예제 #1
def get_auth_stub(config):
    Given a config dict in the format:

        {'clientid': ... your ET client ID ...,
         'clientsecret': ... your ET client secret ...}

    ... return an auth stub to be used when making requests.
    LOGGER.info("Generating auth stub...")

    params = {
        'clientid': config['client_id'],
        'clientsecret': config['client_secret']

    if config.get('tenant_subdomain'):
        # For S10+ accounts: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/your-subdomain-tenant-specific-endpoints.htm

        params['authenticationurl'] = ('https://{}.auth.marketingcloudapis.com/v1/requestToken'
        LOGGER.info("Authentication URL is: %s", params['authenticationurl'])
        params['soapendpoint'] = ('https://{}.soap.marketingcloudapis.com/Service.asmx'

    # First try V1
        LOGGER.info('Trying to authenticate using V1 endpoint')
        params['useOAuth2Authentication'] = "False"
        auth_stub = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params=params)
        transport = HttpAuthenticated(timeout=int(config.get('request_timeout', 3600)))
            transport=transport, timeout=3600)
        return auth_stub
    except Exception as e:
        LOGGER.info('Failed to auth using V1 endpoint')
        if not config.get('tenant_subdomain'):
            LOGGER.warning('No tenant_subdomain found, will not attempt to auth with V2 endpoint')
            raise e

    # Next try V2
    # Move to OAuth2: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=mc_rn_january_2019_platform_ip_remove_legacy_package_create_ability.htm&type=5
        LOGGER.info('Trying to authenticate using V2 endpoint')
        params['useOAuth2Authentication'] = "True"
        params['authenticationurl'] = ('https://{}.auth.marketingcloudapis.com'
        LOGGER.info("Authentication URL is: %s", params['authenticationurl'])
        auth_stub = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params=params)
        transport = HttpAuthenticated(timeout=int(config.get('request_timeout', 3600)))
            transport=transport, timeout=3600)
    except Exception as e:
        LOGGER.info('Failed to auth using V2 endpoint')
        raise e

    return auth_stub
예제 #2
 def authenticate(self, client_id=None, client_secret=None, debug=False):
     if client_id is None or client_secret is None:
         self.client = FuelSDK.ET_Client(debug=debug)
         self.client = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params={
             'clientid': client_id,
             'clientsecret': client_secret
예제 #3
def get_auth_stub(config):
    Given a config dict in the format:

        {'clientid': ... your ET client ID ...,
         'clientsecret': ... your ET client secret ...}

    ... return an auth stub to be used when making requests.
    LOGGER.info("Generating auth stub...")

    params = {
        'clientid': config['client_id'],
        'clientsecret': config['client_secret']

    if config.get('tenant_subdomain'):
        # For S10+ accounts: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/your-subdomain-tenant-specific-endpoints.htm
        params['authenticationurl'] = (
        params['soapendpoint'] = (

    auth_stub = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params=params)
    transport = HttpAuthenticated(
        timeout=int(config.get('request_timeout', 900)))


    return auth_stub
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, get_server_wsdl=False, debug=False, params=None):
        if debug:

        self.client = FuelSDK.ET_Client(get_server_wsdl=get_server_wsdl,
def retrieve_auth_token(account):
    print(f'{Fore.YELLOW}==== Retrieving Credentials for {account} ====')
    credentials = get_secrets(account)

    return FuelSDK.ET_Client(
        False, False, {
            "clientid": credentials['client_id'],
            "clientsecret": credentials['client_secret']
예제 #6
def de_create(de_name, folderID):
        debug = False
        stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug)
        target_de = str(de_name)
        target_folder = int(folderID)  #502  #API_GEN

        # Create  Data Extension
        print('Creating Data Extension %s' % target_de)
        de = f.ET_DataExtension()
        de.auth_stub = stubObj

        de.props = {
            "Name": target_de,
            "CustomerKey": target_de,
            "CategoryID": target_folder
        # de.columns = get_columns(table_name)
        de.columns = get_columns_with_datatypes(
            table_name)  # switched to new version with data types

        # de.columns = [{'Name': 'sk', 'FieldType': 'Decimal', 'MaxLength': '38'},
        #               {'Name': 'id', 'FieldType': 'Text', 'MaxLength': '1024'}]

        print("DE_COLUMNS = %s" % de.columns)

        properties = de.props
        de.search_filter = {
            'Property': 'CustomerKey',
            'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
            'Value': target_de
        filter = de.search_filter
        de_exists = de.get(properties, filter)

        if len(de_exists.results) == 0:  # If DE does not exist, post
            post_response = de.post()
            print('Post Status: ' + str(post_response.status))
            print('Code: ' + str(post_response.code))
            print('Message: ' + str(post_response.message))
            print('Results: ' + str(post_response.results))
            # pass
            # TODO: Drop and Recreate DE - [COMPLETED]
            print("Warning: DE exists. Deleting DE %s" % target_de)
            delResponse = de.delete()
            print('Delete Status: ' + str(delResponse.status))
            print('Code: ' + str(delResponse.code))

            print("Creating DE %s" % target_de)
            post_response = de.post()
            print('Post Status: ' + str(post_response.status))
            print('Code: ' + str(post_response.code))

    except Exception as e:
        print('Caught exception: ' + str(e))
예제 #7
def load_de(table_name, de_name):

    debug = False
    stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug)
    DE_NAME = de_name
    FOLDER_ID = 502  # API_GEN
    de_to_load = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
    de_to_load.CustomerKey = de_name
    de_to_load.auth_stub = stubObj
    # de_to_load.props = {"Col1": "Value1", "Col2": "Value2"}
    de_to_load.props = fetch_table_data(table_name)
    de_loaded_response = de_to_load.post()
예제 #8
def get_subscriberkey(EmailAddress):

    headers = {
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': get_auth_token()
    if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '')
            and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)):
        ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

    debug = False
    stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug)

    row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
    row.auth_stub = stubObj

    # define DE List
    # deList = list()
    # deList = ['DE_order_confirm']
    # deList = ['DE_order_confirm', 'DE_password_reset', 'DE_password_changed',
    #               'DE_pdt_print_ready', 'DE_pdt_proof_ready', 'DE_photo_share_receiver',
    #               'DE_photo_share_sender', 'DE_share_project_receiver']
    # nameOfDE = 'DE_password_reset'
    # loop over DE list

    de = 'DE_SF_USER_D'

    row.CustomerKey = str(de)

    row.props = ["USERID"]

    # set search filter
    row.search_filter = {
        'Property': 'CURR_EMAIL_ADDRESS',
        'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
        'Value': EmailAddress
    getResponse = row.get()

    data = dict()

    if len(getResponse.results) > 0:
        data = {
            "name": getResponse.results[0].Properties.Property[0].Name,
            "value": getResponse.results[0].Properties.Property[0].Value
        data = {"Message": str(getResponse.results)}

    return data
예제 #9
def get_auth_stub(config):
    Given a config dict in the format:

        {'clientid': ... your ET client ID ...,
         'clientsecret': ... your ET client secret ...}

    ... return an auth stub to be used when making requests.
    LOGGER.info("Generating auth stub...")

    auth_stub = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params={
        'clientid': config['client_id'],
        'clientsecret': config['client_secret']
        timeout=int(config.get('request_timeout', 900)))


    return auth_stub
예제 #10
def get_auth_stub(config):
    Given a config dict in the format:

        {'clientid': ... your ET client ID ...,
         'clientsecret': ... your ET client secret ...}

    ... return an auth stub to be used when making requests.
    LOGGER.info("Generating auth stub...")

    params = {
        'clientid': config['client_id'],
        'clientsecret': config['client_secret']

    if config.get('tenant_subdomain'):
        # For S10+ accounts: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/your-subdomain-tenant-specific-endpoints.htm
        # Move to OAuth2: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=mc_rn_january_2019_platform_ip_remove_legacy_package_create_ability.htm&type=5
        if config.get('use_oauth2') == "True":
            params['useOAuth2Authentication'] = "True"
            params['authenticationurl'] = ('https://{}.auth.marketingcloudapis.com'
            params['useOAuth2Authentication'] = "False"
            params['authenticationurl'] = ('https://{}.auth.marketingcloudapis.com/v1/requestToken'

        LOGGER.debug(f"Authentication URL is: {params['authenticationurl']}")
        params['soapendpoint'] = ('https://{}.soap.marketingcloudapis.com/Service.asmx'

    auth_stub = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params=params)
    transport = HttpAuthenticated(timeout=int(config.get('request_timeout', 900)))


    return auth_stub
# Add a require statement to reference the Fuel SDK's functionality:
import FuelSDK

# Next, create an instance of the ET_Client class:
myClient = FuelSDK.ET_Client()

# Create an instance of the object type we want to work with:
list = FuelSDK.ET_List()

# Associate the ET_Client to the object using the auth_stub property:
list.auth_stub = myClient

# Utilize one of the ET_List methods:
response = list.get()

# Print out the results for viewing
print('Post Status: ' + str(response.status))
print('Code: ' + str(response.code))
print('Message: ' + str(response.message))
print('Result Count: ' + str(len(response.results)))
print('Results: ' + str(response.results))
예제 #12
    def get(self, emailType, correlationId):
            Fetch sends for a given emailType and correlationId
              - SFMC
              - in: path
                name: emailType
                required: true
                description: The emailType of the send, try password_reset.
                type: string
              - in: path
                name: correlationId
                required: true
                description: The correlationId  of the send, try TEST
                type: string
                description: Results from Salesforce

        # requestToken
        token_url = "https://auth.exacttargetapis.com/v1/requestToken"
        headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
        token_data = {
            "clientId": config.clientid,
            "clientSecret": config.clientsecret

        response = requests.post(token_url, json=token_data, headers=headers)

        token = json.loads(response.text)

        # print("access token =" + str(token['accessToken']))
        access_token = ''.join(token['accessToken'])

        # request token
        auth_token = 'Bearer ' + access_token  # Bearer Token
        # print("auth_token = " + auth_token)

        # SSL context verification

        if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '')
                and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)):
            ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

        debug = False
        stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug)

        if emailType.lower() == 'password_reset':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" %
                              (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'order_confirm':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)
            # print("# records  = %s" % len(getResponse.results))

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'password_changed':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'pdt_print_ready':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'pdt_proof_ready':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'photo_share_receiver':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'photo_share_sender':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'share_project_receiver':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'share_project_sender':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'ship_confirm':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'welcome':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        elif emailType.lower() == 'new_prospect_request':

            row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
            row.auth_stub = stubObj

            nameOfDE = emailType.lower()
            row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

            # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
            # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
            row.props = [
                "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType',
                'uid', 'timestamp_DT'

            # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'

            # set search filter
            row.search_filter = {
                'Property': 'correlationId',
                'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
                'Value': correlationId

            getResponse = row.get()

            data = list()
            data_dict = {}

            records_found = len(getResponse.results)

            if records_found > 0:

                results = getResponse.results
                for i, j in enumerate(results):
                    # print("%s-%s"%(i,j))
                    for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property):
                        # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q)))
                        # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value))
                        data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value})

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)

                # REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354001/python-json-object-must-be-str-bytes-or-bytearray-not-dict


                data = []

                response_dict = {
                    "status": 'success',
                    "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce',
                    "data": data

                response_str = json.dumps(response_dict)
                response = json.loads(response_str)


        return response
예제 #13
 def __init__(self, sfmc_creds):
     Initialize ET_Client object for the client
     self.sfmc_client = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params=sfmc_creds)
     logging.info("Authentication success with SFMC........")
import time
from collections import Iterable

import FuelSDK
from FuelSDK.data_extension_upsert import SalesforceConnector, DataCollector

client = FuelSDK.ET_Client(params={
    'clientid': '',
    'clientsecret': '',
    'defaultwsdl': "",
    'authenticationurl': "",
    'baseapiurl': "",
    'soapendpoint': "",
    'useOAuth2Authentication': '',
    'accountid': 0

class RedshiftCollector:

    def __init__(self, connection):
        self._rs_connection = connection

    def iterator(self, rate=1000, offset=0, limit=None):
        retry_count = 0
        fetched_rows = 0

        while (limit is None or fetched_rows + offset < limit) and retry_count < 50:
                rs_cursor = self._rs_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
                optimize_limit = min(rate, limit - fetched_rows) if limit else 'ALL'
예제 #15
def run_job():
    print "Job starts "
    print 'current time ' + str(datetime.now())
    time = datetime.now()
    filename = 'Data/Click_Event/' + 'click_event_' + str(
        time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) + '.json'

    # Create cut-off from and to dates
    fromDate = audit_log_extracts(None, None, 1)
    toDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

        debug = False
        stubObj = FuelSDK.ET_Client(False, debug)

        print '>>> Retrieve Filtered BounceEvents with GetMoreResults'
        getClickEvent = FuelSDK.ET_ClickEvent()
        getClickEvent.auth_stub = stubObj
        getClickEvent.props = [
            "SendID", "SubscriberKey", "EventDate", "Client.ID", "EventType",
            "BatchID", "TriggeredSendDefinitionObjectID", "PartnerKey"
        from_filter = {
            'Property': 'EventDate',
            'SimpleOperator': 'greaterThan',
            'DateValue': fromDate
        to_filter = {
            'Property': 'EventDate',
            'SimpleOperator': 'lessThan',
            'DateValue': toDate
        getClickEvent.search_filter = {
            'LeftOperand': from_filter,
            'LogicalOperator': 'AND',
            'RightOperand': to_filter
        getResponse = getClickEvent.get()

        file = open(filename, 'w')
        for x in getResponse.results:
            res = dict(x)
            y = dict(res['Client'])
            del res['Client']
            res['Client'] = str(y['ID'])
            res = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in res.iteritems())
            result = json.dumps(res,
                                separators=(',', ': '))

        while getResponse.more_results:
            for x in getResponse.results:
                res = dict(x)
                y = dict(res['Client'])
                del res['Client']
                res['Client'] = str(y['ID'])
                result = json.dumps(res,
                                    separators=(',', ': '))


        toDate = str(
            datetime.strptime(toDate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') +
        fromDate = str(
            datetime.strptime(fromDate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') +

        audit_log_extracts(fromDate, toDate, 0)

        size = os.path.getsize(filename)

        if size == 0:
            print "0 byte file "


            check_call(['gzip', filename])
            upload_file_s3(filename + '.gz')
            load_data_dw(filename + '.gz')
            print "S3  upload and Redshift integration successful "
            os.remove(filename + '.gz')

        print "Job Ends "
        print 'current time ' + str(datetime.now())

    except Exception as e:
        print 'Caught exception: ' + e.message
        print e
예제 #16
def get_de_row(EmailAddress):

    headers = {
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': get_auth_token()
    if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '')
            and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)):
        ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

    debug = False
    stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug)

    row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
    row.auth_stub = stubObj

    # define DE List
    de = 'SentEvent'

    row.CustomerKey = str(de)

    # get columns in the DE and append to row props

    # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
    row.props = ["TriggeredSendCustomerKey", 'EmailAddress']

    # correlationID from method param
    # correlationID = 'a3e3227f-b8e8-40f2-b5e2-9e899147e2d1'

    SubscriberKey = get_subscriberkey(EmailAddress).get('value')

    print("SubscriberKey = %s" % SubscriberKey)

    # set search filter
    row.search_filter = {
        'Property': 'SubscriberKey',
        'SimpleOperator': 'equals',
        'Value': SubscriberKey

    # start_time = time.time()

    getResponse = row.get()

    data = list()

    if len(getResponse.results) > 0:
        record_found = True

        for response in getResponse.results[0].Properties.Property:
            for property in response:
                data.append(property, )
                # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761054/more-pythonic-way-to-format-a-json-string-from-a-list-of-tuples
                data = '{{{}}}'.format(','.join([
                    '{}:{}'.format(json.dumps(k), json.dumps(v))
                    for k, v in data
        data = {"Message": str(getResponse.results)}

    return data
예제 #17
import FuelSDK as f
import os
import ssl

if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)):
    ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

debug = False
stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug)

row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row()
row.auth_stub = stubObj

# loop over DE list
# deList = list()
# nameOfDE = '_SENT'
nameOfDE = 'password_reset'
# nameOfDE = 'DE_password_changed'
# nameOfDE = 'DE_order_confirm'
# nameOfDE = 'DE_password_reset'

row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE

# TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props
# row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE)
row.props = ["correlationId", 'EmailAddress']

# correlationID from method param
correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'