def ProcessSummaryPlots(result_dicts, names, options, plotaverage=True, speciallegend=False): # result_dicts: a list of dictionaries with results that we saved from CalculateSensorTemperature # names: a list of the corresponding names for result_dicts outputpath = PlotUtils.GetOutputPath('ExtendedModelSummaryPlots', options) if not os.path.exists(outputpath): os.makedirs(outputpath) scenariolabel = PlotUtils.GetCoolingScenarioLabel( CoolantTemperature.cooling) barrel_endcap = '' if hasattr(options, 'barrel'): structure_name = 'barrel side' if options.barrel else 'endcap' barrel_endcap = 'Barrel_' if options.barrel else 'Endcap_' full_system = hasattr(options, 'endcap') or hasattr(options, 'barrel') if not hasattr(options, 'endcap'): options.endcap = False if not hasattr(options, 'barrel'): options.barrel = False # Write plots c = ROOT.TCanvas('ExtendedModelSummaryPlotsCanvas', 'blah', 600, 500) xtitle = 'Time [years]' x = GlobalSettings.time_step_list[1:] styles = { 'D0': 1, 'D1': 10, 'D2': 11, 'D3': 12, 'D4': 13, 'D5': 14, 'M0': 1, 'M13': 14 } # One-per-module items that nonetheless need to know about the other modules. # We put this here in order to print out the plot. for disk_layer in range(Layout.nlayers_or_disks): if not full_system: continue for ring_mod in range(Layout.nmodules_or_rings): deltavhvservices = [] for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep): index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex(names, ring_mod, disk_layer) # Get the multiplexed deltavhv # tape, type I+II cables, PP2 deltavhv_type12pp2 = CableLosses.DeltaVHV_halfsubstructure_Type1Type2PP2( names, ring_mod, disk_layer, result_dicts, i) # type III+IV cables deltavhv_type34 = CableLosses.DeltaVHV_halfsubstructure_Type3Type4( names, ring_mod, disk_layer, result_dicts, i) # Add vhvr too deltavhvservices.append(deltavhv_type12pp2 + deltavhv_type34 + result_dicts[index]['vhvr'].GetY()[i]) result_dicts[index]['deltavhvservices'] = MakeGraph( 'HVDeltaVServices', 'HV #Delta^{}V of HV filter, tape, cables, PP2 (one petal side)', xtitle, 'V', x, deltavhvservices) list_of_plots = list(result_dicts[0].keys()) for plotname in list_of_plots: if not issubclass(type(result_dicts[0][plotname]), ROOT.TGraph): continue # collect all the graphs graphs = list(a[plotname] for a in result_dicts) # For the average plot average = [0] * result_dicts[0][plotname].GetN() for i, name in enumerate(names): for j in range(result_dicts[i][plotname].GetN()): average[j] += result_dicts[i][plotname].GetY()[j] average = list(average[i] / float(len(result_dicts)) for i in range(len(average))) gr_average = MakeGraph('Average_%s' % (plotname), 'average', xtitle, 'P [W]', x, average) gr_average.SetLineWidth(4) leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.57, 0.69, 0.91, 0.93) if options.barrel: leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.57, 0.69, 0.95, 0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) for i, g in enumerate(graphs): if i: g.SetName('%s_%d' % (g.GetName(), i)) g.SetLineColor( colors.get(names[i][:2], PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[i])) if options.endcap: g.SetLineStyle(styles.get(names[i][2:], 1)) if options.barrel: g.SetLineStyle(styles.get(names[i][2:], 19)) g.SetLineWidth(2) g.Draw('l' if i else 'al') leg.AddEntry(g, names[i], 'l') # special legend for endcap if speciallegend: if options.endcap: # save dummy graphs so they do not go out of scope dummy_graphs = SetEndcapLegendSpecial( leg, graphs, multiplexedhv=(plotname == 'deltavhvservices')) elif options.barrel: dummy_graphs = SetBarrelLegendSpecial(leg, graphs) if plotaverage: gr_average.Draw('l') leg.AddEntry(gr_average, 'Average', 'l') # make sure there are at least 5 entries in legend (spacing) for i in range(5 - len(graphs) - plotaverage): leg.AddEntry(0, '', '') leg.Draw() # # Descriptive text # text = ROOT.TLegend(0.11, 0.70, 0.46, 0.92) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(text) PlotUtils.AddRunParameterLabels(text, [graphs[0].GetTitle()], wrap=True) text.Draw() minzero = PlotUtils.MakePlotMinimumZero(plotname) forcemin = PlotUtils.GetPlotForcedMinimum(plotname) if plotname in ['qsensor_headroom']: c.SetLogy(True) taxisfunc.FixXaxisRanges(c) taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c, minzero=minzero, forcemin=forcemin) c.Print('%s/%s%s.eps' % (outputpath, barrel_endcap, graphs[0].GetName())) if plotname in ['qsensor_headroom']: c.SetLogy(False) x = GlobalSettings.time_step_list[1:] # # Process stave / petal totals. One dict per petal -- a list of 6 dicts. # if not full_system: return if True: result_dicts_petals = [] # endcap for disk_layer in range(Layout.nlayers_or_disks): result_dicts_petals.append(dict()) ppetal,qsensorpetal,phvpetal,itapepetal,isensorpetal = [],[],[],[],[] petalhvservices = [] petalvoutlvpp2, vdrop_roundtrip, pserviceslvfullpetal = [], [], [] plosslvcablest1,plosslvcablest2,plosslvcablest34,plosslvpp2 = [],[],[],[] plosslvcablest3, plosslvcablest4 = [], [] plosshvcablest1,plosshvcablest2,plosshvcablest34,plosshvpp2,ptapehv = [],[],[],[],[] petaltapedeltav, petaltapepower = [], [] for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep): ppetal.append(0) qsensorpetal.append(0) phvpetal.append(0) itapepetal.append(0) isensorpetal.append(0) petaltapepower.append(0) for ring_mod in range(Layout.nmodules_or_rings): index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex( names, ring_mod, disk_layer) ppetal[i] += result_dicts[index]['pmodule'].GetY()[i] ppetal[i] += result_dicts[index]['peos'].GetY()[ i] # peos should be 0 for R0-R4 qsensorpetal[i] += result_dicts[index]['qsensor'].GetY()[i] phvpetal[i] += result_dicts[index]['phv_wleakage'].GetY( )[i] itapepetal[i] += result_dicts[index]['itape'].GetY()[i] itapepetal[i] += result_dicts[index]['itape_eos'].GetY()[i] isensorpetal[i] += result_dicts[index]['isensor'].GetY()[i] # Module LV power (including module, tape) # This one is quite important actually! petaltapepower[i] += result_dicts[index][ 'pmodule_noHV'].GetY()[i] # Five power components (0,1), (2,3), (4), (5), EOS petalhvservices.append( CableLosses.PHVservicesFullPetal(names, disk_layer, result_dicts, i)) # Get the tape voltage drop, power in R5 LastModule = (5 if options.endcap else 13) index_R5 = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex( names, LastModule, disk_layer) tape_voltage_drop_r5 = result_dicts[index_R5][ 'vdrop_tape'].GetY()[i] petaltapedeltav.append(tape_voltage_drop_r5 - PoweringEfficiency.VfeastMin) # Other services - LV petalvoutlvpp2.append( CableLosses.Vout_LV_pp2(itapepetal[i], tape_voltage_drop_r5)) vdrop_roundtrip.append( CableLosses.VdropLV_RoundTrip_type1and2(itapepetal[i])) pserviceslvfullpetal.append( CableLosses.PLVservicesFullSubstructure( itapepetal[i], tape_voltage_drop_r5)) plosslvcablest1.append( CableLosses.PlossLVCablesType1(itapepetal[i])) plosslvcablest2.append( CableLosses.PlossLVCablesType2(itapepetal[i])) plosslvcablest3.append( CableLosses.PlossLVCablesType3(itapepetal[i], tape_voltage_drop_r5)) plosslvcablest4.append( CableLosses.PlossLVCablesType4(itapepetal[i], tape_voltage_drop_r5)) plosslvcablest34.append( CableLosses.PlossLVCablesType3and4(itapepetal[i], tape_voltage_drop_r5)) plosslvpp2.append( CableLosses.Ppp2_LV(itapepetal[i], tape_voltage_drop_r5)) # Other services - HV plosshvcablest1.append( CableLosses.PlossHVCablesType1(names, disk_layer, result_dicts, i)) plosshvcablest2.append( CableLosses.PlossHVCablesType2(names, disk_layer, result_dicts, i)) plosshvcablest34.append( CableLosses.PlossHVCablesType3and4(names, disk_layer, result_dicts, i)) plosshvpp2.append( CableLosses.Ppp2_HV(names, disk_layer, result_dicts, i)) ptapehv.append( CableLosses.PtapeHV(names, disk_layer, result_dicts, i)) str_pet_stv = 'petal' if Layout.isEndcap else 'stave' aa, bb, cc = [ 'Petal', 'Disk', disk_layer ] if Layout.isEndcap else ['Stave', 'Layer', disk_layer] result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['pmodulepetal'] = MakeGraph( '%sPower%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'Total power in %s (with EOS) (one side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % (str_pet_stv), x, ppetal) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['qsensorpetal'] = MakeGraph( '%sSensorQ%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'Total sensor Q in %s (one side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, qsensorpetal) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['phv_wleakagepetal'] = MakeGraph( '%sHVPower%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'HV power in %s (one side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, phvpetal) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['itapepetal'] = MakeGraph( '%sTapeCurrentLV%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV tape current in %s (with EOS) (one side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'I [A]', x, itapepetal) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['isensorpetal'] = MakeGraph( '%sSensorCurrent%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'Total sensor (leakage) current in %s (one side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'I [mA]', x, isensorpetal) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['petalhvservices'] = MakeGraph( '%sHVServicesPowerLossFullPetal%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'HV Services power loss, %s (both sides)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, petalhvservices) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['petalvoutlvpp2'] = MakeGraph( '%sVoutLVPP2%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'Vout at PP2 (servicing one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'V', x, petalvoutlvpp2) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['vdrop_roundtrip'] = MakeGraph( '%sVdropLVRoundTripType1and2%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'Round-trip Vdrop of Type 1 and 2 cables (servicing one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'V', x, vdrop_roundtrip) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['pserviceslvfullpetal'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVServicesPowerLossFullPetal%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV Services (cables + PP2) power loss for a full %s (both sides)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, pserviceslvfullpetal) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosslvcablest1'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVPowerLossCablesType1%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV cables power loss, type I (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosslvcablest1) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosslvcablest2'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVPowerLossCablesType2%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV cables power loss, type II (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosslvcablest2) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosslvcablest3'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVPowerLossCablesType3%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV cables power loss, type III (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosslvcablest3) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosslvcablest4'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVPowerLossCablesType4%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV cables power loss, type IV (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosslvcablest4) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosslvcablest34'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVPowerLossCablesType34%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV cables power loss, type III/IV (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosslvcablest34) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosslvpp2'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVPowerLossPP2%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV PP2 power loss, (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosslvpp2) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['petaltapedeltav'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVTapeVoltageDrop%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV tape voltage drop (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, '#Delta^{}V [V]', x, petaltapedeltav) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['petaltapepower'] = MakeGraph( '%sLVTapePower%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'LV tape power (one side), %s' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, petaltapepower) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosshvcablest1'] = MakeGraph( '%sHVPowerLossCablesType1%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'HV cables power loss, type I (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosshvcablest1) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosshvcablest2'] = MakeGraph( '%sHVPowerLossCablesType2%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'HV cables power loss, type II (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosshvcablest2) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosshvcablest34'] = MakeGraph( '%sHVPowerLossCablesType34%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'HV cables power loss, type III/IV (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosshvcablest34) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['plosshvpp2'] = MakeGraph( '%sHVPowerLossPP2%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'HV PP2 power loss, (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, plosshvpp2) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer]['ptapehv'] = MakeGraph( '%sHVPowerLossTape%s%d' % (aa, bb, cc), 'HV tape power loss, (one %s side)' % (str_pet_stv), xtitle, 'P [W]', x, ptapehv) thermal_runaway_yearpetal = 999 for ring_mod in range(Layout.nmodules_or_rings): index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex(names, ring_mod, disk_layer) if result_dicts[index]['thermal_runaway_year']: thermal_runaway_yearpetal = min( thermal_runaway_yearpetal, result_dicts[index]['thermal_runaway_year']) if thermal_runaway_yearpetal == 999: thermal_runaway_yearpetal = 0 # Append to result_dicts for further use in ProcessSummaryTables index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex(names, 0, disk_layer) for i in [ 'pmodulepetal', 'qsensorpetal', 'phv_wleakagepetal', 'itapepetal', 'isensorpetal', 'petalhvservices', 'petalvoutlvpp2', 'vdrop_roundtrip', 'pserviceslvfullpetal', 'plosslvcablest1', 'plosslvcablest2', 'plosslvcablest3', 'plosslvcablest4', 'plosslvcablest34', 'plosslvpp2', 'petaltapedeltav', 'petaltapepower', 'plosshvcablest1', 'plosshvcablest2', 'plosshvcablest34', 'plosshvpp2', 'ptapehv' ]: result_dicts[index][i] = result_dicts_petals[disk_layer][i] result_dicts[index][ 'thermal_runaway_yearpetal'] = thermal_runaway_yearpetal for plotname in result_dicts_petals[0].keys(): c.Clear() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.74, 0.69, 0.91, 0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) if options.endcap: dummy_graphs = SetEndcapLegendSpecial(leg, graphs, doRings=False) else: dummy_graphs = SetBarrelLegendSpecial(leg, graphs, doModules=False) for disk_layer in range(Layout.nlayers_or_disks): if options.endcap: result_dicts_petals[disk_layer][plotname].SetLineStyle( styles.get('D%d' % disk_layer, 1)) else: result_dicts_petals[disk_layer][plotname].SetLineColor( colors.get('L%d' % disk_layer, 1)) result_dicts_petals[disk_layer][plotname].Draw( 'l' if disk_layer else 'al') text.Clear() PlotUtils.AddRunParameterLabels( text, additionalinfo=[result_dicts_petals[0][plotname].GetTitle()]) text.Draw() leg.Draw() minzero = PlotUtils.MakePlotMinimumZero(plotname) forcemin = PlotUtils.GetPlotForcedMinimum(plotname) taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c, minzero=minzero, forcemin=forcemin) c.Print('%s/%s%s.eps' % (outputpath, barrel_endcap, result_dicts_petals[0][plotname].GetName().replace( 'Disk0', '').replace('Layer0', ''))) # Endcap totals, if necessary. for ring_mod in range(Layout.nmodules_or_rings): thermal_runaway_yearmodule = 999 for disk_layer in range(Layout.nlayers_or_disks): index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex(names, ring_mod, disk_layer) if result_dicts[index]['thermal_runaway_year']: thermal_runaway_yearmodule = min( thermal_runaway_yearmodule, result_dicts[index]['thermal_runaway_year']) if thermal_runaway_yearmodule == 999: thermal_runaway_yearmodule = 0 index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex(names, ring_mod, 0) result_dicts[index][ 'thermal_runaway_yearmodule'] = thermal_runaway_yearmodule # # Process Totals # avgitapepetal = [] # Average tape current (LV) rmsitapepetal = [] # RMS tape current (LV) pnoservicestotal = [ ] # Power in both endcaps (LV+HV), excluding services (e.g. excluding cables, patch-panels) pcoolingsystotal = [ ] # Power in both endcaps, adding type-1 cables and PP1 losses pwallpowertotal = [] # Including everything else phvtotal = [ ] # Total HV Power (sensor+resistors) in full endcap or barrel (both sides) pservice = [] # Service power only (opposite of noservices) plosslvcablest1total,plosslvcablest2total,plosslvcablest3total,plosslvcablest4total = [],[],[],[] plosslvpp2total = [] plosslvPStotal = [] nModuleSides = 2. nDetectors = 2. # 2 barrel sides; 2 endcaps for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep): avgitapepetal.append(0) rmsitapepetal.append(0) pnoservicestotal.append(0) pcoolingsystotal.append(0) pwallpowertotal.append(0) phvtotal.append(0) pservice.append(0) plosslvcablest1total.append(0) plosslvcablest2total.append(0) plosslvcablest3total.append(0) plosslvcablest4total.append(0) plosslvpp2total.append(0) plosslvPStotal.append(0) for disk_layer in range(Layout.nlayers_or_disks): index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex(names, 0, disk_layer) # HV only phvtotal[i] += result_dicts[index]['phv_wleakagepetal'].GetY()[i] # Nominal module power (Module LV + HV + HV resistors + leakage + EOS + LV tape) list_noservices = ['pmodulepetal'] list_cooling = ['plosslvcablest1', 'plosshvcablest1', 'ptapehv'] list_pp2andlater = [ 'plosslvcablest2', 'plosshvcablest2', 'plosslvcablest34', 'plosshvcablest34', 'plosslvpp2', 'plosshvpp2' ] avgitapepetal[i] += (result_dicts[index]['itapepetal'].GetY()[i] ) / float(Layout.nlayers_or_disks) rmsitapepetal[i] += (result_dicts[index]['itapepetal'].GetY()[i] )**2 / float(Layout.nlayers_or_disks) plosslvcablest1total[i] += result_dicts[index][ 'plosslvcablest1'].GetY()[i] plosslvcablest2total[i] += result_dicts[index][ 'plosslvcablest2'].GetY()[i] plosslvcablest3total[i] += result_dicts[index][ 'plosslvcablest3'].GetY()[i] plosslvcablest4total[i] += result_dicts[index][ 'plosslvcablest4'].GetY()[i] plosslvpp2total[i] += result_dicts[index]['plosslvpp2'].GetY()[i] for value in list_noservices: pnoservicestotal[i] += result_dicts[index][value].GetY()[i] for value in list_noservices + list_cooling: pcoolingsystotal[i] += result_dicts[index][value].GetY()[i] # Wall power needs the power supply losses - see later! for value in list_noservices + list_cooling + list_pp2andlater: pwallpowertotal[i] += result_dicts[index][value].GetY()[i] # "services" needs the power supply losses - see later! for value in list_cooling + list_pp2andlater: pservice[i] += result_dicts[index][value].GetY()[i] # Calculate power supply losses, and propagate to other quantities too plosslvPStotal[i] = pwallpowertotal[i] * ( -1 + 1 / float(CableLosses.PowerSuppliesEfficency)) pwallpowertotal[i] = pwallpowertotal[i] / float( CableLosses.PowerSuppliesEfficency) pservice[i] += plosslvPStotal[i] rmsitapepetal[i] = math.sqrt(rmsitapepetal[i]) # endcap 2 npetals/ring nEndcaps (2) # barrel 2 nstaves/side nSides (2) pnoservicestotal[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) pcoolingsystotal[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) pwallpowertotal[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) phvtotal[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) pservice[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) plosslvcablest1total[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) plosslvcablest2total[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) plosslvcablest3total[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) plosslvcablest4total[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) plosslvpp2total[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) plosslvPStotal[i] *= (nModuleSides * Layout.nstaves_petals * nDetectors) gr = dict() gr['avgitapepetal'] = MakeGraph( 'AverageTapeCurrentLV', 'Average tape LV %s current (one side)' % (structure_name), xtitle, 'A_{%s} [A]' % ('Avg'), x, avgitapepetal) gr['rmsitapepetal'] = MakeGraph( 'RMSTapeCurrentLV', 'RMS tape LV %s current (one side)' % (structure_name), xtitle, 'A_{%s} [A]' % ('RMS'), x, rmsitapepetal) gr['pnoservicestotal'] = MakeGraph( 'TotalPowerNoServices', 'Total power in both %ss (no services)' % (structure_name), xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, pnoservicestotal) gr['pcoolingsystotal'] = MakeGraph( 'TotalPowerCoolingSys', 'Total power in both %ss (cooling system power)' % (structure_name), xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, pcoolingsystotal) gr['pwallpowertotal'] = MakeGraph( 'TotalWallPower', 'Total power in both %ss (wall power)' % (structure_name), xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, pwallpowertotal) gr['phv_wleakagetotal'] = MakeGraph( 'TotalHVPower', 'Total HV power (sensor + resistors) in both %ss' % (structure_name), xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('HV'), x, phvtotal) gr['pservicetotal'] = MakeGraph( 'TotalServicePower', 'Total service power in both %ss' % (structure_name), xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, pservice) gr['plosslvcablest1total'] = MakeGraph('Total_plosslvcablest1', 'plosslvcablest1', xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, plosslvcablest1total) gr['plosslvcablest2total'] = MakeGraph('Total_plosslvcablest2', 'plosslvcablest2', xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, plosslvcablest2total) gr['plosslvcablest3total'] = MakeGraph('Total_plosslvcablest3', 'plosslvcablest3', xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, plosslvcablest3total) gr['plosslvcablest4total'] = MakeGraph('Total_plosslvcablest4', 'plosslvcablest4', xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, plosslvcablest4total) gr['plosslvpp2total'] = MakeGraph('Total_plosslvpp2', 'plosslvpp2', xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, plosslvpp2total) gr['plosslvPStotal'] = MakeGraph('Total_plosslvPS', 'plosslvPS', xtitle, 'P_{%s} [W]' % ('Total'), x, plosslvPStotal) thermal_runaway_yeartotal = 999 for disk_layer in range(Layout.nlayers_or_disks): for ring_mod in range(Layout.nmodules_or_rings): index = PlotUtils.GetResultDictIndex(names, ring_mod, disk_layer) if result_dicts[index]['thermal_runaway_year']: thermal_runaway_yeartotal = min( thermal_runaway_yeartotal, result_dicts[index]['thermal_runaway_year']) if thermal_runaway_yeartotal == 999: thermal_runaway_yeartotal = 0 for i in [ 'pnoservicestotal', 'pcoolingsystotal', 'pwallpowertotal', 'phv_wleakagetotal', 'pservicetotal', 'avgitapepetal', 'rmsitapepetal', 'plosslvcablest1total', 'plosslvcablest2total', 'plosslvcablest3total', 'plosslvcablest4total', 'plosslvPStotal', 'plosslvpp2total' ]: result_dicts[0][i] = gr[i] # For summary tables in ProcessSummaryTables result_dicts[0]['pmoduletotal'] = result_dicts[0]['pnoservicestotal'] result_dicts[0]['thermal_runaway_yeartotal'] = thermal_runaway_yeartotal for g in gr.keys(): c.Clear() gr[g].Draw('al') text.Clear() PlotUtils.AddRunParameterLabels(text, additionalinfo=[gr[g].GetTitle()]) text.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c, minzero=True, forcemin=False) c.Print('%s/%s%s.eps' % (outputpath, barrel_endcap, gr[g].GetName())) return
def CalculateSensorTemperature(options,itape_previous_list=[],vdrop_previous_list=[]) : # itape_previous must be a list with the same length as GlobalSettings.nstep # Same with vdrop_previous_list # "Initialize lists" # Lists of quantities vs time tsensor = [] # Sensor temperature tabc = [] # ABC temperature thcc = [] # HCC temperature tfeast = [] # FEAST temperature teos = [] # EOS temperature pabc = [] # ABC power phcc = [] # HCC power pamac = list(NominalPower.Pamac for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep)) peos = [] # EOS power pfeast = [] # FEAST power (due to ABC and HCC - linPOL12V specified elsewhere) plinpol12v = [] # linPOL12V power dissipated (powers the amac) pmodule = [] # Power per module (front-end + HV) ptape_cumulative = [] # Power loss in tape due to items on the module, plus previous modules phv_wleakage = [] # HV power per module (leakage + resistors) isensor = [] # Sensor current (Leakage current per module) phvr = [] # HV power per module due to serial resistors vhvr = [] # Voltage drop of serial resistors phvmux = [] # HV Power per module parallel resistor itape = [] # Tape current (load) per module itape_cumulative = [] # Cumulative tape current (load) per module - adding the previous modules itape_eos = [] # Tape current per module (load) due to EOS idig = [] # Digital current per module (ABCs+HCCs) ihcc_dig = [] # Digital HCC current (all HCCs) ihcc_a = list(NominalPower.nhcc*FrontEndComponents.hccIa for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep)) # Analog HCC current iabc_dig = [] # Digital ABC current (all ABCs) iabc_a = list(NominalPower.nabc*FrontEndComponents.abcIa for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep)) # Analog ABC current ihybrid0 = [] ihybrid1 = [] ihybrid2 = [] ihybrid3 = [] iamac_3v = list(FrontEndComponents.amac3I for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep)) # AMAC 3V iamac_1p5v = list(FrontEndComponents.amac15I for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep)) # AMAC 1.5V ifeast = [] # FEAST current (load) ifeast_in = [] # FEAST current (input) efffeast = [] # FEAST efficiency vdrop_tape = [] # Voltage drop in the module (including FEAST/linPOL12V and tape) (== vfeast of next module) vfeast = [] # FEAST/linPOL12V voltage used in this module qsensor = [] # sensor Q qsensor_headroom = [] # Sensor Qleakage headroom factor tc_crit = [] # Critical coolant temperature tid_sf_abc = [] # scale factor vs time (ABC) tid_sf_hcc = [] # scale factor vs time (HCC) tid_bump_abc = [] # TID bump vs time (ABC) tid_bump_hcc = [] # TID bump vs time (HCC) tid_shape = [] # TID shape vs time (ABC) # if you add a list here, then be sure to add it to the "if thermal_runaway" list # "Initialize temperatures" nomT = GlobalSettings.nomsensorT # These are initial values. Saved slightly differently for simplicity. # defTeos teos.append(Temperatures.Teos( NominalPower.eosP(nomT), NominalPower.Pmod(nomT, nomT, nomT, 10., 1, 0, 0, 0), 0, CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()[0] )) # defTabc tabc.append(Temperatures.Tabc( NominalPower.Pabc(nomT, 1, 0), NominalPower.eosP(nomT), NominalPower.Pmod(nomT, nomT, nomT, 10., 1, 0, 0, 0), 0, CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()[0] )) # defThcc thcc.append(Temperatures.Thcc( NominalPower.Phcc(nomT, 1, 0), NominalPower.eosP(nomT), NominalPower.Pmod(nomT, nomT, nomT, 10., 1, 0, 0, 0), 0, CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()[0] )) # defTfeast tfeast.append(Temperatures.Tfeast( NominalPower.Pfeast(nomT, nomT, nomT, 1, 0), NominalPower.eosP(nomT), NominalPower.Pmod(nomT, nomT, nomT, 10., 1, 0, 0, 0), 0, CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()[0] )) thermal_runaway = False thermal_runaway_index = 0 thermal_runaway_year = 0 thermal_runaway_month = 0 ts_sweep_list = [] # Ts sweep lists as a companion to the lists below ts_vs_qref = [] # Qref vs sensor temperature in microW/mm^2 static_qref = [] # corresponds to "lhs" ts_vs_q = [] # Q(Ts) vs sensor temperature ts_vs_q_at_crit = [] # Propaganda plot ts_vs_q_thermalbalance = [] # Thermal balance Q vs sensor temperature q_minus_qthermalbalance = [] # Needed for Tcoolant headroom x = GlobalSettings.time_step_list[1:] # for time that you want to stop at runaway. x_qsensor_headroom = GlobalSettings.time_step_list[1:] x_noRunaway = GlobalSettings.time_step_list[1:] # (for operational variables) # Not sure whether nstep+1 is required... for i in range(GlobalSettings.nstep) : year = int((i+1)*GlobalSettings.step) month = ((i+1)*GlobalSettings.step % 1.)*12. # sensor temperature vs sensor leakage power stuff ts_sweep_list.append([]) ts_vs_qref.append([]) ts_vs_q.append([]) ts_vs_q_at_crit.append([]) ts_vs_q_thermalbalance.append([]) q_minus_qthermalbalance.append([]) # Solve for Tsensor (ts) tmp_ts_list = [] qref_rootsolve_list = [] y_gets_over_zero = False itape_previous_i = 0 if not itape_previous_list else itape_previous_list[i] # vfeast_i otherwise known as vdrop (for FEAST, linPOL12V) vfeast_i = PoweringEfficiency.VfeastMin if not vdrop_previous_list else vdrop_previous_list[i] doserate_i = OperationalProfiles.doserate[i] tid_dose_i = OperationalProfiles.tid_dose[i] Tcoolant_i = CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()[i] lhs = SensorLeakage.qref[i] static_qref.append(lhs*1000./SensorProperties.area) # sensor leakage modeling for ts_i,ts in enumerate(range(GlobalSettings.ts_step*(-35),GlobalSettings.ts_step*60)) : ts = ts/float(GlobalSettings.ts_step) # sensor current at this temperature ts isensor_i = Temperatures.unref(SensorLeakage.qref[i],ts)/float(SensorProperties.vbias) # T0 temperature, which depends (via HV resistors) on ts at a given step. t0_noLeakage_ts_i = Temperatures.T0(NominalPower.eosP(teos[-1]), NominalPower.Pmod(tabc[-1],thcc[-1],tfeast[-1], vfeast_i, doserate_i,tid_dose_i, isensor_i, # You need the current here to get the heat from the HV resistors itape_previous_i), Tcoolant_i ) # Module temperature, excluding the sensor power RcQh = t0_noLeakage_ts_i - Tcoolant_i rhs = Temperatures.Qref(ts,t0_noLeakage_ts_i) # sensor temperature vs sensor leakage power stuff ts_sweep_list[-1].append(ts) ts_vs_qref[-1].append(rhs*1000./SensorProperties.area) # Qref vs sensor temperature in microW/mm^2 ts_vs_q[-1].append(Temperatures.unref(SensorLeakage.qref[i],ts)) # Q(Ts) vs sensor temperature ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1].append(max(0,(ts-t0_noLeakage_ts_i)/float(ThermalImpedances.Rt))) # Thermal balance Q vs sensor temperature if (len(ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1]) > 2) and ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1][-1] < ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1][-2] : ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1].pop(-1) y = rhs - lhs if y > 0 : y_gets_over_zero = True # thermal runaway if len(qref_rootsolve_list) and y < qref_rootsolve_list[-1] and (not y_gets_over_zero) : if thermal_runaway == False : thermal_runaway_index = i thermal_runaway_year = year thermal_runaway_month = month thermal_runaway = True if n_runaway_errors[0] <= 5 : print 'WARNING! Probably hit thermal runaway! Year %d Month %2.0f'%(year,month) if n_runaway_errors[0] == 5 : print '(Suppressing additional thermal runaway efficiency errors)' n_runaway_errors[0] += 1 continue # bad starting point if (ts_i == 0) and y > 0 : print 'Error! In year %2.1f, y starts greater than 0 (%2.2f). Exiting.'%(i*GlobalSettings.step,y) import sys; sys.exit() # unimportant region if y < -5 : continue # only fill solving lists if y is increasing if (not len(qref_rootsolve_list)) or (y > qref_rootsolve_list[-1]) : tmp_ts_list.append(ts) qref_rootsolve_list.append(y) if thermal_runaway : for i_list in [tsensor,tabc,thcc,tfeast,teos,pabc,phcc,peos,pfeast,pmodule,ptape_cumulative,phv_wleakage,isensor,phvr,vhvr, phvmux,itape,itape_cumulative,itape_eos,idig,ihcc_dig,iabc_dig,ihybrid0,ihybrid1,ihybrid2,ihybrid3,ifeast,ifeast_in,efffeast,vfeast,qsensor, vdrop_tape,plinpol12v, tid_sf_abc,tid_sf_hcc,tid_bump_abc,tid_bump_hcc,tid_shape] : i_list.append(i_list[-1]) qsensor_headroom.append(1) tc_crit.append(Tcoolant_i) # Advance one increment before shutting down if (thermal_runaway_index+1 < i) : x[i] = x[i-1] # Qsensor headroom has its own version: if (thermal_runaway_index < i) : x_qsensor_headroom[i] = x_qsensor_headroom[i-1] qsensor_headroom[-1] = 0.7 continue # interpolate using TGraph "Eval" function graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(tmp_ts_list),array('d',qref_rootsolve_list),array('d',tmp_ts_list)) resultts = graph.Eval(0) resultqsensor = Temperatures.unref(SensorLeakage.qref[i],resultts) # (solving step is done.) qsensor.append(resultqsensor) # Leakage current per module isensor.append( resultqsensor /float(SensorProperties.vbias) ) # Calculate temperatures in the system based on sensor temperature # Sensor temperature tsensor.append(resultts) # Critical Temperature Coolant calculation tmp_graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1]),array('d',ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1]),array('d',ts_sweep_list[-1][:len(ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1])])) tmp_headroom_list = [-1] for xx in range(len(ts_vs_q[-1])) : if ts_vs_q[-1][xx] > ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[-1][-1] : continue if ts_vs_q[-1][xx] == 0 : continue tmp_headroom_list.append( ts_sweep_list[-1][xx] - tmp_graph.Eval(ts_vs_q[-1][xx]) ) tc_crit.append( Tcoolant_i + max(tmp_headroom_list) ) if len(tc_crit) == 2 : tc_crit[0] = tc_crit[1] # Sensor Qleakage headroom factor qref_crit = max(ts_vs_qref[-1]) # Critical qref -- maximum of qref list qsensor_headroom.append( 1 if (not static_qref[-1]) else qref_crit/float(static_qref[-1])) if len(qsensor_headroom) == 2 : qsensor_headroom[0] = qsensor_headroom[1] # propaganda: Ts vs Q at critical point (multiplied by headroom factor) for ts_i,ts in enumerate(range(GlobalSettings.ts_step*(-35),GlobalSettings.ts_step*60)) : ts = ts/float(GlobalSettings.ts_step) ts_vs_q_at_crit[-1].append(Temperatures.unref(SensorLeakage.qref[i]*qsensor_headroom[-1],ts)) # Stuff that is useful for later on # module power: no leakage power, but power from hvmux and rhv is included here. pmodule_noLeakagePow_lastStep = NominalPower.Pmod(tabc[i-1],thcc[i-1],tfeast[i-1], vfeast_i, doserate_i,tid_dose_i,isensor[i], itape_previous_i) # Temperature of ABC tabc.append(Temperatures.Tabc(NominalPower.Pabc(tabc[i-1],doserate_i,tid_dose_i), NominalPower.eosP(teos[i-1]), pmodule_noLeakagePow_lastStep,resultqsensor,Tcoolant_i) ) if (i == 0) : tabc.pop(0) # remove the initial value # Temperature of HCC thcc.append(Temperatures.Thcc(NominalPower.Phcc(thcc[i-1],doserate_i,tid_dose_i), NominalPower.eosP(teos[i-1]), pmodule_noLeakagePow_lastStep,resultqsensor,Tcoolant_i) ) if (i == 0) : thcc.pop(0) # remove the initial value # Temperature of FEAST tfeast.append(Temperatures.Tfeast(NominalPower.Pfeast(tabc[i],thcc[i],tfeast[i-1], doserate_i,tid_dose_i), NominalPower.eosP(teos[i-1]), pmodule_noLeakagePow_lastStep,resultqsensor,Tcoolant_i) ) if (i == 0) : tfeast.pop(0) # remove the initial value # Temperature of EOS teos.append(Temperatures.Teos(NominalPower.eosP(teos[i-1]), pmodule_noLeakagePow_lastStep,resultqsensor,Tcoolant_i) ) if (i == 0) : teos.pop(0) # remove the initial value # # From here we can use actual temperatures # pmodule_noLeakagePow_thisStep = NominalPower.Pmod(tabc[i],thcc[i],tfeast[i], vfeast_i, doserate_i,tid_dose_i,isensor[i], itape_previous_i) # ABC Power (all n ABCs) pabc.append(NominalPower.Pabc(tabc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) tid_sf_abc.append(AbcTidBump.tid_scalefactor(tabc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) tid_bump_abc.append(AbcTidBump.tid_scalePlusShape(tabc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) tid_shape.append(1+AbcTidBump.tid_shape(tabc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)*0.45) # HCC power (all n HCCs) phcc.append(NominalPower.Phcc(thcc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) tid_sf_hcc.append(AbcTidBump.tid_scalefactor(thcc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) tid_bump_hcc.append(AbcTidBump.tid_scalePlusShape(thcc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) # EOS Power peos.append(NominalPower.eosP(teos[i])) # FEAST power (dissipated only by FEAST), including power dissipated due to ABC/HCCs. Both FEASTs. # (There is no more pfeast_abchcc) pfeast.append(NominalPower.Pfeast(tabc[i],thcc[i],tfeast[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) # linPOL12V power dissipated (powers the amac) plinpol12v.append(NominalPower.PlinPOL12V(vfeast_i)) # Power per module (front-end + HV) pmodule.append(pmodule_noLeakagePow_thisStep + resultqsensor) # Power loss in tape due to items on the module # ptape.append(NominalPower.Ptape(tabc[i],thcc[i],tfeast[i],vfeast_i,doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) # Power loss in tape due to items on the module, plus previous modules ptape_cumulative.append(NominalPower.Ptape_Cumulative(tabc[i],thcc[i],tfeast[i],vfeast_i,doserate_i,tid_dose_i,itape_previous_i)) # HV power per module (leakage + Phv_R + Phv_Mux) phv_wleakage.append(resultqsensor + NominalPower.Phv_R( isensor[i] ) + NominalPower.Phv_Mux ) # HV power per module due to serial resistors phvr.append( NominalPower.Phv_R( isensor[i] ) ) # HV power per module due to serial resistors # With two filters, the current is halved and thus the DeltaV is halved. vhvr.append( isensor[i] * SensorProperties.Rhv / float(NominalPower.nfilter_nhvmux) ) # HV per module due to parallel resistor phvmux.append(NominalPower.Phv_Mux) # Tape current (load) per module itape.append(NominalPower.Itape(tabc[i],thcc[i],tfeast[i],vfeast_i,doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) # Cumulative tape current (load) per module - adding the previous modules itape_cumulative.append(NominalPower.Itape_Cumulative(tabc[i],thcc[i],tfeast[i],vfeast_i,doserate_i,tid_dose_i,itape_previous_i)) # Voltage drop in the module (including FEAST/linPOL12V and tape) (== vfeast of next module) vdrop_tape.append(vfeast_i + itape_cumulative[i]*NominalPower.Rtape) # FEAST/linPOL12V voltage used in this module vfeast.append(vfeast_i) # Tape current (load) per module due to EOS itape_eos.append(NominalPower.Itape_eos(teos[i])) # Digital current per module (ABCs + HCCs) idig.append(NominalPower.Idig(tabc[i],thcc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) # Digital current of (all) HCCs ihcc_dig.append(NominalPower.Ihcc_digital(thcc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) # Digital current of (all) HCCs iabc_dig.append(NominalPower.Iabc_digital(tabc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i)) # Hybrid currents ihybrid0.append( (iabc_dig[i] + iabc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid0_nabc/float(NominalPower.nabc) + (ihcc_dig[i] + ihcc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid0_nhcc/float(NominalPower.nhcc) ) ihybrid1.append( (iabc_dig[i] + iabc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid1_nabc/float(NominalPower.nabc) + (ihcc_dig[i] + ihcc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid1_nhcc/float(NominalPower.nhcc) ) ihybrid2.append( (iabc_dig[i] + iabc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid2_nabc/float(NominalPower.nabc) + (ihcc_dig[i] + ihcc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid2_nhcc/float(NominalPower.nhcc) ) ihybrid3.append( (iabc_dig[i] + iabc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid3_nabc/float(NominalPower.nabc) + (ihcc_dig[i] + ihcc_a[i])*NominalPower.hybrid3_nhcc/float(NominalPower.nhcc) ) # FEAST current PER FEAST (in case there is more than one feast) ifeast.append(NominalPower.Ifeast(tabc[i],thcc[i],doserate_i,tid_dose_i) / float(NominalPower.nfeast)) # FEAST efficiency efffeast.append(PoweringEfficiency.feasteff(tfeast[i],ifeast[i])) # FEAST input current (both FEASTs, in case there is more than one feast.) # In any case there is no nfeast in the equation below. ifeast_in.append( (pfeast[i] + pabc[i] + phcc[i]) / float(vfeast_i) ) # if i and math.fabs(((i+1)*GlobalSettings.step) % 1.) < 0.000001 : # print 'Calculated year %.0f'%( int((i+1)*GlobalSettings.step) ) continue # end of loop xtitle = 'Time [years]' tid_max_index = idig.index(max(idig)) # dictionary of graphs gr = dict() gr['tsensor'] = MakeGraph('SensorTemperature' ,'Sensor temperature' ,xtitle,'T_{%s} [#circ^{}C]'%('sensor'),x,tsensor ) gr['tabc'] = MakeGraph('AbcTemperature' ,'ABC temperature' ,xtitle,'T_{%s} [#circ^{}C]'%('ABC' ),x,tabc ) gr['thcc'] = MakeGraph('HCCTemperature' ,'HCC temperature' ,xtitle,'T_{%s} [#circ^{}C]'%('HCC' ),x,thcc ) gr['tfeast'] = MakeGraph('FEASTTemperature' ,'FEAST temperature' ,xtitle,'T_{%s} [#circ^{}C]'%('Feast' ),x,tfeast ) gr['teos'] = MakeGraph('EOSTemperature' ,'EOS temperature' ,xtitle,'T_{%s} [#circ^{}C]'%('EOS' ),x,teos ) gr['peos'] = MakeGraph('EOSPower' ,'EOS power (one side)' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('EOS' ) ,x,peos ) gr['pmodule'] = MakeGraph('ModulePower' ,'Module power (one side) (no EOS)' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('module') ,x,pmodule ) gr['ptape_cumulative'] = MakeGraph('TapePowerCumulative','Cumulative LV tape power loss (one module, one side)',xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('tape'),x,ptape_cumulative) gr['phv_wleakage'] = MakeGraph('HVPower' ,'Total HV power (with leakage and resistors) (one side)',xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('HV' ) ,x,phv_wleakage) gr['isensor'] = MakeGraph('SensorCurrent' ,'Sensor (leakage) current (one module side)',xtitle,'I_{%s} [mA]'%('sensor') ,x,list(isensor[a]*1000. for a in range(len(isensor)))) gr['qsensor'] = MakeGraph('HVSensorQ' ,'Sensor Q (one side)' ,xtitle,'P [W]' ,x,qsensor ) gr['phvr'] = MakeGraph('HVPowerSerialResistors' ,'HV power serial resistors (one side)' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('HV,Rseries') ,x,phvr ) gr['vhvr'] = MakeGraph('HVVdropSerialResistors' ,'HV #Delta^{}V serial resistors' ,xtitle,'#Delta^{}V_{%s} [V]'%('HV,Rseries'),x,vhvr ) gr['phvmux'] = MakeGraph('HVPowerParallelResistor','HV power parallel resistor (one side)' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('HV,Rparallel') ,x,phvmux ) gr['itape'] = MakeGraph('TapeCurrentLV' ,'LV tape current (one side) due to items on module',xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('tape') ,x,itape ) gr['itape_cumulative'] = MakeGraph('TapeCurrentLVCumulative','Cumulative LV tape current (one side)',xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('tape') ,x,itape_cumulative) gr['itape_eos'] = MakeGraph('TapeCurrentEOS' ,'Tape current load for EOS (one side)' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('tape') ,x,itape_eos ) gr['idig'] = MakeGraph('DigitalCurrent' ,'ABC and HCC digital current' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('digital') ,x,idig ) gr['ihybrid0'] = MakeGraph('Hybrid0Current' ,'Hybrid 0 current' ,xtitle,'I [A]' ,x,ihybrid0 ) gr['ihybrid1'] = MakeGraph('Hybrid1Current' ,'Hybrid 1 current' ,xtitle,'I [A]' ,x,ihybrid1 ) gr['ihybrid2'] = MakeGraph('Hybrid2Current' ,'Hybrid 2 current' ,xtitle,'I [A]' ,x,ihybrid2 ) gr['ihybrid3'] = MakeGraph('Hybrid3Current' ,'Hybrid 3 current' ,xtitle,'I [A]' ,x,ihybrid3 ) gr['ifeast'] = MakeGraph('FeastCurrent' ,'FEAST current (load, per FEAST)' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('FEAST,load') ,x,ifeast ) gr['ifeast_in'] = MakeGraph('FeastCurrentInput' ,'FEAST current (input)' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('FEAST,in') ,x,ifeast_in ) gr['efffeast'] = MakeGraph('FeastEfficiency' ,'Feast efficiency' ,xtitle,'Efficiency [%]' ,x,efffeast ) gr['vfeast'] = MakeGraph('FeastVoltage' ,'Vdrop over FEAST and linPOL12V' ,xtitle,'#Delta^{}V [V]' ,x,vfeast ) gr['vdrop_tape'] = MakeGraph('TapeVoltageDrop' ,'Vdrop over FEAST, linPOL12V and tape' ,xtitle,'#Delta^{}V [V]' ,x,vdrop_tape) gr['qsensor_headroom'] = MakeGraph('SensorQHeadroom' ,'Sensor Q headroom factor' ,xtitle,'Power headroom factor [_{}Q_{S,crit}/Q_{S}]',x_qsensor_headroom,qsensor_headroom) gr['tcoolant'] = MakeGraph('CoolantTemperature' ,'Coolant temperature' ,xtitle,'T_{%s} [#circ^{}C]'%('coolant'),x_noRunaway,CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()) gr['tid_sf_abc'] = MakeGraph('ABCTidBumpScaleFactor' ,'ABC TID bump scale factor' ,xtitle,'scale factor' ,x_noRunaway,tid_sf_abc) gr['tid_sf_hcc'] = MakeGraph('HCCTidBumpScaleFactor' ,'HCC TID bump scale factor' ,xtitle,'scale factor' ,x_noRunaway,tid_sf_hcc) gr['tid_bump_abc'] = MakeGraph('ABCTidBump' ,'ABC TID bump' ,xtitle,'scale factor #times shape' ,x_noRunaway,tid_bump_abc) gr['tid_bump_hcc'] = MakeGraph('HCCTidBump' ,'HCC TID bump' ,xtitle,'scale factor #times shape' ,x_noRunaway,tid_bump_hcc) gr['doserate'] = MakeGraph('DoseRate' ,'Dose rate' ,xtitle,'dose rate [kRad/hr]' ,x_noRunaway,OperationalProfiles.doserate) # pmodule_noHV is (Power per module including leakage) minus (HV power including leakage) pmodule_noHV = list(pmodule[i] - phv_wleakage[i] for i in range(len(pmodule))) gr['pmodule_noHV'] = MakeGraph('ModulePower_noHV','Power without HV (no EOS)',xtitle,'P [W]',x,pmodule_noHV) dosave = (not hasattr(options,'save') or # Write out to file if dosave : outputpath = PlotUtils.GetOutputPath('SensorTemperatureCalc',options) outfilename = '%s/%s.root'%(outputpath,'SensorTemperatureCalc') out = ROOT.TFile(outfilename,'recreate') for g in gr.keys() : gr[g].Write() out.Close() print 'Wrote file %s'%(outfilename) # Write plots c = ROOT.gROOT.FindObject('SensorTemperatureCalcCanvas') if not c : c = ROOT.TCanvas('SensorTemperatureCalcCanvas','blah',600,500) c.Clear() text = ROOT.TLegend(0.11,0.70,0.46,0.92) # a more flexible way to draw text. PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(text) for g in gr.keys() : c.Clear() gr[g].Draw('al') text.Clear() PlotUtils.AddRunParameterLabels(text,additionalinfo=[gr[g].GetTitle()]) text.Draw() minzero = PlotUtils.MakePlotMinimumZero(g) forcemin = PlotUtils.GetPlotForcedMinimum(g) if g == 'qsensor_headroom' : c.SetLogy(True) taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c,minzero=minzero,forcemin=forcemin) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,gr[g].GetName())) if g == 'qsensor_headroom' : c.SetLogy(False) text.Clear() additionalinfo = [] if hasattr(options,'ring_lay') and options.ring_lay != None : additionalinfo = ['Endcap Disk 5, R%s'%(options.ring_lay)] PlotUtils.AddRunParameterLabels(text,additionalinfo=additionalinfo) # Extra graphs that you may not want to save individually extr = dict() extr['pamac'] = MakeGraph('AMACPower' ,'AMAC power' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('AMAC' ) ,x,pamac ) extr['pabc'] = MakeGraph('ABCPower' ,'ABC power' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('ABC' ) ,x,pabc ) extr['phcc'] = MakeGraph('HCCPower' ,'HCC power' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('HCC' ) ,x,phcc ) extr['pfeast'] = MakeGraph('FeastPower' ,'FEAST power' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('FEAST' ) ,x,pfeast ) extr['plinpol12v'] = MakeGraph('LinPOL12VPower' ,'LinPOL12V power (for AMAC)' ,xtitle,'P_{%s} [W]'%('linPOL12V' ) ,x,plinpol12v) extr['tid_shape'] = MakeGraph('TID_Shape' ,'TID shape #times 1.45' ,xtitle,'shape' ,x,tid_shape ) extr['ihcc_dig'] = MakeGraph('HCCDigitalCurrent' ,'HCC digital current' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('HCC') ,x,ihcc_dig ) extr['ihcc_a'] = MakeGraph('HCCAnalogCurrent' ,'HCC analog current' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('HCC') ,x,ihcc_a ) extr['iabc_dig'] = MakeGraph('HCCDigitalCurrent' ,'ABC digital current' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('ABC') ,x,iabc_dig ) extr['iabc_a'] = MakeGraph('HCCAnalogCurrent' ,'ABC analog current' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('ABC') ,x,iabc_a ) extr['iamac_3v'] = MakeGraph('AMACCurrent3V' ,'AMAC current (3V)' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('AMAC') ,x,iamac_3v ) extr['iamac_1p5v'] = MakeGraph('AMACCurrent1p5V' ,'AMAC current (1.5V)' ,xtitle,'I_{%s} [A]'%('IMAC') ,x,iamac_1p5v) # Kurt, put any extra plots here # # Module power # c.Clear() pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss = list(pmodule[i] - phv_wleakage[i] - ptape_cumulative[i] for i in range(len(pmodule))) gr_pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss = MakeGraph('ModulePower_noHV_NoTapeLoss','Power w/o HV and w/o tape loss',xtitle,'P [W]',x,pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss) gr_pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss.SetLineStyle(7) colors = {'pmodule' :ROOT.kGreen+1, 'pmodule_noHV' :ROOT.kBlue+1, 'pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss':ROOT.kRed+1 } leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.50,0.81,0.78,0.94) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) for i,key in enumerate(['pmodule','pmodule_noHV']) : gr[key].SetLineColor(colors.get(key)) gr[key].Draw('l' if i else 'al') leg.AddEntry(gr[key],gr[key].GetTitle(),'l') gr_pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss.SetLineColor(colors.get('pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss')) gr_pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss.Draw('l') leg.AddEntry(gr_pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss,gr_pmodule_noHV_noTapeLoss.GetTitle(),'l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c,minzero=True) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'SummaryPowerPerModule')) # # Temperatures # c.Clear() colors = {'tabc' :ROOT.kBlue+1, 'thcc' :ROOT.kRed+1, 'tfeast' :ROOT.kOrange+1, 'teos' :ROOT.kCyan+1, 'tsensor' :ROOT.kGreen+1, 'tcoolant':ROOT.kMagenta+1, } leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.52,0.69,0.80,0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) tabc_clone = gr['tabc'].Clone() tabc_clone.GetYaxis().SetTitle('T [#circ^{}C]') tabc_clone.Draw('al') leg.AddEntry(tabc_clone,tabc_clone.GetTitle(),'l') for i,key in enumerate(['thcc','tfeast','teos','tsensor','tcoolant']) : gr[key].SetLineColor(colors.get(key)) gr[key].Draw('l') leg.AddEntry(gr[key],gr[key].GetTitle(),'l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'SummaryTemperature')) # # Temperature headroom # c.Clear() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.57,0.86,0.80,0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) gr_tc_crit = MakeGraph('TcCrit','Critical Tc',xtitle,'T_{coolant} [C]',x,tc_crit) tc_headroom = list(tc_crit[a] - CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()[a] for a in range(len(tc_crit))) gr['tc_headroom'] = MakeGraph('CoolantTemperatureHeadroom','Coolant Headroom',xtitle,'Headroom T_{C} [C]',x,tc_headroom) gr['tcoolant'].Draw('al') gr_tc_crit.Draw('l') leg.AddEntry(gr['tcoolant'],gr['tcoolant'].GetTitle(),'l') leg.AddEntry(gr_tc_crit,gr_tc_crit.GetTitle(),'l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c,ignorelegend=False) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'TemperatureHeadroom')) # # HV power summary # c.Clear() hv_power_resistors = list(phvr[i] + phvmux[i] for i in range(len(phvr))) gr['hv_power_resistors'] = MakeGraph('HVPowerResistors','Contribution from all resistors',xtitle,'P [W]',x,hv_power_resistors) phvmux_title_old = gr['phvmux'].GetTitle() gr['phvmux'].SetTitle('Contribution from parallel resistor') gr['phvmux'].SetLineStyle(7) colors = {'phv_wleakage' :ROOT.kBlue+1, 'hv_power_resistors':ROOT.kGreen+1, 'phvmux' :ROOT.kRed+1, } leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.50,0.81,0.78,0.94) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) for i,key in enumerate(['phv_wleakage','hv_power_resistors','phvmux']) : gr[key].SetLineColor(colors.get(key)) gr[key].Draw('l' if i else 'al') leg.AddEntry(gr[key],gr[key].GetTitle(),'l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c,minzero=True) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'SummaryHVPower')) gr['phvmux'].SetTitle(phvmux_title_old) # # Total power plot # c.Clear() hists = dict() stack = ROOT.THStack('stack','stack') # pmod = pabc + phcc + pamac + pfeast + ptape_cumulative + phv_wleakage leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.61,0.63,0.86,0.93) leg.SetName('legend') PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) hists = [] hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['pamac']))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['pabc']))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['phcc']))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['pfeast']))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['plinpol12v']))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(gr['ptape_cumulative']))) phvresistors = list(phvmux[i] + phvr[i] for i in range(len(phvmux))) gr_phvresistors = MakeGraph('ModulePower_HVResistors','Power of HV resistors',xtitle,'P [W]',x,phvresistors) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(gr_phvresistors))) # HV resistors hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(gr['qsensor']))) # qsensor if max(peos) > 0 : hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(gr['peos']))) for h in hists : leg.AddEntry(h,h.GetTitle().replace('power ','').replace('power','').replace(' (one module, one side)',''),'f') if max(peos) == 0 : leg.AddEntry(0,'','') stack.Draw('l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() stack.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) stack.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('P [W]') taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c,ignorelegend=False,minzero=True) #taxisfunc.SetYaxisRanges(c,0,20) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'PowerStackPlot')) elif hasattr(options,'ring_lay') and options.ring_lay != None : tmp_outputpath = PlotUtils.GetOutputPath('ExtendedModelSummaryPlots',options) c.Print('%s/%s_EndcapR%s.eps'%(tmp_outputpath,'SummaryPowerPerModule',options.ring_lay)) # # Total LV plot # c.Clear() hists = dict() stack = ROOT.THStack('stack_lv','stack_lv') leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.61,0.73,0.86,0.93) leg.SetName('legend') PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) hists = [] hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['ihcc_a'] ))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['iabc_a'] ))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['ihcc_dig']))) hists.insert(0,PlotUtils.AddToStack(stack,leg,GraphToHist(extr['iabc_dig']))) for h in hists : leg.AddEntry(h,h.GetTitle().replace('current ','').replace('current',''),'f') stack.Draw('l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() stack.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) stack.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('I [A]') taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c,ignorelegend=False,minzero=True) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'LVCurrentHCCABCStackPlot')) elif hasattr(options,'ring_lay') and options.ring_lay != None : tmp_outputpath = PlotUtils.GetOutputPath('ExtendedModelSummaryPlots',options) c.Print('%s/%s_EndcapR%s.eps'%(tmp_outputpath,'LVCurrentHCCABCStackPlot',options.ring_lay)) # # Thermal balance curve # def PlotQGraph(can,legend,index,color,leg_label) : xlist = ts_sweep_list[index] ylist = ts_vs_q_thermalbalance[index] max_coolantT = max(CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()) xlist = xlist[:xlist.index(max_coolantT + 45.)] ylist = ylist[:len(xlist)] xlist_2 = xlist[:len(ylist)] tmp_gr = MakeGraph('blah','blah','T_{S} [#circ^{}C]','Q [W]',xlist_2,ylist) # Now do the ts vs q plot ylist_1 = ts_vs_q[index] ylist_1 = ylist_1[:len(xlist)] index_stop = len(ylist_1) #too_high = list(ylist_1[i] > ylist[-1] for i in range(len(ylist_1))) too_high = list(ylist_1[i] > 40 for i in range(len(ylist_1))) if True in too_high : index_stop = too_high.index(True) tmp_gr_1 = MakeGraph('Q(thermal balance)','Q(thermal balance)','T_{S} [#circ^{}C]','Q [W]',xlist[:index_stop],ylist_1[:index_stop]) tmp_gr .SetLineColor(color) tmp_gr_1.SetLineColor(color) tmp_gr_1.SetLineStyle(7) drawopt = 'l' if (True in list(issubclass(type(a),ROOT.TGraph) for a in can.GetListOfPrimitives())) else 'al' tmp_gr.Draw(drawopt) tmp_gr_1.Draw('l') # ylist_2 = ts_vs_q_at_crit[index] # index_stop = len(ylist_2) # too_high = list(ylist_2[i] > 40 for i in range(len(ylist_2))) # if True in too_high : # index_stop = too_high.index(True) # tmp_gr_2 = MakeGraph('q_crit','q crit','T_{S} [#circ^{}C]','Q [W]',xlist[:index_stop],ylist_2[:index_stop]) # tmp_gr_2.SetLineColor(color) # tmp_gr_2.Draw('l') legend.AddEntry(tmp_gr,leg_label,'l') return tmp_gr,tmp_gr_1#,tmp_gr_2 c.Clear() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.61,0.80,0.93,0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) year1_index = int(1./float(GlobalSettings.step)) collection = [] collection.append(PlotQGraph(c,leg,year1_index,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[0],'t = 1 year' )) collection.append(PlotQGraph(c,leg,tid_max_index,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[1],'t = tid bump')) if thermal_runaway_index : collection.append(PlotQGraph(c,leg,thermal_runaway_index,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[3],'t = thermal runaway')) else : collection.append(PlotQGraph(c,leg,-1,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[2],'t = %d years'%(GlobalSettings.nyears))) leg.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'QVersusTs')) # # Sensor temperature vs sensor leakage power # def PlotQRefGraph(can,legend,index,color,leg_label) : xlist = ts_vs_qref[index] ylist = ts_sweep_list[index] max_coolantT = max(CoolantTemperature.GetTimeStepTc()) ylist = ylist[:ylist.index(max_coolantT + 45.)] xlist = xlist[:len(ylist)] x_max_i = xlist.index(max(xlist)) # Trim top tmp_y = ylist while xlist[-1] < 0 : xlist.pop(-1) tmp_y.pop(-1) tmp_gr = MakeGraph('blah','blah','q^{}_{ref} at #minus15#circ^{}C [#mu^{}W/mm^{2}]','T_{S} [#circ^{}C]',xlist[:x_max_i+1],tmp_y[:x_max_i+1]) tmp_gr_1 = MakeGraph('blah','blah','q^{}_{ref} at #minus15#circ^{}C [#mu^{}W/mm^{2}]','T_{S} [#circ^{}C]',xlist[x_max_i:],tmp_y[x_max_i:]) tmp_gr .SetLineColor(color) tmp_gr_1.SetLineColor(color) tmp_gr_1.SetLineStyle(7) # Set 0 point tmp_gr.SetPoint(0,0,tmp_gr.Eval(0)) while tmp_gr.GetX()[1] < 0 : tmp_gr.RemovePoint(1) drawopt = 'l' if (True in list(issubclass(type(a),ROOT.TGraph) for a in can.GetListOfPrimitives())) else 'al' tmp_gr.Draw(drawopt) tmp_gr_1.Draw('l') static_qref_ts = ylist[xlist.index(max(xlist))] if static_qref[index] < max(xlist) : static_qref_ts = tmp_gr.Eval(static_qref[index]) tmp_gr_2 = MakeGraph('blah','blah','','',[static_qref[index]],[static_qref_ts]) tmp_gr_2.SetMarkerColor(color) tmp_gr_2.Draw('p') legend.AddEntry(tmp_gr,leg_label,'l') tmp_gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle('q^{}_{ref} at #minus15#circ^{}C [#mu^{}W/mm^{2}]') tmp_gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle('T_{S} [#circ^{}C]') return tmp_gr,tmp_gr_1,tmp_gr_2 c.Clear() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.61,0.80,0.93,0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) collection = [] collection.append(PlotQRefGraph(c,leg,year1_index ,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[0],'t = 1 year')) collection.append(PlotQRefGraph(c,leg,tid_max_index,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[1],'t = tid bump')) if thermal_runaway_index : collection.append(PlotQRefGraph(c,leg,thermal_runaway_index,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[3],'t = thermal runaway')) else : collection.append(PlotQRefGraph(c,leg,-1 ,PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[2],'t = %d years'%(GlobalSettings.nyears))) leg.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c) taxisfunc.FixXaxisRanges(c) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'QrefVersusTs')) # # TID Characterization vs time # c.Clear() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.52,0.76,0.84,0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) extr['tid_shape'].Draw('al') leg.AddEntry(extr['tid_shape'],extr['tid_shape'].GetTitle(),'l') for i,g in enumerate(['tid_bump_abc','tid_bump_hcc','tid_sf_abc','tid_sf_hcc']) : gr[g].SetLineColor(PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[i%2+1]) if i > 1 : gr[g].SetLineStyle(7) gr[g].Draw('l') leg.AddEntry(gr[g],gr[g].GetTitle(),'l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'TIDBumpCharacterization')) elif hasattr(options,'ring_lay') and options.ring_lay != None : tmp_outputpath = PlotUtils.GetOutputPath('ExtendedModelSummaryPlots',options) c.Print('%s/%s_EndcapR%s.eps'%(tmp_outputpath,'TIDBumpCharacterization',options.ring_lay)) # # TID Characterization vs dose # c.Clear() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.52,0.76,0.84,0.93) PlotUtils.SetStyleLegend(leg) gr_vdose = dict() xtitle_dose = 'Integrated dose [MRad]' x_dose = list(a/1000. for a in OperationalProfiles.tid_dose[1:]) gr_vdose['tid_shape'] = MakeGraph('TID_ShapeVsDose' ,'TID shape #times 1.45' ,xtitle_dose,'shape',x_dose,tid_shape) gr_vdose['tid_sf_abc'] = MakeGraph('ABCTidBumpScaleFactorVsDose','ABC TID bump scale factor',xtitle_dose,'shape',x_dose,tid_sf_abc) gr_vdose['tid_sf_hcc'] = MakeGraph('HCCTidBumpScaleFactorVsDose','HCC TID bump scale factor',xtitle_dose,'shape',x_dose,tid_sf_hcc) gr_vdose['tid_bump_abc'] = MakeGraph('ABCTidBumpVsDose' ,'ABC TID bump' ,xtitle_dose,'shape',x_dose,tid_bump_abc) gr_vdose['tid_bump_hcc'] = MakeGraph('HCCTidBumpVsDose' ,'HCC TID bump' ,xtitle_dose,'shape',x_dose,tid_bump_hcc) gr_vdose['tid_shape'].Draw('al') leg.AddEntry(extr['tid_shape'],extr['tid_shape'].GetTitle(),'l') for i,g in enumerate(['tid_bump_abc','tid_bump_hcc','tid_sf_abc','tid_sf_hcc']) : gr_vdose[g].SetLineColor(PlotUtils.ColorPalette()[i%2+1]) if i > 1 : gr_vdose[g].SetLineStyle(7) gr_vdose[g].Draw('l') leg.AddEntry(gr_vdose[g],gr_vdose[g].GetTitle(),'l') leg.Draw() text.Draw() taxisfunc.AutoFixYaxis(c) if dosave : c.Print('%s/%s.eps'%(outputpath,'TIDBumpCharacterizationVsDose')) elif hasattr(options,'ring_lay') and options.ring_lay != None : tmp_outputpath = PlotUtils.GetOutputPath('ExtendedModelSummaryPlots',options) c.Print('%s/%s_EndcapR%s.eps'%(tmp_outputpath,'TIDBumpCharacterizationVsDose',options.ring_lay)) # Kurt, put any extra plots here -- End. # Claire, put any extra plots here # Claire, put any extra plots here -- End. # return all the graphs return_items = gr return_items['thermal_runaway_year'] = thermal_runaway_year return_items['thermal_runaway_month'] = thermal_runaway_month return return_items