예제 #1
파일: UI.py 프로젝트: keanutex/firstProject
def loadProjectPCA():
    saveFileName = askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",title = "Select file",filetypes = (("Phenotype Files","*"),("all files","*.*")))
    saveFileObject = open(saveFileName)

    i = 0;
    next = saveFileObject.readline()
    PCADataRead = next
    PCADataRead = PCADataRead.strip()

    #reads through the text file and takes out the save data
    while i < 5:
        if(i == 0):
            PCAPhenoRead = saveFileObject.readline()
            PCAPhenoRead = PCAPhenoRead.rstrip('\n')
        if(i == 1):
            columnPCAEvec1read = saveFileObject.readline()
            columnPCAEvec1read = columnPCAEvec1read.strip()
        if(i == 2):
            columnPCAEvec2read = saveFileObject.readline()
            columnPCAEvec2read = columnPCAEvec2read.strip()
        if(i == 3):
            columnPCAEvec3read = saveFileObject.readline()
            columnPCAEvec3read = columnPCAEvec3read.strip()
        if(i == 4):
            columnPCAPhenoRead = saveFileObject.readline()
            columnPCAPhenoRead = columnPCAPhenoRead.strip()
        i = i + 1

    #Creates a new plot when loaded
    PCAPlotterLoad = PCA.PCAPlotter()
    PCAPlotterLoad.connectFilesAddColour(int(columnPCAEvec1read), int(columnPCAEvec2read), int(columnPCAEvec3read), int(columnPCAPhenoRead))
예제 #2
파일: UI.py 프로젝트: keanutex/firstProject
PCAData = ""
PCAPheno = ""

AdmixData = ""
AdmixFam = ""
AdmixPheno = ""
#----------------------Colour Options------------------------------------------------

#Colors to be used within the plotted graphs
colors = ['#0000FF', '#FF0000', '#008000', '#00FF00', '#FFFF00', '#00FFFF', '#008080', '#C0C0C0', '#FF00FF', '#800080',
          '#008000', '#000000']

# Instantiating the classes
PCAplotter = PCA.PCAPlotter()
AdmixPlotter = Admix.admixPlotter()

# Takes the file directory chosen and gives it to the PCA object
def importDataFilePCA():
    global PCAData
    PCAData = askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",title = "Select file",filetypes = (("Data Files",".evec"),("all files","*.*")))

# Takes the file directory chosen and gives it to the PCA object
def importPhenoFilePCA():
    global PCAPheno
    PCAPheno = askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",title = "Select file",filetypes = (("Phenotype Files","*.phe"),("all files","*.*")))
