コード例 #1
def create_profile(args, config):
    Generate a new .ini style configuration section for the current EDID.
    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()
    current_edid = screen.get_edid()

    for profile in config.sections():
        log.error('A profile `{0}` already exists for EDID `{1}`.'.format(
            profile, current_edid))
        return 1

    name = args.description or '{0}\'s xrandr profile'.format(args.profile)
    xrandr_args = ' '.join(screen.get_xrandr_options())

    if not args.dry_run:
        config.set(args.profile, 'name', name)
        config.set(args.profile, 'edid', current_edid)
        config.set(args.profile, 'args', xrandr_args)
        config.write(open(args.config, 'w'))
        print('Profile created in {0}'.format(args.config))
        print('name = {0}'.format(name))
        print('edid = {0}'.format(current_edid))
        print('args = {0}'.format(xrandr_args))

    return 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: Mischi/xprofile
def create_profile(args, config):
    Generate a new .ini style configuration section for the current EDID.
    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()
    current_edid = screen.get_edid()

    for profile in config.sections():
        log.error('A profile `{0}` already exists for EDID `{1}`.'.format(profile, current_edid))
        return 1

    name = args.description or '{0}\'s xrandr profile'.format(args.profile)
    xrandr_args = ' '.join(screen.get_xrandr_options())

    if not args.dry_run:
        config.set(args.profile, 'name', name)
        config.set(args.profile, 'edid', current_edid)
        config.set(args.profile, 'args', xrandr_args)
        config.write(open(args.config, 'w'))
        print('Profile created in {0}'.format(args.config))
        print('name = {0}'.format(name))
        print('edid = {0}'.format(current_edid))
        print('args = {0}'.format(xrandr_args))

    return 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: nrocco/xprofile
def _get_current_screen_and_edid():
    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()
    current_edid = screen.get_edid()

    log.debug('Edid of your current screen is: {0}'.format(current_edid))

    return (screen, current_edid)
コード例 #4
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: Mischi/xprofile
def get_current_state(args, config):
    Print the current EDID to stdout
    Print the current xrandr configuration
    # TODO: detecting if profile active, or not
    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()

    print('edid = {0}'.format(screen.get_edid()))
    print('args = {0}'.format(' '.join(screen.get_xrandr_options())))

    return 0
コード例 #5
def get_current_state(args, config):
    Print the current EDID to stdout
    Print the current xrandr configuration
    # TODO: detecting if profile active, or not
    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()

    print('edid = {0}'.format(screen.get_edid()))
    print('args = {0}'.format(' '.join(screen.get_xrandr_options())))

    return 0
コード例 #6
def test_xrandr_get_screen_docked(Popen):
    with open('test/docked.txt', 'rb') as file:
        xrandr_stdout = file.read()

    Popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = (xrandr_stdout, None)
    Popen.return_value.wait.return_value = 0

    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()

    assert Popen.called
    assert Popen.call_args[0][0] == ['/usr/bin/xrandr', '--verbose']
    assert len(screen['displays']) == 8

    for index in [0, 5, 6]:
        assert screen['displays'][index]['connected'] == True
        assert screen['displays'][index]['status'] == 'connected'
        assert type(screen['displays'][index]['edid']) == list
        assert type(screen['displays'][index]['modes']) == dict

    for index in [1, 2, 3, 4, 7]:
        assert screen['displays'][index]['connected'] == False
        assert screen['displays'][index]['status'] == 'disconnected'
        assert screen['displays'][index]['geometry'] == None
        assert screen['displays'][index]['primary'] == False
        assert screen['displays'][index]['active'] == False
        assert screen['displays'][index]['mode'] == None
        assert type(screen['displays'][index]['edid']) == list
        assert type(screen['displays'][index]['modes']) == dict

    assert screen['displays'][0]['name'] == 'LVDS1'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['geometry'] == None
    assert screen['displays'][0]['mode'] == None
    assert '(0x4b)' in screen['displays'][0]['modes']

    assert screen['displays'][5]['name'] == 'HDMI3'
    assert screen['displays'][5]['geometry']['dimension'] == '1080x1920'
    assert screen['displays'][5]['geometry']['offset'] == '1930x0'
    assert screen['displays'][5]['rotation'] == 'left'
    assert screen['displays'][5]['mode'] in screen['displays'][5]['modes']
    assert screen['displays'][5]['mode'] == '(0xc9)'
    assert screen['displays'][5]['modes']['(0xc9)']['current'] == True

    assert screen['displays'][6]['name'] == 'DP2'
    assert screen['displays'][6]['geometry']['dimension'] == '1920x1080'
    assert screen['displays'][6]['geometry']['offset'] == '0x500'

    assert screen.get_xrandr_options() == [
        '--output', 'LVDS1', '--off',
        '--output', 'HDMI3', '--mode', '1920x1080', '--pos', '1930x0', '--rotate', 'left',
        '--output', 'DP2',   '--primary', '--mode', '1920x1080', '--pos', '0x500'

    assert screen.get_edid() == 'c2989146488f57fa9dc5f7efc263b0fd'
コード例 #7
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: Mischi/xprofile
def activate_profile(args, config):
    Either activate the given profile, or if no profile is given
    automatically select a known profile by comparing the hashes of
    xrandr = Xrandr()

    if not args.profile:
        log.info('Determining EDID hash of the current screen...')
        screen = xrandr.get_screen()
        current_edid = screen.get_edid()
        current_profile = None

        log.info('Current EDID: {0}'.format(current_edid))
        log.info('Search through known profiles...')

        for profile in config.sections():
            if config.get(profile, 'edid') == current_edid:
                current_profile = profile
                log.warn('Known profile found for this screen: %s', profile)

        if not current_profile:
            current_profile = 'DEFAULT'
            log.error('No known profile found, falling back to defaults')

        args.profile = current_profile

    elif not config.has_section(args.profile):
        log.error('No known profile found with name: %s', args.profile)
        return 1

    log.info('Activating profile %s...', args.profile)
    xrandr_args = split(config.get(args.profile, 'args'))

    log.info('Calling xrandr: %s', ' '.join(xrandr_args))

    if args.dry_run:
        log.warn('Not calling xrandr because --dry-run option detected')

        return 0


    if config.has_option(args.profile, 'exec_post'):
        exec_post = config.get(args.profile, 'exec_post')

        log.info('Calling exec_post: %s', exec_post)
        proc = Popen(split(exec_post), stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)

    return 0
コード例 #8
def activate_profile(args, config):
    Either activate the given profile, or if no profile is given
    automatically select a known profile by comparing the hashes of
    xrandr = Xrandr()

    if not args.profile:
        log.info('Determining EDID hash of the current screen...')
        screen = xrandr.get_screen()
        current_edid = screen.get_edid()
        current_profile = None

        log.info('Current EDID: {0}'.format(current_edid))
        log.info('Search through known profiles...')

        for profile in config.sections():
            if config.get(profile, 'edid') == current_edid:
                current_profile = profile
                log.warn('Known profile found for this screen: %s', profile)

        if not current_profile:
            current_profile = 'DEFAULT'
            log.error('No known profile found, falling back to defaults')

        args.profile = current_profile

    elif not config.has_section(args.profile):
        log.error('No known profile found with name: %s', args.profile)
        return 1

    log.info('Activating profile %s...', args.profile)
    xrandr_args = split(config.get(args.profile, 'args'))

    log.info('Calling xrandr: %s', ' '.join(xrandr_args))

    if args.dry_run:
        log.warn('Not calling xrandr because --dry-run option detected')

        return 0


    if config.has_option(args.profile, 'exec_post'):
        exec_post = config.get(args.profile, 'exec_post')

        log.info('Calling exec_post: %s', exec_post)
        proc = Popen(split(exec_post), stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)

    return 0
コード例 #9
def test_xrandr_get_screen_multiple(Popen):
    with open('test/multi_screen.txt', 'rb') as file:
        xrandr_stdout = file.read()

    Popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = (xrandr_stdout, None)
    Popen.return_value.wait.return_value = 0

    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()

    assert Popen.called
    assert Popen.call_args[0][0] == ['/usr/bin/xrandr', '--verbose']
    assert len(screen['displays']) == 3

    assert screen['displays'][0]['name'] == 'VGA1'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['connected'] == True
    assert screen['displays'][0]['status'] == 'connected'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['geometry']['dimension'] == '1280x1024'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['geometry']['offset'] == '0x0'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['active'] == True
    assert screen['displays'][0]['rotation'] == None
    assert screen['displays'][0]['primary'] == False
    assert type(screen['displays'][0]['edid']) == list
    assert type(screen['displays'][0]['modes']) == dict

    assert screen['displays'][1]['name'] == 'DVI1'
    assert screen['displays'][1]['connected'] == True
    assert screen['displays'][1]['status'] == 'connected'
    assert screen['displays'][1]['geometry']['dimension'] == '1280x1024'
    assert screen['displays'][1]['geometry']['offset'] == '1280x0'
    assert screen['displays'][1]['active'] == True
    assert screen['displays'][1]['rotation'] == None
    assert screen['displays'][1]['primary'] == False
    assert type(screen['displays'][1]['edid']) == list
    assert type(screen['displays'][1]['modes']) == dict

    assert screen['displays'][2]['name'] == 'TV1'
    assert screen['displays'][2]['connected'] == False
    assert screen['displays'][2]['status'] == 'unknown connection'
    assert screen['displays'][2]['geometry'] == None
    assert type(screen['displays'][2]['edid']) == list
    assert type(screen['displays'][2]['modes']) == dict

    assert screen.get_xrandr_options() == [
        '--output', 'VGA1', '--mode', '1280x1024', '--pos', '0x0',
        '--output', 'DVI1', '--mode', '1280x1024', '--pos', '1280x0'

    assert screen.get_edid() == 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
コード例 #10
def test_call_xrandr_set_display(Popen):
    Popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = (b'', None)
    Popen.return_value.wait.return_value = 0


    assert Popen.called
    assert Popen.call_args[1]['env']['DISPLAY'] == ':1'
コード例 #11
def test_xrandr_get_screen_laptop(Popen):
    with open('test/laptop.txt', 'rb') as file:
        xrandr_stdout = file.read()

    Popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = (xrandr_stdout, None)
    Popen.return_value.wait.return_value = 0

    screen = Xrandr().get_screen()

    assert Popen.called
    assert Popen.call_args[0][0] == ['/usr/bin/xrandr', '--verbose']
    assert len(screen['displays']) == 8

    assert screen['displays'][0]['name'] == 'LVDS1'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['connected'] == True
    assert screen['displays'][0]['status'] == 'connected'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['mode'] == '(0x4b)'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['mode'] in screen['displays'][0]['modes']
    assert screen['displays'][0]['modes']['(0x4b)']['current'] == True
    assert screen['displays'][0]['geometry']['dimension'] == '1920x1080'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['geometry']['offset'] == '0x0'
    assert screen['displays'][0]['rotation'] == None

    assert type(screen['displays'][0]['edid']) == list
    assert type(screen['displays'][0]['modes']) == dict

    for display in screen['displays'][1:]:
        assert display['connected'] == False
        assert display['status'] == 'disconnected'
        assert display['geometry'] == None
        assert display['primary'] == False
        assert display['active'] == False
        assert display['mode'] == None
        assert type(display['edid']) == list
        assert type(display['modes']) == dict

    assert screen.get_xrandr_options() == [
        '--output', 'LVDS1', '--mode', '1920x1080', '--pos', '0x0'

    assert screen.get_edid() == 'cfdee1377d86e245f2d187082f7a504a'
コード例 #12
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: nrocco/xprofile
def activate_profile(args, config):
    Either activate the given profile, or if no profile is given
    automatically select a known profile by comparing the hashes of
    xrandr = Xrandr()

    if not args.profile:
        screen, current_edid = _get_current_screen_and_edid()
        args.profile = _get_profile_with_edid(current_edid, config)

        if not args.profile:
            log.error('No known profile found, falling back to DEFAULT')
            args.profile = 'DEFAULT'

    elif not config.has_section(args.profile):
        log.error('No known profile found with name: {0}'.format(args.profile))
        return 1

    log.debug('Activating profile {0}...'.format(args.profile))
    xrandr_args = split(config.get(args.profile, 'args'))

    log.debug('Calling xrandr: {0}'.format(' '.join(xrandr_args)))

    if args.dry_run:
        log.warn('Not calling xrandr because --dry-run option detected')

        return 0


    if config.has_option(args.profile, 'exec_post'):
        exec_post = config.get(args.profile, 'exec_post')

        log.debug('Calling exec_post: {0}'.format(exec_post))
        proc = Popen(split(exec_post), stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)

    return 0
コード例 #13
def test_call_xrandr_failure(Popen):
    Popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = (None, 'An unknown error occurred.')
    Popen.return_value.wait.return_value = 1

        edid = Xrandr().get_screen()
    except RuntimeError as err:
        assert str(err) == 'xrandr error: An unknown error occurred.'
        assert False, 'Failed to raise RuntimeError'

    assert Popen.called
    assert Popen.call_args[0][0] == ['/usr/bin/xrandr', '--verbose']