예제 #1
    def __init__(self, slave_components):
        Component.__init__(self, name='mm_master')

        self.slave_components = slave_components

        # Create a list of peripherals to pass to QSYS generator
        peripheral_list = []
        auto_base_address = 0x5000
        for slave_component in slave_components:
            for mm_reg in slave_component.mm_regs:
                name = mm_reg[0]
                word_addr_w = mm_reg[1]
                fixed_base_address = mm_reg[3]
                base_address = fixed_base_address

                if fixed_base_address==None:
                    byte_span = (2**word_addr_w)*4 # *4 because QSYS uses byte addressing
                    # QSYS wants the base address to be a multiple of the byte span,
                    # fine tune the rough base address to exact, correct address here:
                    auto_base_address = ceil_div(auto_base_address, byte_span) * byte_span
                    # Append this peripheral at this base address to the list to be generated
                    base_address = auto_base_address
                    # Prepare the next base_address (*roughly*)
                    auto_base_address = auto_base_address+byte_span

                peripheral_list.append( (name, base_address, word_addr_w) )

        # Use the base QSYS file
        input_qsys = os.environ['RADIOHDL']+'/tools/oneclick/base/unb2.qsys'

        # Create the QSYS file
        # FIXME - Workaround: we need eth1g buses everywhere but in the QSYS itself - dedicated component is already there.
        peripheral_list_minus_eth1g = []
        for periph in peripheral_list:
            if 'eth1g' not in periph[0]:
        generate_qsys(input_qsys, peripheral_list_minus_eth1g, 'generated/qsys_mm_master.qsys')

        # Create MMM wrapper for the generated QSYS
        # . No Python function to call, so we need to execute the mmm_gen.py script on the command line?
        # FIXME - mmm_gen.py errors out and is difficult to integrate. Using self.generate() isntead.

        # Create this (mm_master.vhd) VHDL instance   
        vhdl_inst_mid = ''
        for slave_component in slave_components:
            for mm_reg in slave_component.mm_regs:
#                print mm_reg
                name = mm_reg[0]
                vhdl_inst_mid+=',\n    %s_mosi =>  %s_mosi,\n    %s_miso =>  %s_miso' %(name,name,name,name)
#                print vhdl_inst_mid
        self.vhdl_instance = VHDL_INST_TOP+vhdl_inst_mid+VHDL_INST_BOTTOM

        self.vhdl_lib = ''
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, name, slave_components, synth_master = 'QSYS'):
        Entity.__init__(self, name)
        self.slave_components = slave_components
        self.synth_master = 'QSYS'
        self.mmmconfig = mmm_config.MmmConfig(mmmLibraryName = name)
        # Create mmm_conf dictionary based on included slave components. 
        if self.slave_components != []: # Sub-components determine the contents of this generated file (e.g. top level)    
            for component in self.slave_components: 
                for registerSpan in component.mm_regs:
            for registerSpan in self.mmmconfig.peripherals:
                print registerSpan 
        # Add default generics
        self.add_generic( "g_sim",         "BOOLEAN", "FALSE")
        self.add_generic( "g_sim_unb_nr",  "NATURAL", "0")
        self.add_generic( "g_sim_node_nr", "NATURAL", "0")
        # Add input clks
        if "mm_clk" in self.mmmconfig.input_clks:
            self.add_port("mm_clk",     "IN", "STD_LOGIC", "\'1\'")      
            self.add_port("mm_rst",     "IN", "STD_LOGIC", "\'1\'")              
        # Add UNB1 board peripherals
        for s in self.mmmconfig.peripherals:   
            # Extra signals for ethernet peripheral
            if(s[0] == "eth1g_ram"): 
                #self.add_port("eth1g_tse_clk",       "OUT", "STD_LOGIC")      
                self.add_port("eth1g_mm_rst",        "OUT", "STD_LOGIC")    
                self.add_port("eth1g_reg_interrupt", "IN", "STD_LOGIC")   
            # Extra signal for Watchdog interface
            if(s[0] == "reg_wdi"):                              
                self.add_port("pout_wdi", "OUT",  "STD_LOGIC", "\'1\'") 
            self.add_port(s[0] + "_mosi",     "OUT", "t_mem_mosi")      
            self.add_port(s[0] + "_miso",     "IN", "t_mem_miso", "c_mem_miso_rst") 
        print self.make_instantiation_string()

        # Create a list of peripherals to pass to QSYS generator
        peripheral_list = []
        auto_base_address = 0x5000
        for slave_component in self.slave_components:
            for mm_reg in slave_component.mm_regs:
                name = mm_reg[0]
                word_addr_w = mm_reg[1]
                fixed_base_address = mm_reg[3]
                base_address = fixed_base_address

                if fixed_base_address==None:
                    byte_span = (2**word_addr_w)*4 # *4 because QSYS uses byte addressing
                    # QSYS wants the base address to be a multiple of the byte span,
                    # fine tune the rough base address to exact, correct address here:
                    auto_base_address = ceil_div(auto_base_address, byte_span) * byte_span
                    # Append this peripheral at this base address to the list to be generated
                    base_address = auto_base_address
                    # Prepare the next base_address (*roughly*)
                    auto_base_address = auto_base_address+byte_span

                peripheral_list.append( (name, base_address, word_addr_w) )

        # Use the base QSYS file
        input_qsys = os.environ['RADIOHDL']+'/tools/oneclick/base/qsys_input.qsys'

        # Create the QSYS file
        # FIXME - Workaround: we need eth1g buses everywhere but in the QSYS itself - dedicated component is already there.
        peripheral_list_minus_eth1g = []
        for periph in peripheral_list:
            if 'eth1g' not in periph[0]:
        generate_qsys(input_qsys, peripheral_list_minus_eth1g, 'generated/qsys_mm_master.qsys')

        # Create MMM wrapper for the generated QSYS
        # . No Python function to call, so we need to execute the mmm_gen.py script on the command line?
        # FIXME - mmm_gen.py errors out and is difficult to integrate. Using self.generate() isntead.

        # Create this (mm_master.vhd) VHDL instance   
        vhdl_inst_mid = ''
        for slave_component in slave_components:
            for mm_reg in slave_component.mm_regs:
#                print mm_reg
                name = mm_reg[0]
                vhdl_inst_mid+=',\n    %s_mosi =>  %s_mosi,\n    %s_miso =>  %s_miso' %(name,name,name,name)
#                print vhdl_inst_mid
        self.vhdl_instance = VHDL_INST_TOP+vhdl_inst_mid+VHDL_INST_BOTTOM

        self.vhdl_lib = ''