コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: sYnfo/samba
def __call__(environ, start_response):
    """Handle a HTTP request."""
    from wsgiref.util import application_uri, shift_path_info
    from urlparse import urljoin

        import swat
    except ImportError as e:
        print("NO SWAT: %r" % e)
        have_swat = False
        have_swat = True

    orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO']
    name = shift_path_info(environ)

    if name == "":
        if have_swat:
            start_response('301 Redirect',
                [('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')),])
            return []
            return render_placeholder(environ, start_response)
    elif have_swat and name == "swat":
        return swat.__call__(environ, start_response)
        status = '404 Not found'
        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
        start_response(status, response_headers)
        return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)]
コード例 #2
ファイル: proxyapp.py プロジェクト: natural/tf2-api-proxy
    def get_schema(self, lang):
	## 0.  memcache hit -> response
	schema = self.cache_get(lang)
	if schema:
	    return schema
	url = self.format_url(lang)

	## 1. mmemcache miss -> url fetch
	    schema = jsonloads(urlopen(url).read())
	    app_uri = application_uri(self.request.environ)
	    img_fixes = self.img_fixes
	    for item in schema['result']['items']['item']:
		if item['defindex'] in img_fixes:
		    item['image_url'] = app_uri + img_fixes[item['defindex']]
	except (Exception, ), exc:
	    ## 1a.  fetch failure -> history lookup
	    storage = History.all().filter('url =', url).get()
	    if storage:
		## this assumes that the schema has already been
		## parsed and fixed at least one time.
		schema = jsonloads(storage.payload)
		self.cache_set(schema, lang)
		## 1b. total failure
		schema = {}
コード例 #3
def __call__(environ, start_response):
    """Handle a HTTP request."""
    from wsgiref.util import application_uri, shift_path_info
    from urlparse import urljoin

        import swat
    except ImportError as e:
        print("NO SWAT: %r" % e)
        have_swat = False
        have_swat = True

    orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO']
    name = shift_path_info(environ)

    if name == "":
        if have_swat:
            start_response('301 Redirect', [
                ('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')),
            return []
            return render_placeholder(environ, start_response)
    elif have_swat and name == "swat":
        return swat.__call__(environ, start_response)
        status = '404 Not found'
        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
        start_response(status, response_headers)
        return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)]
コード例 #4
ファイル: middleware.py プロジェクト: te-je/ohoh
    def handle_application_error(self, environ, start_response):
        status = "500 Internal Server Error"
        headers = Headers([])

        # Package the exception info as into a special header and
        # send it to the client
        type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()

        tbfile = StringIO()

        headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'

        LOG.debug("Packing traceback context into debug header: %s",
        debug_header = self.pack_header(Traceback(tb))
        LOG.debug("Debug header (%d bytes): %s",
                  len(debug_header), debug_header)
        headers[self.debug_header] = debug_header

        app_uri = application_uri(environ)
        headers["Location"] = app_uri[:-1] + self.debug_uri

        start_response(status, headers.items())
        return [tbfile.getvalue().encode('utf-8')]
コード例 #5
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: open-things/loggingex
def get_request_info(environ: EnvironType) -> ContextType:
    """Extract logging context friendly request and server information.

    Extract all values related to server and to the specific request, such as

    The names in the resulting dictionary are the same, but converted to
    lowercase and prefixed with "request_".

    In addition to these values, two calculated values are also added -
    `request_uri` and `request_application_uri`. These values are calculated
    using `wsgiref.util` functions `request_uri` (with `include_query=True`) and

    :param environ: WSGI environ (as it is passed to WSGI application).
    :return: A logging context friendly mapping of request and server
    request_info = {
        "request_method": unicode(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]),
        "request_script_name": unicode(environ["SCRIPT_NAME"]),
        "request_path_info": unicode(environ["PATH_INFO"]),
        "request_query_string": unicode(environ.get("QUERY_STRING", "")),
        "request_server_name": unicode(environ["SERVER_NAME"]),
        "request_server_port": unicode(environ["SERVER_PORT"]),
        "request_server_protocol": unicode(environ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]),
        "request_content_type": unicode(environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE", "")),
        "request_content_length": unicode(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "")),
        "request_uri": unicode(util.request_uri(environ, include_query=True)),
        "request_application_uri": unicode(util.application_uri(environ)),
    return request_info
コード例 #6
    def serve(environ, start_response):

        root = root_url.lstrip('/')

        tail, get = (util.request_uri(environ).split('?') + [''])[:2]
        tail = tail[len(util.application_uri(environ)):]

        result = []

        content_type = 'text/plain'
        status = '200 OK'
        if tail.startswith(root):

            tail = tail[len(root):]

            get = parse_qs(get)
            method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']

            text, post = '', {}
            if method == 'POST':
                text = environ['wsgi.input'].\
                    read(int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)))
                post = parse_qs(text)

            response = server.process_request(
                Request(tail, text, get, post, {}))

            content_type = response.content_type
            status = get_http_response_code(response)

        headers = [('Content-type', content_type)]
        start_response(status, headers)

        return result
コード例 #7
ファイル: _wsgi.py プロジェクト: secretescapes/pyws
    def serve(environ, start_response):

        root = root_url.lstrip('/')

        tail, get = (util.request_uri(environ).split('?') + [''])[:2]
        tail = tail[len(util.application_uri(environ)):]

        result = []

        content_type = 'text/plain'
        status = '200 OK'
        if tail.startswith(root):

            tail = tail[len(root):]

            get = parse_qs(get)
            method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']

            text, post = '', {}
            if method == 'POST':
                text = environ['wsgi.input'].\
                    read(int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)))
                post = parse_qs(text)

            response = server.process_request(
                Request(tail, text, get, post, {}))

            content_type = response.content_type
            status = get_http_response_code(response)

        headers = [('Content-type', content_type)]
        start_response(status, headers)

        return result
コード例 #8
ファイル: _wsgi.py プロジェクト: Kjir/pyws
    def serve(environ, start_response):

        root = root_url.lstrip("/")

        tail, get = (util.request_uri(environ).split("?") + [""])[:2]
        tail = tail[len(util.application_uri(environ)) :]

        result = []

        content_type = "text/plain"
        status = "200 OK"
        if tail.lstrip("/").startswith(root):

            tail = tail[len(root) :]

            get = parse_qs(get)
            method = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]

            text, post = "", {}
            if method == "POST":
                text = environ["wsgi.input"].read(int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", 0)))
                post = parse_qs(text)

            response = server.process_request(Request(tail, text, get, post, {}))

            content_type = response.content_type
            status = get_http_response_code(response)

        headers = [("Content-type", content_type)]
        start_response(status, headers)

        return result
コード例 #9
def view_static(environ, start_response):
    if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].lower() == 'get':
        uri = request_uri(environ, include_query=False).replace(
            application_uri(environ), '')
        start_response('200 OK,',
                       [('Content-Type', f'text/{uri.split(".")[1]}')])
        with open(uri, 'rt') as response:
            return response.read()
コード例 #10
    def redirect_to(self, env, to, params={}):
        home_url = util.application_uri(env)[:-1]
        redirect_url = home_url + to
        status = '303 See Other'
        headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html'), ('Location', redirect_url)]
        headers = set_cookie(headers, self.cookie)
        body = ["<p>リダイレクト中</p>".encode('utf-8')]

        return status, headers, body
コード例 #11
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        base = application_uri(environ)

        url = urljoin(base, self.path)

        res = Response(url, status=self.code)

        res.headers['location'] = url

        return res(environ, start_response)
コード例 #12
ファイル: twitter_client.py プロジェクト: toolness/twitblob
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
        qs = environ["QUERY_STRING"]

        if path == "/":
            # Step 1: Get a request token. This is a temporary token that is used for
            # having the user authorize an access token and to sign the request to obtain
            # said access token.

            appuri = application_uri(environ)
            if not appuri.endswith("/"):
                appuri += "/"
            oauth_callback = "%scallback" % appuri

            url = "%s?%s" % (self.request_token_url, urllib.urlencode({"oauth_callback": oauth_callback}))
            client = self.oauth.Client(self.consumer)
            resp, content = client.request(url, "GET")
            if resp["status"] != "200":
                raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp["status"])

            request_token = dict(parse_qsl(content))

            if "oauth_callback_confirmed" not in request_token or request_token["oauth_callback_confirmed"] != "true":
                raise Exception("Oauth callback must be confirmed.")

            self.request_tokens[request_token["oauth_token"]] = request_token

            # Step 2: Redirect to the provider.

            redirect_url = "%s?oauth_token=%s" % (self.authorize_url, request_token["oauth_token"])
            start_response("302 Found", [("Location", redirect_url)])
            return []
        elif path == "/callback":
            qsdict = dict(parse_qsl(qs))

            if qsdict["oauth_token"] not in self.request_tokens:
                raise Exception("invalid token: %s" % self.request_tokens)

            request_token = self.request_tokens[qsdict["oauth_token"]]
            del self.request_tokens[qsdict["oauth_token"]]

            token = self.oauth.Token(request_token["oauth_token"], request_token["oauth_token_secret"])
            client = self.oauth.Client(self.consumer, token)
            resp, content = client.request(self.access_token_url, "POST")
            if resp["status"] != "200":
                raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp["status"])
            access_token = dict(parse_qsl(content))
            environ["oauth.access_token"] = access_token
            return self.onsuccess(environ, start_response)

        start_response("404 Not Found", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
        return ["path not found: %s" % path]
コード例 #13
    def signup(self, env, params={}):
        home_url = util.application_uri(env)
            name = params.get('name', 'guest')
            pwd = params.get('password', 'guest')
            params = {}
            # print("name: {}, pure_pwd: {}".format(name, pwd))

            res = get_user(name=name)
            print('signup_user: '******'error': 'user already exiets',
                    'font_color': 'red'
                redirect_url = home_url

                if (set_user(name, pwd)):
                    error_dict = {
                        'error': 'signup success',
                        'font_color': 'green'
                    redirect_url = home_url

                    error_dict = {
                        'error': 'signup failed',
                        'font_color': 'red'
                    redirect_url = home_url

        except Exception as e:
            # print(str(e))
            # logging.error(str(e))
            raise (e)
            return self.internal_server_error(env, params)

        self.sessions[self.session_id] = error_dict
        status = '303 See Other'
        headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html'), ('Location', redirect_url)]
        headers = set_cookie(headers, self.cookie)
        body = ["<p>リダイレクト中</p>".encode('utf-8')]

        return status, headers, body
コード例 #14
ファイル: wsgi.py プロジェクト: plinss/remote-web-objects
def dump(env, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
    yield b'<pre>'
    for key in env:
        yield key.encode('utf-8') + b':' + str(env[key]).encode('utf-8') + b'\n'

    yield b'\n'
    yield b'request_uri=' + util.request_uri(env).encode('utf-8') + b'\n'
    yield b'application_uri=' + util.application_uri(env).encode('utf-8') + b'\n'

    path = util.shift_path_info(env)
    while (path):
        yield b'path=' + path.encode('utf-8') + b'\n'
        path = util.shift_path_info(env)

    args = parse.parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING'])
    for key in args:
        yield key.encode('utf-8') + b': ' + b' '.join([value.encode('utf-8') for value in args[key]])

    return []
コード例 #15
    def request_context(self, environ):
        :param environ: a WSGI environment
        request = DotDict()
        request.scheme = util.guess_scheme(environ)
        request.uri = util.request_uri(environ)
        request.address = util.application_uri(environ)
        request.path = util.shift_path_info(environ)
        if environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', None):
            request.method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']

        if environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', None):
            self.headers.add_header('CONTENT_TYPE', environ['CONTENT_TYPE'])

            length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
            request.body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(length)
        except ValueError:
            request.body = b''
        return request
コード例 #16
ファイル: dir2podcast.py プロジェクト: wolever/dir2podcast
 def send_podcast(self, environ, podcast_name):
     if podcast_name not in self.podcasts:
         return self.send_not_found(environ)
     baseurl = application_uri(environ) + podcast_name + "/"
     podcast = self.podcasts[podcast_name]
     return "200 OK", [], podcast.xml(baseurl)
コード例 #17
ファイル: wsgi.py プロジェクト: plinss/remote-web-objects
def application(env, start_response):
    request_uri = util.request_uri(env)
    application_uri = util.application_uri(env)
    request_method = env.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET').upper()
    request_content_type, request_content_args = cgi.parse_header(env.get('CONTENT_TYPE'))
    request_encoding = request_content_args.get('encoding', 'utf-8')
    accept_content_type = env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT')
    request_origin = env.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') or 'localhost'

    def send_json(obj, content_type='application/json'):
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', content_type), ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request_origin)])
        yield json.dumps(obj, indent='  ', sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')

    def send_error(code, message):
        start_response(code, [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        yield str(message).encode('utf-8')

    def send_file(file_path, content_type='text/html'):
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', content_type)])
        with open(file_path) as file:
            yield file.read().encode('utf-8')

#    return dump(env, start_response)

    args = parse.parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING'])

    def arg(key):
        if (key in args):
            return args[key][0]
        return None

    def intarg(key):
        if (key in args):
                return int(args[key][0])
            except (ValueError):
        return None

        request_content_length = int(env.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
    except (ValueError):
        request_content_length = 0
    request_body = env['wsgi.input'].read(request_content_length).decode(request_encoding)

    if (request_content_type.endswith('/json') or request_content_type.endswith('+json')):
        request_data = json.loads(request_body)
    elif ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded' == request_content_type):
        request_data = parse.parse_qs(request_body)
    elif ('multipart/form-data' == request_content_type):
        if ('boundary' in request_content_args):
            request_content_args['boundary'] = request_content_args['boundary'].encode('ascii')
        request_data = cgi.parse_multipart(io.BytesIO(request_body.encode(request_encoding)), request_content_args)
        request_data = {}

    def request(key):
        value = request_data.get(key)
        if (not isinstance(value, str) and hasattr(value, '__getitem__')):
            value = value[0]
            if (isinstance(value, bytes)):
                value = value.decode(request_encoding)
        return value

    def request_int(key):
        value = request(key)
        if (value is not None):
                return int(value)
            except (ValueError):
        return None

#    print(request_content_type)
#    print(request_encoding)
#    print(repr(request_data))
#    print(repr(args))

    path = util.shift_path_info(env)
    if ('demo' == path):
        path = util.shift_path_info(env)
        if ('password' == path):
            if ('algorithm' in args):
                cleartext = arg('cleartext')
                if (not cleartext):
                    return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'No cleartext specified')

                    if ('md5_crypt' in args['algorithm']):
                        return send_json(hash.md5_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt')))
                    elif ('bcrypt' in args['algorithm']):
                        return send_json(hash.bcrypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds'), ident='2b'))
                    elif ('sha1_crypt' in args['algorithm']):
                        return send_json(hash.sha1_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds')))
                    elif ('sun_md5_crypt' in args['algorithm']):
                        return send_json(hash.sun_md5_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds')))
                    elif ('sha256_crypt' in args['algorithm']):
                        return send_json(hash.sha256_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds')))
                    elif ('sha512_crypt' in args['algorithm']):
                        return send_json(hash.sha512_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds')))
                        return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'Unknown algorithm')
                except Exception as exc:
                    return send_error('400 Bad Request', exc)
                return send_json(['md5_crypt', 'bcrypt', 'sha1_crypt', 'sun_md5_crypt', 'sha256_crypt', 'sha512_crypt'])
        elif ('hash' == path):
            if ('algorithm' in args):
                data = None
                if ('GET' == request_method):
                    data = arg('data')
                elif (request_method in ('POST', 'PUT')):
                    data = request('data')

                if (not data):
                    return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'No data specified')

                if ('sha256' == arg('algorithm')):
                    hasher = hashlib.sha256()
                    return send_json(hasher.hexdigest())
                elif ('sha512' == arg('algorithm')):
                    hasher = hashlib.sha512()
                    return send_json(hasher.hexdigest())
                    return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'Unknown algorithm')
                return send_json(['sha256', 'sha512'])
        elif ('crc' == path):
            data = arg('data')
            if ('GET' == request_method):
                value = intarg('value')
            elif (request_method in ('POST', 'PUT')):
                value = request_int('value')

            if (not data):
                return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'No data specified')

            crc = zlib.crc32(data.encode('utf-8'), value) if (value is not None) else zlib.crc32(data.encode('utf-8'))
            if ('application/json-patch+json' == accept_content_type):
                patch = [
                    {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/public/output', 'value': crc},
                    {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/readonly/readonlyOutput', 'value': crc},
                    {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/private/value', 'value': crc},
                    {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/return', 'value': crc},
                return send_json(patch, 'application/json-patch+json')
                api = {
                    'resources': {
                        'crc': {
                            'hrefTemplate': 'crc/{?data}',
                            'hrefVars': {
                                'data': 'param/hash/data'
                            'hints': {
                                'allow': ['PUT'],
                                'formats': {
                                    'application/json': {},
                                    'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote': {}
                            'functions': {
                                'update': {
                                    'arguments': ['data'],
                                    'format': 'application/json-patch+json',
                                    'method': 'PUT',
                                    'requestBody': ['value']
                    'state': {
                        'public': {
                            'output': crc
                        'private': {
                            'value': crc
                        'readonly': {
                            "readonlyOutput": crc
                return send_json(api, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote')
        elif ('tick' == path):
            start_response('200 OK', [
                ('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream; charset=utf-8'),
                ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request_origin),
                ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'),

            def do_tick():
                tick = 0
                while True:
                    tick += 1
                    yield "event: tick\ndata: {tick}\n\n".format(tick=tick).encode('utf-8')
            return do_tick()
        elif ('clock' == path):
            start_response('200 OK', [
                ('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream; charset=utf-8'),
                ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request_origin),
                ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'),

            def do_clock():
                while True:
                    now = time.localtime()
                    if (0 == now.tm_sec):
                        event = 'minute'
                        event = 'second'
                    data = {'hour': now.tm_hour, 'minute': now.tm_min, 'second': now.tm_sec}
                    yield "event: {event}\ndata: {data}\n\n".format(event=event, data=json.dumps(data)).encode('utf-8')
            return do_clock()
        elif (not path):
            api = {
                'resources': {
                    'password': {
                        'hrefTemplate': 'password/{?cleartext,algorithm,salt,rounds}',
                        'hrefVars': {
                            'cleartext': 'param/pass/cleartext',
                            'algorithm': 'param/pass/algorithm',
                            'salt': 'param/pass/salt',
                            'rounds': 'param/pass/rounds'
                        'hints': {
                            'allow': ['GET'],
                            'formats': {
                                'application/json': {},
                                'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json': {}
                        'functions': {
                            'getAlgorithms': {
                                'arguments': [],
                                'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json',
                                'method': 'GET'
                            'hashPassword': {
                                'arguments': ['cleartext', 'algorithm', 'salt', 'rounds'],
                                'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json',
                                'method': 'GET'
                    'hash': {
                        'hrefTemplate': 'hash/{?algorithm}',
                        'hrefVars': {
                            'data': 'param/hash/data',
                            'algorithm': 'param/hash/algorithm'
                        'hints': {
                            'allow': ['GET'],
                            'formats': {
                                'application/json': {},
                                'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json': {}
                        'functions': {
                            'hash256': {
                                'arguments': ['data'],
                                'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.hash.v1+json',
                                'requestFormat': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                                'method': 'POST',
                                'defaults': {
                                    'algorithm': 'sha256'
                            'hash512': {
                                'arguments': ['data'],
                                'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.hash.v1+json',
                                'requestFormat': 'multipart/form-data',
                                'method': 'PUT',
                                'defaults': {
                                    'algorithm': 'sha512'
                    'crc': {
                        'hrefTemplate': 'crc/{?data,value}',
                        'hrefVars': {
                            'data': 'param/hash/data',
                            'value': 'param/hash/value'
                        'hints': {
                            'allow': ['GET'],
                            'formats': {
                                'application/json': {},
                                'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote': {}
                        'functions': {
                            'crc32': {
                                'arguments': ['data'],
                                'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote',
                                'method': 'GET'
                    'tick': {
                        'href': 'tick',
                        'events': {
                            'tick': {}
                    'clock': {
                        'href': 'clock',
                        'events': {
                            'second': {},
                            'minute': {}
            return send_json(api, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote')
            return send_error('404 Not Found', 'Not found')
    elif ('' == path):
        return send_file('index.html')
    elif ('remotewebobject.js' == path):
        return send_file('remotewebobject.js', 'application/javascript')
    elif ('uritemplate.js' == path):
        return send_file('uritemplate.js', 'application/javascript')
        return send_error('404 Not Found', 'Not found')
    return send_error('500 Internal Server Error', 'unhandled code')
コード例 #18
def get_feed_request(amtreq, env):

    dqs = parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING'])

    def getenv (key):
        val = dqs.get(key, [''])[0]
        val = escape(clean(val))
        return val
    worker= getenv('worker')
    assn_id = getenv('aid')
    request = getenv('request')
    password = getenv('password')

    # Request a document
    # mid-feed?request=doc&assn_id=2135

    # Request worker info
    # mid-feed?request=worker&worker=johnny78&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE>
    # (replies with RSS, STATUS feed, TITLE tag of first item gives 0 (not qualified), 1 (qualified), N/A (unknown)

    # Set worker info
    # mid-feed?request=setworker&worker=johnny78&qualified=1&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE>
    # use 1 for qualified, 0 for disqualified.
    # reply as in "request worker info"

    # Get next or current assignment with document
    # mid-feed?worker=johnny78&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE>
    # Gives RSS feed with one item (the document)

    # Mark assignment as completed
    # mid-feed?worker=johnny78&aid=234&token=ASDJHLWJASDHN&completed=1&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE>
    # token, aid and worker must match.
    # replies with RSS STATUS feed, TITLE tag of first item is short key code to be used as AMT confirmation code.
    global PASSWORD
    if request == "doc" or password == PASSWORD:
        if request == "doc":
            return 'text/html',get_doc(worker, assn_id)
        elif request == "worker":
            return 'application/rss+xml',get_worker_info(worker)
        elif request == "setworker":
            qualities = {}
            qualities['test_score']        = getenv('test_score')
            qualities['level']             = getenv('level')

            # remove blank fields
            cleanQualities = {}
            for field in qualities:
                if qualities[field] != '':
                    cleanQualities[field] = qualities[field]

            return 'application/rss+xml',set_worker_info(worker, cleanQualities)
        elif request == "gettest":
            return 'application/rss+xml',get_test_score(worker)
        elif request == "settest":
            test_score = getenv('score')
            return 'application/rss+xml',set_test_score(worker, test_score)
        elif request == "getresponse":
            return 'application/rss+xml',get_worker_response(assn_id)
        elif request == "setresponse":
            assn_token = getenv('token')
            response = {}
            response['initiator']           = getenv('initiator')
            response['targets']             = getenv('targets')
            response['geogLocation']        = getenv('geogLocation')
            response['geogState']           = getenv('geogState')
            response['date']                = getenv('date')
            response['initiatorApology']    = getenv('initiatorApology')
            response['targetProtest']       = getenv('targetProtest')
            response['lineNumber']          = getenv('lineNumber')
            response['targetSupport']       = getenv('targetSupport')
            response['action']              = getenv('action')
            response['initiatorDenial']     = getenv('initiatorDenial')
            response['covertAction']        = getenv('covertAction')
            response['addActionLines']      = getenv('addActionLines')
            response['initiatorFatalities'] = getenv('initiatorFatalities')
            response['targetFatalities']    = getenv('targetFatalities')
            response['groups']              = getenv('groups')
            response['initiatorRole']       = getenv('initiatorRole')
            response['targetRole']          = getenv('targetRole')
            # remove blank fields
            cleanResponse = {}
            for field in response:
                if response[field] != '':
                    cleanResponse[field] = response[field]
            return 'application/rss+xml',set_worker_response(assn_id, assn_token, cleanResponse)
        elif request == "status":
            qualified = getenv('qualified')
            completed = getenv('completed')
            table = getenv('table')
            return 'text/html',get_status(worker=worker, qualified=qualified, completed=completed, table=table)
            completed = getenv('completed')
            assn_token = getenv('token')
            return 'application/rss+xml',get_feed(amtreq, worker, assn_id, assn_token, completed, application_uri(env))
        return 'application/rss+xml', make_error_rss("Must give correct password for this request.")
コード例 #19
ファイル: dir2podcast.py プロジェクト: wolever/dir2podcast
 def send_podcast(self, environ, podcast_name):
     if podcast_name not in self.podcasts:
         return self.send_not_found(environ)
     baseurl = application_uri(environ) + podcast_name + "/"
     podcast = self.podcasts[podcast_name]
     return "200 OK", [], podcast.xml(baseurl)
コード例 #20
 def on_view_not_found(self, environ, start_response):
     """ called when action is not found """
         "404 Not Found",
         [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
     return [b"Not Found ", application_uri(environ).encode('utf-8')]
コード例 #21
        import swat
    except ImportError, e:
        print "NO SWAT: %r" % e
        have_swat = False
        have_swat = True

    orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO']
    name = shift_path_info(environ)

    if name == "":
        if have_swat:
            start_response('301 Redirect', [
                ('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')),
            return []
            return render_placeholder(environ, start_response)
    elif have_swat and name == "swat":
        return swat.__call__(environ, start_response)
        status = '404 Not found'
        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
        start_response(status, response_headers)
        return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from wsgiref import simple_server
コード例 #22
 def __init__(self, environ, urlmapper):
     self.environ = environ
     self.urlmapper = urlmapper
     self.application_uri = application_uri(environ)
コード例 #23
ファイル: lib.py プロジェクト: natural/tf2-api-proxy
    def app_url(self):
	return application_uri(self.request.environ)
コード例 #24
ファイル: form_handling.py プロジェクト: Machi427/python
def form(environ, start_response):
    start_response("200 OK", [("Content-type", "text/html;charset=utf-8")])
    url = application_uri(environ)
    return [form_body.format(url=url).encode("utf-8")]
コード例 #25
ファイル: form_handling.py プロジェクト: Machi427/python
def form(environ, start_response):
    start_response("200 OK", [("Content-type", "text/html;charset=utf-8")])
    url = application_uri(environ)
    return [form_body.format(url=url).encode('utf-8')]
コード例 #26
 def fake_app(req):
     return util.application_uri(req.environ)
コード例 #27
ファイル: urldispatcher.py プロジェクト: aodag/WebDispatch
 def __init__(self, environ: Dict[str, Any], urlmapper: URLMapper) -> None:
     self.environ = environ
     self.urlmapper = urlmapper
     self.application_uri = application_uri(environ)
コード例 #28
 def checkAppURI(self, uri, **kw):
     self.assertEqual(util.application_uri(kw), uri)
コード例 #29
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: kovalevvjatcheslav/magnit-test
def app(environ, start_response):
    uri = request_uri(environ,
    yield urls.get(uri, view_404)(environ, start_response).encode('utf-8')
コード例 #30
 def fake_app(req):
     return util.application_uri(req.environ)
コード例 #31
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: AIdrifter/samba
        import swat
    except ImportError, e:
        print "NO SWAT: %r" % e
        have_swat = False
        have_swat = True

    orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO']
    name = shift_path_info(environ)

    if name == "":
        if have_swat:
            start_response('301 Redirect',
                [('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')),])
            return []
            return render_placeholder(environ, start_response)
    elif have_swat and name == "swat":
        return swat.__call__(environ, start_response)
        status = '404 Not found'
        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
        start_response(status, response_headers)
        return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from wsgiref import simple_server
    httpd = simple_server.make_server('localhost', 8090, __call__)
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_wsgiref.py プロジェクト: 524777134/cpython
 def checkAppURI(self,uri,**kw):
コード例 #33
ファイル: request.py プロジェクト: Victorm0612/Pruebas
 def application_uri(self):
     """The base URI of the application (wsgiref.application_uri)."""
     if self._application_uri is None:
         self._application_uri = application_uri(self.environ)
     return self._application_uri