예제 #1
파일: Newdemo.py 프로젝트: hhf-hd/hhf
def Train(graph, Batch_size, Iteration):
    filenames = [("NL测试数据/train_%d" % m + ".tfrecords") for m in range(2, 7)]
    filenames_cross = ["NL测试数据/train_7.tfrecords"]
    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(filenames)
    # Tensorflow需要队列流输入数据
    reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
    _, serialized_example = reader.read(filename_queue)
    # tf.parse_single_example为解析器
    features = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example,
                                           tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
                                           tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),

    Mat_16 = tf.decode_raw(features["Mat"], tf.float64)
    Mat_16 = tf.reshape(Mat_16, [16, 16, 1])

    Label_16 = tf.cast(features["label"], tf.float32)

    # Mat_batch,Label64_batch,Label32_batch,Label16_Batch = tf.train.batch\
    #                ([Mat_64, Label_64,Label_32,Label_16],batch_size= Batch_size,capacity=300,num_threads= 1)
    # tf.train.shuffle_batch()这个函数对读取到的数据进行了batch处理,这样更有利于后续的训练。

    Mat_batch, Label16_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch \
        ([Mat_16, Label_16], batch_size=Batch_size, capacity=3 * Batch_size, min_after_dequeue=5,
    print("\n--------- finish reading train data-----------")

    filename_queue_cross = tf.train.string_input_producer(filenames_cross)
    reader_cross = tf.TFRecordReader()
    _, serialized_example_cross = reader_cross.read(filename_queue_cross)
    features_cross = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example_cross,

    Mat_16_cross = tf.decode_raw(features_cross["Mat"], tf.float64)
    Mat_16_cross = tf.reshape(Mat_16_cross, [16, 16, 1])

    Label_16_cross = tf.cast(features_cross["label"], tf.float32)

    Mat_batch_cross, Label16_batch_cross = tf.train.shuffle_batch \
        ([Mat_16_cross, Label_16_cross], batch_size=Batch_size,
         capacity=Batch_size * 3, min_after_dequeue=5,
    # saver = tf.train.Saver()
    # print("Mat_Batttt",Mat_Batch)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # 开启协调器
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        # 使用start_queue_runners 启动队列填充
        # 一定要开启队列,要不然是空的
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess, coord)
        initglo = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        initloc = tf.local_variables_initializer()
        epoch = 1
        learning_rate = 0.01
        for j in range(epoch):
            if j % 3 == 0:
                learning_rate = learning_rate * 0.1
            acc = 0
            loss = 0
            acc_cross = 0
            loss_cross = 0
            for i in range(Iteration):
                # 这句话的意思是从队列里拿出指定批次的数据
                is_training = True
                mat_16, label_16 = sess.run([Mat_batch, Label16_batch])
                mat_16 = mat_16.reshape(Batch_size, 16, 16, 1)
                # print("Mat_64 is ",Mat_64)
                # print("Label_64 is ",Label_64)
                mat_16 = mat_16.astype('float32')
                label_16 = label_16.astype("float32")
                label_16 = label_16.reshape(Batch_size, 1)

                for b in range(Batch_size):
                    mat_16[b] = LoadData.Normalize(mat_16[b])

                # LOSS_64, acc_rate64, Pre_lable_64, _ = sess.run(
                #     [graph["LOSS"], graph["acc"], graph["Pre"], graph["Train"]],
                #     feed_dict={
                #         graph["inputs_Mat"]: mat_64,
                #         graph["ys_label"]: label_64,
                #         graph['is_training']: is_training,
                #         graph["is_64"]: 1,
                #         graph["is_32"]: 0,
                #         graph["kp"]: 0.5,
                #         graph["ln"]:learning_rate,
                #     })

                # LOSS_32, acc_rate32, Pre_lable_32, _ = sess.run(
                #     [graph["LOSS"], graph["acc"], graph["Pre"], graph["Train"]],
                #     feed_dict={
                #         graph["inputs_Mat"]: mat_32,
                #         graph["ys_label"]: label_32,
                #         graph['is_training']: is_training,
                #         graph["is_64"]: 0,
                #         graph["is_32"]: 1,
                #         graph["kp"]: 0.5,
                #         graph["ln"]: learning_rate,
                #     })
                # print(label_16)
                LOSS_16, acc_rate16, Pre_lable_16, _ = sess.run(
                        graph["LOSS"], graph["acc"], graph["Pre"],
                        graph["inputs_Mat"]: mat_16,
                        graph["ys_label"]: label_16,
                        graph['is_training']: is_training,
                        graph["is_64"]: 0,
                        graph["is_32"]: 0,
                        graph["kp"]: 0.5,
                        graph["ln"]: learning_rate,

                if i % 100 == 0:
                    is_training = False
                    print("\n------------- Iteration %d --------------" % (i))
                    # # print("LOSS64 is ", LOSS_64)
                    # # print("LOSS32 is ", LOSS_32)
                    # print("LOSS16 is ", LOSS_16)
                    # # print("acc_rate64 is : ", acc_rate64)
                    # # print("acc_rate32 is : ", acc_rate32)
                    # print("acc_rate16 is : ", acc_rate16)

                    # # 把输出写入到文件里
                    # stdout_backup = sys.stdout
                    # log_file = open(YUV + "_RunDetail.log", "a")
                    # sys.stdout = log_file
                    # print("--------------- Iteration %d ---------------" % (i))
                    # print("LOSS64 is ", LOSS_64)
                    # print("LOSS32 is ", LOSS_32)
                    # print("LOSS16 is ", LOSS_16)
                    # print("acc_rate64 is : ", acc_rate64)
                    # print("acc_rate32 is : ", acc_rate32)
                    # print("acc_rate16 is : ", acc_rate16)
                    mat_cross16, label_cross16 = sess.run(
                        [Mat_batch_cross, Label16_batch_cross])
                    mat_cross16 = mat_cross16.reshape(Batch_size, 16, 16, 1)
                    mat_cross16 = mat_cross16.astype("float32")
                    for b in range(Batch_size):
                        mat_cross16[b] = LoadData.Normalize(mat_cross16[b])

                    label_cross16 = label_cross16.astype("float32")
                    label_cross16 = label_cross16.reshape(Batch_size, 1)

                    LOSS_ceoss16, acc_rate_cross16, Pre_lable_cross16 = sess.run(
                        [graph["LOSS"], graph["acc"], graph["Pre"]],
                            graph["inputs_Mat"]: mat_cross16,
                            graph["ys_label"]: label_cross16,
                            graph['is_training']: is_training,
                            graph["is_64"]: 0,
                            graph["is_32"]: 0,
                            graph["kp"]: 1.0,
                    acc_cross = acc_cross + acc_rate_cross16
                    loss_cross = loss_cross + LOSS_ceoss16
                    loss = loss + LOSS_16
                    acc = acc + acc_rate16
            print("acc:" + str(acc / 60))
            print("loss:" + str(loss / 60))
            print("acc:" + str(acc_cross / 60))
            print("loss:" + str(loss_cross / 60))
            # sum16 = 0
            # a16 = 0
            # for e in range(Batch_size):
            #     if label_cross16[e][0] == 1:
            #         sum16 += 1
            #         if Pre_lable_cross16[e][0] == 1:
            #             a16 += 1
            # if sum16 != 0:
            #     print("reCall 16 is : ", a16 / sum16)
            # sum16 = 0
            # a16 = 0
            # for e in range(Batch_size):
            #     if label_cross16[e][0] == 0:
            #         sum16 += 1
            #         if Pre_lable_cross16[e][0] == 0:
            #             a16 += 1
            # if sum16 != 0:
            #     print("Call 16 is : ", a16 / sum16)

            if j == 0:
                print("save the model finally:" + str(i))
                var_list = [
                    var for var in tf.global_variables()
                    if "moving" in var.name
                var_list += tf.trainable_variables()
                saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=var_list, max_to_keep=20)
                Write_List = [
                    'cond/Merge', 'is_train', 'm_64', 'm_32', 'kp', 'y', 'acc',
                constant_graph = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants \
                    (sess, sess.graph_def, Write_List)
                with tf.gfile.FastGFile(pb_file_path, mode='wb') as f:
                saver.save(sess, "model/Demo-model")
                # saver.save(sess, "./model/Demo-model-one")
                print("save the cross model")

        print("program ending")