コード例 #1
def manage_standard_2G(sheet,pos):
    Draw "2.4G standard" express from template
    s = Range(sheet,pos).value
    if "\n" in s:
        standard_rate, stream = s.split("\n")
        standard_rate = standard_rate.strip()
        standard, rate = standard_rate.split(" ")
        stream = stream.split(" ")[0]
        rate = rate.split("M")[0]
##        print (standard,rate,stream)
## from sheet will get "11gac" but data is "11ac"
        if standard == "11gac":
            standard = "11ac"
        return (standard,rate,stream)
##        print s
## for match data "11g" actually got "11ag
        if s == "11g":
            s = "11ag"
        return s
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: kingdynasty/xlwings
    def test_dataframe_1(self):

        df_expected = df_1
        Range('Sheet5', 'A1').value = df_expected
        df_result = Range('Sheet5', 'A1:C5').options(pd.DataFrame).value
        df_result.index = pd.Int64Index(df_result.index)
        assert_frame_equal(df_expected, df_result)
コード例 #3
ファイル: writer.py プロジェクト: balmf/aggregator
 def populate(self, statement, start_row):
     row_num = start_row
     for transaction in statement.transactions:
         range_string = 'A' + str(row_num) + ':D' + str(row_num)
         row = Range(self.ledger, range_string)
         self._format(row, type='column')
         row.value = transaction
         row_num += 1
コード例 #4
ファイル: excel.py プロジェクト: Inseighn/ExcelScript
def setCell(sheet, cell, value):
    currentCell = Range(Sheet(sheet), cell)
    if __debug__:
        print('Setting Cell:' + cell + 'in sheet ' + Sheet(sheet).name + '->' + str(value))
    if currentCell and value:
            currentCell.value = str(value)
            if __debug__:
                print ('Error with value: ' + value)
コード例 #5
def manage_modulation(sheet,pos):
    Draw "modulation" express from template
## for match 2.4G 11b "DSSS-CCK". data will get "CCK" instead of "DSSS"
    if "CCK" in Range(sheet,pos).value:
        modulation = Range(sheet,pos).value.split("-")[1]
        modulation = Range(sheet,pos).value.split("-")[0]
    return modulation.strip()
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: balmf/aggregator
    def _get_account_holder(self):
        Populates self.account_holder with the account holder as a string.
        If no account_holder in statement the returns None.

        cell = 'B2'
        account_holder_string = Range(self.default_worksheet, cell, workbook=self.statement_workbook).value
        if account_holder_string:
            self.account_holder = account_holder_string[account_holder_string.index('Prepared for: ') + 14:]
            self.account_holder = None
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: balmf/aggregator
    def _get_account_number(self):
        Populates self.account_number with the statement account number as a string.
        If no account number on statement returns None.

        cell = 'B3'
        account_string = Range(self.default_worksheet, cell, workbook=self.statement_workbook).value
        if account_string:
            self.account_number = account_string[account_string.index('Account Number: ') + 16:]
            self.account_number = None
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: kingdynasty/xlwings
    def test_read_df_2header_1unnamedindex(self):

        Range('A1').value = [[None, 'a', 'a', 'b'],
                             [None, 'c', 'd', 'c'],
                             [1, 1, 2, 3],
                             [2, 4, 5, 6]]

        df1 = pd.DataFrame([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]],
                           index=pd.Index([1, 2]),
                           columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['a', 'a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'c']]))

        df2 = Range('A1:D4').options(pd.DataFrame, header=2).value
        df2.index = pd.Int64Index(df2.index)

        assert_frame_equal(df1, df2)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: surfmaverick/xlwings
    def test_hyperlink(self):
        address = 'www.xlwings.org'
        # Naked address
        assert_equal(Range('A1').value, address)
        hyperlink = Range('A1').hyperlink
        if not hyperlink.endswith('/'):
            hyperlink += '/'
        assert_equal(hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')

        # Address + FriendlyName
        Range('A2').add_hyperlink(address, 'test_link')
        assert_equal(Range('A2').value, 'test_link')
        hyperlink = Range('A2').hyperlink
        if not hyperlink.endswith('/'):
            hyperlink += '/'
        assert_equal(hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')
コード例 #10
ファイル: readers.py プロジェクト: balmf/aggregator
    def _get_statement_dates(self):
        Populates self.start_date and self.end_date with the statement start and end dates respectively in datetime
        date format.
        If no statement dates available sets both fields to None.

        cell = 'C2'
        dates_string = Range(self.default_worksheet, cell, workbook=self.statement_workbook).value
        if dates_string:
            start_date_string = dates_string[:dates_string.index(' to')]
            self.start_date = datetime.strptime(start_date_string, self.date_format).date()
            end_date_string = dates_string[dates_string.index(' to') + 4:]
            self.end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date_string, self.date_format).date()
            self.start_date, self.end_date = None, None
コード例 #11
ファイル: writer.py プロジェクト: balmf/aggregator
    def _ledger_setup(self):
        self.ledger = Sheet('Sheet1', wkb=self.workbook)
        self.ledger.name = 'Ledger'

        # Title
        A1 = Range(self.ledger, 'A1')
        A1.value = 'Ledger'
        self._format(A1, type='title')

        # Column headers
        headers = Range(self.ledger, 'A3:D3')
        headers.value = ['Date', 'Account', 'Description', 'Amount']
        self._format(headers, type='header')

        # First data row
        data_range = Range(self.ledger, 'A4:D4')
        self._format(data_range, type='column')
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: stancikcom/xlwings
    def test_color(self):
        rgb = (30, 100, 200)

        Range('A1').color = rgb
        assert_equal(rgb, Range('A1').color)

        Range('A2').color = RgbColor.rgbAqua
        assert_equal((0, 255, 255), Range('A2').color)

        Range('A2').color = None
        assert_equal(Range('A2').color, None)

        Range('A1:D4').color = rgb
        assert_equal(rgb, Range('A1:D4').color)
コード例 #13
def behavior(start_date, end_date, account_name, property_name, profile_name, max_results):
    Writes a DataFrame with the number of pageviews per half-hours x weekdays
    to the Range "behavior"
    # Let pandas fetch the data from Google Analytics, returns a generator object
    df_chunks = ga.read_ga(secrets=client_secrets,
                           dimensions=['date', 'hour', 'minute'],
                           parse_dates={'datetime': ['date', 'hour', 'minute']},
                           date_parser=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%d %H %M'),

    # Concatenate the chunks into a DataFrame and get number of rows
    df = pd.concat(df_chunks)
    num_rows = df.shape[0]

    # Resample into half-hour buckets
    df = df.resample('30Min', how='sum')

    # Create the behavior table (half-hour x weekday)
    grouped = df.groupby([df.index.time, df.index.weekday])
    behavior = grouped['pageviews'].aggregate(np.sum).unstack()

    # Make sure the table covers all hours and weekdays
    behavior = behavior.reindex(index=pd.date_range("00:00", "23:30", freq="30min").time,
    behavior.columns = ['MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA', 'SU']

    # Write to Excel.
    # Time-only values are currently a bit of a pain on Windows, so we set index=False.
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'behavior', index=False).value = behavior
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'effective').value = num_rows
コード例 #14
def manage_standard_5G(sheet,pos):
    Draw "5G standard" express from template
    s = Range(sheet,pos).value
    if "\n" in s:
        standard_rate, stream = s.split("\n")
        standard_rate = standard_rate.replace(" ","")
        standard, rate = standard_rate.split("-")
##        print standard_rate
        stream = stream.split(" ")[0]
        rate = rate.split("T")[-1]
##        print (standard,rate,stream)
        return (standard,rate,stream)
##        print s
## for match data "11a" actually got "11ag
        if s == "11a":
            s = "11ag"
        return s
コード例 #15
 def test_unicode_path(self):
     # pip3 seems to struggle with unicode filenames
     src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     shutil.move(src, dst)
     wb = Workbook(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     Range('A1').value = 1
     shutil.move(dst, src)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: bigandyherd/xlwings
 def test_unicode_path(self):
     # pip3 seems to struggle with unicode filenames
     src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'unicode_path.xlsx')
     if sys.platform.startswith('darwin') and os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser("~") + '/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Excel/Data/'):
         dst = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~") + '/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Excel/Data/',
         dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'ünicödé_päth.xlsx')
     shutil.copy(src, dst)
     wb = Workbook(dst, app_visible=False, app_target=APP_TARGET)
     Range('A1').value = 1
コード例 #17
 def test_autofit_row(self):
     # TODO: compare col/row widths before/after - not implemented yet
     Range('Sheet1', 'A1:D4').value = 'test_string'
     Range('Sheet1', '1:1000000').autofit()
     Range('Sheet1', '1:1000000').autofit('r')
     Range('Sheet1', '1:1000000').autofit('c')
     Range('Sheet1', '1:1000000').autofit('rows')
     Range('Sheet1', '1:1000000').autofit('columns')
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: stancikcom/xlwings
    def test_hyperlink(self):
        address = 'www.xlwings.org'
        assert_equal(Range('A1').value, address)
        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
            assert_equal(Range('A1').hyperlink, 'http://' + address)
            assert_equal(Range('A1').hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')

        Range('A2').add_hyperlink(address, 'test_link')
        assert_equal(Range('A2').value, 'test_link')
        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
            assert_equal(Range('A2').hyperlink, 'http://' + address)
            assert_equal(Range('A2').hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')
コード例 #19
def set_book(ticker, line):

    Range('A' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";bid_num_1\'"
    Range('B' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";bid\'"
    Range('C' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";ask\'"
    Range('D' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";ask_num_1\'"
    Range('E' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";last\'"
    Range('F' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";volume\'"
    #Add ref close for simplicity
    Range('G' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";close\'"

    return 0
コード例 #20
    def lluvia_max():
        muestra = Range('LLUVIA', 'C5').table.value
        #numero de datos
        DataNr = len(muestra)
        #cambiamos tipo de dato a 'array'
        muestra = np.asarray(muestra)
        #todos valores de los parametrod de Gumbel hasta 58 datos
        Yn = Range('+', 'C4:C29').value
        Sigma = Range('+', 'D4:D29').value
        Indeks = Range('+', 'B4:B29').value.index(DataNr)

        #Valores adoptados por los parametros de la funcion Gumbel:
        Yn = Yn[Indeks]
        Sigma = Sigma[Indeks]
        ### empty lists creation
        s = []
        m = []
        alfa = []
        mu = []
        P = []
        Prob = []
        #los parametros de la funcion de Gumbel para cada estacion
        #ddof: "Delta Degrees of Freedom" by default 0
        for i in range(0, 4):
            columna = muestra[:, i]
            s.append(np.std(columna, ddof=1))
            alfa.append(s[i] / Sigma)
            mu.append(m[i] - Yn * alfa[i])
            P.append(mu[i] - alfa[i] * np.log(np.log(T / (T - 1))))
            Prob.append(1 - 1 / T)
        ### PESOS
        dist = np.asarray([3968, 14046, 13251, 12596])  #distancias...
        pesos = 1 / dist**2
        sq = [1 / i**2 for i in dist]
        pesos = pesos / sum(sq)
        ### Pmax24
        return sum(P * pesos)
コード例 #21
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: C-Canchola/texel
def get_column_header_color(header_cell: xw.Range) -> int:
    header_str: str = str(header_cell.value).lower()
    value_cell = header_cell.offset(1, 0)

    if header_str.startswith('used_'):
        return Color.USED_IDENTIFIER
    elif header_is_index(header_str):
        return Color.INDEX
    elif value_cell.value is None:
        return Color.INPUT
    elif str(value_cell.formula)[0] != '=':
        return Color.INPUT
        return Color.CALCULATION
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: surfmaverick/xlwings
    def test_offset(self):
        o = Range('A1:B3').offset(3, 4)
        assert_equal(o.get_address(), '$E$4:$F$6')

        o = Range('A1:B3').offset(row_offset=3)
        assert_equal(o.get_address(), '$A$4:$B$6')

        o = Range('A1:B3').offset(column_offset=4)
        assert_equal(o.get_address(), '$E$1:$F$3')
コード例 #23
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: matthewaagrant/xlwings
def playlist():
    Get the playlist content based on the ID from the Dropdown

    # Get PlaylistId from ComboBox
    playlist_id = wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(

    # Database query
        t.Name AS Track, alb.Title AS Album,  art.Name AS Artist, t.Composer
        FROM PlaylistTrack pt
        INNER JOIN Track t ON pt.TrackId = t.TrackId
        INNER JOIN Album alb ON t.AlbumId = alb.AlbumId
        INNER JOIN Artist art ON alb.ArtistId = art.ArtistId
        WHERE PlaylistId = ?
        """, (playlist_id, ))

    # Get the result and column names
    col_names = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
    rows = cursor.fetchall()

    # Clear the sheet and write the column names and result to Excel
    Range('A9').value = col_names
    if len(rows):
        Range('A10').value = rows
        Range('A10').value = 'Empty Playlist!'

    # Close cursor and connection
コード例 #24
def combobox():
    This populates the ComboBox with the values from the database

    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Place the database next to the Excel file
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'chinook.sqlite')

    # Database connection and creation of cursor
    con = sqlite3.connect(db_file,
                          | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
    cursor = con.cursor()

    # Database Query
    cursor.execute("SELECT PlaylistId, Name FROM Playlist")

    # Write IDs and Names to hidden sheet
    Range('Source', 'A1').table.clear_contents()
    Range('Source', 'A1').value = cursor.fetchall()

    # Format and fill the ComboBox to show Names (Text) and give back IDs (Values)
    # TODO: implement natively in xlwings
    combo = "ComboBox1"
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ListFillRange = \
        'Source!{}'.format(str(Range('Source', 'A1').table.xl_range.Address))
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.BoundColumn = 1
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnCount = 2
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnWidths = 0

    # Close cursor and connection
コード例 #25
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: matthewaagrant/xlwings
def combobox():
    This populates the ComboBox with the values from the database

    # Database Query
    cursor.execute("SELECT PlaylistId, Name FROM Playlist")

    # Write IDs and Names to hidden sheet
    Range('Source', 'A1').table.clear_contents()
    Range('Source', 'A1').value = cursor.fetchall()

    # Format and fill the ComboBox to show Names (Text) and give back IDs (Values)
    # TODO: implement natively in xlwings
    combo = "ComboBox1"
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ListFillRange = \
        'Source!{}'.format(str(Range('Source', 'A1').table.xl_range.Address))
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.BoundColumn = 1
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnCount = 2
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnWidths = 0

    # Close cursor and connection
コード例 #26
def test_cells():
    cells = Range('C6:C441').value
    count = 0
    master_text = []
    while count < len(cells):
        if isinstance(cells[count], basestring):
            current_cell = cells[count].split(" ")
            current_text_count = 0
            while current_text_count < len(current_cell):
                current_text_count += 1
            count += 1
            count += 1
    return cell_word_count(master_text)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: kgrudzin/xlwings
    def test_integers(self):
        """Covers GH 227"""
        Range('A99').value = 2147483647  # max SInt32
        assert_equal(Range('A99').value, 2147483647)

        Range('A100').value = 2147483648  # SInt32 < x < SInt64
        assert_equal(Range('A100').value, 2147483648)

        Range('A101').value = 10000000000000000000  # long
        assert_equal(Range('A101').value, 10000000000000000000)
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: bigandyherd/xlwings
    def test_calculation(self):
        Range('A1').value = 2
        Range('B1').formula = '=A1 * 2'

        app = Application(wkb=self.wb)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationManual
        Range('A1').value = 4
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationAutomatic
        app.calculate()  # This is needed on Mac Excel 2016 but not on Mac Excel 2011 (changed behaviour)
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 8)

        Range('A1').value = 2
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)
コード例 #29
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: edz504/not_grapefruit
def get_spot_purchase_values(year):
    ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())

    if year < 2005:
        raise ValueError('Data only goes back to 2005')
    elif year < 2015:
        wb = Workbook(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR,
        wb = Workbook(os.path.join(
            ROOT_DIR, 'results/notgrapefruit{0}.xlsm'.format(year)),

    raw_price_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(
        Range('grove', 'C5:N10', atleast_2d=True).value),
                                columns=Range('grove', 'C4:N4').value,
                                index=Range('grove', 'B5:B10').value)

    exchange_rate_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(
        Range('grove', 'C14:N15', atleast_2d=True).value),
                                    columns=Range('grove', 'C13:N13').value,
                                    index=Range('grove', 'B14:B15').value)

    quantity_mat_weekly = np.array(
        Range('grove', 'C38:AX43', atleast_2d=True).value)
    # The matrix retrieved has values for each week.  We want an average weekly
    # quantity for the given month.
    quantity_mat_av = np.zeros((6, 12))
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        this_month = quantity_mat_weekly[:, (4 * i):(4 * i + 4)]
        quantity_mat_av[:, i] = np.mean(this_month, 1)
    quantity_df = pd.DataFrame(quantity_mat_av,
                               index=Range('grove', 'B38:B43').value,
                               columns=Range('grove', 'C4:N4').value)
    return (raw_price_df, exchange_rate_df, quantity_df)
コード例 #30
ファイル: pbp_proj.py プロジェクト: firmai/techniques
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    Read in the data from the sqlite database, then manipulate and return it to excel
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Connect to sqlite db
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'pbp_proj.db')
    engine = create_engine(r"sqlite:///{}".format(db_file))

    # Retrieve the account number from the excel sheet as an int
    account = Range('B2').options(numbers=int).value

    # Get our dates - in real life would need to do some error checking to ensure
    # the correct format
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Clear existing data

    # Create SQL query
    sql = 'SELECT * from sales WHERE account="{}" AND date BETWEEN "{}" AND "{}"'.format(
        account, start_date, end_date)

    # Read query directly into a dataframe
    sales_data = pd.read_sql(sql, engine)

    # Analyze the data however we want
    summary = sales_data.groupby(["sku"])["quantity", "ext-price"].sum()

    total_sales = sales_data["ext-price"].sum()

    # Output the results
    if summary.empty:
        Range('A5').value = "No Data for account {}".format(account)
        Range('A5').options(index=True).value = summary
        Range('E5').value = "Total Sales"
        Range('F5').value = total_sales
コード例 #31
def refresh():
    Refreshes the tables in Excel given the input parameters.
    # Connect to the Workbook
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Read input
    start_date = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'start_date').value
    end_date = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'end_date').value
    account_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'account').value
    property_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'property').value
    profile_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'view').value
    max_results = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'max_rows').value

    # Clear Content
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'behavior').clear_contents()
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'effective').clear_contents()

    # Behavior table
    behavior(start_date, end_date, account_name, property_name, profile_name, max_results)
コード例 #32
ファイル: mymodule.py プロジェクト: jjones-jr/ExcelLikeVim
def test():
    credentials = authorization.get_credentials(SCOPES, CLIENT_SECRET_FILE,
    service = build('gmail', 'v1', http=credentials.authorize(Http()))
    results = service.users().labels().list(userId='me').execute()
    labels = results.get('labels', [])

    if not labels:
        print 'No labels found.'
        print 'Labels:'
        i = 1
        for label in labels:
                wb = Workbook('Book1')
                Range((i, 1)).value = label['name'].encode("shift-jis")
                print "error"
            i += 1
コード例 #33
    def insert_one_dataframe(self, df, cell_specification):
        Populate the current workbook given a single
        :class=:`pandas.DataFrame` object.
        if not len(df):

        index = cell_specification.get('index', False)
        header = cell_specification.get('header', False)
        top_left_cell = cell_specification.get('top_left_cell', 'A0')

            "insert %d by %d rows/cols dataframe "
            "at cell '%s' in sheet '%s'", len(df), len(df.columns),

        Range(top_left_cell, index=index, header=header).value = df
コード例 #34
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: kgrudzin/xlwings
    def test_resize(self):
        r = Range('A1').resize(4, 5)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 5))

        r = Range('A1').resize(row_size=4)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 1))

        r = Range('A1:B4').resize(column_size=5)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 5))

        r = Range('A1:B4').resize(row_size=5)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (5, 2))

        r = Range('A1:B4').resize()
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 2))

        assert_raises(AssertionError, Range('A1:B4').resize, row_size=0)
        assert_raises(AssertionError, Range('A1:B4').resize, column_size=0)
コード例 #35
def parse_variable_values(workbook, start_cell, end_cell):
    Given the workbook reference and START-END index pair, this function parses the values in the variable row
    and saves it as a list of the same name.

    workbook:   Workbook xlwings object
    start_cell: Start cell dictionary
    end_cell:   End cell dictionary

    returns:    lists of variables, formulas, comments
    workbook.set_current()  # sets the workbook as the current working workbook
    variables = dict()
    formulas = dict()
    comments = dict()
    start = (start_cell['row'], start_cell['col'])
    end = (end_cell['row'], start_cell['col'])

    start_column = Range(get_sheet(), start, end).value
    # [1:] excludes 'START' element
    start_column = start_column[1:]

    for relative_index, element in enumerate(start_column):
        current_index = start_cell['row'] + relative_index + 1
        if element:  # if non-empty
            if not isinstance(element, str):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The column below START can contain only strings")

            # print(element)
            element = element.strip()

            if '=' in element:
                formulas[element] = current_index
            elif '#' == element[0]:
                comments[element] = current_index
                variables[element] = current_index

    return variables, formulas, comments
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_xlwings.py プロジェクト: bigandyherd/xlwings
    def test_array(self):

        # 1d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A1').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A1:D1').options(np.array).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_1d)

        # 2d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A4').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A4').options(np.array, expand='table').value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)

        # 1d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A10').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A10:D10').options(np.array, ndim=2).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, np.atleast_2d(array_1d))

        # 2d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A12').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A12').options(np.array, ndim=2, expand='table').value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)
コード例 #37
    def test_array(self):

        # 1d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A1').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A1:D1', asarray=True).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_1d)

        # 2d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A4').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A4', asarray=True).table.value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)

        # 1d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A10').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A10:D10', asarray=True, atleast_2d=True).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, np.atleast_2d(array_1d))

        # 2d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A12').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A12', asarray=True, atleast_2d=True).table.value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)
コード例 #38
    def check_cell(self, address, value):
        # Active Sheet
        Range(address).value = value
        cell = Range(address).value
        assert_equal(cell, value)

        # SheetName
        Range('Sheet2', address).value = value
        cell = Range('Sheet2', address).value
        assert_equal(cell, value)

        # SheetIndex
        Range(3, address).value = value
        cell = Range(3, address).value
        assert_equal(cell, value)
コード例 #39
ファイル: mainwindow.py プロジェクト: ptlud/OpticsAnalysis
    def importMethod(self):
        print("import button clicked!")
        self.filepath = str(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName())
        self.wb = Workbook(self.filepath)     
        self.data = Range('Sheet1','A2', asarray=True).table.value
#        print self.data
        for m in np.arange(0,len(self.data)):
            for n in np.arange(0,len(self.colnames)-1):            
                newitem = QTableWidgetItem(str(self.data[m,n]))                
        # Enable convert button
コード例 #40
    def insert_one_series(self, series, cell_specification):
        Populate the current workbook given a single
        :class=:`pandas.Series` object.
        if not len(series):

        # contiguous cells
        #TODO: (use vertical and horizontal properties of xlwings)

        # non-contiguous user-defined cells
        for cs in cell_specification.get('cells', []):
            ws = cs.get('worksheet') or Sheet.active(self.wkb).name
            content = self.jinja_env.from_string(

            logger.debug("insert content '%s' at cell '%s' in sheet '%s'",
                         content, cs['cell'], ws)

            Range(ws, cs['cell']).value = content
コード例 #41
    def test_list(self):

        # 1d List Row
        Range('Sheet4', 'A27').value = list_row_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A27:C27').value
        assert_equal(list_row_1d, cells)

        # 2d List Row
        Range('Sheet4', 'A29').value = list_row_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A29:C29', atleast_2d=True).value
        assert_equal(list_row_2d, cells)

        # 1d List Col
        Range('Sheet4', 'A31').value = list_col
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A31:A33').value
        assert_equal([i[0] for i in list_col], cells)
        # 2d List Col
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A31:A33', atleast_2d=True).value
        assert_equal(list_col, cells)
コード例 #42
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Retrieve the account number and dates
    account = Range('B2').value
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Output the data just to make sure it all works
    Range('A5').value = account
    Range('A6').value = start_date
    Range('A7').value = end_date
コード例 #43
def get_excel_formula_as_string(right_side_expression, time_period, variables):
    Using the right-hand side of a math expression (e.g. a(t)=a(t-1)*a_rate(t)), converted to sympy
    expression, and substituting the time index variable (t) in it, the function finds the Excel formula
    corresponding to the right-hand side expression.

    right_side_expression:         sympy expression, e.g. a(t-1)*a_rate(t)
    time_period:        value of time index variable (t) for time_periodtitution
    formula_string:     a string of excel formula, e.g. '=A20*B21'
    right_dict = simplify_expression(right_side_expression, time_period,
    for right_key, right_coords in right_dict.items():
        excel_index = str(
            Range(get_sheet(), tuple(right_coords)).get_address(False, False))
        right_side_expression = right_side_expression.subs(
            right_key, excel_index)
    formula_str = '=' + str(right_side_expression)
    return formula_str
コード例 #44
wb = Workbook.caller()
SheetA = u"預算平衡表-Phase Summary A"
SheetE = u"預算平衡表-Phase Summary E"
SheetP = u"預算平衡表-Phase Summary P"
SheetC = u"預算平衡表-Phase Summary C"

SheetArr = [SheetA, SheetE, SheetP, SheetC]
SheetAlphabetArr = ["A", "E", "P", "C"]

ColumnAlphabet = ["D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P"]

AllRow = []
for SName in SheetArr:

    AllRange = Range(SName, "D10").vertical.get_address()
    LastRow = AllRange.split(":")[1].split("$")[2]
    LastRow = int(LastRow)
print AllRow
for SName in SheetArr:
    print SheetArr.index(SName)
# Create Empty Dataframe for Balance Sheet
columns = [
    "Req No",
    "Req Description",
    "Current Budget",
    "Exe Budget",
コード例 #45
def execute(Balance_Sheet_Path, Tre0Uno_Sheet_Path, ManHour_Path, ACHour_Path, Pro_Name):
    # # Balance Sheet

    wb = Workbook(Balance_Sheet_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    SheetA = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary A'
    SheetE = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary E'
    SheetP = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary P'
    SheetC = u'預算平衡表-Phase Summary C'

    SheetArr=[SheetA, SheetE, SheetP, SheetC]
    SheetAlphabetArr = ['A', 'E', 'P','C']

    ColumnAlphabet=['D','E','F','G','H','I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
                    'N', 'O', 'P']

    AllRow = []
    for SName in SheetArr: 
        AllRange = Range(SName, 'D10').vertical.get_address()
        LastRow = AllRange.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
        LastRow = int(LastRow)
    print AllRow
    for SName in SheetArr:
        print SheetArr.index(SName)
    #Create Empty Dataframe for Balance Sheet
    columns = ['Req No', 'Req Description', 'A', 'W', 'Z', 
               'Current Budget', 'Exe Budget', 'C', 
               'PO Num', 'Excepted Budget', 'EAC Now', 'G', 'H']
    index = np.arange(int(ArangeLen))
    df_bs = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index = index) 

    def BSreadRange(row, SheetIX):
        SName = SheetArr[SheetIX]
        SAlphabet = SheetAlphabetArr[SheetIX]
        Val = Range(SName, row).value
        if (Val != 0):
            for j in xrange(0,13):
                if(row[0] == ColumnAlphabet[j]):
                    rowNum = '%s%d' % (SAlphabet, int(row[1:]))
                    df_bs.loc[rowNum, columns[j]]=Val
    for SName in SheetArr:   
        SheetIX = SheetArr.index(SName)
        SheetLastRow = AllRow[SheetIX]
        for i in xrange(11,(SheetLastRow+1)):
            CellNameArr = map(lambda x:('%s%d' % (x,i)), ColumnAlphabet)
            [BSreadRange(x, SheetIX) for x in CellNameArr]

    df_bs = df_bs[(pd.notnull(df_bs['Req No']))]    

    # # 讀取工時

    d = datetime.date.today()- timedelta(days=20)
    SheetMonth = '{:02d}'.format(d.month)
    SheetYear = format(d.year)[2:]
    MH_SheetName=('%s%s' % (SheetYear, SheetMonth))
    print MH_SheetName

    #Pro_Name = ['14A1701A', '14C1701A', '14P1701A', '14E1701A']

    wb = Workbook(ManHour_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    AllRange_MH = Range(MH_SheetName, 'A6').vertical.get_address()
    LastRow_MH = AllRange_MH.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
    LastRow_MH = int(LastRow_MH)
    print LastRow_MH
    for i in xrange(6,LastRow_MH+1):
        SearchLocate = ('A%d'% (i))
        s = Range(MH_SheetName, SearchLocate).value
        if s in Pro_Name:
            TargetLocate = ('B%d'% (i))
            MH_Arr.append([s[2],  Range(MH_SheetName, TargetLocate).value])
    print MH_Arr
    # # 其他費用


    wb = Workbook(ACHour_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    AllRange_ACC = Range(ACSheetName, 'A2').vertical.get_address()
    LastRow_ACC = AllRange_ACC.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
    LastRow_ACC = int(LastRow_ACC)
    print LastRow_ACC

    for i in xrange(1,LastRow_ACC+1):
        SearchLocate = ('A%d'% (i))
        s = Range(ACSheetName, SearchLocate).value
        if s in Pro_Name:
            CatLocate = ('D%d'% (i))
            TargetLocate = ('H%d'% (i))
            AC_Arr.append([s[2], Range(ACSheetName, CatLocate).value,
                           Range(ACSheetName, TargetLocate).value])

    print len(AC_Arr)
    columns_AC = ['Type', 'Amount']
    index_AC = np.arange(int(ACrangeLen))
    df_ac = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns_AC, index = index_AC)
    for i in AC_Arr:
        df_ac.loc[j, 'Type']=('%s%d' % (i[0],i[1]))
        df_ac.loc[j, 'Amount']=i[2]
    #print df_ac
    AC_Result_df = df_ac.groupby(by=['Type'])['Amount'].sum()

    for i in range(0,len(AC_Result_df)-1): 
        print AC_Result_df.index[i], AC_Result_df[i]

    # # 301表 

    wb = Workbook(Tre0Uno_Sheet_Path)
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    ColumnAlphabet301 = ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']
    AllRange301 = Range('D10').vertical.get_address()
    LastRow301 = AllRange301.split(':')[1].split('$')[2]
    LastRow301 = int(LastRow301)
    LastRow301 = LastRow *3
    Tre0Uno_columns = ['PO Num', 'Req No', 'Req Description', 'A', 
                       'Current Budget', 'Exe Budget', 'C']
    Tre0Uno_index = np.arange(int(Tre0UnorangeLen))
    df_T0U = pd.DataFrame(columns=Tre0Uno_columns, index = Tre0Uno_index) 

    # #### 讀取原始301資料

    #Read 301 data into the Dataframe function
    def T0UreadRange(row):
        Val = Range(row).value
        if (Val != 0):
            for j in xrange(0,7):
                if(row[0] == ColumnAlphabet301[j]):
                    rowNum = int(row[1:])
                    df_T0U.loc[rowNum, Tre0Uno_columns[j]]=Val
                    df_T0U.loc[rowNum, 'RowID']=rowNum
    for i in xrange(7,(LastRow301+1)):
        #Change This month EAC to last month EAC
        BeforeEACName = ('J%d' % (i))
        AfterEACName = ('K%d' % (i))
        Range(AfterEACName).value = Range(BeforeEACName).value
        #Generate all columns name
        CellNameArr301 = map(lambda x:('%s%d' % (x,i)), ColumnAlphabet301)
        #Read 301 data into the Dataframe action
        map(T0UreadRange, CellNameArr301)  
    #drop N/A    
    df_T0U = df_T0U[(pd.notnull(df_T0U['Req Description']))]    

    # #### 寫入Balance Sheet

    def BSintoT0U(row):
        XColumnName = ['PO Num_x', 'A_x', 'Current Budget_x', 'Exe Budget_x', 'C_x']
        YColumnName = ['PO Num_y', 'A_y', 'Current Budget_y', 'Exe Budget_y', 'C_y']
        for checkCol in YColumnName:
            Col_IX = YColumnName.index(checkCol)
            bs_Val = row[checkCol]
            T0U_Val = row[XColumnName[Col_IX]]
            if (bs_Val != None) and (pd.isnull(bs_Val) != True) and (bs_Val != T0U_Val):
                #301 Column Name to Column Alphabet
                ColAnchor = Tre0Uno_columns.index(checkCol[:-2])
                Input_Location = ('%s%d' % (ColumnAlphabet301[ColAnchor], row['RowID']))
                Range(Input_Location).value = bs_Val
                Range(Input_Location).color = (136, 153, 238)

    #Generate the key to merge
    df_T0U['key']=df_T0U['Req No']
    df_bs['key']=df_bs['Req No']

    #merge left
    MergeItem = pd.merge(df_T0U, df_bs, on='key', how='left')
    #if Balance sheet has diff between 301
    diff =  MergeItem[(MergeItem['Current Budget_x'] != MergeItem['Current Budget_y']) | 
                      (MergeItem['PO Num_x'] != MergeItem['PO Num_y']) | 
                      (MergeItem['Exe Budget_x'] != MergeItem['Exe Budget_y']) |
                      (MergeItem['C_x'] != MergeItem['C_y'])]

    #Merge and Fill in
    diff['RELSULT'] = diff.apply(BSintoT0U, axis=1)

    # #### 填入其他費用及自辦工時

    FeeArr=[u'其他費用',u'自辦工時', u'自辦工時(MH)', u'間接分攤']
    FeeSymbol=['3','4','mh', '5']
    TypeAnchor = 0


    mhTitle =  map(lambda x:('%smh' % (x[0])), MH_Arr)

    for i in xrange(7,(LastRow301+1)):
        CheckRName = ('D%d' % (i))
        CheckTName = ('A%d' % (i))
        InputName = ('H%d' % (i))
        CheckRValue = Range(CheckRName).value
        if  CheckRValue in FeeArr:
            CheckTValue = Range(CheckTName).value
            if CheckTValue != None:
                TypeAnchor = CheckTValue[2]
                SymbolIX = FeeArr.index(CheckRValue)
                SymbolName = ('%s%s' % (TypeAnchor, FeeSymbol[SymbolIX] ))
                mhComment = Range(InputName).comment
                FillInQuery.append([SymbolName,CheckRName,InputName, mhComment])
                SymbolIX = FeeArr.index(CheckRValue)
                SymbolName = ('%s%s' % (TypeAnchor, FeeSymbol[SymbolIX] ))
                mhComment = Range(InputName).comment
                FillInQuery.append([SymbolName,CheckRName,InputName, mhComment])
    print FillInQuery

    #Fill in MH
    QueryTitleAnchor = map(lambda x:x[0], FillInQuery)
    for mhcheck in QueryTitleAnchor:
        if mhcheck in mhTitle:
            mhTrueIX = mhTitle.index(mhcheck)
            mhQueryIX = QueryTitleAnchor.index(mhcheck)
            FillinTargetRange = FillInQuery[mhQueryIX][2]
            FillinTargetComment =FillInQuery[mhQueryIX][3]
            MH_Data = int(MH_Arr[mhTrueIX][1])
            print mhcheck, MH_Arr[mhTrueIX][1] ,FillInQuery[mhQueryIX][2]
            #Check the Comment Month
            if str(format(d.month)) not in FillinTargetComment:
                # Update and Change the Comment
                print "Update"
                OValue = Range(FillinTargetRange).value
                Range(FillinTargetRange).value = OValue + MH_Data
                Range(FillinTargetRange).comment = str(format(d.month))

    #fill in other fee
    for i in range(0,len(AC_Result_df)-1): 
        if AC_Result_df.index[i] in QueryTitleAnchor:
            QueryFeeIX = QueryTitleAnchor.index(AC_Result_df.index[i])
            QueryTargetRange = FillInQuery[QueryFeeIX][2]
            FeeFillInValue = AC_Result_df[i]
            Range(QueryTargetRange).value = FeeFillInValue
            Range(QueryTargetRange).color = (136, 153, 238)
            print FillInQuery[QueryFeeIX][0], QueryTargetRange, FeeFillInValue
コード例 #46
from xlwings import Workbook, Range
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
wb = Workbook(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'reference/StaticData-mod.xlsx'))

# Storage and Markets
storages = Range('S->M', 'C1:BU1').value
markets = ['{0} ({1})'.format(row[1], row[0])
           for row in Range('S->M', 'A2:B101',
regions = Range('S->M', 'A2:A101').value
D = np.array(Range('S->M', 'C2:BU101', atleast_2d=True).value)

dist_df = pd.DataFrame({'region': regions, 'market': markets,
                        'S15_dist': D[:, storages.index('S15')],
                        'S61_dist': D[:, storages.index('S61')]})
av_dists = dist_df.groupby('region').mean()
av_dists['d'] = np.array(av_dists.min(1))

コード例 #47
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()

    s = styles[0]
    m = 's'
    mcount = 0
    print col

#        ax = fig.add_subplot(nc-1,1,i)
    l1 =ax.plot(data[:,xc],data[:,yc],marker='o', linewidth=2,label= col[yc])
#        ax.set_title(col[0],fontsize=10)
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    l2= ax2.plot(data[:,xc],data[:,yc+1],'D:r',label=col[yc+1])
    ax.set_xlabel('Grid Size',fontsize=12)
    mcount += 1
#        ax.set_ylabel(col[i])
#wb = Workbook(r'E:\Academic\ECN\CFD\Resistance Report\q2.xlsx')
wb = Workbook(r'E:\Academic\ECN\Python Scripts\book.xlsx')
cols = Range(1,"A1:D1").value

data = Range(1,'A2',asarray=1).table.value

data =data.astype('float')
コード例 #48
from xlwings import Workbook, Range
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import itertools

ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
wb = Workbook(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'reference/StaticData-mod.xlsx'))

# Storage and Plants
storages = Range('P->S', 'A2:A72').value
plants = Range('P->S', 'B1:K1').value
D = np.array(Range('P->S', 'B2:K72', atleast_2d=True).value)

# Only include the 4 storages from previous analysis.
storages_fixed = (u'S35', u'S51', u'S59', u'S73')
D_fixed = D[[storages.index(s) for s in storages_fixed], :]

# Seek to minimize the sum of the distance from each storage
# to its closest open processing plant.

# P = 1
total_distances = {}
for p in xrange(0, D_fixed.shape[1]):
    total_distances[p] = sum(D_fixed[:, p])
best = min(total_distances, key=total_distances.get)

# Return set of best plants for a given plant size P, as well as
# total distance for that plant size P.
def get_best_plants(P):
    combs = list(itertools.combinations(xrange(0, len(plants)), P))
コード例 #49
def generate_publisher_emails(pubs_combined, contacts, br):
    week_end = Range('Publisher Performance', 'C7').value + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    week_end = week_end.strftime('%m/%d')
    week_start = Range('Publisher Performance', 'C7').value.strftime('%m/%d')

    headerstyle = '<p style = "font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">'
    bodystyle = '<p style = "font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt;">'
    boldstyle = '<p style = "font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold;">'

    merged = pd.merge(pubs_combined, contacts, how= 'left', on= 'Publisher')

    pub_list =  list(merged['Publisher'].unique())
    pub_emails = list(merged['cc_emails'].unique())
    contact_emails = list(merged['Contact Email'].unique())

    outlook = win32.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')

    for i in range(0, len(pub_list)):
        if pub_list[i] == 'ASG' or pub_list[i] == 'AOD':
            br_performance = headerstyle + \
                'Brand Remessaging</p>' + \
                bodystyle + \
                'Traffic Yield - ' + str(float(br['Traffic Yield'])) + '%' + \
                '<br>' + \
                'Traffic Actions - ' + str(br['Traffic Actions'][1]) + \
                '</p>' + \
                boldstyle + \
                'Brand Remessaging Performance Chart ' + quarter_start() + ' - ' + week_end + \
            br_performance = ''

        mail = outlook.CreateItem(0)

        df = merged[merged['Publisher'] == pub_list[i]]

        if pub_list[i] == 'ASG' or pub_list[i] == 'AOD':
            greeting = 'Hi Dan and Team,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Amazon':
            greeting = 'Hi Lauren and Team,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'eBay':
            greeting = 'Hi Katie,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Magnetic':
            greeting = 'Hi Melissa,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Yahoo!':
            greeting = 'Hi Krystal,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Bazaar Voice':
            greeting = 'Hi Alexa and Todd,'
            greeting = 'Hello,'

        mail.To = str(contact_emails[i]).encode('utf-8')
        mail.CC = str(pub_emails[i]).encode('utf-8')
        mail.subject = main.qquarter() + ' 2016 DDR Performance Update: ' + \
                       week_start + '-' + week_end + ' - ' + str(pub_list[i])
        mail.HTMLBody = '<body>' + \
            bodystyle + \
            greeting + \
            '<br><br>' + \
            'Below you will find your campaign performance breakout for the beginning of ' + \
                        main.qquarter() + ' through the week ' + \
            'ending ' + week_end + '.</p>' + \
            headerstyle + \
            'DDR Performance ' + quarter_start() + ' - ' + week_end + ' (All Tactics Combined) </p>' + \
            bodystyle + \
            'CPGA - $' + str(float(df['CPGA']))[:-2] + '<br>' + 'GAs - ' + str(float(df['GAs'])) + \
            '</p>' + \
            boldstyle + \
            'DDR Performance Chart by Tactic ' + quarter_start() + ' - ' + week_end + \
            '<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>' + \
            'Optimization Notes</p>' + \
            br_performance + \
            bodystyle + \
            '<br><br><br>' + \
            'Let me know if you have any questions.' + \
            '<br><br>' + \
            'Best,' + \
コード例 #50
from xlwings import Workbook, Range
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
wb = Workbook(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'reference/StaticData-mod.xlsx'))

# Storage and Markets
storages = Range('S->M', 'C1:BU1').value
markets = ['{0} ({1})'.format(row[1], row[0])
           for row in Range('S->M', 'A2:B101',
regions = Range('S->M', 'A2:A101').value
D = np.array(Range('S->M', 'C2:BU101', atleast_2d=True).value)

# [S35, S51, S59, S73], [P02, P03, P05, P09]

dist_df = pd.DataFrame({'region': regions, 'market': markets,
                        'S35_dist': D[:, storages.index('S35')],
                        'S51_dist': D[:, storages.index('S51')],
                        'S59_dist': D[:, storages.index('S59')],
                        'S73_dist': D[:, storages.index('S73')]})
av_dists = dist_df.groupby('region').mean()
av_dists['d'] = np.array(av_dists.min(1))
コード例 #51
ファイル: prog_dashboard.py プロジェクト: saknopp/projectxl
def update_program_dashboard(program):
    print('Excel program template filename: ', filename)
    save_filename = LOCAL_DASH_PATH + 'program_dashboard_' + datetime.today().strftime("%d-%b-%Y_T%H_%M") + '.xlsx'
    wb = Workbook(filename)
    excel = wb.xl_app
    excel.visible = True
    ### milestone dashboard
    for file_key in enumerate(FILE_KEYS):
        project = program[file_key[1]]
        row = 4 + 2 * file_key[0]
        due_date_row = Range('team milestones', (row,3), (row,19))
        status_row= Range('team milestones', (row+1,3), (row+1,19))
        milestones = get_milestones(project)
        due_date_row.value = [task.get_due_date() for task in milestones]
        status_row.value = [task.status() for task in milestones]
    ### CAPA Status
    clear_range = Range('CAPA status', (2,1), (500,11))
    clear_range.value = ''
    for file_key in enumerate(FILE_KEYS):
        project = program[file_key[1]]
        project_status_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,10))
        project_status_row.value = get_project_status(project)
        capa_status_row = Range('CAPA status', (row+1,1), (row+1,10))
        capa_status_row.value = get_capa_status(project)
        row = row + 2    
        next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,10))
        IC_cat_dash = get_cat_dash(project, 'IC')
        for task_fields in IC_cat_dash:
            next_row.value = task_fields
            row = row +1 
            next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))   
        ### CA / PA dashboard
        for task_fields in get_cat_dash(project, 'CA'):
            next_row.value = task_fields 
            row = row +1 
            next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))
        for task_fields in get_cat_dash(project, 'PA'):
            if task_fields != None:
                next_row.value = task_fields
                row = row +1 
                next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))       
        ### remediation
        for task_fields in get_cat_dash(project, 'RM'):
            next_row.value = task_fields
            row = row +1
            next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))
        row = row +1

    ### Implementation
    clear_range = Range('implementation', (2,1), (500,11))
    clear_range.value = ''
    for file_key in enumerate(FILE_KEYS):
        project = program[file_key[1]]
        for procedure in get_implementation(project):        
            next_row = Range('implementation', (row,1), (row,10))
            next_row.value = procedure
            row = row + 1    
コード例 #52
from xlwings import Workbook, Range
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
wb = Workbook(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "reference/StaticData-mod.xlsx"))

# Storage and Markets
storages = Range("S->M", "C1:BU1").value
markets = ["{0} ({1})".format(row[1], row[0]) for row in Range("S->M", "A2:B101", atleast_2d=True).value]
D = np.array(Range("S->M", "C2:BU101", atleast_2d=True).value)

# Could do this recursively / with DP but this is quicker.
# S = 1
total_distances = {}
for s in xrange(0, D.shape[1]):
    total_distances[s] = sum(D[:, s])
best = min(total_distances, key=total_distances.get)

# S = 2
total_distances_2 = {}
for i in xrange(0, D.shape[1]):
    for j in xrange(i + 1, D.shape[1]):
        min_dists = [min(D[r, i], D[r, j]) for r in xrange(0, len(D))]
        total_distances_2[(storages[i], storages[j])] = sum(min_dists)
best2 = min(total_distances_2, key=total_distances_2.get)

# S = 3
コード例 #53
from xlwings import Workbook, Range
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
wb = Workbook(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'reference/StaticData-mod.xlsx'))

# Storage and Markets
storages = Range('S->M', 'C1:BU1').value
markets = Range('S->M', 'B2:B101').value
regions = Range('S->M', 'A2:A101').value
D = np.array(Range('S->M', 'C2:BU101', atleast_2d=True).value)

opt_storages = ['S35', 'S51', 'S59', 'S73']
i = storages.index('S35')
j = storages.index('S51')
k = storages.index('S59')
l = storages.index('S73')

min_dists = [min(D[r, i], D[r, j], D[r, k], D[r, l])
             for r in xrange(0, len(D))]
closest_storage_ind = [[D[r, i], D[r, j], D[r, k], D[r, l]].index(
    min(D[r, i], D[r, j], D[r, k], D[r, l])) for r in xrange(0, len(D))]
closest_df = pd.DataFrame(
    {'market': markets,
     'region': regions,
     'closest_storage': [opt_storages[s]
                         for s in closest_storage_ind]})
コード例 #54
ファイル: team_dashboard.py プロジェクト: saknopp/projectxl
def update_excel_dashboard(project):
    print('Started function.')
    ### filekey requires at least first two characters filename 
    file_key = return_file_key(project.name)
    dash_filename =  return_filename(file_key, dash_list)       
    ### dispatch project class object, importing data into Project Class    
    if dash_filename != None:
        filename = LOCAL_DASH_PATH + dash_filename
        save_filename = LOCAL_DASH_PATH + file_key + '-dashboard-' + datetime.today().strftime("%d-%b-%Y_T%H_%M") + '.xlsx'
        save_filename = LOCAL_DASH_PATH + file_key + '-dashboard-' + datetime.today().strftime("%d-%b-%Y_T%H_%M") + '.xlsx'  
    wb = Workbook(filename)
    excel = wb.xl_app
    excel.visible = True
    pending_tasks = Sheet('pending_tasks')
    project_plan = Sheet('project_plan')

    sheet_dict = {'project_plan': (project_plan, project.Task_list), 'pending_tasks': (pending_tasks, get_pending_tasks(project))}
    cat_task_dict = get_cat_task_dict(project)    
    for sheet_name in list(sheet_dict.keys())[:2]:
        row =2
        next_row = Range(sheet_dict[sheet_name][0].name, (row,1), (row,11))
        clear_range = Range(sheet_dict[sheet_name][0].name, (2,1), (500,11))
        clear_range.value = ''
        for item in sheet_dict[sheet_name][1]:
            task = item.task
            task_fields = [task.WBS, item.action, project.get_phase(item), task.Name, task.Start, task.Finish, task.Deadline, task.PercentComplete, \
            item.status(), item.status_override, item.recovery_plan]
            next_row.value = task_fields
            row = row +1
            next_row = Range(sheet_dict[sheet_name][0].name, (row,1), (row,9))
    print('Updated project plan and pending tasks.')
    ### milestone dashboard
    row = 5
    next_row = Range('milestones', (row,2), (row,4))
    for item in get_milestones(project):
        due_date = "Not assigned"
        task = item.task
        if task.Deadline != 'NA':
            if task.Deadline.date() < task.Finish.date() and task.PercentComplete != 100:
                due_date = task.Deadline
                mitigation = 'New target date: ' + task.Finish.strftime("%d-%b-%Y") + '. ' + item.recovery_plan
                due_date = task.Finish
                mitigation = item.recovery_plan
            due_date = task.Finish
            mitigation = item.recovery_plan
        task_fields = [task.Name, due_date, item.status(), mitigation]
        next_row.value = task_fields
        row = row +1
        next_row = Range('milestones', (row,2), (row,4))     
    print('Updated milestones.')
    row = 2    
    clear_range = Range('CAPA status', (2,1), (500,11))
    clear_range.value = ''
    ### project
    project_status_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,10))
    task_fields = get_project_status(project)
    project_status_row.value = task_fields
    project_status = Range('milestones', (1,4), (1,4))
    project_status.value = task_fields[6]

    capa_status_row = Range('CAPA status', (row+1,1), (row+1,10))
    task_fields = get_capa_status(project)
    capa_status_row.value = task_fields
    capa_status = Range('milestones', (2,4), (2,4))
    capa_status.value = task_fields[6]
    row = row + 2   
    ### interim controls
    next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))
    IC_cat_dash = get_cat_dash(project, 'IC')
    for task_fields in IC_cat_dash:
        next_row.value = task_fields
        row = row +1 
        next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))   
    ### CA / PA dashboard
    for task_fields in get_cat_dash(project, 'CA'):
        next_row.value = task_fields
        row = row +1 
        next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))
    for task_fields in get_cat_dash(project, 'PA'):
        if task_fields != None:
            next_row.value = task_fields
            row = row +1 
            next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))       
    ### remediation
    for task_fields in get_cat_dash(project, 'RM'):
        next_row.value = task_fields
        row = row +1 
        next_row = Range('CAPA status', (row,1), (row,11))
    print('Updated CAPA status.')

    #### implementation
    row = 2
    clear_range = Range('implementation', (2,1), (500,11))
    clear_range.value = ''
    next_row = Range('implementation', (row,1), (row,11))
    for procedure in get_implementation(project):
        next_row.value = procedure
        row = row +1
        next_row = Range('implementation', (row,1), (row,11))
    print('Updated implementation.')