title=post['post_title'], body = post['post_content'], create_date = post['post_date'], update_date = post['post_modified'], pub_date = post['post_date'], blog = loblog, author =louser, status = post['post_status'], slug=post['post_name'] ) p.prepopulate() try: p.save() p.categories = catlist p.save() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) # get comments for this post... q = """ SELECT * FROM ybwp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d """ % post['ID'] try: cur.execute(q) comments = cur.fetchall()
if not post[dtime]: post[dtime] = datetime.datetime.now() p = Post(title=post['post_title'], body=post['post_content'], create_date=post['post_date'], update_date=post['post_modified'], pub_date=post['post_date'], blog=loblog, author=louser, status=post['post_status'], slug=post['post_name']) p.prepopulate() try: p.save() p.categories = catlist p.save() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) # get comments for this post... q = """ SELECT * FROM ybwp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d """ % post['ID'] try: cur.execute(q) comments = cur.fetchall() ct = ContentType.objects.get(model__exact='post')
def main(): """docstring for main""" config['cursorclass'] = DictCursor cur = MySQLdb.connect(**config).cursor() # load the posts cur.execute("select * from ybwp_posts") posts = cur.fetchall() print "Cleaning out posts..." Post.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out categories..." Category.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out tags..." Tag.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out Links..." Link.objects.all().delete() print "Cleaning out pingbacks..." Pingback.objects.all().delete() print "Killing comments" FreeComment.objects.filter(content_type=\ ContentType.objects.get(\ model__exact='post')).delete() # load the categories # cur.execute("select * from ybwp_categories") # cats = cur.fetchall() loblog = Blog.objects.get(pk=1) print loblog louser = User.objects.filter(username__exact='Rube') # get links... cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM ybwp_categories, ybwp_links, ybwp_link2cat WHERE ybwp_links.link_id = ybwp_link2cat.link_id AND ybwp_categories.cat_ID = ybwp_link2cat.category_id """) for link in cur.fetchall(): # try to get the category... try: cat = LinkCategory.objects.get(title__iexact=link['cat_name']) except LinkCategory.DoesNotExist: # create a new category...blah. print "Creating category", link['cat_name'] cat = LinkCategory(title=link['cat_name'], description=link['category_description'], blog=loblog, visible=True) cat.save() # create a new link... link = Link( link_name=link['link_name'], category=cat, description=link['link_description'], rss=link['link_rss'], visible=True, url=link['link_url'], blog=loblog, ) print link.description try: link.save() except Link.DoesNotExist: pass # for each wordpress entry for post in posts: status = "Processing %d" % (len(posts)) cur.execute(""" select ybwp_categories.cat_name, ybwp_categories.category_description from ybwp_categories, ybwp_post2cat where ybwp_post2cat.post_id = %d and ybwp_categories.cat_ID = ybwp_post2cat.category_id """ % (post['ID'])) # status # cq = "select * from ybwp_comments where comment_post_ID = %d" % entry['ID'] # cur.execute(q) # comments = cur.fetchall() # catlist = [] for cat in cur.fetchall(): # try to get the category try: locat = Category.objects.get(title__iexact=cat['cat_name']) # print "Found category", locat except Category.DoesNotExist, error: print "Error:", error # create the category... print "Creating", cat['cat_name'] locat = Category(title=cat['cat_name'], description=cat['category_description'], blog=loblog) locat.save() catlist.append(locat) # print chardet.detect(post['post_title']) # post['post_title'] = post['post_title'].encode('latin-1') # post['post_content'] = post['post_content'].encode('latin-1') try: # let's see if this post already exists... xpost = Post.objects.get(title__exact=post['post_title']) # print "Found similar post", p.title if xpost.create_date == post['post_date']: print "NOT IMPORTING %s -- it exists" % str(post) except Post.DoesNotExist: status = status + ": %s" % post['post_title'] # mod the dates... for dtime in ['post_date', 'post_modified']: if not post[dtime]: post[dtime] = datetime.datetime.now() xpost = Post(title=post['post_title'], body=post['post_content'], create_date=post['post_date'], update_date=post['post_modified'], pub_date=post['post_date'], blog=loblog, author=louser, status=post['post_status'], slug=post['post_name']) xpost.prepopulate() try: xpost.save() xpost.categories = catlist xpost.save() except Post.DoesNotExist: traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) # get comments for this post... try: cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM ybwp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d """ % post['ID']) comments = cur.fetchall() contenttype = ContentType.objects.get(model__exact='post') site = Site.objects.get(id__exact=settings.SITE_ID) # create a comment for each comment... except Site.DoesNotExist: traceback.print_exc(sys.stdout) comments = [] raw_input("press enter...") for comment in comments: if comment['comment_type'] == 'pingback': # create a pingback for this post... continue else: if comment['comment_approved'] != 'spam': newcomment = FreeComment(content_type=contenttype, object_id=xpost.id, comment=xmlify(comment['comment_content']), person_name=comment['comment_author'], person_email=\ xmlify(comment['comment_author_email']), person_url=xmlify(comment['comment_author_url']), # submit_date=comment['comment_date'], is_public=comment['comment_approved'], ip_address=comment['comment_author_IP'], # approved=comment['comment_approved'], site=site, ) try: newcomment.save() newcomment.submit_date = comment['comment_date'] newcomment.save() except FreeComment.DoesNotExist: print "ERROR:" traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr) print newcomment.person_name print newcomment.person_url print newcomment.comment raw_input('error: hit enter to continue') status = status + ": %d comments" % len(comments) print status