def retrieve_de(self, args): """ retrieve all rows from data extension. :param string customer_key: data extension's customer key :return: data extension's name array. """ fields = self.describe_de(args) row = FuelSDK.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = self.client row.CustomerKey = args.customer_key row.props = [field['Name'] for field in fields] response = row.get() writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow(row.props) for result in response.results: row = [] for prop in result.Properties[0]: if prop.Value is None: row.append("") else: row.append(prop.Value.encode("utf-8")) writer.writerow(row)
def get_de_rows_filter(self, de_name, col_name, filter_value, operation, value_type='date'): """ Get filtered records from data extension based on the filter applied on the column Use value_type != 'date' for filtering values other than date type Operation: SFMC supported operations """ dataextensionrow = FuelSDK.ET_DataExtension_Row() dataextensionrow.auth_stub = self.sfmc_client dataextensionrow.Name = de_name col_names = self._get_col(de_name) if col_name not in col_names: #Check for column presence logging.error( f"{col_name} column not present in data extension {de_name}") return False if value_type.lower() == 'date': logging.debug('Date value selected for filtering') dataextensionrow.search_filter = { 'Property': col_name, 'SimpleOperator': operation, 'DateValue': filter_value } else: logging.debug('Non date value selected for filtering') dataextensionrow.search_filter = { 'Property': col_name, 'SimpleOperator': operation, 'Value': filter_value } df_in_file = pd.DataFrame() for col in col_names: #Get data column wise dataextensionrow.props = [col] results = dataextensionrow.get() col_data = [ i['Properties']['Property'][0]['Value'] for i in results.results ] while results.more_results: results = dataextensionrow.getMoreResults() col_data = col_data + [ i['Properties']['Property'][0]['Value'] for i in results.results ] df_in_file[col] = col_data f"Total rows gathered from data extension:{de_name} = {df_in_file.shape[0]}" ) return df_in_file
def get_data_extension_rows(self, customer_key, search_filter=None, property_list=None): de_row = FuelSDK.ET_DataExtension_Row() de_row.auth_stub = self.get_client() de_row.CustomerKey = customer_key if search_filter: de_row.search_filter = search_filter if property_list: de_row.props = property_list return de_row.get()
def load_de(table_name, de_name): debug = False stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug) DE_NAME = de_name FOLDER_ID = 502 # API_GEN de_to_load = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() de_to_load.CustomerKey = de_name de_to_load.auth_stub = stubObj # de_to_load.props = {"Col1": "Value1", "Col2": "Value2"} de_to_load.props = fetch_table_data(table_name) de_loaded_response =
def get_subscriberkey(EmailAddress): headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': get_auth_token() } if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context debug = False stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug) row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj # define DE List # deList = list() # deList = ['DE_order_confirm'] # deList = ['DE_order_confirm', 'DE_password_reset', 'DE_password_changed', # 'DE_pdt_print_ready', 'DE_pdt_proof_ready', 'DE_photo_share_receiver', # 'DE_photo_share_sender', 'DE_share_project_receiver'] # nameOfDE = 'DE_password_reset' # loop over DE list de = 'DE_SF_USER_D' row.CustomerKey = str(de) row.props = ["USERID"] # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'CURR_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': EmailAddress } getResponse = row.get() data = dict() # if len(getResponse.results) > 0: data = { "name": getResponse.results[0].Properties.Property[0].Name, "value": getResponse.results[0].Properties.Property[0].Value } else: data = {"Message": str(getResponse.results)} return data
def create_de_row(self, args): """ create data extension row. :param string customer_key: data extension's customer key :param string attributes_json: :return: data extension's name array. """ deRow = FuelSDK.ET_DataExtension_Row() deRow.CustomerKey = args.customer_key deRow.auth_stub = self.client args.attributes = json.loads( deRow.props = json.loads(args.attributes_json) deRowResponse = print(json.dumps(deRowResponse.results))
def _replicate(self, customer_key, keys, parent_category_id, table, partial=False, start=None, end=None, unit=None, replication_key=None): if partial:"Fetching {} from {} to {}" .format(table, start, end)) cursor = FuelSDK.ET_DataExtension_Row() cursor.auth_stub = self.auth_stub cursor.CustomerKey = customer_key cursor.props = keys if partial: cursor.search_filter = get_date_page(replication_key, start, unit) batch_size = int(self.config.get('batch_size', 2500)) result = request_from_cursor('DataExtensionObject', cursor, batch_size=batch_size) for row in result: row = self.filter_keys_and_parse(row) row['CategoryID'] = parent_category_id self.state = incorporate(self.state, table, replication_key, row.get(replication_key)) singer.write_records(table, [row]) if partial: self.state = incorporate(self.state, table, replication_key, start) save_state(self.state)
def get_de_row(EmailAddress): headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': get_auth_token() } if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context debug = False stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug) row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj # define DE List de = 'SentEvent' row.CustomerKey = str(de) # get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = ["TriggeredSendCustomerKey", 'EmailAddress'] # correlationID from method param # correlationID = 'a3e3227f-b8e8-40f2-b5e2-9e899147e2d1' SubscriberKey = get_subscriberkey(EmailAddress).get('value') print("SubscriberKey = %s" % SubscriberKey) # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'SubscriberKey', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': SubscriberKey } # start_time = time.time() getResponse = row.get() data = list() if len(getResponse.results) > 0: record_found = True for response in getResponse.results[0].Properties.Property: for property in response: data.append(property, ) # data = '{{{}}}'.format(','.join([ '{}:{}'.format(json.dumps(k), json.dumps(v)) for k, v in data ])) else: data = {"Message": str(getResponse.results)} return data
import FuelSDK as f import os import ssl if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context debug = False stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug) row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj # loop over DE list # deList = list() # nameOfDE = '_SENT' nameOfDE = 'password_reset' # nameOfDE = 'DE_password_changed' # nameOfDE = 'DE_order_confirm' # nameOfDE = 'DE_password_reset' row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = ["correlationId", 'EmailAddress'] # correlationID from method param correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001'
def get(self, emailType, correlationId): """ Fetch sends for a given emailType and correlationId --- tags: - SFMC parameters: - in: path name: emailType required: true description: The emailType of the send, try password_reset. type: string - in: path name: correlationId required: true description: The correlationId of the send, try TEST type: string responses: 200: description: Results from Salesforce """ # requestToken token_url = "" headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} token_data = { "clientId": config.clientid, "clientSecret": config.clientsecret } response =, json=token_data, headers=headers) token = json.loads(response.text) # print("access token =" + str(token['accessToken'])) access_token = ''.join(token['accessToken']) # request token auth_token = 'Bearer ' + access_token # Bearer Token # print("auth_token = " + auth_token) # SSL context verification if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context debug = False stubObj = f.ET_Client(False, debug) if emailType.lower() == 'password_reset': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'order_confirm': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) # print("# records = %s" % len(getResponse.results)) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'password_changed': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'pdt_print_ready': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'pdt_proof_ready': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'photo_share_receiver': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'photo_share_sender': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'share_project_receiver': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'share_project_sender': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'ship_confirm': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'welcome': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass elif emailType.lower() == 'new_prospect_request': row = f.ET_DataExtension_Row() row.auth_stub = stubObj nameOfDE = emailType.lower() row.CustomerKey = nameOfDE # TODO: get columns in the DE and append to row props # row.props = getDeColumns(nameOfDE) row.props = [ "correlationId", 'EmailAddress', 'SubscriberKey', 'emailType', 'uid', 'timestamp_DT' ] # correlationId = 'PASS_RESET_TEST_001' # set search filter row.search_filter = { 'Property': 'correlationId', 'SimpleOperator': 'equals', 'Value': correlationId } getResponse = row.get() data = list() data_dict = {} records_found = len(getResponse.results) if records_found > 0: results = getResponse.results for i, j in enumerate(results): # print("%s-%s"%(i,j)) for p, q in enumerate(j.Properties.Property): # print(("%s-%s-%s"%(i,p,q))) # print("{\"name\": %s, \"value\": %s}" % (q.Name, q.Value)) data_dict.update({"name": q.Name, "value": q.Value}) data.append(data_dict.copy()) response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": str(records_found) + ' result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) # REF: else: data = [] response_dict = { "status": 'success', "message": '0 result(s) returned by Salesforce', "data": data } response_str = json.dumps(response_dict) response = json.loads(response_str) pass return response
# Add a require statement to reference the Fuel SDK's functionality: import FuelSDK import ET_Client print('>>> Add a row to a data extension using CustomerKey') # Next, create an instance of the ET_Client class: try: # debug = False myClient = FuelSDK.ET_Client() # Create an instance of the object type we want to work with: de = FuelSDK.ET_DataExtension_Row() # Associate the ET_Client to the object using the auth_stub property: de.auth_stub = myClient de.CustomerKey = "2ECB6A6E-9A50-453C-9A3A-241AB39B0092" de.props = {"Email" : "*****@*****.**", "First" : "Gill", "Last" : "Roush", "EID" : "0678923", "Action" : "viewed financials"} # Utilize one of the ET_List methods: postResponse = # Print out the results for viewing print('Post Status: ' + str(postResponse.status)) print('Code: ' + str(postResponse.code)) print('Message: ' + str(postResponse.message)) print('Results: ' + str(postResponse.results)) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e.message))