def listCompany(): file = Global.DATABASE() with open(file, 'r') as json_file: dados = json.load(json_file) count = len(dados) listCompany = [] for index in range(count): if 'company' in dados[index]: listCompany.append(dados[index]['company']['name']) return listCompany
def Start(self, listCompany=[]): countList = len(listCompany) popup = Popup.Popup() if countList == 0: popup.alert('INFORME', 'NÃO EXISTE NENHUMA EMPRESA CADASTRADA.') return False file = Global.DATABASE() colTwo = [ [ view.Frame('COMPETÊNCIA:', [[view.Input(key='competence')]], background_color='#6272a4') ], [ view.Frame('BASE DE CALCULO:', [[view.Input(key="calculateBase")]], background_color='#6272a4') ], [ view.Frame('IMPOSTO:', [[ view.Radio( 'PIS', 'tax', key='pis', background_color='#6272a4'), view.Radio('COFINS', 'tax', key='cofins', background_color='#6272a4') ]], background_color='#6272a4') ] ] layout = [[view.Text('EMPRESAS', background_color='#6272a4')], [ view.Listbox( values=listCompany, size=(20, 9), key='listCompany', ), view.Column(colTwo) ], [ view.Button('ADICIONAR', key='submit', button_color=['#ffffff', '#3CB371']), view.Button('CANCELAR', key='cancel', button_color=['#ffffff', '#ff5555']) ]] window = view.Window('ADICIONAR COMPETÊNCIA', layout, icon=Global.ICON(), location=(830, 220), size=(400, 240)) while True: event, values = window.Read() if event in (view.WIN_CLOSED, 'cancel'): break elif event == 'submit': countListSelect = len(values['listCompany']) listSelect = '' if countListSelect == 0 else values[ 'listCompany'][0] competence = values['competence'] pis = values['pis'] cofins = values['cofins'] calculateBase = values['calculateBase'] def isFloat(number): try: float(number) return True except: return False chews = Chews.Chews() if listSelect == '': popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, ESCOLHA UMA EMPRESA.') elif competence == '': popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, INFORME UMA COMPETÊNCIA.') elif not chews.isMonthYear(competence): popup.alert( 'INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, INFORME UM FORMATO DE COMPÊNCIA VALIDO(00-0000).' ) elif not isFloat(calculateBase): popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, INFORME UM VALOR CONTÁBEL.') elif pis == False and cofins == False: popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, SELECIONE UM IMPOSTO.') elif calculateBase == '': popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, INFORME UM UMA BASE DE CALCULO.') else: with open(file, 'r') as json_file: dados = json.load(json_file) count = len(dados) competenceData = dados status = True for index in range(count): if 'competence' in competenceData[index]: competenceIndex = competenceData[index][ 'competence'] if competenceIndex['competence'] == competence: if competenceIndex['foreignKey'] == listSelect: if competenceIndex['pis'] == True and pis: popup.alert( 'INFORME', 'A COMPETÊNCIA JÁ EXISTE.') status = False if status: if competenceIndex['cofins'] and cofins: popup.alert( 'INFORME', 'A COMPETÊNCIA JÁ EXISTE.') status = False if status: competenceNew = { "competence": { 'foreignKey': listSelect, 'competence': competence, 'pis': pis, 'cofins': cofins, 'calculateBase': round(float(calculateBase), 2), 'credit': 0, 'update': [], 'date': '{}'.format( } } dados.append(competenceNew) with open(file, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(dados, json_file, indent=4) popup.alert('INFORME', 'COMPETÊNCIA ADICIONADA COM SUCESSO.') break else: status = True window.close()
def select(self, listCompany=[]): countList = len(listCompany) popup = Popup.Popup() if countList == 0: popup.alert('INFORME', 'NÃO EXISTE NENHUMA EMPRESA CADASTRADA.') return False file = Global.DATABASE() def index(name='', tax=''): with open(file, 'r') as json_file: datas = json.load(json_file) count = len(datas) listSelect = [] for index in range(count): if 'competence' in datas[index]: if datas[index]['competence']['foreignKey'] == name: if tax == 'pis': if datas[index]['competence']['pis'] == True: listSelect.append(datas[index]['competence']) elif tax == 'cofins': if datas[index]['competence']['cofins'] == True: listSelect.append(datas[index]['competence']) if listSelect == []: return False return listSelect colOne = [[view.Text('EMPRESAS:', background_color='#6272a4')], [ view.Listbox(values=listCompany, size=(15, 7), key='company') ]] colTwo = [[ view.Frame('IMPOSTO', [[ view.Radio('PIS', 'tax', key='pis', background_color='#6272a4'), view.Radio( 'COFINS', 'tax', key='cofins', background_color='#6272a4') ]], background_color='#6272a4') ], [ view.Button('CONSULTAR', key='submit', button_color=['#ffffff', '#3CB371'], size=(17, 1)) ], [ view.Button('CANCELAR', key='cancel', button_color=['#ffffff', '#ff5555'], size=(17, 1)) ]] layout = [[ view.Column(colOne), view.Column(colTwo, element_justification='center') ]] window = view.Window('CONSULTAR CRÉDITO', layout, location=(830, 220), icon=Global.ICON()) while True: event, values = if event in (view.WIN_CLOSED, 'cancel'): break elif event == 'submit': popup = Popup.Popup() companySelect = '' if values['company'] == [] else values[ 'company'][0] if companySelect == '': popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, SELECIONE UMA EMPRESA.') elif not values['pis'] and not values['cofins']: popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, SELECIONE UM IMPOSTO.') else: tax = 'pis' if values['pis'] == True else 'cofins' listCosultCompany = index(companySelect, tax) if listCosultCompany: list_ = List.windowListCredit() list_.index(listCosultCompany) else: popup.alert( 'INFORME', 'NÃO EXISTE COMPETÊNCIA RELACIONADA A ESSE IMPOSTO.' ) window.close()
def calculate(self, listCompany=[]): countList = len(listCompany) popup = Popup.Popup() if countList == 0: popup.alert('INFORME', 'NÃO EXISTE NENHUMA EMPRESA CADASTRADA.') return False file = Global.DATABASE() def index(name='', tax=''): with open(file, 'r') as json_file: datas = json.load(json_file) count = len(datas) listCompetence = [] for index in range(count): if 'competence' in datas[index]: if datas[index]['competence']['foreignKey'] == name: if tax == 'pis': if datas[index]['competence']['pis'] == True: listCompetence.append( datas[index]['competence']['competence']) elif tax == 'cofins': if datas[index]['competence']['cofins'] == True: listCompetence.append( datas[index]['competence']['competence']) if listCompetence == []: return False return listCompetence def update(name='', competenceSelect='', tax='', valueUsed=''): with open(file, 'r') as json_file: datas = json.load(json_file) count = len(datas) datasUp = { 'valueUsed': round(float(valueUsed), 2), 'date': '{}'.format(, } for index in range(count): if 'competence' in datas[index]: competence = datas[index]['competence'] if competence['foreignKey'] == name: if competence['competence'] == competenceSelect: valueUsed = float(valueUsed) calculateBase = float(competence['calculateBase']) credit = float(competence['credit']) if competence['update'] == []: if valueUsed > calculateBase: popup.alert( 'ERRO', 'O VALOR USUADO É MAIOR QUE O CRÉDITO DISPONÍVEL.' ) return False else: if valueUsed > credit: popup.alert( 'ERRO', 'O VALOR USUADO É MAIOR QUE O CRÉDITO DISPONÍVEL.' ) return False if tax == 'pis': if competence['pis'] == True: if competence['credit'] == 0: competence['credit'] = round( calculateBase - valueUsed, 2) else: competence['credit'] = round( credit - valueUsed, 2) elif tax == 'cofins': if competence['cofins'] == True: if competence['credit'] == 0: competence['credit'] = round( calculateBase - valueUsed, 2) else: competence['credit'] = round( credit - valueUsed, 2) competence['update'].append(datasUp) datas[index] = {"competence": competence} with open(file, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(datas, json_file, indent=4) message = 'O VALOR DE CRÉDITO RESTANTE É DE: R$ {:.2f}'.format( competence['credit']) popup.alert('INFORME', message) return True popup.alert('ERRO', 'COMPETÊNCIA NÃO ENCONTRADA.') return False colOne = [[view.Text('EMPRESAS:', background_color='#6272a4')], [ view.Listbox(values=listCompany, size=(15, 7), key='company') ]] colTwo = [[ view.Frame('IMPOSTO', [[ view.Radio('PIS', 'tax', key='pis', background_color='#6272a4'), view.Radio( 'COFINS', 'tax', key='cofins', background_color='#6272a4') ]], background_color='#6272a4') ], [ view.Frame('VALOR USADO', [[view.Input(size=(18, 1), key='calculate')]], background_color='#6272a4') ], [ view.Button('LISTAR', size=(17, 1), key='list', button_color=['#ffffff', '#282a36']) ]] colThree = [[view.Text('COMPETÊNCIAS:', background_color='#6272a4')], [view.Listbox(values=[], size=(15, 7), key='competence')]] layout = [[ view.Column(colOne), view.Column(colTwo, element_justification='center'), view.Column(colThree) ], [ view.Button('ATUALIZAR', key="submit", button_color=['#ffffff', '#3CB371']), view.Button('CANCELAR', key="cancel", button_color=['#ffffff', '#ff5555']) ]] window = view.Window( 'ATUALIZAÇÃO DE CRÉDITOS', layout, icon=Global.ICON(), location=(830, 220), ) while True: event, values = window.Read() if event in (view.WIN_CLOSED, 'cancel'): break if event == 'list' or event == 'submit': companySelect = '' if values['company'] == [] else values[ 'company'][0] if companySelect == '': popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, SELECIONE UMA EMPRESA.') elif not values['pis'] and not values['cofins']: popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, SELECIONE UM IMPOSTO.') elif event == 'list': tax = 'pis' if values['pis'] == True else 'cofins' listCompetence = index(companySelect, tax) if listCompetence: window['competence'].update(listCompetence) else: popup.alert( 'INFORME', 'NÃO EXISTE COMPETÊNCIA RELACIONADA A ESSE IMPOSTO.' ) elif event == 'submit': if values['competence'] == []: popup.alert('INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, SELECIONE UMA COMPETÊNCIA.') elif values['calculate'] == '' or values[ 'calculate'] == None: popup.alert( 'INFORME', 'POR FAVOR, INFORME UM VALOR A SER DESCONTADO.') else: name = values['company'][0] competence = values['competence'][0] discount = values['calculate'] tax = 'pis' if values['pis'] == True else 'cofins' try: float(discount) update(name, competence, tax, discount) window['calculate'].update('') except: popup.alert( 'ERRO', 'POR FAVOR, INFORME UM VALOR CONTÁBEL.') else: break window.close()
def Start(self): layout = [ [ view.Text('CNPJ', background_color="#6272a4"), view.Input(key='cnpj') ], [ view.Text('RAZÃO SOCIAL', background_color="#6272a4"), view.Input(key='name') ], [ view.Button('CADASTRAR', key='submit', button_color=['#ffffff','#3CB371'] ), view.Button('CANCELAR', key='cancel', button_color=['#ffffff','#ff5555'] ) ] ] window = view.Window('CADASTRAR EMPRESA', layout, location=(830, 220), icon=Global.ICON(), size=(300, 100) ) file = Global.DATABASE() while True: event, values = with open(file, 'r') as json_file: dados = json.load(json_file) count = len(dados) company = values if event in (view.WIN_CLOSED, 'cancel'): break elif event == 'submit': popup = Popup.Popup() if not validate.validar_cnpj(company['cnpj']): popup.alert('ERRO', 'O CNPJ NÃO É VALIDO.') elif company['cnpj'] == '' or company['name'] == '' : popup.alert('ERRO', 'POR FAVOR, PREENCHA TODOS OS CAMPOS.') else: status = True for index in range(count): if 'company' in dados[index]: if dados[index]['company']['cnpj'] == company['cnpj']: popup.alert('INFORME', 'A EMPRESA JÁ FOI CADASTRADA.') status = False if status: if dados[index]['company']['name'] == company['name']: popup.alert('INFORME', 'A RAZÃO SOCIAL JÁ ESTÁ VINCULADA A UM CNPJ.') status = False if status : company = { "company": { 'cnpj': company['cnpj'], 'name': company['name'], 'date': '{}'.format(, } } dados.append(company) with open(file, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(dados, json_file, indent=4) popup.alert('INFORME', 'EMPRESA CADASTRADA COM SUCESSO.') break else: status = True window.close()