예제 #1
    def __getBackendsFromCFG(self, cfgPath):
    Get backends from the configuration and register them in LoggingRoot. 
    This is the new way to get the backends providing a general configuration. 

    :params cfgPath: string of the configuration path
        # We have to put the import line here to avoid a dependancy loop
        from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
        from DIRAC import gConfig

        # get the second last string representing the component type in the configuration
        # example : 'Agents', 'Services'
        component = cfgPath.split("/")[-2]
        operation = Operations()

        # Search desired backends in the component
        desiredBackends = gConfig.getValue("%s/%s" % (cfgPath, 'LogBackends'),
        if not desiredBackends:
            # Search desired backends in the operation section according to the component type
            desiredBackends = operation.getValue(
                "Logging/Default%sBackends" % component, [])
            if not desiredBackends:
                # Search desired backends in the operation section
                desiredBackends = operation.getValue("Logging/DefaultBackends",
                if not desiredBackends:
                    # Default value
                    desiredBackends = ['stdout']

        return desiredBackends
예제 #2
  def configure( self, csSection, submitPool ):
     Here goes common configuration for all PilotDirectors
    self.configureFromSection( csSection )
    self.reloadConfiguration( csSection, submitPool )

    # Get the defaults for the Setup where the Director is running
    opsHelper = Operations()
    self.installVersion = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Version' ), [ self.installVersion ] )[0]
    self.installProject = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Project' ), self.installProject )
    self.installation = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Installation' ), self.installation )
    self.pilotExtensionsList = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Extensions", self.pilotExtensionsList )

    self.log.info( '===============================================' )
    self.log.info( 'Configuration:' )
    self.log.info( '' )
    self.log.info( ' Target Grids:   ', ', '.join( self.targetGrids ) )
    self.log.info( ' Install script: ', self.install )
    self.log.info( ' Pilot script:   ', self.pilot )
    self.log.info( ' Install Ver:    ', self.installVersion )
    if self.installProject:
      self.log.info( ' Project:        ', self.installProject )
    if self.installation:
      self.log.info( ' Installation:   ', self.installation )
    if self.extraPilotOptions:
      self.log.info( ' Extra Options:   ', ' '.join( self.extraPilotOptions ) )
    self.log.info( ' ListMatch:      ', self.enableListMatch )
    self.log.info( ' Private %:      ', self.privatePilotFraction * 100 )
    if self.enableListMatch:
      self.log.info( ' ListMatch Delay:', self.listMatchDelay )
예제 #3
    def __getPrefix(self):
        op = Operations("glast.org")
        self.userprefix = None
        res = getProxyInfo()
        if res["OK"]:
            if "username" in res["Value"]:
                user = res["Value"]["username"]
                self.userprefix = "/glast.org/user/%s/%s/" % (user[0], user)
            self.log.error("Proxy could not be found")
            return 1
        task_category = os.environ["GPL_TASKCATEGORY"]
        if not task_category:
            task_category = op.getValue("Pipeline/TaskCategory", None)
        if not task_category:
            self.log.error("Could not find task category")
            return 1

        self.prefixDest = op.getValue("Pipeline/StorageElementBasePath", self.userprefix)
        self.stagingDest = (
            + "/"
            + task_category
            + "/"
            + os.environ["PIPELINE_TASK"]
            + "/"
            + os.environ["PIPELINE_STREAM"]
        return 0
예제 #4
    def configure(self, csSection, submitPool):
     Here goes common configuration for all PilotDirectors
        self.reloadConfiguration(csSection, submitPool)

        # Get the defaults for the Setup where the Director is running
        opsHelper = Operations()
        self.installVersion = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Pilot", "Version"), [self.installVersion])[0]
        self.installProject = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Pilot", "Project"), self.installProject)
        self.installation = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Pilot", "Installation"), self.installation)
        self.pilotExtensionsList = opsHelper.getValue("Pilot/Extensions", self.pilotExtensionsList)

        self.log.info(" Target Grids:   ", ", ".join(self.targetGrids))
        self.log.info(" Install script: ", self.install)
        self.log.info(" Pilot script:   ", self.pilot)
        self.log.info(" Pilot modules", self.extraModules)
        self.log.info(" Install Ver:    ", self.installVersion)
        if self.installProject:
            self.log.info(" Project:        ", self.installProject)
        if self.installation:
            self.log.info(" Installation:   ", self.installation)
        if self.extraPilotOptions:
            self.log.info(" Extra Options:   ", " ".join(self.extraPilotOptions))
        self.log.info(" ListMatch:      ", self.enableListMatch)
        self.log.info(" Private %:      ", self.privatePilotFraction * 100)
        if self.enableListMatch:
            self.log.info(" ListMatch Delay:", self.listMatchDelay)
예제 #5
  def configure( self, csSection, submitPool ):
     Here goes common configuration for all PilotDirectors
    self.configureFromSection( csSection )
    self.reloadConfiguration( csSection, submitPool )

    # Get the defaults for the Setup where the Director is running
    opsHelper = Operations()
    self.installVersion = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Version' ), [ self.installVersion ] )[0]
    self.installProject = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Project' ), self.installProject )
    self.installation = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Installation' ), self.installation )
    self.pilotExtensionsList = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Extensions", self.pilotExtensionsList )

    self.log.info( '===============================================' )
    self.log.info( 'Configuration:' )
    self.log.info( '' )
    self.log.info( ' Target Grids:   ', ', '.join( self.targetGrids ) )
    self.log.info( ' Install script: ', self.install )
    self.log.info( ' Pilot script:   ', self.pilot )
    self.log.info( ' Pilot modules', self.extraModules )
    self.log.info( ' Install Ver:    ', self.installVersion )
    if self.installProject:
      self.log.info( ' Project:        ', self.installProject )
    if self.installation:
      self.log.info( ' Installation:   ', self.installation )
    if self.extraPilotOptions:
      self.log.info( ' Extra Options:   ', ' '.join( self.extraPilotOptions ) )
    self.log.info( ' ListMatch:      ', self.enableListMatch )
    self.log.info( ' Private %:      ', self.privatePilotFraction * 100 )
    if self.enableListMatch:
      self.log.info( ' ListMatch Delay:', self.listMatchDelay )
    def getPilotOutput(cls, pilotRef):
        if not pilotRef.startswith("vm://"):
            return S_ERROR("Invalid pilot reference %s" % pilotRef)

        # Get the VM public IP
        diracID, nPilot = os.path.basename(pilotRef).split(":")
        result = cls.virtualMachineDB.getUniqueIDByName(diracID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        uniqueID = result["Value"]
        result = cls.virtualMachineDB.getInstanceID(uniqueID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        instanceID = result["Value"]
        result = cls.virtualMachineDB.getInstanceParameter("PublicIP", instanceID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        publicIP = result["Value"]

        op = Operations()
        privateKeyFile = op.getValue("/Cloud/PrivateKey", "")
        diracUser = op.getValue("/Cloud/VMUser", "")

        ssh_str = "%s@%s" % (diracUser, publicIP)
        cmd = ["ssh", "-i", privateKeyFile, ssh_str, "cat /etc/joboutputs/vm-pilot.%s.log" % nPilot]
        inst = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
        output, stderr = inst.communicate()
        if inst.returncode:
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get pilot output: %s" % stderr)
            return S_OK(output)
예제 #7
 def __getCSOptions(self):
     """Get agent options from the CS."""
     self.enabled = self.am_getOption('EnableFlag', False)
     self.transformationsToIgnore = self.am_getOption(
         'TransformationsToIgnore', [])
     self.getJobInfoFromJDLOnly = self.am_getOption('JobInfoFromJDLOnly',
     self.transformationStatus = self.am_getOption('TransformationStatus',
                                                   ['Active', 'Completing'])
     ops = Operations()
     extendableTTypes = set(
     dataProcessing = set(ops.getValue('Transformations/DataProcessing',
     self.transNoInput = self.am_getOption('TransformationsNoInput',
     self.transWithInput = self.am_getOption(
         list(dataProcessing - extendableTTypes))
     self.transformationTypes = self.transWithInput + self.transNoInput
     self.log.notice('Will treat transformations without input files',
     self.log.notice('Will treat transformations with input files',
     self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', [])
     self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', '')
     self.printEveryNJobs = self.am_getOption('PrintEvery', 200)
예제 #8
    def initialize(self):
    Flags useESForJobParametersFlag (in /Operations/[]/Services/JobMonitoring/) have bool value (True/False)
    and determines the switching of backends from MySQL to ElasticSearch for the JobParameters DB table.
    For version v7r0, the MySQL backend is (still) the default.

        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
        self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
        operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
        self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue(
            '/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
        self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup,
        self.jobPolicy.jobDB = gJobDB

        useESForJobParametersFlag = operations.getValue(
            '/Services/JobMonitoring/useESForJobParametersFlag', False)
        global gElasticJobDB
        if useESForJobParametersFlag:
            gElasticJobDB = ElasticJobDB()
            self.log.verbose("Using ElasticSearch for JobParameters")

        return S_OK()
예제 #9
  def __getBackendsFromCFG(self, cfgPath):
    Get backends from the configuration and register them in LoggingRoot.
    This is the new way to get the backends providing a general configuration.

    :params cfgPath: string of the configuration path
    # We have to put the import line here to avoid a dependancy loop
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    from DIRAC import gConfig

    # get the second last string representing the component type in the configuration
    # example : 'Agents', 'Services'
    component = cfgPath.split("/")[-2]
    operation = Operations()

    # Search desired backends in the component
    desiredBackends = gConfig.getValue("%s/%s" % (cfgPath, 'LogBackends'), [])
    if not desiredBackends:
      # Search desired backends in the operation section according to the
      # component type
      desiredBackends = operation.getValue(
          "Logging/Default%sBackends" % component, [])
      if not desiredBackends:
        # Search desired backends in the operation section
        desiredBackends = operation.getValue("Logging/DefaultBackends", [])
        if not desiredBackends:
          # Default value
          desiredBackends = ['stdout']

    return desiredBackends
예제 #10
    def check(self):
        Check that the manifest is OK
        for k in ["OwnerName", "OwnerDN", "OwnerGroup", "DIRACSetup"]:
            if k not in self.__manifest:
                return S_ERROR("Missing var %s in manifest" % k)

        # Check CPUTime
        result = self.__checkNumericalVar("CPUTime", 86400, 100, 500000)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        result = self.__checkNumericalVar("Priority", 1, 0, 10)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        maxInputData = Operations().getValue("JobDescription/MaxInputData",
        result = self.__checkMaxInputData(maxInputData)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        operation = Operations(group=self.__manifest["OwnerGroup"])
        allowedJobTypes = operation.getValue("JobDescription/AllowedJobTypes",
                                             ["User", "Test", "Hospital"])
        transformationTypes = operation.getValue(
            "Transformations/DataProcessing", [])
        result = self.__checkMultiChoice("JobType",
                                         allowedJobTypes + transformationTypes)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        return S_OK()
예제 #11
def getTarBallLocation(app, config, dummy_area):
    """ Get the tar ball location. 
    ops = Operations()
    appName = app[0]
    appVersion = app[1]
    appName = appName.lower()
    app_tar = ops.getValue(
        '/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall' % (config, appName, appVersion),
    overwrite = ops.getValue(
        '/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Overwrite' %
        (config, appName, appVersion), False)
    md5sum = ops.getValue(
        '/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Md5Sum' % (config, appName, appVersion),
    gLogger.info("Looking for application %s%s for config %s:" %
                 (appName, appVersion, config))
    if not app_tar:
        gLogger.error('Could not find tar ball for %s %s' %
                      (appName, appVersion))
        return S_ERROR('Could not find tar ball for %s %s' %
                       (appName, appVersion))

    tarballURL = ops.getValue(
        '/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/TarBallURL' % (config, appName), '')
    if not tarballURL:
        gLogger.error('Could not find tarballURL in CS for %s %s' %
                      (appName, appVersion))
        return S_ERROR('Could not find tarballURL in CS')

    return S_OK([app_tar, tarballURL, overwrite, md5sum])
예제 #12
def getPilotOutput(pilotRef):

    if not pilotRef.startswith('vm://'):
        return S_ERROR('Invalid pilot reference %s' % pilotRef)

    # Get the VM public IP
    diracID, nPilot = os.path.basename(pilotRef).split(':')
    result = gVirtualMachineDB.getUniqueIDByName(diracID)
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    uniqueID = result['Value']
    result = gVirtualMachineDB.getInstanceID(uniqueID)
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    instanceID = result['Value']
    result = gVirtualMachineDB.getInstanceParameter("PublicIP", instanceID)
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    publicIP = result['Value']

    op = Operations()
    privateKeyFile = op.getValue('/Cloud/PrivateKey', '')
    diracUser = op.getValue('/Cloud/VMUser', '')

    cmd = 'ssh -i %s %s@%s "cat /etc/joboutputs/vm-pilot.%s.log"' % (
        privateKeyFile, diracUser, publicIP, nPilot)
    status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
    if status:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get pilot output: %s' % output)
        return S_OK(output)
예제 #13
    def registerSwitchesAndParseCommandLine(self):
        """Register the default plus additional parameters and parse options.

    :param list options: list of three tuple for options to add to the script
    :param list flags:  list of three tuple for flags to add to the script
    :param str opName
        for short, longOption, doc in self.options:
            Script.registerSwitch(short + ':' if short else '',
                                  longOption + '=', doc)
        for short, longOption, doc in self.flags:
            Script.registerSwitch(short, longOption, doc)
            self.switches[longOption] = False
        if Script.getPositionalArgs():

        ops = Operations()
        if not ops.getValue('DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/Enabled', False):
                'The "ArchiveFiles" operation is not enabled, contact your administrator!'
        for _short, longOption, _doc in self.options:
            defaultValue = ops.getValue(
                'DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/%s' % longOption, None)
            if defaultValue:
                    'Found default value in the CS for %r with value %r' %
                    (longOption, defaultValue))
                self.switches[longOption] = defaultValue
        for _short, longOption, _doc in self.flags:
            defaultValue = ops.getValue(
                'DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/%s' % longOption, False)
            if defaultValue:
                    'Found default value in the CS for %r with value %r' %
                    (longOption, defaultValue))
                self.switches[longOption] = defaultValue

        for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
            for short, longOption, doc in self.options:
                if switch[0] == short or switch[0].lower() == longOption.lower(
                    sLog.verbose('Found switch %r with value %r' %
                                 (longOption, switch[1]))
                    self.switches[longOption] = switch[1]
            for short, longOption, doc in self.flags:
                if switch[0] == short or switch[0].lower() == longOption.lower(
                    self.switches[longOption] = True

        self.switches['DryRun'] = not self.switches.get('Execute', False)
        self.switches['SourceSE'] = self.switches.get('SourceSE',
예제 #14
class RssConfiguration:
      State        : Active | InActive,
      Cache        : 300,
      FromAddress  : '*****@*****.**'
      StatusType   :
        default       : all,
        StorageElement: ReadAccess, WriteAccess, CheckAccess, RemoveAccess
    def __init__(self):
        self.opsHelper = Operations()

    def getConfigCache(self, default=300):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of Cache

        return self.opsHelper.getValue('%s/Config/Cache' % _rssConfigPath,

    def getConfigFromAddress(self, default=None):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of FromAddress

        return self.opsHelper.getValue(
            '%s/Config/FromAddress' % _rssConfigPath, default)

    def getConfigStatusType(self, elementType=None):
      Gets all the status types per elementType, if not given, it takes default
      from CS. If not, hardcoded variable DEFAULT.

        _DEFAULTS = ('all', )

        res = self.opsHelper.getOptionsDict('%s/Config/StatusTypes' %

        if res['OK']:

            if elementType in res['Value']:
                return List.fromChar(res['Value'][elementType])

            if 'default' in res['Value']:
                return List.fromChar(res['Value']['default'])

        return _DEFAULTS
예제 #15
class RssConfiguration:
      State        : Active | InActive,
      Cache        : 300,
      FromAddress  : '*****@*****.**'
      StatusType   :
        default       : all,
        StorageElement: ReadAccess, WriteAccess, CheckAccess, RemoveAccess
  def __init__( self ):
    self.opsHelper = Operations()

  def getConfigCache( self, default = 300 ):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of Cache
    return self.opsHelper.getValue( '%s/Config/Cache' % _rssConfigPath, default )

  def getConfigFromAddress( self, default = None ):
      Gets from <pathToRSSConfiguration>/Config the value of FromAddress
    return self.opsHelper.getValue( '%s/Config/FromAddress' % _rssConfigPath, default )
  def getConfigStatusType( self, elementType = None ):
      Gets all the status types per elementType, if not given, it takes default
      from CS. If not, hardcoded variable DEFAULT.
    _DEFAULTS = ( 'all', )
    res = self.opsHelper.getOptionsDict( '%s/Config/StatusTypes' % _rssConfigPath )
    if res[ 'OK' ]:
      if elementType in res[ 'Value' ]:
        return List.fromChar( res[ 'Value' ][ elementType ] )
      if 'default' in res[ 'Value' ]:
        return List.fromChar( res[ 'Value' ][ 'default' ] )
    return _DEFAULTS
예제 #16
def getShifterProxy(shifterType, fileName=False):
  This method returns a shifter's proxy

  :param shifterType: ProductionManager / DataManager...

    if fileName:
        except OSError:
    opsHelper = Operations()
    userName = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Shifter', shifterType, 'User'), '')
    if not userName:
        return S_ERROR("No shifter User defined for %s" % shifterType)
    result = CS.getDNForUsername(userName)
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    userDN = result['Value'][0]
    result = CS.findDefaultGroupForDN(userDN)
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    defaultGroup = result['Value']
    userGroup = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Shifter', shifterType, 'Group'),
    vomsAttr = CS.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup)
    if vomsAttr:
        gLogger.info("Getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" %
                     (vomsAttr, userName, userGroup, userDN))
        result = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile(userDN,
        gLogger.info("Getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" %
                     (userName, userGroup, userDN))
        result = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile(userDN,
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    chain = result['chain']
    fileName = result['Value']
    return S_OK({
        'DN': userDN,
        'username': userName,
        'group': userGroup,
        'chain': chain,
        'proxyFile': fileName
예제 #17
    def sync(self):
        """ Main synchronizer method.
        ops = Operations()
        self._checksumDict = {}

        self.pilotFileServer = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotFileServer",
        if not self.pilotFileServer:
                "The /Operations/<Setup>/Pilot/pilotFileServer option is not defined"
                "Pilot 3 files won't be updated, and you won't be able to send pilots"
            return S_OK(
                "The /Operations/<Setup>/Pilot/pilotFileServer option is not defined"

        self.workDir = ops.getValue("Pilot/workDir", self.workDir)
        if self.workDir:
            except OSError:

            '-- Synchronizing the content of the JSON file with the content of the CS --',
            '(%s)' % self.jsonFile)

        self.pilotRepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepo", self.pilotRepo)
        self.pilotVORepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepo", self.pilotVORepo)
        self.projectDir = ops.getValue("Pilot/projectDir", self.projectDir)
        self.pilotScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotScriptsPath",
        self.pilotVOScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVOScriptsPath",
        self.pilotRepoBranch = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepoBranch",
        self.pilotVORepoBranch = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepoBranch",
        self.uploadToWebApp = ops.getValue("Pilot/uploadToWebApp", True)

        res = self._syncJSONFile()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
            '-- Synchronizing the pilot scripts with the content of the repository --',
            '(%s)' % self.pilotRepo)

        return S_OK()
예제 #18
파일: Shifter.py 프로젝트: TaykYoku/DIRAC
def getShifterProxy(shifterType, fileName=False):
    """This method returns a shifter's proxy

    :param str shifterType: ProductionManager / DataManager...
    :param str fileName: file name

    :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR()
    if fileName:
    opsHelper = Operations()
    userName = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Shifter", shifterType, "User"), "")
    if not userName:
        return S_ERROR("No shifter User defined for %s" % shifterType)
    result = Registry.getDNForUsername(userName)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    userDN = result["Value"][0]
    result = Registry.findDefaultGroupForDN(userDN)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    defaultGroup = result["Value"]
    userGroup = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Shifter", shifterType, "Group"),
    vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup)
    if vomsAttr:
        gLogger.info("Getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" %
                     (vomsAttr, userName, userGroup, userDN))
        result = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile(userDN,
        gLogger.info("Getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" %
                     (userName, userGroup, userDN))
        result = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile(userDN,
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    chain = result["chain"]
    fileName = result["Value"]
    return S_OK({
        "DN": userDN,
        "username": userName,
        "group": userGroup,
        "chain": chain,
        "proxyFile": fileName
예제 #19
  def __init__(self, argumentsDict):
    """ Standard constructor
    self.arguments = argumentsDict
    self.name = COMPONENT_NAME
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.name)
    op = Operations()
    self.arguments.setdefault('Configuration', {})['AllReplicas'] = op.getValue('InputDataPolicy/AllReplicas', False)
    self.arguments['Configuration'].setdefault('Protocol', op.getValue('InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Local', []))
    self.arguments['Configuration'].setdefault('RemoteProtocol', op.getValue('InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Remote', []))

    # By default put input data into the current directory
    self.arguments.setdefault('InputDataDirectory', 'CWD')
예제 #20
  def sync(self):
    """ Main synchronizer method.
    ops = Operations()

    self.pilotFileServer = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotFileServer", self.pilotFileServer)
    if not self.pilotFileServer:
      self.log.fatal("The /Operations/<Setup>/Pilot/pilotFileServer option is not defined")
      self.log.fatal("Pilot 3 files won't be updated, and you won't be able to send pilots")
      return S_OK("The /Operations/<Setup>/Pilot/pilotFileServer option is not defined")

    self.log.notice('-- Synchronizing the content of the JSON file with the content of the CS --',
                    '(%s)' % self.jsonFile)

    self.pilotRepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepo", self.pilotRepo)
    self.pilotVORepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepo", self.pilotVORepo)
    self.projectDir = ops.getValue("Pilot/projectDir", self.projectDir)
    self.pilotScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotScriptsPath", self.pilotScriptPath)
    self.pilotVOScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVOScriptsPath", self.pilotVOScriptPath)
    self.pilotRepoBranch = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepoBranch", self.pilotRepoBranch)
    self.pilotVORepoBranch = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepoBranch", self.pilotVORepoBranch)

    self.log.notice('-- Synchronizing the pilot scripts with the content of the repository --',
                    '(%s)' % self.pilotRepo)

    return S_OK()
예제 #21
파일: Shifter.py 프로젝트: JanEbbing/DIRAC
def getShifterProxy( shifterType, fileName = False ):
  This method returns a shifter's proxy

  :param shifterType: ProductionManager / DataManager...

  if fileName:
      os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( fileName ) )
    except OSError:
  opsHelper = Operations()
  userName = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Shifter', shifterType, 'User' ), '' )
  if not userName:
    return S_ERROR( "No shifter User defined for %s" % shifterType )
  result = CS.getDNForUsername( userName )
  if not result[ 'OK' ]:
    return result
  userDN = result[ 'Value' ][0]
  result = CS.findDefaultGroupForDN( userDN )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  defaultGroup = result['Value']
  userGroup = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Shifter', shifterType, 'Group' ), defaultGroup )
  vomsAttr = CS.getVOMSAttributeForGroup( userGroup )
  if vomsAttr:
    gLogger.info( "Getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % ( vomsAttr, userName,
                                                                       userGroup, userDN ) )
    result = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile( userDN, userGroup,
                                                    filePath = fileName,
                                                    requiredTimeLeft = 86400,
                                                    cacheTime =  86400 )
    gLogger.info( "Getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % ( userName, userGroup, userDN ) )
    result = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile( userDN, userGroup,
                                                filePath = fileName,
                                                requiredTimeLeft = 86400,
                                                cacheTime =  86400 )
  if not result[ 'OK' ]:
    return result
  chain = result[ 'chain' ]
  fileName = result[ 'Value' ]
  return S_OK( { 'DN' : userDN,
                 'username' : userName,
                 'group' : userGroup,
                 'chain' : chain,
                 'proxyFile' : fileName } )
예제 #22
  def initialize(self):
    Flags gESFlag and gMySQLFlag have bool values (True/False)
    derived from dirac.cfg configuration file

    Determines the switching of ElasticSearch and MySQL backends
    global gElasticJobDB, gJobDB

    gESFlag = self.srv_getCSOption('useES', False)
    if gESFlag:
      gElasticJobDB = ElasticJobDB()

    gMySQLFlag = self.srv_getCSOption('useMySQL', True)
    if not gMySQLFlag:
      gJobDB = False

    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
    self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue('/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.globalJobsInfo)
    self.jobPolicy.jobDB = gJobDB

    return S_OK()
예제 #23
def getValidStatusTypes():
  Returns from the OperationsHelper: RSSConfiguration/GeneralConfig/Resources
               'Site'          : { 'StatusType' : "''" },
               'Service'       : { 'StatusType' : "''" },
               'Resource'      : { 'StatusType' : "''" },
               'StorageElement': { 'StatusType' : [ 'Read', 'Write', 'Remove', 'Check' ] }
  opHelper = Operations()
  sections = opHelper.getSections( 'RSSConfiguration/GeneralConfig/Resources' )
  if not sections[ 'OK' ]:
    return DEFAULTS
  result = {}
  for section in sections[ 'Value' ]:
    res = opHelper.getValue( 'RSSConfiguration/GeneralConfig/Resources/%s/StatusType' % section )
    if res is None:
      if DEFAULTS.has_key( section ):
        result[ section ] = { 'StatusType' : DEFAULTS[ section ] }
        result[ section ] = { 'StatusType' : None }  
      result[ section ] = { 'StatusType' : Utils.getTypedList( res ) }
  return result     
예제 #24
  def _getSEList( self, SEType = 'ProductionOutputs', DataType = 'SimtelProd' ):
    """ get from CS the list of available SE for data upload
    opsHelper = Operations()
    optionName = os.path.join( SEType, DataType )
    SEList = opsHelper.getValue( optionName , [] )
    SEList = List.randomize( SEList )
    DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'List of %s SE: %s ' % ( SEType, SEList ) )

    # # Check if the local SE is in the list. If yes try it first by reversing list order
    localSEList = []
    res = getSEsForSite( DIRAC.siteName() )
    if res['OK']:
      localSEList = res['Value']

    retainedlocalSEList = []
    for localSE in localSEList:
      if localSE in SEList:
        DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'The local Storage Element is an available SE: ', localSE )
        retainedlocalSEList.append( localSE )
        SEList.remove( localSE )

    SEList = retainedlocalSEList + SEList
    if len( SEList ) == 0:
      return DIRAC.S_ERROR( 'Error in building SEList' )

    return DIRAC.S_OK( SEList )
예제 #25
def resolveDeps(sysconfig, appli, appversion):
  """ Resolve the dependencies
  :param str sysconfig: system configuration
  :param str appli: application name
  :param str appversion: application version
  :return: list of dictionaries
  log = gLogger.getSubLogger("resolveDeps")
  ops = Operations()
  deps = ops.getSections('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies' % (sysconfig, appli, 
                                                                       appversion), '')
  depsarray = []
  if deps['OK']:
    for dep in deps['Value']:
      vers = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies/%s/version' % (sysconfig, appli, 
                                                                                   appversion, dep), '')
      depvers = ''
      if vers:
        depvers = vers
        log.error("Retrieving dependency version for %s failed, skipping to next !" % (dep))
      log.verbose("Found dependency %s %s" % (dep, depvers))
      depdict = {}
      depdict["app"] = dep
      depdict["version"] = depvers
      ##resolve recursive dependencies
      depsofdeps = resolveDeps(sysconfig, dep, depvers)
    log.verbose("Could not find any dependency for %s %s, ignoring" % (appli, appversion))
  return depsarray
예제 #26
    def submitProbeJobs(self, ce):
        """ Submit some jobs to the CEs
        #need credentials, should be there since the initialize
        from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac
        d = Dirac()
        from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job

        from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
        import os

        ops = Operations("glast.org")
        scriptname = ops.getValue("ResourceStatus/SofwareManagementScript",

        j = Job()
        j.setName("Probe %s" % ce)
        j.setExecutable("%s/GlastDIRAC/ResourceStatusSystem/Client/%s" %
                        (os.environ['DIRAC'], scriptname),
        res = d.submit(j)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        return S_OK()
예제 #27
 def submitProbeJobs(self, ce):
   """ Submit some jobs to the CEs
   #need credentials, should be there since the initialize
   from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac
   d = Dirac()
   from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job
   from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
   import DIRAC
   ops = Operations()
   scriptname = ops.getValue("ResourceStatus/SofwareManagementScript", self.script)
   j = Job()
   j.setName("Probe %s" % ce)
   j.setExecutable("%s/GlastDIRAC/ResourceStatusSystem/Client/%s" % (DIRAC.rootPath, scriptname), 
   res = d.submit(j)
   if not res['OK']:
     return res
   return S_OK()
예제 #28
def initializeLesHouchesFileManagerHandler(serviceInfo):
    """ Initialize the service
    ops = Operations()
    res = ops.getOptionsDict("/Models")
    if not res["OK"]:
        return res
    templates = res["Value"]
    cfgPath = serviceInfo["serviceSectionPath"]
    location = ""
    location = ops.getValue("%s/BasePath" % cfgPath, location)
    if not location:
        gLogger.error("Path to LesHouches files not defined")
        return S_ERROR("Path to LesHouches files not defined in CS")
    missing = False
    global ModelsDict
    for template, tfile in templates.items():
        ModelsDict[template] = {}
        ModelsDict[template]["file"] = tfile
        if not tfile:
            ModelsDict[template]["content"] = [""]
        file_path = os.path.join([location, tfile])
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            gLogger.error("Missing %s" % file_path)
            missing = True
        LesHouchesFile = open(file_path, "r")
        ModelsDict[template]["content"] = LesHouchesFile.readlines()

    if missing:
        return S_ERROR("File missing")

    return S_OK()
예제 #29
  def __init__( self, **kwargs ):

    Client.__init__( self, **kwargs )
    opsH = Operations()
    self.maxResetCounter = opsH.getValue( 'Productions/ProductionFilesMaxResetCounter', 10 )

    self.setServer( 'Transformation/TransformationManager' )
예제 #30
    def __init__(self, argumentsDict):
        """Standard constructor"""
        self.arguments = argumentsDict
        self.name = COMPONENT_NAME
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.name)
        op = Operations()
                                  {})["AllReplicas"] = op.getValue(
                                      "InputDataPolicy/AllReplicas", False)
            "Protocol", op.getValue("InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Local", []))
            op.getValue("InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Remote", []))

        # By default put input data into the current directory
        self.arguments.setdefault("InputDataDirectory", "CWD")
예제 #31
 def __getCSOptions(self):
     """Get agent options from the CS."""
     self.enabled = self.am_getOption("EnableFlag", False)
     self.transformationsToIgnore = self.am_getOption("TransformationsToIgnore", [])
     self.getJobInfoFromJDLOnly = self.am_getOption("JobInfoFromJDLOnly", False)
     self.transformationStatus = self.am_getOption("TransformationStatus", ["Active", "Completing"])
     ops = Operations()
     extendableTTypes = set(ops.getValue("Transformations/ExtendableTransfTypes", ["MCSimulation"]))
     dataProcessing = set(ops.getValue("Transformations/DataProcessing", []))
     self.transNoInput = self.am_getOption("TransformationsNoInput", list(extendableTTypes))
     self.transWithInput = self.am_getOption("TransformationsWithInput", list(dataProcessing - extendableTTypes))
     self.transformationTypes = self.transWithInput + self.transNoInput
     self.log.notice("Will treat transformations without input files", self.transNoInput)
     self.log.notice("Will treat transformations with input files", self.transWithInput)
     self.addressTo = self.am_getOption("MailTo", [])
     self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption("MailFrom", "")
     self.printEveryNJobs = self.am_getOption("PrintEvery", 200)
예제 #32
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        Client.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        opsH = Operations()
        self.maxResetCounter = opsH.getValue(
            'Productions/ProductionFilesMaxResetCounter', 10)

예제 #33
 def __getOwnerGroupDN(self, shifterType):
     opsHelper = Operations()
     userName = opsHelper.getValue(
         cfgPath('BoincShifter', shifterType, 'User'), '')
     if not userName:
         return S_ERROR("No shifter User defined for %s" % shifterType)
     result = CS.getDNForUsername(userName)
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
     userDN = result['Value'][0]
     result = CS.findDefaultGroupForDN(userDN)
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
     defaultGroup = result['Value']
     userGroup = opsHelper.getValue(
         cfgPath('BoincShifter', shifterType, 'Group'), defaultGroup)
     return userDN, userGroup, userName
예제 #34
    def __init__(self):
        Just setting defaults
        self.workDir = ""  # Working directory where the files are going to be stored

        # domain name of the web server(s) used to upload the pilot json file and the pilot scripts
        self.pilotFileServer = ""

        # pilot sync default parameters
        self.pilotRepo = "https://github.com/DIRACGrid/Pilot.git"  # repository of the pilot
        self.pilotVORepo = ""  # repository of the VO that can contain a pilot extension
        self.pilotSetup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "")
        self.projectDir = ""
        # where the find the pilot scripts in the VO pilot repository
        self.pilotScriptPath = "Pilot"  # where the find the pilot scripts in the pilot repository
        self.pilotVOScriptPath = ""
        self.pilotRepoBranch = "master"
        self.pilotVORepoBranch = "master"

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(__name__)

        ops = Operations()

        # Overriding parameters from the CS
        self.pilotRepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepo", self.pilotRepo)
        self.pilotVORepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepo", self.pilotVORepo)
        self.projectDir = ops.getValue("Pilot/projectDir", self.projectDir)
        self.pilotScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotScriptsPath", self.pilotScriptPath)
        self.pilotVOScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVOScriptsPath", self.pilotVOScriptPath)
        self.pilotRepoBranch = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepoBranch", self.pilotRepoBranch)
        self.pilotVORepoBranch = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepoBranch", self.pilotVORepoBranch)
예제 #35
    def __init__(self, argumentsDict):
        """ Standard constructor
        self.arguments = argumentsDict
        self.name = COMPONENT_NAME
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.name)
        op = Operations()
                                  {})['AllReplicas'] = op.getValue(
                                      'InputDataPolicy/AllReplicas', False)
            'Protocol', op.getValue('InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Local', []))
            op.getValue('InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Remote', []))

        # By default put input data into the current directory
        self.arguments.setdefault('InputDataDirectory', 'CWD')
예제 #36
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Simple constructor"""

        super(TransformationClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        opsH = Operations()
        self.maxResetCounter = opsH.getValue(
            "Transformations/FilesMaxResetCounter", 10)

예제 #37
def allowedBkg( bkg, energy = None, detector = None, detectormodel = None, machine = 'clic_cdr' ):
  """ Check is supplied bkg is allowed
  #gLogger.info("Those are the arguments: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (bkg, energy, detector, detectormodel, machine) )
  ops = Operations()
  #bkg_allowed = [ 'gghad', 'pairs' ]
  #if not bkg in bkg_allowed:
  #  return S_ERROR( "Bkg not allowed" )
  res = -1
  if energy:
    if detectormodel:
      res = ops.getValue( "/Overlay/%s/%s/%s/%s/ProdID" % (machine, energy, detectormodel, bkg), -1 )
      if res < 0:
        return S_ERROR( "No background to overlay" )  
    if detector:##needed for backward compatibility
      res = ops.getValue( "/Overlay/%s/%s/%s/%s/ProdID" % (machine, detector, energy, bkg), -1 )
      if res < 0 :
        return S_ERROR( "No background to overlay" )  
  return S_OK(res)
예제 #38
def allowedBkg( bkg, energy = None, detector = None, detectormodel = None, machine = 'clic_cdr' ):
  """ Check is supplied bkg is allowed
  #gLogger.info("Those are the arguments: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (bkg, energy, detector, detectormodel, machine) )
  ops = Operations()
  #bkg_allowed = [ 'gghad', 'pairs' ]
  #if not bkg in bkg_allowed:
  #  return S_ERROR( "Bkg not allowed" )
  res = -1
  if energy:
    if detectormodel:
      res = ops.getValue( "/Overlay/%s/%s/%s/%s/ProdID" % (machine, energy, detectormodel, bkg), -1 )
      if res < 0:
        return S_ERROR( "No background to overlay" )  
    if detector:##needed for backward compatibility
      res = ops.getValue( "/Overlay/%s/%s/%s/%s/ProdID" % (machine, detector, energy, bkg), -1 )
      if res < 0 :
        return S_ERROR( "No background to overlay" )  
  return S_OK(res)
예제 #39
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Simple constructor

        Client.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        opsH = Operations()
        self.maxResetCounter = opsH.getValue(
            'Transformations/FilesMaxResetCounter', 10)

예제 #40
def getCountryMappingTier1( country ):
  """ Returns the Tier1 site mapped to a country code """
  opsHelper = Operations()
  res = getCountryMapping( country )
  if not res['OK']:
    return res
  mappedCountry = res['Value']
  tier1 = opsHelper.getValue( '/Countries/%s/Tier1' % mappedCountry, '' )
  if not tier1:
    return S_ERROR( "No Tier1 assigned to %s" % mappedCountry )
  return S_OK( tier1 )
예제 #41
def getCountryMappingTier1(country):
    """ Returns the Tier1 site mapped to a country code """
    opsHelper = Operations()
    res = getCountryMapping(country)
    if not res['OK']:
        return res
    mappedCountry = res['Value']
    tier1 = opsHelper.getValue('/Countries/%s/Tier1' % mappedCountry, '')
    if not tier1:
        return S_ERROR("No Tier1 assigned to %s" % mappedCountry)
    return S_OK(tier1)
예제 #42
def constructUserLFNs(jobID, vo, owner, outputFiles, outputPath):
  """ This method is used to supplant the standard job wrapper output data policy
      for ILC.  The initial convention adopted for user output files is the following:
      If outputpath is not defined:
      <vo>/user/<initial e.g. s>/<owner e.g. sposs>/<yearMonth e.g. 2010_02>/<subdir>/<fileName>
      <vo>/user/<initial e.g. s>/<owner e.g. sposs>/<outputPath>/<fileName>
  initial = owner[:1]
  subdir = str(jobID/1000)  
  timeTup = datetime.date.today().timetuple() 
  yearMonth = '%s_%s' % (timeTup[0], string.zfill(str(timeTup[1]), 2))
  outputLFNs = {}
  if not vo:
    #res = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization", "ilc")
    res = getVOfromProxyGroup()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error('Could not get VO from CS, assuming ilc')
      vo = 'ilc'
      vo = res['Value']
  ops = Operations(vo = vo)
  lfn_prefix = ops.getValue("LFNUserPrefix", "user")
  #Strip out any leading or trailing slashes but allow fine structure
  if outputPath:
    outputPathList = string.split(outputPath, os.sep)
    newPath = []
    for i in outputPathList:
      if i:
    outputPath = string.join(newPath, os.sep)
  if not type(outputFiles) == types.ListType:
    outputFiles = [outputFiles]
  for outputFile in outputFiles:
    #strip out any fine structure in the output file specified by the user, restrict to output file names
    #the output path field can be used to describe this    
    outputFile = outputFile.replace('LFN:', '')
    lfn = ''
    if outputPath:
      lfn = os.sep+os.path.join(vo, lfn_prefix, initial, owner, outputPath + os.sep + os.path.basename(outputFile))
      lfn = os.sep+os.path.join(vo, lfn_prefix, initial, owner, yearMonth, subdir, str(jobID)) + os.sep + os.path.basename(outputFile)
    outputLFNs[outputFile] = lfn
  outputData = outputLFNs.values()
  if outputData:
    gLogger.info('Created the following output data LFN(s):\n%s' % (string.join(outputData, '\n')))
    gLogger.info('No output LFN(s) constructed')
  return S_OK(outputData)
예제 #43
def getSteeringFileDirName(platform, application, applicationVersion):
  """ Locate the path of the steering file directory assigned to the specified application
  ops = Operations()
  version = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies/steeringfiles/version' % (platform,
                                                                                             applicationVersion), '')
  if not version: 
    return S_ERROR("Could not find attached SteeringFile version")
  return getSteeringFileDir(platform, version)
예제 #44
  def initialize( self ):

    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    operations = Operations( group = self.ownerGroup )
    self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue( '/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True )
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy( self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.globalJobsInfo )
    self.jobPolicy.setJobDB( gJobDB )

    return S_OK()
예제 #45
  def initialize(self):

    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    self.ownerDN = credDict['DN']
    self.ownerGroup = credDict['group']
    operations = Operations(group=self.ownerGroup)
    self.globalJobsInfo = operations.getValue('/Services/JobMonitoring/GlobalJobsInfo', True)
    self.jobPolicy = JobPolicy(self.ownerDN, self.ownerGroup, self.globalJobsInfo)

    return S_OK()
예제 #46
def getShifterProxy(shifterType, fileName=False):
  This method returns a shifter's proxy
    - shifterType : ProductionManager / DataManager...

    if fileName:
        except OSError:
    opsHelper = Operations()
    userName = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Shifter", shifterType, "User"), "")
    if not userName:
        return S_ERROR("No shifter User defined for %s" % shifterType)
    result = CS.getDNForUsername(userName)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    userDN = result["Value"][0]
    result = CS.findDefaultGroupForDN(userDN)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    defaultGroup = result["Value"]
    userGroup = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Shifter", shifterType, "Group"), defaultGroup)
    vomsAttr = CS.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(userGroup)
    if vomsAttr:
        gLogger.info("Getting VOMS [%s] proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % (vomsAttr, userName, userGroup, userDN))
        result = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxyToFile(
            userDN, userGroup, filePath=fileName, requiredTimeLeft=1200, cacheTime=4 * 43200
        gLogger.info("Getting proxy for shifter %s@%s (%s)" % (userName, userGroup, userDN))
        result = gProxyManager.downloadProxyToFile(
            userDN, userGroup, filePath=fileName, requiredTimeLeft=1200, cacheTime=4 * 43200
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    chain = result["chain"]
    fileName = result["Value"]
    return S_OK({"DN": userDN, "username": userName, "group": userGroup, "chain": chain, "proxyFile": fileName})
예제 #47
def getTarBallLocation(app, config, dummy_area):
  """ Get the tar ball location. 
  ops = Operations()
  appName    = app[0]
  appVersion = app[1]
  appName = appName.lower()
  app_tar = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall' % (config, appName, appVersion), '')
  overwrite = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Overwrite' % (config, appName, appVersion), False)
  md5sum = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Md5Sum' % (config, appName, appVersion), '')
  gLogger.info("Looking for application %s%s for config %s:" % (appName, appVersion, config) )
  if not app_tar:
    gLogger.error('Could not find tar ball for %s %s'%(appName, appVersion))
    return S_ERROR('Could not find tar ball for %s %s'%(appName, appVersion))
  tarballURL = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/TarBallURL' % (config, appName), '')
  if not tarballURL:
    gLogger.error('Could not find tarballURL in CS for %s %s' % (appName, appVersion))
    return S_ERROR('Could not find tarballURL in CS')

  return S_OK([app_tar, tarballURL, overwrite, md5sum])
예제 #48
def getSteeringFileDirName(systemConfig, application, applicationVersion):
  """ Locate the path of the steering file directory assigned to the specified application
  ops = Operations()
  version = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies/steeringfiles/version' % (systemConfig, 
                                                                                            applicationVersion), '')
  if not version: 
    return S_ERROR("Could not find attached SteeringFile version")
  TarBall = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/steeringfiles/%s/TarBall' % (systemConfig, version), '')
  if not TarBall:
    return S_ERROR("Could not find tar ball for SteeringFile")
  mydir = TarBall.replace(".tgz", "").replace(".tar.gz", "")
  res = getSoftwareFolder(mydir)
  if not res['OK']:
    return res
  mySoftDir = res['Value']
  res = check('steeringfiles.%s'%version,'.',[mySoftDir])##check that all the files are there: software is not corrupted.
  if not res['OK']:
    return res
  return S_OK(mySoftDir)
예제 #49
def getSiteSEMapping(gridName=''):
    """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
      If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type.
    siteSEMapping = {}
    gridTypes = gConfig.getSections('Resources/Sites/')
    if not gridTypes['OK']:
        gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites')
        return gridTypes

    gridTypes = gridTypes['Value']
    if gridName:
        if not gridName in gridTypes:
            return S_ERROR('Could not get sections for /Resources/Sites/%s' %
        gridTypes = [gridName]

    gLogger.debug('Grid Types are: %s' % (', '.join(gridTypes)))
    for grid in gridTypes:
        sites = gConfig.getSections('/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid)
        if not sites['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section' %
            return sites
        for candidate in sites['Value']:
            candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue(
                '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE' % (grid, candidate), [])
            if candidateSEs:
                siteSEMapping[candidate] = candidateSEs
                gLogger.debug('No SEs defined for site %s' % candidate)

    # Add Sites from the SiteLocalSEMapping in the CS
    cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath('SiteLocalSEMapping')
    opsHelper = Operations()
    result = opsHelper.getOptionsDict(cfgLocalSEPath)
    if result['OK']:
        mapping = result['Value']
        for site in mapping:
            ses = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath(cfgLocalSEPath, site), [])
            if not ses:
            if gridName:
                if gridName != site.split('.')[0]:
            if site not in siteSEMapping:
                siteSEMapping[site] = []
            for se in ses:
                if se not in siteSEMapping[site]:

    return S_OK(siteSEMapping)
예제 #50
  def sync(self):
    """ Main synchronizer method.
    ops = Operations()

    self.pilotFileServer = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotFileServer", self.pilotFileServer)
    if not self.pilotFileServer:
      gLogger.warn("The /Operations/<Setup>/Pilot/pilotFileServer option is not defined")
      gLogger.warn("Pilot 3 files won't be updated, and you won't be able to use Pilot 3")
      gLogger.warn("The Synchronization steps are anyway displayed")

    gLogger.notice('-- Synchronizing the content of the JSON file %s with the content of the CS --' % self.jsonFile)

    self.pilotRepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotRepo", self.pilotRepo)
    self.pilotVORepo = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVORepo", self.pilotVORepo)
    self.projectDir = ops.getValue("Pilot/projectDir", self.projectDir)
    self.pilotScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotScriptsPath", self.pilotScriptPath)
    self.pilotVOScriptPath = ops.getValue("Pilot/pilotVOScriptsPath", self.pilotVOScriptPath)

    result = self._syncJSONFile()
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Error uploading the pilot file: %s" % result['Message'])
      return result

    gLogger.notice('-- Synchronizing the pilot scripts %s with the content of the repository --' % self.pilotRepo)


    return S_OK()
예제 #51
def getSiteSEMapping( gridName = '' ):
  """ Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g.
      If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type.
  siteSEMapping = {}
  gridTypes = gConfig.getSections( 'Resources/Sites/' )
  if not gridTypes['OK']:
    gLogger.warn( 'Problem retrieving sections in /Resources/Sites' )
    return gridTypes

  gridTypes = gridTypes['Value']
  if gridName:
    if not gridName in gridTypes:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not get sections for /Resources/Sites/%s' % gridName )
    gridTypes = [gridName]

  gLogger.debug( 'Grid Types are: %s' % ( ', '.join( gridTypes ) ) )
  for grid in gridTypes:
    sites = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid )
    if not sites['OK']:
      gLogger.warn( 'Problem retrieving /Resources/Sites/%s section' % grid )
      return sites
    for candidate in sites['Value']:
      candidateSEs = gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/SE' % ( grid, candidate ), [] )
      if candidateSEs:
        siteSEMapping[candidate] = candidateSEs
        gLogger.debug( 'No SEs defined for site %s' % candidate )

  # Add Sites from the SiteLocalSEMapping in the CS
  cfgLocalSEPath = cfgPath( 'SiteLocalSEMapping' )
  opsHelper = Operations()
  result = opsHelper.getOptionsDict( cfgLocalSEPath )
  if result['OK']:
    mapping = result['Value']
    for site in mapping:
      ses = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( cfgLocalSEPath, site ), [] )
      if not ses:
      if gridName:
        if gridName != site.split( '.' )[0]:
      if site not in siteSEMapping:
        siteSEMapping[site] = []
      for se in ses:
        if se not in siteSEMapping[site]:
          siteSEMapping[site].append( se )

  return S_OK( siteSEMapping )
예제 #52
def getCountryMapping( country ):
  """ Determines the associated country from the country code"""
  mappedCountries = [country]
  opsHelper = Operations()
  while True:
    mappedCountry = opsHelper.getValue( '/Countries/%s/AssignedTo' % country, country )
    if mappedCountry == country:
    elif mappedCountry in mappedCountries:
      return S_ERROR( 'Circular mapping detected for %s' % country )
      country = mappedCountry
      mappedCountries.append( mappedCountry )
  return S_OK( mappedCountry )
예제 #53
    def getUserRootDir(self):
        '''get user's initial root directory'''
        username = self.getUserName()
        initial = username[:1]

        vo = getVO()
        if not vo:
            vo = 'bes'

        ops = Operations(vo = vo)
        user_prefix = ops.getValue('LFNUserPrefix', 'user')

        basePath = '/' + vo + '/' + user_prefix + '/' + initial + '/' + username

        return basePath
예제 #54
def resolveDepsTar(sysconfig, appli, appversion):
  """ Return the dependency tar ball name, if available
  Uses same parameters as L{resolveDeps}.
  @return: array of strings
  ops = Operations()
  deparray = resolveDeps(sysconfig, appli, appversion)
  depsarray = []
  for dep in deparray:
    dep_tar = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/TarBall' % (sysconfig, dep["app"], 
                                                                    dep["version"]), '')
    if dep_tar:
      gLogger.error("Dependency %s version %s is not defined in CS, please check !" % (dep["app"], dep["version"]))         
  return depsarray
예제 #55
    def __init__(self, dataDir):
        op = Operations("glast.org")
        self.stagingArea = dataDir
        self.listFileStaged = []
        self.nbofSEtried = 0
        self.userprefix = None
        self.prefixDest = None
        self.stagingDest = None
        SEtemporaryStaging = op.getValue("Pipeline/StorageElementTemporaryStaging", "")
        self.listSEs = SEtemporaryStaging.split(",")

        self.SE = None
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("GridAccess")
        if self.__getPrefix():
            self.log.error("Failed to initialize staging.")
            raise Exception("Failed to initialize!")
예제 #56
def getSEsForCountry( country ):
  """ Determines the associated SEs from the country code
  mappedCountries = [country]
  opsHelper = Operations()
  while True:
    mappedCountry = opsHelper.getValue( '/Countries/%s/AssignedTo' % country, country )
    if mappedCountry == country:
    elif mappedCountry in mappedCountries:
      return S_ERROR( 'Circular mapping detected for %s' % country )
      country = mappedCountry
      mappedCountries.append( mappedCountry )
  res = opsHelper.getOptionsDict( '/Countries/%s/AssociatedSEs' % country )
  if not res['OK']:
    return S_ERROR( 'Failed to obtain AssociatedSEs for %s' % country )
  return S_OK( res['Value'].values() )
예제 #57
def _getProdLogs():
  """get production log files from LogSE"""
  clip = _Params()
  if not ( clip.logF or clip.logD or clip.prodid ):
  from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
  ops = Operations()
  storageElementName = ops.getValue('/LogStorage/LogSE', 'LogSE')
  from DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageElement import StorageElementItem as StorageElement
  logSE = StorageElement(storageElementName)

  if clip.prodid and not ( clip.logD or clip.logF ):
    result = _getLogFolderFromID( clip )
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error( result['Message'] )

  if clip.logD:
    if not clip.noPromptBeforeDL:
      res = promptUser('Are you sure you want to get ALL the files in this directory?')
      if not res['OK']:
      choice = res['Value']
      if choice.lower()=='n':
    if isinstance(clip.logD, str):
      res = logSE.getDirectory(clip.logD, localPath=clip.outputdir)
    elif isinstance(clip.logD, list):
      for logdir in clip.logD:
        gLogger.notice('Getting log files from '+str(logdir))
        res = logSE.getDirectory(logdir, localPath=clip.outputdir)

  if clip.logF:
    res = logSE.getFile(clip.logF, localPath = clip.outputdir)
예제 #58
class Matcher( object ):
  """ Logic for matching

  def __init__( self, pilotAgentsDB = None, jobDB = None, tqDB = None, jlDB = None, opsHelper = None ):
    """ c'tor
    if pilotAgentsDB:
      self.pilotAgentsDB = pilotAgentsDB
      self.pilotAgentsDB = PilotAgentsDB()
    if jobDB:
      self.jobDB = jobDB
      self.jobDB = JobDB()
    if tqDB:
      self.tqDB = tqDB
      self.tqDB = TaskQueueDB()
    if jlDB:
      self.jlDB = jlDB
      self.jlDB = JobLoggingDB()

    if opsHelper:
      self.opsHelper = opsHelper
      self.opsHelper = Operations()

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "Matcher" )

    self.limiter = Limiter( jobDB = self.jobDB, opsHelper = self.opsHelper )

  def selectJob( self, resourceDescription, credDict ):
    """ Main job selection function to find the highest priority job matching the resource capacity

    startTime = time.time()

    resourceDict = self._getResourceDict( resourceDescription, credDict )

    negativeCond = self.limiter.getNegativeCondForSite( resourceDict['Site'] )
    result = self.tqDB.matchAndGetJob( resourceDict, negativeCond = negativeCond )

    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    result = result['Value']
    if not result['matchFound']:
      self.log.info( "No match found" )
      raise RuntimeError( "No match found" )

    jobID = result['jobId']
    resAtt = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup', 'Status'] )
    if not resAtt['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError( 'Could not retrieve job attributes' )
    if not resAtt['Value']:
      raise RuntimeError( "No attributes returned for job" )
    if not resAtt['Value']['Status'] == 'Waiting':
      self.log.error( 'Job matched by the TQ is not in Waiting state', str( jobID ) )
      result = self.tqDB.deleteJob( jobID )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
      raise RuntimeError( "Job %s is not in Waiting state" % str( jobID ) )

    self._reportStatus( resourceDict, jobID )

    result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL( jobID )
    if not result['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError( "Failed to get the job JDL" )

    resultDict = {}
    resultDict['JDL'] = result['Value']
    resultDict['JobID'] = jobID

    matchTime = time.time() - startTime
    self.log.info( "Match time: [%s]" % str( matchTime ) )
    gMonitor.addMark( "matchTime", matchTime )

    # Get some extra stuff into the response returned
    resOpt = self.jobDB.getJobOptParameters( jobID )
    if resOpt['OK']:
      for key, value in resOpt['Value'].items():
        resultDict[key] = value
    resAtt = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup'] )
    if not resAtt['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError( 'Could not retrieve job attributes' )
    if not resAtt['Value']:
      raise RuntimeError( 'No attributes returned for job' )

    if self.opsHelper.getValue( "JobScheduling/CheckMatchingDelay", True ):
      self.limiter.updateDelayCounters( resourceDict['Site'], jobID )

    pilotInfoReportedFlag = resourceDict.get( 'PilotInfoReportedFlag', False )
    if not pilotInfoReportedFlag:
      self._updatePilotInfo( resourceDict )
    self._updatePilotJobMapping( resourceDict, jobID )

    resultDict['DN'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerDN']
    resultDict['Group'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerGroup']
    resultDict['PilotInfoReportedFlag'] = True

    return resultDict

  def _getResourceDict( self, resourceDescription, credDict ):
    """ from resourceDescription to resourceDict (just various mods)
    resourceDict = self._processResourceDescription( resourceDescription )
    resourceDict = self._checkCredentials( resourceDict, credDict )
    self._checkPilotVersion( resourceDict )
    if not self._checkMask( resourceDict ):
      # Banned destinations can only take Test jobs
      resourceDict['JobType'] = 'Test'

    self.log.verbose( "Resource description:" )
    for key in resourceDict:
      self.log.verbose( "%s : %s" % ( key.rjust( 20 ), resourceDict[ key ] ) )

    return resourceDict

  def _processResourceDescription( self, resourceDescription ):
    """ Check and form the resource description dictionary

        resourceDescription is a ceDict coming from a JobAgent, for example.

    resourceDict = {}
    if isinstance( resourceDescription, basestring ):
      classAdAgent = ClassAd( resourceDescription )
      if not classAdAgent.isOK():
        raise ValueError( 'Illegal Resource JDL' )
      self.log.verbose( classAdAgent.asJDL() )

      for name in singleValueDefFields:
        if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( name ):
          if name == 'CPUTime':
            resourceDict[name] = classAdAgent.getAttributeInt( name )
            resourceDict[name] = classAdAgent.getAttributeString( name )

      for name in multiValueMatchFields:
        if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( name ):
          if name == 'SubmitPool':
            resourceDict[name] = classAdAgent.getListFromExpression( name )
            resourceDict[name] = classAdAgent.getAttributeString( name )

      # Check if a JobID is requested
      if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( 'JobID' ):
        resourceDict['JobID'] = classAdAgent.getAttributeInt( 'JobID' )

      for k in ( 'DIRACVersion', 'ReleaseVersion', 'ReleaseProject', 'VirtualOrganization' ):
        if classAdAgent.lookupAttribute( k ):
          resourceDict[ k ] = classAdAgent.getAttributeString( k )

      for name in singleValueDefFields:
        if resourceDescription.has_key( name ):
          resourceDict[name] = resourceDescription[name]

      for name in multiValueMatchFields:
        if resourceDescription.has_key( name ):
          resourceDict[name] = resourceDescription[name]

      if resourceDescription.has_key( 'JobID' ):
        resourceDict['JobID'] = resourceDescription['JobID']

      for k in ( 'DIRACVersion', 'ReleaseVersion', 'ReleaseProject', 'VirtualOrganization',
                 'PilotReference', 'PilotBenchmark', 'PilotInfoReportedFlag' ):
        if k in resourceDescription:
          resourceDict[ k ] = resourceDescription[ k ]

    return resourceDict

  def _reportStatus( self, resourceDict, jobID ):
    """ Reports the status of the matched job in jobDB and jobLoggingDB

        Do not fail if errors happen here
    attNames = ['Status', 'MinorStatus', 'ApplicationStatus', 'Site']
    attValues = ['Matched', 'Assigned', 'Unknown', resourceDict['Site']]
    result = self.jobDB.setJobAttributes( jobID, attNames, attValues )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( "Problem reporting job status", "setJobAttributes, jobID = %s: %s" % ( jobID, result['Message'] ) )
      self.log.verbose( "Set job attributes for jobID %s" % jobID )

    result = self.jlDB.addLoggingRecord( jobID,
                                         status = 'Matched',
                                         minor = 'Assigned',
                                         source = 'Matcher' )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( "Problem reporting job status", "addLoggingRecord, jobID = %s: %s" % ( jobID, result['Message'] ) )
      self.log.verbose( "Added logging record for jobID %s" % jobID )

  def _checkMask( self, resourceDict ):
    """ Check the mask: are we allowed to run normal jobs?

        FIXME: should we move to site OR SE?
    if not 'Site' in resourceDict:
      self.log.error( "Missing Site Name in Resource JDL" )
      raise RuntimeError( "Missing Site Name in Resource JDL" )

    # Get common site mask and check the agent site
    result = self.jobDB.getSiteMask( siteState = 'Active' )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( "Internal error", "getSiteMask: %s" % result['Message'] )
      raise RuntimeError( "Internal error" )
    maskList = result['Value']

    if resourceDict['Site'] not in maskList:
      return False

    return True

  def _updatePilotInfo( self, resourceDict ):
    """ Update pilot information - do not fail if we don't manage to do it
    pilotReference = resourceDict.get( 'PilotReference', '' )
    if pilotReference:
      gridCE = resourceDict.get( 'GridCE', 'Unknown' )
      site = resourceDict.get( 'Site', 'Unknown' )
      benchmark = resourceDict.get( 'PilotBenchmark', 0.0 )
      self.log.verbose( 'Reporting pilot info for %s: gridCE=%s, site=%s, benchmark=%f' % ( pilotReference, gridCE, site, benchmark ) )

      result = self.pilotAgentsDB.setPilotStatus( pilotReference, status = 'Running', gridSite = site,
                                                  destination = gridCE, benchmark = benchmark )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( "Problem updating pilot information",
                        "; setPilotStatus. pilotReference: %s; %s" % ( pilotReference, result['Message'] ) )

  def _updatePilotJobMapping( self, resourceDict, jobID ):
    """ Update pilot to job mapping information
    pilotReference = resourceDict.get( 'PilotReference', '' )
    if pilotReference:
      result = self.pilotAgentsDB.setCurrentJobID( pilotReference, jobID )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( "Problem updating pilot information",
                        ";setCurrentJobID. pilotReference: %s; %s" % ( pilotReference, result['Message'] ) )
      result = self.pilotAgentsDB.setJobForPilot( jobID, pilotReference, updateStatus = False )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( "Problem updating pilot information",
                        "; setJobForPilot. pilotReference: %s; %s" % ( pilotReference, result['Message'] ) )

  def _checkCredentials( self, resourceDict, credDict ):
    """ Check if we can get a job given the passed credentials
    if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
      # You can only match groups in the same VO
      if credDict[ 'group' ] == "hosts":
        # for the host case the VirtualOrganization parameter
        # is mandatory in resourceDict
        vo = resourceDict.get( 'VirtualOrganization', '' )
        vo = Registry.getVOForGroup( credDict[ 'group' ] )
      result = Registry.getGroupsForVO( vo )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = result[ 'Value' ]
        raise RuntimeError( result['Message'] )
      # If it's a private pilot, the DN has to be the same
      if Properties.PILOT in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
        self.log.notice( "Setting the resource DN to the credentials DN" )
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
      # If it's a job sharing. The group has to be the same and just check that the DN (if any)
      # belongs to the same group
      elif Properties.JOB_SHARING in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = credDict[ 'group' ]
        self.log.notice( "Setting the resource group to the credentials group" )
        if 'OwnerDN'  in resourceDict and resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] != credDict[ 'DN' ]:
          ownerDN = resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ]
          result = Registry.getGroupsForDN( resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] )
          if not result[ 'OK' ]:
            raise RuntimeError( result['Message'] )
          if credDict[ 'group' ] not in result[ 'Value' ]:
            # DN is not in the same group! bad boy.
            self.log.notice( "You cannot request jobs from DN %s. It does not belong to your group!" % ownerDN )
            resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
      # Nothing special, group and DN have to be the same
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = credDict[ 'group' ]

    return resourceDict

  def _checkPilotVersion( self, resourceDict ):
    """ Check the pilot DIRAC version
    if self.opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/CheckVersion", True ):
      if 'ReleaseVersion' not in resourceDict:
        if not 'DIRACVersion' in resourceDict:
          raise RuntimeError( 'Version check requested and not provided by Pilot' )
          pilotVersion = resourceDict['DIRACVersion']
        pilotVersion = resourceDict['ReleaseVersion']

      validVersions = self.opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Version", [] )
      if validVersions and pilotVersion not in validVersions:
        raise RuntimeError( 'Pilot version does not match the production version %s not in ( %s )' % \
                            ( pilotVersion, ",".join( validVersions ) ) )
      # Check project if requested
      validProject = self.opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Project", "" )
      if validProject:
        if 'ReleaseProject' not in resourceDict:
          raise RuntimeError( "Version check requested but expected project %s not received" % validProject )
        if resourceDict[ 'ReleaseProject' ] != validProject:
          raise RuntimeError( "Version check requested but expected project %s != received %s" % ( validProject,
                                                                                                   resourceDict[ 'ReleaseProject' ] ) )
예제 #59
class JobManifest(object):
    def __init__(self, manifest=""):
        self.__manifest = CFG()
        self.__dirty = False
        self.__ops = False
        if manifest:
            result = self.load(manifest)
            if not result["OK"]:
                raise Exception(result["Message"])

    def isDirty(self):
        return self.__dirty

    def setDirty(self):
        self.__dirty = True

    def clearDirty(self):
        self.__dirty = False

    def load(self, dataString):
    Auto discover format type based on [ .. ] of JDL
        dataString = dataString.strip()
        if dataString[0] == "[" and dataString[-1] == "]":
            return self.loadJDL(dataString)
            return self.loadCFG(dataString)

    def loadJDL(self, jdlString):
    Load job manifest from JDL format
        result = loadJDLAsCFG(jdlString.strip())
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.__manifest = CFG()
            return result
        self.__manifest = result["Value"][0]
        return S_OK()

    def loadCFG(self, cfgString):
    Load job manifest from CFG format
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR("Can't load manifest from cfg: %s" % str(e))
        return S_OK()

    def dumpAsCFG(self):
        return str(self.__manifest)

    def getAsCFG(self):
        return self.__manifest.clone()

    def dumpAsJDL(self):
        return dumpCFGAsJDL(self.__manifest)

    def __getCSValue(self, varName, defaultVal=None):
        if not self.__ops:
            self.__ops = Operations(group=self.__manifest["OwnerGroup"], setup=self.__manifest["DIRACSetup"])
        if varName[0] != "/":
            varName = "JobDescription/%s" % varName
        return self.__ops.getValue(varName, defaultVal)

    def __checkNumericalVar(self, varName, defaultVal, minVal, maxVal):
    Check a numerical var
        initialVal = False
        if varName not in self.__manifest:
            varValue = self.__getCSValue("Default%s" % varName, defaultVal)
            varValue = self.__manifest[varName]
            initialVal = varValue
            varValue = long(varValue)
            return S_ERROR("%s must be a number" % varName)
        minVal = self.__getCSValue("Min%s" % varName, minVal)
        maxVal = self.__getCSValue("Max%s" % varName, maxVal)
        varValue = max(minVal, min(varValue, maxVal))
        if initialVal != varValue:
            self.__manifest.setOption(varName, varValue)
        return S_OK(varValue)

    def __checkChoiceVar(self, varName, defaultVal, choices):
    Check a choice var
        initialVal = False
        if varName not in self.__manifest:
            varValue = self.__getCSValue("Default%s" % varName, defaultVal)
            varValue = self.__manifest[varName]
            initialVal = varValue
        if varValue not in self.__getCSValue("Choices%s" % varName, choices):
            return S_ERROR("%s is not a valid value for %s" % (varValue, varName))
        if initialVal != varValue:
            self.__manifest.setOption(varName, varValue)
        return S_OK(varValue)

    def __checkMultiChoice(self, varName, choices):
    Check a multi choice var
        initialVal = False
        if varName not in self.__manifest:
            return S_OK()
            varValue = self.__manifest[varName]
            initialVal = varValue
        choices = self.__getCSValue("Choices%s" % varName, choices)
        for v in List.fromChar(varValue):
            if v not in choices:
                return S_ERROR("%s is not a valid value for %s" % (v, varName))
        if initialVal != varValue:
            self.__manifest.setOption(varName, varValue)
        return S_OK(varValue)

    def __checkMaxInputData(self, maxNumber):
    Check Maximum Number of Input Data files allowed
        varName = "InputData"
        if varName not in self.__manifest:
            return S_OK()
        varValue = self.__manifest[varName]
        if len(List.fromChar(varValue)) > maxNumber:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Number of Input Data Files (%s) greater than current limit: %s"
                % (len(List.fromChar(varValue)), maxNumber)
        return S_OK()

    def __contains__(self, key):
        """ Check if the manifest has the required key
        return key in self.__manifest

    def setOptionsFromDict(self, varDict):
        for k in sorted(varDict):
            self.setOption(k, varDict[k])

    def check(self):
    Check that the manifest is OK
        for k in ["OwnerName", "OwnerDN", "OwnerGroup", "DIRACSetup"]:
            if k not in self.__manifest:
                return S_ERROR("Missing var %s in manifest" % k)

        # Check CPUTime
        result = self.__checkNumericalVar("CPUTime", 86400, 100, 500000)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        result = self.__checkNumericalVar("Priority", 1, 0, 10)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        allowedSubmitPools = getSubmitPools(self.__manifest["OwnerGroup"])
        result = self.__checkMultiChoice("SubmitPools", list(set(allowedSubmitPools)))
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        result = self.__checkMultiChoice("PilotTypes", ["private"])
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        maxInputData = Operations().getValue("JobDescription/MaxInputData", 500)
        result = self.__checkMaxInputData(maxInputData)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        transformationTypes = Operations().getValue("Transformations/DataProcessing", [])
        result = self.__checkMultiChoice("JobType", ["User", "Test", "Hospital"] + transformationTypes)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        return S_OK()

    def createSection(self, secName, contents=False):
        if secName not in self.__manifest:
            if contents and not isinstance(contents, CFG):
                return S_ERROR("Contents for section %s is not a cfg object" % secName)
            self.__dirty = True
            return S_OK(self.__manifest.createNewSection(secName, contents=contents))
        return S_ERROR("Section %s already exists" % secName)

    def getSection(self, secName):
        self.__dirty = True
        sec = self.__manifest[secName]
        if not sec:
            return S_ERROR("%s does not exist")
        return S_OK(sec)

    def setSectionContents(self, secName, contents):
        if contents and not isinstance(contents, CFG):
            return S_ERROR("Contents for section %s is not a cfg object" % secName)
        self.__dirty = True
        if secName in self.__manifest:
            self.__manifest.createNewSection(secName, contents=contents)

    def setOption(self, varName, varValue):
    Set a var in job manifest
        self.__dirty = True
        levels = List.fromChar(varName, "/")
        cfg = self.__manifest
        for l in levels[:-1]:
            if l not in cfg:
            cfg = cfg[l]
        cfg.setOption(levels[-1], varValue)

    def remove(self, opName):
        levels = List.fromChar(opName, "/")
        cfg = self.__manifest
        for l in levels[:-1]:
            if l not in cfg:
                return S_ERROR("%s does not exist" % opName)
            cfg = cfg[l]
        if cfg.deleteKey(levels[-1]):
            self.__dirty = True
            return S_OK()
        return S_ERROR("%s does not exist" % opName)

    def getOption(self, varName, defaultValue=None):
     Get a variable from the job manifest
        cfg = self.__manifest
        return cfg.getOption(varName, defaultValue)

    def getOptionList(self, section=""):
    Get a list of variables in a section of the job manifest
        cfg = self.__manifest.getRecursive(section)
        if not cfg or "value" not in cfg:
            return []
        cfg = cfg["value"]
        return cfg.listOptions()

    def isOption(self, opName):
    Check if it is a valid option
        return self.__manifest.isOption(opName)

    def getSectionList(self, section=""):
    Get a list of sections in the job manifest
        cfg = self.__manifest.getRecursive(section)
        if not cfg or "value" not in cfg:
            return []
        cfg = cfg["value"]
        return cfg.listSections()