def initializeLesHouchesFileManagerHandler(serviceInfo):
    """ Initialize the service
    ops = Operations()
    res = ops.getOptionsDict("/Models")
    if not res["OK"]:
        return res
    templates = res["Value"]
    cfgPath = serviceInfo["serviceSectionPath"]
    location = ""
    location = ops.getValue("%s/BasePath" % cfgPath, location)
    if not location:
        gLogger.error("Path to LesHouches files not defined")
        return S_ERROR("Path to LesHouches files not defined in CS")
    missing = False
    global ModelsDict
    for template, tfile in templates.items():
        ModelsDict[template] = {}
        ModelsDict[template]["file"] = tfile
        if not tfile:
            ModelsDict[template]["content"] = [""]
        file_path = os.path.join([location, tfile])
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            gLogger.error("Missing %s" % file_path)
            missing = True
        LesHouchesFile = open(file_path, "r")
        ModelsDict[template]["content"] = LesHouchesFile.readlines()

    if missing:
        return S_ERROR("File missing")

    return S_OK()
예제 #2
  def web_getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs(self):
    """ Method obtain launchpad setup with pre-selected LFNs as input data parameter,
        the caller js client will use setup to open an new Launchpad
    # On the fly file catalog for advanced launchpad
    if not hasattr(self, 'fc'):
      userData = self.getSessionData()
      group = str(userData["user"]["group"])
      vo = getVOForGroup(group)
      self.fc = FileCatalog(vo=vo)

    self.set_header('Content-type', 'text/plain')
    arguments = self.request.arguments
    gLogger.always("submit: incoming arguments %s to getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs" % arguments)
    lfnList = str(arguments['path'][0]).split(',')

    # Modified for Eiscat
    # Checks if the experiments folder in lfn list has a rtg_def.m file at some subfolder
    gLogger.always("submit: checking if some rtg_def.m", arguments)
    processed = []
    metaDict = {'type': 'info'}
    for lfn in lfnList:
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/")
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      experiment_lfn = lfn[0:pos_relative]
      if experiment_lfn in processed:
      gLogger.always( "checking rtg_def.m in %s" % experiment_lfn )
      result = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( metaDict, path=str(experiment_lfn) )
      if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
         gLogger.error( "Failed to get type info from $s, %s" % (experiment_lfn,result[ "Message" ]) )
      for candidate_lfn in result['Value']:
        if candidate_lfn.find('rtg_def.m') > 0:
    # End modified

    ptlfn = ''
    for lfn in lfnList:
      ptlfn += (', ' + lfn) if ptlfn else lfn

    params = self.defaultParams.copy()
    params["InputData"] = [1, ptlfn]

    obj = Operations(vo=vo)
    predefinedSets = {}
    launchpadSections = obj.getSections("Launchpad")
    if launchpadSections['OK']:
      for section in launchpadSections["Value"]:
        predefinedSets[section] = {}
        sectionOptions = obj.getOptionsDict("Launchpad/" + section)
        if sectionOptions['OK']:
          predefinedSets[section] = sectionOptions["Value"]

    self.write({"success": "true", "result": params, "predefinedSets": predefinedSets})
예제 #3
  def web_getLaunchpadOpts(self):
    defaultParams = {"JobName" :        [1, 'DIRAC'],
                     "Executable" :     [1, "/bin/ls"],
                     "Arguments" :      [1, "-ltrA"],
                     "OutputSandbox" :  [1, "std.out, std.err"],
                     "InputData" :      [0, ""],
                     "OutputData" :     [0, ""],
                     "OutputSE" :       [0, "DIRAC-USER"],
                     "OutputPath":      [0, ""],
                     "CPUTime" :        [0, "86400"],
                     "Site" :           [0, ""],
                     "BannedSite" :     [0, ""],
                     "Platform" :       [0, "Linux_x86_64_glibc-2.5"],
                     "Priority" :       [0, "5"],
                     "StdError" :       [0, "std.err"],
                     "StdOutput" :      [0, "std.out"],
                     "Parameters" :     [0, "0"],
                     "ParameterStart" : [0, "0"],
                     "ParameterStep" :  [0, "1"]}
    delimiter = gConfig.getValue("/Website/Launchpad/ListSeparator" , ',')
    options = self.__getOptionsFromCS(delimiter=delimiter)
#     platform = self.__getPlatform()
#     if platform and options:
#       if not options.has_key("Platform"):
#         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
#       else:
#         csPlatform = list(options[ "Platform" ])
#         allPlatforms = csPlatform + platform
#         platform = uniqueElements(allPlatforms)
#         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
    gLogger.debug("Combined options from CS: %s" % options)
    override = gConfig.getValue("/Website/Launchpad/OptionsOverride" , False)"end __getLaunchpadOpts")
#    Updating the default values from OptionsOverride configuration branch
    for key in options:
      if key not in defaultParams:
        defaultParams[key] = [ 0, "" ]                                                                                                 
      defaultParams[key][1] = options[key][0]
#    Reading of the predefined sets of launchpad parameters values
    obj = Operations()
    predefinedSets = {}
    launchpadSections = obj.getSections("Launchpad")
    import pprint
    if launchpadSections['OK']:
      for section in launchpadSections["Value"]:
        predefinedSets[section] = {}
        sectionOptions = obj.getOptionsDict("Launchpad/" + section)
        if sectionOptions['OK']:
          predefinedSets[section] = sectionOptions["Value"]
    self.write({"success":"true", "result":defaultParams, "predefinedSets":predefinedSets})
예제 #4
class RssConfiguration:
      State        : Active | InActive,
      Cache        : 300,
      FromAddress  : '*****@*****.**'
      StatusType   :
        default       : all,
        StorageElement: ReadAccess, WriteAccess, CheckAccess, RemoveAccess
    def __init__(self):
        self.opsHelper = Operations()

    def getConfigCache(self, default=300):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of Cache

        return self.opsHelper.getValue('%s/Config/Cache' % _rssConfigPath,

    def getConfigFromAddress(self, default=None):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of FromAddress

        return self.opsHelper.getValue(
            '%s/Config/FromAddress' % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigStatusType(self, elementType=None):
      Gets all the status types per elementType, if not given, it takes default
      from CS. If not, hardcoded variable DEFAULT.

        _DEFAULTS = ('all', )

        res = self.opsHelper.getOptionsDict('%s/Config/StatusTypes' %

        if res['OK']:

            if elementType in res['Value']:
                return List.fromChar(res['Value'][elementType])

            if 'default' in res['Value']:
                return List.fromChar(res['Value']['default'])

        return _DEFAULTS
예제 #5
class RssConfiguration:
      State        : Active | InActive,
      Cache        : 300,
      FromAddress  : '*****@*****.**'
      StatusType   :
        default       : all,
        StorageElement: ReadAccess, WriteAccess, CheckAccess, RemoveAccess
  def __init__( self ):
    self.opsHelper = Operations()

  def getConfigCache( self, default = 300 ):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of Cache
    return self.opsHelper.getValue( '%s/Config/Cache' % _rssConfigPath, default )

  def getConfigFromAddress( self, default = None ):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of FromAddress
    return self.opsHelper.getValue( '%s/Config/FromAddress' % _rssConfigPath, default )
  def getConfigStatusType( self, elementType = None ):
      Gets all the status types per elementType, if not given, it takes default
      from CS. If not, hardcoded variable DEFAULT.
    _DEFAULTS = ( 'all', )
    res = self.opsHelper.getOptionsDict( '%s/Config/StatusTypes' % _rssConfigPath )
    if res[ 'OK' ]:
      if elementType in res[ 'Value' ]:
        return List.fromChar( res[ 'Value' ][ elementType ] )
      if 'default' in res[ 'Value' ]:
        return List.fromChar( res[ 'Value' ][ 'default' ] )
    return _DEFAULTS
예제 #6
    def __setupManagerProxies(self):
        """ setup grid proxy for all defined managers """
        oHelper = Operations()
        shifters = oHelper.getSections("Shifter")
        if not shifters["OK"]:
            return shifters
        shifters = shifters["Value"]
        for shifter in shifters:
            shifterDict = oHelper.getOptionsDict("Shifter/%s" % shifter)
            if not shifterDict["OK"]:
            userName = shifterDict["Value"].get("User", "")
            userGroup = shifterDict["Value"].get("Group", "")

            userDN = CS.getDNForUsername(userName)
            if not userDN["OK"]:
            userDN = userDN["Value"][0]
            vomsAttr = CS.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup)
            if vomsAttr:
                    "getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" %
                    (vomsAttr, userName, userGroup, userDN))
                getProxy = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile(
                    cacheTime=4 * 43200)
                self.log.debug("getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" %
                               (userName, userGroup, userDN))
                getProxy = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile(
                    cacheTime=4 * 43200)
            if not getProxy["OK"]:
                return S_ERROR("unable to setup shifter proxy for %s: %s" %
                               (shifter, getProxy["Message"]))
            chain = getProxy["chain"]
            fileName = getProxy["Value"]
            self.log.debug("got %s: %s %s" % (shifter, userName, userGroup))
            self.__managersDict[shifter] = {
                "ShifterDN": userDN,
                "ShifterName": userName,
                "ShifterGroup": userGroup,
                "Chain": chain,
                "ProxyFile": fileName
        return S_OK()
예제 #7
파일: 프로젝트: hanyl/DIRAC
 def _getCatalogs( self ):
   # Get the eligible catalogs first
   # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources for backward compatibility
   result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
   if not result['OK']:
     return result
   vo = result['Value']
   opHelper = Operations( vo = vo )
   result = opHelper.getSections( '/Services/FileCatalogs' )
   fileCatalogs = []
   operationsFlag = False
   if result['OK']:
     fileCatalogs = result['Value']
     operationsFlag = True
     res = gConfig.getSections( self.rootConfigPath, listOrdered = True )
     if not res['OK']:
       errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration."
       gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
       return S_ERROR( errStr )
     fileCatalogs = res['Value']
   # Get the catalogs now    
   for catalogName in fileCatalogs:
     res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails( catalogName )
     if not res['OK']:
       return res
     catalogConfig = res['Value']
     if operationsFlag:
       result = opHelper.getOptionsDict( '/Services/FileCatalogs/%s' % catalogName )
       if not result['OK']:
         return result
       catalogConfig.update( result['Value'] )        
     if catalogConfig['Status'] == 'Active':
       res = self._generateCatalogObject( catalogName )
       if not res['OK']:
         return res
       oCatalog = res['Value']
       master = catalogConfig['Master']
       # If the catalog is read type
       if 'Read', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
         if master:
           self.readCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
           self.readCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
       # If the catalog is write type
       if 'Write', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
         if master:
           self.writeCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
           self.writeCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
   return S_OK()
예제 #8
def getSiteSEMapping(gridName=''):
    """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
      If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type.
    siteSEMapping = {}
    gridTypes = gConfig.getSections('Resources/Sites/')
    if not gridTypes['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites')
        return gridTypes

    gridTypes = gridTypes['Value']
    if gridName:
        if not gridName in gridTypes:
            return S_ERROR('Could not get sections for /Resources/Sites/%s' %
        gridTypes = [gridName]

    gLogger.debug('Grid Types are: %s' % (', '.join(gridTypes)))
    for grid in gridTypes:
        sites = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid)
        if not sites['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section' %
            return sites
        for candidate in sites['Value']:
            candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue(
                '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE' % (grid, candidate), [])
            if candidateSEs:
                siteSEMapping[candidate] = candidateSEs
                gLogger.debug('No SEs defined for site %s' % candidate)

    # Add Sites from the SiteLocalSEMapping in the CS
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteLocalSEMapping')
    opsHelper = Operations()
    result = opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if result['OK']:
        mapping = result['Value']
        for site in mapping:
            ses = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site), [])
            if not ses:
            if gridName:
                if gridName != site.split('.')[0]:
            if site not in siteSEMapping:
                siteSEMapping[site] = []
            for se in ses:
                if se not in siteSEMapping[site]:

    return S_OK(siteSEMapping)
예제 #9
def getSiteSEMapping( gridName = '' ):
  """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
      If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type.
  siteSEMapping = {}
  gridTypes = gConfig.getSections( 'Resources/Sites/' )
  if not gridTypes['OK']:
    gLogger.warn( 'Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites' )
    return gridTypes

  gridTypes = gridTypes['Value']
  if gridName:
    if not gridName in gridTypes:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get sections for /Resources/Sites/%s' % gridName )
    gridTypes = [gridName]

  gLogger.debug( 'Grid Types are: %s' % ( ', '.join( gridTypes ) ) )
  for grid in gridTypes:
    sites = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid )
    if not sites['OK']:
      gLogger.warn( 'Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section' % grid )
      return sites
    for candidate in sites['Value']:
      candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE' % ( grid, candidate ), [] )
      if candidateSEs:
        siteSEMapping[candidate] = candidateSEs
        gLogger.debug( 'No SEs defined for site %s' % candidate )

  # Add Sites from the SiteLocalSEMapping in the CS
  cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath( 'SiteLocalSEMapping' )
  opsHelper = Operations()
  result = opsHelper.getOptionsDict( cfgLocalSEPath )
  if result['OK']:
    mapping = result['Value']
    for site in mapping:
      ses = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( cfgLocalSEPath, site ), [] )
      if not ses:
      if gridName:
        if gridName != site.split( '.' )[0]:
      if site not in siteSEMapping:
        siteSEMapping[site] = []
      for se in ses:
        if se not in siteSEMapping[site]:
          siteSEMapping[site].append( se )

  return S_OK( siteSEMapping )
예제 #10
  def __setupManagerProxies( self ):
    """ setup grid proxy for all defined managers """
    oHelper = Operations()
    shifters = oHelper.getSections( "Shifter" )
    if not shifters["OK"]:
      self.log.error( shifters["Message"] )
      return shifters
    shifters = shifters["Value"]
    for shifter in shifters:
      shifterDict = oHelper.getOptionsDict( "Shifter/%s" % shifter )
      if not shifterDict["OK"]:
        self.log.error( shifterDict["Message"] )
      userName = shifterDict["Value"].get( "User", "" )
      userGroup = shifterDict["Value"].get( "Group", "" )

      userDN = CS.getDNForUsername( userName )
      if not userDN["OK"]:
        self.log.error( userDN["Message"] )
      userDN = userDN["Value"][0]
      vomsAttr = CS.getVOMSAttributeForGroup( userGroup )
      if vomsAttr:
        self.log.debug( "getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % ( vomsAttr, userName,
                                                                             userGroup, userDN ) )
        getProxy = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile( userDN, userGroup,
                                                          requiredTimeLeft = 1200,
                                                          cacheTime = 4 * 43200 )
        self.log.debug( "getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % ( userName, userGroup, userDN ) )
        getProxy = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile( userDN, userGroup,
                                                      requiredTimeLeft = 1200,
                                                      cacheTime = 4 * 43200 )
      if not getProxy["OK"]:
        self.log.error( getProxy["Message" ] )
        return S_ERROR( "unable to setup shifter proxy for %s: %s" % ( shifter, getProxy["Message"] ) )
      chain = getProxy["chain"]
      fileName = getProxy["Value" ]
      self.log.debug( "got %s: %s %s" % ( shifter, userName, userGroup ) )
      self.__managersDict[shifter] = { "ShifterDN" : userDN,
                                       "ShifterName" : userName,
                                       "ShifterGroup" : userGroup,
                                       "Chain" : chain,
                                       "ProxyFile" : fileName }
    return S_OK()
예제 #11
def getSEsForCountry( country ):
  """ Determines the associated SEs from the country code
  mappedCountries = [country]
  opsHelper = Operations()
  while True:
    mappedCountry = opsHelper.getValue( '/Countries/%s/AssignedTo' % country, country )
    if mappedCountry == country:
    elif mappedCountry in mappedCountries:
      return S_ERROR( 'Circular mapping detected for %s' % country )
      country = mappedCountry
      mappedCountries.append( mappedCountry )
  res = opsHelper.getOptionsDict( '/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs' % country )
  if not res['OK']:
    return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain AssociatedSEs for %s' % country )
  return S_OK( res['Value'].values() )
예제 #12
def getSEsForCountry(country):
    """ Determines the associated SEs from the country code
    mappedCountries = [country]
    opsHelper = Operations()
    while True:
        mappedCountry = opsHelper.getValue(
            '/Countries/%s/AssignedTo' % country, country)
        if mappedCountry == country:
        elif mappedCountry in mappedCountries:
            return S_ERROR('Circular mapping detected for %s' % country)
            country = mappedCountry
    res = opsHelper.getOptionsDict('/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs' % country)
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to obtain AssociatedSEs for %s' % country)
    return S_OK(res['Value'].values())
예제 #13
파일: 프로젝트: sposs/DIRAC
class FileCatalog:

    ro_methods = [

    write_methods = [

    def __init__(self, catalogs=[], vo=None):
        """ Default constructor
        self.valid = True
        self.timeout = 180
        self.readCatalogs = []
        self.writeCatalogs = []
        self.rootConfigPath = "/Resources/FileCatalogs"
        self.vo = vo
        if not vo:
            result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            self.vo = result["Value"]
        self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)

        if type(catalogs) in types.StringTypes:
            catalogs = [catalogs]
        if catalogs:
            res = self._getSelectedCatalogs(catalogs)
            res = self._getCatalogs()
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.valid = False
        elif (len(self.readCatalogs) == 0) and (len(self.writeCatalogs) == 0):
            self.valid = False

    def isOK(self):
        return self.valid

    def getReadCatalogs(self):
        return self.readCatalogs

    def getWriteCatalogs(self):
        return self.writeCatalogs

    def __getattr__(self, name): = name
        if name in FileCatalog.write_methods:
            return self.w_execute
        elif name in FileCatalog.ro_methods:
            return self.r_execute
            raise AttributeError

    def __checkArgumentFormat(self, path):
        if type(path) in types.StringTypes:
            urls = {path: False}
        elif type(path) == types.ListType:
            urls = {}
            for url in path:
                urls[url] = False
        elif type(path) == types.DictType:
            urls = path
            return S_ERROR("FileCatalog.__checkArgumentFormat: Supplied path is not of the correct format.")
        return S_OK(urls)

    def w_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """ Write method executor.
        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        failedCatalogs = []
        fileInfo = parms[0]
        res = self.__checkArgumentFormat(fileInfo)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        fileInfo = res["Value"]
        allLfns = fileInfo.keys()
        for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs:
            method = getattr(oCatalog,
            res = method(fileInfo, **kws)
            if not res["OK"]:
                if master:
                    # If this is the master catalog and it fails we dont want to continue with the other catalogs
                        "FileCatalog.w_execute: Failed to execute %s on master catalog %s." % (, catalogName),
                    return res
                    # Otherwise we keep the failed catalogs so we can update their state later
                    failedCatalogs.append((catalogName, res["Message"]))
                for lfn, message in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
                    # Save the error message for the failed operations
                    if not failed.has_key(lfn):
                        failed[lfn] = {}
                    failed[lfn][catalogName] = message
                    if master:
                        # If this is the master catalog then we should not attempt the operation on other catalogs
                for lfn, result in res["Value"]["Successful"].items():
                    # Save the result return for each file for the successful operations
                    if not successful.has_key(lfn):
                        successful[lfn] = {}
                    successful[lfn][catalogName] = result
        # This recovers the states of the files that completely failed i.e. when S_ERROR is returned by a catalog
        for catalogName, errorMessage in failedCatalogs:
            for lfn in allLfns:
                if not failed.has_key(lfn):
                    failed[lfn] = {}
                failed[lfn][catalogName] = errorMessage
        resDict = {"Failed": failed, "Successful": successful}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    def r_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """ Read method executor.
        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:
            method = getattr(oCatalog,
            res = method(*parms, **kws)
            if res["OK"]:
                if "Successful" in res["Value"]:
                    for key, item in res["Value"]["Successful"].items():
                        if not successful.has_key(key):
                            successful[key] = item
                            if failed.has_key(key):
                    for key, item in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
                        if not successful.has_key(key):
                            failed[key] = item
                    if len(failed) == 0:
                        resDict = {"Failed": failed, "Successful": successful}
                        return S_OK(resDict)
                    return res
        if (len(successful) == 0) and (len(failed) == 0):
            return S_ERROR("Failed to perform %s from any catalog" %
        resDict = {"Failed": failed, "Successful": successful}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    # Below is the method for obtaining the objects instantiated for a provided catalogue configuration

    def addCatalog(self, catalogName, mode="Write", master=False):
        """ Add a new catalog with catalogName to the pool of catalogs in mode:
        "Read","Write" or "ReadWrite"

        result = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        oCatalog = result["Value"]
        if mode.lower().find("read") != -1:
            self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
        if mode.lower().find("write") != -1:
            self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))

        return S_OK()

    def removeCatalog(self, catalogName):
        """ Remove the specified catalog from the internal pool

        catalog_removed = False

        for i in range(len(self.readCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.readCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.readCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True
        for i in range(len(self.writeCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.writeCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.writeCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True

        if catalog_removed:
            return S_OK()
            return S_OK("Catalog does not exist")

    def _getSelectedCatalogs(self, desiredCatalogs):
        for catalogName in desiredCatalogs:
            res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            oCatalog = res["Value"]
            self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, True))
            self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, True))
        return S_OK()

    def _getCatalogs(self):

        # Get the eligible catalogs first
        # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources for backward compatibility
        result = self.opHelper.getSections("/Services/Catalogs")
        fileCatalogs = []
        operationsFlag = False
        if result["OK"]:
            fileCatalogs = result["Value"]
            operationsFlag = True
            res = gConfig.getSections(self.rootConfigPath, listOrdered=True)
            if not res["OK"]:
                errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration."
                gLogger.error(errStr, res["Message"])
                return S_ERROR(errStr)
            fileCatalogs = res["Value"]

        # Get the catalogs now
        for catalogName in fileCatalogs:
            res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            catalogConfig = res["Value"]
            if operationsFlag:
                result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict("/Services/Catalogs/%s" % catalogName)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result
            if catalogConfig["Status"] == "Active":
                res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
                if not res["OK"]:
                    return res
                oCatalog = res["Value"]
                master = catalogConfig["Master"]
                # If the catalog is read type
                if"Read", catalogConfig["AccessType"]):
                    if master:
                        self.readCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                        self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                # If the catalog is write type
                if"Write", catalogConfig["AccessType"]):
                    if master:
                        self.writeCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                        self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
        return S_OK()

    def _getCatalogConfigDetails(self, catalogName):
        # First obtain the options that are available
        catalogConfigPath = "%s/%s" % (self.rootConfigPath, catalogName)
        res = gConfig.getOptions(catalogConfigPath)
        if not res["OK"]:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options."
            gLogger.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        catalogConfig = {}
        for option in res["Value"]:
            configPath = "%s/%s" % (catalogConfigPath, option)
            optionValue = gConfig.getValue(configPath)
            catalogConfig[option] = optionValue
        # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
        if not catalogConfig.has_key("Status"):
            warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined."
            gLogger.warn(warnStr, catalogName)
            catalogConfig["Status"] = "Active"
        # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
        if not catalogConfig.has_key("AccessType"):
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined."
            gLogger.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
        if not catalogConfig.has_key("Master"):
            catalogConfig["Master"] = False
        elif catalogConfig["Master"] == "True":
            catalogConfig["Master"] = True
            catalogConfig["Master"] = False
        return S_OK(catalogConfig)

    def _generateCatalogObject(self, catalogName):
        """ Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description
        useProxy = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy" % catalogName, False)
        if not useProxy:
            useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue("/Services/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy" % catalogName, False)
        return FileCatalogFactory().createCatalog(catalogName, useProxy)
예제 #14
class Whizard2( LCApplication ):
  """ Whizard2 Application Class """

  def __init__(self, paramdict = None):
    self.randomSeed = -1
    self.eventType = ''
    self.whizard2SinFile = ''
    super(Whizard2, self).__init__( paramdict )
    ##Those 5 need to come after default constructor
    self._modulename = 'Whizard2Analysis'
    self._moduledescription = 'Module to run Whizard2'
    self.appname = 'whizard2'
    self.datatype = 'GEN'
    self._paramsToExclude.extend( [ "outputDstPath", "outputRecPath", "OutputDstFile", "OutputRecFile" ] )
    self._ops = Operations()
    self._decayProc = ['decay_proc']
    self._integratedProcess = ''

  def setRandomSeed(self, randomSeed):
    """ Optional: Define random seed to use. Default is the jobID.

    :param int randomSeed: Seed to use during generation.
    self._checkArgs( { 'randomSeed' : types.IntType } )
    self.randomSeed = randomSeed

  def setEvtType(self, evttype):
    """ Define process. If the process given is not found, when calling :func:`UserJob.append() <ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.UserJob.UserJob.append>` a full list is printed.

    :param str evttype: Process to generate
    self._checkArgs( { 'evttype' : types.StringTypes } )
    if self.addedtojob:
      return self._reportError("Cannot modify this attribute once application has been added to Job")
    self.eventType = evttype
    return S_OK()

  def setProcessVariables(self, processes):
    """ Set the list of processes to simulate

    The sindarin file will be modified later on to call **simulate (proc_a, proc_b)**.
    The process variables have to be defined in the sindarin file::

      process proc_a ...
      process proc_b ...

    .. versionadded:: v28r0p6

    :param processes: which processes to call simulate on, by default 'decay_proc'
    :type processes: list, str
    if isinstance(processes, basestring):
      self._decayProc = [proc.strip() for proc in processes.split(',')]
      return S_OK()
    elif isinstance(processes, (set, list, tuple)):
      self._decayProc = [proc.strip() for proc in processes]
      return S_OK()

    return self._reportError("Cannot handle this argument type")

  def setSinFile(self, whizard2SinFilePath):
    """ Set the Whizard2 options to be used

      - Give path to the Whizard2 steering file.
      - IMPORTANT: set **seed** via iLCDirac API -> `Whizard2.setRandomSeed`
      - IMPORTANT: set **n_events** via iLCDirac API  -> `Whizard2.setNumberOfEvents`
      - IMPORTANT: set **OutputFile** via iLCDirac API -> `Whizard2.setOutputFile`
      - The variables in which processes are defined which should be simulated can be set
        via `Whizard2.setProcessVariables`

    :param str whizard2SinFilePath: Path to the whizard2 sin file.
    self._checkArgs( { 'whizard2SinFilePath' : types.StringType } )

    # Chech if file exist
    if not os.path.isfile(whizard2SinFilePath):
      return self._reportError('Whizard2 Sin file does not exist!')

    # Read file
    self.whizard2SinFile = open(whizard2SinFilePath).read()

    if "n_events" in self.whizard2SinFile:
      return self._reportError('Do not set n_events in the sin file, set it via the iLCDirac API')

    if "seed" in self.whizard2SinFile:
      return self._reportError('Do not set seed in the sin file, set it via the iLCDirac API')

    if "simulate(" in self.whizard2SinFile.replace(" ", ""):
      return self._reportError('Do not call "simulate ()" in the sin file, this is done by iLCDirac')

    return None

  def setIntegratedProcess(self, integrationTarball):
    """Make whizard2 use an already integrated process.

    .. warning :: It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the sindarin file is compatible with
                  the integrated process

    The integrationTarball has to be a tarball (zip, tar.gz, tgz), either an LFN, or a process defined in the
    configuration system.

    Use `getKnownProcesses` to see the list of defined processes

    >>> whizard2.setIntegratedProcess('bbcbbc_3tev_negPol') # processes defined in the configuration

    >>> whizard2.setIntegratedProcess('LFN:/ilc/user/u/username/bbcbbc_3tev_negPol.tar.gz') # tarball on the grid

    :param str integrationTarball: integrated process to be used for event generation

    self._checkArgs({'integrationTarball': types.StringTypes})

    # file on the grid
    if integrationTarball.lower().startswith('lfn:'):'Integrated process file is an LFN, adding it to the sandbox')
      # as the tarball is automatically extracted during the workflow, we do not have to do anything
      self._integratedProcess = ''
      return S_OK()

    knownProcesses = self.getKnownProcesses()
    if not knownProcesses['OK']:
      return self._reportError('Failed to get known integrated processes: %s' % knownProcesses['Message'])
    elif integrationTarball in knownProcesses['Value']:
      self._integratedProcess = integrationTarball
      return self._reportError('Unknown integrated process in %s: %s (available are: %s)' %
                               (self.appname, integrationTarball, ', '.join(knownProcesses['Value'].keys())))
    return S_OK()

  def getKnownProcesses(self, version=None):
    """Return a list of known integrated processes.

    :param str version: Optional: Software version for which to print the integrated processes.
       If not given the version of the application instance is used.
    :returns: S_OK with list of integrated processes known for this software version, S_ERROR
    if version is None and not self.version:
      return S_ERROR('No software version defined')
    version = self.version if version is None else version
    processes = self._ops.getOptionsDict('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/whizard2/%s/integrated_processes/processes' %
                                         ('x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt', self.version))
    return processes

  def _userjobmodules(self, stepdefinition):
    res1 = self._setApplicationModuleAndParameters(stepdefinition)
    res2 = self._setUserJobFinalization(stepdefinition)
    if not res1["OK"] or not res2["OK"] :
      return S_ERROR('userjobmodules failed')
    return S_OK()

  def _prodjobmodules(self, stepdefinition):
    res1 = self._setApplicationModuleAndParameters(stepdefinition)
    res2 = self._setOutputComputeDataList(stepdefinition)
    if not res1["OK"] or not res2["OK"] :
      return S_ERROR('prodjobmodules failed')
    return S_OK()

  def _checkConsistency(self, job=None):
    """ FIXME
    Check consistency of the Whizard2 application, this is called from the `Job` instance

    :param job: The instance of the job
    :type job: ~ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.Job.Job
    :returns: S_OK/S_ERROR
    if not self.version:
      return S_ERROR('No version found!')

    if not self.whizard2SinFile:
      return S_ERROR('No sin file set!')

    if not self.numberOfEvents :
      return S_ERROR('Number of events not set!')

    for process in self._decayProc:
      if process not in self.whizard2SinFile:
        return S_ERROR('Process "%s" not found in sindarin file, please check your inputs' % process)

    if self._jobtype != 'User':
      self._listofoutput.append({"outputFile":"@{OutputFile}", "outputPath":"@{OutputPath}",

      if self.eventType != '':
        self.prodparameters['Process'] = self.eventType
        return S_ERROR('evttype not set, please set event type!')

      self.prodparameters['nbevts'] = self.numberOfEvents

      parsedString = self.whizard2SinFile.replace(" ", "").split()
      sqrtMatches = [ x for x in parsedString if x.startswith('sqrts=') and x.endswith('GeV') ]
      if not sqrtMatches:
        return S_ERROR('No energy set in sin file, please set "sqrts=...GeV"')
      elif len(sqrtMatches) != 1:
        return S_ERROR('Multiple instances of "sqrts=..GeV" detected, only one can be processed')

      if not
        self.prodparameters['Energy'] = sqrtMatches[0].replace("sqrts=", "").replace("GeV", "") = float(self.prodparameters['Energy'])
        self.whizard2SinFile = re.sub(r"sqrts *= *[0-9.]* *GeV", "sqrts = %s GeV" %
        self.prodparameters['Energy'] = str(

      self.prodparameters['SinFile'] = self.whizard2SinFile

      modelMatches = [ x for x in parsedString if x.startswith('model=') ]
      if not modelMatches:
        return S_ERROR('No model set in sin file, please set "model=..."')
      elif len(modelMatches) != 1:
        return S_ERROR('Multiple instances of "model=..." detected, only one can be processed')
      self.prodparameters['Model'] = modelMatches[0].replace("model=", "")

    return S_OK()

  def _applicationModule(self):
    md1 = self._createModuleDefinition()
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("randomSeed",           0,    "int", "", "", False, False,
                               "Random seed for the generator"))
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("debug",            False,   "bool", "", "", False, False, "debug mode"))
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("whizard2SinFile",     '', "string", "", "", False, False, "Whizard2 steering options"))
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("decayProc", [], "list", "", "", False, False, "processses to simulate"))
    md1.addParameter(Parameter('integratedProcess', '', 'string', '', '', False, False, 'Integrated Process to use'))
    return md1

  def _applicationModuleValues(self, moduleinstance):
    moduleinstance.setValue("randomSeed",      self.randomSeed)
    moduleinstance.setValue("debug",           self.debug)
    moduleinstance.setValue("whizard2SinFile", self.whizard2SinFile)
    moduleinstance.setValue("decayProc", self._decayProc)
    moduleinstance.setValue('integratedProcess', self._integratedProcess)

  def _checkWorkflowConsistency(self):
    return self._checkRequiredApp()
예제 #15
class InputDataResolution:
    """ ILC specific input data resolution, imported from DIRAC

    def __init__(self, argumentsDict):
        """ Standard constructor
        self.arguments = argumentsDict = COMPONENT_NAME
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
        self.ops = Operations()

    def execute(self):
        """Given the arguments from the Job Wrapper, this function calls existing
       utilities in DIRAC to resolve input data according to LHCb VO policy.
        result = self.__resolveInputData()
        if not result['OK']:
                'InputData resolution failed with result:\n%s' % (result))

        #For local running of this module we can expose an option to ignore missing files
        ignoreMissing = False
        if self.arguments.has_key('IgnoreMissing'):
            ignoreMissing = self.arguments['IgnoreMissing']

        #For LHCb original policy was as long as one TURL exists, this can be conveyed to the application
        #this breaks due to the stripping so the policy has been changed.
        if result.has_key('Failed'):
            failedReplicas = result['Failed']
            if failedReplicas and not ignoreMissing:
                    'Failed to obtain access to the following files:\n%s' %
                    (string.join(failedReplicas, '\n')))
                return S_ERROR('Failed to access all of requested input data')

        if not result.has_key('Successful'):
            return result

        if not result['Successful']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not access any requested input data')

        return result

    def __resolveInputData(self):
        """This method controls the execution of the DIRAC input data modules according
       to the ILC VO policy defined in the configuration service.
        if self.arguments['Configuration'].has_key('SiteName'):
            site = self.arguments['Configuration']['SiteName']
            site = DIRAC.siteName()

        policy = []
        if not self.arguments.has_key('Job'):
            self.arguments['Job'] = {}

        if self.arguments['Job'].has_key('InputDataPolicy'):
            policy = self.arguments['Job']['InputDataPolicy']
            #In principle this can be a list of modules with the first taking precedence
            if type(policy) in types.StringTypes:
                policy = [policy]
  'Job has a specific policy setting: %s' %
                          (string.join(policy, ', ')))
                'Attempting to resolve input data policy for site %s' % site)
            inputDataPolicy = self.ops.getOptionsDict('/InputDataPolicy')
            if not inputDataPolicy:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'Could not resolve InputDataPolicy from /InputDataPolicy')

            options = inputDataPolicy['Value']
            if options.has_key(site):
                policy = options[site]
                policy = [x.strip() for x in string.split(policy, ',')]
                    'Found specific input data policy for site %s:\n%s' %
                    (site, string.join(policy, ',\n')))
            elif options.has_key('Default'):
                policy = options['Default']
                policy = [x.strip() for x in string.split(policy, ',')]
                    'Applying default input data policy for site %s:\n%s' %
                    (site, string.join(policy, ',\n')))

        dataToResolve = None  #if none, all supplied input data is resolved
        allDataResolved = False
        successful = {}
        failedReplicas = []
        for modulePath in policy:
            if not allDataResolved:
                result = self.__runModule(modulePath, dataToResolve)
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.log.warn('Problem during %s execution' % modulePath)
                    return result

                if result.has_key('Failed'):
                    failedReplicas = result['Failed']

                if failedReplicas:
                        '%s failed for the following files:\n%s' %
                        (modulePath, string.join(failedReplicas, '\n')))
                    dataToResolve = failedReplicas
          'All replicas resolved after %s execution' %
                    allDataResolved = True


        result = S_OK()
        result['Successful'] = successful
        result['Failed'] = failedReplicas
        return result

    def __runModule(self, modulePath, remainingReplicas):
        """This method provides a way to run the modules specified by the VO that
       govern the input data access policy for the current site.  For LHCb the
       standard WMS modules are applied in a different order depending on the site.
    """'Attempting to run %s' % (modulePath))
        moduleFactory = ModuleFactory()
        moduleInstance = moduleFactory.getModule(modulePath, self.arguments)
        if not moduleInstance['OK']:
            return moduleInstance

        module = moduleInstance['Value']
        result = module.execute(remainingReplicas)
        return result
예제 #16
파일: 프로젝트: ahaupt/DIRAC
class FileCatalog( object ):

  def __init__( self, catalogs = None, vo = None ):
    """ Default constructor
    self.valid = True
    self.timeout = 180

    self.ro_methods = set()
    self.write_methods = set()
    self.no_lfn_methods = set()

    self.readCatalogs = []
    self.writeCatalogs = []
    self.rootConfigPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs'
    self.vo = vo if vo else getVOfromProxyGroup().get( 'Value', None )
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "FileCatalog" )

    self.opHelper = Operations( vo = self.vo )

    catalogList = []
    if isinstance( catalogs, basestring ):
      catalogList = [catalogs]
    elif isinstance( catalogs, ( list, tuple ) ):
      catalogList = list( catalogs )

    if catalogList:
      result = self._getEligibleCatalogs()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( "Failed to get eligible catalog" )
      eligibleFileCatalogs = result['Value']
      catalogCheck = True
      for catalog in catalogList:
        if catalog not in eligibleFileCatalogs:
          self.log.error( "Specified catalog is not eligible", catalog )
          catalogCheck = False
      if catalogCheck:
        result = self._getSelectedCatalogs( catalogList )
        result = S_ERROR( "Specified catalog is not eligible" )
      result = self._getCatalogs()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( "Failed to create catalog objects" )
      self.valid = False
    elif ( len( self.readCatalogs ) == 0 ) and ( len( self.writeCatalogs ) == 0 ):
      self.log.error( "No catalog object created" )
      self.valid = False

    result = self.getMasterCatalogNames()
    masterCatalogs = result['Value']
    # There can not be more than one master catalog
    haveMaster = False
    if len( masterCatalogs ) > 1:
      self.log.error( "More than one master catalog created" )
      self.valid = False
    elif len( masterCatalogs ) == 1:
      haveMaster = True

    # Get the list of write methods
    if haveMaster:
      # All the write methods must be present in the master
      _catalogName, oCatalog, _master = self.writeCatalogs[0]
      _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()
      self.write_methods.update( writeList )
      self.no_lfn_methods.update( nolfnList )
      for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.writeCatalogs:
        _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()
        self.write_methods.update( writeList )
        self.no_lfn_methods.update( nolfnList )

    # Get the list of read methods
    for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:
      roList, _writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()
      self.ro_methods.update( roList )
      self.no_lfn_methods.update( nolfnList )

    self.condParser = FCConditionParser( vo = self.vo, ro_methods = self.ro_methods )

  def isOK( self ):
    return self.valid

  def getReadCatalogs( self ):
    return self.readCatalogs

  def getWriteCatalogs( self ):
    return self.writeCatalogs

  def getMasterCatalogNames( self ):
    """ Returns the list of names of the Master catalogs """

    masterNames = [catalogName for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs if master]
    return S_OK( masterNames )

  def __getattr__( self, name ): = name
    if name in self.write_methods:
      return self.w_execute
    elif name in self.ro_methods:
      return self.r_execute
      raise AttributeError

  def w_execute( self, *parms, **kws ):
    """ Write method executor.

      If one of the LFNs given as input does not pass a condition defined for the
      master catalog, we return S_ERROR without trying anything else

      :param fcConditions: either a dict or a string, to be propagated to the FCConditionParser
                           If it is a string, it is given for all catalogs
                           If it is a dict, it has to be { catalogName: condition}, and only
                                the specific condition for the catalog will be given

      CAUTION !!! If the method is a write no_lfn method, then the return value are completely different
                  We only return the result of the master catalog

    successful = {}
    failed = {}
    failedCatalogs = {}
    successfulCatalogs = {}

    specialConditions = kws.pop( 'fcConditions' ) if 'fcConditions' in kws else None

    allLfns = []
    lfnMapDict = {}
    masterResult = {}
    parms1 = []
    if not in self.no_lfn_methods:
      fileInfo = parms[0]
      result = checkArgumentFormat( fileInfo, generateMap = True )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      fileInfo, lfnMapDict = result['Value']
      # No need to check the LFNs again in the clients
      kws['LFNChecking'] = False
      allLfns = fileInfo.keys()
      parms1 = parms[1:]

    for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs:

      # Skip if the method is not implemented in this catalog
      # NOTE: it is impossible for the master since the write method list is populated
      # only from the master catalog, and if the method is not there, __getattr__
      # would raise an exception
      if not oCatalog.hasCatalogMethod( ):

      method = getattr( oCatalog, )

      if in self.no_lfn_methods:
        result = method( *parms, **kws )
        if isinstance( specialConditions, dict ):
          condition = specialConditions.get( catalogName )
          condition = specialConditions
        # Check whether this catalog should be used for this method
        res = self.condParser( catalogName,, fileInfo, condition = condition )
        # condParser never returns S_ERROR
        condEvals = res['Value']['Successful']
        # For a master catalog, ALL the lfns should be valid
        if master:
          if any([not valid for valid in condEvals.values()]):
            gLogger.error( "The master catalog is not valid for some LFNS", condEvals )
            return S_ERROR( "The master catalog is not valid for some LFNS %s" % condEvals )

        validLFNs = dict( ( lfn, fileInfo[lfn] ) for lfn in condEvals if condEvals[lfn] )
        invalidLFNs = [lfn for lfn in condEvals if not condEvals[lfn]]
        if invalidLFNs:
          gLogger.debug( "Some LFNs are not valid for operation '%s' on catalog '%s' : %s" % (, catalogName,
                                                                                               invalidLFNs ) )
        result = method( validLFNs, *parms1, **kws )

      if master:
        masterResult = result

      if not result['OK']:
        if master:
          # If this is the master catalog and it fails we don't want to continue with the other catalogs
          self.log.error( "Failed to execute call on master catalog",
                          "%s on %s: %s" % (, catalogName, result['Message'] ) )
          return result
          # Otherwise we keep the failed catalogs so we can update their state later
          failedCatalogs[catalogName] = result['Message']
        successfulCatalogs[catalogName] = result['Value']

      if allLfns:
        if result['OK']:
          for lfn, message in result['Value']['Failed'].items():
            # Save the error message for the failed operations
            failed.setdefault( lfn, {} )[catalogName] = message
            if master:
              # If this is the master catalog then we should not attempt the operation on other catalogs
              fileInfo.pop( lfn, None )
          for lfn, result in result['Value']['Successful'].items():
            # Save the result return for each file for the successful operations
            successful.setdefault( lfn, {} )[catalogName] = result

    if allLfns:
      # This recovers the states of the files that completely failed i.e. when S_ERROR is returned by a catalog
      for catalogName, errorMessage in failedCatalogs.items():
        for lfn in allLfns:
          failed.setdefault( lfn, {} )[catalogName] = errorMessage
      # Restore original lfns if they were changed by normalization
      if lfnMapDict:
        for lfn in failed.keys():
          failed[lfnMapDict.get( lfn, lfn )] = failed.pop( lfn )
        for lfn in successful.keys():
          successful[lfnMapDict.get( lfn, lfn )] = successful.pop( lfn )
      resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful}
      return S_OK( resDict )
      # FIXME: Return just master result here. This is temporary as more detailed
      # per catalog result needs multiple fixes in various client calls
      return masterResult

  def r_execute( self, *parms, **kws ):
    """ Read method executor.
    successful = {}
    failed = {}
    for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:

      # Skip if the method is not implemented in this catalog
      if not oCatalog.hasCatalogMethod( ):

      method = getattr( oCatalog, )
      res = method( *parms, **kws )
      if res['OK']:
        if 'Successful' in res['Value']:
          for key, item in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
            successful.setdefault( key, item )
            failed.pop( key, None )
          for key, item in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            if key not in successful:
              failed[key] = item
          return res
    if not successful and not failed:
      return S_ERROR( DErrno.EFCERR, "Failed to perform %s from any catalog" % )
    return S_OK( {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} )

  # Below is the method for obtaining the objects instantiated for a provided catalogue configuration

  def addCatalog( self, catalogName, mode = "Write", master = False ):
    """ Add a new catalog with catalogName to the pool of catalogs in mode:
        "Read","Write" or "ReadWrite"

    result = self._generateCatalogObject( catalogName )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    oCatalog = result['Value']
    if mode.lower().find( "read" ) != -1:
      self.readCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
    if mode.lower().find( "write" ) != -1:
      self.writeCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )

    return S_OK()

  def removeCatalog( self, catalogName ):
    """ Remove the specified catalog from the internal pool

    catalog_removed = False

    for i in range( len( self.readCatalogs ) ):
      catalog, _object, _master = self.readCatalogs[i]
      if catalog == catalogName:
        del self.readCatalogs[i]
        catalog_removed = True
    for i in range( len( self.writeCatalogs ) ):
      catalog, _object, _master = self.writeCatalogs[i]
      if catalog == catalogName:
        del self.writeCatalogs[i]
        catalog_removed = True

    if catalog_removed:
      return S_OK()
      return S_OK( 'Catalog does not exist' )

  def _getSelectedCatalogs( self, desiredCatalogs ):
    for catalogName in desiredCatalogs:
      result = self._getCatalogConfigDetails( catalogName )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      catalogConfig = result['Value']
      result = self._generateCatalogObject( catalogName )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      oCatalog = result['Value']
      if 'Read', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
        if catalogConfig['Master']:
          self.readCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'] ) )
          self.readCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'] ) )
      if 'Write', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
        if catalogConfig['Master']:
          self.writeCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'] ) )
          self.writeCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig['Master'] ) )
    return S_OK()

  def _getEligibleCatalogs( self ):
    """ Get a list of eligible catalogs

    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value - a list of catalog names
    # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources for backward compatibility
    fileCatalogs = self.opHelper.getValue( '/Services/Catalogs/CatalogList', [] )
    if not fileCatalogs:
      result = self.opHelper.getSections( '/Services/Catalogs' )
      if result['OK']:
        fileCatalogs = result['Value']
        res = gConfig.getSections( self.rootConfigPath, listOrdered = True )
        if not res['OK']:
          errStr = "FileCatalog._getEligibleCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration."
          self.log.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
          return S_ERROR( errStr )
        fileCatalogs = res['Value']

    return S_OK( fileCatalogs )

  def _getCatalogs( self ):
    """ Updates self.readCatalogs and self.writeCatalogs with list of catalog objects as found in the CS

    # Get the eligible catalogs first
    result = self._getEligibleCatalogs()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    fileCatalogs = result['Value']

    # Get the catalog objects now
    for catalogName in fileCatalogs:
      res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails( catalogName )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      catalogConfig = res['Value']
      if catalogConfig['Status'] == 'Active':
        res = self._generateCatalogObject( catalogName )
        if not res['OK']:
          return res
        oCatalog = res['Value']
        master = catalogConfig['Master']
        # If the catalog is read type
        if 'Read', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
          if master:
            self.readCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
            self.readCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
        # If the catalog is write type
        if 'Write', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
          if master:
            self.writeCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
            self.writeCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
    return S_OK()

  def _getCatalogConfigDetails( self, catalogName ):
    # First obtain the options that are available
    catalogConfigPath = '%s/%s' % ( self.rootConfigPath, catalogName )
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( catalogConfigPath )
    if not result['OK']:
      errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options."
      self.log.error( errStr, catalogName )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    catalogConfig = result['Value']
    result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict( '/Services/Catalogs/%s' % catalogName )
    if result['OK']:
      catalogConfig.update( result['Value'] )

    # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
    if 'Status' not in catalogConfig:
      warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined."
      self.log.warn( warnStr, catalogName )
      catalogConfig['Status'] = 'Active'
    # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
    if 'AccessType' not in catalogConfig:
      errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined."
      self.log.error( errStr, catalogName )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
    catalogConfig['Master'] = ( catalogConfig.setdefault( 'Master', False ) == 'True' )
    return S_OK( catalogConfig )

  def _generateCatalogObject( self, catalogName ):
    """ Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description
    useProxy = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalSite/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False )
    if not useProxy:
      useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue( '/Services/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False )
    return FileCatalogFactory().createCatalog( catalogName, useProxy )
예제 #17
class FileCatalog:

    ro_methods = [
        'exists', 'isLink', 'readLink', 'isFile', 'getFileMetadata',
        'getReplicas', 'getReplicaStatus', 'getFileSize', 'isDirectory',
        'getDirectoryReplicas', 'listDirectory', 'getDirectoryMetadata',
        'getDirectorySize', 'getDirectoryContents', 'resolveDataset',
        'getPathPermissions', 'getLFNForPFN', 'getUsers', 'getGroups',

    write_methods = [
        'createLink', 'removeLink', 'addFile', 'setFileStatus', 'addReplica',
        'removeReplica', 'removeFile', 'setReplicaStatus', 'setReplicaHost',
        'createDirectory', 'setDirectoryStatus', 'removeDirectory',
        'removeDataset', 'removeFileFromDataset', 'createDataset'

    def __init__(self, catalogs=[], vo=None):
        """ Default constructor
        self.valid = True
        self.timeout = 180
        self.readCatalogs = []
        self.writeCatalogs = []
        self.vo = vo
        if not vo:
            result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            self.vo = result['Value']
        self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)
        self.reHelper = Resources(vo=self.vo)

        if type(catalogs) in types.StringTypes:
            catalogs = [catalogs]
        if catalogs:
            res = self._getSelectedCatalogs(catalogs)
            res = self._getCatalogs()
        if not res['OK']:
            self.valid = False
        elif (len(self.readCatalogs) == 0) and (len(self.writeCatalogs) == 0):
            self.valid = False

    def isOK(self):
        return self.valid

    def getReadCatalogs(self):
        return self.readCatalogs

    def getWriteCatalogs(self):
        return self.writeCatalogs

    def __getattr__(self, name): = name
        if name in FileCatalog.write_methods:
            return self.w_execute
        elif name in FileCatalog.ro_methods:
            return self.r_execute
            raise AttributeError

    def w_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """ Write method executor.
        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        failedCatalogs = []
        fileInfo = parms[0]
        res = checkArgumentFormat(fileInfo)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        fileInfo = res['Value']
        allLfns = fileInfo.keys()
        for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs:
            method = getattr(oCatalog,
            res = method(fileInfo, **kws)
            if not res['OK']:
                if master:
                    # If this is the master catalog and it fails we dont want to continue with the other catalogs
                        "FileCatalog.w_execute: Failed to execute %s on master catalog %s."
                        % (, catalogName), res['Message'])
                    return res
                    # Otherwise we keep the failed catalogs so we can update their state later
                    failedCatalogs.append((catalogName, res['Message']))
                for lfn, message in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                    # Save the error message for the failed operations
                    if not failed.has_key(lfn):
                        failed[lfn] = {}
                    failed[lfn][catalogName] = message
                    if master:
                        # If this is the master catalog then we should not attempt the operation on other catalogs
                for lfn, result in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
                    # Save the result return for each file for the successful operations
                    if not successful.has_key(lfn):
                        successful[lfn] = {}
                    successful[lfn][catalogName] = result
        # This recovers the states of the files that completely failed i.e. when S_ERROR is returned by a catalog
        for catalogName, errorMessage in failedCatalogs:
            for lfn in allLfns:
                if not failed.has_key(lfn):
                    failed[lfn] = {}
                failed[lfn][catalogName] = errorMessage
        resDict = {'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    def r_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """ Read method executor.
        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:
            method = getattr(oCatalog,
            res = method(*parms, **kws)
            if res['OK']:
                if 'Successful' in res['Value']:
                    for key, item in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
                        if not successful.has_key(key):
                            successful[key] = item
                            if failed.has_key(key):
                    for key, item in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                        if not successful.has_key(key):
                            failed[key] = item
                    if len(failed) == 0:
                        resDict = {'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful}
                        return S_OK(resDict)
                    return res
        if (len(successful) == 0) and (len(failed) == 0):
            return S_ERROR("Failed to perform %s from any catalog" %
        resDict = {'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    # Below is the method for obtaining the objects instantiated for a provided catalogue configuration

    def addCatalog(self, catalogName, mode="Write", master=False):
        """ Add a new catalog with catalogName to the pool of catalogs in mode:
        "Read","Write" or "ReadWrite"

        result = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        oCatalog = result['Value']
        if mode.lower().find("read") != -1:
            self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
        if mode.lower().find("write") != -1:
            self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))

        return S_OK()

    def removeCatalog(self, catalogName):
        """ Remove the specified catalog from the internal pool

        catalog_removed = False

        for i in range(len(self.readCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.readCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.readCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True
        for i in range(len(self.writeCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.writeCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.writeCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True

        if catalog_removed:
            return S_OK()
            return S_OK('Catalog does not exist')

    def _getSelectedCatalogs(self, desiredCatalogs):
        for catalogName in desiredCatalogs:
            res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            oCatalog = res['Value']
            self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, True))
            self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, True))
        return S_OK()

    def _getCatalogs(self):

        # Get the eligible catalogs first
        # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources
        result = self.opHelper.getSections('/Services/Catalogs')
        fileCatalogs = []
        operationsFlag = False
        optCatalogDict = {}
        if result['OK']:
            fcs = result['Value']
            for fc in fcs:
                fName = self.opHelper.getValue(
                    '/Services/Catalogs/%s/CatalogName' % fc, fc)
                optCatalogDict[fName] = fc
            operationsFlag = True
            res = self.reHelper.getEligibleResources('Catalog')
            if not res['OK']:
                errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration."
                gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
                return S_ERROR(errStr)
            fileCatalogs = res['Value']

        # Get the catalogs now
        for catalogName in fileCatalogs:
            res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            catalogConfig = res['Value']
            if operationsFlag:
                result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict(
                    '/Services/Catalogs/%s' % optCatalogDict[catalogName])
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
            if catalogConfig['Status'] == 'Active':
                res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res
                oCatalog = res['Value']
                master = catalogConfig['Master']
                # If the catalog is read type
                if'Read', catalogConfig['AccessType']):
                    if master:
                            0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                            (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                # If the catalog is write type
                if'Write', catalogConfig['AccessType']):
                    if master:
                            0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                            (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
        return S_OK()

    def _getCatalogConfigDetails(self, catalogName):
        # First obtain the options that are available

        result = self.reHelper.getCatalogOptionsDict(catalogName)
        if not result['OK']:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options"
            gLogger.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        catalogConfig = result['Value']
        # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
        if not catalogConfig.has_key('Status'):
            warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined"
            gLogger.warn(warnStr, catalogName)
            catalogConfig['Status'] = 'Active'
        # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
        if not catalogConfig.has_key('AccessType'):
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined"
            gLogger.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
        if not catalogConfig.has_key('Master'):
            catalogConfig['Master'] = False
        elif catalogConfig['Master'] == 'True':
            catalogConfig['Master'] = True
            catalogConfig['Master'] = False
        return S_OK(catalogConfig)

    def _generateCatalogObject(self, catalogName):
        """ Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description
        useProxy = gConfig.getValue(
            '/LocalSite/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False)
        if not useProxy:
            useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue(
                '/Services/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False)
        return FileCatalogFactory().createCatalog(catalogName, useProxy)
예제 #18
class FileCatalog(object):

    ro_methods = [
        'exists', 'isLink', 'readLink', 'isFile', 'getFileMetadata',
        'getReplicas', 'getReplicaStatus', 'getFileSize', 'isDirectory',
        'getDirectoryReplicas', 'listDirectory', 'getDirectoryMetadata',
        'getDirectorySize', 'getDirectoryContents', 'resolveDataset',
        'getPathPermissions', 'getLFNForPFN', 'getUsers', 'getGroups',

    ro_meta_methods = [
        'getFileUserMetadata', 'getMetadataFields', 'findFilesByMetadata',
        'getFileUserMetadata', 'findDirectoriesByMetadata',
        'getReplicasByMetadata', 'findFilesByMetadataDetailed',
        'findFilesByMetadataWeb', 'getCompatibleMetadata', 'getMetadataSet'

    ro_methods += ro_meta_methods

    write_methods = [
        'createLink', 'removeLink', 'addFile', 'setFileStatus', 'addReplica',
        'removeReplica', 'removeFile', 'setReplicaStatus', 'setReplicaHost',
        'setReplicaProblematic', 'createDirectory', 'setDirectoryStatus',
        'removeDirectory', 'removeDataset', 'removeFileFromDataset',
        'createDataset', 'changePathMode', 'changePathOwner', 'changePathGroup'

    write_meta_methods = [
        'addMetadataField', 'deleteMetadataField', 'setMetadata',
        'setMetadataBulk', 'removeMetadata', 'addMetadataSet'

    write_methods += write_meta_methods

    def __init__(self, catalogs=None, vo=None):
        """ Default constructor
        self.valid = True
        self.timeout = 180
        self.readCatalogs = []
        self.writeCatalogs = []
        self.metaCatalogs = []
        self.rootConfigPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs'
        self.vo = vo if vo else getVOfromProxyGroup().get('Value', None)

        self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)

        if catalogs is None:
            catalogList = []
        elif type(catalogs) in types.StringTypes:
            catalogList = [catalogs]
            catalogList = catalogs

        if catalogList:
            res = self._getSelectedCatalogs(catalogList)
            res = self._getCatalogs()
        if not res['OK']:
            self.valid = False
        elif (len(self.readCatalogs) == 0) and (len(self.writeCatalogs) == 0):
            self.valid = False

    def isOK(self):
        return self.valid

    def getReadCatalogs(self):
        return self.readCatalogs

    def getWriteCatalogs(self):
        return self.writeCatalogs

    def getMasterCatalogNames(self):
        """ Returns the list of names of the Master catalogs """

        masterNames = [
            catalogName for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs
            if master
        return S_OK(masterNames)

    def __getattr__(self, name): = name
        if name in FileCatalog.write_methods:
            return self.w_execute
        elif name in FileCatalog.ro_methods:
            return self.r_execute
            raise AttributeError

    def w_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """ Write method executor.
        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        failedCatalogs = []
        fileInfo = parms[0]
        res = checkArgumentFormat(fileInfo)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        fileInfo = res['Value']
        allLfns = fileInfo.keys()
        parms = parms[1:]
        for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs:

            # Skip if metadata related method on pure File Catalog
            if in FileCatalog.write_meta_methods and not catalogName in self.metaCatalogs:

            method = getattr(oCatalog,
            res = method(fileInfo, *parms, **kws)

            if not res['OK']:
                if master:
                    # If this is the master catalog and it fails we dont want to continue with the other catalogs
                        "FileCatalog.w_execute: Failed to execute %s on master catalog %s."
                        % (, catalogName), res['Message'])
                    return res
                    # Otherwise we keep the failed catalogs so we can update their state later
                    failedCatalogs.append((catalogName, res['Message']))
                for lfn, message in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                    # Save the error message for the failed operations
                    failed.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = message
                    if master:
                        # If this is the master catalog then we should not attempt the operation on other catalogs
                        fileInfo.pop(lfn, None)
                for lfn, result in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
                    # Save the result return for each file for the successful operations
                    successful.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = result
        # This recovers the states of the files that completely failed i.e. when S_ERROR is returned by a catalog
        for catalogName, errorMessage in failedCatalogs:
            for lfn in allLfns:
                failed.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = errorMessage
        resDict = {'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful}
        return S_OK(resDict)

    def r_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """ Read method executor.
        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        for catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:

            # Skip if metadata related method on pure File Catalog
            if in FileCatalog.ro_meta_methods and not catalogName in self.metaCatalogs:

            method = getattr(oCatalog,
            res = method(*parms, **kws)
            if res['OK']:
                if 'Successful' in res['Value']:
                    for key, item in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
                        successful.setdefault(key, item)
                        failed.pop(key, None)
                    for key, item in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
                        if key not in successful:
                            failed[key] = item
                    return res
        if not successful and not failed:
            return S_ERROR("Failed to perform %s from any catalog" %
        return S_OK({'Failed': failed, 'Successful': successful})

    # Below is the method for obtaining the objects instantiated for a provided catalogue configuration

    def addCatalog(self, catalogName, mode="Write", master=False):
        """ Add a new catalog with catalogName to the pool of catalogs in mode:
        "Read","Write" or "ReadWrite"

        result = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        oCatalog = result['Value']
        if mode.lower().find("read") != -1:
            self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
        if mode.lower().find("write") != -1:
            self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))

        return S_OK()

    def removeCatalog(self, catalogName):
        """ Remove the specified catalog from the internal pool

        catalog_removed = False

        for i in range(len(self.readCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.readCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.readCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True
        for i in range(len(self.writeCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.writeCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.writeCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True

        if catalog_removed:
            return S_OK()
            return S_OK('Catalog does not exist')

    def _getSelectedCatalogs(self, desiredCatalogs):
        for catalogName in desiredCatalogs:
            res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            catalogConfig = res['Value']
            res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            oCatalog = res['Value']
            self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, True))
            self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, True))
            if catalogConfig.get('MetaCatalog') == 'True':
        return S_OK()

    def _getCatalogs(self):

        # Get the eligible catalogs first
        # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources for backward compatibility
        operationsFlag = False
        fileCatalogs = self.opHelper.getValue('/Services/Catalogs/CatalogList',
        if fileCatalogs:
            operationsFlag = True
            fileCatalogs = self.opHelper.getSections('/Services/Catalogs')
            result = self.opHelper.getSections('/Services/Catalogs')
            fileCatalogs = []
            operationsFlag = False
            if result['OK']:
                fileCatalogs = result['Value']
                operationsFlag = True
                res = gConfig.getSections(self.rootConfigPath,
                if not res['OK']:
                    errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration."
                    gLogger.error(errStr, res['Message'])
                    return S_ERROR(errStr)
                fileCatalogs = res['Value']

        # Get the catalogs now
        for catalogName in fileCatalogs:
            res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            catalogConfig = res['Value']
            if operationsFlag:
                result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict('/Services/Catalogs/%s' %
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
            if catalogConfig['Status'] == 'Active':
                res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res
                oCatalog = res['Value']
                master = catalogConfig['Master']
                # If the catalog is read type
                if'Read', catalogConfig['AccessType']):
                    if master:
                            0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                            (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                # If the catalog is write type
                if'Write', catalogConfig['AccessType']):
                    if master:
                            0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                            (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
            if catalogConfig.get('MetaCatalog') == 'True':
        return S_OK()

    def _getCatalogConfigDetails(self, catalogName):
        # First obtain the options that are available
        catalogConfigPath = '%s/%s' % (self.rootConfigPath, catalogName)
        res = gConfig.getOptions(catalogConfigPath)
        if not res['OK']:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options."
            gLogger.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        catalogConfig = {}
        for option in res['Value']:
            configPath = '%s/%s' % (catalogConfigPath, option)
            optionValue = gConfig.getValue(configPath)
            catalogConfig[option] = optionValue
        # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
        if 'Status' not in catalogConfig:
            warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined."
            gLogger.warn(warnStr, catalogName)
            catalogConfig['Status'] = 'Active'
        # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
        if 'AccessType' not in catalogConfig:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined."
            gLogger.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
        catalogConfig['Master'] = (catalogConfig.setdefault('Master',
                                                            False) == 'True')
        return S_OK(catalogConfig)

    def _generateCatalogObject(self, catalogName):
        """ Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description
        useProxy = gConfig.getValue(
            '/LocalSite/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False)
        if not useProxy:
            useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue(
                '/Services/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False)
        return FileCatalogFactory().createCatalog(catalogName, useProxy)
예제 #19
class Limiter(object):

  # static variables shared between all instances of this class
  csDictCache = DictCache()
  condCache = DictCache()
  delayMem = {}

  def __init__(self, jobDB=None, opsHelper=None):
    """ Constructor
    self.__runningLimitSection = "JobScheduling/RunningLimit"
    self.__matchingDelaySection = "JobScheduling/MatchingDelay"

    if jobDB:
      self.jobDB = jobDB
      self.jobDB = JobDB()

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("Limiter")

    if opsHelper:
      self.__opsHelper = opsHelper
      self.__opsHelper = Operations()

  def getNegativeCond(self):
    """ Get negative condition for ALL sites
    orCond = self.condCache.get("GLOBAL")
    if orCond:
      return orCond
    negCond = {}
    # Run Limit
    result = self.__opsHelper.getSections(self.__runningLimitSection)
    sites = []
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
    for siteName in sites:
      result = self.__getRunningCondition(siteName)
      if not result['OK']:
      data = result['Value']
      if data:
        negCond[siteName] = data
    # Delay limit
    result = self.__opsHelper.getSections(self.__matchingDelaySection)
    sites = []
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
    for siteName in sites:
      result = self.__getDelayCondition(siteName)
      if not result['OK']:
      data = result['Value']
      if not data:
      if siteName in negCond:
        negCond[siteName] = self.__mergeCond(negCond[siteName], data)
        negCond[siteName] = data
    orCond = []
    for siteName in negCond:
      negCond[siteName]['Site'] = siteName
    self.condCache.add("GLOBAL", 10, orCond)
    return orCond

  def getNegativeCondForSite(self, siteName):
    """ Generate a negative query based on the limits set on the site
    # Check if Limits are imposed onto the site
    negativeCond = {}
    if self.__opsHelper.getValue("JobScheduling/CheckJobLimits", True):
      result = self.__getRunningCondition(siteName)
      if result['OK']:
        negativeCond = result['Value']
      self.log.verbose('Negative conditions for site',
                       '%s after checking limits are: %s' % (siteName, str(negativeCond)))

    if self.__opsHelper.getValue("JobScheduling/CheckMatchingDelay", True):
      result = self.__getDelayCondition(siteName)
      if result['OK']:
        delayCond = result['Value']
        self.log.verbose('Negative conditions for site',
                         '%s after delay checking are: %s' % (siteName, str(delayCond)))
        negativeCond = self.__mergeCond(negativeCond, delayCond)

    if negativeCond:'Negative conditions for site',
                    '%s are: %s' % (siteName, str(negativeCond)))

    return negativeCond

  def __mergeCond(self, negCond, addCond):
    """ Merge two negative dicts
    # Merge both negative dicts
    for attr in addCond:
      if attr not in negCond:
        negCond[attr] = []
      for value in addCond[attr]:
        if value not in negCond[attr]:
    return negCond

  def __extractCSData(self, section):
    """ Extract limiting information from the CS in the form:
        { 'JobType' : { 'Merge' : 20, 'MCGen' : 1000 } }
    stuffDict = self.csDictCache.get(section)
    if stuffDict:
      return S_OK(stuffDict)

    result = self.__opsHelper.getSections(section)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    attribs = result['Value']
    stuffDict = {}
    for attName in attribs:
      result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict("%s/%s" % (section, attName))
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      attLimits = result['Value']
        attLimits = dict([(k, int(attLimits[k])) for k in attLimits])
      except Exception as excp:
        errMsg = "%s/%s has to contain numbers: %s" % (section, attName, str(excp))
        return S_ERROR(errMsg)
      stuffDict[attName] = attLimits

    self.csDictCache.add(section, 300, stuffDict)
    return S_OK(stuffDict)

  def __getRunningCondition(self, siteName):
    """ Get extra conditions allowing site throttling
    siteSection = "%s/%s" % (self.__runningLimitSection, siteName)
    result = self.__extractCSData(siteSection)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    limitsDict = result['Value']
    # limitsDict is something like { 'JobType' : { 'Merge' : 20, 'MCGen' : 1000 } }
    if not limitsDict:
      return S_OK({})
    # Check if the site exceeding the given limits
    negCond = {}
    for attName in limitsDict:
      if attName not in self.jobDB.jobAttributeNames:
        self.log.error("Attribute does not exist",
                       "(%s). Check the job limits" % attName)
      cK = "Running:%s:%s" % (siteName, attName)
      data = self.condCache.get(cK)
      if not data:
        result = self.jobDB.getCounters(
            'Jobs', [attName], {
                'Site': siteName, 'Status': [
                    'Running', 'Matched', 'Stalled']})
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        data = result['Value']
        data = dict([(k[0][attName], k[1]) for k in data])
        self.condCache.add(cK, 10, data)
      for attValue in limitsDict[attName]:
        limit = limitsDict[attName][attValue]
        running = data.get(attValue, 0)
        if running >= limit:
          self.log.verbose('Job Limit imposed',
                           'at %s on %s/%s=%d, %d jobs already deployed' % (siteName,
                                                                            attName, attValue, limit, running))
          if attName not in negCond:
            negCond[attName] = []
    # negCond is something like : {'JobType': ['Merge']}
    return S_OK(negCond)

  def updateDelayCounters(self, siteName, jid):
    # Get the info from the CS
    siteSection = "%s/%s" % (self.__matchingDelaySection, siteName)
    result = self.__extractCSData(siteSection)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    delayDict = result['Value']
    # limitsDict is something like { 'JobType' : { 'Merge' : 20, 'MCGen' : 1000 } }
    if not delayDict:
      return S_OK()
    attNames = []
    for attName in delayDict:
      if attName not in self.jobDB.jobAttributeNames:
        self.log.error("Attribute does not exist in the JobDB. Please fix it!",
                       "(%s)" % attName)
    result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jid, attNames)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("Error while retrieving attributes",
                     "coming from %s: %s" % (siteSection, result['Message']))
      return result
    atts = result['Value']
    # Create the DictCache if not there
    if siteName not in self.delayMem:
      self.delayMem[siteName] = DictCache()
    # Update the counters
    delayCounter = self.delayMem[siteName]
    for attName in atts:
      attValue = atts[attName]
      if attValue in delayDict[attName]:
        delayTime = delayDict[attName][attValue]
        self.log.notice("Adding delay for %s/%s=%s of %s secs" % (siteName, attName,
                                                                  attValue, delayTime))
        delayCounter.add((attName, attValue), delayTime)
    return S_OK()

  def __getDelayCondition(self, siteName):
    """ Get extra conditions allowing matching delay
    if siteName not in self.delayMem:
      return S_OK({})
    lastRun = self.delayMem[siteName].getKeys()
    negCond = {}
    for attName, attValue in lastRun:
      if attName not in negCond:
        negCond[attName] = []
    return S_OK(negCond)
예제 #20
class DMSHelpers(object):
  This class is used to get information about sites, SEs and their interrelations

  def __init__(self, vo=False):
    self.siteSEMapping = {}
    self.storageElementSet = set()
    self.siteSet = set()
    self.__opsHelper = Operations(vo=vo)
    self.failoverSEs = None
    self.archiveSEs = None
    self.notForJobSEs = None

  def getSiteSEMapping(self):
    """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
    if self.siteSEMapping:
      return S_OK(self.siteSEMapping)

    # Get the list of SEs and keep a mapping of those using an Alias or a
    # BaseSE
    storageElements = gConfig.getSections('Resources/StorageElements')
    if not storageElements['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving storage elements',
      return storageElements
    storageElements = storageElements['Value']
    equivalentSEs = {}
    for se in storageElements:
      for option in ('BaseSE', 'Alias'):
        originalSE = gConfig.getValue(
            'Resources/StorageElements/%s/%s' % (se, option))
        if originalSE:
          equivalentSEs.setdefault(originalSE, []).append(se)

    siteSEMapping = {}
    gridTypes = gConfig.getSections('Resources/Sites/')
    if not gridTypes['OK']:
          'Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites', gridTypes['Message'])
      return gridTypes

    gridTypes = gridTypes['Value']

    gLogger.debug('Grid Types are: %s' % (', '.join(gridTypes)))
    # Get a list of sites and their local SEs
    siteSet = set()
    storageElementSet = set()
    siteSEMapping[LOCAL] = {}
    for grid in gridTypes:
      result = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid)
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section' % grid)
        return result
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue(
            '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE' % (grid, site), [])
        if candidateSEs:
          candidateSEs += [
              eqSE for se in candidateSEs for eqSE in equivalentSEs.get(se, [])]
          siteSEMapping[LOCAL].setdefault(site, set()).update(candidateSEs)

    # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByProtocol in the CS
    siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL] = {}
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteSEMappingByProtocol')
    result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidates = set(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
            cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site), []))
        ses = set(resolveSEGroup(candidates - siteSet)
                  ) | (candidates & siteSet)
        # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
        for candidate in ses & siteSet:
        siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL].setdefault(site, set()).update(ses)

    # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByDownload in the CS, else
    # SiteLocalSEMapping (old convention)
    siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD] = {}
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteSEMappingByDownload')
    result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if not result['OK']:
      cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteLocalSEMapping')
      result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidates = set(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
            cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site), []))
        ses = set(resolveSEGroup(candidates - siteSet)
                  ) | (candidates & siteSet)
        # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
        for candidate in ses & siteSet:
        siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD].setdefault(site, set()).update(ses)

    self.siteSEMapping = siteSEMapping
    # Add storage elements that may not be associated with a site
    result = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/StorageElements')
    if not result['OK']:
          'Problem retrieving /Resources/StorageElements section', result['Message'])
      return result
    self.storageElementSet = storageElementSet | set(result['Value'])
    self.siteSet = siteSet
    return S_OK(siteSEMapping)

  def getSites(self):
    """ Get the list of known sites """
    return sorted(self.siteSet)

  def getTiers(self, withStorage=False, tier=None):
    """ Get the list of sites for a given (list of) Tier level """
    sites = sorted(self.getShortSiteNames(
        withStorage=withStorage, tier=tier).values())
    if sites and isinstance(sites[0], list):
      # List of lists, flatten it
      sites = [s for sl in sites for s in sl]
    return sites

  def getShortSiteNames(self, withStorage=True, tier=None):
    """ Create a directory of short site names pointing to full site names """
    siteDict = {}
    result = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if result['OK']:
      for site in self.siteSEMapping[LOCAL] if withStorage else self.siteSet:
        grid, shortSite, _country = site.split('.')
        if isinstance(tier, (int, long)) and \
            (grid != 'LCG' or
             gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/MoUTierLevel' % (grid, site), 999) != tier):
        if isinstance(tier, (list, tuple, dict, set)) and \
            (grid != 'LCG' or
             gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/MoUTierLevel' % (grid, site), 999) not in tier):
        if withStorage or tier is not None:
          siteDict[shortSite] = site
          siteDict.setdefault(shortSite, []).append(site)
    return siteDict

  def getStorageElements(self):
    """ Get the list of known SEs """
    return sorted(self.storageElementSet)

  def isSEFailover(self, storageElement):
    """ Is this SE a failover SE """
    if self.failoverSEs is None:
      seList = resolveSEGroup(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
          'DataManagement/SEsUsedForFailover', []))
      self.failoverSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
    # FIXME: remove string test at some point
    return storageElement in self.failoverSEs or (not self.failoverSEs and isinstance(storageElement, basestring) and
                                                  'FAILOVER' in storageElement.upper())

  def isSEForJobs(self, storageElement, checkSE=True):
    """ Is this SE suitable for making jobs """
    if checkSE:
      if storageElement not in self.storageElementSet:
        return False
    if self.notForJobSEs is None:
      seList = resolveSEGroup(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
          'DataManagement/SEsNotToBeUsedForJobs', []))
      self.notForJobSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
    return storageElement not in self.notForJobSEs

  def isSEArchive(self, storageElement):
    """ Is this SE an archive SE """
    if self.archiveSEs is None:
      seList = resolveSEGroup(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
          'DataManagement/SEsUsedForArchive', []))
      self.archiveSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
    # FIXME: remove string test at some point
    return storageElement in self.archiveSEs or (not self.archiveSEs and isinstance(storageElement, basestring) and
                                                 'ARCHIVE' in storageElement.upper())

  def getSitesForSE(self, storageElement, connectionLevel=None):
    """ Get the (list of) sites for a given SE and a given connctivity """
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel, default=DOWNLOAD)
    if connectionIndex == LOCAL:
      return self._getLocalSitesForSE(storageElement)
    if connectionIndex == PROTOCOL:
      return self.getProtocolSitesForSE(storageElement)
    if connectionIndex == DOWNLOAD:
      return self.getDownloadSitesForSE(storageElement)
    return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")

  def getLocalSiteForSE(self, se):
    """ Get the site at which the SE is """
    sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE(se)
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    if not sites['Value']:
      return S_OK(None)
    return S_OK(sites['Value'][0])

  def _getLocalSitesForSE(self, se):
    """ Extract the list of sites that declare this SE """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR('Non-existing SE')
    mapping = mapping['Value'][LOCAL]
    sites = [site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]]
    if len(sites) > 1 and self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/ForceSingleSitePerSE', True):
      return S_ERROR('SE is at more than one site')
    return S_OK(sites)

  def getProtocolSitesForSE(self, se):
    """ Get sites that can access the SE by protocol """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR('Non-existing SE')
    mapping = mapping['Value'][PROTOCOL]
    sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE(se)
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    sites = set(sites['Value'])
    sites.update([site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]])
    return S_OK(sorted(sites))

  def getDownloadSitesForSE(self, se):
    """ Get the list of sites that are allowed to download files """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR('Non-existing SE')
    mapping = mapping['Value'][DOWNLOAD]
    sites = self.getProtocolSitesForSE(se)
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    sites = set(sites['Value'])
    sites.update([site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]])
    return S_OK(sorted(sites))

  def getSEsForSite(self, site, connectionLevel=None):
    """ Get all SEs accessible from a site, given a connectivity """
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel, default=DOWNLOAD)
    if connectionIndex is None:
      return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")
    if not self.siteSet:
    if site not in self.siteSet:
      siteList = [s for s in self.siteSet if '.%s.' % site in s]
      siteList = [site]
    if not siteList:
      return S_ERROR("Unknown site")
    return self._getSEsForSItes(siteList, connectionIndex=connectionIndex)

  def _getSEsForSItes(self, siteList, connectionIndex):
    """ Extract list of SEs for a connectivity """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    ses = []
    for index in range(LOCAL, connectionIndex + 1):
      for site in siteList:
        ses += mapping['Value'][index].get(site, [])
    if not ses:
      return S_ERROR('No SE found')
    return S_OK(sorted(ses))

  def getSEsAtSite(self, site):
    """ Get local SEs """
    return self.getSEsForSite(site, connectionLevel=LOCAL)

  def isSameSiteSE(self, se1, se2):
    """ Are these 2 SEs at the same site """
    res = self.getLocalSiteForSE(se1)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    site1 = res['Value']
    res = self.getLocalSiteForSE(se2)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    site2 = res['Value']
    return S_OK(site1 == site2)

  def getSEsAtCountry(self, country, connectionLevel=None):
    """ Get all SEs at a given country """
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel, default=DOWNLOAD)
    if connectionIndex is None:
      return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")
    if not self.siteSet:
    siteList = [site for site in self.siteSet if siteCountryName(
        site) == country.lower()]
    if not siteList:
      return S_ERROR("No SEs found in country")
    return self._getSEsForSItes(siteList, connectionIndex)

  def getSEInGroupAtSite(self, seGroup, site):
    """ Get the SE in a group or list of SEs that is present at a site """
    seList = self.getAllSEsInGroupAtSite(seGroup, site)
    if not seList['OK'] or seList['Value'] is None:
      return seList
    return S_OK(seList['Value'][0])

  def getAllSEsInGroupAtSite(self, seGroup, site):
    """ Get all SEs in a group or list of SEs that are present at a site """
    seList = resolveSEGroup(seGroup)
    if not seList:
      return S_ERROR('SEGroup does not exist')
    sesAtSite = self.getSEsAtSite(site)
    if not sesAtSite['OK']:
      return sesAtSite
    foundSEs = set(seList) & set(sesAtSite['Value'])
    if not foundSEs:
      gLogger.warn('No SE found at that site',
                   'in group %s at %s' % (seGroup, site))
      return S_OK()
    return S_OK(sorted(foundSEs))

  def getRegistrationProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite registration protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/RegistrationProtocols', ['srm', 'dips'])

  def getThirdPartyProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite third party protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/ThirdPartyProtocols', ['srm'])

  def getAccessProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite access protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/AccessProtocols', ['srm', 'dips'])

  def getWriteProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite Write protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/WriteProtocols', ['srm', 'dips'])
예제 #21
class InputDataResolution(object):
    """ ILC specific input data resolution, imported from DIRAC

    def __init__(self, argumentsDict):
        """ Standard constructor
        self.arguments = argumentsDict = COMPONENT_NAME
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
        self.ops = Operations()

    def execute(self):
        """Given the arguments from the Job Wrapper, this function calls existing
       utilities in DIRAC to resolve input data according to LHCb VO policy.
        result = self.__resolveInputData()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('InputData resolution failed with result:\n%s' %

        #For local running of this module we can expose an option to ignore missing files
        ignoreMissing = False
        if 'IgnoreMissing' in self.arguments:
            ignoreMissing = self.arguments['IgnoreMissing']

        #For LHCb original policy was as long as one TURL exists, this can be conveyed to the application
        #this breaks due to the stripping so the policy has been changed.
        if 'Failed' in result:
            failedReplicas = result['Failed']
            if failedReplicas and not ignoreMissing:
                    'Failed to obtain access to the following files:\n%s' %
                    (string.join(failedReplicas, '\n')))
                return S_ERROR('Failed to access all of requested input data')

        if 'Successful' not in result:
            return result

        if not result['Successful']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not access any requested input data')

        return result

    def __resolveInputData(self):
        """This method controls the execution of the DIRAC input data modules according
       to the ILC VO policy defined in the configuration service.
        if 'SiteName' in self.arguments['Configuration']:
            site = self.arguments['Configuration']['SiteName']
            site = DIRAC.siteName()

        policy = []
        if 'Job' not in self.arguments:
            self.arguments['Job'] = {}

        if 'InputDataPolicy' in self.arguments['Job']:
            policy = self.arguments['Job']['InputDataPolicy']
            #In principle this can be a list of modules with the first taking precedence
            if type(policy) in types.StringTypes:
                policy = [policy]
  'Job has a specific policy setting: %s' %
                          (string.join(policy, ', ')))
                'Attempting to resolve input data policy for site %s' % site)
            inputDataPolicy = self.ops.getOptionsDict('/InputDataPolicy')
            if not inputDataPolicy:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'Could not resolve InputDataPolicy from /InputDataPolicy')

            options = inputDataPolicy['Value']
            if site in options:
                policy = options[site]
                policy = [x.strip() for x in string.split(policy, ',')]
                    'Found specific input data policy for site %s:\n%s' %
                    (site, string.join(policy, ',\n')))
            elif 'Default' in options:
                policy = options['Default']
                policy = [x.strip() for x in string.split(policy, ',')]
                    'Applying default input data policy for site %s:\n%s' %
                    (site, string.join(policy, ',\n')))

        dataToResolve = None  #if none, all supplied input data is resolved
        allDataResolved = False
        successful = {}
        failedReplicas = []
        for modulePath in policy:
            if not allDataResolved:
                result = self.__runModule(modulePath, dataToResolve)
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.log.warn('Problem during %s execution' % modulePath)
                    return result

                if 'Failed' in result:
                    failedReplicas = result['Failed']

                if failedReplicas:
                        '%s failed for the following files:\n%s' %
                        (modulePath, string.join(failedReplicas, '\n')))
                    dataToResolve = failedReplicas
          'All replicas resolved after %s execution' %
                    allDataResolved = True


        result = S_OK()
        result['Successful'] = successful
        result['Failed'] = failedReplicas
        return result

    def __runModule(self, modulePath, remainingReplicas):
        """This method provides a way to run the modules specified by the VO that
       govern the input data access policy for the current site.  For LHCb the
       standard WMS modules are applied in a different order depending on the site.
    """'Attempting to run %s' % (modulePath))
        moduleFactory = ModuleFactory()
        moduleInstance = moduleFactory.getModule(modulePath, self.arguments)
        if not moduleInstance['OK']:
            return moduleInstance

        module = moduleInstance['Value']
        result = module.execute(remainingReplicas)
        return result
예제 #22
class FileCatalog(object):
    def __init__(self, catalogs=None, vo=None):
        """Default constructor"""
        self.valid = True
        self.timeout = 180

        self.ro_methods = set()
        self.write_methods = set()
        self.no_lfn_methods = set()

        self.readCatalogs = []
        self.writeCatalogs = []
        self.rootConfigPath = "/Resources/FileCatalogs"
        self.vo = vo if vo else getVOfromProxyGroup().get("Value", None)
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)

        catalogList = []
        if isinstance(catalogs, six.string_types):
            catalogList = [catalogs]
        elif isinstance(catalogs, (list, tuple)):
            catalogList = list(catalogs)

        if catalogList:
            result = self._getEligibleCatalogs()
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Failed to get eligible catalog")
            eligibleFileCatalogs = result["Value"]
            catalogCheck = True
            for catalog in catalogList:
                if catalog not in eligibleFileCatalogs:
                    self.log.error("Specified catalog is not eligible", catalog)
                    catalogCheck = False
            if catalogCheck:
                result = self._getSelectedCatalogs(catalogList)
                result = S_ERROR("Specified catalog is not eligible")
            result = self._getCatalogs()
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to create catalog objects")
            self.valid = False
        elif (len(self.readCatalogs) == 0) and (len(self.writeCatalogs) == 0):
            self.log.error("No catalog object created")
            self.valid = False

        result = self.getMasterCatalogNames()
        masterCatalogs = result["Value"]
        # There can not be more than one master catalog
        haveMaster = False
        if len(masterCatalogs) > 1:
            self.log.error("More than one master catalog created")
            self.valid = False
        elif len(masterCatalogs) == 1:
            haveMaster = True

        # Get the list of write methods
        if haveMaster:
            # All the write methods must be present in the master
            _catalogName, oCatalog, _master = self.writeCatalogs[0]
            _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()
            for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.writeCatalogs:
                _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()

        # Get the list of read methods
        for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:
            roList, _writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()

        self.condParser = FCConditionParser(vo=self.vo, ro_methods=self.ro_methods)

    def isOK(self):
        return self.valid

    def getReadCatalogs(self):
        return self.readCatalogs

    def getWriteCatalogs(self):
        return self.writeCatalogs

    def getMasterCatalogNames(self):
        """Returns the list of names of the Master catalogs"""

        masterNames = [catalogName for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs if master]
        return S_OK(masterNames)

    def __getattr__(self, name): = name
        if name in self.write_methods:
            return self.w_execute
        elif name in self.ro_methods:
            return self.r_execute
            raise AttributeError

    def w_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """Write method executor.

        If one of the LFNs given as input does not pass a condition defined for the
        master catalog, we return S_ERROR without trying anything else

        :param fcConditions: either a dict or a string, to be propagated to the FCConditionParser

                             * If it is a string, it is given for all catalogs
                             * If it is a dict, it has to be { catalogName: condition}, and only
                                  the specific condition for the catalog will be given

        .. warning ::

          If the method is a write no_lfn method, then the return value are completely different.
          We only return the result of the master catalog

        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        failedCatalogs = {}
        successfulCatalogs = {}

        specialConditions = kws.pop("fcConditions") if "fcConditions" in kws else None

        allLfns = []
        lfnMapDict = {}
        masterResult = {}
        parms1 = []
        if not in self.no_lfn_methods:
            fileInfo = parms[0]
            result = checkArgumentFormat(fileInfo, generateMap=True)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            fileInfo, lfnMapDict = result["Value"]
            # No need to check the LFNs again in the clients
            kws["LFNChecking"] = False
            allLfns = list(fileInfo)
            parms1 = parms[1:]

        for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs:

            # Skip if the method is not implemented in this catalog
            # NOTE: it is impossible for the master since the write method list is populated
            # only from the master catalog, and if the method is not there, __getattr__
            # would raise an exception
            if not oCatalog.hasCatalogMethod(

            method = getattr(oCatalog,

            if in self.no_lfn_methods:
                result = method(*parms, **kws)
                if isinstance(specialConditions, dict):
                    condition = specialConditions.get(catalogName)
                    condition = specialConditions
                # Check whether this catalog should be used for this method
                res = self.condParser(catalogName,, fileInfo, condition=condition)
                # condParser never returns S_ERROR
                condEvals = res["Value"]["Successful"]
                # For a master catalog, ALL the lfns should be valid
                if master:
                    if any([not valid for valid in condEvals.values()]):
                        gLogger.error("The master catalog is not valid for some LFNS", condEvals)
                        return S_ERROR("The master catalog is not valid for some LFNS %s" % condEvals)

                validLFNs = dict((lfn, fileInfo[lfn]) for lfn in condEvals if condEvals[lfn])

                # We can skip the execution without worry,
                # since at this level it is for sure not a master catalog
                if not validLFNs:
                    gLogger.debug("No valid LFN, skipping the call")

                invalidLFNs = [lfn for lfn in condEvals if not condEvals[lfn]]

                if invalidLFNs:
                        "Some LFNs are not valid for operation '%s' on catalog '%s' : %s"
                        % (, catalogName, invalidLFNs)

                result = method(validLFNs, *parms1, **kws)

            if master:
                masterResult = result

            if not result["OK"]:
                if master:
                    # If this is the master catalog and it fails we don't want to continue with the other catalogs
                        "Failed to execute call on master catalog",
                        "%s on %s: %s" % (, catalogName, result["Message"]),
                    return result
                    # Otherwise we keep the failed catalogs so we can update their state later
                    failedCatalogs[catalogName] = result["Message"]
                successfulCatalogs[catalogName] = result["Value"]

            if allLfns:
                if result["OK"]:
                    for lfn, message in result["Value"]["Failed"].items():
                        # Save the error message for the failed operations
                        failed.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = message
                        if master:
                            # If this is the master catalog then we should not attempt the operation on other catalogs
                            fileInfo.pop(lfn, None)
                    for lfn, result in result["Value"]["Successful"].items():
                        # Save the result return for each file for the successful operations
                        successful.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = result

        if allLfns:
            # This recovers the states of the files that completely failed i.e. when S_ERROR is returned by a catalog
            for catalogName, errorMessage in failedCatalogs.items():
                for lfn in allLfns:
                    failed.setdefault(lfn, {})[catalogName] = errorMessage
            # Restore original lfns if they were changed by normalization
            if lfnMapDict:
                for lfn in list(failed):
                    failed[lfnMapDict.get(lfn, lfn)] = failed.pop(lfn)
                for lfn in list(successful):
                    successful[lfnMapDict.get(lfn, lfn)] = successful.pop(lfn)
            resDict = {"Failed": failed, "Successful": successful}
            return S_OK(resDict)
            # FIXME: Return just master result here. This is temporary as more detailed
            # per catalog result needs multiple fixes in various client calls
            return masterResult

    def r_execute(self, *parms, **kws):
        """Read method executor."""
        successful = {}
        failed = {}
        for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:

            # Skip if the method is not implemented in this catalog
            if not oCatalog.hasCatalogMethod(

            method = getattr(oCatalog,
            res = method(*parms, **kws)
            if res["OK"]:
                if "Successful" in res["Value"]:
                    for key, item in res["Value"]["Successful"].items():
                        successful.setdefault(key, item)
                        failed.pop(key, None)
                    for key, item in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
                        if key not in successful:
                            failed[key] = item
                    return res
        if not successful and not failed:
            return S_ERROR(DErrno.EFCERR, "Failed to perform %s from any catalog" %
        return S_OK({"Failed": failed, "Successful": successful})

    # Below is the method for obtaining the objects instantiated for a provided catalogue configuration

    def addCatalog(self, catalogName, mode="Write", master=False):
        """Add a new catalog with catalogName to the pool of catalogs in mode:
        "Read","Write" or "ReadWrite"

        result = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        oCatalog = result["Value"]
        if mode.lower().find("read") != -1:
            self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
        if mode.lower().find("write") != -1:
            self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))

        return S_OK()

    def removeCatalog(self, catalogName):
        """Remove the specified catalog from the internal pool"""

        catalog_removed = False

        for i in range(len(self.readCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.readCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.readCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True
        for i in range(len(self.writeCatalogs)):
            catalog, _object, _master = self.writeCatalogs[i]
            if catalog == catalogName:
                del self.writeCatalogs[i]
                catalog_removed = True

        if catalog_removed:
            return S_OK()
            return S_OK("Catalog does not exist")

    def _getSelectedCatalogs(self, desiredCatalogs):
        for catalogName in desiredCatalogs:
            result = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            catalogConfig = result["Value"]
            result = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            oCatalog = result["Value"]
            if"Read", catalogConfig["AccessType"]):
                if catalogConfig["Master"]:
                    self.readCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig["Master"]))
                    self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig["Master"]))
            if"Write", catalogConfig["AccessType"]):
                if catalogConfig["Master"]:
                    self.writeCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig["Master"]))
                    self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, catalogConfig["Master"]))
        return S_OK()

    def _getEligibleCatalogs(self):
        """Get a list of eligible catalogs

        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value - a list of catalog names
        # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources for backward compatibility
        fileCatalogs = self.opHelper.getValue("/Services/Catalogs/CatalogList", [])
        if not fileCatalogs:
            result = self.opHelper.getSections("/Services/Catalogs")
            if result["OK"]:
                fileCatalogs = result["Value"]
                res = gConfig.getSections(self.rootConfigPath, listOrdered=True)
                if not res["OK"]:
                    errStr = "FileCatalog._getEligibleCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration."
                    self.log.error(errStr, res["Message"])
                    return S_ERROR(errStr)
                fileCatalogs = res["Value"]

        return S_OK(fileCatalogs)

    def _getCatalogs(self):
        """Updates self.readCatalogs and self.writeCatalogs with list of catalog objects as found in the CS"""

        # Get the eligible catalogs first
        result = self._getEligibleCatalogs()
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        fileCatalogs = result["Value"]

        # Get the catalog objects now
        for catalogName in fileCatalogs:
            res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails(catalogName)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res
            catalogConfig = res["Value"]
            if catalogConfig["Status"] == "Active":
                res = self._generateCatalogObject(catalogName)
                if not res["OK"]:
                    return res
                oCatalog = res["Value"]
                master = catalogConfig["Master"]
                # If the catalog is read type
                if"Read", catalogConfig["AccessType"]):
                    if master:
                        self.readCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                        self.readCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                # If the catalog is write type
                if"Write", catalogConfig["AccessType"]):
                    if master:
                        self.writeCatalogs.insert(0, (catalogName, oCatalog, master))
                        self.writeCatalogs.append((catalogName, oCatalog, master))
        return S_OK()

    def _getCatalogConfigDetails(self, catalogName):
        # First obtain the options that are available
        catalogConfigPath = "%s/%s" % (self.rootConfigPath, catalogName)
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(catalogConfigPath)
        if not result["OK"]:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options."
            self.log.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        catalogConfig = result["Value"]
        result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict("/Services/Catalogs/%s" % catalogName)
        if result["OK"]:

        # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
        if "Status" not in catalogConfig:
            warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined."
            self.log.warn(warnStr, catalogName)
            catalogConfig["Status"] = "Active"
        # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
        if "AccessType" not in catalogConfig:
            errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined."
            self.log.error(errStr, catalogName)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
        catalogConfig["Master"] = catalogConfig.setdefault("Master", False) == "True"
        return S_OK(catalogConfig)

    def _generateCatalogObject(self, catalogName):
        """Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description"""
        useProxy = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy" % catalogName, False)
        if not useProxy:
            useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue("/Services/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy" % catalogName, False)
        return FileCatalogFactory().createCatalog(catalogName, useProxy)
예제 #23
class RssConfiguration(object):

          State        : Active | InActive,
          Cache        : 300,
          FromAddress  : '*****@*****.**'
          StatusType   :
            default       : all,
            StorageElement: ReadAccess, WriteAccess, CheckAccess, RemoveAccess


    def __init__(self):
        self.opsHelper = Operations()

    def getConfigState(self, default="InActive"):
        Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of State

        return self.opsHelper.getValue("%s/Config/State" % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigCache(self, default=300):
        Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of Cache

        return self.opsHelper.getValue("%s/Config/Cache" % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigFromAddress(self, default=None):
        Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of FromAddress

        return self.opsHelper.getValue("%s/Config/FromAddress" % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigStatusType(self, elementType=None):
        Gets all the status types per elementType, if not given, it takes default
        from CS. If not, hardcoded variable DEFAULT.

        _DEFAULTS = ("all",)

        res = self.opsHelper.getOptionsDict("%s/Config/StatusTypes" % _rssConfigPath)

        if res["OK"]:

            if elementType in res["Value"]:
                return List.fromChar(res["Value"][elementType])

            if "default" in res["Value"]:
                return List.fromChar(res["Value"]["default"])

        return _DEFAULTS
예제 #24
class GeneratorModels(object):
    """ Contains the list of known models
    def __init__(self):
        self.ops = Operations()
        self.models = {}
        res = self.ops.getOptionsDict("/Models")
        if res['OK']:
            self.models = res['Value']

    def hasModel(self, model):
        """ Check that specified model exists
        if model in self.models:
            return S_OK()
            return S_ERROR("Model %s is not defined, use any of %s" %
                           (model, self.models.keys()))

    def getFile(self, model):
        """ Return the proper model file (usually LesHouches)
        res = self.hasModel(model)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        if not self.models[model]:
            return S_ERROR("No file attached to model %s" % model)
        return S_OK(self.models[model])

    def getParamsForWhizard(self, model):
        """ When creating the final file, this is needed to get the parameters for the SM
        params = ''
        if model == 'sm':
            params = """<GF type="float" value="1.16639E-5">
<!-- Fermi constant -->
<mZ type="float" value="91.1882">
<!-- Z-boson mass -->
<mW type="float" value="80.419">
<!-- W-boson mass -->
<mH type="float" value="120">
<!-- Higgs mass -->
<alphas type="float" value="0.1178">
<!-- Strong coupling constant alpha_s(MZ) -->
<me type="float" value="0.">
<!-- electron mass -->
<mmu type="float" value="0.1066">
<!-- muon mass -->
<mtau type="float" value="1.777">
<!-- tau-lepton mass -->
<ms type="float" value="0.">
<!-- s-quark mass -->
<mc type="float" value="0.54">
<!-- c-quark mass -->
<mb type="float" value="2.9">
<!-- b-quark mass -->
<mtop type="float" value="174">
<!-- t-quark mass -->
<wtop type="float" value="1.523">
<!-- t-quark width -->
<wZ type="float" value="2.443">
<!-- Z-boson width -->
<wW type="float" value="2.049">
<!-- W-boson width -->
<wH type="float" value="0.3605E-02">
<!-- Higgs width -->
<vckm11 type="float" value="0.97383">
<!-- Vud -->
<vckm12 type="float" value="0.2272">
<!-- Vus -->
<vckm13 type="float" value="0.00396">
<!-- Vub -->
<vckm21 type="float" value="-0.2271">
<!-- Vcd -->
<vckm22 type="float" value="0.97296">
<!-- Vcs -->
<vckm23 type="float" value="0.04221">
<!-- Vcb -->
<vckm31 type="float" value="0.00814">
<!-- Vtd -->
<vckm32 type="float" value="-0.04161">
<!-- Vts -->
<vckm33 type="float" value="0.99910">
<!-- Vtb -->
<khgaz type="float" value="1.000">
<!-- anomaly Higgs coupling K factors -->
<khgaga type="float" value="1.000">
<!-- anomaly Higgs coupling K factors -->
<khgg type="float" value="1.000">
<!-- anomaly Higgs coupling K factors -->
            params = """
        return S_OK(params)
예제 #25
  def web_getLaunchpadOpts(self):

    defaultParams = {"JobName" :        [1, 'DIRAC'],
                     "Executable" :     [1, "/bin/ls"],
                     "Arguments" :      [1, "-ltrA"],
                     "OutputSandbox" :  [1, "std.out, std.err"],
                     "JobGroup" :       [0, "Unknown"],
                     "InputData" :      [0, ""],
                     "OutputData" :     [0, ""],
                     "OutputSE" :       [0, "DIRAC-USER"],
                     "OutputPath":      [0, ""],
                     "CPUTime" :        [0, "86400"],
                     "Site" :           [0, ""],
                     "BannedSite" :     [0, ""],
                     "Platform" :       [0, "Linux_x86_64_glibc-2.12"],
                     "Priority" :       [0, "5"],
                     "StdError" :       [0, "std.err"],
                     "StdOutput" :      [0, "std.out"],
                     "Parameters" :     [0, "0"],
                     "ParameterStart" : [0, "0"],
                     "ParameterStep" :  [0, "1"],
                     "ParameterFactor": [0, "0"]}

    delimiter = gConfig.getValue("/WebApp/Launchpad/ListSeparator" , ',')
    options = self.__getOptionsFromCS(delimiter=delimiter)
#     platform = self.__getPlatform()
#     if platform and options:
#       if not options.has_key("Platform"):
#         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
#       else:
#         csPlatform = list(options[ "Platform" ])
#         allPlatforms = csPlatform + platform
#         platform = uniqueElements(allPlatforms)
#         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
    gLogger.debug("Combined options from CS: %s" % options)
    override = gConfig.getValue("/WebApp/Launchpad/OptionsOverride" , False)"end __getLaunchpadOpts")

#    Updating the default values from OptionsOverride configuration branch

    for key in options:
      if key not in defaultParams:
        defaultParams[key] = [ 0, "" ]
      defaultParams[key][1] = options[key][0]

#    Reading of the predefined sets of launchpad parameters values

    obj = Operations( vo = self.vo )
    predefinedSets = {}

    launchpadSections = obj.getSections("Launchpad")
    import pprint
    if launchpadSections['OK']:
      for section in launchpadSections["Value"]:
        predefinedSets[section] = {}
        sectionOptions = obj.getOptionsDict("Launchpad/" + section)
        if sectionOptions['OK']:
          predefinedSets[section] = sectionOptions["Value"]

    self.write({"success":"true", "result":defaultParams, "predefinedSets":predefinedSets})
예제 #26
class DDSim( LCApplication ):
  """ DDSim Application Class """

  def __init__(self, paramdict = None):
    self.startFrom = 0
    self.randomSeed = 0
    self.detectorModel = ''
    super(DDSim, self).__init__( paramdict )
    ##Those 5 need to come after default constructor
    self._modulename = 'DDSimAnalysis'
    self._moduledescription = 'Module to run DDSim'
    self.appname = 'ddsim'
    self.datatype = 'SIM'
    self.detectortype = ''
    self._paramsToExclude.extend( [ "outputDstPath", "outputRecPath", "OutputDstFile", "OutputRecFile" ] )
    self._ops = Operations()

  def setRandomSeed(self, randomSeed):
    """ Optional: Define random seed to use. Default is the jobID.

    :param int randomSeed: Seed to use during simulation.
    self._checkArgs( { 'randomSeed' : types.IntType } )
    self.randomSeed = randomSeed

  def setDetectorModel(self, detectorModel):
    """Define detector model to use for ddsim simulation

    The detector model can be a collection of XML files Either one has to use a
    detector model provided by LCGeo or DD4hep, which can be found on CVMFS or
    the complete XML needs to be passed as a tarball in the input sandbox or on the grid

    The tarball name must be detectorModel plus extension
    The tarball must contain all xml files inside a folder called detectorModel.
    That is the main file is located in detectorModel/detectorModel.xml
    :param string detectorModel: Detector Model to use for DDSim simulation. Can
      be on CVMFS, tarball LFN or inputSandbox tarball
    self._checkArgs( { 'detectorModel' : types.StringTypes } )
    extensions = (".zip", ".tar.gz", ".tgz")

    ## file on the grid
    if detectorModel.lower().startswith("lfn:"):
      self.detectorModel = os.path.basename(detectorModel) 
      for ext in extensions:
        if detectorModel.endswith(ext):
          self.detectorModel = os.path.basename(detectorModel).replace( ext, '' )
      return S_OK()

    ## local file
    elif detectorModel.endswith( extensions ):
      for ext in extensions:
        if detectorModel.endswith(ext):
          self.detectorModel = os.path.basename(detectorModel).replace( ext, '' )

      if os.path.exists(detectorModel):
        self._log.notice("Specified detector model file does not exist locally, I hope you know what you're doing")
      return S_OK()

    ## DetectorModel is part of the software
      knownDetectors = self.getKnownDetectorModels()
      if not knownDetectors['OK']:
        self._log.error("Failed to get knownDetectorModels", knownDetectors["Message"] )
        return knownDetectors
      elif detectorModel in knownDetectors['Value']:
        self.detectorModel = detectorModel
        self._log.error("Unknown detector model: ", detectorModel )
        return S_ERROR( "Unknown detector model in ddsim: %s" % detectorModel )
    return S_OK()

  def setStartFrom(self, startfrom):
    """ Optional: Define from where ddsim starts to read in the input file
    :param int startfrom: from where ddsim starts to read the input file
    self._checkArgs( { 'startfrom' : types.IntType } )
    self.startFrom = startfrom

  def _userjobmodules(self, stepdefinition):
    res1 = self._setApplicationModuleAndParameters(stepdefinition)
    res2 = self._setUserJobFinalization(stepdefinition)
    if not res1["OK"] or not res2["OK"] :
      return S_ERROR('userjobmodules failed')
    return S_OK()

  def _prodjobmodules(self, stepdefinition):
    res1 = self._setApplicationModuleAndParameters(stepdefinition)
    res2 = self._setOutputComputeDataList(stepdefinition)
    if not res1["OK"] or not res2["OK"] :
      return S_ERROR('prodjobmodules failed')
    return S_OK()

  def _checkConsistency(self):
    """ FIXME """
    if not self.version:
      return S_ERROR('No version found')
    if self.steeringFile:
      if not os.path.exists(self.steeringFile) and not self.steeringFile.lower().count("lfn:"):
        res = Exists(self.steeringFile)
        if not res['OK']:
          return res

    if not self.detectorModel:
      return S_ERROR("No detectorModel set")

    #res = self._checkRequiredApp()
    #if not res['OK']:
    #  return res

    if self._jobtype != 'User':
      self._listofoutput.append({"outputFile":"@{OutputFile}", "outputPath":"@{OutputPath}",

      self.prodparameters['detectorType'] = self.detectortype
      if self.detectorModel:
        self.prodparameters['slic_detectormodel'] = self.detectorModel

    if not self.startFrom :'No startFrom defined for DDSim : start from the beginning')

    return S_OK()

  def _applicationModule(self):

    md1 = self._createModuleDefinition()
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("randomSeed",           0,    "int", "", "", False, False,
                               "Random seed for the generator"))
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("detectorModel",       "", "string", "", "", False, False,
                               "Detecor model for simulation"))
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("startFrom",            0,    "int", "", "", False, False,
                               "From where DDSim starts to read the input file"))
    md1.addParameter(Parameter("debug",            False,   "bool", "", "", False, False, "debug mode"))
    return md1

  def _applicationModuleValues(self, moduleinstance):

    moduleinstance.setValue("randomSeed",      self.randomSeed)
    moduleinstance.setValue("detectorModel",   self.detectorModel)
    moduleinstance.setValue("startFrom",       self.startFrom)
    moduleinstance.setValue("debug",           self.debug)

  def _checkWorkflowConsistency(self):
    return self._checkRequiredApp()

  def _resolveLinkedStepParameters(self, stepinstance):
    if type(self._linkedidx) == types.IntType:
      self._inputappstep = self._jobsteps[self._linkedidx]
    if self._inputappstep:
      stepinstance.setLink("InputFile", self._inputappstep.getType(), "OutputFile")
    return S_OK()

  def getKnownDetectorModels( self, version=None ):
    """return a list of known detectorModels

    Depends on the version of the software though...

    :param string version: Optional: Software version for which to print the detector models. If not given the version of the application instance is used.
    :returns: S_OK with list of detector models known for this software version, S_ERROR
    if version is None and not self.version:
      return S_ERROR( "No software version defined" )
    detectorModels = self._ops.getOptionsDict("/DDSimDetectorModels/%s" % (self.version))
    return detectorModels
예제 #27
class RssConfiguration:

        State        : Active | InActive,
        Cache        : 300,
        FromAddress  : '*****@*****.**'
        StatusType   :
          default       : all,
          StorageElement: ReadAccess, WriteAccess, CheckAccess, RemoveAccess


    def __init__(self):
        self.opsHelper = Operations()

    def getConfigState(self, default="InActive"):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of State

        return self.opsHelper.getValue("%s/Config/State" % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigCache(self, default=300):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of Cache

        return self.opsHelper.getValue("%s/Config/Cache" % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigFromAddress(self, default=None):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of FromAddress

        return self.opsHelper.getValue("%s/Config/FromAddress" % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigStatusType(self, elementType=None):
      Gets all the status types per elementType, if not given, it takes default
      from CS. If not, hardcoded variable DEFAULT.

        _DEFAULTS = ("all",)

        res = self.opsHelper.getOptionsDict("%s/Config/StatusTypes" % _rssConfigPath)

        if res["OK"]:

            if elementType in res["Value"]:
                return List.fromChar(res["Value"][elementType])

            if "default" in res["Value"]:
                return List.fromChar(res["Value"]["default"])

        return _DEFAULTS
예제 #28
파일: 프로젝트: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
class Limiter(object):

  def __init__(self, jobDB=None, opsHelper=None):
    """ Constructor
    self.__runningLimitSection = "JobScheduling/RunningLimit"
    self.__matchingDelaySection = "JobScheduling/MatchingDelay"
    self.csDictCache = DictCache()
    self.condCache = DictCache()
    self.delayMem = {}

    if jobDB:
      self.jobDB = jobDB
      self.jobDB = JobDB()

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("Limiter")

    if opsHelper:
      self.__opsHelper = opsHelper
      self.__opsHelper = Operations()

  def getNegativeCond(self):
    """ Get negative condition for ALL sites
    orCond = self.condCache.get("GLOBAL")
    if orCond:
      return orCond
    negCond = {}
    # Run Limit
    result = self.__opsHelper.getSections(self.__runningLimitSection)
    sites = []
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
    for siteName in sites:
      result = self.__getRunningCondition(siteName)
      if not result['OK']:
      data = result['Value']
      if data:
        negCond[siteName] = data
    # Delay limit
    result = self.__opsHelper.getSections(self.__matchingDelaySection)
    sites = []
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
    for siteName in sites:
      result = self.__getDelayCondition(siteName)
      if not result['OK']:
      data = result['Value']
      if not data:
      if siteName in negCond:
        negCond[siteName] = self.__mergeCond(negCond[siteName], data)
        negCond[siteName] = data
    orCond = []
    for siteName in negCond:
      negCond[siteName]['Site'] = siteName
    self.condCache.add("GLOBAL", 10, orCond)
    return orCond

  def getNegativeCondForSite(self, siteName):
    """ Generate a negative query based on the limits set on the site
    # Check if Limits are imposed onto the site
    negativeCond = {}
    if self.__opsHelper.getValue("JobScheduling/CheckJobLimits", True):
      result = self.__getRunningCondition(siteName)
      if result['OK']:
        negativeCond = result['Value']
      self.log.verbose('Negative conditions for site %s after checking limits are: %s' % (siteName, str(negativeCond)))

    if self.__opsHelper.getValue("JobScheduling/CheckMatchingDelay", True):
      result = self.__getDelayCondition(siteName)
      if result['OK']:
        delayCond = result['Value']
        self.log.verbose('Negative conditions for site %s after delay checking are: %s' % (siteName, str(delayCond)))
        negativeCond = self.__mergeCond(negativeCond, delayCond)

    if negativeCond:'Negative conditions for site %s are: %s' % (siteName, str(negativeCond)))

    return negativeCond

  def __mergeCond(self, negCond, addCond):
    """ Merge two negative dicts
    # Merge both negative dicts
    for attr in addCond:
      if attr not in negCond:
        negCond[attr] = []
      for value in addCond[attr]:
        if value not in negCond[attr]:
    return negCond

  def __extractCSData(self, section):
    """ Extract limiting information from the CS in the form:
        { 'JobType' : { 'Merge' : 20, 'MCGen' : 1000 } }
    stuffDict = self.csDictCache.get(section)
    if stuffDict:
      return S_OK(stuffDict)

    result = self.__opsHelper.getSections(section)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    attribs = result['Value']
    stuffDict = {}
    for attName in attribs:
      result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict("%s/%s" % (section, attName))
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      attLimits = result['Value']
        attLimits = dict([(k, int(attLimits[k])) for k in attLimits])
      except Exception as excp:
        errMsg = "%s/%s has to contain numbers: %s" % (section, attName, str(excp))
        return S_ERROR(errMsg)
      stuffDict[attName] = attLimits

    self.csDictCache.add(section, 300, stuffDict)
    return S_OK(stuffDict)

  def __getRunningCondition(self, siteName):
    """ Get extra conditions allowing site throttling
    siteSection = "%s/%s" % (self.__runningLimitSection, siteName)
    result = self.__extractCSData(siteSection)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    limitsDict = result['Value']
    # limitsDict is something like { 'JobType' : { 'Merge' : 20, 'MCGen' : 1000 } }
    if not limitsDict:
      return S_OK({})
    # Check if the site exceeding the given limits
    negCond = {}
    for attName in limitsDict:
      if attName not in self.jobDB.jobAttributeNames:
        self.log.error("Attribute %s does not exist. Check the job limits" % attName)
      cK = "Running:%s:%s" % (siteName, attName)
      data = self.condCache.get(cK)
      if not data:
        result = self.jobDB.getCounters(
            'Jobs', [attName], {
                'Site': siteName, 'Status': [
                    'Running', 'Matched', 'Stalled']})
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        data = result['Value']
        data = dict([(k[0][attName], k[1]) for k in data])
        self.condCache.add(cK, 10, data)
      for attValue in limitsDict[attName]:
        limit = limitsDict[attName][attValue]
        running = data.get(attValue, 0)
        if running >= limit:
          self.log.verbose('Job Limit imposed at %s on %s/%s=%d,'
                           ' %d jobs already deployed' % (siteName, attName, attValue, limit, running))
          if attName not in negCond:
            negCond[attName] = []
    # negCond is something like : {'JobType': ['Merge']}
    return S_OK(negCond)

  def updateDelayCounters(self, siteName, jid):
    # Get the info from the CS
    siteSection = "%s/%s" % (self.__matchingDelaySection, siteName)
    result = self.__extractCSData(siteSection)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    delayDict = result['Value']
    # limitsDict is something like { 'JobType' : { 'Merge' : 20, 'MCGen' : 1000 } }
    if not delayDict:
      return S_OK()
    attNames = []
    for attName in delayDict:
      if attName not in self.jobDB.jobAttributeNames:
        self.log.error("Attribute %s does not exist in the JobDB. Please fix it!" % attName)
    result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jid, attNames)
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error("While retrieving attributes coming from %s: %s" % (siteSection, result['Message']))
      return result
    atts = result['Value']
    # Create the DictCache if not there
    if siteName not in self.delayMem:
      self.delayMem[siteName] = DictCache()
    # Update the counters
    delayCounter = self.delayMem[siteName]
    for attName in atts:
      attValue = atts[attName]
      if attValue in delayDict[attName]:
        delayTime = delayDict[attName][attValue]
        self.log.notice("Adding delay for %s/%s=%s of %s secs" % (siteName, attName,
                                                                  attValue, delayTime))
        delayCounter.add((attName, attValue), delayTime)
    return S_OK()

  def __getDelayCondition(self, siteName):
    """ Get extra conditions allowing matching delay
    if siteName not in self.delayMem:
      return S_OK({})
    lastRun = self.delayMem[siteName].getKeys()
    negCond = {}
    for attName, attValue in lastRun:
      if attName not in negCond:
        negCond[attName] = []
    return S_OK(negCond)
예제 #29
class FileCatalog:

  ro_methods = ['exists', 'isLink', 'readLink', 'isFile', 'getFileMetadata', 'getReplicas',
                'getReplicaStatus', 'getFileSize', 'isDirectory', 'getDirectoryReplicas',
                'listDirectory', 'getDirectoryMetadata', 'getDirectorySize', 'getDirectoryContents',
                'resolveDataset', 'getPathPermissions', 'getLFNForPFN', 'getUsers', 'getGroups', 'getFileUserMetadata']

  write_methods = ['createLink', 'removeLink', 'addFile', 'setFileStatus', 'addReplica', 'removeReplica',
                   'removeFile', 'setReplicaStatus', 'setReplicaHost', 'createDirectory', 'setDirectoryStatus',
                   'removeDirectory', 'removeDataset', 'removeFileFromDataset', 'createDataset']

  def __init__( self, catalogs = [], vo = None ):
    """ Default constructor
    self.valid = True
    self.timeout = 180
    self.readCatalogs = []
    self.writeCatalogs = []
    self.rootConfigPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs'
    self.vo = vo if vo else getVOfromProxyGroup().get( 'Value', None )

    self.opHelper = Operations( vo = self.vo )
    if type( catalogs ) in types.StringTypes:
      catalogs = [catalogs]
    if catalogs:
      res = self._getSelectedCatalogs( catalogs )
      res = self._getCatalogs()
    if not res['OK']:
      self.valid = False
    elif ( len( self.readCatalogs ) == 0 ) and ( len( self.writeCatalogs ) == 0 ):
      self.valid = False

  def isOK( self ):
    return self.valid

  def getReadCatalogs( self ):
    return self.readCatalogs

  def getWriteCatalogs( self ):
    return self.writeCatalogs

  def __getattr__( self, name ): = name
    if name in FileCatalog.write_methods:
      return self.w_execute
    elif name in FileCatalog.ro_methods:
      return self.r_execute
      raise AttributeError

  def w_execute( self, *parms, **kws ):
    """ Write method executor.
    successful = {}
    failed = {}
    failedCatalogs = []
    fileInfo = parms[0]
    res = checkArgumentFormat( fileInfo )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    fileInfo = res['Value']
    allLfns = fileInfo.keys()
    for catalogName, oCatalog, master in self.writeCatalogs:
      method = getattr( oCatalog, )
      res = method( fileInfo, **kws )
      if not res['OK']:
        if master:
          # If this is the master catalog and it fails we dont want to continue with the other catalogs
          gLogger.error( "FileCatalog.w_execute: Failed to execute %s on master catalog %s." % (, catalogName ), res['Message'] )
          return res
          # Otherwise we keep the failed catalogs so we can update their state later
          failedCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, res['Message'] ) )
        for lfn, message in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
          # Save the error message for the failed operations
          failed.setdefault( lfn, {} )[catalogName] = message
          if master:
            # If this is the master catalog then we should not attempt the operation on other catalogs
            fileInfo.pop( lfn, None )
        for lfn, result in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
          # Save the result return for each file for the successful operations
          successful.setdefault( lfn, {} )[catalogName] = result
    # This recovers the states of the files that completely failed i.e. when S_ERROR is returned by a catalog
    for catalogName, errorMessage in failedCatalogs:
      for lfn in allLfns:
        failed.setdefault( lfn, {} )[catalogName] = errorMessage
    resDict = {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful}
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def r_execute( self, *parms, **kws ):
    """ Read method executor.
    successful = {}
    failed = {}
    for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:
      method = getattr( oCatalog, )
      res = method( *parms, **kws )
      if res['OK']:
        if 'Successful' in res['Value']:
          for key, item in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
            successful.setdefault( key, item )
            failed.pop( key, None )
          for key, item in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
            if key not in successful:
              failed[key] = item
          return res
    if not successful and not failed:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to perform %s from any catalog" % )
    return S_OK( {'Failed':failed, 'Successful':successful} )

  # Below is the method for obtaining the objects instantiated for a provided catalogue configuration

  def addCatalog( self, catalogName, mode = "Write", master = False ):
    """ Add a new catalog with catalogName to the pool of catalogs in mode:
        "Read","Write" or "ReadWrite"

    result = self._generateCatalogObject( catalogName )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    oCatalog = result['Value']
    if mode.lower().find( "read" ) != -1:
      self.readCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
    if mode.lower().find( "write" ) != -1:
      self.writeCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )

    return S_OK()

  def removeCatalog( self, catalogName ):
    """ Remove the specified catalog from the internal pool

    catalog_removed = False

    for i in range( len( self.readCatalogs ) ):
      catalog, _object, _master = self.readCatalogs[i]
      if catalog == catalogName:
        del self.readCatalogs[i]
        catalog_removed = True
    for i in range( len( self.writeCatalogs ) ):
      catalog, _object, _master = self.writeCatalogs[i]
      if catalog == catalogName:
        del self.writeCatalogs[i]
        catalog_removed = True

    if catalog_removed:
      return S_OK()
      return S_OK( 'Catalog does not exist' )

  def _getSelectedCatalogs( self, desiredCatalogs ):
    for catalogName in desiredCatalogs:
      res = self._generateCatalogObject( catalogName )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      oCatalog = res['Value']
      self.readCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, True ) )
      self.writeCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, True ) )
    return S_OK()

  def _getCatalogs( self ):

    # Get the eligible catalogs first
    # First, look in the Operations, if nothing defined look in /Resources for backward compatibility
    result = self.opHelper.getSections( '/Services/Catalogs' )
    fileCatalogs = []
    operationsFlag = False
    if result['OK']:
      fileCatalogs = result['Value']
      operationsFlag = True
      res = gConfig.getSections( self.rootConfigPath, listOrdered = True )
      if not res['OK']:
        errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogs: Failed to get file catalog configuration."
        gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( errStr )
      fileCatalogs = res['Value']

    # Get the catalogs now
    for catalogName in fileCatalogs:
      res = self._getCatalogConfigDetails( catalogName )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      catalogConfig = res['Value']
      if operationsFlag:
        result = self.opHelper.getOptionsDict( '/Services/Catalogs/%s' % catalogName )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        catalogConfig.update( result['Value'] )
      if catalogConfig['Status'] == 'Active':
        res = self._generateCatalogObject( catalogName )
        if not res['OK']:
          return res
        oCatalog = res['Value']
        master = catalogConfig['Master']
        # If the catalog is read type
        if 'Read', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
          if master:
            self.readCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
            self.readCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
        # If the catalog is write type
        if 'Write', catalogConfig['AccessType'] ):
          if master:
            self.writeCatalogs.insert( 0, ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
            self.writeCatalogs.append( ( catalogName, oCatalog, master ) )
    return S_OK()

  def _getCatalogConfigDetails( self, catalogName ):
    # First obtain the options that are available
    catalogConfigPath = '%s/%s' % ( self.rootConfigPath, catalogName )
    res = gConfig.getOptions( catalogConfigPath )
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Failed to get catalog options."
      gLogger.error( errStr, catalogName )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    catalogConfig = {}
    for option in res['Value']:
      configPath = '%s/%s' % ( catalogConfigPath, option )
      optionValue = gConfig.getValue( configPath )
      catalogConfig[option] = optionValue
    # The 'Status' option should be defined (default = 'Active')
    if 'Status' not in catalogConfig:
      warnStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: 'Status' option not defined."
      gLogger.warn( warnStr, catalogName )
      catalogConfig['Status'] = 'Active'
    # The 'AccessType' option must be defined
    if 'AccessType' not in catalogConfig:
      errStr = "FileCatalog._getCatalogConfigDetails: Required option 'AccessType' not defined."
      gLogger.error( errStr, catalogName )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    # Anything other than 'True' in the 'Master' option means it is not
    catalogConfig['Master'] = ( catalogConfig.setdefault( 'Master', False ) == 'True' )
    return S_OK( catalogConfig )

  def _generateCatalogObject( self, catalogName ):
    """ Create a file catalog object from its name and CS description
    useProxy = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalSite/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False )
    if not useProxy:
      useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue( '/Services/Catalogs/%s/UseProxy' % catalogName, False )
    return FileCatalogFactory().createCatalog( catalogName, useProxy )
예제 #30
파일: 프로젝트: radonys/DIRAC
class DMSHelpers(object):
  This class is used to get information about sites, SEs and their interrelations

  def __init__(self, vo=False):
    self.siteSEMapping = {}
    self.storageElementSet = set()
    self.siteSet = set()
    self.__opsHelper = Operations(vo=vo)
    self.failoverSEs = None
    self.archiveSEs = None
    self.notForJobSEs = None

  def getSiteSEMapping(self):
    """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
    if self.siteSEMapping:
      return S_OK(self.siteSEMapping)

    # Get the list of SEs and keep a mapping of those using an Alias or a
    # BaseSE
    storageElements = gConfig.getSections('Resources/StorageElements')
    if not storageElements['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving storage elements',
      return storageElements
    storageElements = storageElements['Value']
    equivalentSEs = {}
    for se in storageElements:
      for option in ('BaseSE', 'Alias'):
        originalSE = gConfig.getValue(
            'Resources/StorageElements/%s/%s' % (se, option))
        if originalSE:
          equivalentSEs.setdefault(originalSE, []).append(se)

    siteSEMapping = {}
    gridTypes = gConfig.getSections('Resources/Sites/')
    if not gridTypes['OK']:
          'Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites', gridTypes['Message'])
      return gridTypes

    gridTypes = gridTypes['Value']

    gLogger.debug('Grid Types are: %s' % (', '.join(gridTypes)))
    # Get a list of sites and their local SEs
    siteSet = set()
    storageElementSet = set()
    siteSEMapping[LOCAL] = {}
    for grid in gridTypes:
      result = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid)
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section' % grid)
        return result
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue(
            '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE' % (grid, site), [])
        if candidateSEs:
          candidateSEs += [
              eqSE for se in candidateSEs for eqSE in equivalentSEs.get(se, [])]
          siteSEMapping[LOCAL].setdefault(site, set()).update(candidateSEs)

    # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByProtocol in the CS
    siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL] = {}
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteSEMappingByProtocol')
    result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidates = set(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
            cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site), []))
        ses = set(resolveSEGroup(candidates - siteSet)
                  ) | (candidates & siteSet)
        # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
        for candidate in ses & siteSet:
        siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL].setdefault(site, set()).update(ses)

    # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByDownload in the CS, else
    # SiteLocalSEMapping (old convention)
    siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD] = {}
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteSEMappingByDownload')
    result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if not result['OK']:
      cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteLocalSEMapping')
      result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidates = set(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
            cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site), []))
        ses = set(resolveSEGroup(candidates - siteSet)
                  ) | (candidates & siteSet)
        # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
        for candidate in ses & siteSet:
        siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD].setdefault(site, set()).update(ses)

    self.siteSEMapping = siteSEMapping
    # Add storage elements that may not be associated with a site
    result = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/StorageElements')
    if not result['OK']:
          'Problem retrieving /Resources/StorageElements section', result['Message'])
      return result
    self.storageElementSet = storageElementSet | set(result['Value'])
    self.siteSet = siteSet
    return S_OK(siteSEMapping)

  def getSites(self):
    """ Get the list of known sites """
    return sorted(self.siteSet)

  def getTiers(self, withStorage=False, tier=None):
    """ Get the list of sites for a given (list of) Tier level """
    sites = sorted(self.getShortSiteNames(
        withStorage=withStorage, tier=tier).values())
    if sites and isinstance(sites[0], list):
      # List of lists, flatten it
      sites = [s for sl in sites for s in sl]
    return sites

  def getShortSiteNames(self, withStorage=True, tier=None):
    """ Create a directory of short site names pointing to full site names """
    siteDict = {}
    result = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if result['OK']:
      for site in self.siteSEMapping[LOCAL] if withStorage else self.siteSet:
        grid, shortSite, _country = site.split('.')
        if isinstance(tier, (int, long)) and \
            (grid != 'LCG' or
             gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/MoUTierLevel' % (grid, site), 999) != tier):
        if isinstance(tier, (list, tuple, dict, set)) and \
            (grid != 'LCG' or
             gConfig.getValue('/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/MoUTierLevel' % (grid, site), 999) not in tier):
        if withStorage or tier is not None:
          siteDict[shortSite] = site
          siteDict.setdefault(shortSite, []).append(site)
    return siteDict

  def getStorageElements(self):
    """ Get the list of known SEs """
    return sorted(self.storageElementSet)

  def isSEFailover(self, storageElement):
    """ Is this SE a failover SE """
    if self.failoverSEs is None:
      seList = resolveSEGroup(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
          'DataManagement/SEsUsedForFailover', []))
      self.failoverSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
    # FIXME: remove string test at some point
    return storageElement in self.failoverSEs or (not self.failoverSEs and isinstance(storageElement, basestring) and
                                                  'FAILOVER' in storageElement.upper())

  def isSEForJobs(self, storageElement, checkSE=True):
    """ Is this SE suitable for making jobs """
    if checkSE:
      if storageElement not in self.storageElementSet:
        return False
    if self.notForJobSEs is None:
      seList = resolveSEGroup(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
          'DataManagement/SEsNotToBeUsedForJobs', []))
      self.notForJobSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
    return storageElement not in self.notForJobSEs

  def isSEArchive(self, storageElement):
    """ Is this SE an archive SE """
    if self.archiveSEs is None:
      seList = resolveSEGroup(self.__opsHelper.getValue(
          'DataManagement/SEsUsedForArchive', []))
      self.archiveSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
    # FIXME: remove string test at some point
    return storageElement in self.archiveSEs or (not self.archiveSEs and isinstance(storageElement, basestring) and
                                                 'ARCHIVE' in storageElement.upper())

  def getSitesForSE(self, storageElement, connectionLevel=None):
    """ Get the (list of) sites for a given SE and a given connctivity """
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel, default=DOWNLOAD)
    if connectionIndex == LOCAL:
      return self._getLocalSitesForSE(storageElement)
    if connectionIndex == PROTOCOL:
      return self.getProtocolSitesForSE(storageElement)
    if connectionIndex == DOWNLOAD:
      return self.getDownloadSitesForSE(storageElement)
    return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")

  def getLocalSiteForSE(self, se):
    """ Get the site at which the SE is """
    sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE(se)
    if not sites['OK'] or not sites['Value']:
      return sites
    return S_OK(sites['Value'][0])

  def _getLocalSitesForSE(self, se):
    """ Extract the list of sites that declare this SE """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR('Non-existing SE')
    mapping = mapping['Value'][LOCAL]
    sites = [site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]]
    if len(sites) > 1 and self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/ForceSingleSitePerSE', True):
      return S_ERROR('SE is at more than one site')
    return S_OK(sites)

  def getProtocolSitesForSE(self, se):
    """ Get sites that can access the SE by protocol """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR('Non-existing SE')
    mapping = mapping['Value'][PROTOCOL]
    sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE(se)
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    sites = set(sites['Value'])
    sites.update([site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]])
    return S_OK(sorted(sites))

  def getDownloadSitesForSE(self, se):
    """ Get the list of sites that are allowed to download files """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR('Non-existing SE')
    mapping = mapping['Value'][DOWNLOAD]
    sites = self.getProtocolSitesForSE(se)
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    sites = set(sites['Value'])
    sites.update([site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]])
    return S_OK(sorted(sites))

  def getSEsForSite(self, site, connectionLevel=None):
    """ Get all SEs accessible from a site, given a connectivity """
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel, default=DOWNLOAD)
    if connectionIndex is None:
      return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")
    if not self.siteSet:
    if site not in self.siteSet:
      siteList = [s for s in self.siteSet if '.%s.' % site in s]
      siteList = [site]
    if not siteList:
      return S_ERROR("Unknown site")
    return self._getSEsForSItes(siteList, connectionIndex=connectionIndex)

  def _getSEsForSItes(self, siteList, connectionIndex):
    """ Extract list of SEs for a connectivity """
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    ses = []
    for index in range(LOCAL, connectionIndex + 1):
      for site in siteList:
        ses += mapping['Value'][index].get(site, [])
    if not ses:
      return S_ERROR('No SE found')
    return S_OK(sorted(ses))

  def getSEsAtSite(self, site):
    """ Get local SEs """
    return self.getSEsForSite(site, connectionLevel=LOCAL)

  def isSameSiteSE(self, se1, se2):
    """ Are these 2 SEs at the same site """
    res = self.getLocalSiteForSE(se1)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    site1 = res['Value']
    res = self.getLocalSiteForSE(se2)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    site2 = res['Value']
    return S_OK(site1 == site2)

  def getSEsAtCountry(self, country, connectionLevel=None):
    """ Get all SEs at a given country """
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel, default=DOWNLOAD)
    if connectionIndex is None:
      return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")
    if not self.siteSet:
    siteList = [site for site in self.siteSet if siteCountryName(
        site) == country.lower()]
    if not siteList:
      return S_ERROR("No SEs found in country")
    return self._getSEsForSItes(siteList, connectionIndex)

  def getSEInGroupAtSite(self, seGroup, site):
    """ Get the SE in a group or list of SEs that is present at a site """
    seList = self.getAllSEsInGroupAtSite(seGroup, site)
    if not seList['OK'] or seList['Value'] is None:
      return seList
    return S_OK(seList['Value'][0])

  def getAllSEsInGroupAtSite(self, seGroup, site):
    """ Get all SEs in a group or list of SEs that are present at a site """
    seList = resolveSEGroup(seGroup)
    if not seList:
      return S_ERROR('SEGroup does not exist')
    sesAtSite = self.getSEsAtSite(site)
    if not sesAtSite['OK']:
      return sesAtSite
    foundSEs = set(seList) & set(sesAtSite['Value'])
    if not foundSEs:
      gLogger.warn('No SE found at that site',
                   'in group %s at %s' % (seGroup, site))
      return S_OK()
    return S_OK(sorted(foundSEs))

  def getRegistrationProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite registration protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/RegistrationProtocols', ['srm', 'dips'])

  def getThirdPartyProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite third party protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/ThirdPartyProtocols', ['srm'])

  def getAccessProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite access protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/AccessProtocols', ['srm', 'dips'])

  def getWriteProtocols(self):
    """ Returns the Favorite Write protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default """
    return self.__opsHelper.getValue('DataManagement/WriteProtocols', ['srm', 'dips'])
예제 #31
파일: 프로젝트: JanEbbing/DIRAC
  def addShifter( self, shifters = None ):
    Adds or modify one or more shifters. Also, adds the shifter section in case this is not present.
    Shifter identities are used in several places, mostly for running agents

    shifters should be in the form {'ShifterRole':{'User':'******', 'Group':'aDIRACGroup'}}

    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR

    def getOpsSection():
      Where is the shifters section?
      vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
      setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()

      if vo:
        res = gConfig.getSections( '/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' % (vo, setup) )
        if res['OK']:
          return S_OK( '/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' % ( vo, setup ) )

        res = gConfig.getSections( '/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo )
        if res['OK']:
          return S_OK( '/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo )

        res = gConfig.getSections( '/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup )
        if res['OK']:
          return S_OK( '/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup )

        res = gConfig.getSections( '/Operations/Defaults/Shifter' )
        if res['OK']:
          return S_OK( '/Operations/Defaults/Shifter' )

      return S_ERROR( "No shifter section" )

    if shifters is None: shifters = {}
    if not self.__initialized['OK']:
      return self.__initialized

    # get current shifters
    opsH = Operations( )
    currentShifterRoles = opsH.getSections( 'Shifter' )
    if not currentShifterRoles['OK']:
      # we assume the shifter section is not present
      currentShifterRoles = []
      currentShifterRoles = currentShifterRoles['Value']
    currentShiftersDict = {}
    for currentShifterRole in currentShifterRoles:
      currentShifter = opsH.getOptionsDict( 'Shifter/%s' % currentShifterRole )
      if not currentShifter['OK']:
        return currentShifter
      currentShifter = currentShifter['Value']
      currentShiftersDict[currentShifterRole] = currentShifter

    # Removing from shifters what does not need to be changed
    for sRole in shifters:
      if sRole in currentShiftersDict:
        if currentShiftersDict[sRole] == shifters[sRole]:
          shifters.pop( sRole )

    # get shifters section to modify
    section = getOpsSection()

    # Is this section present?
    if not section['OK']:
      if section['Message'] == "No shifter section":
        gLogger.warn( section['Message'] ) "Adding shifter section" )
        vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        if vo:
          section = '/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo
          section = '/Operations/Defaults/Shifter'
        res = self.__csMod.createSection( section )
        if not res:
          gLogger.error( "Section %s not created" % section )
          return S_ERROR( "Section %s not created" % section )
        gLogger.error( section['Message'] )
        return section
      section = section['Value']

    #add or modify shifters
    for shifter in shifters:
      self.__csMod.removeSection( section + '/' + shifter )
      self.__csMod.createSection( section + '/' + shifter )
      self.__csMod.createSection( section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User' )
      self.__csMod.createSection( section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group' )
      self.__csMod.setOptionValue( section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User', shifters[shifter]['User'] )
      self.__csMod.setOptionValue( section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group', shifters[shifter]['Group'] )

    self.__csModified = True
    return S_OK( True )
예제 #32
    def web_getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs(self):
        #on the fly file catalog for advanced launchpad
        if not hasattr(self, 'fc'):
            userData = self.getSessionData()
            group = str(userData["user"]["group"])
            vo = getVOForGroup(group)
            self.fc = FileCatalog(vo=vo)

        self.set_header('Content-type', 'text/plain')
        lfnList = []
        arguments = self.request.arguments
            "submit: incoming arguments %s to getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs" %
        lfnStr = str(arguments['path'][0])
        lfnList = lfnStr.split(',')
        #checks if the experiments folder in lfn list has a rtg_def.m file at some subfolder
        gLogger.always("submit: checking if some rtg_def.m" % arguments)
        processed = []
        metaDict = {'type': 'info'}
        for lfn in lfnStr.split(','):
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/")
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
            experiment_lfn = lfn[0:pos_relative]
            if experiment_lfn in processed:
            gLogger.always("checking rtg_def.m in %s" % experiment_lfn)
            result = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata(metaDict,
            print "result"
            print result
            if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
                gLogger.error("Failed to get type info from $s, %s" %
                              (experiment_lfn, result["Message"]))
            for candidate_lfn in result['Value']:
                if candidate_lfn.find('rtg_def.m') > 0:

        totalfn = len(lfnList)
        ptlfn = ''
        current = 1
        for lfn in lfnList:
            ptlfn = ptlfn + lfn
            if current < totalfn:
                ptlfn = ptlfn + ', '
            current = current + 1

        defaultParams = {
            "JobName": [1, 'Eiscat'],
            "Executable": [1, "/bin/ls"],
            "Arguments": [1, "-ltrA"],
            "OutputSandbox": [1, "std.out, std.err"],
            "InputData": [1, ptlfn],
            "OutputData": [0, ""],
            "OutputSE": [1, "EISCAT-disk"],
            "OutputPath": [0, ""],
            "CPUTime": [0, "86400"],
            "Site": [0, ""],
            "BannedSite": [0, ""],
            "Platform": [0, "Linux_x86_64_glibc-2.5"],
            "Priority": [0, "5"],
            "StdError": [0, "std.err"],
            "StdOutput": [0, "std.out"],
            "Parameters": [0, "0"],
            "ParameterStart": [0, "0"],
            "ParameterStep": [0, "1"]

        delimiter = gConfig.getValue("/Website/Launchpad/ListSeparator", ',')
        options = self.__getOptionsFromCS(delimiter=delimiter)
        #     platform = self.__getPlatform()
        #     if platform and options:
        #       if not options.has_key("Platform"):
        #         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
        #       else:
        #         csPlatform = list(options[ "Platform" ])
        #         allPlatforms = csPlatform + platform
        #         platform = uniqueElements(allPlatforms)
        #         options[ "Platform" ] = platform
        gLogger.debug("Options from CS: %s" % options)
        override = gConfig.getValue("/Website/Launchpad/OptionsOverride",
                                    False)"end __getLaunchpadOpts")

        #    Updating the default values from OptionsOverride configuration branch,

        for key in options:
            if key not in defaultParams:
                defaultParams[key] = [0, ""]
            defaultParams[key][1] = options[key][0]
            "Default params + override from /Website/Launchpad/OptionsOverride -> %s"
            % defaultParams)

        #    Reading of the predefined sets of launchpad parameters values

        obj = Operations()
        predefinedSets = {}

        launchpadSections = obj.getSections("Launchpad")
        import pprint
        if launchpadSections['OK']:
            for section in launchpadSections["Value"]:
                predefinedSets[section] = {}
                sectionOptions = obj.getOptionsDict("Launchpad/" + section)
                if sectionOptions['OK']:
                    predefinedSets[section] = sectionOptions["Value"]

            "success": "true",
            "result": defaultParams,
            "predefinedSets": predefinedSets
예제 #33
파일: 프로젝트: panta-123/DIRAC
    def addShifter(self, shifters=None):
    Adds or modify one or more shifters. Also, adds the shifter section in case this is not present.
    Shifter identities are used in several places, mostly for running agents

    :param dict shifters: has to be in the form {'ShifterRole':{'User':'******', 'Group':'aDIRACGroup'}}

    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR
        def getOpsSection():
      Where is the shifters section?
            vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
            setup = CSGlobals.getSetup()

            if vo:
                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' %
                                          (vo, setup))
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/%s/Shifter' % (vo, setup))

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' %
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo)

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup)
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/%s/Shifter' % setup)

                res = gConfig.getSections('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter')
                if res['OK']:
                    return S_OK('/Operations/Defaults/Shifter')

            return S_ERROR("No shifter section")

        if shifters is None:
            shifters = {}
        if not self.__initialized['OK']:
            return self.__initialized

        # get current shifters
        opsH = Operations()
        currentShifterRoles = opsH.getSections('Shifter')
        if not currentShifterRoles['OK']:
            # we assume the shifter section is not present
            currentShifterRoles = []
            currentShifterRoles = currentShifterRoles['Value']
        currentShiftersDict = {}
        for currentShifterRole in currentShifterRoles:
            currentShifter = opsH.getOptionsDict('Shifter/%s' %
            if not currentShifter['OK']:
                return currentShifter
            currentShifter = currentShifter['Value']
            currentShiftersDict[currentShifterRole] = currentShifter

        # Removing from shifters what does not need to be changed
        for sRole in shifters.keys():  # note the pop below
            if sRole in currentShiftersDict:
                if currentShiftersDict[sRole] == shifters[sRole]:

        # get shifters section to modify
        section = getOpsSection()

        # Is this section present?
        if not section['OK']:
            if section['Message'] == "No shifter section":
      "Adding shifter section")
                vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
                if vo:
                    section = '/Operations/%s/Defaults/Shifter' % vo
                    section = '/Operations/Defaults/Shifter'
                res = self.__csMod.createSection(section)
                if not res:
                    gLogger.error("Section %s not created" % section)
                    return S_ERROR("Section %s not created" % section)
                return section
            section = section['Value']

        # add or modify shifters
        for shifter in shifters:
            self.__csMod.removeSection(section + '/' + shifter)
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter)
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User')
            self.__csMod.createSection(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group')
            self.__csMod.setOptionValue(section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'User',
                section + '/' + shifter + '/' + 'Group',

        self.csModified = True
        return S_OK(True)
예제 #34
class GeneratorModels(object):
  """ Contains the list of known models
  def __init__(self):
    self.ops = Operations()
    self.models = {}
    res = self.ops.getOptionsDict("/Models")
    if res['OK']:
      self.models = res['Value']

  def hasModel(self, model):
    """ Check that specified model exists
    if model in self.models:
      return S_OK()
      return S_ERROR("Model %s is not defined, use any of %s" % (model, self.models.keys()))

  def getFile(self, model):
    """ Return the proper model file (usually LesHouches)
    res = self.hasModel(model)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if not self.models[model]:
      return S_ERROR("No file attached to model %s" % model)
    return S_OK(self.models[model])
  def getParamsForWhizard(self, model):
    """ When creating the final file, this is needed to get the parameters for the SM
    params = ''
    if model == 'sm':
      params = """<GF type="float" value="1.16639E-5">
<!-- Fermi constant -->
<mZ type="float" value="91.1882">
<!-- Z-boson mass -->
<mW type="float" value="80.419">
<!-- W-boson mass -->
<mH type="float" value="120">
<!-- Higgs mass -->
<alphas type="float" value="0.1178">
<!-- Strong coupling constant alpha_s(MZ) -->
<me type="float" value="0.">
<!-- electron mass -->
<mmu type="float" value="0.1066">
<!-- muon mass -->
<mtau type="float" value="1.777">
<!-- tau-lepton mass -->
<ms type="float" value="0.">
<!-- s-quark mass -->
<mc type="float" value="0.54">
<!-- c-quark mass -->
<mb type="float" value="2.9">
<!-- b-quark mass -->
<mtop type="float" value="174">
<!-- t-quark mass -->
<wtop type="float" value="1.523">
<!-- t-quark width -->
<wZ type="float" value="2.443">
<!-- Z-boson width -->
<wW type="float" value="2.049">
<!-- W-boson width -->
<wH type="float" value="0.3605E-02">
<!-- Higgs width -->
<vckm11 type="float" value="0.97383">
<!-- Vud -->
<vckm12 type="float" value="0.2272">
<!-- Vus -->
<vckm13 type="float" value="0.00396">
<!-- Vub -->
<vckm21 type="float" value="-0.2271">
<!-- Vcd -->
<vckm22 type="float" value="0.97296">
<!-- Vcs -->
<vckm23 type="float" value="0.04221">
<!-- Vcb -->
<vckm31 type="float" value="0.00814">
<!-- Vtd -->
<vckm32 type="float" value="-0.04161">
<!-- Vts -->
<vckm33 type="float" value="0.99910">
<!-- Vtb -->
<khgaz type="float" value="1.000">
<!-- anomaly Higgs coupling K factors -->
<khgaga type="float" value="1.000">
<!-- anomaly Higgs coupling K factors -->
<khgg type="float" value="1.000">
<!-- anomaly Higgs coupling K factors -->
      params = """
    return S_OK(params)
예제 #35
class DMSHelpers( object ):

  def __init__( self ):
    self.siteSEMapping = {}
    self.storageElementSet = set()
    self.siteSet = set()
    self.__opsHelper = Operations()

  def getSiteSEMapping( self ):
    """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
    if self.siteSEMapping:
      return S_OK( self.siteSEMapping )

    # Get the list of SEs and keep a mapping of those using an Alias or a BaseSE
    storageElements = gConfig.getSections( 'Resources/StorageElements' )
    if not storageElements['OK']:
      gLogger.warn( 'Problem retrieving storage elements', storageElements['Message'] )
      return storageElements
    storageElements = storageElements['Value']
    equivalentSEs = {}
    for se in storageElements:
      for option in ( 'BaseSE', 'Alias' ):
        originalSE = gConfig.getValue( 'Resources/StorageElements/%s/%s' % ( se, option ) )
        if originalSE:
          equivalentSEs.setdefault( originalSE, [] ).append( se )

    siteSEMapping = {}
    gridTypes = gConfig.getSections( 'Resources/Sites/' )
    if not gridTypes['OK']:
      gLogger.warn( 'Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites', gridTypes['Message'] )
      return gridTypes

    gridTypes = gridTypes['Value']

    gLogger.debug( 'Grid Types are: %s' % ( ', '.join( gridTypes ) ) )
    # Get a list of sites and their local SEs
    siteSet = set()
    storageElementSet = set()
    siteSEMapping[LOCAL] = {}
    for grid in gridTypes:
      result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid )
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( 'Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section' % grid )
        return result
      sites = result['Value']
      siteSet.update( sites )
      for site in sites:
        candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE' % ( grid, site ), [] )
        if candidateSEs:
          candidateSEs += [eqSE for se in candidateSEs for eqSE in equivalentSEs.get( se, [] )]
          siteSEMapping[LOCAL].setdefault( site, set() ).update( candidateSEs )
          storageElementSet.update( candidateSEs )

    # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByProtocol in the CS
    siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL] = {}
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath( 'SiteSEMappingByProtocol' )
    result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict( cfgLocalSEPath )
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidates = set( self.__opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( cfgLocalSEPath, site ), [] ) )
        ses = set( resolveSEGroup( candidates - siteSet ) ) | ( candidates & siteSet )
        # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
        for candidate in ses & siteSet:
          ses.remove( candidate )
          ses.update( siteSEMapping[LOCAL][candidate] )
        siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL].setdefault( site, set() ).update( ses )

    # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByDownload in the CS, else SiteLocalSEMapping (old convention)
    siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD] = {}
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath( 'SiteSEMappingByDownload' )
    result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict( cfgLocalSEPath )
    if not result['OK']:
      cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath( 'SiteLocalSEMapping' )
      result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict( cfgLocalSEPath )
    if result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']
      for site in sites:
        candidates = set( self.__opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( cfgLocalSEPath, site ), [] ) )
        ses = set( resolveSEGroup( candidates - siteSet ) ) | ( candidates & siteSet )
        # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
        for candidate in ses & siteSet:
          ses.remove( candidate )
          ses.update( siteSEMapping[LOCAL][candidate] )
        siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD].setdefault( site, set() ).update( ses )

    self.siteSEMapping = siteSEMapping
    self.storageElementSet = storageElementSet
    self.siteSet = siteSet
    return S_OK( siteSEMapping )

  def getSites( self ):
    return sorted( self.siteSet )

  def getStorageElements( self ):
    return sorted( self.storageElementSet )

  def isSEFailover( self, storageElement ):
    seList = resolveSEGroup( self.__opsHelper.getValue( 'DataManagement/SEsUsedForFailover', [] ) )
    # FIXME: remove string test at some point
    return storageElement in resolveSEGroup( seList ) or ( not seList and isinstance( storageElement, basestring ) and 'FAILOVER' in storageElement.upper() )

  def isSEForJobs( self, storageElement, checkSE = True ):
    if checkSE:
      if storageElement not in self.storageElementSet:
        return False
    seList = resolveSEGroup( self.__opsHelper.getValue( 'DataManagement/SEsNotToBeUsedForJobs', [] ) )
    return storageElement not in resolveSEGroup( seList )

  def isSEArchive( self, storageElement ):
    seList = resolveSEGroup( self.__opsHelper.getValue( 'DataManagement/SEsUsedForArchive', [] ) )
    # FIXME: remove string test at some point
    return storageElement in resolveSEGroup( seList ) or ( not seList and isinstance( storageElement, basestring ) and 'ARCHIVE' in storageElement.upper() )

  def getSitesForSE( self, storageElement, connectionLevel = None ):
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex( connectionLevel, default = DOWNLOAD )
    if connectionIndex == LOCAL:
      return self._getLocalSitesForSE( storageElement )
    if connectionIndex == PROTOCOL:
      return self.getProtocolSitesForSE( storageElement )
    if connectionIndex == DOWNLOAD:
      return self.getDownloadSitesForSE( storageElement )
    return S_ERROR( "Unknown connection level" )

  def getLocalSiteForSE( self, se ):
    sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE( se )
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    return S_OK( sites['Value'][0] )

  def _getLocalSitesForSE( self, se ):
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR( 'Non-existing SE' )
    mapping = mapping['Value'][LOCAL]
    sites = [site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]]
    if len( sites ) != 1:
      if self.__opsHelper.getValue( 'DataManagement/ForceSingleSitePerSE', True ):
        return S_ERROR( 'SE is at more than one site' )
    return S_OK( sites )

  def getProtocolSitesForSE( self, se ):
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR( 'Non-existing SE' )
    mapping = mapping['Value'][PROTOCOL]
    sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE( se )
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    sites = set( sites['Value'] )
    sites.update( [site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]] )
    return S_OK( sorted( sites ) )

  def getDownloadSitesForSE( self, se ):
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    if se not in self.storageElementSet:
      return S_ERROR( 'Non-existing SE' )
    mapping = mapping['Value'][DOWNLOAD]
    sites = self.getProtocolSitesForSE( se )
    if not sites['OK']:
      return sites
    sites = set( sites['Value'] )
    sites.update( [site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]] )
    return S_OK( sorted( sites ) )

  def getSEsForSite( self, site, connectionLevel = None ):
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex( connectionLevel, default = DOWNLOAD )
    if connectionIndex is None:
      return S_ERROR( "Unknown connection level" )
    if not self.siteSet:
    if site not in self.siteSet:
      siteList = [s for s in self.siteSet if '.%s.' % site in s]
      siteList = [site]
    if not siteList:
      return S_ERROR( "Unknown site" )
    return self._getSEsForSItes( siteList, connectionIndex = connectionIndex )

  def _getSEsForSItes( self, siteList, connectionIndex ):
    mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
    if not mapping['OK']:
      return mapping
    ses = []
    for index in range( LOCAL, connectionIndex + 1 ):
      for site in siteList:
        ses += mapping['Value'][index].get( site, [] )
    if not ses:
      return S_ERROR( 'No SE found' )
    return S_OK( sorted( ses ) )

  def getSEsAtSite( self, site ):
    return self.getSEsForSite( site, connectionLevel = LOCAL )

  def isSameSiteSE( self, se1, se2 ):
    res = self.getLocalSiteForSE( se1 )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    site1 = res['Value']
    res = self.getLocalSiteForSE( se2 )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    site2 = res['Value']
    return S_OK( site1 == site2 )

  def getSEsAtCountry( self, country, connectionLevel = None ):
    connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex( connectionLevel, default = DOWNLOAD )
    if connectionIndex is None:
      return S_ERROR( "Unknown connection level" )
    if not self.siteSet:
    siteList = [site for site in self.siteSet if siteCountryName( site ) == country.lower()]
    if not siteList:
      return S_ERROR( "No SEs found in country" )
    return self._getSEsForSItes( siteList, connectionIndex )

  def getSEInGroupAtSite( self, seGroup, site ):
    if isinstance( seGroup, basestring ):
      seList = gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/StorageElementGroups/%s' % seGroup, [] )
      seList = list( seGroup )
    if not seList:
      return S_ERROR( 'SEGroup does not exist' )
    sesAtSite = self.getSEsAtSite( site )
    if not sesAtSite['OK']:
      return sesAtSite
    sesAtSite = sesAtSite['Value']
    se = set( seList ) & set( sesAtSite )
    if not se:
      gLogger.warn( 'No SE found at that site', 'in group %s at %s' % ( seGroup, site ) )
      return S_OK()
    return S_OK( list( se )[0] )
예제 #36
class DMSHelpers(object):
    This class is used to get information about sites, SEs and their interrelations
    def __init__(self, vo=False):
        self.siteSEMapping = {}
        self.storageElementSet = set()
        self.siteSet = set()
        self.__opsHelper = Operations(vo=vo)
        self.failoverSEs = None
        self.archiveSEs = None
        self.notForJobSEs = None

    def getSiteSEMapping(self):
        """Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
        if self.siteSEMapping:
            return S_OK(self.siteSEMapping)

        # Get the list of SEs and keep a mapping of those using an Alias or a
        # BaseSE
        storageElements = gConfig.getSections("Resources/StorageElements")
        if not storageElements["OK"]:
            gLogger.warn("Problem retrieving storage elements",
            return storageElements
        storageElements = storageElements["Value"]
        equivalentSEs = {}
        for se in storageElements:
            for option in ("BaseSE", "Alias"):
                originalSE = gConfig.getValue(
                    "Resources/StorageElements/%s/%s" % (se, option))
                if originalSE:
                    equivalentSEs.setdefault(originalSE, []).append(se)

        siteSEMapping = {}
        gridTypes = gConfig.getSections("Resources/Sites/")
        if not gridTypes["OK"]:
            gLogger.warn("Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites",
            return gridTypes

        gridTypes = gridTypes["Value"]

        gLogger.debug("Grid Types are: %s" % (", ".join(gridTypes)))
        # Get a list of sites and their local SEs
        siteSet = set()
        storageElementSet = set()
        siteSEMapping[LOCAL] = {}
        for grid in gridTypes:
            result = gConfig.getSections("/Resources/Sites/%s" % grid)
            if not result["OK"]:
                gLogger.warn("Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section" %
                return result
            sites = result["Value"]
            for site in sites:
                candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue(
                    "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE" % (grid, site), [])
                if candidateSEs:
                    candidateSEs += [
                        eqSE for se in candidateSEs
                        for eqSE in equivalentSEs.get(se, [])

        # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByProtocol in the CS
        siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL] = {}
        cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath("SiteSEMappingByProtocol")
        result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
        if result["OK"]:
            sites = result["Value"]
            for site in sites:
                candidates = set(
                    self.__opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site),
                ses = set(resolveSEGroup(candidates - siteSet)) | (candidates
                                                                   & siteSet)
                # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
                for candidate in ses & siteSet:
                siteSEMapping[PROTOCOL].setdefault(site, set()).update(ses)

        # Add Sites from the SiteSEMappingByDownload in the CS, else
        # SiteLocalSEMapping (old convention)
        siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD] = {}
        cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath("SiteSEMappingByDownload")
        result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
        if not result["OK"]:
            cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath("SiteLocalSEMapping")
            result = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
        if result["OK"]:
            sites = result["Value"]
            for site in sites:
                candidates = set(
                    self.__opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site),
                ses = set(resolveSEGroup(candidates - siteSet)) | (candidates
                                                                   & siteSet)
                # If a candidate is a site, then all local SEs are eligible
                for candidate in ses & siteSet:
                siteSEMapping[DOWNLOAD].setdefault(site, set()).update(ses)

        self.siteSEMapping = siteSEMapping
        # Add storage elements that may not be associated with a site
        result = gConfig.getSections("/Resources/StorageElements")
        if not result["OK"]:
                "Problem retrieving /Resources/StorageElements section",
            return result
        self.storageElementSet = storageElementSet | set(result["Value"])
        self.siteSet = siteSet
        return S_OK(siteSEMapping)

    def getSites(self):
        """Get the list of known sites"""
        return sorted(self.siteSet)

    def getTiers(self, withStorage=False, tier=None):
        """Get the list of sites for a given (list of) Tier level"""
        sites = sorted(
        if sites and isinstance(sites[0], list):
            # List of lists, flatten it
            sites = [s for sl in sites for s in sl]
        return sites

    def getShortSiteNames(self, withStorage=True, tier=None):
        """Create a directory of short site names pointing to full site names"""
        siteDict = {}
        result = self.getSiteSEMapping()
        if result["OK"]:
            for site in self.siteSEMapping[
                    LOCAL] if withStorage else self.siteSet:
                grid, shortSite, _country = site.split(".")
                if isinstance(tier, six.integer_types) and (
                        grid != "LCG" or gConfig.getValue(
                            "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/MoUTierLevel" %
                            (grid, site), 999) != tier):
                if isinstance(tier,
                              (list, tuple, dict,
                               set)) and (grid != "LCG" or gConfig.getValue(
                                   "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/MoUTierLevel" %
                                   (grid, site), 999) not in tier):
                if withStorage or tier is not None:
                    siteDict[shortSite] = site
                    siteDict.setdefault(shortSite, []).append(site)
        return siteDict

    def getStorageElements(self):
        """Get the list of known SEs"""
        return sorted(self.storageElementSet)

    def isSEFailover(self, storageElement):
        """Is this SE a failover SE"""
        if self.failoverSEs is None:
            seList = resolveSEGroup(
            self.failoverSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
        # FIXME: remove string test at some point
        return storageElement in self.failoverSEs or (
            not self.failoverSEs
            and isinstance(storageElement, six.string_types)
            and "FAILOVER" in storageElement.upper())

    def isSEForJobs(self, storageElement, checkSE=True):
        """Is this SE suitable for making jobs"""
        if checkSE:
            if storageElement not in self.storageElementSet:
                return False
        if self.notForJobSEs is None:
            seList = resolveSEGroup(
                    "DataManagement/SEsNotToBeUsedForJobs", []))
            self.notForJobSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
        return storageElement not in self.notForJobSEs

    def isSEArchive(self, storageElement):
        """Is this SE an archive SE"""
        if self.archiveSEs is None:
            seList = resolveSEGroup(
            self.archiveSEs = resolveSEGroup(seList)
        # FIXME: remove string test at some point
        return storageElement in self.archiveSEs or (
            not self.archiveSEs
            and isinstance(storageElement, six.string_types)
            and "ARCHIVE" in storageElement.upper())

    def getSitesForSE(self, storageElement, connectionLevel=None):
        """Get the (list of) sites for a given SE and a given connctivity"""
        connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel,
        if connectionIndex == LOCAL:
            return self._getLocalSitesForSE(storageElement)
        if connectionIndex == PROTOCOL:
            return self.getProtocolSitesForSE(storageElement)
        if connectionIndex == DOWNLOAD:
            return self.getDownloadSitesForSE(storageElement)
        return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")

    def getLocalSiteForSE(self, se):
        """Get the site at which the SE is"""
        sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE(se)
        if not sites["OK"]:
            return sites
        if not sites["Value"]:
            return S_OK(None)
        return S_OK(sites["Value"][0])

    def _getLocalSitesForSE(self, se):
        """Extract the list of sites that declare this SE"""
        mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
        if not mapping["OK"]:
            return mapping
        if se not in self.storageElementSet:
            return S_ERROR("Non-existing SE")
        mapping = mapping["Value"][LOCAL]
        sites = [site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]]
        if len(sites) > 1 and self.__opsHelper.getValue(
                "DataManagement/ForceSingleSitePerSE", True):
            return S_ERROR("SE is at more than one site")
        return S_OK(sites)

    def getProtocolSitesForSE(self, se):
        """Get sites that can access the SE by protocol"""
        mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
        if not mapping["OK"]:
            return mapping
        if se not in self.storageElementSet:
            return S_ERROR("Non-existing SE")
        mapping = mapping["Value"][PROTOCOL]
        sites = self._getLocalSitesForSE(se)
        if not sites["OK"]:
            return sites
        sites = set(sites["Value"])
        sites.update([site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]])
        return S_OK(sorted(sites))

    def getDownloadSitesForSE(self, se):
        """Get the list of sites that are allowed to download files"""
        mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
        if not mapping["OK"]:
            return mapping
        if se not in self.storageElementSet:
            return S_ERROR("Non-existing SE")
        mapping = mapping["Value"][DOWNLOAD]
        sites = self.getProtocolSitesForSE(se)
        if not sites["OK"]:
            return sites
        sites = set(sites["Value"])
        sites.update([site for site in mapping if se in mapping[site]])
        return S_OK(sorted(sites))

    def getSEsForSite(self, site, connectionLevel=None):
        """Get all SEs accessible from a site, given a connectivity"""
        connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel,
        if connectionIndex is None:
            return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")
        if not self.siteSet:
        if site not in self.siteSet:
            siteList = [s for s in self.siteSet if ".%s." % site in s]
            siteList = [site]
        if not siteList:
            return S_ERROR("Unknown site")
        return self._getSEsForSItes(siteList, connectionIndex=connectionIndex)

    def _getSEsForSItes(self, siteList, connectionIndex):
        """Extract list of SEs for a connectivity"""
        mapping = self.getSiteSEMapping()
        if not mapping["OK"]:
            return mapping
        ses = []
        for index in range(LOCAL, connectionIndex + 1):
            for site in siteList:
                ses += mapping["Value"][index].get(site, [])
        if not ses:
            return S_ERROR("No SE found")
        return S_OK(sorted(ses))

    def getSEsAtSite(self, site):
        """Get local SEs"""
        return self.getSEsForSite(site, connectionLevel=LOCAL)

    def isSameSiteSE(self, se1, se2):
        """Are these 2 SEs at the same site"""
        res = self.getLocalSiteForSE(se1)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        site1 = res["Value"]
        res = self.getLocalSiteForSE(se2)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        site2 = res["Value"]
        return S_OK(site1 == site2)

    def getSEsAtCountry(self, country, connectionLevel=None):
        """Get all SEs at a given country"""
        connectionIndex = _getConnectionIndex(connectionLevel,
        if connectionIndex is None:
            return S_ERROR("Unknown connection level")
        if not self.siteSet:
        siteList = [
            site for site in self.siteSet
            if siteCountryName(site) == country.lower()
        if not siteList:
            return S_ERROR("No SEs found in country")
        return self._getSEsForSItes(siteList, connectionIndex)

    def getSEInGroupAtSite(self, seGroup, site):
        """Get the SE in a group or list of SEs that is present at a site"""
        seList = self.getAllSEsInGroupAtSite(seGroup, site)
        if not seList["OK"] or seList["Value"] is None:
            return seList
        return S_OK(seList["Value"][0])

    def getAllSEsInGroupAtSite(self, seGroup, site):
        """Get all SEs in a group or list of SEs that are present at a site"""
        seList = resolveSEGroup(seGroup)
        if not seList:
            return S_ERROR("SEGroup does not exist")
        sesAtSite = self.getSEsAtSite(site)
        if not sesAtSite["OK"]:
            return sesAtSite
        foundSEs = set(seList) & set(sesAtSite["Value"])
        if not foundSEs:
            gLogger.warn("No SE found at that site",
                         "in group %s at %s" % (seGroup, site))
            return S_OK()
        return S_OK(sorted(foundSEs))

    def getRegistrationProtocols(self):
        """Returns the Favorite registration protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default"""
        return self.__opsHelper.getValue(
            "DataManagement/RegistrationProtocols", ["srm", "dips"])

    def getThirdPartyProtocols(self):
        """Returns the Favorite third party protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default"""
        return self.__opsHelper.getValue("DataManagement/ThirdPartyProtocols",

    def getAccessProtocols(self):
        """Returns the Favorite access protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default"""
        return self.__opsHelper.getValue("DataManagement/AccessProtocols",
                                         ["srm", "dips"])

    def getWriteProtocols(self):
        """Returns the Favorite Write protocol defined in the CS, or 'srm' as default"""
        return self.__opsHelper.getValue("DataManagement/WriteProtocols",
                                         ["srm", "dips"])

    def getStageProtocols(self):
        """Returns the Favorite staging protocol defined in the CS. There are no default"""
        return self.__opsHelper.getValue("DataManagement/StageProtocols",

    def getMultiHopMatrix(self):
        Returns the multi-hop matrix described in DataManagement/MultiHopMatrixOfShame.

        .. code-block :: python

                  'Default': { 'Default': 'MultiHopSEUsedForAllTransfer',
                               'Dst3' : 'MultiHopFromAnySourceToDst3',
                  'Src1' : { 'Default' : 'DefaultMultiHopSEFromSrc1',
                             'Dst1': 'MultiHopSEFromSrc1ToDst1},
                  'Src2' : { 'Default' : 'DefaultMultiHopSEFromSrc2',
                             'Dst2': 'MultiHopSEFromSrc1ToDst2}

        :returns: dict of dict for all the source se / dest SE defined. We user defaultdict
                 to allow for the use of non existing source/dest.

        matrixBasePath = "DataManagement/MultiHopMatrixOfShame"
        multiHopMatrix = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
        allSrcSEs = self.__opsHelper.getSections(matrixBasePath).get(
            "Value", [])
        for src in allSrcSEs:
            srcDst = self.__opsHelper.getOptionsDict(
                cfgPath(matrixBasePath, src)).get("Value")
            if srcDst:

        return multiHopMatrix