예제 #1
    def Activated(self):
        # Grab our code editor so we can interact with it
        cqCodePane = Shared.getActiveCodePane()

        # If there is no script to check, ignore this command
        if cqCodePane is None:
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("There is no script to validate.")

        # Clear the old render before re-rendering

        scriptText = cqCodePane.toPlainText().encode('utf-8')

        if ("show_object(" not in scriptText and "# show_object(" in scriptText and "#show_boject(" in scriptText) or ("debug(" not in scriptText and "# debug(" in scriptText and "#debug(" in scriptText):
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Script did not call show_object or debug, no output available. Script must be CQGI compliant to get build output, variable editing and validation.\r\n")

        # A repreentation of the CQ script with all the metadata attached
        cqModel = cqgi.parse(scriptText)

        # Allows us to present parameters to users later that they can alter
        parameters = cqModel.metadata.parameters

예제 #2
    def Activated(self):
        # Grab our code editor so we can interact with it
        cqCodePane = Shared.getActiveCodePane()

        # If there is no script to check, ignore this command
        if cqCodePane is None:
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("There is no script to validate.")

        # Clear the old render before re-rendering

        scriptText = cqCodePane.toPlainText().encode('utf-8')

        if (b"show_object(" not in scriptText) and  (b"debug(" not in scriptText):
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Script did not call show_object or debug, no output available. Script must be CQGI compliant to get build output, variable editing and validation.\r\n")

        # A repreentation of the CQ script with all the metadata attached
        cqModel = cqgi.parse(scriptText)

        # Allows us to present parameters to users later that they can alter
        parameters = cqModel.metadata.parameters

예제 #3
    def Activated(self):
        # Grab our code editor so we can interact with it
        cqCodePane = Shared.getActiveCodePane()

        # Clear the old render before re-rendering

        # Save our code to a tempfile and render it
        tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

        # Set some environment variables that may help the user
        os.environ["MYSCRIPT_FULL_PATH"] = cqCodePane.file.path
        os.environ["MYSCRIPT_DIR"] = os.path.dirname(

        # We import this way because using execfile() causes non-standard script execution in some situations
        imp.load_source('temp_module', tempFile.name)

        msg = QtGui.QApplication.translate("cqCodeWidget", "Executed ", None,
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(msg + cqCodePane.file.path + "\r\n")
예제 #4
    def Activated(self):
        # Grab our code editor so we can interact with it
        cqCodePane = Shared.getActiveCodePane()

        # Clear the old render before re-rendering

        scriptText = cqCodePane.toPlainText().encode('utf-8')

        # Check to see if we are executig a CQGI compliant script
        if ("show_object(" in scriptText and "# show_object(" not in scriptText and "#show_boject(" not in scriptText) or ("debug(" in scriptText and "# debug(" not in scriptText and "#debug(" not in scriptText):
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Executing CQGI-compliant script.\r\n")

            # A repreentation of the CQ script with all the metadata attached
            cqModel = cqgi.parse(scriptText)

            # Allows us to present parameters to users later that they can alter
            parameters = cqModel.metadata.parameters
            build_parameters = {}

            # Collect the build parameters from the Parameters Editor view, if they exist
            mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()

            # Tracks whether or not we have already added the variables editor
            isPresent = False

            # If the widget is open, we need to close it
            dockWidgets = mw.findChildren(QtGui.QDockWidget)
            for widget in dockWidgets:
                if widget.objectName() == "cqVarsEditor":
                    # Toggle the visibility of the widget
                    if not widget.visibleRegion().isEmpty():
                        # Find all of the controls that will have parameter values in them
                        valueControls = mw.findChildren(QtGui.QLineEdit)
                        for valueControl in valueControls:
                            objectName = valueControl.objectName()

                            # We only want text fields that will have parameter values in them
                            if objectName != None and objectName != '' and objectName.find('pcontrol_') >= 0:
                                # Associate the value in the text field with the variable name in the script
                                build_parameters[objectName.replace('pcontrol_', '')] = valueControl.text()

            build_result = cqModel.build(build_parameters=build_parameters)

            if Settings.report_execute_time:
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Script executed in " + str(build_result.buildTime) + " seconds\r\n")

            # Make sure that the build was successful
            if build_result.success:
                # Display all the results that the user requested
                for result in build_result.results:
                    # Apply options to the show function if any were provided
                    if result.options and result.options["rgba"]:
                        show(result.shape, result.options["rgba"])

                for debugObj in build_result.debugObjects:
                    # Mark this as a debug object
                    debugObj.shape.val().label = "Debug" + str(random())

                    # Apply options to the show function if any were provided
                    if debugObj.options and debugObj.options["rgba"]:
                        show(debugObj.shape, debugObj.options["rgba"])
                        show(debugObj.shape, (255, 0, 0, 0.80))
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error executing CQGI-compliant script. " + str(build_result.exception) + "\r\n")
            # Save our code to a tempfile and render it
            tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

            # Set some environment variables that may help the user
            os.environ["MYSCRIPT_FULL_PATH"] = cqCodePane.file.path
            os.environ["MYSCRIPT_DIR"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(cqCodePane.file.path))

            # We import this way because using execfile() causes non-standard script execution in some situations
            with revert_sys_modules():
                imp.load_source('temp_module', tempFile.name)

        msg = QtGui.QApplication.translate(
            "Executed ",
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(msg + cqCodePane.file.path + "\r\n")
예제 #5
    def Activated(self):
        # Grab our code editor so we can interact with it
        cqCodePane = Shared.getActiveCodePane()

        # Clear the old render before re-rendering

        scriptText = cqCodePane.toPlainText().encode('utf-8')

        # Check to see if we are executig a CQGI compliant script
        if b"show_object(" in scriptText or b"debug(" in scriptText:
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Executing CQGI-compliant script.\r\n")

            # A repreentation of the CQ script with all the metadata attached
            cqModel = cqgi.parse(scriptText)

            # Allows us to present parameters to users later that they can alter
            parameters = cqModel.metadata.parameters
            build_parameters = {}

            # Collect the build parameters from the Parameters Editor view, if they exist
            mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()

            # Tracks whether or not we have already added the variables editor
            isPresent = False

            # If the widget is open, we need to close it
            dockWidgets = mw.findChildren(QtGui.QDockWidget)
            for widget in dockWidgets:
                if widget.objectName() == "cqVarsEditor":
                    # Toggle the visibility of the widget
                    if not widget.visibleRegion().isEmpty():
                        # Find all of the controls that will have parameter values in them
                        valueControls = mw.findChildren(QtGui.QLineEdit)
                        for valueControl in valueControls:
                            objectName = valueControl.objectName()

                            # We only want text fields that will have parameter values in them
                            if objectName != None and objectName != '' and objectName.find('pcontrol_') >= 0:
                                # Associate the value in the text field with the variable name in the script
                                build_parameters[objectName.replace('pcontrol_', '')] = valueControl.text()

            build_result = cqModel.build(build_parameters=build_parameters)

            # if Settings.report_execute_time:
            #     FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Script executed in " + str(build_result.buildTime) + " seconds\r\n")

            # Make sure that the build was successful
            if build_result.success:
                # Display all the results that the user requested
                for result in build_result.results:
                    # Apply options to the show function if any were provided
                    if result.options and result.options["rgba"]:
                        show(result.shape, result.options["rgba"])

                for debugObj in build_result.debugObjects:
                    # Mark this as a debug object
                    debugObj.shape.val().label = "Debug" + str(random())

                    # Apply options to the show function if any were provided
                    if debugObj.options and debugObj.options["rgba"]:
                        show(debugObj.shape, debugObj.options["rgba"])
                        show(debugObj.shape, (255, 0, 0, 0.80))
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error executing CQGI-compliant script. " + str(build_result.exception) + "\r\n")
            # Save our code to a tempfile and render it
            tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

            # Set some environment variables that may help the user
            os.environ["MYSCRIPT_FULL_PATH"] = cqCodePane.get_path()
            os.environ["MYSCRIPT_DIR"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(cqCodePane.get_path()))

            # We import this way because using execfile() causes non-standard script execution in some situations
            with revert_sys_modules():
                imp.load_source('__cq_freecad_module__', tempFile.name)

        msg = QtGui.QApplication.translate(
            "Executed ",
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(msg + cqCodePane.get_path() + "\r\n")