def watch_assets(options): """ Watch for changes to asset files, and regenerate js/css """ # Don't watch assets when performing a dry run if tasks.environment.dry_run: return observer = Observer() CoffeeScriptWatcher().register(observer) SassWatcher().register(observer) XModuleSassWatcher().register(observer) XModuleAssetsWatcher().register(observer) print("Starting asset watcher...") observer.start() if not getattr(options, 'background', False): # when running as a separate process, the main thread needs to loop # in order to allow for shutdown by contrl-c try: while True: observer.join(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() print("\nStopped asset watcher.")
def code(): # file monitor server observer = Observer() # py yml file monitor patterns = ["*.py", "*demo.yml"] # '*' is necessary, and must in the first. restart_processor = ServerStarter( [ {"cmd": "rm -rf %s/*.log" % os.path.join(workspace, "log"), "is_daemon": False}, {"cmd": "./ run", "network_port": (config["simple_server"]["port"],)}, ] ) monitor = SourceCodeMonitor(restart_processor, patterns) observer.schedule(monitor, program_dir, recursive=True) observer.schedule(monitor, http_api.__path__[0], recursive=True) # # rebuild css and js's min file while source file is change # patterns = ['*.css', '*.js', '*static.yml'] # '*' is necessary, and must in the first. # monitor = SourceCodeMonitor(BuildCssJsProcessor(program_dir, static), patterns, None, 500) # observer.schedule(monitor, program_dir, recursive=True) # start monitoring observer.start() try: time.sleep(31536000) # one year except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop()
def main(): if not config['play']['scan']: raise Exception(''' Nothing to scan. Add a path in the config file. Example: play: scan: - type: shows path: /a/path/to/the/shows ''') obs = Observer() for s in config['play']['scan']: event_handler = Handler( scan_path=s['path'], type_=s['type'], ) obs.schedule( event_handler, s['path'], recursive=True, ) obs.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: obs.stop() obs.join()
class Modsync: _target = [] _source = '' _observer = None def __init__(self): pass def setSource(self, source): self._source = source def setTarget(self, target_dir): self._target.append(target_dir) def getObserver(self): return self._observer def run(self): if not self._source: return 0 self._observer = Observer() event_handler = ModsyncEventHandler(self._observer, self._source, self._target) self._observer.schedule(event_handler, self._source, recursive=True) self._observer.start() try: time.sleep(2) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: self._observer.stop() self._observer.join() return 0
def send_watchdog(self): """ Method of ``Mail``. Send mail when new file created. Alter this method if other condition of sending mail needed. """ #r_pipe,w_pipe = Pipe() queue = Queue.Queue() event = Event() #event_handler = GetNameEventHandler(w_pipe,event) #send_mail_thread = SendMailThread(r_pipe,event,self) event_handler = GetNameEventHandler(queue,event) send_mail_thread = SendMailThread(queue,event,self) send_mail_thread.start() observer = Observer() path = self.config['BOOK_PATH'] observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: event.set() observer.stop() #NOTICE:kill threads by force, need to change sys.exit()
class Sceduler: def __init__(self, config): fs = config.get('scheduler', 'fs', 0) dest = config.get('store', 'path', 0) self.ioqueue = Queue() self.iothread = Thread(target=self.ioprocess) self.iothread.daemon = True = Observer() self.event_handler = IoTask(self.ioqueue, fs, dest), fs, recursive=True) def ioprocess(self): while True: t = self.ioqueue.get() try: t.process() finally: self.ioqueue.task_done() def start(self): self.iothread.start() def stop(self): self.iothread.stop() def join(self): self.iothread.join()
def __init__(self, input_dir, templates_dir): paths = [input_dir, templates_dir] threads = [] try: observer = Observer() event_handler = WatchEventHandler() for i in paths: targetPath = str(i) observer.schedule(event_handler, targetPath, recursive=True) threads.append(observer) observer.start() signal_watch_init = signal('watch_init') signal_watch_init.send(self) try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: wrangler._reporter.log("Stopping with grace and poise", "green") observer.stop() observer.join() except: return None
def compile(self): """ Generate autodoc rst files from code docstrings and compile sphinx output """ if self.options.get('watch', False): # If the watch folder is set, we will set up # an observer using watchdog and re-compile on code change from watchdog.observers import Observer observer = Observer() handler = CompileEventHandler(self) observer.schedule(handler, path=self.doc_path, recursive=True) observer.start() print "Watching folder @ {} for changes.".format(self.doc_path) try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Stopping watch folder and Exiting." observer.stop() observer.join() print "Goodbye" else: print "Compiling autodoc rst and sphinx files" self._compile_all() print "Files compiled. Goodbye"
def main(): arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Storyline HTTP v0.1') if arguments.get('--debug'): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) logger.addHandler(handler) app.config.from_object(__name__) app.debug = arguments.get('--debug') story_path = arguments.get('STORY_PATH', '.') global plot plot = storyfile.load_plot_from_path(story_path) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(LoggingEventHandler(), path=story_path, recursive=True) observer.schedule(Reloader(story_path), path=story_path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: finally: observer.stop() observer.join()
def serve(site, director): """Run a simple web server that serve the output directory and watches for changes to the site. When something is changed, it should be generated. """ # Override the log level to display some interactive messages with the # user. With the dev server running, there's no sense in being silent. logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Start the watchdog. event_handler = SiteHandler(director) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, site.path, recursive=True) observer.start() # The simple HTTP server is pretty dumb and does not even take a path to # serve. The only way to serve the right path is to change the directory. outdir = director.outdir os.chdir(outdir) socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', PORT), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) _('Serving {outdir} at http://localhost:{port}/.' '\nPress Ctrl-C to quit.').format(outdir=outdir, port=PORT)) try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt:'\nBye.')) observer.stop() observer.join()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--after', help="a command to run after") args = parser.parse_args() py_event_handler = TouchFileEventHandler( patterns=['*.py'], touch_file='index.rst' ) rst_event_handler = MakeEventHandler( patterns=['*.rst'], make_target='html', after=args.after) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(py_event_handler, path='..', recursive=True) observer.schedule(rst_event_handler, path='.', recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def filemonitor(topdir, mode, jfs): errors = {} def saferun(cmd, *args): log.debug('running %s with args %s', cmd, args) try: return apply(cmd, args) except Exception as e: puts('Ouch. Something\'s wrong with "%s":' % args[0])) log.exception('SAFERUN: Got exception when processing %s', args) errors.update( {args[0]:e} ) return False if mode == 'archive': event_handler = ArchiveEventHandler(jfs, topdir) elif mode == 'sync': event_handler = SyncEventHandler(jfs, topdir) #event_handler = LoggingEventHandler() elif mode == 'share': event_handler = ShareEventHandler(jfs, topdir) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, topdir, recursive=True) observer.start() try: puts('Starting JottaCloud monitor')) while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() puts('JottaCloud monitor stopped')) observer.join()
def watch_directory(watch_dir, target_dir, condition=None): if condition: condition.acquire() watch_path = abspath(watch_dir)'Watch path: %s' % watch_path) target_path = abspath(target_dir)'Target path: %s' % target_path) handler = ModifiedHandler(watch_path, target_path) obs = Observer() obs.schedule(handler, watch_path, recursive=True) obs.start() if condition: condition.notify() condition.release() try: while True: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: obs.stop() obs.join()
def go_watch(): try: print 'Start watching %s' % PATH_TO_WATCH logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') event_handler = LoggingEventHandler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, PATH_TO_WATCH, recursive=True) observer.start() event_handler.on_modified = sync_upload event_handler.on_deleted = sync_upload_delete event_handler.on_created = sync_upload_create event_handler.on_moved = sync_upload_move time_loop = 1 try: while True: time.sleep(1) time_loop += 1 if not time_loop % AUTO_SYNC_TIME: print 'Auto sync every %s second' % AUTO_SYNC_TIME if not observer.event_queue.unfinished_tasks: sync_download() check_dir_deleted() print 'Auto check downloaded file or folder' check_dir_deleted() except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'End watching.' observer.stop() observer.join() except Exception, e: print '*' * 10 print e print '*' * 10 return
def watch(self, source, write=True, package=None, run=False, force=False): """Watches a source and recompiles on change.""" from import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer def recompile(path): if os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.splitext(path)[1] in code_exts: self.compile_path(path, write, package, run, force) class watcher(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_modified(_, event): recompile(event.src_path) def on_created(_, event): recompile(event.src_path) source = fixpath(source)"Watching "+showpath(source)+" ...") self.console.print("(press Ctrl-C to end)") observer = Observer() observer.schedule(watcher(), source, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: observer.stop() observer.join()
def watch_project(markdown_fn, output_fn, template_fn, render_first=True): class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_any_event(self, event): if event.src_path == os.path.abspath(output_fn): return print('Rendering slides...') process_slides(markdown_fn, output_fn, template_fn) if render_first == True: process_slides(markdown_fn, output_fn, template_fn) observer = Observer() event_handler = Handler() dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(markdown_fn)) observer.schedule(event_handler, path=dirname, recursive=True) print("Watching for events on {:s}...".format(dirname)) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) and os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1])): filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = gui.get_path("*.csv",defaultFile="data.csv") commonPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(filename)[0]) outputFile = os.path.join(commonPath, "odmanalysis.csv") print "Now watching %s for changes" % filename handler = OMDCsvChunkHandler(filename,outputFile) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(handler, path=commonPath, recursive=False) handler.startPCChain() observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print "Stopping..." observer.stop() time.sleep(1) observer.join()
def watch(directory=None, auto_clear=False, beep_on_failure=True, onpass=None, onfail=None, extensions=[]): """ Starts a server to render the specified file or directory containing a README. """ if directory and not os.path.isdir(directory): raise ValueError('Directory not found: ' + directory) directory = os.path.abspath(directory or '') # Initial run event_handler = ChangeHandler(directory, auto_clear, beep_on_failure, onpass, onfail, extensions) # Setup watchdog observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path=directory, recursive=True) observer.start() # Watch and run tests until interrupted by user try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def main(): global badExtensionCounter, failedFlag, pool, failedProcessCounter#, db sql_setup() # Set-up SQL Database/check to see if exists # Initiate File Path Handler observer = Observer() observer.schedule(MyHandler(), path=file_path, recursive=True) observer.start() cpuCount = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # Count all available CPU's print "\nTotal CPU Count: %d"%(cpuCount) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4, worker,(processQueue,)) # Create 4 child processes to handle all queued elements active = multiprocessing.active_children() # All active child processes print "Total number of active child processes: %s\n"%(str(active)) try: while True: time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() # Stop all child processes pool.join() # Join the processes with parent and terminate active = multiprocessing.active_children() # All active child processes, list should be empty at this point. print "\nTotal number of active child processes: %s\n"%(str(active)) shutdown() # Run shutdown sequence observer.stop() observer.join() sys.exit(1)
def generate_and_observe(args, event): while event.isSet(): # Generate the presentation monitor_list = generate(args) print("Presentation generated.") # Make a list of involved directories directories = defaultdict(list) for file in monitor_list: directory, filename = os.path.split(file) directories[directory].append(filename) observer = Observer() handler = HovercraftEventHandler(monitor_list) for directory, files in directories.items(): observer.schedule(handler, directory, recursive=False) observer.start() while event.wait(1): time.sleep(0.05) if handler.quit: break observer.stop() observer.join()
class WatchFile(object): def __init__(self, send_msg_func, *args, **kargs): self.path = kargs['path'] if kargs.has_key('path') else '.' self.suffix = kargs['suffix'] if kargs.has_key('suffix') else '*' # star represent any file = Observer() self.event_handler = MyFileMonitor(self.suffix, callback=self.get_data) self.send_msg_func = send_msg_func self.filename = self.zip_filename = '' def run(self):, self.path, recursive=True) try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: def get_data(self, filename): data = self._unpack(filename) data = str(data) print(data, type(data)) self.send_msg_func(data) def _unpack(self, filename): # first rename suffix to zip file # may not work on linux if system == 'Windows': filename = filename[2:] if filename.startswith('.\\') else filename filename = filename.lstrip() new_name = filename.split('.')[0] + '.zip' new_name = new_name[1:] if new_name.startswith('\\') else new_name elif system == 'Linux': new_name = filename print('Old name:', filename, ' New name:', new_name) self.filename = filename self.zip_filename = new_name # waiting for operating sys create the file time.sleep(3) os.rename(filename, new_name) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(new_name, 'r') json_data = "" for name in zip_file.namelist(): if name == "project.json": file =, 'r') json_data = "".join(file.readlines()) # change filename back to .sb2 if new_name.endswith('.zip'): os.rename(new_name, filename) return self.get_cmd(json_data) def get_cmd(self, json_data): jsonfy_data = json.loads(json_data) child = jsonfy_data['children'][0] scripts = child['scripts'] return scripts
class FSWatcher(object): def __init__(self): = Observer() for path in odoo.modules.module.ad_paths:'Watching addons folder %s', path), path, recursive=True) def dispatch(self, event): if isinstance(event, (FileCreatedEvent, FileModifiedEvent, FileMovedEvent)): if not event.is_directory: path = getattr(event, 'dest_path', event.src_path) if path.endswith('.py'): try: source = open(path, 'rb').read() + '\n' compile(source, path, 'exec') except SyntaxError: _logger.error('autoreload: python code change detected, SyntaxError in %s', path) else:'autoreload: python code updated, autoreload activated') restart() def start(self):'AutoReload watcher running') def stop(self):
class PropMTimeWatcher: def __init__(self, app_data_folder): self._app_data_folder = app_data_folder self._observer = Observer() self.schedule() def schedule(self): pref = PropMTimePreferences(self._app_data_folder) self._observer.unschedule_all() for path, watcher in pref.get_all_paths().items(): if watcher: if os.path.exists(path): event_handler = ModHandler(path, self._app_data_folder)'scheduling watcher : %s' % path) self._observer.schedule(event_handler, path=path, recursive=True) else: log.error('Error: "%s" does not exist.\n\nPlease edit the path.\n\nTo do this, click on the %s icon and select "Paths".' % (path, __application_name__)) self._observer.start() def request_exit(self): self._observer.unschedule_all() self._observer.stop() self._observer.join(TIMEOUT) if self._observer.isAlive(): log.error('observer still alive')
def main(): # Fill all changes that occurred when wasn't running. if os.path.isdir("out"): shutil.rmtree("out", True) if not os.path.isdir("out"): os.mkdir("out") startup_changes.sync_offline_changes("posts", "out") print "Watching posts directory for changes... CTRL+C to quit." watch_directory = "posts" event_handler = MyHandler() # Run the watchdog. observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, watch_directory, True) observer.start() """ Keep the script running or else python closes without stopping the observer thread and this causes an error. """ try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize the watcher, use the config passed from main """ self.config = config # List of pending files self.pending_files = set() self.sync_timer = None # Setup our watchdog observer observer = Observer() observer.schedule(ChangeHandler(self.on_file_changed),, recursive=True) observer.start()"Starting change tracker, cmd: {}, dir: {}, delay: {}".format(config.sync_cmd,, config.delay)) try: while True: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def stream_video(video_path): global VIDEO_BITRATE global AUDIO_BITRATE create_working_directory() head, tail = os.path.split(video_path) name = tail.split('.')[0] nonce = '-' + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(5)) if '.avi' in video_path: args = "-i %s -vcodec h264 -b %s -acodec libfaac -ab %s -f hls ./.kickflip/%s.m3u8" args = args % (video_path, VIDEO_BITRATE, AUDIO_BITRATE, name+nonce) else: args = "-i %s -f hls -codec copy ./.kickflip/%s.m3u8" args = args % (video_path, name+nonce) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(SegmentHandler(), path='./.kickflip') observer.start() time.sleep(3) # This is a f*****g hack. process ='ffmpeg ' + args) observer.stop() upload_file(video_path) return ''
class ActivityCheck(Thread): def __init__(self, period, path, mailhost, fromaddr, toaddrs): Thread.__init__(self) self.period = int(period) self.path = path self.activity = False self.last_time = self.message_sent = False self.subject = 'WARNING : ' + HOSTNAME + ' : ' + 'telecaster monitor activity' self.logger = EmailLogger(mailhost, fromaddr, toaddrs, self.subject) self.event_handler = ActivityEventHandler(ignore_patterns=IGNORE_PATTERNS) = Observer(), path, recursive=True) def run(self): while True: if not self.event_handler.activity: now = delta = now - self.last_time if delta.total_seconds() > LOG_MAX_PERIOD or not self.message_sent: self.logger.logger.error('The monitor is NOT recording anymore in ' + self.path + ' ! ') self.last_time = now self.message_sent = True else: self.event_handler.activity = False time.sleep(self.period) def stop(self):
def watch(path, handler=None, debug=True): import time from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_any_event(self, event): if debug: print "File {0}: {1}".format(event.event_type, event.src_path) if not handler: print "No handler specified" return handler(event.src_path, event.event_type) event_handler = Handler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def main(): pandoc_path = which("pandoc") if not pandoc_path : print "pandoc executable must be in the path to be used by pandoc-watch!" exit() config = Configuration.Instance() parseOptions() config.setDirContentAndTime(getDirectoryWatchedElements()) print "Starting pandoc watcher ..." while True: event_handler = ChangeHandler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, os.getcwd(), recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as err: print str(err) observer.stop() print "Stopping pandoc watcher ..." exit()
else: print("Directory exists, nothing to do here.") def main(): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") #check_for_log_dir(config) w = Watcher(config) if __name__ == '__main__': config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") o = Observer() o.schedule(Handler(), path=config['System']['location_to_watch']) o.start() try: while True: import time time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: o.stop() o.join()
def start(services, auto_upgrade, anchore_module, skip_config_validate, skip_db_compat_check, all): """ Startup and monitor service processes. Specify a list of service names or empty for all. """ global config ecode = 0 auto_upgrade = True if not anchore_module: module_name = "anchore_engine" else: module_name = str(anchore_module) if os.environ.get('ANCHORE_ENGINE_SKIP_DB_COMPAT_CHECK', str(skip_db_compat_check)).lower() in ['true', 't', 'y', 'yes']: skip_db_compat_check = True else: skip_db_compat_check = False if services: input_services = list(services) else: input_services = os.getenv('ANCHORE_ENGINE_SERVICES', '').strip().split() if not input_services and not all: raise click.exceptions.BadArgumentUsage('No services defined to start. Must either provide service arguments, ANCHORE_ENGINE_SERVICES env var, or --all option') try: validate_params = { 'services': True, 'webhooks': True, 'credentials': True } if skip_config_validate: try: items = skip_config_validate.split(',') for item in items: validate_params[item] = False except Exception as err: raise Exception(err) # find/set up configuration configdir = config['configdir'] configfile = os.path.join(configdir, "config.yaml") localconfig = None if os.path.exists(configfile): try: localconfig = anchore_engine.configuration.localconfig.load_config(configdir=configdir, configfile=configfile, validate_params=validate_params) except Exception as err: raise Exception("cannot load local configuration: " + str(err)) else: raise Exception("cannot locate configuration file ({})".format(configfile)) # load the appropriate DB module try:"Loading DB routines from module ({})".format(module_name)) module = importlib.import_module(module_name + ".db.entities.upgrade") # except TableNotFoundError as ex: #"Initialized DB not found.") except Exception as err: raise Exception("Input anchore-module (" + str(module_name) + ") cannot be found/imported - exception: " + str(err)) # get the list of local services to start startFailed = False if not input_services: config_services = localconfig.get('services', {}) if not config_services: logger.warn('could not find any services to execute in the config file') sys.exit(1) input_services = [ name for name, srv_conf in list(config_services.items()) if srv_conf.get('enabled')] services = [] for service_conf_name in input_services: if service_conf_name in list(service_map.values()): svc = service_conf_name else: svc = service_map.get(service_conf_name) if svc: services.append(svc) else: logger.warn('specified service {} not found in list of available services {} - removing from list of services to start'.format(service_conf_name, list(service_map.keys()))) if 'anchore-catalog' in services: services.remove('anchore-catalog') services.insert(0, 'anchore-catalog') if not services: logger.error("No services found in ANCHORE_ENGINE_SERVICES or as enabled in config.yaml to start - exiting") sys.exit(1) # preflight - db checks try: db_params = anchore_engine.db.entities.common.get_params(localconfig) #override db_timeout since upgrade might require longer db session timeout setting try: if 'timeout' in db_params.get('db_connect_args', {}): db_params['db_connect_args']['timeout'] = 86400 elif 'connect_timeout' in db_params.get('db_connect_args', {}): db_params['db_connect_args']['connect_timeout'] = 86400 except Exception as err: pass anchore_manager.cli.utils.connect_database(config, db_params, db_retries=300) code_versions, db_versions = anchore_manager.cli.utils.init_database(upgrade_module=module, localconfig=localconfig, do_db_compatibility_check=(not skip_db_compat_check)) in_sync = False timed_out = False max_timeout = 3600 timer = time.time() while not in_sync and not timed_out: code_versions, db_versions = module.get_versions() if code_versions and db_versions: if code_versions['db_version'] != db_versions['db_version']: if auto_upgrade and 'anchore-catalog' in services:"Auto-upgrade is set - performing upgrade.") try: # perform the upgrade logic here rc = module.run_upgrade() if rc:"Upgrade completed") else:"No upgrade necessary. Completed.") except Exception as err: raise err in_sync = True else: logger.warn("this version of anchore-engine requires the anchore DB version ({}) but we discovered anchore DB version ({}) in the running DB - it is safe to run the upgrade while seeing this message - will retry for {} more seconds.".format(str(code_versions['db_version']), str(db_versions['db_version']), str(max_timeout - int(time.time() - timer)))) time.sleep(5) else:"DB version and code version in sync.") in_sync = True else: logger.warn('no existing anchore DB data can be discovered, assuming bootstrap') in_sync = True if (max_timeout - int(time.time() - timer)) < 0: timed_out = True if not in_sync: raise Exception("this version of anchore-engine requires the anchore DB version ("+str(code_versions['db_version'])+") but we discovered anchore DB version ("+str(db_versions['db_version'])+") in the running DB - please perform the DB upgrade process and retry") except Exception as err: raise err finally: rc = anchore_engine.db.entities.common.do_disconnect() # start up services'Starting services: {}'.format(services)) for supportdir in ["/var/log/anchore", "/var/run/anchore"]: try: if not os.path.exists(supportdir): os.makedirs(supportdir, 0o755) except Exception as err: logger.error("cannot create log directory {} - exception: {}".format(supportdir, str(err))) raise err pids = [] keepalive_threads = [] for service in services: pidfile = "/var/run/anchore/" + service + ".pid" try: terminate_service(service, flush_pidfile=True) service_thread = ServiceThread(startup_service, (service, configdir)) keepalive_threads.append(service_thread) max_tries = 30 tries = 0 alive = True while not os.path.exists(pidfile) and tries < max_tries:"waiting for service pidfile {} to exist {}/{}".format(pidfile, tries, max_tries)) try: alive = service_thread.thread.is_alive() except: pass if not alive:"service thread has stopped {}".format(service)) break time.sleep(1) tries = tries + 1"auto_restart_services setting: {}".format(localconfig.get('auto_restart_services', False))) if not localconfig.get('auto_restart_services', False):"checking for startup failure pidfile={}, is_alive={}".format(os.path.exists(pidfile), alive)) if not os.path.exists(pidfile) or not alive: raise Exception("service thread for ({}) failed to start".format(service)) time.sleep(1) except Exception as err: startFailed = True logger.warn("service start failed - exception: {}".format(str(err))) break if startFailed: logger.fatal("one or more services failed to start. cleanly terminating the others") for service in services: terminate_service(service, flush_pidfile=True) sys.exit(1) else: # start up the log watchers try: observer = Observer() observer.schedule(AnchoreLogWatcher(), path="/var/log/anchore/") observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) if localconfig.get('auto_restart_services', False): #'auto_restart_services' in localconfig and localconfig['auto_restart_services']: for service_thread in keepalive_threads: if not service_thread.thread.is_alive():"restarting service: {}".format( service_thread.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() except Exception as err: logger.error("failed to startup log watchers - exception: {}".format(str(err))) raise err except Exception as err: logger.error(anchore_manager.cli.utils.format_error_output(config, 'servicestart', {}, err)) if not ecode: ecode = 2 anchore_manager.cli.utils.doexit(ecode)
def start(auto_upgrade, anchore_module, skip_config_validate, skip_db_compat_check): global config """ """ ecode = 0 auto_upgrade = True if not anchore_module: module_name = "anchore_engine" else: module_name = str(anchore_module) if os.environ.get('ANCHORE_ENGINE_SKIP_DB_COMPAT_CHECK', str(skip_db_compat_check)).lower() in [ 'true', 't', 'y', 'yes' ]: skip_db_compat_check = True else: skip_db_compat_check = False try: service_map = { 'analyzer': 'anchore-worker', 'simplequeue': 'anchore-simplequeue', 'apiext': 'anchore-api', 'catalog': 'anchore-catalog', 'kubernetes_webhook': 'anchore-kubernetes-webhook', 'policy_engine': 'anchore-policy-engine', 'feeds': 'anchore-feeds' } validate_params = { 'services': True, 'webhooks': True, 'credentials': True } if skip_config_validate: try: items = skip_config_validate.split(',') for item in items: validate_params[item] = False except Exception as err: raise Exception(err) # find/set up configuration configdir = config['configdir'] configfile = os.path.join(configdir, "config.yaml") localconfig = None if os.path.exists(configfile): try: localconfig = anchore_engine.configuration.localconfig.load_config( configdir=configdir, configfile=configfile, validate_params=validate_params) except Exception as err: raise Exception("cannot load local configuration: " + str(err)) else: raise Exception( "cannot locate configuration file ({})".format(configfile)) # load the appropriate DB module try: "Loading DB routines from module ({})".format(module_name)) module = importlib.import_module(module_name + ".db.entities.upgrade") except TableNotFoundError as ex:"Initialized DB not found.") except Exception as err: raise Exception("Input anchore-module (" + str(module_name) + ") cannot be found/imported - exception: " + str(err)) # get the list of local services to start startFailed = False if 'ANCHORE_ENGINE_SERVICES' in os.environ: input_services = os.environ['ANCHORE_ENGINE_SERVICES'].split() else: config_services = localconfig.get('services', {}) if not config_services: logger.warn( 'could not find any services to execute in the config file' ) sys.exit(1) input_services = [ name for name, srv_conf in config_services.items() if srv_conf.get('enabled') ] services = [] for service_conf_name in input_services: if service_conf_name in service_map.values(): service = service_conf_name else: service = service_map.get(service_conf_name) if service: services.append(service) else: logger.warn( 'specified service {} not found in list of available services {} - removing from list of services to start' .format(service_conf_name, service_map.keys())) if 'anchore-catalog' in services: services.remove('anchore-catalog') services.insert(0, 'anchore-catalog') if not services: logger.error( "No services found in ANCHORE_ENGINE_SERVICES or as enabled in config.yaml to start - exiting" ) sys.exit(1) # preflight - db checks try: db_params = anchore_engine.db.entities.common.get_params( localconfig) db_params = anchore_manager.cli.utils.connect_database( config, db_params, db_retries=300) code_versions, db_versions = anchore_manager.cli.utils.init_database( upgrade_module=module, localconfig=localconfig, do_db_compatibility_check=(not skip_db_compat_check)) in_sync = False timed_out = False max_timeout = 3600 timer = time.time() while not in_sync and not timed_out: code_versions, db_versions = module.get_versions() if code_versions and db_versions: if code_versions['db_version'] != db_versions['db_version']: if auto_upgrade and 'anchore-catalog' in services: "Auto-upgrade is set - performing upgrade.") try: # perform the upgrade logic here rc = module.run_upgrade() if rc:"Upgrade completed") else: "No upgrade necessary. Completed.") except Exception as err: raise err in_sync = True else: logger.warn( "this version of anchore-engine requires the anchore DB version ({}) but we discovered anchore DB version ({}) in the running DB - it is safe to run the upgrade while seeing this message - will retry for {} more seconds." .format( str(code_versions['db_version']), str(db_versions['db_version']), str(max_timeout - int(time.time() - timer)))) time.sleep(5) else:"DB version and code version in sync.") in_sync = True else: logger.warn( 'no existing anchore DB data can be discovered, assuming bootstrap' ) in_sync = True if (max_timeout - int(time.time() - timer)) < 0: timed_out = True if not in_sync: raise Exception( "this version of anchore-engine requires the anchore DB version (" + str(code_versions['db_version']) + ") but we discovered anchore DB version (" + str(db_versions['db_version']) + ") in the running DB - please perform the DB upgrade process and retry" ) except Exception as err: raise err finally: rc = anchore_engine.db.entities.common.do_disconnect() # start up services'Starting services: {}'.format(services)) try: if not os.path.exists("/var/log/anchore"): os.makedirs("/var/log/anchore/", 0755) except Exception as err: logger.error( "cannot create log directory /var/log/anchore - exception: {}". format(str(err))) raise err pids = [] keepalive_threads = [] for service in services: pidfile = "/var/run/" + service + ".pid" try: service_thread = ServiceThread(startup_service, (service, configdir)) keepalive_threads.append(service_thread) max_tries = 30 tries = 0 while not os.path.exists(pidfile) and tries < max_tries: time.sleep(1) tries = tries + 1 time.sleep(2) except Exception as err: startFailed = True logger.warn("service start failed - exception: {}".format( str(err))) if startFailed: logger.error( "one or more services failed to start. cleanly terminating the others" ) for service in services: terminate_service(service, flush_pidfile=True) sys.exit(1) else: # start up the log watchers try: observer = Observer() observer.schedule(AnchoreLogWatcher(), path="/var/log/anchore/") observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) if 'auto_restart_services' in localconfig and localconfig[ 'auto_restart_services']: for service_thread in keepalive_threads: if not service_thread.thread.is_alive(): "restarting service: {}".format( service_thread.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() except Exception as err: logger.error( "failed to startup log watchers - exception: {}".format( str(err))) raise err except Exception as err: logger.error( anchore_manager.cli.utils.format_error_output( config, 'servicestart', {}, err)) if not ecode: ecode = 2 anchore_manager.cli.utils.doexit(ecode)
else: print 'Loading and merging local config data: ' + local_config_file_path with open(local_config_file_path) as local_config_file: local_config = json.load(local_config_file) config = merge_two_dicts(config, local_config) contentSourceDir = config['contentSourceDirectory'] contentDistDir = config['contentDestinationDirectory'] imgSourceDir = config['imagesSourceDirectory'] imgDistDir = config['imagesDestinationDirectory'] print 'content source directory: ' + contentSourceDir print 'content destination directory: ' + contentDistDir print 'image source directory: ' + imgSourceDir print 'image destination directory: ' + imgDistDir if __name__ == "__main__": md_to_json_handler = MdToJsonHandler.MdToJsonHandler( contentSourceDir, contentDistDir) image_copier_handler = ImageCopierHandler.ImageCopierHandler( imgSourceDir, imgDistDir) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(md_to_json_handler, contentSourceDir, recursive=True) observer.schedule(image_copier_handler, imgSourceDir, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
def mainLoop(self): logging.debug("Monitor: started main loop.") self.session = self.library = Library( observer = Observer() self.eventHandler = MonitorEventHandler(self) for path in self.paths: if os.path.exists(path): observer.schedule(self.eventHandler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() while True: try: (msg, args) = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=1) except: msg = None #dispatch messages if msg == "scan": self.dofullScan(self.paths) if msg == "events": self.doEventProcessing(args) #time.sleep(1) if self.quit: break self.session.close() self.session = None observer.stop() logging.debug("Monitor: stopped main loop.")