예제 #1
# Vt max time series, top half
Xaxis = plu.AxisConfig('x', [0, 62], '')
Xaxis.ticks = [6, 18, 30, 42, 54]
Xaxis.ticklabels = [
    "12Z\n22Aug", "0Z\n23Aug", "12Z\n23Aug", "0Z\n24Aug", "12Z\n23Aug"
Xaxis.fontsize = 14

Yaxis = plu.AxisConfig('y', [5, 23], r'$Speed (ms^{-1})$')
Yaxis.fontsize = 14

Ptitle = plu.TitleConfig('a', r'$V_t (max)$')
Ptitle.fontsize = 24

Legend = plu.LegendConfig(LegText, 'upper left')
Legend.bbox = [1.02, 1.0]
Legend.fontsize = 12
Legend.ncol = 1

plu.PlotLine(AxVt, T, WindTs, Ptitle, Xaxis, Yaxis, Legend, Colors)

# Mark the PRESAL (10-30 h) and SAL (40-60 h) time periods
AxVt.plot([10, 30], [7, 7], color='black', linewidth=2)
AxVt.plot([10, 10], [6, 8], color='black', linewidth=2)
AxVt.plot([30, 30], [6, 8], color='black', linewidth=2)
AxVt.text(15, 8.4, 'PSAP', color='black', fontsize=14)

AxVt.plot([40, 60], [7, 7], color='black', linewidth=2)
AxVt.plot([40, 40], [6, 8], color='black', linewidth=2)
AxVt.plot([60, 60], [6, 8], color='black', linewidth=2)
예제 #2

        # Make the plot
        Fig = plt.figure()
        Ax = Fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8])

        Xaxis = plu.AxisConfig('x', Xlims, Xlabel)
        Xaxis.fontsize = 12

        Yaxis = plu.AxisConfig('y', Ylims, Ylabel)
        Yaxis.fontsize = 12

        Ptitle = plu.TitleConfig('', Pname)
        Ptitle.fontsize = 24

        Legend = plu.LegendConfig(SimLegText, 'upper left')
        Legend.bbox = [1.02, 1.0]
        Legend.fontsize = 9
        Legend.ncol = 1

        plu.PlotLine(Ax, T, VARS.transpose(), Ptitle, Xaxis, Yaxis, Legend,

        OutFile = "{0:s}/{1:s}TimeSeries{2:s}.png".format(
            Pdir, Pfprefix, Oname)
        print("Writing: {0:s}".format(OutFile))

예제 #3
    def CreateFig(self):

        # get labels and colors for sims and factors
        LabelScheme = conf.SetLabelScheme()
        ColorScheme = conf.SetColorScheme()

        # Collect input data in an array: (y,sim)
        # Create factors on the y values, assume all sims have identical x values
        # and all sims have identical length y values
        SimLabels = []
        SimColors = []
        for i in range(self.Nsims):
            Sim = self.SimList[i]

            InFname = self.InFname.replace("<SIM>", Sim)
            Xname = self.Xname
            Yname = self.Yname
            print("Reading {0:s} ({1:s})".format(InFname, Xname))
            print("Reading {0:s} ({1:s})".format(InFname, Yname))
            InFile = h5py.File(InFname, mode='r')
            X = InFile[Xname][...] * self.Xscale + self.Xoffset
            Y = InFile[Yname][...] * self.Yscale + self.Yoffset

            if (i == 0):
                Nx = len(X)
                Ny = len(Y)
                Yvals = np.zeros([ Ny, self.Nsims ], dtype=np.float_)

            Yvals[:,i] = Y

        # Build the factors from the input cross sections
        #   The second dimension in Yvals is the sim which
        #   is mapped as:
        #      index     sim
        #        0       NSND
        #        1        SND
        #        2        NSD
        #        3         SD
        # Factors are in this order:
        #      index     factor            formula
        #        0       FAC_SAL     SND - NSND
        #        1      FAC_DUST     NSD - NSND
        #        2       FAC_INT     SD - (SND + NSD) + NSND
        FacLabels = []
        FacColors = []
        FacVals = np.zeros( [ Ny, self.Nfacs ], dtype=np.float_)
        for i in range(self.Nfacs):
            Factor = self.FacList[i]

            if (Factor == 'FAC_SAL'):
                # SND - NSND
                FacVals[:,i] = Yvals[:,1] - Yvals[:,0]
            elif (Factor == 'FAC_DUST'):
                # NSD - NSND
                FacVals[:,i] = Yvals[:,2] - Yvals[:,0]
            elif (Factor == 'FAC_INT'):
                # SD - (SND + NSD) + NSND
                FacVals[:,i] = Yvals[:,3] - (Yvals[:,1] + Yvals[:,2]) + Yvals[:,0]
                print("ERROR: PlotXsection: Attempted to calculate too many factors")
                print("ERROR: PlotXsection: Stopping!")
        # 2 panel plot
        #   Sims on top
        #   Factors on bottom
        self.Fig = plt.figure()

        # legeng specs
        LegBbox = [ 1.02, 1.0 ]
        LegFsize = 12
        LegNcol = 1
        # Place axes for all panels
        AxW = 0.70
        AxH = 0.35
        AxLlx = 0.10
        AxLly = [ 0.10, 0.55 ]
        self.SimAx.append(self.Fig.add_axes([ AxLlx, AxLly[1], AxW, AxH ]))
        self.FacAx.append(self.Fig.add_axes([ AxLlx, AxLly[0], AxW, AxH ]))
        # create axes
        Xaxis = plu.AxisConfig('x', [ self.Xmin, self.Xmax ], self.Xlabel)
        Xaxis.fontsize = self.AxFsize
        if self.Xticks:
             Xaxis.ticks = self.Xticks
        if self.XtickLabels:
             Xaxis.ticklabels = self.XtickLabels
        Yaxis = plu.AxisConfig('y', [ self.Ymin, self.Ymax ], self.Ylabel)
        Yaxis.fontsize = self.AxFsize
        if self.Yticks:
             Yaxis.ticks = self.Yticks
        if self.YtickLabels:
             Yaxis.ticklabels = self.YtickLabels

        # Sim lines
        Ptitle = plu.TitleConfig(self.SimPmarkers[0], "SIMS: {0:s}".format(self.Title))
        Ptitle.fontsize = self.TitleFsize

        Legend = plu.LegendConfig(SimLabels, 'upper left')
        Legend.bbox = LegBbox
        Legend.fontsize = LegFsize
        Legend.ncol = LegNcol
        Xaxis.show = self.SimXshow[0]
        Yaxis.show = self.SimYshow[0]
        Yaxis.lim = self.SimLimits
        plu.PlotLine(self.SimAx[0], X, Yvals, Ptitle, Xaxis, Yaxis, Legend, SimColors)
        # Factor lines
        Ptitle = plu.TitleConfig(self.FacPmarkers[0], "FACTORS: {0:s}".format(self.Title))
        Ptitle.fontsize = self.TitleFsize

        Legend = plu.LegendConfig(FacLabels, 'upper left')
        Legend.bbox = LegBbox
        Legend.fontsize = LegFsize
        Legend.ncol = LegNcol
        Xaxis.show = self.FacXshow[0]
        Yaxis.show = self.FacYshow[0]
        Yaxis.lim = self.FacLimits
        plu.PlotLine(self.FacAx[0], X, FacVals, Ptitle, Xaxis, Yaxis, Legend, FacColors)
        print("Writing: {0:s}".format(self.OutFname))