self.my_observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.my_observer.stop() self.my_observer.join() def on_created(self, event): try: client_message = "action,created," + event.src_path.split("\\")[-1] if self.option == 'created' and self.current_file == event.src_path: print() else: self.option = 'created' self.current_file = event.src_path for connection in self.active_connections: connection.send(bytes(client_message, 'latin1')) except: print("Error de permisos") def on_deleted(self, event): client_message = "action,deleted," + event.src_path.split("\\")[-1] if self.option == 'deleted' and self.current_file == event.src_path: print() else: self.option = 'deleted' self.current_file = event.src_path for connection in self.active_connections: connection.send(bytes(client_message, 'latin1')) def send_info_data(self, filename): if os.path.isfile(filename) == True: file = open(filename, 'rb') content = while True: while content: for connection in self.active_connections: connection.send(content) content = break try: for connection in self.active_connections: connection.send(bytes("__##Finish__##", "latin1")) except Exception: for connection in self.active_connections: connection.send(bytes("__##Finish__##", "latin1")) file.close() def on_modified(self, event): if self.option == 'modified' and self.current_file == event.src_path: print() else: if os.path.isfile(event.src_path) == True: self.option = 'modified' self.current_file = event.src_path client_message = 'action,modified,' + event.src_path.split( "\\")[-1] for connection in self.active_connections: connection.send(bytes(client_message, 'latin1')) self.send_info_data(event.src_path) def on_moved(self, event): client_message = "action,moved," + event.src_path.split( "\\")[-1] + "," + event.dest_path.split("\\")[-1] if self.option == 'moved' and self.current_file == event.src_path: print() else: self.option = 'moved' self.current_file = event.dest_path for connection in self.active_connections: connection.send(bytes(client_message, 'latin1')) self.send_info_data(event.dest_path)
class AutoOcrScheduler(object): SINGLE_FOLDER = 'single_folder' MIRROR_TREE = 'mirror_tree' OUTPUT_MODES = [SINGLE_FOLDER, MIRROR_TREE] def __init__(self, config_dir, input_dir, output_dir, output_mode, success_action=OcrTask.ON_SUCCESS_DO_NOTHING, archive_dir=None, process_existing_files=False): self.logger = logger.getChild('scheduler') self.config_dir = local.path(config_dir) self.input_dir = local.path(input_dir) self.output_dir = local.path(output_dir) if self.input_dir == self.output_dir: raise AutoOcrSchedulerError( 'Invalid configuration. Input and output directories must not be the same to avoid recursive OCR invocation!' ) self.output_mode = output_mode.lower() if self.output_mode not in AutoOcrScheduler.OUTPUT_MODES: raise AutoOcrSchedulerError( 'Invalid output mode: {}. Must be one of: {}'.format( self.output_mode, ', '.join(AutoOcrScheduler.OUTPUT_MODES))) self.success_action = success_action.lower() if self.success_action not in OcrTask.SUCCESS_ACTIONS: raise AutoOcrSchedulerError( 'Invalid success action: {}. Must be one of {}'.format( self.success_action, ', '.join(OcrTask.SUCCESS_ACTIONS))) self.archive_dir = local.path(archive_dir) if archive_dir else None if self.success_action == OcrTask.ON_SUCCESS_ARCHIVE and not self.archive_dir: raise AutoOcrSchedulerError( 'Archive directory required for success action {}'.format( self.success_action)) self.current_tasks = {} self.current_outputs = set() # Create a Threadpool to run OCR tasks on self.threadpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) # Wire up an AutoOcrWatchdogHandler watchdog_handler = AutoOcrWatchdogHandler(self.on_file_touched, self.on_file_deleted) # Schedule watchdog to observe the input directory = Observer(), self.input_dir, recursive=True) self.logger.warn('Watching %s', self.input_dir) # Process existing files in input directory, if requested if process_existing_files: self.threadpool.submit(self.walk_existing_files) def shutdown(self): # Shut down the feed of incoming watchdog events if self.logger.debug('Shutting down filesystem watchdog...') # Cancel all outstanding cancelable tasks self.logger.debug('Canceling all %d in-flight tasks...', len(self.current_tasks)) tasks = [task for _, task in self.current_tasks.items()] for task in tasks: task.cancel() # Wait for the threadpool to clean up if self.threadpool: self.logger.debug('Shutting down threadpool...') self.threadpool.shutdown() self.threadpool = None # Wait for the watchdog to clean up if self.logger.debug('Cleaning up filesystem watchdog...') = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.shutdown() return False def _map_output_path(self, input_path): if self.output_mode == AutoOcrScheduler.MIRROR_TREE: return self.output_dir / (input_path - self.input_dir) else: assert self.output_mode == AutoOcrScheduler.SINGLE_FOLDER output_path = self.output_dir / ( unique = 1 if output_path.exists() or output_path in self.current_outputs: suffix = '.{}.{}{}'.format('%Y%m%d'), unique, output_path.suffix) output_path = output_path.with_suffix(suffix) while output_path.exists() or output_path in self.current_outputs: unique = unique + 1 output_path = output_path.with_suffix('.{}{}'.format( unique, output_path.suffix), depth=2) return output_path def _map_archive_path(self, input_path): return self.archive_dir / (input_path - self.input_dir) def _get_config_path(self, input_path): assert (input_path - self.input_dir)[0] != '..' config_path = input_path.parent / 'ocr.config' while True: if config_path.exists(): return config_path if config_path.parent == self.input_dir: break config_path = config_path.parent.parent / 'ocr.config' config_path = self.config_dir / 'ocr.config' if config_path.exists(): return config_path return None def queue_path(self, path): output_path = self._map_output_path(path) config_file = self._get_config_path(path) archive_file = self._map_archive_path(path) task = OcrTask(path, output_path, self.threadpool.submit, self.on_task_done, config_file=config_file, success_action=self.success_action, archive_path=archive_file) self.current_tasks[path] = task self.current_outputs.add(output_path) def walk_existing_files(self): self.logger.debug('Enumerating existing input files...') def keep_file(file): return any([ fnmatch.fnmatch(file, pattern) for pattern in AutoOcrWatchdogHandler.MATCH_PATTERNS ]) for file in self.input_dir.walk(filter=keep_file): self.on_file_touched(file) def on_file_touched(self, path): if path in self.current_tasks: self.current_tasks[path].touch() else: self.queue_path(path) def on_file_deleted(self, path): if path in self.current_tasks: self.current_tasks[path].cancel() def on_task_done(self, task): self.current_outputs.remove(task.output_path) del self.current_tasks[task.input_path]
class DirectEdit(Worker): localScanFinished = pyqtSignal() directEditUploadCompleted = pyqtSignal(str) openDocument = pyqtSignal(str, int) editDocument = pyqtSignal(str, int) directEditLockError = pyqtSignal(str, str, str) directEditConflict = pyqtSignal(str, Path, str) directEditError = pyqtSignal(str, list) directEditForbidden = pyqtSignal(str, str, str) directEditReadonly = pyqtSignal(str) directEditStarting = pyqtSignal(str, str) directEditLocked = pyqtSignal(str, str, datetime) def __init__(self, manager: "Manager", folder: Path) -> None: super().__init__() self._manager = manager self._folder = folder self.url = Options.protocol_url self.lock = Lock() self.autolock = self._manager.autolock_service self.use_autolock = self._manager.get_direct_edit_auto_lock() self._event_handler: Optional[DriveFSEventHandler] = None self._metrics = {"edit_files": 0} self._observer: Observer = None self.local = LocalClient(self._folder) self._upload_queue: Queue = Queue() self._lock_queue: Queue = Queue() self._error_queue = BlacklistQueue() self._stop = False self.watchdog_queue: Queue = Queue() self.thread.started.connect( self.autolock.orphanLocks.connect(self._autolock_orphans) self._manager.directEdit.connect(self.edit) # Notification signals self.directEditLockError.connect( self._manager.notification_service._directEditLockError ) self.directEditStarting.connect( self._manager.notification_service._directEditStarting ) self.directEditForbidden.connect( self._manager.notification_service._directEditForbidden ) self.directEditReadonly.connect( self._manager.notification_service._directEditReadonly ) self.directEditLocked.connect( self._manager.notification_service._directEditLocked ) self.directEditUploadCompleted.connect( self._manager.notification_service._directEditUpdated ) @pyqtSlot(object) def _autolock_orphans(self, locks: List[Path]) -> None: log.debug(f"Orphans lock: {locks!r}") for lock in locks: if self._folder in lock.parents:"Should unlock {lock!r}") if not lock.exists(): self.autolock.orphan_unlocked(lock) continue ref = self.local.get_path(lock) self._lock_queue.put((ref, "unlock_orphan")) def autolock_lock(self, src_path: Path) -> None: ref = self.local.get_path(src_path) self._lock_queue.put((ref, "lock")) def autolock_unlock(self, src_path: Path) -> None: ref = self.local.get_path(src_path) self._lock_queue.put((ref, "unlock")) def start(self) -> None: self._stop = False super().start() def stop(self) -> None: super().stop() self._stop = True def stop_client(self, message: str = None) -> None: if self._stop: raise ThreadInterrupt() def _is_valid_folder_name( self, name: str, pattern: Pattern = re.compile(f"^{DOC_UID_REG}_") ) -> bool: """ Return True if the given *name* is a valid document UID followed by the xpath. As we cannot guess the xpath used, we just check the name starts with "UID_". Example: 19bf2a19-e95b-4cfb-8fd7-b45e1d7d022f_file-content """ # Prevent TypeError when the given name is None if not name: return False return bool(pattern.match(name)) @tooltip("Clean up folder") def _cleanup(self) -> None: """ - Unlock any remaining doc that has not been unlocked - Upload forgotten changes - Remove obsolete folders """ if not self.local.exists(ROOT): self._folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return def purge(rel_path: Path) -> None: """Helper to skip errors while deleting a folder and its content.""" path = self.local.abspath(rel_path) log.debug(f"Removing {path!r}") shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)"Cleanup DirectEdit folder") for child in self.local.get_children_info(ROOT): # We need a folder if not child.folderish: log.debug(f"Skipping clean-up of {child.path!r} (not a folder)") continue # We also need a valid folder name if not self._is_valid_folder_name( log.debug(f"Skipping clean-up of {child.path!r} (invalid folder name)") continue children = self.local.get_children_info(child.path) if not children: purge(child.path) continue ref = children[0].path try: details = self._extract_edit_info(ref) except NotFound: # Engine is not known anymore purge(child.path) continue try: # Don't update if digest are the same info = self.local.get_info(ref) current_digest = info.get_digest(digest_func=details.digest_func) if current_digest != details.digest: log.warning( "Document has been modified and " "not synchronized, add to upload queue" ) self._upload_queue.put(ref) continue except Exception: log.exception("Unhandled clean-up error") continue # Place for handle reopened of interrupted DirectEdit purge(child.path) def __get_engine(self, url: str, user: str = None) -> Optional["Engine"]: if not url: return None url = simplify_url(url) for engine in self._manager.engines.values(): bind = engine.get_binder() server_url = bind.server_url.rstrip("/") if server_url == url and (not user or user == bind.username): return engine # Some backend are case insensitive if not user: return None user = user.lower() for engine in self._manager.engines.values(): bind = engine.get_binder() server_url = simplify_url(bind.server_url) if server_url == url and user == bind.username.lower(): return engine return None def _get_engine( self, server_url: str, doc_id: str = None, user: str = None ) -> Optional["Engine"]: engine = self.__get_engine(server_url, user=user) if not engine: values = [force_decode(user) if user else "Unknown", server_url, APP_NAME] log.warning( f"No engine found for user {user!r} on server {server_url!r}, " f"doc_id={doc_id!r}" ) self.directEditError.emit("DIRECT_EDIT_CANT_FIND_ENGINE", values) elif engine.has_invalid_credentials(): # Ping again the user in case it is not obvious engine.invalidAuthentication.emit() engine = None return engine def _download( self, engine: "Engine", info: NuxeoDocumentInfo, file_path: Path, file_out: Path, blob: Blob, xpath: str, url: str = None, ) -> Path: # Close to processor method - should try to refactor ? pair = None kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} if blob.digest: # The digest is available in the Blob, use it and disable parameters check # as 'digest' is not a recognized param for the Blob.Get operation. kwargs["digest"] = blob.digest kwargs["check_params"] = False pair = engine.dao.get_valid_duplicate_file(blob.digest) if pair: existing_file_path = engine.local.abspath(pair.local_path) try: # copyfile() is used to prevent metadata copy shutil.copyfile(existing_file_path, file_out) except FileNotFoundError: pair = None else: f"Local file matches remote digest {blob.digest!r}, " f"copied it from {existing_file_path!r}" ) if pair.is_readonly():"Unsetting readonly flag on copied file {file_out!r}") unset_path_readonly(file_out) if not pair: if url: try: quote(url, safe="/:"), file_path, file_out, blob.digest, callback=self.stop_client, is_direct_edit=True, engine_uid=engine.uid, ) finally: engine.dao.remove_transfer("download", file_path) else: engine.remote.get_blob( info, xpath=xpath, file_out=file_out, callback=self.stop_client, **kwargs, ) return file_out def _get_info(self, engine: "Engine", doc_id: str) -> Optional[NuxeoDocumentInfo]: try: doc = engine.remote.fetch( doc_id, headers={"fetch-document": "lock"}, enrichers=["permissions"] ) except Forbidden: msg = ( f" Access to the document {doc_id!r} on server {engine.hostname!r}" f" is forbidden for user {engine.remote_user!r}" ) log.warning(msg) self.directEditForbidden.emit(doc_id, engine.hostname, engine.remote_user) return None except Unauthorized: engine.set_invalid_credentials() return None except NotFound: values = [doc_id, engine.hostname] self.directEditError.emit("DIRECT_EDIT_NOT_FOUND", values) return None doc.update( { "root": engine.remote.base_folder_ref, "repository": engine.remote.client.repository, } ) info = NuxeoDocumentInfo.from_dict(doc) if info.is_version: self.directEditError.emit( "DIRECT_EDIT_VERSION", [info.version,, info.uid] ) return None if info.lock_owner and info.lock_owner != engine.remote_user: # Retrieve the user full name, will be cached owner = engine.get_user_full_name(info.lock_owner) f"Doc {!r} was locked by {owner} ({info.lock_owner}) " f"on {info.lock_created}, edit not allowed" ) self.directEditLocked.emit(, owner, info.lock_created) return None elif info.permissions and "Write" not in info.permissions:"Doc {!r} is readonly for you, edit not allowed") self.directEditReadonly.emit( return None return info def _prepare_edit( self, server_url: str, doc_id: str, user: str = None, download_url: str = None ) -> Optional[Path]: start_time = current_milli_time() engine = self._get_engine(server_url, doc_id=doc_id, user=user) if not engine: return None # Avoid any link with the engine, remote_doc are not cached so we # can do that info = self._get_info(engine, doc_id) if not info: return None url = None url_info: Dict[str, str] = {} if download_url: import re urlmatch = re.match( r"([^\/]+\/){3}(?P<xpath>.+)\/(?P<filename>[^\?]*).*", download_url, re.I, ) if urlmatch: url_info = urlmatch.groupdict() url = server_url if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" url += download_url xpath = url_info.get("xpath") if not xpath and info.doc_type == "Note": xpath = "note:note" elif not xpath or xpath == "blobholder:0": xpath = "file:content" blob = info.get_blob(xpath) if not blob: log.warning( f"No blob associated with xpath {xpath!r} for file {info.path!r}" ) return None filename = self.directEditStarting.emit(engine.hostname, filename) # Create local structure folder_name = safe_filename(f"{doc_id}_{xpath}") dir_path = self._folder / folder_name dir_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)"Editing {filename!r}") file_path = dir_path / filename tmp_folder = self._folder / f"{doc_id}.dl" tmp_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_out = tmp_folder / filename try: # Download the file tmp_file = self._download( engine, info, file_path, file_out, blob, xpath, url=url ) if tmp_file is None: log.warning("Download failed") return None except CONNECTION_ERROR: log.warning("Unable to perform DirectEdit", exc_info=True) return None # Set the remote_id dir_path = self.local.get_path(dir_path) self.local.set_remote_id(dir_path, doc_id) self.local.set_remote_id(dir_path, server_url, name="nxdirectedit") if user: self.local.set_remote_id(dir_path, user, name="nxdirectedituser") if xpath: self.local.set_remote_id(dir_path, xpath, name="nxdirecteditxpath") if blob.digest: self.local.set_remote_id(dir_path, blob.digest, name="nxdirecteditdigest") # Set digest algorithm if not sent by the server digest_algorithm = blob.digest_algorithm if not digest_algorithm: digest_algorithm = get_digest_algorithm(blob.digest) if not digest_algorithm: raise UnknownDigest(blob.digest) self.local.set_remote_id( dir_path, digest_algorithm.encode("utf-8"), name="nxdirecteditdigestalgorithm", ) self.local.set_remote_id(dir_path, filename, name="nxdirecteditname") safe_rename(tmp_file, file_path) timing = current_milli_time() - start_time self.openDocument.emit(filename, timing) return file_path @pyqtSlot(str, str, str, str) def edit( self, server_url: str, doc_id: str, user: str = None, download_url: str = None ) -> None: if not Feature.direct_edit: self.directEditError.emit("DIRECT_EDIT_NOT_ENABLED", []) return"Direct Editing doc {doc_id!r} on {server_url!r}") try: # Download the file file_path = self._prepare_edit( server_url, doc_id, user=user, download_url=download_url ) log.debug(f"Direct Edit preparation returned file path {file_path!r}") # Launch it if file_path: self._manager.open_local_file(file_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: # Open file anyway if e.filename is not None: self._manager.open_local_file(e.filename) else: raise e def _extract_edit_info(self, ref: Path) -> DirectEditDetails: dir_path = ref.parent server_url = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirectedit") if not server_url: raise NotFound() user = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirectedituser") engine = self._get_engine(server_url, user=user) if not engine: raise NotFound() uid = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path) if not uid: raise NotFound() digest_algorithm = self.local.get_remote_id( dir_path, name="nxdirecteditdigestalgorithm" ) digest = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirecteditdigest") if not (digest and digest_algorithm): raise NotFound() xpath = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirecteditxpath") editing = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirecteditlock") == "1" details = DirectEditDetails( uid=uid, engine=engine, digest_func=digest_algorithm, digest=digest, xpath=xpath, editing=editing, ) log.debug(f"DirectEdit {details}") return details def force_update(self, ref: Path, digest: str) -> None: dir_path = ref.parent self.local.set_remote_id( dir_path, digest.encode("utf-8"), name="nxdirecteditdigest" ) self._upload_queue.put(ref) def _lock(self, remote: Remote, uid: str) -> bool: """Lock a document.""" try: remote.lock(uid) except HTTPError as exc: if exc.status in (codes.CONFLICT, codes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR): # CONFLICT if NXP-24359 is part of the current server HF # else INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR is raised on double lock. username = re.findall(r"Document already locked by (.+):", exc.message) if username: if username[0] == remote.user_id: # Already locked by the same user log.debug("You already locked that document!") return False else: # Already locked by someone else raise DocumentAlreadyLocked(username[0]) raise exc else: # Document locked! return True return False def _handle_lock_queue(self) -> None: errors = [] while "items": try: item = self._lock_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: break ref, action = item log.debug(f"Handling DirectEdit lock queue: action={action}, ref={ref!r}") uid = "" try: details = self._extract_edit_info(ref) uid = details.uid remote = details.engine.remote if action == "lock": self._lock(remote, uid) self.local.set_remote_id(ref.parent, b"1", name="nxdirecteditlock") # Emit the lock signal only when the lock is really set self._send_lock_status(ref) self.autolock.documentLocked.emit( continue try: remote.unlock(uid) except NotFound: purge = True else: purge = False if purge or action == "unlock_orphan": path = self.local.abspath(ref) log.debug(f"Remove orphan: {path!r}") self.autolock.orphan_unlocked(path) shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) continue self.local.remove_remote_id(ref.parent, name="nxdirecteditlock") # Emit the signal only when the unlock is done self._send_lock_status(ref) self.autolock.documentUnlocked.emit( except ThreadInterrupt: raise except NotFound: log.debug(f"Document {ref!r} no more exists") except DocumentAlreadyLocked as exc: log.warning(f"Document {ref!r} already locked by {exc.username}") self.directEditLockError.emit(action,, uid) except CONNECTION_ERROR: # Try again in 30s log.warning( f"Connection error while trying to {action} document {ref!r}", exc_info=True, ) errors.append(item) except Exception: log.exception(f"Cannot {action} document {ref!r}") self.directEditLockError.emit(action,, uid) # Requeue errors for item in errors: self._lock_queue.put(item) def _send_lock_status(self, ref: str) -> None: manager = self._manager for engine in manager.engines.values(): dao = engine.dao state = dao.get_normal_state_from_remote(ref) if state: path = engine.local_folder / state.local_path manager.osi.send_sync_status(state, path) def _handle_upload_queue(self) -> None: while "items": try: ref = self._upload_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: break os_path = self.local.abspath(ref) if os_path.is_dir(): # The upload file is a folder?! # It *may* happen when the user DirectEdit'ed a ZIP file, # the OS opened it and automatically decompressed it in-place. log.debug(f"Skipping DirectEdit queue ref {ref!r} (folder)") continue log.debug(f"Handling DirectEdit queue ref: {ref!r}") details = self._extract_edit_info(ref) xpath = details.xpath engine = details.engine remote = engine.remote if not xpath: xpath = "file:content""DirectEdit on {ref!r} has no xpath, defaulting to {xpath!r}") try: # Don't update if digest are the same info = self.local.get_info(ref) current_digest = info.get_digest(digest_func=details.digest_func) if not current_digest or current_digest == details.digest: continue start_time = current_milli_time() log.debug( f"Local digest: {current_digest} is different from the recorded " f"one: {details.digest} - modification detected for {ref!r}" ) if not details.editing: # Check the remote hash to prevent data loss remote_info = remote.get_info(details.uid) if remote_info.is_version: log.warning( f"Unable to process DirectEdit on {} " f"({details.uid}) because it is a version." ) continue remote_blob = remote_info.get_blob(xpath) if remote_info else None if remote_blob and remote_blob.digest != details.digest: log.debug( f"Remote digest: {remote_blob.digest} is different from the " f"recorded one: {details.digest} - conflict detected for {ref!r}" ) self.directEditConflict.emit(, ref, remote_blob.digest) continue"Uploading file {os_path!r}") if xpath == "note:note": kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {"applyVersioningPolicy": True} cmd = "NuxeoDrive.AttachBlob" else: kwargs = {"xpath": xpath, "void_op": True} cmd = "Blob.AttachOnDocument" remote.upload( os_path, command=cmd, document=remote.check_ref(details.uid), engine_uid=engine.uid, is_direct_edit=True, **kwargs, ) # Update hash value dir_path = ref.parent self.local.set_remote_id( dir_path, current_digest, name="nxdirecteditdigest" ) timing = current_milli_time() - start_time self.directEditUploadCompleted.emit( self.editDocument.emit(, timing) except ThreadInterrupt: raise except NotFound: # Not found on the server, just skip it pass except Forbidden: msg = ( "Upload queue error:" f" Access to the document {ref!r} on server {engine.hostname!r}" f" is forbidden for user {engine.remote_user!r}" ) log.warning(msg) self.directEditForbidden.emit( str(ref), engine.hostname, engine.remote_user ) except CONNECTION_ERROR: # Try again in 30s log.warning(f"Connection error while uploading {ref!r}", exc_info=True) self._error_queue.push(ref) except Exception as e: if ( isinstance(e, HTTPError) and e.status == 500 and "Cannot set property on a version" in e.message ): log.warning( f"Unable to process DirectEdit on {ref} " f"({details}) because it is a version." ) continue # Try again in 30s log.exception(f"DirectEdit unhandled error for ref {ref!r}") self._error_queue.push(ref) def _handle_queues(self) -> None: # Lock any document self._handle_lock_queue() # Unqueue any errors for item in self._error_queue.get(): self._upload_queue.put(item.path) # Handle the upload queue self._handle_upload_queue() while not self.watchdog_queue.empty(): evt = self.watchdog_queue.get() try: self.handle_watchdog_event(evt) except ThreadInterrupt: raise except Exception: log.exception("Watchdog error") def _execute(self) -> None: try: self._cleanup() self._setup_watchdog() while True: self._interact() try: self._handle_queues() except NotFound: continue except ThreadInterrupt: raise except Exception: log.exception("Unhandled DirectEdit error") sleep(0.5) except ThreadInterrupt: raise finally: with self.lock: self._stop_watchdog() def get_metrics(self) -> Metrics: metrics = super().get_metrics() if self._event_handler: metrics["fs_events"] = self._event_handler.counter return {**metrics, **self._metrics} @tooltip("Setup watchdog") def _setup_watchdog(self) -> None:"Watching FS modification on {self._folder!r}") self._event_handler = DriveFSEventHandler(self) self._observer = Observer() self._observer.schedule(self._event_handler, str(self._folder), recursive=True) self._observer.start() def _stop_watchdog(self) -> None:"Stopping the FS observer thread") try: self._observer.stop() self._observer.join() except Exception: log.warning("Cannot stop the FS observer") finally: self._observer = None @tooltip("Handle watchdog event") def handle_watchdog_event(self, evt: FileSystemEvent) -> None: src_path = normalize_event_filename(evt.src_path) # Event on the folder by itself if src_path.is_dir(): return if self.local.is_temp_file(src_path): return"Handling watchdog event [{evt.event_type}] on {evt.src_path!r}") if evt.event_type == "moved": src_path = normalize_event_filename(evt.dest_path) ref = self.local.get_path(src_path) dir_path = self.local.get_path(src_path.parent) name = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirecteditname") if not name: return editing = self.local.get_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirecteditlock") == "1" if force_decode(name) != if _is_lock_file( if evt.event_type == "created" and self.use_autolock and not editing: """ [Windows 10] The original file is not modified until we specifically click on the save button. Instead, it applies changes to the temporary file. So the auto-lock does not happen because there is no 'modified' event on the original file. Here we try to address that by checking the lock state and use the lock if not already done. """ # Recompute the path from 'dir/temp_file' -> 'dir/file' path = src_path.parent / name self.autolock.set_autolock(path, self) elif evt.event_type == "deleted": # Free the xattr to let _cleanup() does its work self.local.remove_remote_id(dir_path, name="nxdirecteditlock") return if self.use_autolock and not editing: self.autolock.set_autolock(src_path, self) if evt.event_type != "deleted": self._upload_queue.put(ref)
if len(sys.argv) == 2: #creo el controlador de eventos patterns = "*.json" # archivos que queremos manejar (json para insertar en bd y log snort para convertir a json) ignore_patterns = "" ignore_directories = True case_sensitive = True manejador = PatternMatchingEventHandler(patterns, ignore_patterns, ignore_directories, case_sensitive) #se invocan estas funciones cuando se genera el evento correspondiente manejador.on_created = on_created manejador.on_modified = on_modified #creamos el observador path = sys.argv[1] recursivo = True monitor = Observer() monitor.schedule(manejador, path, recursive=recursivo) #iniciamos el monitoreo monitor.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: monitor.stop() monitor.join() else: print("Uso: [] [path logs snort]")