def test_when_no_moves_available(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'no available moves: xxxoo....'): ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('xxxoo'), 'x') with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'no available moves: xxxoo....'): ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('xxxoo'), 'o')
def test_xeeeoeeee(self): self.assertEqual( ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('x...o'), 'x').positions, [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)])
def _convertBoard(self, board): outBoard = [] for r in range(3): for c in range(3): i = 3 * r + c if board[i] == game.Empty: t = '.' else: t = board[i].lower() outBoard.append(t) return Board.fromstring(''.join(outBoard))
def test_when_layout_is_empty(self): self.assertEqual(str(Board.fromstring()), '.........')
def setUp(self): self.board = Board.fromstring('x.xo..')
def setUp(self): self.board = Board.fromstring('x.o.o.x.x')
def test_when_layout_is_longer_than_9_characters(self): self.assertEqual(str(Board.fromstring('x oxoxo')), 'x.......o')
def test_when_layout_is_non_empty_but_shorter_than_9_characters(self): self.assertEqual(str(Board.fromstring('x')), 'x........')
async def on_message(message): if message.content == "": tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "XenoBot", description = "a0.0.1") tmpembed.set_thumbnail(url = app.user.avatar_url) await = tmpembed) return elif message.content == "": tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "Minigames", description = f"There're {len(minigames)} minigames!\n\ ` <Minigame Number>` to play minigame!") for x in range(len(minigames)): tmpembed.add_field(name = f"{x + 1}. {minigames[x][0]}", value = f"`{minigames[x][1]}`") await = tmpembed) return elif message.content == "": tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "🏓 Pong!", description = f"{str(app.latency * 1000)[:6]}ms") await = tmpembed) elif message.content.startswith(""): gamenumber = message.content[7:] if gamenumber == "1" or gamenumber == "가위바위보": tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "🖐️ 가위바위보", description = "각자 가위 또는 바위 또는 보를 내서 승부를 결정하는 게임입니다. 가위는 보를, 바위는 가위를, 보는 묵을 이길 수 있습니다. 두 명이 같은 손을 낼 시 비깁니다.") await = tmpembed) tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "가위, 바위, 보 중 하나를 선택하세요") main = await = tmpembed) await main.add_reaction("✌️") await main.add_reaction("✊") await main.add_reaction("🖐️") hands = ["✌️", "✊", "🖐️"] def check(reaction, user): return user == and str(reaction.emoji) in hands try: reaction, user = await app.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout = 5, check = check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "당신은 패배하였습니다!", description = "선택하는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸렸습니다!") await = tmpembed) return else: choiceOfCpu = random.choice(hands) if choiceOfCpu == str(reaction.emoji): tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "비겼습니다!", description = f"봇도 {choiceOfCpu}를 냈습니다!") await = tmpembed) return winlist = ["✊✌️", "✌️🖐️", "🖐️✊"] if str(reaction.emoji) + choiceOfCpu in winlist: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "당신이 이겼습니다!", description = f"봇은 {choiceOfCpu}를 냈습니다!") await = tmpembed) return else: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "봇이 이겼습니다!", description = f"봇은 {choiceOfCpu}를 냈습니다!") await = tmpembed) return elif gamenumber == "2" or gamenumber == "업다운": tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "↕️ 업다운", description = "1~100까지 숫자중 하나를 골랐을 때 그것을 맞추는 게임입니다. 기회는 총 5번 있습니다. 숫자를 추측하면 봇이 생각한 숫자보다 큰지 작은지 알려줍니다.") await = tmpembed) choiceOfCpu = random.randint(1, 100) before = "" for x in range(5): tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = f"{before}{5 - x}번의 기회가 남았습니다.", description = "1~100까지 숫자중 하나를 고르세요.") await = tmpembed) def check(msg): return == try: msg = await app.wait_for('message', timeout = 10, check = check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "봇이 승리하였습니다!", description = "선택하는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸렸습니다!") await = tmpembed) return else: try: a = int(msg.content) except: before = "숫자를 입력해 주세요. " else: if choiceOfCpu == a: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "당신이 이겼습니다!", description = f"봇이 생각한 숫자는 {choiceOfCpu}였습니다.") await = tmpembed) return elif choiceOfCpu > a: before = f"{a}보다 큽니다! " else: before = f"{a}보다 작습니다! " tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "봇이 이겼습니다!", description = f"봇이 생각한 숫자는 {choiceOfCpu}였습니다.") await = tmpembed) elif gamenumber == "3" or gamenumber == "슬라이딩 퍼즐": tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "🔠 16 슬라이딩 퍼즐", description = "각각의 타일을 밀어서 A부터 O까지 숫자를 순서대로 정렬하는 퍼즐입니다.") await = tmpembed) mixingCount = 0 tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "난이도를 선택하세요!", description = "🟩 : 쉬움\n🟧 : 보통\n🟥 : 어려움") difficulty = await = tmpembed) await difficulty.add_reaction("🟩") await difficulty.add_reaction("🟧") await difficulty.add_reaction("🟥") difficulties = ["🟩", "🟧", "🟥"] def check(reaction, user): return user == and str(reaction.emoji) in difficulties try: reaction, user = await app.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout = 40, check = check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "시간 초과!", description = "난이도를 선택하는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸렸습니다!") await = tmpembed) return else: if str(reaction.emoji) == difficulties[0]: mixingCount = random.randint(5, 10) if str(reaction.emoji) == difficulties[1]: mixingCount = random.randint(15, 25) if str(reaction.emoji) == difficulties[2]: mixingCount = random.randint(30, 50) xpt, ypt = 3, 3 doneBoard = [ [1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16] ] board = [ [1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16] ] def moveTo(mx, my, xpt, ypt): if not(0 <= (xpt + mx) < 4): return False if not(0 <= (ypt + my) < 4): return False tmp = board[ypt + my][xpt + mx] board[ypt + my][xpt + mx] = board[ypt][xpt] board[ypt][xpt] = tmp return True def boardStr(): strs = "" for y in range(4): for x in range(4): if board[y][x] == 16: strs += "🟪" else: strs += ":regional_indicator_" + ("abcdefghijklmno")[board[y][x] - 1] + ":" strs += "\n" return strs tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "타일을 섞는 중입니다.") main = await = tmpembed) await main.add_reaction("⬆") await main.add_reaction("⬇") await main.add_reaction("⬅") await main.add_reaction("➡") await main.add_reaction("🚫") cntMix, cntSolv = 0, 0 moving = "" while cntMix < mixingCount: canmove = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]] movedirc = ["⬅", "➡", "⬆", "⬇"] wantmove = random.randint(0, 3) if moveTo(canmove[wantmove][0], canmove[wantmove][1], xpt, ypt) == True: if len(moving) >= 1: if moving[len(moving) - 1] == movedirc[0] and wantmove == 1: moving = moving[0: len(moving) - 1] xpt += canmove[wantmove][0] ypt += canmove[wantmove][1] cntMix -= 1 continue if moving[len(moving) - 1] == movedirc[1] and wantmove == 0: moving = moving[0: len(moving) - 1] xpt += canmove[wantmove][0] ypt += canmove[wantmove][1] cntMix -= 1 continue if moving[len(moving) - 1] == movedirc[2] and wantmove == 3: moving = moving[0: len(moving) - 1] xpt += canmove[wantmove][0] ypt += canmove[wantmove][1] cntMix -= 1 continue if moving[len(moving) - 1] == movedirc[3] and wantmove == 2: moving = moving[0: len(moving) - 1] xpt += canmove[wantmove][0] ypt += canmove[wantmove][1] cntMix -= 1 continue xpt += canmove[wantmove][0] ypt += canmove[wantmove][1] moving += movedirc[wantmove] cntMix += 1 while 1: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "타일을 밀 방향을 선택하세요. [포기: 🚫]", description = boardStr()) await main.edit(embed = tmpembed) arrows = ["⬆", "⬇", "⬅", "➡", "🚫"] def check(reaction, user): return user == and str(reaction.emoji) in arrows try: reaction, user = await app.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout = 40, check = check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "실패하였습니다!", description = "생각하는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸렸습니다!") await = tmpembed) return else: if str(reaction.emoji) == arrows[4]: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "봇이 이겼습니다!", description = f"봇이 타일을 섞은 과정은 {moving}이었습니다.") await = tmpembed) return if str(reaction.emoji) == arrows[0]: if moveTo(0, 1, xpt, ypt) == True: ypt += 1 cntSolv += 1 if str(reaction.emoji) == arrows[1]: if moveTo(0, -1, xpt, ypt) == True: ypt += -1 cntSolv += 1 if str(reaction.emoji) == arrows[2]: if moveTo(1, 0, xpt, ypt) == True: xpt += 1 cntSolv += 1 if str(reaction.emoji) == arrows[3]: if moveTo(-1, 0, xpt, ypt) == True: xpt += -1 cntSolv += 1 try: await reaction.remove( except: time.sleep(0) if board == doneBoard: break tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "타일을 밀 방향을 선택하세요. [포기: 🚫]", description = boardStr()) await main.edit(embed = tmpembed) tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "당신이 이겼습니다!", description = f"섞으면서 타일을 움직인 횟수는 {cntMix}이고 풀면서 타일을 움직인 횟수는 {cntSolv}입니다. 봇이 타일을 섞은 과정은 {moving}이었습니다.") await = tmpembed) elif gamenumber == "4" or gamenumber == "틱택토": tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "⏺️ 틱택토", description = "번갈아 가며 칸에 표시를 하고 한 줄을 먼저 완성하면 승리합니다.") await = tmpembed) board = Board.fromstring('.') def getboard(board, selX, selY): if selY == 1: strs = ":blue_square::arrow_down::two::three:\n" if selY == 2: strs = ":blue_square::one::arrow_down::three:\n" if selY == 3: strs = ":blue_square::one::two::arrow_down:\n" a = 0 for x in range(3): if x == 0: if selX - 1 == x: strs += ":arrow_right:" else: strs += ":regional_indicator_a:" if x == 1: if selX - 1 == x: strs += ":arrow_right:" else: strs += ":regional_indicator_b:" if x == 2: if selX - 1 == x: strs += ":arrow_right:" else: strs += ":regional_indicator_c:" for y in range(3): if board[a] == '.': strs += "🟪" if board[a] == 'o': strs += ":regional_indicator_o:" if board[a] == 'x': strs += ":regional_indicator_x:" a += 1 strs += "\n" return strs tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "로딩 중입니다.") main = await = tmpembed) await main.add_reaction("🇦") await main.add_reaction("🇧") await main.add_reaction("🇨") await main.add_reaction("1️⃣") await main.add_reaction("2️⃣") await main.add_reaction("3️⃣") await main.add_reaction("☑️") selectedX, selectedY = 1, 1 while 1: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "알파벳과 숫자를 선택하고 ☑️를 눌러주세요.", description = getboard(str(board), selectedX, selectedY)) await main.edit(embed = tmpembed) choices = ["🇦", "🇧", "🇨", "1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "☑️"] def check(reaction, user): return user == and str(reaction.emoji) in choices try: reaction, user = await app.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout = 30, check = check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "당신은 패배하였습니다!", description = "칸을 고르는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸렸습니다!") await = tmpembed) return else: if str(reaction.emoji) == "☑️": if board[selectedX, selectedY] == " ": board[selectedX, selectedY] = "o" ismewin = False if board[1, 1] == board[1, 2] == board[1, 3] == "o": ismewin = True if board[2, 1] == board[2, 2] == board[2, 3] == "o": ismewin = True if board[3, 1] == board[3, 2] == board[3, 3] == "o": ismewin = True if board[1, 1] == board[2, 1] == board[3, 1] == "o": ismewin = True if board[1, 2] == board[2, 2] == board[3, 2] == "o": ismewin = True if board[1, 3] == board[2, 3] == board[3, 3] == "o": ismewin = True if board[1, 1] == board[2, 2] == board[3, 3] == "o": ismewin = True if board[1, 3] == board[2, 2] == board[1, 3] == "o": ismewin = True if ismewin: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "알파벳과 숫자를 선택하고 ☑️를 눌러주세요.", description = getboard(str(board), selectedX, selectedY)) await main.edit(embed = tmpembed) tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "당신이 이겼습니다!") await = tmpembed) return try: airesult = ai.evaluate(board, "x") aido = random.choice(airesult.positions) board[aido] = "x" ismewin = False if board[1, 1] == board[1, 2] == board[1, 3] == "x": ismewin = True if board[2, 1] == board[2, 2] == board[2, 3] == "x": ismewin = True if board[3, 1] == board[3, 2] == board[3, 3] == "x": ismewin = True if board[1, 1] == board[2, 1] == board[3, 1] == "x": ismewin = True if board[1, 2] == board[2, 2] == board[3, 2] == "x": ismewin = True if board[1, 3] == board[2, 3] == board[3, 3] == "x": ismewin = True if board[1, 1] == board[2, 2] == board[3, 3] == "x": ismewin = True if board[1, 3] == board[2, 2] == board[1, 3] == "x": ismewin = True if ismewin: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "알파벳과 숫자를 선택하고 ☑️를 눌러주세요.", description = getboard(str(board), selectedX, selectedY)) await main.edit(embed = tmpembed) tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "봇이 이겼습니다!") await = tmpembed) return except: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "알파벳과 숫자를 선택하고 ☑️를 눌러주세요.", description = getboard(str(board), selectedX, selectedY)) await main.edit(embed = tmpembed) tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "비겼습니다!") await = tmpembed) return elif str(reaction.emoji) == "🇦": selectedX = 1 elif str(reaction.emoji) == "🇧": selectedX = 2 elif str(reaction.emoji) == "🇨": selectedX = 3 elif str(reaction.emoji) == "1️⃣": selectedY = 1 elif str(reaction.emoji) == "2️⃣": selectedY = 2 elif str(reaction.emoji) == "3️⃣": selectedY = 3 try: await reaction.remove( except: time.sleep(0) else: tmpembed = discord.Embed(title = "Unknown Minigame Number", description = "Send ``to show minigames list") await = tmpembed) if message.content.startswith("z.eval") and isModer( await[7:])) elif message.content.startswith("z.exec") and isModer( exec(message.content[7:])
def test_when_not_token_turn(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "not x's turn to play: xxo......"): ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('xxo'), 'x')
def test_when_board_is_invalid(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid board: xxx......'): ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('xxx'), 'x') with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid board: xxx......'): ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('xxx'), 'o')
def test_when_not_a_token(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'must be a token: .'): ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring(), '.')
def test_xeooeexex(self): self.assertEqual( ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('x.oo..x.x'), 'o').positions, [(1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2)])
def test_xeeeeeeee(self): self.assertEqual( ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('x'), 'o').positions, [(2, 2)])
def test_xoexoeeee(self): self.assertEqual( ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('xo.xo.'), 'o').positions, [(3, 2)])
def setUp(self): self.board = Board.fromstring('x...o')
def test_when_layout_contains_non_pieces(self): self.assertEqual(str(Board.fromstring('x.o-*x1o^')), 'x.o..x.o.')
def test_eeeexeeee(self): self.assertEqual( ai.evaluate(Board.fromstring('....x'), 'o').positions, [(1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (3, 3)])