def __call__(environ, start_response): """Handle a HTTP request.""" from wsgiref.util import application_uri, shift_path_info from urlparse import urljoin try: import swat except ImportError as e: print("NO SWAT: %r" % e) have_swat = False else: have_swat = True orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO'] name = shift_path_info(environ) if name == "": if have_swat: start_response('301 Redirect', [('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')),]) return [] else: return render_placeholder(environ, start_response) elif have_swat and name == "swat": return swat.__call__(environ, start_response) else: status = '404 Not found' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] start_response(status, response_headers) return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)]
def get_schema(self, lang): ## 0. memcache hit -> response schema = self.cache_get(lang) if schema: return schema url = self.format_url(lang) ## 1. mmemcache miss -> url fetch try: schema = jsonloads(urlopen(url).read()) app_uri = application_uri(self.request.environ) img_fixes = self.img_fixes for item in schema['result']['items']['item']: if item['defindex'] in img_fixes: item['image_url'] = app_uri + img_fixes[item['defindex']] except (Exception, ), exc: ## 1a. fetch failure -> history lookup storage = History.all().filter('url =', url).get() if storage: ## this assumes that the schema has already been ## parsed and fixed at least one time. schema = jsonloads(storage.payload) self.cache_set(schema, lang) else: ## 1b. total failure schema = {}
def __call__(environ, start_response): """Handle a HTTP request.""" from wsgiref.util import application_uri, shift_path_info from urlparse import urljoin try: import swat except ImportError as e: print("NO SWAT: %r" % e) have_swat = False else: have_swat = True orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO'] name = shift_path_info(environ) if name == "": if have_swat: start_response('301 Redirect', [ ('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')), ]) return [] else: return render_placeholder(environ, start_response) elif have_swat and name == "swat": return swat.__call__(environ, start_response) else: status = '404 Not found' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] start_response(status, response_headers) return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)]
def handle_application_error(self, environ, start_response): status = "500 Internal Server Error" headers = Headers([]) # Package the exception info as into a special header and # send it to the client type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() tbfile = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=tbfile) headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' LOG.debug("Packing traceback context into debug header: %s", self.debug_header) debug_header = self.pack_header(Traceback(tb)) LOG.debug("Debug header (%d bytes): %s", len(debug_header), debug_header) headers[self.debug_header] = debug_header app_uri = application_uri(environ) headers["Location"] = app_uri[:-1] + self.debug_uri start_response(status, headers.items()) return [tbfile.getvalue().encode('utf-8')]
def get_request_info(environ: EnvironType) -> ContextType: """Extract logging context friendly request and server information. Extract all values related to server and to the specific request, such as `SERVER_NAME`, `SERVER_PORT`, `PATH_INFO`, `QUERY_STRING`. The names in the resulting dictionary are the same, but converted to lowercase and prefixed with "request_". In addition to these values, two calculated values are also added - `request_uri` and `request_application_uri`. These values are calculated using `wsgiref.util` functions `request_uri` (with `include_query=True`) and `application_uri`. :param environ: WSGI environ (as it is passed to WSGI application). :return: A logging context friendly mapping of request and server information. """ request_info = { "request_method": unicode(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]), "request_script_name": unicode(environ["SCRIPT_NAME"]), "request_path_info": unicode(environ["PATH_INFO"]), "request_query_string": unicode(environ.get("QUERY_STRING", "")), "request_server_name": unicode(environ["SERVER_NAME"]), "request_server_port": unicode(environ["SERVER_PORT"]), "request_server_protocol": unicode(environ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "request_content_type": unicode(environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE", "")), "request_content_length": unicode(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "")), "request_uri": unicode(util.request_uri(environ, include_query=True)), "request_application_uri": unicode(util.application_uri(environ)), } return request_info
def serve(environ, start_response): root = root_url.lstrip('/') tail, get = (util.request_uri(environ).split('?') + [''])[:2] tail = tail[len(util.application_uri(environ)):] result = [] content_type = 'text/plain' status = '200 OK' if tail.startswith(root): tail = tail[len(root):] get = parse_qs(get) method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] text, post = '', {} if method == 'POST': text = environ['wsgi.input'].\ read(int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))) post = parse_qs(text) response = server.process_request( Request(tail, text, get, post, {})) content_type = response.content_type status = get_http_response_code(response) result.append(response.text) headers = [('Content-type', content_type)] start_response(status, headers) return result
def serve(environ, start_response): root = root_url.lstrip("/") tail, get = (util.request_uri(environ).split("?") + [""])[:2] tail = tail[len(util.application_uri(environ)) :] result = [] content_type = "text/plain" status = "200 OK" if tail.lstrip("/").startswith(root): tail = tail[len(root) :] get = parse_qs(get) method = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] text, post = "", {} if method == "POST": text = environ["wsgi.input"].read(int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", 0))) post = parse_qs(text) response = server.process_request(Request(tail, text, get, post, {})) content_type = response.content_type status = get_http_response_code(response) result.append(response.text) headers = [("Content-type", content_type)] start_response(status, headers) return result
def view_static(environ, start_response): if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].lower() == 'get': uri = request_uri(environ, include_query=False).replace( application_uri(environ), '') start_response('200 OK,', [('Content-Type', f'text/{uri.split(".")[1]}')]) with open(uri, 'rt') as response: return
def redirect_to(self, env, to, params={}): home_url = util.application_uri(env)[:-1] redirect_url = home_url + to status = '303 See Other' headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html'), ('Location', redirect_url)] headers = set_cookie(headers, self.cookie) body = ["<p>リダイレクト中</p>".encode('utf-8')] return status, headers, body
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): base = application_uri(environ) url = urljoin(base, self.path) res = Response(url, status=self.code) res.headers['location'] = url return res(environ, start_response)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path = environ["PATH_INFO"] qs = environ["QUERY_STRING"] if path == "/": # Step 1: Get a request token. This is a temporary token that is used for # having the user authorize an access token and to sign the request to obtain # said access token. appuri = application_uri(environ) if not appuri.endswith("/"): appuri += "/" oauth_callback = "%scallback" % appuri url = "%s?%s" % (self.request_token_url, urllib.urlencode({"oauth_callback": oauth_callback})) client = self.oauth.Client(self.consumer) resp, content = client.request(url, "GET") if resp["status"] != "200": raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp["status"]) request_token = dict(parse_qsl(content)) if "oauth_callback_confirmed" not in request_token or request_token["oauth_callback_confirmed"] != "true": raise Exception("Oauth callback must be confirmed.") self.request_tokens[request_token["oauth_token"]] = request_token # Step 2: Redirect to the provider. redirect_url = "%s?oauth_token=%s" % (self.authorize_url, request_token["oauth_token"]) start_response("302 Found", [("Location", redirect_url)]) return [] elif path == "/callback": qsdict = dict(parse_qsl(qs)) if qsdict["oauth_token"] not in self.request_tokens: raise Exception("invalid token: %s" % self.request_tokens) request_token = self.request_tokens[qsdict["oauth_token"]] del self.request_tokens[qsdict["oauth_token"]] token = self.oauth.Token(request_token["oauth_token"], request_token["oauth_token_secret"]) token.set_verifier(qsdict["oauth_verifier"]) client = self.oauth.Client(self.consumer, token) resp, content = client.request(self.access_token_url, "POST") if resp["status"] != "200": raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp["status"]) access_token = dict(parse_qsl(content)) environ["oauth.access_token"] = access_token return self.onsuccess(environ, start_response) start_response("404 Not Found", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]) return ["path not found: %s" % path]
def signup(self, env, params={}): home_url = util.application_uri(env) try: name = params.get('name', 'guest') pwd = params.get('password', 'guest') params = {} # print("name: {}, pure_pwd: {}".format(name, pwd)) res = get_user(name=name) print('signup_user: '******'error': 'user already exiets', 'font_color': 'red' } redirect_url = home_url else: if (set_user(name, pwd)): print("ユーザーの作成に成功") error_dict = { 'error': 'signup success', 'font_color': 'green' } redirect_url = home_url else: print("ユーザーの作成に失敗") error_dict = { 'error': 'signup failed', 'font_color': 'red' } redirect_url = home_url except Exception as e: # print(str(e)) # logging.error(str(e)) raise (e) return self.internal_server_error(env, params) self.sessions[self.session_id] = error_dict status = '303 See Other' headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html'), ('Location', redirect_url)] headers = set_cookie(headers, self.cookie) body = ["<p>リダイレクト中</p>".encode('utf-8')] return status, headers, body
def dump(env, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) yield b'<pre>' for key in env: yield key.encode('utf-8') + b':' + str(env[key]).encode('utf-8') + b'\n' yield b'\n' yield b'request_uri=' + util.request_uri(env).encode('utf-8') + b'\n' yield b'application_uri=' + util.application_uri(env).encode('utf-8') + b'\n' path = util.shift_path_info(env) while (path): yield b'path=' + path.encode('utf-8') + b'\n' path = util.shift_path_info(env) args = parse.parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING']) for key in args: yield key.encode('utf-8') + b': ' + b' '.join([value.encode('utf-8') for value in args[key]]) return []
def request_context(self, environ): """ :param environ: a WSGI environment """ request = DotDict() request.scheme = util.guess_scheme(environ) request.uri = util.request_uri(environ) request.address = util.application_uri(environ) request.path = util.shift_path_info(environ) if environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', None): request.method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] if environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', None): self.headers.add_header('CONTENT_TYPE', environ['CONTENT_TYPE']) try: length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0')) request.body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(length) except ValueError: request.body = b'' return request
def send_podcast(self, environ, podcast_name): if podcast_name not in self.podcasts: return self.send_not_found(environ) baseurl = application_uri(environ) + podcast_name + "/" podcast = self.podcasts[podcast_name] return "200 OK", [], podcast.xml(baseurl)
def application(env, start_response): request_uri = util.request_uri(env) application_uri = util.application_uri(env) request_method = env.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET').upper() request_content_type, request_content_args = cgi.parse_header(env.get('CONTENT_TYPE')) request_encoding = request_content_args.get('encoding', 'utf-8') accept_content_type = env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT') request_origin = env.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') or 'localhost' def send_json(obj, content_type='application/json'): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', content_type), ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request_origin)]) yield json.dumps(obj, indent=' ', sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8') def send_error(code, message): start_response(code, [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) yield str(message).encode('utf-8') def send_file(file_path, content_type='text/html'): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', content_type)]) with open(file_path) as file: yield'utf-8') # return dump(env, start_response) args = parse.parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING']) def arg(key): if (key in args): return args[key][0] return None def intarg(key): if (key in args): try: return int(args[key][0]) except (ValueError): pass return None try: request_content_length = int(env.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) except (ValueError): request_content_length = 0 request_body = env['wsgi.input'].read(request_content_length).decode(request_encoding) if (request_content_type.endswith('/json') or request_content_type.endswith('+json')): request_data = json.loads(request_body) elif ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded' == request_content_type): request_data = parse.parse_qs(request_body) elif ('multipart/form-data' == request_content_type): if ('boundary' in request_content_args): request_content_args['boundary'] = request_content_args['boundary'].encode('ascii') request_data = cgi.parse_multipart(io.BytesIO(request_body.encode(request_encoding)), request_content_args) else: request_data = {} def request(key): value = request_data.get(key) if (not isinstance(value, str) and hasattr(value, '__getitem__')): value = value[0] if (isinstance(value, bytes)): value = value.decode(request_encoding) return value def request_int(key): value = request(key) if (value is not None): try: return int(value) except (ValueError): pass return None # print(request_content_type) # print(request_encoding) # print(repr(request_data)) # print(repr(args)) path = util.shift_path_info(env) if ('demo' == path): path = util.shift_path_info(env) if ('password' == path): if ('algorithm' in args): cleartext = arg('cleartext') if (not cleartext): return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'No cleartext specified') try: if ('md5_crypt' in args['algorithm']): return send_json(hash.md5_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'))) elif ('bcrypt' in args['algorithm']): return send_json(hash.bcrypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds'), ident='2b')) elif ('sha1_crypt' in args['algorithm']): return send_json(hash.sha1_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds'))) elif ('sun_md5_crypt' in args['algorithm']): return send_json(hash.sun_md5_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds'))) elif ('sha256_crypt' in args['algorithm']): return send_json(hash.sha256_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds'))) elif ('sha512_crypt' in args['algorithm']): return send_json(hash.sha512_crypt.encrypt(cleartext, salt=arg('salt'), rounds=intarg('rounds'))) else: return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'Unknown algorithm') except Exception as exc: return send_error('400 Bad Request', exc) else: return send_json(['md5_crypt', 'bcrypt', 'sha1_crypt', 'sun_md5_crypt', 'sha256_crypt', 'sha512_crypt']) elif ('hash' == path): if ('algorithm' in args): data = None if ('GET' == request_method): data = arg('data') elif (request_method in ('POST', 'PUT')): data = request('data') if (not data): return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'No data specified') if ('sha256' == arg('algorithm')): hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(data.encode('utf-8')) return send_json(hasher.hexdigest()) elif ('sha512' == arg('algorithm')): hasher = hashlib.sha512() hasher.update(data.encode('utf-8')) return send_json(hasher.hexdigest()) else: return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'Unknown algorithm') else: return send_json(['sha256', 'sha512']) elif ('crc' == path): data = arg('data') if ('GET' == request_method): value = intarg('value') elif (request_method in ('POST', 'PUT')): value = request_int('value') if (not data): return send_error('400 Bad Request', 'No data specified') crc = zlib.crc32(data.encode('utf-8'), value) if (value is not None) else zlib.crc32(data.encode('utf-8')) if ('application/json-patch+json' == accept_content_type): patch = [ {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/public/output', 'value': crc}, {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/readonly/readonlyOutput', 'value': crc}, {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/private/value', 'value': crc}, {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/return', 'value': crc}, ] return send_json(patch, 'application/json-patch+json') else: api = { 'resources': { 'crc': { 'hrefTemplate': 'crc/{?data}', 'hrefVars': { 'data': 'param/hash/data' }, 'hints': { 'allow': ['PUT'], 'formats': { 'application/json': {}, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote': {} } }, 'functions': { 'update': { 'arguments': ['data'], 'format': 'application/json-patch+json', 'method': 'PUT', 'requestBody': ['value'] } } } }, 'state': { 'public': { 'output': crc }, 'private': { 'value': crc }, 'readonly': { "readonlyOutput": crc }, } } return send_json(api, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote') elif ('tick' == path): start_response('200 OK', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream; charset=utf-8'), ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request_origin), ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'), ]) def do_tick(): tick = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) tick += 1 yield "event: tick\ndata: {tick}\n\n".format(tick=tick).encode('utf-8') return do_tick() elif ('clock' == path): start_response('200 OK', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream; charset=utf-8'), ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request_origin), ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'), ]) def do_clock(): while True: time.sleep(1) now = time.localtime() if (0 == now.tm_sec): event = 'minute' else: event = 'second' data = {'hour': now.tm_hour, 'minute': now.tm_min, 'second': now.tm_sec} yield "event: {event}\ndata: {data}\n\n".format(event=event, data=json.dumps(data)).encode('utf-8') return do_clock() elif (not path): api = { 'resources': { 'password': { 'hrefTemplate': 'password/{?cleartext,algorithm,salt,rounds}', 'hrefVars': { 'cleartext': 'param/pass/cleartext', 'algorithm': 'param/pass/algorithm', 'salt': 'param/pass/salt', 'rounds': 'param/pass/rounds' }, 'hints': { 'allow': ['GET'], 'formats': { 'application/json': {}, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json': {} } }, 'functions': { 'getAlgorithms': { 'arguments': [], 'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json', 'method': 'GET' }, 'hashPassword': { 'arguments': ['cleartext', 'algorithm', 'salt', 'rounds'], 'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json', 'method': 'GET' } } }, 'hash': { 'hrefTemplate': 'hash/{?algorithm}', 'hrefVars': { 'data': 'param/hash/data', 'algorithm': 'param/hash/algorithm' }, 'hints': { 'allow': ['GET'], 'formats': { 'application/json': {}, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.password.v1+json': {} } }, 'functions': { 'hash256': { 'arguments': ['data'], 'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.hash.v1+json', 'requestFormat': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'method': 'POST', 'defaults': { 'algorithm': 'sha256' } }, 'hash512': { 'arguments': ['data'], 'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.hash.v1+json', 'requestFormat': 'multipart/form-data', 'method': 'PUT', 'defaults': { 'algorithm': 'sha512' } } } }, 'crc': { 'hrefTemplate': 'crc/{?data,value}', 'hrefVars': { 'data': 'param/hash/data', 'value': 'param/hash/value' }, 'hints': { 'allow': ['GET'], 'formats': { 'application/json': {}, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote': {} } }, 'functions': { 'crc32': { 'arguments': ['data'], 'format': 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote', 'method': 'GET' } } }, 'tick': { 'href': 'tick', 'events': { 'tick': {} } }, 'clock': { 'href': 'clock', 'events': { 'second': {}, 'minute': {} } } } } return send_json(api, 'application/prs.remotewebobjectdemo.crc.v1+json-remote') else: return send_error('404 Not Found', 'Not found') elif ('' == path): return send_file('index.html') elif ('remotewebobject.js' == path): return send_file('remotewebobject.js', 'application/javascript') elif ('uritemplate.js' == path): return send_file('uritemplate.js', 'application/javascript') else: return send_error('404 Not Found', 'Not found') return send_error('500 Internal Server Error', 'unhandled code')
def get_feed_request(amtreq, env): dqs = parse_qs(env['QUERY_STRING']) def getenv (key): val = dqs.get(key, [''])[0] val = escape(clean(val)) return val worker= getenv('worker') assn_id = getenv('aid') request = getenv('request') password = getenv('password') # Request a document # mid-feed?request=doc&assn_id=2135 # Request worker info # mid-feed?request=worker&worker=johnny78&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE> # (replies with RSS, STATUS feed, TITLE tag of first item gives 0 (not qualified), 1 (qualified), N/A (unknown) # Set worker info # mid-feed?request=setworker&worker=johnny78&qualified=1&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE> # use 1 for qualified, 0 for disqualified. # reply as in "request worker info" # Get next or current assignment with document # mid-feed?worker=johnny78&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE> # Gives RSS feed with one item (the document) # Mark assignment as completed # mid-feed?worker=johnny78&aid=234&token=ASDJHLWJASDHN&completed=1&password=<INSERT PASSWORD HERE> # token, aid and worker must match. # replies with RSS STATUS feed, TITLE tag of first item is short key code to be used as AMT confirmation code. global PASSWORD if request == "doc" or password == PASSWORD: if request == "doc": return 'text/html',get_doc(worker, assn_id) elif request == "worker": return 'application/rss+xml',get_worker_info(worker) elif request == "setworker": qualities = {} qualities['test_score'] = getenv('test_score') qualities['level'] = getenv('level') # remove blank fields cleanQualities = {} for field in qualities: if qualities[field] != '': cleanQualities[field] = qualities[field] log(cleanQualities) return 'application/rss+xml',set_worker_info(worker, cleanQualities) elif request == "gettest": return 'application/rss+xml',get_test_score(worker) elif request == "settest": test_score = getenv('score') return 'application/rss+xml',set_test_score(worker, test_score) elif request == "getresponse": return 'application/rss+xml',get_worker_response(assn_id) elif request == "setresponse": assn_token = getenv('token') response = {} response['initiator'] = getenv('initiator') response['targets'] = getenv('targets') response['geogLocation'] = getenv('geogLocation') response['geogState'] = getenv('geogState') response['date'] = getenv('date') response['initiatorApology'] = getenv('initiatorApology') response['targetProtest'] = getenv('targetProtest') response['lineNumber'] = getenv('lineNumber') response['targetSupport'] = getenv('targetSupport') response['action'] = getenv('action') response['initiatorDenial'] = getenv('initiatorDenial') response['covertAction'] = getenv('covertAction') response['addActionLines'] = getenv('addActionLines') response['initiatorFatalities'] = getenv('initiatorFatalities') response['targetFatalities'] = getenv('targetFatalities') response['groups'] = getenv('groups') response['initiatorRole'] = getenv('initiatorRole') response['targetRole'] = getenv('targetRole') # remove blank fields cleanResponse = {} for field in response: if response[field] != '': cleanResponse[field] = response[field] log(cleanResponse) return 'application/rss+xml',set_worker_response(assn_id, assn_token, cleanResponse) elif request == "status": qualified = getenv('qualified') completed = getenv('completed') table = getenv('table') return 'text/html',get_status(worker=worker, qualified=qualified, completed=completed, table=table) else: completed = getenv('completed') assn_token = getenv('token') return 'application/rss+xml',get_feed(amtreq, worker, assn_id, assn_token, completed, application_uri(env)) else: return 'application/rss+xml', make_error_rss("Must give correct password for this request.")
def on_view_not_found(self, environ, start_response): """ called when action is not found """ start_response( "404 Not Found", [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]) return [b"Not Found ", application_uri(environ).encode('utf-8')]
try: import swat except ImportError, e: print "NO SWAT: %r" % e have_swat = False else: have_swat = True orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO'] name = shift_path_info(environ) if name == "": if have_swat: start_response('301 Redirect', [ ('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')), ]) return [] else: return render_placeholder(environ, start_response) elif have_swat and name == "swat": return swat.__call__(environ, start_response) else: status = '404 Not found' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] start_response(status, response_headers) return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)] if __name__ == '__main__': from wsgiref import simple_server
def __init__(self, environ, urlmapper): self.environ = environ self.urlmapper = urlmapper self.application_uri = application_uri(environ)
def app_url(self): return application_uri(self.request.environ)
def form(environ, start_response): start_response("200 OK", [("Content-type", "text/html;charset=utf-8")]) url = application_uri(environ) return [form_body.format(url=url).encode("utf-8")]
def form(environ, start_response): start_response("200 OK", [("Content-type", "text/html;charset=utf-8")]) url = application_uri(environ) return [form_body.format(url=url).encode('utf-8')]
def fake_app(req): return util.application_uri(req.environ)
def __init__(self, environ: Dict[str, Any], urlmapper: URLMapper) -> None: self.environ = environ self.urlmapper = urlmapper self.application_uri = application_uri(environ)
def checkAppURI(self, uri, **kw): util.setup_testing_defaults(kw) self.assertEqual(util.application_uri(kw), uri)
def app(environ, start_response): uri = request_uri(environ, include_query=False).replace(application_uri(environ), '') yield urls.get(uri, view_404)(environ, start_response).encode('utf-8')
try: import swat except ImportError, e: print "NO SWAT: %r" % e have_swat = False else: have_swat = True orig_path = environ['PATH_INFO'] name = shift_path_info(environ) if name == "": if have_swat: start_response('301 Redirect', [('Location', urljoin(application_uri(environ), 'swat')),]) return [] else: return render_placeholder(environ, start_response) elif have_swat and name == "swat": return swat.__call__(environ, start_response) else: status = '404 Not found' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')] start_response(status, response_headers) return ["The path %s (%s) was not found" % (orig_path, name)] if __name__ == '__main__': from wsgiref import simple_server httpd = simple_server.make_server('localhost', 8090, __call__)
def checkAppURI(self,uri,**kw): util.setup_testing_defaults(kw) self.assertEqual(util.application_uri(kw),uri)
def application_uri(self): """The base URI of the application (wsgiref.application_uri).""" if self._application_uri is None: self._application_uri = application_uri(self.environ) return self._application_uri